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Naughty redhead Faye has a surprise for Sally
Faye - Chapter 2: Faye has a surprise for Sally

Even before I opened my eyes again I could feel that she wasn’t there, and when I did open my eyes and my vision cleared it was confirmed. I could have just stuck out my bottom lip and cried right then had I not heard the unmistakable sound of water. I knew it was not raining outside because my flat has windows, and so it must be the shower!

Either Sally is in there or I have a very self-conscious intruder.

Suddenly feeling elated that she was still in the flat I gathered my senses and stood up, I was still naked and feeling rather exposed with my long red hair tickling my naked lower back. I didn’t have time to get dressed though; I needed to confirm it really was the shower I could hear. As I turned towards the door, my knee grazed the neatly folded up duvet on the edge on my bed. The cover had been removed and my bathrobe was also missing, I was confused for a second but I ignored it and left my bedroom.

To get to the bathroom you have to walk through the kitchen. That was when I saw the washing machine was on and, sure enough, I saw the missing cover and a few other bits churning away in the water! How sweet is that? She is washing her own cum off my duvet, ever heard of a man doing that?

Fuck no you haven’t!

I noticed the clock said it was only 6pm so I had slept for less than two hours but I felt so refreshed. Unless that was just the excited little bad girl inside me giving me strength and urging me towards the closed bathroom door.

I tiptoed up to the door and gently opened it, then poked my head around the door. It was very steamy in there and I could see just make out the outline of Sally as she showered. I suddenly felt a rush of excitement about her still being here, this really is for real!

This would be like just the movies! I would sweep the curtain to one side and she would turn to me, smile and invite me in. With than in mind I stealthily reached up to it and quickly swept back the curtain and….

“HOLY FUCK FAYE! You scared the shit out of me!” Sally screeched.


“I’m sorry Sally,” I giggled at her. She was standing there armed with a bottle of shampoo in one hand and a scrunchy in the other.

“It’s okay,” she laughed. I was more than a little relieved to see that she saw the funny side so quickly.

“Sorry, I was just… eager,” I admitted. “When I woke up and you weren’t there I thought you might’ve…”

“Gone?” Sally looked down at me. “Oh, no Faye I wouldn’t just go, especially not after what we’ve done together, okay?”

“Okay,” I smiled and looked up. I was still amazed by her gorgeous body, and getting more than a little bit turned watching the water run all over her petite frame. Her skin looked so soft, the light shining on the water made it look like she was literally glowing. “Think there’s room for two in there?”

“I think so,” Sally smiled and held her hand out to me, and I took it and stepped in.

She positioned the shower between us and I pulled the curtain across; it was like being in a secret world where only the two of us existed. I finished closing the gap in the curtain and turned back to face her, as soon as I did she put her arms around my neck and pulled me under the shower and kissed me.

She pulled me closer so our bodies meshed together with my right leg between her thighs. I felt her pussy rub against my thigh as we kissed, so I added a little pressure for her and raised me knee between her legs, keeping hold of her for balance. I could tell she was enjoying it this from the hard panting I could feel on my lips. It was an amazing moment of heat, touch and seclusion. We kissed and hugged, our bodies slid over each other and I felt her hands in my long hair while we danced in an erotic tangle. I thought she wanted to get off right now but she stopped herself and relaxed against me.

Sally looked up at me and spoke softly, “I’m sorry I fell asleep, I couldn’t help it. I felt terrible when I woke up for being so selfish, what you did to me really opened my eyes, I've never felt that way with Steve and I really wanted to…return the favour but I…”

“Hey, it’s okay babe. We have plenty of time for you to…pay me back.” I winked as I said it and my hands brushed over her wet bum. Sally moved the shower away from us with a more serious look on her face.

“You mean… you’d want to do it again?” Sally asked cautiously.

“Of course, didn’t you like it?” I asked, suddenly concerned at the change in mood.

“Yes, yes I loved it, I mean… loved it; I just thought maybe it was a one-time deal.” She looked at her feet as she said it.

“No, why would you think that it was a one off?” I asked feeling a little uneasy.

“It’s just, I wondered if you’d done it because… I don’t know… maybe you felt a sorry for me,” she still looked down as if she was afraid to see the expression on my face. “To be honest, when you pulled open the curtain, a part of me thought you were going to tell me to leave!”

“Sally! No! Of course not, how could you think that?” I said a little more harshly than I intended. “I don’t make people feel better by sleeping with them, what kind of person would that make me?”

