**This is part fact and part fiction, it is up to you to decide which parts are which**
I am 5'4, c cup breasts, a little pudge around the middle but still small enough to have a nice figure, nice round ass and I have red hair. Your mostly average girl next door type. I've been single for awhile now, by choice. Men have been far too much trouble. But not having someone to come home to has grown increasingly depressing so I decided to adopt a dog. I went to the local shelters and couldn't find one that fit with my lifestyle. After searching for weeks online I came across an ad on a local page for a large breed dog who needed to be rehomed. The owners were moving out of town and couldn't take him with them. I met with them that afternoon and fell in love with him. He's a Pit Bull/ Husky mix. Hes got the size,coloring and look of the Husky but the broad shoulders and hair of the Pit.
He was well mannered and did great on the ride home. When I let him inside he went straight to the couch and laid down making himself at home immediately. He followed me around the all night and laid on the floor in the bathroom when I took my shower. When I got out I wrapped myself in a towel and sat on the edge of the tub and went to work drying my hair. Out of nowhere Bruce started licking my leg. I thought he was just kind of licking the water droplets off so I patted him on the head and pushed him away and went back to my hair. He immediately started licking my leg again and I let it go, I was beyond ready for bed. I ignore Bruce and his nonstop leg licking while I dry my hair...until I noticed his tongue on my inner thigh. I pushed him away and told him no. He cocked his head and looked at me but didn't move. I finished my hair and quickly dried the rest of my body off and wrapped myself up in my robe and went to bed shedding the robe before I laid down. Bruce hopped up on the bed with me and made himself comfortable under the covers curled up against me. He was warm and comforting. I quickly drifted off to sleep. An hour or so after falling asleep I was woken up to the feeling of his tongue lapping at my thighs again. I pushed him away in my half awake state and went back to sleep. Again I was woken up to his warm tongue but this time it was on my pussy. I briefly hesitated before pushing him away and firmly telling him no. I laid there for a bit, aroused and feeling guilty about it. He could smell my arousal because he kept trying to push his nose between my legs and licking at my wetness. I eventually fell asleep again and was woken to his tongue probing at the opening to my pussy. I was dripping wet and on the verge of an orgasm within seconds of opening my eyes. This time though, I didn't push him away. I adjusted a bit and his wide tongue ran across my clit pushing me closer to the edge. I threw the covers off and looked down at this giant dog licking my cunt and felt a twinge of guilt just before he made me orgasm. My back arched and my whole body shook as I came harder than I had in months. He kept licking, but with more excitement. He seemed to like the taste of my juices. It was that moment that I made the decision to let him fuck me. I wanted his doggy cock inside me so bad. I got up on my hands and knees and presented my ass to him. He knew what to do. He wrapped his front paws around me and started blindly jabbing trying to get his hardness into me. I adjusted a few times and he finally hit the spot. His cock slid inside me and he went crazy fucking me dripping pussy. I was his bitch. I came again, my pussy clamping down on his cock as he continued to fuck me harder and faster than any man every had. I was moaning with every thrust and close to another orgasm almost immediately. Then I felt something much bigger pressing into my opening. He was trying to knot me. I couldnt help myself and I pushed back against it as his knot entered me. It was massive and painful but I wanted to feel him cum inside me. He kept fucking me, barely moving out before slamming back in, the knot preventing him from pulling out anymore. Then he came emptying his load into me. I came again, moaning and rubbing my clit. He tried to pull away but his knot had us stuck. I waited and he was eventually able to pull out. When he did his cum came running out of me and down my thighs. He went off to the edge of the bed to lick himself and I went to sleep, feeling guilty and quite satisfied. I found a new best friend and a new lover all in one. I couldn't wait to let him fuck me again. I was officially his bitch.
The next morning I woke up to him nosing at my thighs trying to get them apart. I willingly opened my legs and he immediately lapping at my cunt. I was wet instantly. I was close to cumming and stopped him. What was I doing?! Letting a dog eat and fuck me like some kind of depraved sicko! I couldn't let him continue even if I wanted him to. I quickly got up and went to the bathroom to clean up from the night before. He followed me into the bathroom and sat there staring at me and whining. I put my foot up on the counter to wash my lady parts and he jumped up and stuck his nose against my pussy and licked from my opening to my clit. It sent a shiver up my spine and I didn't have it in me to push him away. I let him lick me until I came three times. I could see his dick hanging out and I felt bad for not giving him some relief. I went into the drawer I keep all my toys in and got out my butt plug. I slid it into my ass and then knelt down on the floor, holding on to the edge of the tub. He immediately mounted me and started trying to get his cock inside my tight pussy. He soon found the hole and started ramming into me with more force than last night. His body slamming into me kept pushing on the plug and it wasn't long before I was cumming again. He knotted me again, filling my aching cunt with his doggy cum. I came with him and we laid in the bathroom floor until he could free himself from me. His cum spilling out of me on to the bathmat. I laid there totally satisfied, ass still plugged until I could find the energy to move. I cleaned up again and went to make breakfast for me and Bruce. He got eggs and ham for being such a good boy. I can't wait to let him fuck me again. Maybe next time I'll let him have my ass.