Just leaving college for the summer, Mike is talked into watching his sisters 4 young teenage daughters. Watching only lasts so long until doing takes over.
My sister had children very soon after her total disaster marriage. Sam was basically a pig and after the kids were in school, he divorced her, leaving her the house and a sizable amount of money in the settlement. She and I were several years apart and I had always been informed by my parents, my birth was “an accident”. Susie lived in the country, and I remember spending a few weeks at her large farm house several years before. When I was out there, her four daughters, were still small and I became their favorite uncle, being only a few years older than they were.
There was a large pool in their backyard, and the basement was finished as a game room, complete with a wet bar, couch, big screen monitor, and a Ping-Pong table. She had divorced her husband after catching him fooling around with his secretary. The settlement left her in sole custody of their four young daughters. The last time our family had visited them, the girls were young and rather bratty, always pestering me.
I had finished my second year at State, and I was looking forward to making some money and enjoying my summer. I had to leave my dorm and move back with my parents for a couple of months. Then all of a sudden, that changed. On my way back home, my cell phone rang and it was my sister Susie. She had a proposal for me that she thought would help me out financially and help her get some time away from her daughters, which would be beneficial for everyone.
"Hi Mike, I spoke with Mom about this, and she thinks it would be alright," she began. "I've been invited by a new friend of mine to go on a three-week cruise, but I can't get someone responsible to watch the house and kids when I'm gone. I'll pay you $1,000 for the three weeks, along with grocery money. The girls have promised me they'll behave themselves while I'm gone. What do you think?"
I wasn't sure what to think. The idea of spending three weeks watching those bratty younger kids certainly didn't thrill me, but $1,000 was more money than I thought I could make all summer long, doing chores for neighbors. "Well, I suppose it would be alright," I said. "Will I have to cook and clean up after the kids too?"
"Absolutely not," she said. "I've already made a schedule for them, where they will cook and do chores on alternate days. The only thing I ask is for you to drive them to their practices in my SUV. Leslie has soccer practice every afternoon, the twins are starting cheerleader camp this Saturday, and little Kelly, who will be in her last year at middle school, goes to gymnastics practice four times a week. I know it sounds like a lot of taxiing them around, but at least you won't have them all in the house at the same time."
"Boy, they certainly sound like super busy for kids their age. How old are they now anyway? I haven't seen them for years," I asked.
"Well, Leslie is almost 17 now. She's grown up quite a bit in the last few months -- always on the phone with her girlfriends talking about boys. The twins, Emma and Emily, are 16, and Kelly just turned 15. They seemed happy to hear that you might be staying here. They remembered when you used to play with them years ago. All I hear around the house is, 'When is Mike coming?' As you know, the nearest neighbors are half a mile down the road, and they miss seeing their friends every day at school. I don't think they'll be as annoying as you might remember them, now that they've grown up a bit."
"When is your cruise?” “Sorry for the short notice, but I head for Fort Lauderdale on Saturday, so I would need you to be here Saturday morning.” “O.K.," I answered, "I'll pack some things and have Mom drop me off, since I will be using your car."
"Thanks, Mike, I really appreciate it. I've been looking forward to this cruise for some time. I'll write down all the details of the girls' schedules and contact numbers for the plumber, power company, doctor, you know, in case anything goes wrong. I'll see you Saturday. Bye now."
That was how watching these horny nymphs began. I remember thinking to myself, 'Boy, this is going to be Hell dealing with these kids.' But then, later that night I wondered what the girls looked like now, especially Leslie, who my sister said had grown up quite a bit.
Saturday arrived, and I had packed my things into two suitcases. Along with my clothes, I stashed some porn to satisfy my late night passions. I had to admit I had become addicted to constantly masturbating, and had to bring along my visual stimuli for the three week stay. Hopefully I could tie into their Wi-Fi to bring more visual stimulation during the weeks I was there, utilizing my laptop. I knew that I could always stay up later than the kids and wack off in the basement playroom while they slept if needed.
Susie and her youngest daughter met me and my mom as we pulled into the long driveway. I was happy to be out of the suburbs and into the country again. My sister’s farm house was old but large, standing on 40 acres of fields and woods. This was going to be a great vacation, I thought to myself, and I was getting paid for it too!
My sis showed me the furnace, fuse box, and gave me a neatly typed three-page list of emergency numbers along with the times and locations of the girls' practices. I had a hard time concentrating on what she was telling me, because I was still thinking about the sexy young girl that greeted me with a smile in the driveway. My sister placed her luggage in the back of the car, and indicated that Leslie the oldest, would be bringing home the twins from cheer leading practice in an hour or so, now that she had her license. Susie waved goodbye and got in the car . . . with I assumed her new boyfriend and left. My attention was immediately focused on Kelly, who was eyeing me, the same way I was looking at her.
“Wanna watch me do my gymnastics stunts?” she asked coyly.
“Sure, where should we go?” I asked.
“I have some mats in the backyard and there is a folding chair next to it just for you. Maybe even you could hold me up when I do my handstands or headstands,” she proposed.
“I look forward to it,” I said as we walked around the garage to the backyard.
Kelly, at only 15, was a very light blonde and must have weighed only 80 pounds soaking wet. She was a show-off too, as she started doing cartwheels, and trying to get my attention. She behaved more like a 10-year-old than a girl almost out of middle school. Her face was very pretty, with a little turned up nose and sparkling white teeth, accented with the most beautiful bright blue eyes I had ever seen. I couldn't believe that I was actually admiring little Kelly as she pranced about -- hell, she was the youngest, but she looked so cute as she spun around showing all her gymnastic moves.
As I would learn later, while the other girls were wearing bras that showed up under their shirts, Kelly's nipples stood out like pencil erasers through her pink terry cloth top she was wearing. Every time she spun on her hands in a cartwheel, her shirt fell back enough for me to catch a slight glance of the lemon sized titties underneath. She was giving me quite a show, and I think she was aware of it, as she kept her blue eyes glued to mine while she spun upside down.
I couldn't believe this. Here I was, a college sophomore, and actually being turned on by my cousin! I must be sick, I thought to myself. Horny as hell was a better deion, because I hadn't had any pussy for several weeks. Kelly proceeded to do front rolls, jumping jacks and stretches. As mentioned earlier, she wore a thin pink terry cloth top, with obviously nothing on underneath, and she had on pink tights with a matching pink wrap-around skirt.
