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David, Jill, and Dakota are heading back from the Jaxson's home in New York.
Chauffeur, Game On


Copyright 2018


The jet took off with a rush of thrust. My beautiful wife sat next to me with her hand firmly on top of mine squeezing with excitement. Dakota sat on the other side of me with her left hand caressing my thigh. Slowly my cock was stirring. My manhood had been sucked, fucked, licked, and swallowed over and over last night.

The three of us slept together rather well, that is after Dakota passed out from our tag-teaming on her lithe little body. Jill and I had mad passionate love for about 2 hours. It didn’t matter to us if Dakota had woken up, we would have included her as well. However, I was very happy that Jill seemed to be getting back to being pain free, mostly.

When we reached our cruising altitude, Dakota got up to fix Jill and I some drinks. I stopped her.

“Dakota, what are you doing?”

“My job, sir.” She replied.

“No, there will be time for that with someone else. Your job now is to be my assistant, not my servant. Now, come back here and sit down, please.”

Dakota hung her head as if he was being scolded. I put my arm around her and said into her ear, “Dakota, darling, your job will be to keep me on task. Help me with my schedule. Remind me of my daily itinerary. Also, I want you to please dress a bit more relaxed but a bit sexier. The whole maid look doesn’t do anything for me. You’re going to be making more money with Jill and I than you can possibly imagine. Jill and I do want you to speak your mind with us. We want to hear your ideas, you worked for the Jaxson’s for a while and I’m sure you had ideas while listening to their discussions that they never asked you about.”

I glanced over at Jill. She had fallen asleep. I guess the fun we all had during the night and the adrenaline of the take-off took a bit out of her.

The pilot called on the jet phone. Dakota answered it.

“The pilot asked if we’re supposed to fly straight thru or did you want to stop off somewhere first.” She relayed to me.

“Absolutely, VEGAS!” I said with glee in my voice.

She relayed the message to the pilot.

“David, I’ve never been to Vegas. In fact, the only places that I’ve been were on the jet. I always had to stay at the local Pinetree hotel that the Jaxson’s owned. I was to stay by my phone and basically not do anything unless they summoned me.” Dakota said with a bit of despair in her voice.

“Dakota, that’s not going to happen with Jill and I. Yes, you’ll be my assistant, but you’re going to have your own free time as well, fair enough?” I said to her.

“Will that ‘free time’ include playing with you and Jill?”

“Of course, and maybe more, IF you’re interested. I hope you know that any play is consensual. If you don’t want to play, that’s perfectly ok. If you don’t feel well, that’s ok. If you find you are just unbearably horny, well, that my dear is what we are here for.” I said smiling to make her feel comfortable.

“David, I want to say something to you……. Jill is the luckiest woman on this planet. You treat me with love and tenderness, something that I have never felt. I will do anything you ask of me. I want to please you. My body, my mind, and my soul belongs to you.” Dakota said to me with her heart in her eyes.

With that admission, Dakota leaned into me and kissed me. Her mouth opened a little and her tongue darted into my mouth. She gently nibbled on my lower lip, causing a small moan escaped her.

“David, please take me right here in front of your beautiful wife.” Dakota pleaded.

Before I could even answer, her petite fingers began pulling down my zipper. I reached over and shook my sleeping beauty gently.

“Darling, wake up. Time to watch.”

“Jill’s eyes opened. She smiled at me, seeing Dakota’s hands reach into my pants to retrieve my now hard cock.

“Mmmm, can I play too?” Jill asked.

“I don’t know. This was Dakota’s idea. Why don’t you ask her if you can join?” I suggested.

“Dakota honey, may I join in or am I just to watch?”

Dakota’s lips stopped licking my cock and said, “Yes, I would love you to join David and I.”

Jill got off her seat and knelt between my legs while Dakota was stroking my rigid cock. Jill leaned forward and began licking the underside of my manhood. Dakota put one hand on the back of Jill’s head pushing her forward onto my cock to be deepthroated. Dakota grasped a handful of Jill’s hair taking control of her entire head, forcing it to bob up and down in a furious fashion. Dakota grasped my chin to turn my head towards her and kissed me with a passion that I had not felt from her any of the other times that we played with her. I felt that we were heading down a wonderful pathway with Dakota.

My mind flashed back to Tina.

Am I doing to Dakota what Sasha did to Tina? My mind began to worry. Jill looked up at Dakota and I kissing passionately. Jill squeezed my balls a bit firmer to get my attention.

I broke the kiss. “Huh?” I asked.

“Where did you go David?” Jill asked with Dakota’s hand still grasping her hair.

“Oh, sorry, my mind flashed on Tina. Have you called her?”

Jill shook her head no.

“Ladies, can we pause for a moment? I suddenly realize that we’ve been poor friends. We should call her right now.” I said.

Dakota looked puzzled and released Jill’s hair. Jill stood up and took her seat and said that she thought that making the call right now would be the right thing to do.

I turned to Dakota and said, “Dakota, my darling, we have a dear friend in the hospital that we’ve been neglecting while we were with the Jaxson’s. We should have called her more than once.”

Dakota replied, “I know. Mr. Jaxson had me call security and send them to Tina’s hospital room to guard against anyone hurting her further.”

I smiled. Jill smiled. We had a very special woman with us. Jill asked, “Dakota, could you get a phone call patched through to Tina’s hospital room?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” She replied.

A few minutes went by while the co-pilot patched a call through to Tina’s hospital room. I stuffed my now deflated cock back into my pants and zipped up.

Jill leaned into my ear and whispered, “Honey, you don’t mind being Dakota and I’s fuck toy, do you?” This was more of a rhetorical question, but sexy none the less.

Dakota handed me the phone.

“Tina, Tina.…. Tina, are you there?”

Tina squealed with excitement. “David! Oh, how I’ve missed you! Is Jill ok? Is she there with you? Do you know that there are 3 large men that rotate here in my hospital room 24 hours a day? What the heck is going on? No one seems to be willing to tell me anything? David, help. I’m losing my mind.” She said as if she was speed talking and the phone call was costing her by the second.

“Tina, Tina. Slow down.”

I leaned over to Dakota asking her to tell the pilot that I’ve changed my mind and we are to fly straight through to home. We’ll do Vegas another day. Dakota put on her pouty face but complied. Jill gave me a look of…. Hey, you got her hopes up and then changed your mind. I made a facial gesture trying to express that we should head home and make plans from there rather than from Vegas.

“Tina, my dear. Jill is right here. She is doing much better. How are you doing?”

“That doctor friend of Jill’s said that I’m healing up ok and that I should be able to head home tomorrow.” I heard her voice drop as her mind just realized the implication of what that meant. Go back to “home” …. back to Sasha. I could feel the emotion change over the phone.

