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Let's see what happens when a high school freshman visits her sister at college and learns how to suck cock and more.
Thinking back on my days at MSU . . . I lived in an off-campus group house with my 18-year-old girlfriend Mollie and a bunch of other kids. We were into politics, though we weren't as earnest as some of the more active types. We were more into drugs - weed, hash, all the psychedelics and even occasionally speed. And of course sex. We loved sex. Mollie in particular loved to fuck anytime of the day or night. She especially liked fucking while stoned, so that happened a lot.

Anyway, sometime during the summer months we were in the bedroom together, naked as usual. We had smoked a couple of joints and she was sucking my long cock when the phone rang. She hesitated, then decided to answer it . . . but continued to stroke my shaft.

"Oh, hi Mom. What's up?" She gave me a puzzled look and a shrug of her shoulders. "Emma? Come here? Two weeks? Aw, I don't know Mom. I..." Mollie stopped playing with my rod and now looked concerned. "Of course I miss her. I miss her a lot. It's just..."

This was not sounding good. Emma was Mollie 's sister, who was a freshman in high school . . . and it sounded like she wanted to visit. I had never met her before, but I knew that she was Mollie 's only sibling and they were especially close.

"No, there's no reason she can't come down here...Oh Mom, no, we're not doing drugs or anything like that..." Mollie looked exasperated. "Okay, okay. She can come . . . When? . . . Okay. How's she . . . by train? Okay, we'll meet her at the station...Yeah, I you too, Mom. Bye." She hung up the phone, flopped back on the bed, and let out a big sigh. "Emma's coming for a visit," she said with a resigned look.

"So I gathered."

Mollie rolled over and looked at me, her breasts giving a sexy little jiggle. "What are we gonna do? She just started high school. She certainly can't see this." She reached out and wrapped her fingers back around my cock. "She can't see all the drugs we do."

I thought for a moment while my cock grew again in Mollie 's hand. "We'll just ask everyone to keep it in their rooms while she's here, I guess. No drugs in the living room."

"And no group sex," she said.

"Not in the living room anyway," I said with a laugh, reaching out to fondle her breasts. Her nipples immediately popped erect.

"Mmmmm," she moaned softly. "That feels nice. You feel nice." She dropped her head into my lap and once again took the head of my cock into her mouth. That's one of the things I loved most about Mollie - the ability to push uncomfortable things out of her mind and get back to what was important.

"We'll just have to play it by ear, I guess," I said leaning back and enjoying my girlfriend's talented mouth.


Two other girls, lived in the house along with their boyfriends, who changed from time to time. The girls were pretty hot, and I had sex with both of them at one time or another. Ours was a very open house sexually. Each girl had a main partner but felt free to mix and mingle. We also had a lot of parties, many of which turned into group orgies. Even when there wasn't a party, the six of us would gather in the living room, the largest room in the house, and get high, listen to music, strip naked and fuck. Everyone would switch partners a number of times during an evening. It was a fun place to live, especially during the summer when classes were out.

The girls were okay with Mollie 's little sister visiting, but the guys grumbled a bit. It didn't matter. The house was in Mollie 's name, so when it came to it, she set the rules. Not that she was housemother or anything. Mollie was too stoned most of the time to take many responsibilities seriously. Neither did I for that matter. That's why we made such a good couple. A little disorganized maybe. Lazy is probably a better word. Thankfully, Mollie 's parents were paying all the house bills, so we had very few worries. We both worked part-time on campus, Mollie in the library, me with the maintenance department, cutting lawns mostly. That brought in enough to keep us in food and drugs over the summer.

When we drove my beat up old Volkswagen to the train station to meet Emma I didn't know what to expect. Mollie had told me how close they were, so I guess I imagined Emma to be a miniature version of Mollie. She wasn't. I snickered when I first saw the young girl come through the doors. Emma was thin, but very cute, with a sweet button nose and huge blue eyes and long blonde hair.

"Emma!" she yelled, running into her sister's arms.

"Hi, squirt," Mollie said, hugging hard. "Let me get a look at you." She held her sister at arm's length. "I bet Mom dressed you for the trip today."

Emma grimaced and nodded. "Mom has been imPOSSible this summer! She won't let me wear what I want or see anybody or do ANYthing!"

"Well, she let you come here," Mollie said, smiling. She nodded over at me. "This is Mike, my boyfriend."

"Hi!" she said, giving me a wave. " Mollie 's told me ALL about you. Mom doesn't think you live together, but I know now that you do."

"You're a sharp cookie," I said with a grin. "Is that okay with you? That I live with Mollie?"