“I am going to do a couple more cartwheels and then I want to practice my head stands, if that works for you?” she asked. I nodded my approval and she watched my reaction . . . almost as if she were trying to impress a judge. Next, she began to do slow, very deliberate cartwheels right in front of me. As I sat back on my folding chair, I realized almost immediately, going at this speed, her loose top would fall away as she was upside down. As a result, her bare stomach was showing. But then she moved much closer to me and did an almost slow motion cartwheel. The consequence being that her top slipped up towards her shoulders, entirely uncovering her bare chest.
Suddenly her bare titties were right in front of me for a few seconds, which immediately caused my cock to begin its continuous growth towards a full erection. She did a second one, and then stopped to see my reaction. I discovered Kelly wasn’t naive in the slightest, as her attention was drawn directly towards the bulge in my shorts. I tried to hide my condition, but was interrupted by her quick question:
“Could you do me a favor, and take out your phone and do a video of me doing a couple of more cartwheels? We are supposed to look at movies and try to improve our technique and maybe later we can watch them together and you can give me pointers.”
“Of course,” I said being totally surprised by her suggestion. Not thinking, I stood up and unhooked my phone from the side holster it was in and prepared to take a shot or two, per her request. A big smile appeared on Kelly’s face as she now could see my full erection poking out the front of my shorts.
“Go ahead,” I said trying to get her attention away from my cock, as I flipped my phone into video mode. The little vixen moved several feet to my left and proceeded to lean over and begin her movement. I was able to get a full shot of her entire body twirling around and around, but when she came up next to me, I quickly focused in on her bare cute lemon sized breasts. It was only for a second, but this close-up would be a wicked source for late night viewing for days to come. Then she surprised me again, after completing several passes . . . by asking if she might be able to see her movies . . . right away.
“Of course,” I murmured. What would she say as she watched me zoom in on her bare chest, I wondered . . . but the video was what it was. I sat back down on the chair as she walked over to catch a glimpse.
“I am going to take a short break, Mikie,” would it be alright if I just sat on your lap and watch the movies with you?” Things were going much too fast I thought.
“Sure,” I said, “you can sit across my legs, if you want.” Kelly was a little sweaty, as she positioned herself over my outstretched legs, and sat down. At the last second, she navigated herself up against my fully erect cock and her tight little ass sat right on top of it.
“Let’s see,” she said moving her butt slightly back and forth while watching the first video. We both looked at the iPhone 10 screen and the quality was excellent as she cartwheeled by me. Then the picture zoomed in on her bare titties, and it was my turn to turn red with embarrassment. “Whoops,” I tittered.
“Hmmmm, it looks like my top kinda got bunched up didn’t it?” she observed casually. “I guess I better be more careful in the future, huh?” she stated with a huge smile on her face. We watched the next few movies and then she said it was time to practice her head stands. She got up off my legs, looking back at my still erect cock pushing up the fabric of my shorts, with a satisfied look on her face.
“I need to get rid of this skirt for this part,” she said, unwrapping the pink skirt from around her waist. What happened next caught me by surprise. Her tights underneath were so close-fitting, I could see the “V” of her pussy, almost as if she were naked. She wore no panties or undergarments at all! I didn’t know what to say as I stared at the intersection between her young legs.
“Ok . . . here is what I need you to do. I will prepare myself to first . . . do a handstand by placing my two hands out in front of me and then using my head as the third part of the tripod. I will slowly bring my legs up, and hopefully remain in that position. If I begin to fall, I need you to hold my butt or chest or back or whatever so that I can remain upright. Make sense?” she asked.
“You’re the boss,” I said, as she leaned down on the mat in a crouch. Placing her hands flat she moved her head forward and then slowly straightened her feet out over her head. What that did was two things: first, her crotch was almost even with my face, and I once again looked at her hidden pussy, and two, looking down her top had risen up again, baring her chest just like a few minutes ago. I stared at both places and then her legs started to wobble.
“Hold me up, Mike,” she warned. I placed my hand on her tight little ass, but she started to shift sideways so all I could was to add support in the front, which meant my hand was right over her pussy. Trying to keep her up, my thumb slipped so that it was right over her hidden pussy lips and clit and my other hand was squeezing onto her butt.
“Will this work,” I said. She was wiggling now, allowing my thumb to keep rubbing against her hidden spot.
“Yes, but I can’t see anything, because of my stupid top. Let me come down for a minute,” Kelly said. As she was falling forward, I deliberately took two of my fingers and rubbed up them against her twat, like past girlfriends said they truly enjoyed. She was red-faced when she sat down in front of me. I didn’t know whether it was exclusively because she had been upside down or whether my manipulations had slightly aroused her.
“Okay . . . here is the deal,” she said looking at her watch, “Leslie and the twins will be home in about a half hour. I am supposed to be able to see the ground and my hands when I am in the head stand position. I can’t because of this top of mine. Would you mind if I just took it off while we practiced?”
“Ahhhhhh, I guess not. I certainly don’t want to embarrass you though,” I said, not believing what she was suggesting.
“You are my uncle . . . so I know you want me to get better at this, so if I have to became half naked to try and perfect my head stand, it’s worth it. But one more thing . . . let’s set up your cell phone to continually take a video of my positioning, so we can again look at it afterwards. Okay?” What she was suggesting, was incredible for me . . . but I wondered, whether my big cock would also be visible as I helped her. I took out my cell phone again, propped it up on the back of the chair so that it would take a straight shot of her height a few feet away.
“So here goes, Uncle Mike,” and just as if she were taking off her shoes and socks, she turned around away from me, reached for the sides of her pink top and slowly (maybe on purpose?) pulled the top upwards, until I saw her naked back and shoulders. There was no way of hiding my stiff 7” cock that was now sticking straight out the front of my shorts. She leaned down on the mat, still with her back to me, and using the same technique as the first time, her body rose up in the air. I looked straight down and both of her naked breasts were now very visible. I moved aside, to make sure I wasn’t in the picture, as I watched her once again extend almost perfectly straight.
