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This is a story about a middle-aged woman who wants very much to rekindle the sexual spontaneity between her and her husband. Their oldest daughter, Amy is married and their nineteen-year-old son, Todd is away at college. They are empty nesters except for some weekends when Todd comes home for a visit and to get his laundry done by his Mom.
Today is one of Marilyn’s down days. She has been having quite a few down days lately because she thinks her husband, Ben, is losing interest in her. When they first married, she weighed only 115 pounds which looked quite sexy on her 5’ 6” frame. Now…some twenty-five years later, and after having two babies, her weight has climbed to 135 pounds. She sees herself as fat, but Ben prefers to call her pleasingly plump. Her daughter, Amy tells her that her full figure only adds to her natural beauty. Her son, Todd tells her the extra pounds give her a more curvaceous body that is sexier and more attractive than her slimmer figure. Everyone’s compliments make her feel better about her self-image, but she still can’t understand why Ben doesn’t initiate sex with her anymore. He never turns her down when she is in the mood for sex, but it’s been up to her to initiate their sex play over the last six or eight months. She wants Ben to be more spontaneous. She wants more romance and adventure back in their sex life.

Ben is a successful Medical Sales Rep who earns a high six-figure income. He has been able to give his family a very comfortable lifestyle. Ben loves his family and his work. He feels he has done an excellent job of balancing work with family life. His career requires him to travel frequently during the week, and when the weekend rolls around, he tries to make sure his family comes first but is often too tired to devote proper attention to them. The children adapt well to his absence because that’s all they have ever known. Marilyn has a tougher time sharing him with work.

Marilyn Caldwell decides to be more provocative today in hopes Ben will take more notice. It's Saturday morning and their son, Todd always sleeps too well past noon on the weekends. Amy is married and has her own place. So, for all practical purposes, they are pretty much alone to engage in any kind of sex play they want with each other. This morning Marilyn is anxious to see if she can still arouse Ben with her natural seductiveness. She wears only a sheer light blue satin bathrobe as she prepares his Saturday morning breakfast.

Ben is busy reading the morning paper and as usual not paying attention to his wife. Marilyn tries to remedy that by not wearing a bra or panties underneath her robe. The bathrobe clings to her large breast and makes her hard nipples more obvious. The robe falls just below her ass cheeks and when she bends over it rides up exposing her neatly trimmed pussy and cute little butt hole to whoever happens to look.

This particular morning Marilyn has planned an erotic show for Ben. A show that is sure to get his undivided attention; she hopes. She is anxious to see if she still has what it takes to build a desire in Ben’s loins. So far, he hasn’t noticed her hard nipples pushing against her flimsy bathrobe. She decides the seduction calls for more dramatic action. She turns her back to Ben and bends at the hips, keeping her legs straight at the knees, while digging in a bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinet. She purposely makes enough noise to attract Ben’s attention.

The robe rides up as planned and she can feel a slight breeze on her naked bottom. The gentle breeze causes her pubic hairs to bristle and creates a tickling sensation around her crotch which causes her nipples to harden even more. Marilyn quickly glances between her legs to see if Ben is watching, but he still has his damn face buried behind the morning newspaper. However, Todd is frozen in the kitchen doorway as he stares at his mothers’ naked bottom. He is wearing only his cotton running shorts. His cock is so hard it looks like it may rip a hole in them. He is wordless and has a horror-struck look on his face. Ben is oblivious to everything. Todd abruptly turns and races down the hallway to the guest bathroom. It takes him less than a minute of fierce masturbation to coat the mirror above the sink with a thick layer of cum.

Todd is a tall, slender, college freshman with an athletic build. His boyish good looks are accentuated by the blonde hair and crystal blue eyes he inherited from his mother. He is often described by his classmates as a girl magnet. Unfortunately, his boyish good looks sometimes catch the eyes of older men who want to date him, buy him things and try to seduce him into their bedroom. It has created many an awkward moment for him, but nothing like the awkward moment he just experienced when he gazed at his mother’s sexy naked rear-end.

Marilyn is embarrassed beyond words. She doesn’t know how she will ever face her son again. She has a sudden urge to retreat to her bedroom, but after a minute's thought, she decides to pretend it never happened. Ben is clueless and still has his nose buried in the morning paper. She is almost certain Todd is not aware she saw him in the doorway. She decides it’s best to wait and see how it plays out. When Todd does return to the kitchen, his mother casually gives him a kiss on the cheek and asks, “What do you want for breakfast, Sweetheart?”

Todd gives a low sigh of relief and assumes she never knew he had seen her in such a compromised position. He smiles and says, “Two eggs over easy and make sure the yokes are really runny. I love the taste when it’s so runny it drips down my chin.”

No sooner than the words leave his mouth, he blushes a bright red. He didn’t mean for his reply to sound like a sexual innuendo, but it came out that way. He hopes his mother didn’t take it that way, but unfortunately, she did. Her involuntary reaction causes moisture from her pussy to begin running down her thigh. She cautiously turns away from her son and husband and surreptitiously blots her wetness away with a paper towel. Todd not only sees her do it, but he can smell her womanly arousal. Ben is still clueless. While Todd and Ben finish their breakfast, Marilyn slips away to her bedroom where she rubs out one of the most amazing orgasms of her life while thinking about her son seeing her naked pussy. Seeing his stiff manhood push fiercely against his shorts was also very arousing for her. She secretly takes pride in the fact that she can still trigger that kind of reaction in a man; even if that man was her own son.

Later that morning Marilyn calls her daughter, Amy to tell her how things went a rye with their plan and to seek more advice on how to rekindle the romance between herself and Ben. Amy has been helping her mother come up with sexual scenarios that are calculated to encourage Ben to be more spontaneous and intimate. Some of their scenarios have worked and some have failed to achieve positive results. Marilyn is undecided as to mentioning the incident involving Todd.

Amy graduated from an Ivy League University on the east coast and had married a very successful young corporate attorney. Amy had become her mother’s chief female confidante while in high school. There are few secrets between Amy and her Mom. They both feel comfortable about discussing any topic; especially those of a sexual nature. Giving each other sexual advice is a bonus in their Mother/Daughter relationship.