“Hey, hey now, don’t you think for even a minute that you’re going back to Sasha’s. Jill and I want you to meet our new friend, Dakota. We believe that you two will become best of friends. You and Dakota will be staying with Jill and I at her home. You are NOT going back to Sasha’s. Understand?”

I could feel the mood change again. “REALLY! Are you sure? I don’t want to be a burden.”

“Tina, my dear, you are anything but a burden.” I responded.

I continued on, “Tina, Jill and I have been hired by a company. We would like for you to be Jill’s assistant. Would you be willing to accept a job such as that?”

“Can’t I be your assistant?” She replied.

“No, dear I already have an assistant. Besides, if you were my assistant, I’m not sure that I would get anything done. You’re way too cute.”

That made her giggle. At least her mood changed a bit. I handed the phone over to Jill who indicated she wanted to speak to Tina also.

As I handed the phone to Jill, Dakota began unzipping my pants again. Her slight touch on my cock made it spring to action. Suddenly I felt as if I was in one of those cheesy 70’s porn videos. You know the one, where one person is on the phone while sex is happening all around them….it made me smile.

Dakota stood up, still stroking my cock and unclasped her pants and let them fall the floor. She looked up at me with lust in her eyes. I knew what she wanted. It was my hard cock. I turned Dakota around and had her straddle my lap. She spread her legs to go on either side of mine. She backed herself up and sat down on my cock impaling her womanhood on my penis. A small yelp left her lips.

I was surprised. Tina must have heard the sound from Dakota because I heard Jill explain, “Oh that, well that’s David fucking his assistant. Yes, dear he is still quite the horndog. Tell me, when do you think that you will be able to join us for playtime? I really think that you and Dakota will hit it off. You both are so similar.”

Jill and Tina chatted for several minutes, while I was having my way with Dakota. She bounced up and down slamming her wet pussy down hard on my cock. She would raise herself and impale herself once again. I put my hands on her slender hips holding on to her. I could feel my cockhead pressing on her cervix with each impalement.

Dakota began moaning loudly, so much so that Jill had to apologize to Tina for having to ask her to repeat some stuff. Jill moved the phone from her right ear to her left hear making her right hand free. She reached over to Dakota’s mouth and stuck two fingers into her wet, moaning mouth. I kept thrusting upward as she kept pounding her crotch down on my pelvis. I heard her breathing slow down and her moaning increase. Louder and louder she got.

I whispered into her ear, “Is this what you were wanting?”

“Oh, fuck yes!”

I pushed Dakota forward making her go on all fours in front of Jill and I. My cock remained in her, although the balancing act to remain in her was dicey at best. With her free hand, Jill shed her slacks and panties. She laid down in front of Dakota’s mouth all the while still talking to Tina on the phone. This looked so sexy seeing my assistant lick and suck my beautiful wife’s wet pussy while Jill was still chatting with Tina. Just incredible.

I was looking over Dakota’s shoulder at her orally pleasing my wife. Certainly, a memory that I’ll cherish forever. We’ve played with Dakota many times since coming to New York, but just the three of us made the event even sexier. In my mind, adding Tina will be the cherry on top of the sundae.

Watching Dakota licking my wife’s pussy is sexy, very sexy. She had two fingers in Jill’s vagina pushing them in and out. Clearly fingering her G-spot causing Jill to breathe in and out deeply all the while trying to keep the conversation going with Tina.

Tina began laughing so loudly at Jill that I could hear it behind Dakota.

This excited me even more, and Dakota became the recipient of my excitement. I grabbed her hips tightly and thrust as deep as my manhood could go. She wiggled her hips back and forth on my cock making it feel like her velvety smooth love hole was clamping down on my cock. Dakota moaned loudly into Jill’s wet pussy. In and out, harder and harder I fucked. Each thrust into Dakota pushed her head and tongue deeper into Jill.

Then Dakota exploded. I felt wetness all over my front, so much so, that it was running down my thighs.

“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK…. OH DAVID…. YOU FUCK ME SO WONDERFULLY!” Dakota said loudly into Jill’s pussy.

A moment later, Jill went off like a geyser. Her woman juice shot straight up into Dakota’s nose, across her forehead, and into her hair. It reminded me of one of those porn videos “Women Who Squirt”. I just smiled knowing that adding Tina would be the best of all possible worlds.

Even though Dakota had just cum loudly, I kept pounding that well stretched pussy. She came again……….and again………and yet a fourth time. Each one being as loud or louder than the one previous.

After she came the multiple times, I withdrew from her and moved up to my wife. Dakota just rolled onto her side to watch. I slid my still steel-hard cock into Jill. I thrust as deep as I could get. I went gentler on her than I did with Dakota. Jill likes it softer, but today she didn’t.

“FUCK ME DAVID!” she directed.

With that, I started pumping into her as hard as I could muster. I felt my balls slapping her anal opening on each thrust. I put my hands on her ankles and put them up over my shoulders, taking care not to fold her to much due to the bruised ribs. This position allowed my cock to nudge a bit deeper. I kept hammering her sex hole. In and out, in and out, over and over again.

Then she erupted again. Woman cum shot straight up from her pussy. I leaned into the steady stream trying to catch as much of it in my mouth and swallowing it. Dakota’s eyes got large watching this sexy site. I guess the three of us playing last night primed the pump for the trip today.

Then I felt my own tingle. I announced, “I’M GONNA CUM!”

Dakota scrambled up, pulled my cock from Jill’s squirting pussy and put my cock into her mouth. I erupted.


As my cock began to deflate, I withdrew from Dakota’s mouth. She had a slight bit of cum dribbling out of one corner of her mouth. Damn, she looked so sexy and so innocent…. but she could most certainly fuck and suck.


As the plane began its decent, we got up off the floor. Jill at some point had just dropped the phone. I picked it up and the receiver was dead, no dial tone. I put the receiver back in its cradle. We all wiped ourselves off and put our clothes back on.

I asked Dakota to make a few calls for me after we land.

First, call Sgt. Johnson of City Police and ask him to join us for dinner either tonight or tomorrow night, whichever works for him.

Second, call the Jaxson’s and thank them for the security guarding Tina. Please put a personal note to Melanie Jaxson from me telling her how much they mean to Jill and I, and you, of course.

Third, call Mark Newberg. He’s a realtor with City Properties. Jill and I need to begin looking for a larger house. See if he’s available to meet with all of us sometime later this week.

Fourth, call the HR departments in all our brands. I want employee files on anyone who has any sort of management responsibilities, no matter how important or how small their duties over other might be.

Fifth, call a person named Paula. You’ll get her number from Tina. Call her AT HOME, I stressed. Do not call her at work. Have her come to our home later this week or weekend depending on her work schedule.

“Any questions?” I asked Dakota.

“None sir.”

Then we heard the landing gear lock into place and the plane began its final decent on to the runway. We hit smoothly. Jill was still orgasming due to the rush of adrenaline from the landing.

