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This is a work of fiction. Characters are not based on anyone living or dead. Contains scenes of non-consent. Contains scenes of violence. Do not read if you are sensitive about such topics. Do not read if illegal where you are. Don't read if you are offended by sex stories involving teenagers or age gaps. If you do not like it, please comment so I can get better!
It took 3 years, but I had finally won my suit against my school. Mr. Jamison had insisted that “girls had to use a girl’s bathroom.” He had told my parents I was unnatural. I was a pervert. A slut. He was fired, the court gave us a big settlement, and I had the right to take Boys PE because, even though I had a vagina, I am a boy. I always knew something was different between me and the other girls. Besides not liking any stereotypical “girl” stuff, I was also the best athlete growing up in every sport. I was the best shortstop even over all the boys in baseball. I was always friends with the boys, but never attracted to the boys… or really anybody I guess, I just knew I was a boy!

My therapist and I was able to convince my parents to put me on puberty blockers, but they would not budge on getting me the surgeries to make my full transition. They insisted on me waiting until I was 18 so I would be “sure” … I thought it was so ridiculous at the time, but I was glad they were at least somewhat supportive, some people don’t even have that benefit. The result being that I had just the slightest of rise on my chest and no hair anywhere on my body. I ended up being a little shorter than the girls in my grade and a good bit shorter than the boys after they all hit puberty, but I knew my time would come. It is so unfair that transgenders that start with penises get taller in their transition and because I started with a vagina, I ended up being a little short! It’s okay, my favorite baseball players were all short, I reasoned.

Finally, the day I had been waiting for arrived. I was going to get to go into first period BOYS athletics and dress out! I was so excited to be where I finally belonged, with the other guys! Because it was first period, there was nothing awkward before class because everyone mostly came to school dressed out. I dressed out in a mostly empty locker room and no one had paid me any attention. Then I walked in the gym for class to start.

I remember not being especially happy to have Coach Jamison, Mr. Jamison’s 26-year-old son. His Dad had hired him as soon as he finished college and his teaching certificate and made him the Golf and Baseball coach. Because I wanted to go out for Baseball, I was in his first period off-season workout class to begin the year. Coach started us with measurements that first day. When he came to me, I saw him sneer.

“Glad to have you, Kaylee” he sneered.

“Sir, it is Kayden now.” I replied.

“Ok, Kaylee…. Let’s get your measurements.”

I wanted to fight back, but I knew that the best thing to do was to wait, report it to my parents, and have my lawyer deal with it. It had been a long process, but I had at least learned that much. Coach pulled out his tape measure. I was very uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. He took the tape measure and wrapped it around my biceps, then my shoulders. His hand touched my nipple while he was measuring me. I winced. He snickered. He then bent down and measured my waist. Then, he measured my inseam. When he measured my inseam, he wiggled his fingers against my vagina. I was uncomfortable and humiliated, but I was determined not to make a scene in front of the other boys.

After we were all measured, we did a few stretches and then it was time for class to be over. We went back into the locker room and began to get undressed. The boy’s reactions to me were all over the place. Some just ignored me like I wasn’t there and proceeded to do what they needed to do getting naked and heading to the showers. Other boys were grumbling and making comments about how they weren’t getting naked in front of a “girl.” I did my best not respond. Another couple of boys were just staring at me. Eventually, the showers began to clear.

Coach Jamison stepped out of his office and yelled,

“Stoneman, Jerson, Bannen, Brock, Ramsey! Get your asses in the shower!” the boys that had been staring at me scurried off to the shower.

Coach looked at me. “You too, Kaylee. If you’re going to play with the boys you’re going to shower by God!”

I was scared. Something just wasn’t right. Coach kept staring at me. I finally just turned around, pulled my shirt off and dropped my shorts and started to head towards the shower.

“Forgetting something, Kaylee?” Coach said…

I had left my tightie whitie underwear on hoping to not fully expose myself this first day. I had planned to work up to it once I had gained a little acceptance. I went back to my locker, turned towards it, and dropped my undies as Coach kept staring.

In the shower, the other boys were finishing up as I walked in. Ramsey, the biggest of them bumped me with his shoulder as he walked by me. I grunted, but I took it and I went up to one of the spickets and turned it on. As the water poured over my head, I felt a pop on my bottom! I turned around and saw that Stoneman and Ramsey had returned and Stoneman had a towel wrapped into a rat’s tail and had hit my butt! As I turned to him, he popped at me again and hit me in my vagina. It hurt so bad that I cried out. Ramsey rushed me and put his hand over my mouth.

“Shh, shh… If you’re going to play like a boy, you better know we’re going to treat you like one!” Ramsey said menacingly.

“Yeah, KAYDEN,” Stoneman said, “And you know what us boys do is we help each other out when we’re feeling kind of horny.”

I looked down and saw Stoneman’s rigid penis. I had seen penises. I had seen them hard. I mean, I had the internet, it wasn’t like I hadn’t seen porn, but Stoneman’s penis looked huge to me. I had never seen one in real life at that point. Later I would come to realize that, for his age, he was maybe a little bigger than average, but overall it wasn’t all that large. At that moment, terror swept over me. I looked at Ramsey and he was fondling his penis. It wasn’t as big as Stoneman’s, but it looked like he intended to do something with it and I wasn’t looking for that to happen.