In college, Amy used to hang out with some gorgeous girlfriends but always thought of herself as ugly compared to her girlfriends. She was always amazed at why so many of the guys her girlfriends attracted wanted to hit on her. It's hard to understand why because Amy really is quite ugly looking from the neck up. She is, in fact, downright plain looking, but has a mysteriously seductive smile. Her face is covered with freckles, and she has long straight hair that will not hold a curl. Most of the time she bundles her hair on top of her head and clips it in place with a tortoiseshell clip. Her hair is unmanageable and usually goes in all directions creating what some refer to as ‘bed head’. For some strange reason, that unruly hair also contributed to her sexiness. Without realizing it, Amy will exhibit facial expressions that range from enticing, to fascinating, appealing, inviting, and utterly captivating. That along with the desirability she doesn't realize she has adds to her total sexy package.

Amy may not be considered a raving beauty; however, she has a body that most women would kill for. She has beautiful large, well-proportioned breast and a rounded butt that is proportionate to the rest of her slender body. She gracefully floats along on long slender dancer legs, and practically every movement she makes have a sexual attraction for just about every man she gets around

Amy is acutely aware that most guys usually speak directly to her tits rather than her eyes. It made her uncomfortable at first, but she learned to enjoy their attention. And it often led to many dates where she would spend the entire evening prying their hands off her tits. On some occasions, she would let a guy slip his hand inside her bra, and if the mood struck her, she would even let him suck on her sensitive nipples. She never let any of them fuck her, but she did give a lot of hand-jobs.

Amy and her husband, Jason, seem to have the perfect marriage. Amy’s college friends marveled at how she was able to attract him because they never considered her an attractive girl either, but as it turned out, she was definitely a man magnet. For some reasons that they didn’t fully grasp, Amy did have that totally unexplained sexiness that attracts the male gender like bears to honey. Everyone wants to fuck Amy; especially her younger brother, Todd.

Amy can see by the caller id that her mother is calling. She picks the phone up on the first ring and says, “Hi, Mom…what’s so important that you call this early on a Saturday morning?”

“Oh, Amy…I am so embarrassed.”

“What is it, Mom? You sound like you are out of breath.”

"I just did something really f, and I don't know how to handle it."

There is a long pause before Amy finally asks, “Well are you going to tell me about it? The suspense is killing me.”

“I just let your little brother see my bare ass and pussy.”

“You did what?”

“You heard me correctly. I was trying to be sexy for your Dad. I did like you suggested and bent over letting my bathrobe ride up to expose my bare rear end. Your Dad missed it because he had his damn head in the morning paper, but Todd came into the kitchen at that very moment and stood frozen staring at my naked butt.”

“I thought Todd was at school this weekend.”

“He came home unexpectant late last night, and I was sure he'd sleep until noon. I was totally shocked when I realized he was standing in the kitchen doorway staring at my naked ass."

“Oh my God. What did you say?”

"Nothing! It happened so fast. Your Dad never looked up from the paper, and Todd rushed down the hall to the bathroom. I am pretty sure he went to jerk off. When he came back to the kitchen, he acted kind of smug, but nervous. When I asked him what he wanted for breakfast, he said two eggs over easy and make them runny because he loves the taste when it's really runny.”

“So what wrong with him wanting runny eggs?”

“Don’t see, Amy? I don’t think he was really talking about the eggs being runny. I think he was talking about my pussy. I think he is saying he wants to taste my runny pussy. The runny eggs were just a metaphor for my runny pussy.”

“Are you sure, Mom?” There is skepticism in her voice.

“Yes…I’m sure. He has been looking at me for the last few months in ways a son should never look at his own mother. Ever since he started to college, it's like he is undressing me with his eyes. Now he doesn't have to imagine what I look like naked because I just showed him my naked butt.”

“Mom…all teenage boys look at their mother like that at some time or another. It’s part of growing into manhood,” Amy suggests and the adds. “Don’t you think you may be reading too much into the situation out of guilt?”

“It’s not guilts or my imagination that he is always walking around the house with a perpetually hard cock. It doesn’t seem to make any difference how I am dressed. Every time he gets around me his cock gets hard, and I can plainly see it bulging in his shorts. I think college might be corrupting him with liberal thoughts about having incestuous sex with his mother.”

“Mom…I think you are exaggerating the situation. You were just startled that he caught you in an embarrassing moment and now you are letting your imagination run wild. Just calm down and ignore what happened this morning. By tonight it will be forgotten by all."

“I hope you are right, Amy. I am probably making more of it than necessary.”

“And Mom…why are you paying so much attention to the bulge in Todd’s shorts?”

“Oh my God, Amy. I may be a mother, but I am also human. I still notice hard cocks. And don’t tell me you have never, ever noticed the bulge in your younger brother’s shorts. I’m not a pervert, but I think his cock has to be at least nine or ten inches long. And if you say you haven't noticed it, I will call you a lair to your face."

Amy laughs and says, “I don’t think you are a pervert, Mom. And yes, I have noticed his hard cock. I first noticed his bulge back when he started high school. I used to lay in bed at night and listen to him grunt and breath heavy while he jerked off. I wished back then I could go to his room and watch him, but I never got the courage.”

“You are lucky you never did do that because your Dad would’ve had a heart attack if he caught you and your brother engaging in such activities.”

“What about you Mom? What would you have done if you had caught us doing the nasty?”

“Well…as you know, I am a bit more liberal than your Dad, but let’s not go there right now. You are a very wise married woman, and I value your opinion. That's why I can call you now and ask for your advice on sexual matters. I have a lot of questions, but right now I have to run, Sweetheart. I wasn’t watching the clock, and now it’s time to go to my yoga class. I’ll call you later tonight when we have more time to talk.”

“Oh…Mom, what do I tell Todd when he calls me about this…whatever you call it? The erotic show you gave him before breakfast,” she laughs. “I know for certain he WILL call me about it. He has never been able to keep secrets from me.”

"Just pretend you don't know anything about it and see what he shares with you. I have to go now, or I will be late for yoga. I'll talk to you later.”

Within minutes of hanging up from her Mother, Amy’s phone rings. The caller ID indicates it is from Todd’s cell phone. She lets it ring three times before answering. When she answers her phone the first thing, she notes is the excitement in her little brother’s voice. She decides on a whim to have a little fun with her younger brother and jerk his chain a bit.