“MMMMMM, that was good baby!” she exclaimed. I really didn’t know if she was referring to the sex or the landing. Either way, I was happy that she was happy.

The captain announced on the intercom that the limo from Black Car Limo would meet us at the bottom of the plane when we disembark.

The jet taxied around and slowly worked its way to the parking spot by other high-end jets. I thought I spotted one that I believed belong to Lady Gaga, but I wasn’t sure. I did know that she was due in town for a two-show gig.

“Hey Dakota, call Robert Thompson at the arena. He’s the box office manager. See if he can put us in a suite and supply us with 6 Lady Gaga tickets for one of the two shows.

“Yes, sir.”

Jill asked, “Who’s the 6 tickets for?”

“You and I are two, Dakota and Tina are two, and I would like to invite Sgt. Johnson and a plus one.” I answered.

“Maybe instead of letting him pick his own plus one, how about we invite my friend Donna?”

“That’s a great idea. Didn’t you say she loved big strong guys?”

“Yeah, like you.”

I just smiled. I never saw myself as a ‘big strong guy’ or a ‘handsome’ guy. No, just a regular guy. Dakota and Jill, and even Tina to a certain extent disputed that observation. Who am I to argue, they are all beautiful women.

When the jet came to a stop and the hatch was opened and the stairs extended down to the cement, the captain’s door opened.

He came to the cockpit door and extended his hand to introduce himself and the co-pilot.

“Hello sir, my name is Timothy Andersen. This is my co-pilot Emilio Fernandez. We will be at your beck and call whenever you need the jet. It will stay here in the City Airport until you or your wife need the jet again. Mr. Jaxson said it was for you to use at your discretion. He also told us to stay at the Pinetree Hotel until you call for us.”

“Captain Andersen, may I call you Tim or do you prefer to be called Timothy?” I questioned.

“Tim, sir. Only my mother calls me Timothy.” He said with a smile.

“Tim, you and Emilio have the next two days off. Rent a car and put it on the company bill. You and Emilio are to have some time to visit the city and enjoy the sites. I also need a way to reach the both of you directly. You each have a cell phone, correct?”

“Yes, sir. Emilio…could you please write down your cell number and mine for Mr. Greene.” Tim directed.

“Tim, please call me David. This is my beautiful wife Jill. Do you know Dakota?”

“No sir. If she worked for the Jaxson’s she was on their personal jet, not this one.”

“Dakota, please come meet Tim and Emilio. Get their contact information and begin a list of contact information please.”

Dakota came to the cockpit door and extended a hand. Tim shook her hand, while Emilio leaned down and kissed the back of her hand. I chuckled to myself.

“Tim, how long have you been flying for the Jaxson’s?”

“About 18 months. Emilio is fresh out of the Marines. He was deployed in Iraq for the past three years. When is time was up, he decided not to re-enlist. He was one of their top C-130 pilots and unfortunately due to military regulations and FAA regulations, he only qualifies as a co-pilot until he takes his pilot testing next month.” Captain Andersen explained.

I looked at Emilio. I guessed that he ‘might’ be 25 or 26. Not much older than Dakota or Tina.

“Captain, did you say Emilio is a Marine? And, he served three tours in Iraq?” Jill asked.

“Yes Ma’am.”

“David, can we add a couple more tickets to the concert?”

“Absolutely! Dakota, when you make the call to Robert Thompson, just asked for 10 to 20 tickets. Whatever he can get us for the suite.”

“Yes sir” Dakota replied.

“Dakota, also when you make the call to the HR departments, please ask for any staff files, such as Captain Andersen and Co-pilot Fernandez and anyone else that you think that I would need to see.” I instructed.

“Yes sir” Dakota replied.

I saw Emilio hand two slips of paper to Dakota, figuring that they were just separate contact numbers. Dakota read one and smiled.

We shook Tim and Emilio’s hands and deplaned. Jill stopped to give Emilio a little kiss on his cheek and said to him that she is a Marine also. She asked if he would be willing to have lunch with her to chat about where they’ve been and what they did in the Marines. He readily agreed (but then again, Jill is gorgeous, why wouldn’t he?)

We left the plane and waiting for us was Fred the Black Car limo driver awaiting with an all-black limo with dark tinted windows. Trunk was open, and the back door was opened with Fred waiting patiently.

Jill, Dakota, and I went down the steps to the limo. Fred greeted us. We all climbed into the rear of the limo. Fred loaded the bags into the trunk and off we went.

“Sir, where to?” Fred asked.

“City Hospital. We need to see a friend.” I replied.

“Yes, sir”

Sir, I also got a phone call from a ‘Mr. Jaxson’ asking me to pass along a message to you. He said that your contracts for you, your wife, and Miss Dakota were all waiting for you at your lawyer’s office.”

“Thank you, Fred.” I replied.


As we arrived at City Hospital, the three of us exited the limo. I handed Fred two folded $100 bills. This time he smiled and didn’t object.

The three of us went into the hospital and went straight to Tina’s room. She squealed with delight when she saw Jill. Dakota followed into Tina’s room and then me.

Jill and Tina hugged for a long, long time. They whispered in each other’s ear. I couldn’t hear them, but I’m sure it was sweet words. Dakota just sat in a chair at the foot of the bed.

“Dakota, please come over here. I would like you to meet our dear friend, Tina. Tina, this is Dakota, David’s new assistant.” Jill said.

“Jill, from the sounds of our phone call from the plane, it doesn’t sound like David will get any more work done with her than he would with me. I heard all that moaning and panting. I remember just how well David can fuck a girl. Did she join the club?” Tina said with a big smile on her face.

Jill responded, “No, not yet.”

I sat there listening to them talk about me as if I wasn’t three feet away.

“Um, yes he can. It’s nice to meet you Tina. I understand you’ll be an assistant also.” Dakota said introducing herself.

“Huh?” Tina had a quizzical look on her face.

“Oh, that’s right, I’m sorry. Tina, I want you to be my assistant. It was David’s idea. He thinks allot of you.” Jill explained.

Tina’s eyes began to tear up. “I know that I fucked up with him. I’m amazed he even wants to talk to me. I knew it that night at IHOP. I completely fucked up.”

Dakota asked, “Tina, am I understanding correctly, it used to be you and David?”

She put her head down and nodded yes.

Dakota looked at Jill. She felt she missed something in the timeline.

“Jill, I thought you and David have been married for a while.” Dakota said

“Well, about a month or so now.”

Dakota’s eyes got huge. “A month?”

“Yes. David and Tina were an item at one time. I guess something happened, I really don’t know what happened as David has been tightlipped about the whole thing. Tina, my dear, he only says the best things about you. I’ve never heard him utter even one word of negativity about you. Dakota, have you heard David say anything bad about Tina?” Jill asked and explained.

“No Ma’am. He just goes on and on about Tina. I thought she was some old girlfriend that decided to move on. I didn’t realize that this was so recent.” Dakota said.