I darted towards the door of the shower room and Ramsey grabbed my shoulder and threw me down on the ground. When I fell down, Stoneman got down between my legs and Ramsey started rubbing his penis on my lips. I was disgusted and humiliated. I couldn’t believe this was how my first day in the boy’s locker room was going to end! I whimpered, and the slight opening of my mouth gave Ramsey the space he needed to fill my mouth with his dick.

“Ohhhh” Ramsey said in a satisfied tone.

“What the FUCK is going on HERE!?!” I heard Coach Jamison yell.

Ramsey and Stoneman jumped up. I lifted my head, and then Coach walked through the doorway.

“GET OUT THERE AND GET DRESSED YOU TWO!” He yelled at them. Ramsey and Stoneman ran like scalded hounds out into the locker room and began getting dressed.

Coach looked down where I was laying. I was naked and breathing hard. A sneer came over Coach’s face. He stood there looking at me for what seemed like an eternity. I heard the door to the locker room open and close, surely Ramsey and Stoneman leaving. A cold fear gripped me. I saw something in Coach’s eyes that I didn’t understand, and it unnerved me.

“So, you wanted to play with the boys did you, Kaylee?” He sneered at me and his hand went to his belt.

“Kayden sir.” I said as I began to rise.

Coach Jamison kicked me in the side. I yelped and flopped down back on my back. I was in shock! My Coach wasn’t a nice guy, but I couldn’t believe he had just struck me! I thought about what my lawyer was going to do to this guy, but that thought was short lived as coach removed his belt, then his shirt and his shorts and finally was standing before me naked with his full adult hard-on. He was bigger than Stoneman, but not by a terrible amount. Even so, if I had been shocked by Stoneman’s size, I was flabbergasted at Coach Jamison’s. It looked huge to me.

“You didn’t think the boys would want a piece of that, Kaylee?” Coach asked.

“Please Coach. Please let me go. I won’t say anything.” I plead with him.

“Maybe you think you’re a boy because you haven’t been shown what it means to be a girl.” He said to me as he stroked his member to full force. “Maybe it is time for you to learn.”

I had no idea what to expect. I just knew I didn’t want whatever was going to happen. Being transgendered, people generally expected that I knew a lot about sex. Sure, I had seen porn and stuff, but I had never been naked with another human outside of a locker room or my parents. I simply did not have a lot of personal experience. When I did think about sex or porn, I saw myself as the boy, not the girl. This was a place I had never been and never expected to be.

I attempted to scramble away from Coach, but he tackled me and drove me into the shower floor. My head slammed on the tile and everything went a little fuzzy for a bit. I was still dazed when I felt his member line up to my vagina. I was coming to when I felt the head split me open. I came fully awake when he drove the head through my hymen. I screamed at the top of my lungs when I felt his balls touch my butt. My eyes bugged out and I gasped for breath. He was hitting something inside of me and it hurt so bad. I know now it was my cervix he was smashing against. At the time I just knew pain, pain, and more pain. I was crying hysterically. He drove in and sat still and let me adjust a little. Then he began to speak again.

“Kaylee, do you know who my Dad is?” He withdrew himself about halfway. He groaned as he pulled back.

“Kaylee?... Heh, I suppose you’re preoccupied…” He drove in full. I yelped again and moaned and cried.

“I’ll tell you Kaylee.” He pulled back again slowly. “My Dad is your former Principal.” He drove back in.

The pain was so bad I could only halfway understand what he was saying. He began to build a rhythm. I was struggling, struggling, but I couldn’t get away.

“You got my Dad fired.” Coach said as he continued to rape my vagina hitting my cervix on every drive.

“Lucky for us, Mom is the District Judge around here.” He continued to thrust me as he talked.

“She couldn’t do anything about the civil suit of course, but when you report this you can be sure I won’t be doing any jail time.” Coach laughed.

At this point, I stopped struggling. I kind of felt like I began to have an out of body experience. I was floating above my body. I could see Coach brutally thrust into my body over and over again. It seemed like it went on forever. He taunted me continuously as he thrust again and again. Coach increased his pace.

He looked down at me and said, “Kaylee, you’re so tight… oh… you’re going to make me CUM!”

I felt his penis expand. Then I felt him push hard against my insides. Something gave way and the pain intensified again. Blessedly, I passed out at this point as he filled my vagina with his seed.

Some time later, to this day I’m not sure how long it was, I woke up. My shower was still running. I lay there, and I looked at the ceiling. I could feel something gooey running out of my vagina. I reached down and touched myself. It hurt so bad. I picked up my hand and looked and saw something gooey mixed with blood. I cried and cried.

Eventually, I was able to get up. I limped to a stall and wiped myself up as much as I could. I stuffed toilet paper in my vagina and limped to my locker. I dressed myself and limped to the nurse. I couldn’t talk when I got there, but she could tell something wasn’t right with me. She called my Mom and she came and picked me up.

My parents were a little upset that after all that fight, I suddenly wouldn’t go back to that school. I never was able to talk about it with them until years later. I simply couldn’t face the violation. Would you be able to?
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