I was now on the other side of her and once again she needed my help to remain upright. I used my hands as in the past, to keep her up, but I was also rubbing my cock against her lower back and ass. The combination of me rubbing her pussy and rubbing up against her, made her begin to moan. Then her body began to lean up against me.
“I am falling,” she warned and soon her body fell over mine so that the back of my head hit the mat, followed by her pink covered tights and pussy directly over my face. I placed my hands over her tight little ass, and without thinking began to wiggle my tongue right over her hidden pussy lips below.
“That feels great, Mike,” she said moving her hips to match my efforts. “I’ve never seen a boy’s cock before, so I have to take a peek at this one,” I heard her say. I had forgotten we were almost in a perfect “69” position, with her looking down at my bulged out shorts. I felt the shorts being pulled slightly down and the cool wind hitting my naked cock.
“You’ve sure got a big one,” she said, as I felt her grasp the head in her hands. I continued to wet her crotch with my tongue . . . right over where I imagined her clit was located, which I knew she was enjoying. I inched my fingers into her tights, to strip them off . . . then both of us heard a car in the distance coming up the long driveway.
“Shit their home,” she squealed, pulling herself off of me. I watched as she put on her top and skirt in record time. At the same time, I stood up, with my bare cock sticking out of the top of my shorts. She looked at it with a wry little smile. “Can’t wait until you and I watch that video together. Thanks for letting me see your big cock. I have not ever seen one before. I know we have a secret now, but that’s pretty great isn’t it?” she asked.
“As long as you never say a word, it could be very great. Why don’t you go inside and I will meet the other girls as they drive up?”
“Sounds like a plan,” she said. “Did you like my little titties?”
“I loved them!!!” I said, walking towards the garage, placing my camera with all of the action back into my side holster.
Chapter 2
My erection quickly decreased in size as I placed my shorts and top back in order as I walked up towards the large SUV. Let me describe to you what greeted me when the doors opened.
Leslie, the oldest, had short brown hair and stunning green eyes, and she had obviously grown up like my sister had mentioned. Grown "out" would be a better deion – since she had an amazing set of tits. They weren't very large, only about the size of ripe oranges, but they were so pert and firm looking, and oh so ready for squeezing. Leslie began asking me questions about high school, and trying to act more mature than her little sisters.
The twins, Emma and Emily, were late bloomers and had just begun to develop. They were not identical twins -- Emma had strawberry blonde hair and Emily was a blonde, and had dimples on their cheeks as they smiled at me. Their breasts were obviously growing, however, and they stood out noticeably under their shirts. I looked back and forth at their firm young bodies quickly, trying to decide which one looked sexier. I mischievously wondered what they looked like under their shorts and tops.
The two girls saw me looking over their bodies and smiled, both subtly swaying their hips, shifting their weight alternately on their feet. My eyes rose and met their smirking looks, then darted quickly away in embarrassment. Emma leaned over and whispered something into her twin sister's ear which elicited an excited little giggle from Emily. They gave me a quick look over as well, noticing my taut muscular stomach and chest under my tee shirt.
The twins were giggling and whispering to each other while Leslie tried to act grown up. She made a point of yawning occasionally, lifting her arms while arching her back, thrusting her firm breasts outward. I was truly looking, but I tried to avoid being obvious as I examined her body. Leslie even stood right next to me in the garage, and I felt her left breast rub against my arm. In a reflex reaction, both of us shot a look at each other in embarrassment, and I noticed her suppressing a nervous smile. I could tell that this was going to be a very interesting three weeks!
"Why don't we all drive out into town and get a pizza to celebrate the next three weeks away from parents," I suggested. Kelly had worked her way out of the kitchen and into the garage to meet us.
"Yeah!" they all shouted, and we hopped in the car, this time with me driving. Leslie jumped in the front seat next to me, shutting the door quickly to force the three younger girls in the back. Along the way she raised her arms back and gripped the headrest, obviously trying to show off her breasts to me. I secretively looked over out of the corner of my eyes to admire her fresh young tits standing up under her shirt, and almost missed the turn for the road into town.
The twins could see what their older sister was doing, and as I looked in the rear view mirror, I saw Kelly looking straight at me. She had definitely seen my sidelong glances toward her older sister's breasts. Kelly said, "Hey Leslie, why don't you just lift up your shirt so Mike can get a better look!"
"Shut up, you jerks!" Leslie screamed, "I'm just tired and stretching, that's all."
"Sure you are," both of the twins chirped back.
"Now, now, girls, let's not start fighting, or I'll turn around right now, and we can forget about the pizza." I was trying to control the situation, while at the same time attempting to show that I wasn't interested in looking at Leslie 's tits. But of course I was. I hoped it was a convincing act. Leslie returned her arms to her sides, and the twins shut up for the rest of the trip. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed, and I was also getting a rock hard boner in my shorts, because in the rear view mirror, Kelly was licking her lips, almost as if she were sucking my cock.
When we got back to the house, we went downstairs with the pizza to eat and watch some TV. We sprawled out on the long comfortable couch to enjoy our food while watching the tube. As we ate and watched some music videos, Kelly stopped eating and got into one of her exhibitionist moods again, dancing in front of us to the music.
Her lithe young body was swaying and jerking rather provocatively to the music. I couldn't help but admire her form, as she was attempting to look sexy, thrusting her pelvis to the beat. Then one of the mischievous twins exclaimed, "Hey Kelly, you look like a stripper . . . the way your dancing!"
"Yeah! Hey Kelly, take it off! Take it ALL off! shouted Emma and Emily, teasingly egging their little sister on in time to the music.
Leslie and I didn't say a word, trying to act mature and ignoring their juvenile taunting. Suddenly, Kelly reacted with a big mischievous grin, beginning to sway and rock even more, imitating the moves of the girls in the video. She reached down and eased off one sneaker, then the other, tossing them in my direction. Then as she spun and danced, she locked her eyes on mine and slowly pulled up her shirt. Her older sisters were still egging her on, "Take it off sis, show us your titties!"
Kelly stood smiling at me with a devilish grin and lifted her shirt over her head, once again baring her chest at me and delighting the twins. I now had a complete view of her cute stiff nipples resting on top of those lemon-sized tits. Her tan was golden, except for her light skinned titties and the bikini line around her back. She seductively turned several times and threw her shirt into my lap. I was glad it landed where it did, as it hid the beginning of an erection under my shorts that I was sure all the girls would see.