“Hi, baby brother. Why are you calling me so early on a Saturday morning? I’d think you would still be sleeping off last night’s party.”

“Amy,” he gasps as he finds it difficult to take his next breath, “you are not going to believe what happened this morning when I came down for breakfast.”

“Wait a minute, Todd,” Amy interrupts, “why don’t you slow down, relax, take a deep breath and tell me.”

“I saw Mom naked this morning,” he blurts out and takes another deep breath.

“What do you mean, you saw Mom naked?”

Amy feigns ignorance of the morning excitement. She wants to hear Todd’s version.

“Well…not really naked, naked, but I did see her naked little rosebud and the puffy lips of her vagina. I didn’t do it on purpose; I swear. I just walked into the kitchen, and there she was bending over, digging in a bottom drawer of the kitchen cabinet. She didn't have any panties on, and her bathrobe was so short it caused her bottom to be exposed. And I got so fucking hard I thought my cock was going to break off or rip right through my shorts and….”

“Wait a minute,” she interrupts again, “Todd, slow down. You are rambling on in a way that I can hardly understand what you are so shaken up about. Just take another deep breath and organize your thoughts before continuing. Better yet, just let me ask you some questions.”

Todd takes a deep breath and sighs, “Okay.”

“Now let me get this straight, Todd. You came down for breakfast, and when you walked into the kitchen you came face to face, or should I say face to butt with Mom,” she snickers.

“Very funny, Amy,” Todd groans. “This is serious, and I want you to take it seriously."

Amy stifles a laugh and says, "I'm sorry, little brother, I didn't mean to make light of your predicament. Okay, Mom is bent over, and you see her naked rear-end. Where was Dad during all this time?"

“He was sitting at the breakfast table with his back to the door and his face buried in the morning newspaper. I don’t think he was even aware of my presence.”

“What about Mom? Did she see you standing there?”

Todd thinks for a moment and then says, “I don’t know. I couldn’t see her face.”

“Of course not,” Amy snickers again, “you were too busy staring at her ass!”

“Ammyyy! I’m serious about this…...It’s not a joke to me,” Todd whines.

“I’m sorry, Todd. I promise not to make light of it again. What did you do next?”

“I panicked and ran down the hallway and locked myself in the guest bathroom.”

“And let me guess. You spanked your monkey until there was cum all over the bathroom.”

Todd lets out a long groan.

“I’m sorry,” she chuckles, “last time I promise. While you were spanking…ugh…masturbating what did you think about?”

“Amy…what the hell do you think I was thinking about? I was thinking about seeing Mom’s bare ass staring back at me!”

Amy decides to jerk her frustrated young brother's chain some more. To her, it is all harmless fun. “Did you think about what it would be like to fuck Mom? You know…did you picture your hard cock slipping up her wet love tunnel?”

“Damn it, Amy. Cut that shit out…she’s my Mom. It’s not right for me to have thoughts like that about my own mother.”

“It may not be right, but I’m willing to bet you did think about it. Right?”

“Amy…That would be incest if I fucked my own Mom.”

“I know what incest is, Todd. Did you have incestuous thoughts about your Mom while you masturbated? Just tell me the truth. I won’t think badly of you if you did.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, I did for a brief moment see myself slamming my cock into Mom’s you know what. Of course, it would never happen because Mom would never let it happen.”

“Well…I wouldn't be so quick to say. Mom would never let it happen. She’s only human, you know.” Amy stifles another chuckle. She is really getting off on jerking her brother’s chain and decides to throw a real bombshell. “From some of the discussions Mom and I have had, about you, she’s noticed your bulging pants on many occasions. Mom believes you have a large cock and she is also probably thinking about how that big cock of yours would feel sliding in and out of wet RUNNY pussy. I bet she went to her room and masturbated after she serviced you favor breakfast of RUNNY eggs.”

"No way," Todd says.

"Yes…way," Amy counters.

“Well…she did go to her room for a long time,” Todd recalls.

“There you go! I rest my case. She probably couldn’t wait to ram her fingers in her runny pussy while pretending they were your big hard cock.”

“Wait a minute, Amy. I just realized you keep emphasizing the word runny. How did you know she fixed runny eggs for my breakfast?”

“A little bird told me.”

“Come on, Amy. Mom told you all about this didn’t she.”

“Yes, she did. She called me early this morning and told me all about the encounter between you two in the kitchen.” Amy replies.

“Why didn’t you say something when I first mentioned it?”

“I wanted to hear your version and compare it with Mom’s version.”

“Is she upset about me walking in on her and Dad?” Todd asks.

"I wouldn't say upset; more like shocked. Mom told me she got very aroused when your cock got hard because of her. Every woman delights when a man reacts that way to her sexiness."

“Bullshit, Amy…Mom didn’t tell you she saw my cock get hard.”

“Yes, she did, Todd. Not only did she tell me about seeing you get hard, but she also wondered out loud about how your hard cock might feel in her runny pussy."

“No way,” Todd questions.

“Yes, way!” Amy replies.

“Amy…Do you really think Mom might fantasize about fucking me? I mean seriously? After all, I’m her son, and that would be incest. Mom is too conservative to engage in incest.”

“Incest!”, Amy laughs, “You are worrying about incest......? So, what the hell do you think we were doing my last two years of high school when you ate my pussy, and I sucked your cock practically every night?”

Without being conscious of her actions, Amy slips her right hand into her panties and begins lightly stroking her moist labia. Visions of her younger brother’s face buried between her thighs invade her head.

“That’s different, Amy. We never did the big nasty to each other. We just made each other cum like crazy with our oral skills. Besides, President Bill Clinton maintains oral sex is not really sex.”

Amy has a serious tone to her voice and asks, “Todd, did you ever want to fuck me back then?” She inserts two fingers into her wet pussy and starts a slow, methodical in and out motion that causes an immediate chill race through her loins. Todd hesitates to answer. Amy can hear his breath quicken, and it causes her pulse to race. An orgasm is building as she imagines her brother’s cock penetrating her drooling pussy.

“Come on…you can be honest with me, Todd.”

There is a husky, seductive tone in Amy’s voice and Todd picks up on it. He flashes back to all the times he’d wished he could ram his throbbing cock in his big sister’s pussy after giving her an oral orgasm. He’d always wanted to fuck her but never had the nerve to mention it. Amy insists on an answer from Todd.