“Oh Faye, no I'm sorry, I didn’t mean it like that…” she looked up at me with a hint of panic in her voice. “Please stop, I'm sorry.”

I regained my composure and looked at her; she looked so vulnerable hugging her boobs and shivering a little. I wanted to hold her but first I desperately needed to make her understand. I got hold of the showerhead and made the warm water flow over her shoulders to stop her shivering and I calmly spoke.

“Sally, I didn’t make love to you just to make you feel better. I…” I looked right into her eyes. “I did it because I love you. I have desperately wanted you in this way and every other way for years. What happened earlier was a dream come true for me and, I am truly sorry about what’s happened to you but I can’t ignore my feelings for you and…” I trailed off unable to put words to it anymore.

“Oh… Faye, I had no idea, come here,” she put her hands around my waist and pressed her warm body against mine. “I’m sorry, I’m so confused, but now know one thing.”

“What is that?” I asked her, staring into her eyes.

“I love you too,” as she said that, about 15 million butterflies in my stomach exploded.

“Really,” I asked her. “You really do?”

“I do, you’ve shown me a whole new side of me and I want to explore it more, and I want to do it with you… if that’s okay?” She looked so sincere and her hands locked around my back, it was a moment I would never forget. Unfortunately, I followed this perfect moment up with possibly the most pathetic sentence I have ever said.

“So,” (prepare to cringe) “You… uh, you want to be my girlfriend?” (Yep, I was suddenly an 8 year old again!)

“Yes,” Sally couldn’t help laughing as she watched my face contort in embarrassment. “Yes I want to be your girlfriend!” I smiled so wide my lips nearly ran out of mouth, and laughed like a maniac. Then regained my poise, more or less, and kissed her as if my life depended on it.

In the back of my mind, I wondered what kind of things she wanted to explore. My sexual fantasies were on hold for now. I just hugged her close and enjoyed the most intimate moment of my life, up until then at least.

Here is what you are thinking.

A woman is married for eight years, and then her husband leaves her. Then, the following day she becomes a lesbian and declares her love for another woman. How that could be possible? It is unrealistic and almost too easy!

I know this is what you are thinking because I was thinking the exact same thing. The love of my life suddenly becomes available and turns gay in the space of twenty-four hours? It was in the back of my mind even after she told me she loved me. How does a person change so dramatically? I desperately hoped this was not all some kind of rebound reflex.

As we finished up in the shower and got dressed it continued to puzzle me, and my unease must have shown on my face because a little while later while we were sipping our cups of coffee on the sofa she turned to me with a concerned look on her face.

“Faye… honey are you okay?”

“Yea, yea I’m good,” I told her unconvincingly.

“Are you sure? Since we talked and got out of the shower you’ve been awfully quiet, are you having second thoughts about this? Or about us being together like this?” She sounded worried.

“No, of course not, this is a dream come true for me. It’s more than I ever could’ve hoped for,” I blurted out. “I guess that’s why I'm worried.”

“Well, tell me what’s worrying you and we can talk about it,” she had her head cocked to the side with her damp hair framing her face, my god she’s beautiful.

“I want too, but…” I searched for the right words. “I don’t want you to get angry, or push you away. But there’s this thing bothering me that won’t quite go away.”

“Okay, look, just blurt it out and we’ll deal with it after you’ve said it. I promise I won’t get angry,” she spoke so softly.




“Say it,” Sally insisted.

“Okay, okay here it is,” I decided to take her advice and get it all out quickly. “I'm worried that this might all be some kind of rebound for you. You went from being with a man for eight years to now being a lesbian. It seems pretty unbelievable, if I was looking at this from the outside I’d say you can’t suddenly become a lesbian in the space of six hours and fall in love with a girl…”

Sally didn’t reply right away, she sat and thought about it for what seemed like hours, her facial expression didn’t change until she eventually looked up at me.

“When you say it like that I guess it does seem pretty… extreme…” She spoke thoughtfully and calmly. “To be honest Faye, I don’t know what I am. I have never really thought about women in a sexual way, but… I haven’t thought about anyone in a sexual way for a long time…” she paused for a moment, considering each thing carefully.

“Not even Steve?” I asked.