I stayed silent.

Then Jill asked me and Tina to tell the story. I knew Jill had an idea, but Dakota was completely in the dark.

We sat around the hospital room for a couple of hours Tina and I filling in the whole story. At the end, I looked at Tina. Her eyes were filled with tears. She blamed herself for our togetherness ending. I tried to console her, but she really wasn’t listening.

“Dakota, could you begin making some of those calls for me please?” I asked.

“Yes, sir.”

Dakota got up and hugged Tina. She turned and kissed Jill and then me. She whispered into my ear, low enough that no one else could hear, “She was a fool to let you get away.” I just smiled.

Dakota told us that she was going to go down to the car and make the phone calls from there. I recommended that she put up the security partition, so Fred could not hear the conversations. She promised she would do just that.

After she left, Jill and I asked Tina when she is supposed to be released.

“I’ll answer that one.” It was Jill’s doctor friend, Doctor Ronda.

“She can go home in about an hour after I do the discharge paperwork.”

Jill got up and hugged her friend. The doctor explained that Tina would be able to do anything, within reason. Her advice was if it hurts, stop. Otherwise, Tina was free to do anything she wanted to do. I smiled and walked over to Tina. She hugged me tightly saying in my ear, “Good, I’m glad I can get my hands on you and Jill and now, maybe Dakota, if she’s willing.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure she will be willing. She has an even greater sex drive than you and I thought you had a huge sex drive.” I said smiling.

Tina reached down and caressed my cock. It began to stir. The more she rubbed, the harder it got.

“MMMM, it seems like it has been forever since I felt this.” Tina said in a dreamy voice.

Jill piped in, “Hey, what about me? What am I, chopped liver?”

“Darling, you are anything BUT chopped liver.” I retorted.

“Well then, let me get on the other side of you and make you a David Sandwich.” Jill said in her sultry voice.

Jill leaned into me and kissed me, she directed me to kiss Tina saying, “She’s missed you David. Kiss her passionately. Let your tongues dance together. It will make me so hot watching the both of you. I still see the lust in your eyes for her. Damn, it is so sexy. You are so sexy.”

I turned my head and my attention to Tina. I gently used one hand to caress her cheek. I paused and leaned into her mouth. Our mouths parted slightly, allowing our tongues to intertwine, like long lost lovers. I worked my way down to her neck, licking gently her throat. I stroked her hair. My other hand moved to her chest. I began to circle her pert chest through the hospital gown.

With her free hand, she reached behind her head and untied the back of her gown. Knowing that anyone could walk into the hospital room at any moment made the passion for each other only increase to a pinnacle.

“David, do you still love me?” Tina said.

“Of course, I do my darling.” I replied with a twinge of worry thinking that Jill might end up a bit jealous.

“David be gentle please, but I want to feel you inside of me. I don’t know if I can handle all of you, but I would love to try.” Tina moaned in my ear. I looked over at Jill, my mind worried.

Jill put all my fears to rest when she said, “David, she will always love you. Please be careful with both her body and her heart.”

I kicked off my shoes. Jill unbuckled my belt and unclasped my pants. I stepped out of them. I was now naked from the waist down to my feet. Tina was sitting up in her bed with the hospital gown tossed aside. She pressed the button for her bed to flatten out.

Once it was straight, she laid back and parted her legs.

“David, please please put yourself inside of me. I want to feel you. I want to know you still love me even though I fucked everything up.”

“Shhhh, don’t talk like that. I do love you. I will always love you. You didn’t fuck anything up. We just needed to head in separate directions.” I said as lovingly as possible.

Jill leaned into Tina. They kissed. Passionately, but different than the kiss that Tina and I had just a couple of minutes before. I knew that Jill loved Tina, but it was more of a sisterly love than a romantic love. Jill had my heart, lock, stock, and barrel. I truly felt blessed that Jill didn’t show any signs of jealousy.

I figured out a way to climb into the hospital bed with her. I was on my knees between her legs. My cock was fully erect. Clear droplets of pre-cum glistened on its head. Jill reached out with her left hand, grasped my cock, and guided it into Tina’s womanhood.

I slowly pushed myself into her. Inch by inch my manhood invaded her tender, but very wet pussy. Her labia circled my rigid member and was clamping down as if my cock was a teat and her pussy was the milking machine. I kept slowly pushing into her, invading her wet wanton pussy.

Suddenly, she flinched.

“David, STOP!” Jill directed.

“No, no, don’t stop. Its ok. It was just a twinge. Please, please David, keep going. Show me that you still love me. That I didn’t lose you forever for my screw-up.”

Jill said, “Tina, don’t talk like that. David will always love you.”

I began to withdraw my cock but only to the point where the ridge of my cockhead was at her opening. I thrust back into her, albeit gently. I began my see-saw motion. I leaned toward both her and Jill’s face and we engaged into a 3-way kiss. One that was filled with lust and a bit of passion. Jill kept stroking her hair gently.

And, then it happened.

Tina went silent. Her limbs went limp. She stopped breathing. Yes, she went back to the club as the very first three-time member. Jill slapped her. Tina responded by taking a huge gulp of air. Her eyes were glazed over. This time she knew what happened. She just laid there smiling. She knew that she was loved.

Before I had the chance to get off the hospital bed, Jill’s doctor friend walked in.

“Oh my. I guess my timing needs some work.” She replied with a huge smile on her face. Jill walked over to her and kissed her on the lips. I was shocked. I know that being with Jill shouldn’t shock me, but I had never even considered her and the doctor. My mind went into overdrive. Ahh, the new possibilities. I smiled with a smile that went from ear to ear.

Jill and the doctor only kissed for a few seconds. Jill whispered something into the doctor’s ear. The doctor walked over to me. She shed her white doctor coat, got down on her knees and put my still hard cock into her mouth.

“MMMM, you taste delicious. I haven’t done this or have been this naughty in a long, long time.” She said as she was devouring my cock.

She reached out with one hand and began messaging my balls.

While she was doing that, Jill slid a chair in front of the hospital room door to give a moment of warning before someone else entered the room. Once the chair was in place, Jill came back over to the doctor. She also got on her knees and together they both put their lips on my rigid cock. They both licked up the shaft on each side. They twirled their tongues around the bulbous head allowing their tongues to dance together. They kissed, with their lips meeting at the head of my cock.

Jill began to hum. The vibrations produced the desired effect. I forewarned them that I was about to cum. Jokingly the doctor pushed Jill off my cock and engulfed my entire length in one movement. I felt the back of her throat. I tensed up, my balls retracting upwards into me. I felt my thick baby juice splash against the walls of her throat. I shot several ropes of man juice into her throat. The doctor gobbled it all up, not letting even one drop escape her talented mouth.

When my breathing calmed down, the doctor licked my cock clean and stood up to fix her attire.