"Sure! I think it's cool," she said brightly.

"Thanks!" I gave her a wink and picked up the pink suitcase with flower decals on it. "I like your suitcase, by the way. It's just my style." Emma giggled at that.

The two sisters chattered all the way back to the house. I learned that Emma was doing well in school, did not get along at all with her mother, tolerated her father, and idolized Mollie. I could tell that by the loving look in those big, innocent blue eyes. No one was home when we got back to the house. Emma looked around with a surprised look on her face. I wasn't sure what she'd think. We weren't slobs, but we weren't real tidy either, and the house was old and a bit shabby. Certainly not the neat, tidy kind of house she was probably used to. Fortunately, no one had left any drug paraphernalia around, but I did spot some clothes strewn about, including a pair of panties on the floor next to the couch. Emma tittered when she saw that. "This place is so cool!" she finally said with a big smile on her face.

"We like it," replied Mollie. "C'mon, let me show you your room."

The only unoccupied room in the house was in the attic. It was a tiny finished room with a good bed and a dresser. It wasn't well insulated and tended to get hot in the summer. Emma seemed to like it just fine though, given the way she bounced around the room. She flopped on the mattress and kicked off her shoes. "I like it here!" she proclaimed. "Maybe I'll never go home!"

Mollie chuckled at the thought. "I'm sure Mom and Dad would have something to say about that. But you're here now anyway, so let's enjoy it. First, let's get you out of those clothes and into something more reasonable. Mike, could you excuse us? Maybe you could go get the fan in the living room? I think Emma's going to need it more than we do."

They weren't quite done changing when I came back up the stairs lugging the floor fan. Mollie was just pulling a short t-shirt over Emma's head and I got a quick view of the teen's emerging small titties. She obviously was going to be a late bloomer, in the breast department. With her arms outstretched her titties looked like young apples. Still, the sight gave me a rush and put a smile on my face. Emma had brought a pair of Bermuda shorts, but Mollie just snorted and forbid her from wearing them, offering her a pair of denim cutoffs instead. They were a little big, but with a belt tightened around Emma's skinny waist, they did the trick.

"Ah, that looks better," I said, setting up the fan in the window and turning it on. "And so do you."

Emma blushed at that, but she did look hot in my eyes, even for someone years younger. She was taller than most girls her age, with slim, coltish legs and feet that were slightly too large. The loose shorts rode low on her hips, exposing a good bit of her hipbone and flat belly. I could even see the top of her panties - pink ones with red hearts. Altogether, I found the young girl surprisingly appealing.

"Now you're ready for an East Lansing summer," said Mollie.

"Do I look like a college kid here on campus?" Emma asked with a grin.

"Maybe" I said. And then out of the clear blue sky she asked her sister:

"Do you smoke pot?"

Narrowing her eyes, Mollie answered after a pause. "What would you think if I said yes?"

"I would think that was great! Some of my friends smoke dope back home, but I don’t dare do it with the way Mom and Dad are. "

Mollie and I again looked at each other. I shrugged my shoulders and nodded. "Might as well tell the truth."

"Might as well," Mollie agreed. "Yes, Emma, we smoke dope. A lot. It's fun and we like it." "Can I try it?" the teen asked, with an eager, hopeful look on her face. I wasn't sure how Mollie would respond. This was her little sister, after all. But then, we didn't feel as if weed was at all harmful. In fact, we thought it was pretty beneficial, especially to our love life.

"Do you really want to?" Mollie asked.

"Yes!" Emma responded enthusiastically. "Please?"

"Okay, but you better not ever even think about telling Mom and Dad."

"I won't!" Emma said, shaking her head. "I promise!"

Mollie pulled a leather pouch from her back pocket. "Alright, little sister, I'll let you try it. But we're going to hold you to your promise." She removed a plastic baggie and some rolling papers, sat down on the mattress and began to roll a joint. Emma sat right next to her and watched closely. When she was finished, Mollie held up a beautifully rolled doobie. I was envious of her skill. My joints usually turned out looking like a hidden lump of hard candy twisted at both ends, but Mollie had the touch. "Have you ever smoked a cigarette?" asked Mollie.

"Uh huh," Emma responded with a frown. "I tried anyway. Me and Jeri got one of her Dad's cigarettes and took it out in the woods out back and smoked it. It made me cough and I didn't like it very much."

"To be honest, this might make you cough too. Weed can be harsher than tobacco, so you smoke it differently. With a cigarette you draw the smoke into your mouth and then inhale it. With a joint, you draw it directly into your lungs, but you take in air with it too and then hold it, like this." She held up a match and lit the end, noisily drawing in a moderate hit, then passed it over to me. I did the same, demonstrating how much air to take in, and then passed it to Emma. She nervously held it up to her lips, then lightly inhaled. After a second her eyes got real big and then she coughed a small cloud of smoke.