“Especially not Steve,” she said with what almost seemed like anger. “Are you sure you want to hear all this? It’ll take a while to explain, but it might show you that I am telling the truth when I say I love you and what to be with you, but…it means telling you something that will probably make you angry with me.” My heart had jumped all over the place while she was speaking, especially when she said the last part about wanting to be with me, I felt like this was an important moment for her.

“Please, go ahead and tell me, whatever it is I won’t be angry,” I reached out and covered her hands with mine in her lap.

“Faye,” she looked up. “We… I mean, I lied to you last night, I didn’t want to but Steve said it would be better to make up a story rather than tell the truth.”

“What was the lie?” I asked while still holding her hand firmly.

“The part where we said there’s something wrong with me, that I can’t conceive children. We have never been to a doctor about not being able to get pregnant,” she looked so embarrassed and let go of my hand. “I’m so sorry Faye.”

“Hey,” I said softly, taking hold of her hand again and returning it to her lap. “It’s okay, I'm not angry, I'm just confused. If you wanted a baby, why couldn’t you do it, y’know, the old fashioned way?”

“We haven’t had sex for over six years,” Sally revealed.

I was astonished, “You haven’t had sex with him at all?”

“No,” she paused and seemed to think about what she was saying very carefully. “We haven’t done anything sexual since he started his new job. He told me that he loved me, but he did not want to have that kind of marriage. He said there was no need to show that kind of physical love for each other because we are ‘soulmates’ and his love is so deep that it’s not necessary to…”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I interrupted her more harshly than I meant to. “What a load of shit!”

“I know, I know,” Sally said shaking her head. “It’s so obvious now, he was going to New York doing who knows what and then when he came home he wanted to relax and not have that kind of pressure.”

“I’ve never heard anything so selfish in my life,” I said shaking my own head in tandem with her.

“It gets worse,” Sally closed her eyes and seemed to brace herself before speaking again. “He told me that I shouldn’t masturbate or have sexual feelings because it would be like cheating on him! Also, because I work with children, it would be inappropriate. So I put all those thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on work.”

“I can’t believe this, what a cunt!” I almost shouted.

“When I told him I wanted a child I thought he would, y’know, want to do it with me. Then he came up with this idea of a surrogate. Obviously he thought you’d say no and things would go back to normal, but when you said yes it forced him to reveal everything. So…here we are.” She shook her head again and looked up at me. “If you hadn’t been so sweet and said yes…”

“I only said yes because I wanted to make you happy, do you really want a child?” I asked her softly.

“No, not really, I just…” A tear fell down her cheek. “I just didn’t want to be alone all the time anymore.”

“Oh sweetheart,” I threw my arms around her and hugged her tightly. “Well you’re not going to be alone, not anymore. You and I are going to do everything you have ever dreamed about and you can have as many sexual thoughts as you want…in fact, I insist on it! Men are only good for cock, and if they aren’t even going to give us that, you’re better off with a girl.” I felt her laugh a little, she had got the worst parts off her chest now and she seemed more at ease.

“Yeah, I did miss having a bit a cock though!” She nearly screamed with laughter as she said it, and I was so shocked to hear her say it too so I couldn’t help laughing!

“Oh my Miss Sally how dirty you are, you’re quite the naughtiest girl here aren’t you!” I playfully used a teacher-ish voice, which sent her off laughing again. We wiped her tears away and kept laughing until she seemed to get back to being in control.

“So, you wanted to know why I was so desperate and so eager to be with you…I've got years of repressed fantasies and I want to do them all with you,” she smiled. “I don’t if I'm into women, but I do know I'm into you. So don’t worry, you’re not my rebound or a phase. You made me feel more alive than I've felt in a long time. So, are you convinced?”

“Yes, honey I'm convinced, and I'm sorry that I made you go through all that, but I had to know. And now I do… and,” I smiled naughtily at her, “I might have a little surprise for you.”

“It’s okay; I know you needed to hear it. What surprise is that?” She asked, squeezing my hand.

“It’s a secret, and it’s in the bedroom,” I winked and put my hand right up her skirt and stroked her thigh. “Want to come and see?” I leant forward and kissed the tip of her nose.

“Yeah… I’d love to, you’re such a bad girl,” she smiled.

“Oh Miss Sally,” I grinned. “You’re damn right! Now, come and play with me.”

I withdrew my hand from under her skirt and almost ran into the bedroom; I was so excited to give her my surprise gift. She was right behind me and just as I got into my room and turned around, she was on me! I fell back onto the bed and she jumped on after me and pinned me down.