“My gawd Jill, why didn’t you tell me? She’s absolutely incredible.” I asked.

Even Tina spoke up, “Damn Jill, that was hot!”

The doctor put her white coat back on, turned and walked towards the door.

“Oh, I came in here to tell you that Tina is discharged. Here’s her discharge paperwork.”

She handed the paperwork to Jill and exited the room.

I kissed Jill hard and passionately. Tina slowly worked at getting out of the bed to put her clothes on.

It took about 20 minutes for wobbly legged Tina to recover enough to dress. The transportation guy showed up with a wheel-chair to move Tina from the hospital room to the front door. We walked with her. I called Dakota letting her know that the three of us were on the way to the limo.

When we arrived at the limo, Fred helped me gently get Tina into the vehicle. He asked where to take everyone. I just told him, home.


On the drive home, Dakota updated me on the list of calls.

“David, your friend at the arena has 20 tickets and their second-best suite available to you for the second show on Saturday night. He said that he would be happy to deliver them to the house and I gave him the address. I called Sgt. Johnson, he is available tomorrow night after 7pm. He also told me that he begins his stay-home vacation Saturday morning. He isn’t going anywhere since that volcano erupted in Hawaii. He said he cancelled the trip.”

She went on to say, “I sent the Jaxson’s a flower basket with a personal note from you, Jill, and I saying thank you and letting them know how much we all think of them. Oh, yeah, your attorney called and said that he got the contacts from the Jaxsons and is just amazed at what you parlayed, whatever that means. I called Mark Newberg, he has time this weekend but wants to speak with you personally, so he can have some properties for you and Jill to visit. I have the number for Paula that you wanted. Is there anything that I missed?”

Jill said, “Let me have Paula’s number, I’ll call her myself and I’ll call Donna as well.”

“Oh, wait there is something I forgot. I spoke to all the HR directors in all the brands and they didn’t seem very cooperative. Most of them said that they can’t get to what your requested for at least 10-14 days from this coming Monday.” Dakota explained to me.

“Dakota, please write down the name and phone number of each and every HR person who told you that they can’t get to this assignment in a timely fashion” I directed.

“Yes, sir”

Jill began just chuckling. She knew the pandora’s box that they just opened.

My personal cell phone began ringing.

“Hello this is David.”

“Mr. Greene, you probably don’t remember me. I’m Diane. You helped me and my 5 friends at an IHOP a couple of weeks ago.” The voice on the phone explained.

“Of course, I remember you and your friends. They were a hoot that night. But, why are you calling?” I said to her.

“We have your money. I apologize that it took this long, but a couple of us had to wait until we got our paychecks to put all the money together. We hope you aren’t mad at us. We’re sorry we took so long.” Diane said.

“Diane, I wasn’t expecting the money back. I’ve done the same thing when I was in college. It’s what we do when we’re young. Hey, tell me, do you and your friends have any firm plans for Saturday night?” I asked.

“Um, probably not. Just the usual stuff heading out clubbing, drinking, getting stupid. Actually, there is only a total of five of us now as I broke up with my drunken ass of a boyfriend when he was busy cheating on me behind my back with some skank at school.” She said with a distinct bitterness in her voice.

“Ok, that settles it then. Diane, you and your now FOUR friends will be my guest this Saturday night. Text me your address and have all your friends at your place no later than 3pm on Saturday. I will send a car to pick all of you up. Wear casual clothes, but no too casual. Guys should wear jeans and a golf shirt, ladies maybe a nice skirt or jeans. Would that be ok with you and your friends?” I inquired.

“Um, yes. Of course. But where are we all going?” she asked.

“Somewhere I hope you all will enjoy. Now, please remember to text me your address. We’ll see all of you Saturday. Good night.” I hung up.

Tina, Jill, and Dakota were all smiling at me. “What? I thought since they were honest enough to try to repay me, I thought they deserved a night out that they would remember for the rest of their lives. What do you three think?” I said.

“David, you just wait until we get you home. It just may be a David buffet…. hee hee” Jill said to me using that sultry voice again.

“Dakota, did you put that list together about the unhelpful HR managers?” I asked.

“Yes, sir” as she handed me a sheet of paper with names, locations, and direct phone numbers.

“Remind me tomorrow to make some of these calls, please.” I asked

“Yes, sir”

“Dinner with Sargent Johnson is tomorrow night, correct?”

“Yes, sir”

“Well then, would you three ladies mind if we all get naked?” I asked with a big goofy grin.

All three ladies began undressing. However, Tina was moving much slower than the other two.

“Tina, may I help you?” I asked.

“To get me naked? David, you can get me naked anytime you want!” Tina said with a big smile that lit up her entire face.

“Dakota, what I would like from you is to assist Tina with undressing. If you feel up to it maybe you can introduce yourself to her ‘our’ way.” I said.

“Oh, that sounds delicious.” Dakota replied to my suggestion.

With that suggestion, Dakota sauntered over to Tina. She walked around to the back of Tina. She began softly kissing the back of her neck. She gently rubbed her hands up and down her sides, stopping to gently caress her chest and give her nipples a slight tug.

I watched as my beautiful wife joined them. She began by getting behind Dakota, doing the exact same thing that Dakota was performing on Tina. Jill began caressing Dakota’s soft chest swirling her fingers around her small pert areolas.

My cock was pointing at the ceiling. I walked over to Tina. She reached out and began gently tugging on my rigid member. I broke from Tina’s grasp. I knelt in front of her and began kissing the insides of her legs from the knees up to her womanhood. She spread her legs apart slightly. This allowed me access to her delightful love hole. I began nibbling on her labia. Kissing all around the entrance. I licked from the clit to her anus, repeating this several times.

Jill was still kissing the back of Dakota’s neck. Dakota was kissing the back of Tina’s neck and playing with her nipples. I was on my knees licking her pussy. What an erotic daisy chain we made.

Dakota kneeled and met my tongue on Tina’s sweet pussy. She began licking Tina’s rear entrance. Tina let out a long satisfying moan. This created a shift in our chain. Jill began kneeling also, working on Dakota’s asshole. I got up from between Tina’s womanhood and walked around to Jill. I grasped my aching cock and wet it with my spit and slid it into my wife’s wet wanton pussy.

I fucked her gently with long deep strokes. I heard a moan escape her lips. She began wiggling her gorgeous ass in front of me. I pushed in as deep as I could get. Her pussy was so wet. My spit was not needed. I leaned forward pushing into her as deep as my cock could reach. In and out, with long slow strokes I fucked her.

As I expected, Dakota was the first to erupt with a loud orgasm. As she was calming down, Tina exploded next with Dakota’s tongue firmly in her ass, but she had added a couple of fingers into her wet womanhood.

I kept my rhythmic fucking of Jill. She was really beginning to have wave after wave of smaller orgasms. I knew that I wasn’t going to last too much longer. I heard Jill began her wonderful climatic orgasm.