"See? Not too bad, huh?" asked Mollie, taking another hit, holding her breath for a few seconds, then exhaling. "Try it again. Just take a little bit at a time."

After a few tries the young girl got the hang of it. Her eyes began to get red and glassy as we passed the joint around. Sometimes first-time smokers don't get high at all, but I could tell Emma was feeling it by the way her eyelids drooped and the ecstatic smile that began to form on her face.

"Like it?" Mollie asked. Emma just nodded her head, then flopped back on the mattress and closed her eyes.

"I think she likes it," I said jokingly. "Maybe we knocked her out."

"No," murmured Emma. "I just feel . . . kinda . . . "

"Mellow?" asked Mollie.

"Yeah, mellow," she said with a broad grin. "It's nice."

"Well, why don't you hang out up here for a bit? You should rest after your train trip. Maybe take a nap before everyone gets home and we have dinner. That's what Mike and I are going to do. You've had a long day."

"Okay, sis," Emma said, giving us a little wave as we left the room. Of course, Mollie and I had no intention of napping. All the time we were smoking the joint Mollie kept shooting me smoldering looks that let me know what she had in mind. She was already peeling off her t-shirt when we got to our bedroom, jumping on me as she swung the door halfway closed behind her. She kissed me passionately, snaking her tongue into my mouth.

"Wow, you're really hot!" I exclaimed as we broke the kiss and she tore at my shirt and rubbed her hands over my chest and stomach.

"Yeah," she murmured. "I am. I don't know if it's from getting high or having my sister around or what, but I sure want your cock. Right now!" She unbuckled my jeans and then pushed me back on the mattress so she could pull them off my feet. My cock sprang free as my hungry girlfriend stripped me naked. In a flash she was nude as well and scrambled down onto me.

"Mmmm, I have the munchies," she moaned, wrapping her fingers around my now fully erect prick. "I think I'll snack on this." Getting comfortable in between my legs, she slid her mouth over my cock head and began to give me a superb blowjob. Mollie was a true sexual animal. Over the past year she had developed from a hot college girl into a sensual glutton, reveling in the pleasures of the body, always learning, always willing to try something new. Drugs were a big part of it too. Mollie and I had fucked high on grass, acid, mushrooms, peyote, all sorts of downers, even crystal meth, and all of them just seemed to truly rev up her sex drive.

"I'm hungry for a taste of you, too," I said. "Get on top and let's sixty-nine.”

"Mmmm, okay!" Mollie said brightly as she rearranged herself. Once again I felt her lips close over my cock head. Her pussy now hovered over my face, and I pulled her closer until I could swipe my tongue along her pussy lips. "Oh, that feels the best!" she enthused. "I love the feel of your tongue inside my pussy. You have such a talented mouth," she laughed.

"As do you, my dear," I said, pulling apart her vaginal lips so I could probe my tongue even deeper. After we worked on each other for a while she crawled back up my body. "I want you inside me now," she whispered, reaching back to grab my shaft and position it at the entrance of her cunt. She grunted with pleasure when she pushed her hips back and my cock slid into her. "Ahhhhhh!" she sighed. "This is what I want." She began to hump, first slowly, then with more intensity. She was doing all the work. I just laid back and enjoyed the incredible rushes as Mollie rode my cock. Then my eyes caught a movement at the door.

It was Emma. She was standing in the hallway outside the half-closed door, watching us fuck. She was obviously still high, her eyes heavy-lidded, her mouth hanging open. She seemed mesmerized by the sight. I was too stoned to react in any way other than to just smile at her. Her eyebrows shot up and she backed away once she knew I had seen her. I thought she was going to run back upstairs, but she didn't. She just stood there, looking a little confused. Apprehensive, maybe. But then, after another moment she stepped closer again and gave me a weak smile and then a thumbs up.

Mollie was moaning and humping away, her eyes closed, so she didn't see her little sister at the door. I thought if Emma was going to stay and watch, we should really give her a show. I grabbed Mollie by the hips and pulled her up off my cock. She moaned in frustration. "We're not done, sweetheart," I said as I laid her on the bed. "Get on your knees and let me fuck you from behind."

"Oooh yeah . . . I like that idea," Mollie said as she got into position. Her head was down so she still couldn't see her younger sister watching from the doorway. My 8”cock had never been harder. It felt huge as I slowly pushed it into Mollie 's cunt from behind. "Ahhh!" she moaned as it plunged fully into her. "I love your COCK! I love it!"