I looked up at her, with that sexy curly blonde hair hanging down, and pulled her down on top of me, covering her lips with mine. Our tongues thrashed together in a moment of pure lust, it was so exciting for me now, especially because I knew what I was about to give her! I pushed her off to the side of me and stood up and reached under my bed for my ‘special box.’

“Now,” I told her. “Look under my pillow.” She grinned and did as she was told; when she moved it aside she saw a blindfold.

“Put it on and lay back,” I said smiling.

“Why on earth do you have a blindfold?” she laughed.

“For when I have a headache in the day and need to lay down and… anyway, do as your told missy!” I waved a finger at her.

“Whatever you say,” she giggled again and laid back in the same position she had been in earlier when I’d eaten her delicious pussy! “You’re the boss”

When she had put the blindfold on, I got to work. I quickly undressed and opened my special box that contained my sex toys. Soon after I had moved out, I’d gone wild with online sex stores. Now that I didn’t have to worry about my mum or dad knowing I bought them!

I had vibrators, dildos, lubricant and the thing I was looking for… a strap on dildo. Sally had said she’d missed cock, so now I was going to give her what she had been missing! Realising it had been a long time for her; I took the bottle of lubricant too. A girl should be prepared after all!

I strapped it around my hips and selected a little five-inch dildo attachment. I have multiple lengths to choose from and this would be big enough for her to start with, I’m not a sadist and I didn’t want to split her in half with one of the big boys!

I approached the bed again and I couldn’t help smiling, Sally was lying flat on her back with her legs together. She was wearing the same outfit as when she first arrived, I should have told her to get undressed before she laid down really, but at least I’d have the fun of stripping her again. I climbed next to her as softly as possible but the sudden movement of the bed made her jump anyway.

“I wondered if you’d run off,” Sally said smiling. I wasn’t fooled by her casual attitude though, I could tell she was nervous again, full of anticipation for what was to come, but also totally unprepared! I didn’t answer her right away; instead I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. I teased her a little, running a fingertip over her bare arms and then the exposed skin between the hem of her t-shirt and waistband of her skirt.

She was almost begging for it, but I didn’t hurry, as I played with her I noticed her legs becoming restless, she crossed them over, then uncrossed them, bent them until her feet were flat on the bed and back again.

“I’m going to lift your top off honey,” I said as I pulled her to a sitting position. “But no peeking!”

“Okay,” she said giddily. “Go ahead.” As I lifted her t-shirt up I ran my hand up in-between her breasts and I swear her heart felt like it was trying to hammer its way out of her chest!

“Calm down babe,” I said softly as I laid her back down on the bed. “I’m going to take good care of you.”

“I’ll try, I'm just a bit…well, I'm topless on a bed with a blindfold on while a girl is touching me. Normally at the weekend, I catch up on the soaps I’ve missed and do crossword puzzles! This isn’t an average day!”

“Well when you put it that way I can see why you’re apprehensive, would you like to do a crossword instead?” I teased.

“No, it’s okay, I’d rather find out what my surprise is.”

We both giggled and I kissed her again, she seemed a little more relaxed now.

After another peck on the lips, I moved further down the bed, dragging my fingertips over her body as I moved towards her feet. I lightly moved her knees apart and knelt between them, making sure the dangling cock didn’t touch her skin, I didn’t want to give away the surprise! I put one hand on each knee and pushed my palms ever-so slowly up her legs; up over her thighs and under her skirt, I kept pushing up and then realized something.

“Hey, you bad girl, you aren’t wearing your panties!” I said with a laugh.

“I know, they’re in the wash with the duvet,” she spoke like she was actually explaining herself after being told off! “When we were doing…what we were doing earlier on the sofa and then here, they got a little…damp!”

“Ah I see, in that case I forgive you,” I laughed. “I don’t think you should wear underwear anyway from now on!” Sally just giggled girlishly at that and fell into silent heavy breaths again when I pushed her skirt up further and further until she felt the air of the room on her already damp pussy.

“Mmmm you look so good babe,” I told her. “I think I might need to have a quick taste.”

“Is this my surprise?” She asked in a husky tone, I was pushing her legs further apart as she spoke.

“No babe, trust me, when it’s time for the surprise, you’ll know it,” with that I leant down and planted a soft kiss right on her pussy lips.