That sent me to the point of no return. I felt my balls tighten up and my cock grow inside of my beautiful wife.


As my breathing began to return to normal, I removed my now deflating cock from my wife’s very wet pussy. I could smell her sex. Hell, the whole room smelled of sex.

As we all calmed down. I heard Tina begin to sob. Dakota asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t believe that I fucked everything up. I’m out of a job. I’ve got medical issues. No one is going to hire a used up personal assistant. I know that Jill is only helping me because she is so nice. I just don’t know what to do.” Tina said thru her sobs.

Jill and I said together, “Hey, Hey…none of that.”

Jill went on and said, “Tina, I want you to be my assistant. David and I love you. We want to make your life better. You will have a job with us as long as you want to be with us…. this goes for you as well Dakota.”

Tina smiled and mouthed the words ‘I love you’ to both of us.

Dakota smiled as well. Dakota turned to Tina hugging her and holding her. Jill got up and moved over to them and put her arms around them making a beautiful three-woman hug.

Tina added, “David, will you come over here and hug all of us. I miss you so much that it hurts. I want you to love me and I’m sure that Dakota feels the same way. You make us feel loved.”

How could I resist, not that I wanted to? I went over to all of them and joined in the group hug. As I put my arms around all of them, I felt two hands on my flaccid cock. Both Tina and Dakota were smiling their mischievous smile. Jill decided that she was no longer needed and excused herself to head to the bathroom to clean-up.

I gave some gentle directions.

“Tina, I want to fuck you. Dakota, I would love to see you grind your sweet tasting pussy on to Tina’s face.”

Tina laid down on her back, spreading her legs and began fingering herself. Dakota, not one to miss an opportunity to have more sex straddled Tina’s face. I watched her slowly lower herself down onto Tina’s waiting mouth. I saw her tongue extend out of her lips like a snake. When her womanhood finally met with Tina’s face, she mashed her crotch flattening Tina’s cute nose.

My cock was now rising quickly. I knelt between Tina’s legs. I spanked her clit with my cock. She moaned into Dakota. I could see her getting wet even before I put my now hard cock into her. Slowly, and gently, I pushed my cock into her wet vagina. I pushed just the head in allowing her body to adjust. Her pussy was wrapped tightly around my cock. I felt her velvety smooth pussy begin to grasp my cock and milk it.

I continued to push my manhood into her. When my balls hit her ass, I felt her cervix touching my cock head. I moved in and out of her slowly and rhythmically. Her breathing became shorter and more stuttered.

I watched as Dakota expelled some wetness onto Tina’s waiting mouth and face. Tina lapped up as quickly as possible, moaning loudly into Dakota’s gushing pussy. I wasn’t sure if she was moaning because of my fucking or because she was enjoying Dakota’s tasty pussy juice. Did it really matter?

I kept up my fucking of her womanhood. Her breathing got shallower. Her hips were wiggling against my pelvis grinding her pussy into me.

Dakota and Tina climaxed simultaneously. Tina said loudly, “OH GAWD…. OF FUCK…. FUCK ME…. GAWD, OH GAWD, DA…DA…. DAKOTA YOU TASTE SO WONDERFUL…. OH DAVID, YOU ARE FUCKING ME…GAWD, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!”


Seeing them orgasm together made my balls begin that incredible feeling of the point of no return. “Tina, I’m going to cum so hard in your wonderful pussy.”


It took several minutes for all of us to return to normalcy. When we were back to breathing normal, we all decided to find a bathroom for each of us to clean up and head off to bed.


When Jill and I woke, we just kissed and hugged each other. I held her for several minutes.

Jill whispered into my ear, “I watched you, Dakota, and Tina after I came out of the bathroom. It was so sexy seeing you make love to Tina. I’m not entirely sure you’re over her. I mean, you two ended so badly, thanks to Sasha. What do you think?”

“I’m not sure how I feel about her. I know that I made the right choice marrying you. I love you. You are my heart and soul. I am so happy being with you. Do I still have feelings for Tina, yeah, probably? But they are not long-term feelings, like I have for you. Do I like her? Absolutely. Yet it’s more of a sexual/lust kind of thing, not love, at least not the love that I have for you.” I explained.

“Darling, we need to get up and get going. We have a busy day ahead of us ending in a dinner with Roger Johnson. Where are we going to have dinner at?” Jill asked.

There was a knock at the door.

“C’mon in.” Jill said.

“Good morning Dakota.” I said to her.

“David, you asked me to remind you of the HR calls you wanted to make today. I’m also supposed to remind Jill that she had a couple of phone calls to make as well.”

Jill and I both replied, “Thank you Dakota.”

“Oh, and I forgot to tell you that Tina is cooking all of us breakfast and it will be ready in about 10-15 minutes.”

Jill said that she thought she was smelling food cooking. “What about coffee?” Jill asked.

It will be ready when you get to the kitchen. Tina has the Keurig loaded and ready for you.

I thought to myself, ‘this is wonderful’

Jill claimed the bathroom first. I put on a pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt and headed to the kitchen. The smell was intoxicating.

I got to the kitchen where Tina asked me if I wanted coffee. I asked for a glass of the pineapple juice in the fridge, as I don’t really like the taste of coffee. I love the smell but don’t like the taste. Coffee is Jill’s domain.

Tina poured me the glass of pineapple juice.

Dakota handed me the paper with the HR names and direct dial numbers on it. I looked at the clock on the wall. It was a couple of minutes after 9 am, west coast time, which meant it was noon east coast time. I began dialing all the east coast numbers first.

“Hello. Is this Thomas Marks? Hi, this is David Greene. Yes, I’m fine, thank you for asking. Do you know who I am? Yes, that’s right. I’m the new Director of Operations for Jaxson’s Inc. I oversee all operations of all the brands. My assistant tells me that you are unable or unwilling to do as I requested. She tells me that you can’t get me the information that I am requesting no sooner than 2 weeks from now. Yes, I understand that this is a tall order. However, with today’s technology, I expect that all supervisor files are uploaded to the company server. It’s not like you must go to a series of file cabinets, copy the files, and mail them. You only need to punch some buttons on a computer and send me the files, as an attachment please. Send the files to David.Green.directorofoperations@our company’s email platform. I will expect the files no later than Monday morning. What? You’ve been having computer issues. Not to worry, I’ll call IT for you. It will be fixed no later than tonight. I’m expecting this request to be fulfilled by close of business Monday. Do you understand? Oh, and one more thing. If I don’t have the files when I turn on my computer on Tuesday morning you should probably update your resume. Am I clear enough? Well, Mr. Marks it’s been nice chatting with you. I look forward to having an email from you soon. Have a great day! Good Bye.” And I hung up.