"Not so loud, sweetheart," I warned. "You don't want your baby sister to hear you." I winked at Emma as I said it.

"I don't care!" Mollie laughed, huffing and puffing as I stroked into her. "She's gonna learn someday, if she hasn't already!"

"I bet she has," I chuckled. "She's a hot little minx." I gave Emma another smile as I continued place my hands on Mollie’s tight little ass and plow into her. Her juices lubricated my stiff member until it gleamed in the light. I knew I wouldn't last that much longer, and for some reason I didn't want to come inside Mollie. I wanted Emma to see a long stream of cum shoot out. "Your pussy feels so nice, baby, you have me ready to cum. Do you want me to spray it all over your face and mouth?"

"You bet I do!" Mollie squealed, pulling away from my cock and spinning around until it waggled in front of her face. "Mmmm," she moaned as she brought her lips to the purple throbbing tip. "I love the taste of your cock...and your cum. Shoot your stuff right on my tongue." I looked up at Emma and the enthusiastic stare she was showing, encouraged me even more.

"You got it," I said, stroking my cock a few more times until I felt the first surge coming. My aim was a little off and the first jet of sperm shot out and hit Mollie on her upper lip and nose. She laughed, still holding out her tongue. The second and third blasts landed right on it and she moaned hungrily as it dribbled to the back of her mouth. Three more blasts shot onto her tongue before the stream began to slow. Mollie let it all gather there in a big pool, then looking right into my eyes, gulped it down in one swallow. "Mmmm, I love it, I love it, I love it," she moaned, swiping her tongue around her lips.

I looked over at Emma, whose eyes were wide as she watched her sister eat my big load. She saw me looking at her, gave me a crooked smile, then withdrew from the doorway and disappeared.

Mollie rolled over and used her fingers to scoop up the sperm still on her face, and then licked it off. Then she lay back, still naked, and fell quickly asleep. Not me. I lay there, my cock still semi-hard, thinking of little Emma and what she had just seen. I quietly left the room and quickly took a satisfying shower. When I got out, I walked down the hallway past Emma, and of course I was still very naked.

“What did you think,” I whispered. She turned red with embarrassment and said:

“That was awesome. I loved watching . . . you shoot,” and then she mounted the nearby stairs to her room.


At dinner Emma got to meet the rest of the group. The girls were warm and friendly, but the guys were a bit standoffish. Emma chatted a little, but she was still pretty shy. All through dinner she kept looking over at me, giving me a sly smile. We had a secret now and it formed a bond between us. After dinner the guys disappeared and the girls went into the kitchen to clean up. Emma offered to help, but Mollie told her it wasn't necessary since it was “their responsibilities”. The three of us sat on the sofa in the living room and talked.

Emma could be a little chatterbox. She told us all about school, who she liked, who she didn't and why. With her cute face and bangs and long straight hair, she looked the picture of innocence. But that wasn't quite accurate. She turned out to be a pretty rambunctious, adventurous girl, and had gotten into trouble at school more than once. That made Mollie smile. "Just like her big sister!" she said proudly.

The phone rang and I heard Mollie pick it up. A few minutes later she came into the living room and sat next to me. "Listen," she whispered. "That was Frank, the guy that grows his own?" I nodded. "We can get two pounds of really wicked weed, but we have to go up and get it tonight. Since he's my friend, I really have to go. Could you stay here with Emma?"

"Sure," I said with a nod. "If that’s ok with her?" Looking at her with a quick wink.

"Sure," she said with a smile. "Since I guess I can't go along this time."

Mollie shook her head. "What would Mom say if I took you and we got busted? I'd never hear the end of it!" She laughed and shook her head. "I should be back in three or four hours. The girls are going with me. Okay?" I nodded my head yes and once again inspected Emma’s titties in her T-shirt.

The other two girls and their boyfriends decided to join the little expedition, and they quickly gathered their things and headed out the door. "You two have fun," Mollie said as she waved goodbye.

Emma and I were left alone in the house. Sitting next to me on the sofa, she smiled and I smiled back. I knew she was thinking about what she had seen earlier, and she probably knew I was thinking the same thing, but I don't think either one of us really knew what to say. "Wanna get high again?" I finally asked.

Emma nodded vigorously. "Can we go up to my room though? I like it up there. It's away from all the action down here."

I laughed. "Sure, Emma. I look forward to being alone with you up there,” rather suggestively.

“So do I,” she said, just as provocatively.