My eyes and ears couldn't believe what was happening, as this little vixen exhibitionist was definitely enjoying giving me a show of her firm young upper body. Then she lowered her hands to the waist band of her wrap around skirt, pulled it down and off and jutted her behind toward me. She was once again in her body-hugging tights, less any panties . . . and still rocking back and forth to the beat of the music.
The twins were energetically taunting her, "Take it all off, Kelly . . . and get naked for us!"
Just as I began to see her finger slip into the sides of her tights and lowering them, Leslie stomped her feet and said, "Now that's enough! Stop it Kelly! And put your top back on. "
In my embarrassed state I had to agree with Leslie, saying, "Yes, put your clothes right back on girl. And you twins need to stop encouraging her!"
"Ahhh, too bad, show's over," said Emma. She reached over to my lap to pick up her little sister's shirt and gently squeezed her hand right through the fabric as she grabbed it. I didn't know if she felt my hard cock, but I sure felt her hand press on it. I quickly shifted, crossing my legs at the contact, hiding my hard on when Kelly's shirt was lifted.
Emma got off the couch and handed the shirt back to Kelly. When Kelly lowered it back down over her tanned flesh, she bent over and whispered something into Emily's ear. Immediately Kelly spun and giggled uncontrollably as she looked first at my face and then down toward my crossed legs. Blushing brightly, she skipped over to the stairs and bounded up them taking three steps at a time.
"Time for bed, you guys," ordered Leslie to her twin sisters.
"Hey, who died and made you queen," complained the twins.
"Leslie 's right," I said. "Your mother said that you three younger girls have to be in bed by ten, and Leslie can stay up to eleven because she's older."
"Ohhh, come on, please...?" the twins pleaded.
"That's final," I said with authority, hoping to establish my position early on. They shrugged and walked reluctantly toward the stairs. I noticed Emma say something into Emily's ear. Suddenly Emily's head snapped toward her sister's face and I heard her quietly whisper, "Really? What did it feel . . . " "Shhhh!!" said Emma as she grabbed her sister's arm and ran up the stairs.
I felt myself turn red as I caught the inaudible words. I looked over towards Leslie and said, "I wonder what that was all about?" trying to act ignorant. "You got me, they still act like little kids most of the time," she replied. I hoped that Leslie didn't notice my discomfort, and trying to sound uninterested in Kelly's little show I said, "Boy, Kelly certainly is an exhibitionist, isn't she?"
Leslie looked at me, trying to appear adult, saying, "Well, she doesn't see boys or men around here much, and I think she might have a crush on you. Silly, isn't it?" Then she got off the couch and started toward the stairs. I said, "Hey, Leslie, you don't have to be in bed 'till eleven. You can certainly stay. "
"I know," she replied, "I'm just going up to change into my nighty and I'll be right back to keep you company. I’ll also make sure the girls are in bed. "
I sat there on the couch counting the seconds until Leslie came back. This was the first night with my cousins, and I'd already been treated to an outside very naughty gymnastics show by Kelly . . . that I would never forget, and a nearly total strip show from the same girl moments ago. Just thinking about it, my cock was still throbbing and I couldn't make it settle down. Thinking of being alone with Leslie, especially since she had obviously been teasing me in the car by arching her young tits out in the front seat, made me think . . . I could possibly make a move on her as well. Or could I?
Perhaps it was all in my imagination and she really was just stretching. But, she had turned beet red in the basement when I accidentally rubbed into her breast earlier that day. I was totally confused, but very, very horny, and I wanted to jack off in the worst way just thinking about Kelly in the yard and doing her aborted strip tease. Reaching down my shorts, I rearranged my cock in a more comfortable upright position. Looking down I saw my shorts bulging and the tip of my shaft was almost visible as it pressed along my belly.
I saw a comforter folded neatly behind the couch, and quickly grabbed it, throwing it over me to hide my bulging shorts from Leslie. When she came down stairs, my eyes nearly popped out of my head and my mouth opened slightly as I took in her bedtime attire. She was wearing a white almost little girl nighty that barely covered the uppermost part of her thighs. As she stepped, I could see her tight panties gripping her small buns. Then she turned and walked toward me, and I could see her two pert nipples pressing through the thin, almost transparent top. Her back was arched proudly as she approached, showing off how her developing breasts were larger than her sisters'.
She must have noticed me eyeing her young body and stood for a while, looking at the TV, letting me look freely without being caught. Just as she had done earlier in the day, Leslie raised her arms, twisted slightly, arching her back in a long yawn. It was incredible! Her jutting tits were profiled by the bluish light from the television passing through that thin translucent nighty. As she arched, the front of it lifted, giving me clear sight of her panties and the slight bulge of her young girl mound.
"Let's watch something different," she said as she walked toward the TV and bent over, switching the channels through the cable stations. While switching channels her nighty hiked up her bottom, and I viewed her tight, firm ass on top of those muscular thighs. She found an R-rated movie . . . one of those soft porn low budget films. "How's this?" she turned, smiling at me.
My eyes quickly left her rear and saw the scene on the TV. It showed three nude coeds taking a shower as they spoke some meaningless dialogue. "Hey," I said, "Are you sure you want to watch this type of show?"
"Oh, come on," she pleaded, "Mom never lets us watch this at night, and I won't tell if you won't."
"My lips are sealed”.
"Great!" she shrieked, and wandered over to the couch. "I'm a little chilly. Would you mind sharing that blanket with me?" she asked.
I lifted it enough so that she could slide in next to me. It barely covered her right leg, so she scooted over, pressing the left side of her body against me, pulling the blanket over to cover her legs. I felt the heat of her skin against me, and our bare thighs were pressed up against each other. She has no idea what she's doing to me, I thought to myself as my hard on was pounding and drops of pre-cum were leaking out.
The scene in the movie changed to a party shot. Couples were dancing and holding each other close. I glanced down and noticed her eyes were transfixed upon the scene, as her breathing was noticeably quicker. Almost immediately, there was a close-up of a couple on a couch, not unlike the one we were sitting on, and as they kissed the male actor brought his arm over her shoulder and rested it inches above her breast.
I was shocked when I heard Leslie whisper, "I sure wish I was that girl."