“Did you ever think about fucking your big sister while we were busy swallowing each other’s cum. I really want to know. What harm can it do now to let me know the truth?”

Todd begins to stroke his hard cock through his pants. He envisions himself balls deep in his sister’s pussy with her long legs wrapped around the back of his thighs, pulling him deeper and deeper into her wetness.

“Did you ever want me to fuck you?” Todd asks.

“I asked first, Todd. Now tell me the truth. I won’t hold it against you. Or on second thought, maybe I WILL hold IT against you if I get the chance,” she laughs.

Todd hesitates a minute and then blurts, “Yes!” He takes another deep breath and says, “I thought about fucking you all the time, Amy. In fact, every time we had oral sex, I would go back to my room and masturbate thinking about fucking you until you squealed like you did each time I caused you to orgasm with my tongue.”

Todd doesn’t remember unzipping his pants and taking his cock out, but there he is stroking his hard cock like it is going to explode if he doesn’t relieve the pressure immediately. Amy is elated that her brother wanted to fuck her. It’s something she had always wanted also.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” Amy asks as her fingers move with lightning speed in and out of her pussy. Her breathing is coming in short rapid bursts. Her orgasm is so close.

“Because I was afraid you would turn me down and then not ever let me eat your pussy again. And what’s worse, I was scared you would never give me another one your breath-taking blowjobs again.”

Amy stops fingering herself for a moment and whispers, “I wish we HAD done it back in high school.”

“Really?” Todd hesitates a minute then asks, “Why?”

“Oh…for a lot of reasons, but mainly I think my honeymoon night would have been better if we had trained each other to fuck as well as we had learned to give oral sex.”

“Really?” Todd is surprised she is sharing this very personal information with him. What takes place on the honeymoon is supposed to be for the bride and groom only. He is tempted to ask if her honeymoon was a disappointment but wisely chooses not to ask.

“Now don’t get me wrong, Todd. I thoroughly enjoyed my honeymoon, but I think Jason was a bit disappointed in my performance. I know I was disappointed in some respect,” Amy lamented.

“How so?”

"Well…first of all, I still had my cherry, and the intercourse was very painful at first. I had given Jason a fantastic blowjob that caused him to break out in a cold sweat, and his balls exploded sending a gush of cum into my mouth. I think he thought I was sexually experienced enough to give him a first fuck that was just as good as that blowjob.”

“Did he say he was disappointed?”

"No, but I sensed that he wasn't entirely satisfied. I know I was totally dissatisfied with his eating my pussy. It was nothing compared to what you used to do for me with your tongue. I still see you as my gold-standard when it comes to eating my pussy.”

“You’re just saying that to get my mind off of the situation with Mom.”

“No, I’m not just saying that. I always loved the way you ate my pussy. When I went off to college, I couldn’t wait for weekends to get home and feel your tongue back in my pussy. I skipped parties, football games and special weekend events at college just to rush home and feel your tongue in me. I also loved sucking your cock and tasting your cum in my mouth. I became so addicted to the taste of your cum, I would lay in bed at night craving the taste. It was almost like my lifeblood. I felt I needed it to survive. Don’t misunderstand me, Todd. I love Jason. I really do, but his cum doesn’t taste anywhere near as good as your thick creamy cum.”

"Amy, I think we need to change the subject, or I might find myself on the way to your house to have one of our oral sex sessions. And if I do get the nerve to come to your house, I can’t guarantee it wouldn’t end in an old fashion fuck-fest between brother and sister. You're married now, and I don’t think Jason would appreciate me fucking your brains out.”

Amy's fingers are working overtime on her pussy, and she feels her orgasm building to a crescendo. She can tell it is going to be a big one. Maybe the biggest one ever. She gasps and says, “Todd, I have to go. Let me know how it goes with you and Mom.”

Amy quickly hangs-up the phone and Todd is left with the dull sound of a dial tone. Todd’s mind floods with confusion and indecision. His erection wanes, and his urgency to climax disappears.

Todd’s College is only 150 miles away from home, so he is able to drive his Jeep Wrangler home most weekends. However, during football season he spends most weekends at school if they have a home game or some other special event. His prolonged absences cause Marilyn to go through the “empty nest” syndrome. She finds herself filling much of her time consorting with Amy and dreaming up various role-play scenarios to entice Ben to pay more attention to her needs.

Amy and Marilyn put a lot of thought into their role-play scenarios. Some call for costumes to make them seem more authentic. One recent weekend Marilyn dressed as a Hooter’s waitress and served Ben beer and refreshments while he watched all the televised professional and college games. She has the tits to rival any of the real Hooter’s girls. The Hooter’s outfit seems to work because Ben eagerly fucked her during half-time and at each commercial break, but still didn’t put a lot of creative imagination into trying new positions or techniques.

One evening during the Thanksgiving Holiday Todd walked in on them while Marilyn is playing the role of a sexy French maid. She was dressed in a very short skirt with no panties, and her bra is apparently non-existent. Todd appeared suddenly without notice just as Marilyn straddled Ben’s cock and was rubbing her bare tits in his face. They both had assumed Todd was out partying with friends. Ben never knew of Todd’s appearance and the suddenness of it all surprised Marilyn so that all she was only able mange is an embarrassed smile. That shy smile from his mother only fed his suspicions that she did indeed want to fuck him. He slipped away to his room and masturbated three or four times before falling asleep. His Mom continued with the role play as if there had been no intrusion. Ben was oblivious to it all. He was too busy sucking his wife’s tits and trying to keep up with the ballgames.

The day Todd is to return to school, Marilyn gets up early to have breakfast with Ben before he leaves for his usual Sunday morning golf outing. Todd is supposedly up in his bedroom sound asleep. Todd never gets up before noon on Sunday because he wants to be rested for his drive back to school. Marilyn is once again dressed in her sexy light blue satin bathrobe. No panties or bra under the robe. Ben is at the breakfast table preparing to work the Sunday crossword puzzle. Marilyn has a special surprise for Ben this morning. A surprise that will lay the groundwork for an even wilder afternoon of sex after their son leaves for college and Ben returns from his golf outing.