She walked up the stairs ahead of me and I couldn't help staring at her firm little butt. I almost reached out to caress those sweet cheeks, but held myself back. I was beginning to find this young girl incredibly sexy. It was warm in the attic room, so I turned on the fan. Emma plopped down on the bed, looking up expectantly. I sat next to her, reached into my pocket, and pulled out a little baggie with some dope and rolling papers. She watched attentively as I rolled a number, then laughed when I proudly held it up. "It's lumpier than the one Mollie did," she giggled.

"Yeah, your sister is better than I am at it," I replied with a grin. "She has a LOT of talents." Emma smiled at that. I fired up the joint and we began to smoke. I watched her as we got high, admiring her attractive body and damned cute face. I turned on the radio for some music.

After passing the joint back and forth for a while I stood up. "It's getting pretty warm in here. You don't mind if I take off my t-shirt, do you?" I asked casually. The shy young girl turned slightly pink with embarrassment and shook her head as she took another long drag. I quickly peeled my shirt off and tossed it in the corner. "Ah, that's better, I said, flexing a little bit. I was in good shape for a stoner, with a broad chest, flat abs and pretty muscular arms. All that lawn mowing, I guess. I could see Emma was checking me out. All I was wearing now was a pair of old denim shorts, and secretly . . . at least to her, no underwear. It was somehow thrilling to know I was almost naked with Mollie’s younger sister a few feet away from me. Knowing this my cock began to grow.

By the time I put on the roach clip we were both pretty wasted. After a last few tokes I set the stub in the ashtray and leaned back on my elbows. Emma leaned back as well, and I noticed her little nipples were stiff and poking sexily from the front of her t-shirt.

"So . . . " I said casually. "What did you think when you watched us get very naughty earlier?"

She gave me a stoned grin. "I thought it was VERY cool. I had never seen anyone . . . do that before."

"Not even your parents?"

"Ewww!" she squealed. "No!"

I just laughed. No kid liked to think about their parents having sex. "Well, I don't mind that you saw me and Mollie. Did it look like fun to you?"

She nodded. "It DID. Mollie seemed to really like it."

"Yes . . . she does. She likes it a whole lot. She fucks all the time, with me . . . and with the other guys too."

Emma looked surprised. "Other guys? Really?"

I nodded. "Uh huh."

"Do you..." she dropped her eyes and blushed. And then she said so softly . . . I could barely hear her, " . . . fuck . . . other girls too?"

She looked back up at me and I grinned broadly. "Yes, I do," I said proudly. "I fuck Nanci and Annie all the time, and plenty of other girls. Mollie and I both think sex is a wonderful, beautiful thing and humans were meant to enjoy it as much as possible."

A forlorn look crossed Emma's face. "There's just so much stuff I don't know yet," she admitted.

"Hey, we're friends now. So you can ask me anything and I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

The younger girl sat up a bit and looked down at my crotch. "Well, I never saw a man's...thing...before. I mean I did...I saw my Daddy's once when he was in the bathroom...but it was small and droopy, not big and hard like yours was . . . when you were fooling around with Mollie."

"Your father probably wasn't excited. A man gets big and hard like that when a girl gets him excited. Mollie gets me excited all the time. And talking to you like this is getting me excited right now. See?" I pointed at the growing bulge in my shorts.

"Really? You're getting excited now because of me?" She seemed pleased.

"Well sure," I said with a smile. "Talking about sex with a beautiful young girl is bound to get a guy excited."

"I'm not beautiful," she said, shaking her head.

"Say what? You're a knockout! And I think you have a very sexy body. In fact, that's why my cock is growing like this." Emma blushed at that. "Aren't you a little bit excited too?" I asked examining her stiff nipples.

The teen girl nodded. "I feel all tingly and stuff," she said softly.

I reached out and touched my hand to hers. "That's good, Emma. It's good to feel that way." She curled her fingers in mine. "Now, what else did you see that you have questions about?"

"Well..." she said softly, hesitating before continuing. "Did you like it...when you were...licking...her?"

"You bet!" I replied. "I love to eat out your sister. And she loves it too."

"What does it taste like?"

"Every girl tastes different," I said. "But to me, it's special. And for a girl, it's even more special. I'm told that having a guy lick you . . . if he's good at it, can be an awesome experience. In fact, one of the most incredible feelings a girl can have." I paused and gave her a smile. "Mollie thinks I'm good at it." Emma tittered at that, squeezing my hand harder.

"And did you like it when she...licked and sucked...your, um...your..."


Emma smiled and then nodded. "Yes, when she sucked your...cock."