I looked at my email while I was feasting on Tina’s delicious breakfast. It read 342 emails. A large majority of the emails were from those in the brands welcoming Jill and I to the organization. A few were long winded emails about how they couldn’t comply due to: pick a reason…. computer issues, most common reason…. going on vacation and will be back in a couple of weeks, second most common reason….and my personal favorite, my dog died, and he needs time to grieve.

I moved dead-dog guy to the top of my call list for after breakfast.

However, before I called dog guy, I called Marcus Sharpe, Director of IT. I explained the issue with Mr. Marks. Sharpe let me know that they fixed his computer two days ago. I asked him to double check with Mr. Marks just to be sure there isn’t any further issues, if there is please fix them no later than close of business today. If there aren’t any issues, remind him that I’m expecting an email from him no later than close of business Monday.

I thought to myself ‘that should rattle his cage, having the Director of IT call him directly knowing full well that I made the call and IT now knows of his ‘shady shit’.

The call to dead-dog guy was a hoot. This guy was in our Wisconsin district office of the hotel chain. He kept stopping to ‘cry’. I offered my condolences but kept putting up walls for his continued reasoning why he couldn’t get to the project. I ended up giving him the same direction that I had given Mr. Marks. Get the information I requested by close of business Monday or update your resume. He got the message and agreed to comply.

All 47 calls to HR directors took the entire morning and an hour after lunch. I was making the calls by time zones, Eastern first, Central, Mountain, and finally Pacific. Dakota reminded me that we did have some offices in Hawaii, but they were on the back of the paper near the bottom.

Jill made her calls rather quickly. One to Paula and one to Donna at the McCall. She also called Black Car Limo and ordered 5 stretch limos for Saturday. She requested Fred for our car and for him to pick the 4 other drivers. There was a bit of push-back from the manager, who finally conceded the issue when Jill offered to take her business to Happee, Happy Limo.

Unknown to me at the time, Jill also called Bob Jaxson. She recommended that they investigate buying Black Car Limo, no matter if Happee, Happy Limo is acquired or not. They are ripe for the taking she told him.

I asked Dakota to call the Palm restaurant. Dinner for 4 around 8pm. I also asked her to make reservations for her and Tina at a restaurant of their choosing, just not the Palm. She smiled.

Jill called Black Car Limo back and ordered two limos for tonight. One a Town car for Dakota and Tina, the other for Jill, Roger Johnson, Donna, and myself. She asked them to be here no later than 7pm.

After the Black Car call, she called Donna back and had her text her address to her as we would pick her up. She also called Roger Johnson asking for his address, since we would be picking him up and taking him to dinner. He chose to text the address to her, which he did when they hung up.

I was beat. Being a Director had its perks, but also was grueling, at least in the beginning.

My phone rang.

“This is David.”

“Hi David, its Mark Newberg. Do you have time to talk about what you and your wife are looking for in a new home?”


I put him on speaker phone signaling Jill to come join the conversation.

Jill began. “Mr. Newberg, what I have in mind is something with breath-taking views. A house to entertain. Something in the $25 million or under range.”

“Ma’am, saying beautiful views with a cap of $25 million is like going to a car lot and telling the salesman you just want a car. I really need more specifics. Los Angeles, Hollywood, and Beverly Hills alone might have upwards of 300-500 homes to choose from. Any idea of number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, one story/two story/three story, recently built or a classic, specific amenities such as elevators, kitchen appliances, number of garages, square footage, furnished or not. Get the idea of what I’m searching for before we take a drive to see anything next week?”

I interjected, “Mark, how about a minimum of 6 bedrooms and double that number on bathrooms. 4 car garage or more. Maybe even a small pool house, if available. Large kitchen with an island, if possible. Fireplace is nice, but not necessary. Pool is required. Furnished is not a concern, we don’t want to pay for someone’s old used furniture. I would prefer newer home, not one that would require renovation, NO money pits. I was thinking in the 8500 square foot range, if that is possible. Does that give you enough to start your search?”

“Yes sir, it does. I will email you a list of my top 10 choices that fit as much of what you want. You make some choices and we’ll set up the viewings. Does Monday work for you?”

“It does. Say mid-morning 11-12ish.”

“That would be wonderful. I’ll call you Sunday night to confirm. Have a great day David.”

Jill just sat there smiling. “Why did I even need to be in this conversation?” Jill asked.

I replied, “You set the big picture and I just defined it a bit. What we don’t like, we will modify our requests. I don’t think that he will find something that we will fall in love with on the first trip out. This will most likely be 5-8 trips as we modify what we like and don’t like.”

Dakota stood in front of us tapping her wrist as if she had a watch on. Reminding us we had dinner reservations in less than two hours. Jill jumped up and headed off to the bathroom to start the showering process.

I asked Dakota and Tina what restaurant they chose for dinner. They said that they decided on the Saddle Ranch Chop House. It’s a steakhouse with a mechanical bull and it looks like fun to both.

I reminded them that Tina is just getting over injuries and I don’t want her aggravating her medical issues any further. Dakota put out her bottom lip making her best pouty face. Even Tina had her sad eyes working on me.

“Alright, alright…. go where you want, but please be careful. I’ll worry about you two until I know you are back here safe.”

Tina went to get the mail. There was a lot of it. Nearly 30 pieces. It took Tina both of her hands to carry it all inside. She just plunked it on the table. I sorted the mail into three groups. Interesting looking stuff, important stuff, and crap. I decided that Dakota would handle the crap mail and maybe even some of the important mail. The interesting group was all mine!

The first piece I opened contained three black Amex cards, sent to us. Each card contained a name on it. Jill, Dakota, and me. I took the card off and handed it to Dakota, she was completely floored. She had never had a company credit card before, only her debit card with the Visa logo. Tina had the look of being left out. I explained that until I could get her a card, she just needed to be with Dakota, Jill or myself. She smiled when she learned that she was going to get a card as well.

Jill came out to the dining room and announced that the main bathroom is free. Tina asked, “Does that mean there is a second bathroom?”

“Yes, its down the hall, third door on your right.” Jill explained.

Tina sent Dakota on to the main bathroom and she took the second bath.

Jill came over and kissed me. She headed back to our bedroom to dry her hair and get dressed for dinner.

As Jill and the ladies were getting cleaned up and ready, I went back to opening the rest of the interesting mail.

The next couple of pieces that I opened were just managers trying to get their noses brown ahead of the rest of the pack. One was a hand picked ‘welcome’ card from a restaurant district manager with her office in Las Vegas. She invited Jill and I to come see her and she would take us out to her finest restaurant on the Strip. The second butt kissing mail was a long letter telling me of all the ‘issues’ that they have in Dallas. It made me think of Randall Weems from the cartoon Recess. He is the playground snitch.

I opened a small box. It contained three cell phones. Each one had post-it notes on the screen with a name on it. I began making mental notes about calls I need to make…. the AMEX company to get Tina a card, to the cell phone provider to get Tina a cell phone. I turned my phone on. I discovered that someone had already programed in several numbers, the one my eyes went to first was Melanie Jaxson’s personal number. I smiled. I knew instantly who took the time and effort to make all of this happen.