Marilyn stands with her back to Ben and rehearses in her mind again how she is going whirl around, fling open her bathrobe and show Ben what will be waiting for him when he gets home from golf. Meanwhile, Ben can’t find a lead pencil to do his crossword puzzle and quietly leaves the kitchen in search of one. Seconds later Todd, unbeknown to his Mom and Dad, enters the kitchen sleepy-eyed. Marilyn whirls around at that precise moment opens her bathrobe and says, “This is yours to enjoy in any way you see fit.”

Todd is frozen in the kitchen doorway as he stares at his mother’s naked body. Her beautiful bare tits and neatly trimmed bush are on display for all to see. Her taut brown nipples are standing at attention. Todd is wearing his same running shorts as before, and his cock is so hard it is a miracle it doesn't rip a hole right through the fabric. He is wordless and has the same horror-struck look on his face as before. Ben is still looking for a pencil. Todd abruptly turns and races down the hallway to the guest bathroom. It takes him less than a minute of fierce masturbation to coat the mirror above the sink with an even thicker layer of cum than the first time.

Ben returns with a pencil and Marilyn is still frozen in place like a stone statue. Her robe is still open, as is her mouth and she is embarrassed beyond words. Ben takes a casual glance at her and tells her she looks like a butterfly spreading its wings. She is still in shock and slowly closes her bathrobe. Ben didn’t witness any of the antics between mother and son, and Marilyn is not going to try and explain it. She retreats to her bedroom and puts on proper attire. Todd leaves the bathroom and quietly returns to his bedroom to pack for his trip back to college. Ben finishes the crossword puzzle and then goes to his golf game. When Todd finally comes down to leave for school, his mother gives him a big hug but is too embarrassed to say anything other than, “I love you, Todd.”

There is an uneasy silence in the room. Todd is trying to think of a way to phrase his gleeful acceptance of his Mom’s generous offer of sex without sounding like a dork. He feels so thrilled by her invitation and wants to accept her offer, but needs to discuss it with Amy first. ToddHe had dreamed of having sex with his mother for years, but never thought she felt the same way until now. When Todd arrives back on campus, he rushes immediately to the privacy of his dorm room and calls his sister, Amy.

Amy’s phone rings several times before she finally decides to answer. She is pissed because Todd didn’t bother calling her during the Thanksgiving Holiday. She sounds distant and aloof toward her brother. Todd, on the other hand, is bubbling over with excitement and didn't really pick up on her aloofness at first.

“Amy, you will never believe what happened this morning.”

Todd sounds like he is fighting to take his next breath. Amy doesn’t respond. She is struggling to hide her bitterness because Todd had not called her over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Their last phone call had led her to believe he was interested in eating her pussy again and maybe even giving her the fuck they both dreamed about in high school.

“Mom opened her bathrobe and flashed me,” Todd eagerly reports. “She was totally naked underneath the robe; no bra, no panties. She told me that she was all mine and I could do what I wanted with her.”

Amy doesn't respond, and Todd is puzzled.

“Don’t you see, Amy? You were right all along. Mom does want to have sex with me.”

Suddenly it dawns on Amy what her younger brother is saying, and it snaps her back to her senses. What started as a joke on her little brother is suddenly spinning out of control. Her anger towards him disappears. The excitement and sincerity in Todd’s voice tells her she has created a big misunderstanding. She doesn’t know how to correct it without destroying her little brother’s ego and creating an unrepairable distrust between her and her brother.

“Slow down, Todd and tell me exactly what happened this morning.” She finally asks.

Todd takes another deep breath and says, "I walked into the kitchen and Mom suddenly twirled to face me, and at the same time she opened her bathrobe and told me she wanted to fuck me."

Amy thinks for a minute and then asks, “Did she really say she wanted to fuck you? Did she use those exact words?”

“Well…no. She said something like, this is all for you to use as you wish, or something to that effect,” Todd answers and then says, “What difference does it make about the words? It all means you were right and she does want to have sex with me. My problem is how do I let her know I want to do it as badly as she does? When it happened, I acted like a stupid juvenile and fled the room. How do I go back and take her up on her offer without looking like a fool?”

Amy hesitates for a moment and then says, “I can call Mom and smooth it over for you.”

Amy doesn’t have the heart to admit it was a cruel joke on her part. That would definitely create a chasm between her and her brother that could never be crossed. She had to find a way to right this wrong without destroying the whole family.

“No!”, Todd shouts. “I would die if Mom knew I had discussed this with you. This is something that is very private between a mother and son. I just want you to help me find a way to approach Mom without looking like a total fool.”

“Let me give it some serious thought, but in the meantime don’t do or say anything to Mom that might make things worse,” Amy advises, “I’ll get back to you as soon as I think of a solution that will save face for all.”

The last thing Amy wants is for Todd to innocently walk up to his mother and tell her he is ready to fuck her. The chaos that would cause is something Amy is not prepared to deal with.

“What if she calls me and wants to talk about it?” Todd asks.

“If she calls you, either send her call to voicemail or talk as though nothing had happened this morning. Don’t you dare bring up the subject of fucking. You should continue letting her dictate the ground rules”, Amy advises. “Let Mom bring it up when she is ready. You just hang back and follow her lead.”

“Thanks, Amy. I knew you would have an answer.”

Ben has to attend a three-day sales conference on the west coast. He won’t return home until late Thursday night. Marilyn wants to welcome him home with the surprise of all surprises. She calls Amy for suggestions. When Amy answers the phone, her Mom bombards her almost immediately without the usual greeting, casual talk, or explanation.

"Amy put your thinking cap on. I want to put together a scenario that will top all scenarios to this point. I want something so salacious it will cause your Dad to cum like a young stallion."

There is a lot of excitement in Marilyn's voice, so Amy knows right away something unusual is going on with her Mom. “Okay, Mom….what’s happened that has you so horny this morning that you need to jump right into crazy time before even saying hello?”

“Hello, Amy,” she replies then continues, “Now help me dream up something extraordinary. I want to give your Dad the surprise of his life when he returns from his trip,”

“Mom, are you troubled about something?” Amy has a strong suspicion something else has happened since she last spoke with her mother.

“No!” There is a doubtful tone in her voice. “I just want to top anything we have ever done to spice up my role-playing with your Dad."

Amy intuitively knows more is going on than her mother is willing to admit.

"Don't bullshit me, Mom. I have never seen you so excited or maybe agitated may be a better word for the way you are acting this morning. Does this have anything to do with your recent encounters with Todd?"