"W-Well, m-maybe we could role play a little bit”, I stammered. I couldn't believe what each of us just said. I couldn't help myself, I was so horny!
"I guess we could try," she whispered. Her voice was trembling and I could tell this little fox was getting as hot as I was. It was now or never. I summoned up some courage and slowly lifted my right arm around her head, letting my hand rest right where the boy in the film had his. He was caressing her ear now with his tongue, so I turned my head, still watching the screen, and darted my tongue around and into Lisa's ear. I could feel her shudder with delight at the touch. Both of us were still watching the scene on the TV, not wanting to look at each other, keeping some kind of detachment -- like it wasn't really happening to us.
Then came the moment I had been waiting for. The boy’s hand on the screen moved downward and began kneading the girl's right breast. Feeling totally lost in my own desire and lust-inspired temporary insanity, I too traced my fingers downward over her nighty and finally reached my goal. My hand cupped her tits easily, and I gently squeezed, causing Leslie to let out a little gasp, feeling the shock of another's hand on her tit maybe for the first time.
I could feel her nipple piercing upright through the thin fabric of her nighty, and pressing against my palm. As I continued to squeeze her breast I could feel her whole chest rising and falling quickly in pace to her excited breathing. This was incredible, I thought. Here I was feeling up this adorable high school girl in her own basement. I had only dreamed that I might actually cop a feel from Leslie just a few days ago, and now it was happening!
But the mood was too perfect, and I was not about to stop there. I leaned over and kissed her lips with mine. A deeper more satisfying moan escaped from her lips this time. I sensed her approval and as I continued my kiss, I slipped my fingers under the fabric of her nighty and soon, her bare stiff nipples were in between my fingers and I began to pinch them gently. I drove my tongue in between her lips, simulating my cock (maybe later), as I reached across unbuttoning several buttons in the front and slipping the other side of her night gown down to her waist. She was now topless . . . the way I loved to see girls.
How far should I go, I thought. Almost answering my thoughts, Leslie broke off our kiss and I heard her whisper . . . “I’m new at this Mike . . . and you are making me feel very horny. Could you touch me down below? I have never been with a boy like this before,” she asked taking my hand and guiding it under the bottom of her nighty and directly over to her panty covered pussy. Not believing my luck, I immediately felt the dampness between her legs and I knew she was excited and ready for more.
“Let’s pull these down, so I can make you feel, like you never have before . . . and don’t worry, I am not going to go too far . . . tonight.” She looked up at me and whispered, “Thanks . . . you can be my teacher.” I laid her down on the couch and immediately started to pull down her panties. The light was such that her bare pussy came into view. She had obviously shaved off any hairs, which got me even more excited. I pulled her pink panties down past her ankles, and then gently opened her legs and said: “Leslie, you are going to love this, but you gotta let it happen!”
Leslie looked up at me as I moved perpendicular to the way I was sitting. Soon I was kneeling in between her legs. I slowly slid my hands up from her knees with my thumbs on the inside of her thighs. She had closed her eyes, as I leaned forward to once again view her bare pussy. She had obviously run a wash cloth with soap on it against her mound, when she went upstairs, as I smelt the soap. I led with my middle finger, and gently moved my fingers along her outer lips.
“Oh, yesssss,” she whispered. As I mentioned earlier, she was very wet so there was little friction as I located the hood of her clit. I spent almost a minute softly massaging the hood, and then using my thumb . . . I brushed it gently over her clit. A deep moan came from her mouth and I knew what the next step must be. I leaned forward and replaced my fingers with my tongue.
“Oh, God . . . Michael that is soooooo awesome.” Hearing her approval, I began to make love to her clit and pussy with my tongue and lips. Soon her hips were moving around, showing how much she was into my efforts. I tilted my head sideways and began to drive my long tongue deep into her vagina . . . again and again. I felt her legs wrap around my neck as she attempted to pull me deeper inside. My finger was still rubbing her clit when I felt her body shake with her first orgasm. Juices began to flow as I continued my assault up her love hole. Minutes later, I backed away and looked at the expression of total satisfaction on her face.
“That was the best,” she said. “Can we do that again? She asked.
“Not tonight . . . but if you help me work on the other girls . . . we can do it almost nightly and maybe one day include by big friend here,” I said standing up and moving closer to her face. She stared at my cock, still hidden beneath my shorts.
“Wow . . . that’s big. None of us cousins have much contact with guys, so we haven’t seen a penis before.”
“Let’s call it a COCK, Leslie,” I corrected her, grasping it in my hand.
“Ok . . . I haven’t seen a guy’s COCK before,” she admitted, still looking at it.
“Well . . . as long as you keep things to yourself, I will be happy to show it to YOU tonight . . . and the other girls later . . . not only what it does but what makes it very happy. Right now, I need to relieve myself or I might explode,” I said, grasping my shaft and slowly bringing it closer to her
“Is there anything I can do?” she asked innocently. I leaned over . . . close to her ear and spent a few minutes, explaining exactly what she would be doing tonight and over the next couple of days. Leslie was beet red with embarrassment when I finished, but I had strongly shared my wishes. The young girl turned around so that she was sitting on the couch, directly in front of me. She slowly pulled her nighty that was still at her waist, over her head, baring her teen body to me. Then she said:
“I want to see your cock, Mike,” she whispered and she reached forward and planted her hand against the front of my shorts. Soon she was rubbing and squeezing it, but at the same time looking directly up at me.
“Go ahead then Leslie, pull down my pants,” I coached her. She immediately found the button in the front, unsnapped it and slowly began to pull down the zipper. I had gone commando since the episode with Kelly, so as soon as the zipper was at my crotch, my 7” cock thrusted its way out. The young girl stared at its size and was a little hesitant but soon pulled the shorts to the floor leaving me with my shirt, socks and shoes on and my bulging cock inches away from her face. I would have fun teaching her and her sisters how to suck cock in the future, but I was very horny at that moment and wanted to do something about it NOW.
“Maybe tomorrow, I will learn how to suck this cock,” she said timidly reaching out and holding the head in her hand.
“Yes you will Leslie, but right now I want you to sit back while I spray your NAKED body with my cum.” I waited until she moved back on the couch, spread open her legs and began to wank on my eager shaft. I had come so close to losing my load several times during the day that I knew it would only take a few seconds for me to empty my balls.