I couldn't stop a broad grin from crossing my face. "Having a girl SUCK MY COCK is one of my favorite things in the whole world," I said truthfully. "And it's even better when the girl gets off on it too. And Mollie REALLY likes it, I can tell you."

"Does it taste bad?" Emma asked, a little sheepishly.

"I've never tasted my cock," I said, chuckling. "But Mollie says it one of her favorite flavors in the whole world."


"Really. We both love oral sex. Guys and girls have been doing it for thousands and thousands of years. Cavemen even had oral sex!" I laughed.

Emma smiled and seemed to be turning things over in her mind. All this talk now had me hard as a rock, and I needed to shift position a little to give my erection some room.

"You've gotten even bigger!" she said, pointing down at my crotch.

"It's your fault, little lady," I replied with mock seriousness.

She giggled. "I'm sorry, but I really LIKE talking about this. You're so easy to talk to. I think you're a good teacher."

"I doubt the nuns who taught me in elementary school would think so."

The freshman giggled again. "Well, I don't care. I think you're a great teacher. In fact, I want you to teach me more."

"Like what?"


I looked hard at the horny girl. Was she kidding? I didn't think so. I think she wanted to learn about sex and she wanted me to be her teacher. "Everything?" I asked.

She nodded. "I heard Mollie say I was going to learn sometime. So why not . . . right now?" she said almost seductively. That were the words I was waiting for.

"Sooo . . . you want me to teach you, huh?" I asked sincerely. She gulped once, then nodded again. She had a look of expectation, almost longing. A little sheen of perspiration had appeared on her face and neck. She squirmed her thighs together. Yes . . . she was horny I thought. "Okay," I finally responded. "I'll be very happy to teach you." My mind was suddenly racing. I had never had sex with a girl with so little experience, but with such an obviously horny interest. This was probably going to be her first time . . . and I was going to love every minute of it. "What do you want to learn first?" I asked placing my hands on her shoulders and looking straight at her.

"Well," she said hesitantly, "how about what we were just talking about."

"You mean oral sex?"

Emma nodded, blushing a bit. "It looked like fun."

"It is. But first we're going to have to get naked. Are you ready?" She smiled and nodded as I reached down to the hem of her t-shirt and began to tug it up. Without hesitation, she lifted her arms straight in the air and let me pull it off, exposing two proud small breasts. Inspecting them, I almost shot my wad. I wanted to cup and pinch her stiff nipples that were now openly teasing me.

"There not very big yet," she said sheepishly, looking down at her chest. Taking a big chance, I followed my fantasy and placed my hands over each breast.

"I think they're gorgeous," I said. Emma giggled nervously. "I love small, firm ones, just like these." I continued to caress her pert breasts with both hands. The nipples immediately popped fully erect.

"Oh!" she gasped, "that feels awesome!"

"It's supposed to. This is one of a girl's special places," I said, rolling her stiff nipples between my fingers. Then I leaned forward and placed my lips over her closest breast and enthusiastically kissed her nipple, following up with a quick lick."There are others . . . and I can’t wait to show you. Why don't you stand up so we can get you out of those shorts?”

Without any hesitation, Emma stood up in front of me, quivering slightly. She was trying to act cool, but I knew she was nervous. Actually, so was I. Snapping the button on her denim shorts, I pulled down the zipper, and then tugged them over her narrow hips until they fell to her ankles. She stepped out of them and I tossed them into the corner along with mine. Emma was now dressed in just her cotton panties, the little pink ones with hearts on them.

I smiled up at her, and saw the trusting look in her eyes, and then hooked my thumbs into the waistband and began to pull them down. As they slid downwards, my eyes were drawn to her naked pussy that I had just exposed. I wasn't sure if she would have any pubic hair or not and I soon found out she had shaved and there was nothing there. There was just a hint of light fuzz on her mons, barely visible. The prepuce peeked out from her pussy lips, begging to be kissed. I'd soon get to that, but first I had to fondle her a little bit. I reached out and gently began to stroke the moist lips between her legs. I located her clit and began to manipulate it, in ways that I knew girls loved.

"Ahhhh!" she moaned, shuddering as my finger slipped between her moist pussy lips and I began to stimulate her clitoris even more.

"Mmmm, you're good and wet down there," I said. "That's perfect. It means you're getting all excited . . . and that makes me get very horny!"

"Are you going to take off your shorts?" Emma asked, with a hopeful look on her face.

"No," I said with a grin, standing up and motioning her to sit down on the bed. "You are. Just be kinda careful pulling down the zipper, okay?"