“No!” Marilyn snaps. “Well maybe…I’m not sure,” Marilyn sobs.

“Come on, Mom, tell me what is really troubling you. Does it have to do with Todd?”

“Yes,” sobs her Mom. “I am ashamed to admit it, but since we talked about your brother’s cock size, I can’t get a certain vision out of my mind. I shouldn’t tell you this, but lately, all I think about is fucking your brother. Ben is on a sales trip to the west coast, and when I go to bed at night, my head is filled with visions of Todd shoving his big cock in me. I know it's wrong, but I can’t get the images to go away. I really try, but I end up finger fucking myself to the most amazing orgasms while seeing Todd’s face instead of your father’s face. We have to come up with a memorable role play scenario with your father that will replace all those thoughts in my head about your brother.”

Amy thinks for a while then asks, "What really excites you, Mom? When you lay in bed alone what fantasy gets you so wet you want to scream?"

One haunting fantasy comes to mind immediately, but Marilyn is reluctant to mention it to her daughter. It’s something that she has fantasized about since college. She has even fantasized about it occasionally while having sex with Ben. She decides to keep it to herself and answers, "I can't think of a thing right now, Honey."

Amy can tell by the tone of her mother's voice, something is lurking in her mind that she doesn't want to discuss. Amy has a gut feeling it is something so dark her mother worries about shocking and even embarrassing her own daughter. Amy decides to pressure her Mom to reveal what it is she is reluctant to divulge.

“Come on, Mom. I can tell by the way you are hesitating, something is in there wanting to come out. So, take a deep breath and spill whatever it is that seems so troubling.”

Marilyn thinks for a long minute then decides to share one of her deepest, darkest secrets with her daughter. She takes a deep breath and says, “When I was in college, one night I came back to my dorm after midnight and found my roommate slumped in the corner of the room. The lights were all out, and I didn't see her there at first. Then I heard her sob. She was wrapped in a blanket and was totally nude underneath the blanket. When I asked her, what was wrong, she informed me someone had entered our room while she was sleeping and raped her.”

“Oh my, God Mom, what did you do?”

"She didn't want to report it to the Campus Police, so I held her for a long time, and she told me all the gory details. She was very vivid with her account of every event that took place during the rape. Apparently, the rapist was very gentle with her, and she indicated that it was more of a tender love-making session than a rape. She finally told me that she had three or four orgasms during the rape and enjoyed them so much she could never bring herself to prosecute the person. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I had a mild orgasm listening to her."

“Oh my, God Mom, I just had an orgasm while you related the story to me. I have the perfect roleplay scenario, but let me put it in writing and refine a few of the details before we finalize the whole thing.”

“Amy, you can never tell anyone about this, because it would be embarrassing for anyone to know I fantasize about being taken by force.”

“I understand entirely, Mom, but right now I think I want to be taken in that manner and fucked until I am completely drained of all my orgasmic juices,” Amy exclaims. “You just wait, Mom, this is going to be the most thrilling roleplay event ever.”

Todd has a distressing week at school. All he can think about is taking his mother up on her offer of sex. He hasn't heard from his sister, so he assumes things haven't been worked out for a smooth approach without looking like a fool. He is due to return home late Friday or early Saturday. That gives him a few more days to consult with Amy.

Ben wraps up his sales conference at noon on Thursday. After a relaxing lunch, he gives Marilyn a call and informs her he is on his way to the airport. He lets her know he should be home no later than eight o'clock that night. Marilyn excitedly begins preparations for the big planned surprise she and Amy put together for Ben’s homecoming. She gathers all the sex aids that will be used to enhance tonight’s major event. She double checks to make sure everything is within arm’s length of their marital bed. She tapes a note on the back door leading from the garage into the kitchen. She wants to make sure Ben sees his instructions for the roleplay on the kitchen table. Marilyn then goes to her bathroom for a nice relaxing shower.

Thursday afternoon Todd learns the college is canceling classes for Friday due to wintery snowstorm working its way from Chicago to the New England States. He decides to jump in his Jeep and get home before the storm hits the area. If Todd is lucky, he should make it home by eight o'clock. When Ben arrives at the airport, he learns flights are being delayed due to airport closures across the Northeast. He calls to inform Marilyn of the delay, but she is in the shower, and the call goes to voicemail. Ben leaves a message advising her it may be well after midnight before he finally arrives home. Marilyn is busy with anticipation and doesn't get his message.

Todd parks his Jeep Wrangler on the street and then unloads two suitcases of dirty clothes from the backseat. He makes his way through the cluttered garage to the kitchen door. Marilyn hears the garage door go up and begins lighting a dozen scented candle strategically located around the bedroom. She stripes naked, positions herself in the middle of the bed and then puts on the blindfold.

Todd approaches the back door and sees there is a note taped to the door. He sets his suitcases down and reads the note. “Welcome home Sweetheart. This is going to be a thrilling night for us both. You are going to experience things tonight that you may have thought was out of the question. Things that have been totally taboo in the past are fair game tonight. This is the night all your kinky dreams come true. I want you to feel free to do anything to me your heart desires. Your instructions for this roleplay are on the kitchen table. I will be waiting for you in the bedroom. Please don’t make me wait much longer. This is something we will both remember for years to come.”

Todd is a bit puzzled by the note because he had not informed anyone he was coming home tonight. He wasn’t supposed to get home until mid-afternoon the next day. If it hadn't been for the approaching snowstorm, he would still be at school. How could his Mom possibly know he would arrive tonight? He decides to chalk it up to his Mom’s intuitions. After all, there is a winter storm headed their way. Todd puts his suitcases in the laundry room to make it easier for his mother to sort his dirty clothes and put them in the washing machine. He makes his way back to the kitchen where he finds the neatly typed instructions she referred to in the note. The caption at the top of the instructions read:


“Please follow the instructions of this scenario and we should both enjoy a sexy roleplay that will have us Cuming like crazy all night. I put a lot of creative of thought and imagination into this scenario. I tried to incorporate some fantasies I am sure will appeal to your masculine desires as well as of some of my own secret wishes.”

Todd’s hand trembles as he reads the note from his beautiful, sexy Mom. All kinds of wild sexual thoughts swim in his teenaged head. Every sexual idea he has ever dreamed about his Mom is bombarding him at once. He has to stop a minute and let his heart slow down before reading on.