“Ahhhhh shit here it commmmmes,” I shouted, and a millisecond later the first rope of hot cum blasted out and sprayed up against her tits. Before the next shot began, I rubbed my cock all over her breasts and then a second load shot upwards at her chin. I backed away slightly and re-aimed upwards and continually sprayed cum all over her face, mouth, lips and forehead.
“Taste it Leslie,” I said, still emptying my balls. She opened her mouth and the next few shots blew into her oral opening. She was so surprised at my request that she immediately swallowed the cum.
“Rub my cum all over your tits, girl” I shouted . . . “and make them grow big for me”, and again and again my cock sprayed her breasts with loads of my juices. I stopped shooting, but was encouraged as she rubbed my loads all over her tits and stomach. Soon her body was glistening in my cum. I found a towel in the laundry room and we said good night to each other.
“I have to take Kelly to gymnastics in the morning, but the twins will be here. I should be back around noon,” she whispered. “This was soooo fun! Have fun with the girls. ” And I thought afterwards, that’s exactly what I was going to do.
Chapter 3
I watched the videos of Kelly in the backyard before I went to sleep and of course masturbated some more and finally went to sleep. When I woke up, Leslie and Kelly were gone and all of a sudden I heard Emma and Emily in the basement. I quickly showered, shaved and got on my swimsuit. The twins were making a racket in the basement playing Ping-Pong. I shouted down to them that I would be catching some rays by the pool. I found a lounge chair to sit on . . . closed my eyes, still being tired from the night before. After a short time, I was startled by the twins, dressed in their cheerleader outfits.
What a sight! They looked so cute, but somehow a little more grown up with those blue and white striped uniforms. Not nearly as curvy as the cheerleaders on TV, but their legs were amazing, and I could make out their matching apple sized titties set high on their sixteen-year-old chests. They pranced over towards me saying how they wanted to show me the cheer they had just learned. I didn't mind a bit, and again I saw in my mind the image of their older sisters naked body the night before. And here were two cute football cheerleaders, about to give me a private show, one of which they never saw coming.
I lifted my head and shoulders from the ground, propping myself on my elbows to get a good look. "I am ready for your show,” I said. They began, standing just a few feet in front of me, staring right into my eyes with kind of strange, shit-eating grins on their faces. "Ready, OK," they began, slapping their arms straight down to their thighs on the "OK" beat. The cheer seemed especially provocative, with a lot of gyrations from the waist down. Or perhaps I was reading sensuality into the routine myself, feeling very turned on by their glowing young bodies thrusting this way and that. My excited cock was just starting to wake up by itself again, and I knew it would be visible since I was only wearing swimming trunks.
The cheer ended with a few half turns from side to side accompanied by rhythmic clapping, and their short pleated skirts rose up higher with each swift spin. Boy, I thought, riveted by their naked thighs, either their panties are very tiny bikini types or -- or -- that was it! On the last turn they went completely around three times, sending their skirts outward and upward even further. My God, I could see the cheeks and tiny cracks of their little butts -- they weren't wearing any panties! From my lower vantage point I could briefly see their naked hairless pussies wink at me with each turn, for just a split second. My cock instantly rose to attention, and I didn't even notice it tenting out my trunks, being so transfixed by this heavenly sight of teen pussy and ass.
The twins stopped on a final clap, and grinning down at me, Emma and Emily had their eyes glued on my crotch. Emma planted her hands on her hips and thrust them to one side, saying, "Well, Mike, it looks like you enjoyed the view!"
I was surprised by their accurate assessment, having been caught up in their web of premeditated promiscuity. "Let's get him for looking up our skirts! He's all hard too, the nasty man!" shouted Emily. With that, they both pounced on me. These girls were strong for their age, and really squirmy. I grappled and shouted at them to stop, but one or the other would loosen from my grip, pinning me down by putting her entire weight on me. Twice Emma straddled my thigh, holding it down by pressing her naked crotch right on my bare skin. I could feel the heat of her hairless mound grinding and rubbing along my leg, and there was a distinct trail of moisture being left along its wake.
Each girl would squeal with delight when they rubbed their naked bottoms and pussies on my arms and legs. Emma then reversed like a champion wrestler and pinned my elbows down painfully with her knees, while her wet-slitted mound pressed right down on my face! I was blinded by the tent of her skirt covering my face as she thrust her pussy onto my chin, then mouth and nose. "Get auughOFF!" I tried to yell through her warm and moist crotch.
Having the advantage now, Emily plopped herself right over my trunks, straddling my waist. As I struggled, my rock hard cock slid up flat on my lower belly, and the sensitive underside was being treated to the firm friction of a hairless little cunt through my trunks. I'm sure we could both feel those few inches of our bodies heatedly rubbing against one another with each thrust and rock of the struggle. Now I felt my trunks being forced down by the friction of her movements, and the red, pounding bulb of my cock emerged from the top of my swimming trunk's waistband.
Just as Emma was shrieking back to her twin, "Ride 'em cowboy!" still grinding her wet girlish cunt into my face, my body twitched in response to an absolutely electrifying sensation. Little Emily now had her steaming slit rubbing down hard on the naked underside of my cock, right at the most sensitive spot below the head.
"EEEEK!" screamed Emily, as she felt my bare cock thrust up against her super sensitive clit. She jumped off me like she had just been stung by a bee, yelling to Emma, "Lookee, there it is!" Emily also jumped up and stared down with a wide-eyed hungry gaze. "Wow, it's so big and red!" she gasped.
I immediately pulled up my trunks to cover my cock, and half-heartedly ordered the girls into the house to put on their panties. As they turned and sprinted toward the house, I heard Emily brag, "I felt his thing rub right up hard against my bare cunny!" "SSHHHH" interrupted her sister. "Tell me inside what it was like!"
When I got back into the house, I heard the high pitched voices of the twins yelling at each other. "He likes me better!" screamed Emma. "Does not!" retorted Emily. "He was looking at MY legs when he got hard!" shouted Emma. They didn't seem to realize in their anger and jealousy that I could plainly hear them arguing. "Yeah but it got REALLY hard when I rubbed my cunny on it!" blasted Emily shamelessly.