After sitting down, Emma giggled and reached up, unfastening the button and slowly pulling down the zipper. She spread apart the sides and my rock-hard cock poked out, aiming right at her face. "Oooh! You very naughty boy. You don’t have on any undies, " she marveled as she examined her first adult cock up close.

"Go ahead and touch it," I said. "See what it feels like." Emma reached out and tentatively wrapped the fingers of one hand around my pole. I couldn't stop a little groan of pleasure when she gently squeezed.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" she asked with a concerned look.

"No, Emma. It feels great. Wrap your fingers around it and stroke it up and down for me." The freshman girl did as she was told and began to pull up and down on my shaft. I was so excited I knew I would cum in seconds . . . if I let her continue. I didn't want that right now . . . there was too much to show her first. I carefully moved her hand off of my rod, and she looked up with a disappointed look on her face.

"I don’t want to shoot my load just yet Emma. It’s time for me to do a little lovemaking. I want you to lean back on your hands, push your hips forward and open up your legs for me. I want to closely examine this tight little pussy of yours.” Emma shifted forward and assumed the position I had suggested. I got down on my knees in front of her and looked down and was fascinated by her glistening pussy just waiting for me. I reached out and gently spread her pussy lips with my thumbs. She whimpered a little, but I didn't stop, bringing my face down until I was just an inch away. The aroma of her recent shower filled my nostrils and my cock lurched as I stuck out my tongue and gently tickled the tip of her clit.

"AH!" she screamed. "Oh, wow!" “That’s the best. Please keep doing it!” I licked harder, lapping up and down with my tongue, and then coming back up to her clit. I tickled her clitoris again with the tip of my tongue.

"Ungggh!" she screeched. Whether it was because of the dope we smoked or not, Emma was soon very sensitive to this kind of stimulation. For fifteen or twenty minutes, I used every oral technique I knew, licking, kissing, sucking and gently chewing at her genitals. She whimpered and moaned throughout my lovefest. At one point she put her hands on my head and pulled me tight into her pussy, grinding it into my face. Then she wrapped her legs around my shoulders, lifted her hips upwards and writhed in pleasure. Finally, I caught her clit between my teeth and batted the end with my tongue tip until she was screaming and crying and having possibly her first real orgasm. Her entire body shook with relief and pure satisfaction.

"Did you like that, Emma?" I asked reaching up and cupping her breasts.

"Oh, yeah!" she said dreamily. "No wonder Mollie liked it so much. It was great! I wanna do that again!"

"I'm sure we will, sweetheart," I said, stroking her soft hair. "But now it's your turn to make me feel just as great." She smiled at my words and inspected my rock hard cock. "How do I make that happen?" she asked innocently.

"First . . . let's change positions. I'll sit on the edge of the bed and lean back and you kneel down and get between my legs." We quickly rearranged ourselves and Emma knelt in front of me, reaching one hand up to grab my shaft and bring her face to within an inch or two of my cock head. I could feel her hot breath on me, and it just made me grow harder. "Okay, the first thing is to get my hard cock all wet. But first, why don't you start by kissing the end of it. But first, I want you to ask permission." Emma backed away with an enquiring look on her face.

“Huh?” she said. I was curious whether she would play along with a little dirty chitchat, which I loved.

“Go ahead, be polite,” I suggested. She smiled and looking at my long shaft and she said:

“Michael . . . can I kiss this for you?” she asked, still examining my stiff cock.

“What is it that you want to kiss, Emma?” I asked. She smiled and I could tell she was going to play along.

“I want to kiss this big cock of yours,” she stated. I gently placed one hand on her head and with the other, I grasped the base of my shaft and tilted it so that it rubbed against her cheek, over her nose and then softly over her pink lips. She attempted to move back slightly, but my hand held her head in place as the underside of my cock moved along her lips.

“Well, this guy would love that . . . so please do,” I said letting go of her head and watching how she pursed her lips together and then placed a kiss on my glans.

“Take a hold of my cock at the base, Emma . . . and ask me what else you might want to do with it,” I whispered. Before she could say anything, I lowered my hands to her breasts, found her rigid nipples and began to gently squeeze them. Emma moaned and began:

“Can I lick your cock all over for a while?” she asked, truly enjoying my efforts on her nipples.

“Oh yes girl. I would love that,” I said. Keeping control of my cock at the base, I watched her tongue come out and just above where she was holding my 8” shaft, she began to lap all over the skin. She was paying special attention to the head as she twirled her tongue over and around it. Soon every inch was shiny with her spit.

“I want to do like my sister, and SUCK your cock . . . if that’s ok, Mike” she asked.