His Mom also wrote, “it’s time we open up to each other and release all the pent-up desires we have tried to deny existed between us in the past. I have decided to adopt the philosophy: "If it feels good; do it!" If you have something you want to try, just do it, and we will analyze it another time. Let's have fun and enjoy each other fully.” Todd pauses again and takes a deep breath. His cock is really hard, and he is beginning to feel light-headed. The instructions continued.

• You, the burglar, must strip nude and leave your clothes in the kitchen.

• On the kitchen table, you will find a ski mask and a penlight.

• Turn off all the lights downstairs and proceed to the bedroom. I will have nothing but candlelight in the bedroom so the penlight may come in handy to find your way.

• In my bedroom you will find on the nightstand; a feather duster, a large vibrator, a tube of lubrication, handcuffs, a ball gag and several lengths of rope. The ball is something I'm not really sure about, but use it if it turns you on. Bondage and domination are somethings I have thought about but never suggested. However, I think it will add to the overall excitement. I would love being tied up and tickled with a feather duster. Use your imagination and make this thrilling for both of us.

• The ski mask is optional because I will be blindfolded to enhance my fantasy. It will be much easier for me to pretend you are a real burglar if I can’t see you, or hear your voice. You being a man will probably forego the mask so you can see my naked, submitting body. That’s just the way men are. It’s okay to be a little rough with me, to a point. I’ve often fantasized about having my bare bottom spanked. (Sweetheart, please don’t talk and break the spell. Just silently torment, tease, and fuck my brains out.)

• We will both start out totally nude so we won’t have the hassle of disrobing and we can get to the good stuff right away. I know people typically start with the missionary position first, but for tonight, please try to be a little more creative and try new things. I am open for any kind of weird kinky stuff you can conjure up for tonight's adventure. I threw in the tube of lubrication in the hope you may want to try a different approach. Like coming at me from the rear. (Hint, hint.) I have never tried anal, but it does intrigue me a bit.

• And remember, please don’t talk during our encounter and take away from my fantasy. I can let my imagination run wild if we just silently fuck like strangers. Oh, and feel free to imagine I am anyone you want me to be; let your imaginations run wild. After you have fucked me senseless just slip away into the darkness like a real burglar to make this seem as real as possible. I love you and can’t wait for your surprise visit.

Marilyn’s reference to his surprise visit catches Todd’s attention. He is now sure she somehow found out about him coming home earlier than expected and planned this surprise just for him. Perhaps the school sent out a notice to alert parents of the school closure, or maybe she called the school and learned I had already left, he surmises. It really doesn’t matter how she found out. The main thing is that they are finally going to enjoy each other’s body. Todd’s cock is throbbing and leaking pre-cum down his thigh. He stripes from his clothes, slips the ski mask over his head and uses the penlight to find his way up to the open arms of his mother.

The flickering candlelight casts an Aire of seductiveness over the bedroom. His mother is laying on her back in the middle of the bed. Her arms are by her side and her legs are splayed and inviting him to come and play. Even in the dim lighting, Todd can see her excitement in the moisture covering her thin pubic hairs. Todd approaches the bed and stands over her admiring her large tits with taut nipples that emerge from the center of her breasts like small icebergs in the ocean.

In keeping with the role-play scenario, Marilyn whispers, "Who's there?"

Todd tenderly drags his fingertips cross one erect nipple. She gasps and says, “Please don’t hurt me. I will do anything you say.”

Todd places the palm of his hand gently over her mouth and shushes her. He is so excited that his secret desires are about to come true. He wants this to be as good for her as it will surely be for him. He removes his hand from her mouth and drags the tip of his cock across her lips, smearing her mouth with pre-cum. Marilyn grasps his hard cock and envelops it with her wet hot lips. She takes his cock all the way to the back of her throat without gagging. Todd is so excited he prematurely pumps a load of his thick creamy cum directly down her throat. The second and third load she swishes around in her mouth before swallowing. He moans as a shiver embraces his body causing his legs to weaken.

Todd takes the feather duster from the nightstand and tickles her breast. Goosebumps pop up immediately covering her entire body. She giggles and reflexively covers her sensitive breasts with her hands. Todd slaps her hands away and pinches one nipple until she cries out. He slaps her breast hard with his open palm. She gasps, and he twists a nipple until she cries out again. She gets wetter from the pain, and his cock gets harder. He decides he likes playing this game with his Mom. He takes two lengths of rope and ties her arms spread-eagle to the bedpost.

Since she is blindfold, he decides to toss the ski mask and enjoy her supple tits. He strokes her naked breast with the feather duster until both nipples look like they are going bust. She pulls at her restraints, but can't cover her breast. She is breathing as though her next breath won’t come in time to stop her from suffocating and her face is covered in a light gloss of sweat. Todd leans forward and captures one nipple in his mouth and then the other. She lets out a shriek and shutters as the first of many orgasms to come racks her body. Todd is so pleased with her reaction he wants to drag it out longer. The room quickly fills with the aroma of her sexual pleasures.

Todd slides down so he can nibble and suck on both of her nipples at the same time, swirling his tongue around to flick them, drawing a little "oh...oh!" each time he does it. He trails his hand down her flat stomach, twirling a finger in her navel for a second before sliding it down further. He travels down until he is running his fingers through her soft and downy trimmed pubic hair. She squeals again as his searching fingers travel down until he slides them back and forth across her labia. Marilyn’s natural lubrication is already moistening the lips as her arousal heightens. He slips one finger between her slit, making her gasp and squirm, and then inserts two, as he feels the little bead of her clitoris begin to harden and dampen even more.

He continues to suck at her nipples for a little longer, simultaneously sawing his fingers in out of her drooling pussy. He starts kissing down her abdomen, following the same route as his fingers, licking and kissing her navel, before licking down to her pussy. Todd is running his tongue through her pubic hair, enjoying the feel of the soft hairs slipping on his tongue as he slides it down and down. At last, he is able to slide his tongue over her labia, making her quiver and moan. She tried to reach out and grasp his head to pull him closer, but the restraints on her hands prevented her from accomplishing that task.