“Oh god, I’d forgotten how good that felt earlier,” Sally spoke in between heavy breaths. I softly kissed up and down her pussy slit, relishing the soft skin on my lips. Her legs were spread as far as she could manage and I opened up her pink lips again. It had only been a couple of hours since I’d last revealed her hot pink centre, but it still took my breath away. I nuzzled between her thighs and licked her all over, I French-kissed her fuck hole, dipping my tongue inside.

“Mmm you taste so good babe,” I told her between licks. “Do you want a taste?” I coated my fingers in her pussy juice and slipped them in and out of her slowly, I didn’t want to go wild and make her cum just yet, I wanted her right on the edge.

“Oh god, mmm Faye, I don’t know, is that weird to taste myself?” She wiggled her hips a little and shuddered when I slipped my finger back inside.

“No baby, it’s not weird, and you seemed to like it earlier when you licked it off my face,” I teased her.

“I… know it’s just… I wasn’t sure if… oh god… if I should… or…” Sally struggled to talk properly but I knew what she meant.

“Well,” I slipped in and out again, fingering her as I spoke. “From now on…”

In… out…

“We don’t worry about what we should do.”

In… out…

“All that matters is….”

“Oh god,” she whimpered as I pushed deeper.

“All that matters is what we want to do…”

I was almost whispering, and even though I was not touching myself, I could feel my pussy getting more sensitive and my nipples getting stiffer by the second. I pulled my fingers out of her and massaged her clit with them.

“Oh my…mmmm,” Sally’s face screwed up and her back arched as soon as I touched her there, she must be super sensitive now.

“Do you understand? Now that we are together, we do whatever the fuck we want to so tell me baby, do you want to taste yourself on my fingers?”

“I understand….mmm….yes, I do,” her mouth hung open after she spoke so I quickly pushed my fingers into her pussy one last time making her body shiver, then pulled out and put them between her open lips. “There you go.”

The sheer naughtiness of watching the beautiful schoolteacher sucking her juice off my fingers drove my lust up another level. I leant over her body and kissed her again. We shared her taste for a moment then I moved back into position.

It was time to stop teasing and give the girl what she craved! I knelt up and reached behind me for the bottle of lubricant, opened it, and squirted the liquid all over the fake cock. Her pussy looked lubricated enough so I positioned the tip right over her aching hole.

“Sally,” my voice was husky and full of sexual angst.

She had about lost her mind with lust at this point. The taste of her own juice in her mouth and my constant attention to her pussy had brought her about as close to the edge as she could get! I had one hand on the cock and I used the other to open her hole as wide as I could.

“I love you baby,” I pushed my hips forward and penetrated her. Her mouth had opened as if to say something but she had frozen as soon as I had begun entering her, and the further I pushed in, the more she realized that this was not just a finger!

“W…what…?” was all she managed as each centimetre slid in achingly slowly, and it wasn’t until my hips came closer to hers that she actually started breathing again and when she did breathe it was in ragged segments.

It was hard going at first, even with all that lubrication I struggled to get it inside her. Bit by bit her pussy swallowed it up until at last my hips pressed into her. She suddenly sat up and her hands came up towards the blindfold but I caught them in time, I held one hand in each of mine and pushed her softly back down.

“Ah, not yet babe,” I whispered into her ear. “Do you like it?”

“Ahh Faye, what is it? It feels huge!” She let me push her arms up above her head and I held then there by the wrists.

“It’s your little surprise baby, how does it feel?” I moved my hips around to let the cock move inside her. “You said you missed this.”

“Oh…I do, I just wasn’t expecting this, I think I….mmmmm,” Sally sucked in a deep breath through her mouth. My forehead was up against hers and I moved her arms to her side and held them there.

“Are you ready for me to fuck you baby?” I slowly withdrew the cock from her pussy.

“Yes… yes…”

“Say it,” I was almost fully out of her and the constant sliding motion against her already sensitive pussy lips made making her wriggle and moan, she wanted to move her hands but I held them firmly.

“Say… say what?” she gasped. I put my lips right next to her ear, my hair falling over her face.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you,” I almost growled.

“Oh…mmmmmm,” she arched her head back as the tip of the cock brushed over her hole again. “Oh…Faye…I want you….want you to fuck me! I want you to fu…ohhhhhh!”

Her voice trailed off into a whimper and then her mouth hung open in a silent scream because I had pushed my hips forward again and totally filled her up! I didn’t stop to let her catch her breath again though; instead, I pulled back and pushed into her again and again.