“Look at me Emma,” I said. “Curl your lips like this over your teeth. Yup just like that. Now keep your hand on my cock below and lower your mouth over my big cock.” Probably taking mental notes earlier when her sister was sucking my shaft, the young girl aimed her open mouth over the tip of it and lowered down.

“YES . . . YES Emma. Move your head up and down and at the same time keep squeezing my cock and jacking it up and down.” I leaned back and to my joy, this younger version of her sister, slowly followed my instructions. I let her go at it for several minutes, and then I asked:

“Do you like sucking cock?” Momentarily she lifted her head, leaving a trail of saliva trailing down to my shaft.

“I love sucking THIS cock. In fact . . . I think you can call me your favorite cocksucker.” I laughed at her dirty thoughts.

“You will need much more practice Emma, but right now, you certainly are my favorite cocksucker. Maybe later, you can suck other guy’s cocks for them and gain some more experience.”

“I would love that,” she said going down on my shaft once again.

Moving her hand up and down, she stuck out her tongue, and began to run it all over the head of my cock. The feeling was incredible. She began taking long swipes up and down the shaft of my cock, obviously emulating what she had seen Mollie do earlier. "Oh, Emma," I moaned. "That feels amazing. You're doing really good!" Emma smiled looking up at me, then went back to work, licking up to the tip then all the way back down to my balls. Then she rubbed the head of my cock all over her lips before opening her mouth wide and slipping her lips over the top. She made a guttural sound in her throat as she took her first long, clinging suck on my rod. I felt her working her tongue all around the underside as she sucked. It felt exquisite. "Mmmm," I moaned. "That feels incredible."

Emma popped the cock head from her mouth and let it rest against her lips as she looked up at me with a coquettish smile. "I like this, Mike," she said. "I like it a lot."

"So do I,” I laughed. She popped the head back into her mouth and began sucking again, this time a little stronger. She moaned around the cock head, and then slowly sank her mouth further down until she had about half my length between her lips. "Oh, yeah!" I cried. "That's the way. Now pump it in and out of those lips, just the way you saw your sister doing." Emma began moving her head back and forth, pumping me with one hand while her lips clung to the shaft as it went in and out. She took more and more until she choked a little bit. She pulled back and looked up at me. "Sorry," she said quietly.

"That's okay, sweetheart," I reassured the young girl. " Someday you'll be able to take the whole thing right down your throat. You're a natural at this." Emma smiled again and went back to work. She really was good for someone with no experience. I could feel the rumbling in my balls and that meant my orgasm was approaching. "I'm going to cum soon, Emma," I said. "Do you want to swallow it?"

The young girl pulled my cock out and held it with both hands. "You bet I do! But I want you to spray all over my face first," she laughed and leaning over she found her purse on the floor, and quickly took out her phone and handed it to me. “Take my picture Mike.” I couldn’t believe what she was suggesting . . . so before she changed her mind, I immediately flipped her phone to video and aimed it up at her face . . . now hovering over my cock.

“Here goes,” she shouted and she moved her hand up and down the slippery shaft and lowered her head. As soon as she said that, a big stream of hot sperm shot from the tip of my cock and landed on her forehead. She was laughing and screaming as she re-aimed my cock as another blast shot out and coated her lips.

She continued to wank on my rod as the third shot, landed on her outstretched tongue. Sticking out her tongue again, the last few smaller spurts landed right on it and a final blast went directly down her throat. I continued to keep shooting and told her to swallow all of it. She closed her mouth and quickly opened it back up and all my juices were gone. I stood up and holding my cock in my hand I began to rub my shaft all over her face, still capturing everything with her camera. Slowly my cock began to shrink in size. Emma knelt back, with her entire face covered with my juices.

"You drained me," I said and a big smile came across her cum stained face.

"Did I do it right?" she asked, running her tongue over her lips.

"You sure did! That was great! Did you like it?"

Emma continued smiling. "Yeah, I really did! I really liked it! Can we do it again?"

"Not for a little while," I said. "You wore me out. I need some recovery time. Let’s lay down for a few minutes." She giggled at that, and then crawled up on the bed next to me, laying her head down on my chest. We snuggled for a few minutes, then she looked up at me and said softly, "Thank you, Mike. That was great. I want you to teach me more stuff." And you will learn how that took place in the next chapter.


2024-04-18 16:33:26
mmm i cant believe no one else commented on this! i had soo much fun visiting my several..much older college sisters while in HS..and ..before:):) all over new england..partying..getting high and finding out how many guys luvved..fucking the "baby sister!! crissynh50ptatmaildotcom


2019-06-28 10:41:24
I was Emma.. had my first gang bang visiting my siter and her bf at college. when i was a hs freshman..

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