Todd wants to find a better angle, so he slides over her legs, to lie between them, grabbing hold of her lovely butt cheeks to lift her pelvis up, her pussy now easily accessible. He begins licking again, long lapping strokes, like a puppy dog drinking water. Marilyn is so happy Ben is finally licking her pussy. It’s something he has avoided in the past. Todd travels from her anus to her clitoris, making her drum her heels on the bed and tug at her restraints. He pushes his face down into her wetness. He begins nipping at her clitoris, making it stiffen and pulsate, making her gasp and wriggle, until she can hold it no more, groaning out loud as she orgasms, her pussy convulsing, her juices flooding over his mouth and chin as she came, tasting sweet and salty and tangy all at once. She is amazed at the effort Ben is putting into pleasing her. He had eaten her pussy only a few times before tonight, and he had never licked her anus. She decides this particular roleplay scenario will become a permanent tool in their repertories.

Todd is happy to follow the instructions of his Mom’s roleplay scenario, making her orgasm over and over again. His mom’s legs flex, and her heels dig into the bed until she begins to come down, gradually relaxing as her orgasm dies away. Todd moves up next to his mom, he pulls her in for a long slow passionate kiss, stroking her fully erect nipples as his tongue searches the deepest recesses of her mouth. He pinches and twists her nipples again as she tries to break the restraints and throw her arms around him. Sex with his Mom is meeting and exceeding all expectations. He just wishes it had happened much sooner.

Marilyn is thrashing about the bed and shrieking with carnal pleasure that tops any she has ever experienced. The restrains add to her overall pleasure. The feeling of not having any control scares her yet at the same it is extremely satisfying and thrilling to be at the mercy of her lover. She is experiencing one orgasm after another. It is taking away all her strength. She feels as though she will pass out if one more orgasm happens.

Todd senses she is in a bit of distress and backs off until she calms down. After a few minutes, her breathing returns to normal, and he decides its time for him to invade that forbidden passage between his mom's legs. He gets on his knees and positions the head of his cock to make that long dreamed about entrance into the place of his origin. All thoughts of incest have long faded from his mind. He rubs the head of his cock up and down her slit as he mixes his precum with her natural lubricant.

With that, Todd edged forward pushing in slowly and giving his Mom time to adjust to the feeling of his enlarging cock. It seems that the harder his cock gets, the bigger it gets. She wraps her legs around his hips and anchors her heels behind his thighs. Marilyn is gasping as he slides into her. This is the first time she realizes that Ben’s cock is harder and much thicker than it’s ever been. She’s thinking it may be the excitement of the new thrilling scenario, but whatever the cause she likes it and wants his cock to get even thicker and harder. The unusual stretching of her pussy is a bit painful but creating an enormous amount of pleasure. Todd feels her tense and gasps with each inch he gains and slows to give her more time to adapt.

She has to occasionally, urge him to continue by pulling with her anchored heels when he stops because she is gasping. He thinks he is causing her pain. He doesn’t believe his cock is that large, but she is very tight, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt his sweet Mom. He at first meets a small amount of resistance due to his girth, but then her vaginal walls relax, and he slides to her depth. At last, he is all the way in, with his Mom taking a deep breath before they begin in earnest. He takes a deep breath and thinks to himself, “Wow, I’m fucking my Mom. I am actually fucking my Mom, and I just love fucking my Mom”!

Todd reaches up and frees his Mom’s hands. She wraps her arms around him and holds him close. He is so thrilled with her embrace he starts hammering away at her pussy. She is squeezing him with her arms and pulling with her legs to meet his thrusts with thrusts of her own. Todd's balls are slapping into his Mom's ass, and his cockhead is slamming into her cervix. She starts screaming and digging her nails into his butt as a magnificent orgasm explodes sending flashes of light behind the blindfold covering her eyes. Her heart is beating like crazy. She begins to have one orgasm after another.

Todd feels tingling and then a boiling deep in his ball sack. It's like nothing he has ever felt before. It feels good yet hurts at the same time. He feels his breath is going away. Suddenly his cock erupts with a massive blast of cum. One massive spurt is followed by another. After each burst of semen, his Mom's vagina clamps down on his cock, and it feels as though her pussy is sucking the cum directly from his balls. Todd starts screaming and shaking like he is convulsing. His Mom begins to shutter and squeeze him tightly. Todd empties his sack and gradually floats back to earth just his Mom gushes one last orgasmic blast before passing out.

Todd holds her in his arms for approximately fifteen minutes before he realizes she is lightly snoring. Her serene smile is illuminated by the soft candlelight. Todd eases himself out of her arms and stands up. He covers her with a blanket and removes the blindfold. He finds the penlight and then snuffs out all the candles before slipping away to his own bedroom.

Ben didn’t get home until well after midnight. He finds Marilyn sleeping peaceably. He didn’t have the heart to wake her. He is kind of glad she is sleeping soundly because he is worn out from his trip and doesn’t have the strength to engage in strenuous lovemaking. He falls asleep immediately. When he does wake up the next morning, he finds Marilyn watching him sleep and she is smiling.

“What?” He growls.

“Thank you, Ben. Last night was the most wonderful loving making I have ever experienced in my entire life,” she coos.

“It’s not my fault you were sound asleep when I finally got home,” he growls as he turns away and covers his head with the blanket and groans, “So, if that is supposed to be meant as sarcasm just keep it yourself!”

Marilyn jumps out of bed and races to the shower. As the hot water cascades over her sexually sated body, she is wondering if not Ben, then who in the hell had invaded her bedroom last night. Whoever it was, she is thinking, is more than welcome to come back anytime.


2019-12-29 03:34:29
after my dad passed, my mom began to dress real sexy when around me and finally one morning came to my bed wearing just a pushup bra and bikini panties, climbing into my bed and falling into my arms, she made wild passionate love to me all day. i love her madly!!!


2018-12-16 20:27:53
Delightfully well written and very erotic. Moved fast enough to keep one interested but not so quick to leave one saying WTF. You have a real talent. I hope you keep writing.


2018-11-18 22:54:53
This is a very well written story. I loved the story line and I sure hope there is more to come. You had me excited in more ways than one for sure.


2018-11-18 16:27:10
more plz


2018-11-16 21:23:03
Very good story. Similar to one I posted. Hope there will be additional chapters. Thank you for sharing. Fantasy Cabin one and two.

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