Their bickering continued as I entered through the screen door. I had to stop them before I had an all out cat fight on my hands. When they saw me they both quieted down, blushing deeply. "What were you two fighting about?" I asked, feigning ignorance.
"Didn't you like looking up my skirt, Mike? I know you did, 'cause your thingy got all hard. Aren't I better looking than Emily?" Emma asked, hoping to settle the dispute. Emily immediately spoke up, "Yeah, but it was MY idea, and he looked up my skirt too!"
"You girls were very naughty for doing that cheer without your panties on," I scolded them.
"But you looked . . . I saw you," Emily said, "and I felt your hard dicky on my cunny."
"But he got a real close look at mine, though, right Tim?" Emma taunted, "when I was sitting on your face? You could see my cunny lips up close, and you let me do it, so I know you liked mine better."
"Look, you two are very pretty girls. I think you're both very attractive for your age, but I can't say I like one of you more than the other. You're both a little young for me anyway, don't you think?" I said, trying to walk them into my trap.
"So what if I'm sixteen," complained Emma. "I have titties now, even if they're not as big as Leslie's. I saw you looking at hers’ in the car, but mine are nice too," she said, arching her back, trying to thrust out her breasts toward me. I couldn't help but look at the front of her cheerleader uniform, checking out how she had in fact grown a nice pair of small breasts.
"Mine are bigger," shouted Emily, as she edged her sister out of the way and stood sideways so I could notice her tits in a profile. Their proportions were awesome, like perfect scale models of teenage girls in my fantasy. It was my goal to soon get them both buck naked.
"They are not bigger," argued Emma, "I'll show you. And I bet Emily is too chicken!" With that she crossed her arms in front of her and grabbed the bottom of her shirt, raising it over her head. She was now standing proudly in front of me with just an A or B cup bra covering her chest.
"I am not chicken," said Emily as she too took off the top of her uniform, and then to my disbelief she reached back and unsnapped her bra, letting it drop to the floor. Emma of course had to follow suit, taking off her bra to give me an unobstructed view. There wasn't really much for these two girls to be arguing about, as their newly developing breasts were awesome to look at. The twins had fair complexions, and their breasts were almost milky white, capped with tiny pink nipples.
"Do you like looking at me?" asked Emma with a big grin, cupping the undersides of her tits with her hands coyly. Before I could reply in the most definite affirmative, Emily stepped right up to me, holding her arms slightly behind her, thrusting her fresh-faced chest toward me. She was a foot shorter than I was, so she craned her neck back, staring up at me with begging eyes. "You can touch mine if you want. I bet mine feel better than Emma's. My nipples get hard when I rub them . . . Here, try."
"Oh my gosh, Emily, you’re gonna let Mike feel you up?" Emma asked in disbelief.
"Now who's chicken!" Emily proudly challenged. "Go on, do it Mike, feel my titties. I want you to." I just couldn't resist feeling those bare breasts, so very slowly I raised my right hand up and gently cupped her left tit. Her skin was so smooth and her breast was firm and warm. I started to move my hand around it and gave a light squeeze. It yielded slightly at my hand's pressure, but not much because it was so youthfully firm.
"Hmmm, that feels neat, Mike," Emily purred softly. Her eyes were tightly closed, and I wondered if that was in reaction to this newly discovered pleasure or whether she was frightened to look at what I was doing. "Rub my nipples Tim, it feels nice right there." Adjusting my trembling hand, I held her stiff nipple between my thumb and forefinger, rolling it slightly as I exerted more pressure, gently pinching the delicious gland. With that, Emily shuddered in delight, and her mouth fell open to accommodate her increasingly rapid gasps for air.
"Ooooh, yeah, hmmmmm, sqeeeeze it Mike!" she moaned with the passion of a woman twice her age. I did as she asked, getting a feverish and faint feeling myself as my blood was pounding through my body, quickly filling the membranes of my throbbing cock inside my swim suit. Sure enough, that young nipple became erect between my fingers, allowing me a firmer grip. I was afraid my pinching fingers would hurt her, but she just writhed in pleasure even more.
"That isn't fair!" said her sister Emma, as she pushed Emily out of the way and beyond my lust-driven groping hand. "Feel me too, Mike," she cried, "I'm not scared. Here!" Emma gripped both of my wrists and planted my two palms firmly down upon both of her tits. "Mine are nicer, right Mike?" she asked, searching my eyes for approval and agreement.
"Well, it's hard to tell," I stalled, wanting to squeeze Emma's tits for a while too. "You both have lovely breasts for girls your age. I can't quite make up my mind which one of you girls feels--er, uh, looks nicer." In this fever of squeezing these cute girl tits, I was losing all self-control, becoming a bit bolder. "A guy can't tell just by f-feeling a girl's breasts, you know..." The invisible gates which separate reason from irrational lust had been torn asunder, and I was falling, falling further into the mysterious mist of being much more selfish.
“What do you mean,” asked Emma.
“It will take a bit more excitement for me to choose,” I offered. “And you know what will show you the answer don’t you?” I asked.
“What?” they asked simultaneously.
“You probably are too young to see the measuring stick,” I answered curious how far the girls would go.
“We are not,” said Emily determined to find out.
“We are sixteen now, Mike and ready for anything,” said Emma.
“Okay, but before I show you, you must do exactly what I ask and never say a word to anyone . . . and then afterwards you will see the measuring stick.
“Fine . . . we’re in,” said Emily, placing her arms over her bare breasts and nodding towards her sister.
“Okay . . . you girls seem to think that letting me touch your titties might get me to make my decision. Well guys, like me . . . need other things to. For instance, we love to watch girls kiss and play with each other . . . in movies, but to see them up close and live is even more stimulating.
“So let me get this right,” said Emma, “if me and Em start kissing and fooling around and stuff, you would watch us and then be able to decide?” I barely could keep from choking out an answer.
“Absolutely . . . but all three of us would have to be naked to make it work,” I explained.
“I hope we have enough time to do this, before Leslie and Kelly get back,” said Emily to her sister.
“Leslie said noon, so we have a couple of hours. But let’s start over here girls, and get me naked. Get on your hands and knees and get this swim suit off of me,” I stated. The topless girls came closer, and knelt down in front of me.