She writhed and wriggled and each time I slammed into her, she opened her mouth. I tried kissing her as I built up a quick rhythm but I just ended up coating her lips in saliva, so I nuzzled her neck instead and licked and sucked at her soft flesh. I drove into her hard and fast and eventually I had to let her hands go so I could hold onto her shoulders to keep my balance.

The sight of her sexy, cute tits bouncing was mesmeric and I found myself pushing more to try and keep them moving, like a warped kind of game. I settled into a slower rhythm so I could keep my balance easier, then I could let go of her shoulders and fondle her breasts, she took another noisy gulp of air when I grasped a hold of them, squeezing and kneading them like my life depended on it.

“Oh god, oh fuck….oh….oh” Sally was losing control, her hips were bouncing off the bed to meet mine, I knew how to make her cum…I used her knees to balance I picked up the energy again, I was almost knelt up fully, looking down on her wriggling body.

“Sally…oh baby…look at me, take that off and look,” I arched my back and pushed inside her again, and she scratched at the blindfold and roughly threw it to the side. She was momentarily blinded by the light and it took her a few blinks to see anything, but what she did see made her eyes bulge.

Me, deep inside her, kneeling up with my long red hair loosely falling over my shoulders and breasts, which were bouncing up and down as much as her own were. She scrambled up to a half sitting position desperately wanting to see what was inside of her.

I carried on fucking her while she clawed at the skirt she was still wearing, though it was bunched around her waist, it was obviously in her way and she couldn’t reach around the back to undo it so, in one of the hottest moments of my life. She grabbed a hold of it and with crazy, almost manic strength tore it from bottom to top! The light material gave way to her lust filled desperation without hardly slowing her down, then she dragged the remnants of the ruined clothing out from under her and tossed it away.

Now with a good view of what it was, she stared transfixed by it as it filled then emptied her insides. My hips and thighs were burning with effort but I kept on pushing anyway, I was as turned on as she was right now and the same strength she had used to tear her skirt away from her seemed to be powering my body too.

“Oh my god…Faye…” She looked up and me, her mouth lolled open. She looked so lost in lust I don’t know if she even saw me, I knew she needed to cum desperately now, and I knew what to do. I pushed her back down and pushed her thighs right back until her knees were close to her temples and full on assaulted her pussy, I rammed into her harder and faster than ever!


I do not know who was making more noise because we both sounded like animals, I fucked her hard and then used my free hand to toy with her clitoris, and that was the decisive factor! She almost wailed when I touched it, sitting up she showed her flexibility because her knees were almost behind her head…she screeched and bucked and tipped her head back again.

“Ahhhh! Ahhhh! Ohhhhhh….mmmmm….”

Sally had the most intense orgasm I had ever seen; her juices shot out and drenched the strap-on cock and my lower stomach, which tipped me over the edge! I pulled out of Sally for the last time and hurriedly fumbled with the buckle of the strap-on. I un-strapped it and cast it aside to where the remnants of Sally’s skirt lay. Then I thrust my fingers inside my pussy, using one hand to fuck myself and my other to rub my clit; it did not take long for me to cum with both my hands working expertly on myself.

“Holy fuck,” I screeched as I orgasmed right there while kneeling over Sally’s naked body, she had already somewhat recovered and was watching me intently. Just as I crashed over the edge she sat up and latched her mouth to my right breast and groped my left with her hand. “Oh fuck, babe.”

It was Sally’s turn to feel my juices splash onto her stomach, mixing with her own sweetness. After a second of not being able to move, I looked down at her. She was looking up and smiling broadly at me; her arms snaked up my back and pulled me down onto the bed next to her and, after a few seconds of getting my hair out of the way, we kissed so deeply, lovingly and passionately, and yet it was soft and beautiful too.

Our naked and spent bodies entwined together, we cradled each other and kissed. My hands ran over her naked back and hers did the same to me. I felt every part of her touching every part of me until eventually we both started to descend that mountain of lust we’d climbed together.

Eventually we stopped kissing and just laid there, staring at each other like we were afraid to look away in case it was all a dream. My green eyes stared into her blue eyes until we began to drift.

“By the way,” Sally broke the silence. “I love you too.” She kissed me again.

“Good,” I loved hearing her say it.

“Although, next time we do that, you’re getting the cock!” She laughed out loud again.