Dakota emerged first from the shower walking naked through the dining room to ask Jill if she could use the hair dryer as she forgot to pack one. Even with the hair dryer going, I still heard laughing from our bedroom.

I opened a couple larger envelopes, realizing that my time was ticking away.

One contained copies of our contracts. The other contained a news paper article from the Washington Post about the Happee, Happy Limo company and their pension for ‘slave’ contracts. The article also referred to an inquiry that the paper did with the ACLU. Bingo! Step 2 was already underway.

My new cell phone went off, which surprised me. It was a text from Melanie.

“Russian brothers called Bob. Wanted to know if he was still interested in buying the limo company. Bob told them only slightly as the limo company is under such scrutiny by the Feds and the Washington Post. They said they would get back to him early next week with an offer. He said fine.”

I sent a short text thanking her. I moved quickly to the bedroom where Dakota was drying her hair and my gorgeous wife was putting on makeup carefully.

“Dakota, please read this text to Jill.”

Dakota turned off the hair dryer and took the cell phone from me.

She began to read the text, “Its from Melanie Jaxson. Russian brothers called Bob. Wanted to know if he was still interested in buy the limo company. Bob told them only slightly as the limo company is under such scrutiny by the Feds and the Washington Post. They said they would get back to him early next week with an offer. He said fine.”

Both Jill and Dakota squealed with delight! Step 3 was working just fine!

However, our primary step, the one with Sargent Johnson still needed to be addressed.

I heard Tina call from the dining room. We’re all in here we yelled out to her. She also was naked when she appeared at our bedroom door.

I thought to myself, I am the luckiest man on the planet. I’m married to a woman that I love, our two assistants are both beautiful and smart. Yes, I am damn lucky.


When I finished showering, I went back to the bedroom. Only Tina remained still drying her hair. I pulled a suit out of the closet. Tina turned off the dryer and picked out a tie and shirt for me. She gave my cock a quick squeeze, kissed me on the cheek and sat back down to continue drying her hair.

I dressed quickly.

I headed out to the dining room.

“Dakota did you make the reservations for the Palm restaurant?”

“Yes sir. They said anytime after 8 pm that they would hold a good table for you and your party. They already knew of you as the company released a media report announcing you and Jill have been hired as the Director of Operations and Jill as Director of Financial Affairs. They indicated that they were honored that you chose their restaurant to have your first dinner out.” Dakota explained.

“Did you get your cell phone?” I asked.

“I already have a cell phone.” Dakota said matter of fact.

“Not one paid for by the company. Melanie sent them to us.”

Dakota stood there with her mouth hanging open. Jill teased her saying that she will draw flies if she keeps it open too long. I quipped, “Flies the insect or flies the zipper?” Everyone laughed at my corny joke.

The doorbell rang. Dakota got up to answer it for us. There stood Fred, our limo driver with another driver, Marco. He did introduction. Jill and I were ready, but Tina was still finishing up. We asked Marco to wait out in the car for Tina and Dakota. He agreed.

Jill and I kissed Dakota and reminded her to have ‘fun’ but please keep in mind that Tina still is in recovery. I got the eyeroll from Dakota, but I also got a peck on my cheek with a whisper in my ear, “Don’t worry. I’ll look after her.”

Jill and I followed Fred to the stretch limo he had waiting for us. I handed him four $100 bills thanking him in advance for his hard work. He accepted the money and thanked me. Jill gave him the two addresses we had to go to before heading to the Palm restaurant. Donna was closest, so she would be picked up first. Jill texted her that we’re leaving now to pick her up. She texted back ‘K’.

When we pulled up, Jill got out and went to the front door. Donna smiled seeing the limo, something that she had not even expected. Donna had on a beautiful cobalt blue dress with 4” black heels. She is gorgeous. Not the same gorgeous as my wife, but beautiful.

Jill texted Mr. Johnson letting him know we were on the way to pick him up. He replied that he had big news for us when we get there.

When we arrived at Rogers home, Donna volunteered to go to the door to greet him. She practically sprinted to his front door. She was most certainly excited.

Roger opened his door to a smiling Donna. She gave him a big hug, which seemed to me stunned him. He smiled and hugged back. They walked to the limo arm in arm. He opened the door for her to climb into the limo. I caught him staring at her ass as she got into the limo. He realized that he’d been caught, but he didn’t really care.

As we headed down the road, Sargent Johnson let us in on the big news. The Police arrested 11 people in connection with Tina’s rape and assault. He told us that they arrested all 11 at the limo office. He said that the 8 guys gave up without incident and are willing to flip on Sasha for a reduced sentence.

He also said that they arrested a pair of twins, who tried to run but were tackled just a few desks away. Finally, he said that he saved the best news for last. They arrested Sasha, charging her with Rape, collusion to commit a felony, assault, attempted assault, assault on a Police Officer, and threatening to commit assault on more than 25 other employees who agreed to turn state’s evidence against Sasha.

Step 1 was complete. Jill texted Melanie the news.

Roger sat across from Jill and I with Donna’s hand clearly high on his thigh. Jill whispered in my ear, “Looks like Roger likes Donna, look at his hard-on he’s sporting.” I just smiled knowing that this would be a night to remember.

I am the luckiest man on the planet. I’m married to someone who I dearly love. I have two gorgeous assistants. I am after all their Chauffeur.

Thank you for reading the latest chapter of The Chauffeur series. Please leave me a comment (good or bad) so I can craft future stores for you the reader to enjoy.


2021-02-08 15:40:49


2019-07-08 20:17:05
I feel like the sex scenes got a bit in the way of the plot. But looking at the other comments, I guess It's just me who thinks that lol. By this point as I reread the series, I guess I'm here more for the plot than the story. That's how much of a good writer you are! Lmfao c:


2019-02-05 12:05:50
Probably the best chapter yet! Sex scenes are still a little over the top, but I understand why. On to the next!

Anganell BrigetteReport 

2019-02-02 02:38:43
Well, I notice alexfondler give another negative review for this chapter. Everyone else including me gave a positive review because this series represents going d story telling talent! We are all still following the story because the plot has our attention and we want to see where Pablo takes his super human characters. For me Pablo is the STUART WOODS of sex stories. Google Stuart Woods for those who are not familiar with his most impressive body of work. If any criticism can be attached to this story, it is only that Pablo is over generous with the money his main characters earn as well as the positions they are offered without the corresponding professional credentials to merit the position. Pablo you are a great talent and we as readers are fortunate to have your fun stories to entertain us .


2019-01-31 02:48:34
It is very refreshing . Coming back to this site and finding such an interesting and current tale . IDK if anyone has noticed some of the references depicting current events , modern times , up to date .
Very smart writing .

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