“Now before we begin, what are you going to be looking at when you pull down my suit?” The girls looked at each other . . . both somewhat blushing.
“Your thin . . .” began Emma. Correcting her I said:
“My COCK. Say it girls.” They looked at each other and then said:
“Cock . . . Cock . . . Cock!” they chanted as they both began to yank down my suit. My 7” cock quickly came into view as they forced the suit down to my feet. For a few moments there was silence as my shaft bounced in front of their faces. I wanted so badly to have them suck my cock, but thought it was much too soon.
Grabbing the base of the shaft, I squeezed it slightly and moved it back and forth in front of their mouths.
“That’s right girls . . . this is a COCK. Whether you know it or not, you must learn how to get boys all aroused and excited if you want to be popular, and today is going to be your first lesson. When we are finished, I will try my best, to pick which one of you is the winner in our contest.”
“Now it’s your turn . . . get rid of your skirts so I can see those cute little bare pussies. I’ll bet you shaved them for cheer leading didn’t you?” They nodded as they stood up and somewhat bashfully unzipped the side zippers of their skirts and let them fall to the floor. I kept my hand on my shaft, slowly beginning to wank on it, in front of the now . . . naked girls.
“Have you two ever practiced kissing before . . . maybe at a sleepover? I asked.
They looked at each other as if they were surprised I knew and they nodded. “Well then, lets show me that you know how to kiss.” Again somewhat bashfully they looked at each other, and placing their arms around their bare shoulders they moved their lips together, and began kissing. As much as what they were doing was getting me excited, I waited about 30 seconds and then interrupted them.
“You girls need to get more into it. A guy loves to kiss his girlfriend hard, which makes his cock get all stiff. And you ALWAYS want to keep your boyfriends HARD. Tell you what, why don’t I show you what I am expecting from each of you. I will first kiss Emma and then Emily and then I expect you to go at it with each other. Would that work?” I asked. They nodded their approval and I moved over to Emma.
“Kissing lips is very arousing, but I want to show you what’s even hotter.” I looked down and inspected her beautiful breasts and nipples as I moved closer. Peering into her eyes I moved forward, placing my lips over hers. I added some pressure and began to move my head slightly. Next I carefully slipped my tongue in between her lips, causing her eyes to open in surprise, and then wickedly thrashed my tongue all over hers, exploring the inside of her mouth. I let this continue, until I began to move my hand up and gently caress her bare breast as I continued to drive my tongue into her mouth, almost like a wiggling cock.
Emma was now breathing very rapidly as her body began to react to my exertions. Rather abruptly I stopped, leaving her somewhat unsatisfied, but I wanted to work on her sister for a few minutes as well, before I shot my load.
“Time to switch,” I whispered in her ear, and I could tell with the look on her face she was disappointed. I turned around and noticed that Emily had gotten so aroused by watching us that she had begun to slip her fingers in between her legs and rub her pussy. I had not admitted it out loud, but of the two, I found Emily a bit more desirable, and I elected to continue with more drama, what she had started down below.
Emma sat down, keeping her legs open, as she watched me place my arms around her sister. Using the same technique as I did earlier, I began to kiss her lips and then seconds later, I thrust my tongue in between her lips and began to lash her waiting tongue with mine. After about a minute, I dropped my hand down in front of her and found her waiting nipples. I closed together my thumb and forefingers and began to gently pinch both at the same time. Emily did not attempt to hide her excitement as she stuck her tongue into my mouth and quickly wiggled it back and forth, much to my excitement. But I was not satisfied to stop there.
Continuing to French kiss and deep throat my tongue in the 16 year old's mouth, and cup and playfully pinch both her nipples, I brought my other hand down her side, slowly over to her damp pussy . . . and then using my middle finger, began to rub her clit back and forth. She tried to make a noise of excitement, but I placed my mouth over hers, and then began to gently thrust my lower finger in and out of her pussy lips. She did her best to moan, and then I thought it would be great to stop.
“Holy shit,” she said. “That was totally awesome!”
“Good . . . now do it to your sister and make my cock VERY hard while I watch!” Emily winked at me and then moved over in front of Emma. They looked at each other for a moment and then leaned forward and began kissing. Just as I showed them, they soon had each other’s titties in their hands and they were using every trick they knew to excite their twin. Emily was first to move her hand down to Emma’s waist and then directly in contact with her waiting pussy. Both girls were kissing intensely and soon they were both using their middle fingers to rub and insert into each other’s pussy.
I watched for several minutes, but then elected to go one step further.
“Stop for a second ladies . . . I want you guys to go oral on each other. Sit next to each other here on the couch.” The girls begrudgingly broke apart and sat down with their legs open. I placed my hands on Emma knees and spread them apart. Next, I leaned forward and began to lick her teen pussy lips with my tongue.
“Ohhhhhh, yeahhhhhhhhhhhh,” she moaned as I began to drive my tongue into her pussy. I glanced sideways and Emily was watching my actions intently and warming up her own pussy as she watched me fuck her sister with my mouth. I broke away from Emma and scooted over to her sister. I winked at her, just like she did to me minutes earlier and began to dine on her pussy lips and almost immediately her clit. She placed her hands on my head as I drove my tongue up her lips. I wanted to bring her off, but elected to switch gears.
“Have you girls heard about 69ing your partner?” I asked. They looked at each other as if I was speaking Swahili, and I had to smile.
“I will take that as a no. So here is what I want you to do. Emma, I want you to lay down on the carpet on your back.” The young girl followed my instructions. “Now Emily, I want you to lay on her the opposite way. No, other way around. Yeah that’s it. Now go ahead and do what I was doing to each other . . . and truly enjoy yourselves.” They were both somewhat tentative, but when Emily placed her excited box over her sister’s mouth, they quickly began. Each of them was grabbing onto their sister’s tight little asses as they began to double fuck each other with their tongues. It did not take long for enthusiastic moaning to turn into two 16-year-old-bodies shaking with their best orgasms ever.
I continued to jerk my cock as I visited both locations where tongues were stuck inside quivering pussies. What I had planned next, almost made me shoot my cum all over them. Stay tuned for Part II
He seems to have a tendency to leave us hanging and never finish the stories. I love the work but, like many of your other stories, it has been over a year and no continuation....