“Now there’s something I never thought I’d hear you say!” I laughed with her. “Will you stay with me tonight?”

“Sure, I haven’t got much choice. My skirt seems to be faulty.”

“That was so fucking hot when you did that!” I told her.

“Really?” She raised her eyebrows. “You like me tearing off my clothes?”

“Well…yea! What’s not to like about that,” I laughed.

“Okay, I’ll bear that in mind! I’ll stay with you tonight but I’ll be back at school Monday I’ll need to get my uniform before then.”

“Wait,” I caught my breath. “You have a school uniform?”

“Well, yea sort of. It’s just a long skirt and white shirt, sometimes I’ll wear a shorter skirt in the summer,” she told me.

“How short?” I pushed on.


“Because…I just want to know,” I could see she was smiling at me so I knew she wasn’t annoyed at my questions.

“It’s about…knee length,” she said.

“Oh,” I mumbled.

“You sound disappointed.”

“I was hoping you’d have like a proper uniform, like the girls do, a white shirt…black shoes and a nice black or grey pleated skirt…the shorter the better,” I said with a wink. Sally threw her head back and laughed.

“Ohhh I see, you want me dressed up like a school girl,” she still laughed.

“Well…maybe, what’s wrong with that? I’d have lots of fun dressing you up, although I’d probably send you to school in a tiny tight shirt, little white ankle socks and a nice mini skirt, without any underwear too,” I added. Outlining my fantasies to her was making me feel slightly horny again, even though my body was too tired to do anything other than lay here.

“Oh, I see, basically you want me to dress like a slut?”

“Oh…wait, there’s nothing wrong with how you dress now I…”

“Faye, relax, its okay. I know you aren’t being nasty or anything, to be honest, after years of hiding behind frumpy clothes and knee length skirts and massive coats, I kind of like the idea of it! I used to think about going out in more daring clothes, showing off my figure a little, the ideas I used to have excited me. I used to imagine…uh, never mind.” She suddenly stopped.

“Hey, no way you can stop there after that set-up! Anyway, I thought you weren’t allowed sexual thoughts,” I said playfully.

“I know, I actually told Steve I wanted to be more daring but he said it wouldn’t be appropriate in case one of my students saw me in public! I teach kids who are between five and seven years old and the school do not have any children over eleven years old. It’s only a primary school, most of the kids have never had a sexual thought about anything in their lives!”

“Yea,” I said calmly, she was getting a little wound up and I wanted to ease the mood again. “He just didn’t want you attracting any men, little did he know you’d come here and attract me!” That made her laugh but I could tell she was thinking.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to get that testy,” she said while returning her hand to my shoulder and stroking it.

“Do you remember what I said? It doesn’t matter what we should do, all that matters is…” I nodded my head to her.

“…what we want to do.” She finished.

“So, from now on, we do anything we want, if you want to dress like a nine year old school girl and I want to dress in my mini skirt and fishnets and then go fuck each other on the bus, we’ll do it! Agreed?”

“Agreed! Also…you’re crazy!” She hugged me close; we were both losing our battle against fatigue now.

“I know, but I’m crazy about you, so that’s okay,” I smiled and kissed her. “I love you.”

“I love you too baby, you look so tired!” She reached and pulled the duvet up over us, still without its new cover on, and as she did that I grabbed a towel and cleaned us both up. It was dark outside and we both felt sleepy.

After we’d sorted ourselves out we only slept for about an hour, it was about 10pm by then so we had something to eat and watched a girly movie with some more wine. We sorted the bed out so it was nice and comfortable with a fresh sheet and a new duvet cover on (I fucking love fresh bedding) I gave her a t-shirt to wear and we both went to bed a little later, entwining our bodies like earlier on, except in a more sleepy way.

I fell asleep in her arms for the first proper time and so began our lives together. Hard to believe it all happened so quickly, I knew there would be more experiences to share with each other, but for now, simply sharing life together was enough for me.


(Seriously, fuck off; we’re tired, I'm sure there will be more soon if you insist on knowing everything)

(Oh, and Sally says ‘goodnight’ too)

See you soon


2023-09-02 20:02:22
Sally &Faye has taught me how to treat a woman more then I ever knew. I have learned so much just reading your stories. one of the reason I like reading stories written by woman.


2023-08-29 13:27:22
You can count on it. Through Sally and Faye, I'm getting a new perspective on how to write better stories. Congrats on your effort at entertainment. :X

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