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Giving mistreated Slaves a loving Home
I went out with some friends on a Friday night, and we were closing up the bar.

I was sitting in my car in the lot to let my ears recover a little from the loud music that we had listened to all night. I was watching the people roll out into the parking lot and seen two cute girls giggling and holding each other’s arms to stay on their feet. A couple of guys came out behind them talking shit and telling the girls they needed to get to the truck, or they would be left here. The girls wobbled over to a nice truck in the lot, and the guys followed them. One guy was kissing one of the girls then he moved to the other.

I thought this odd being the one he started with was the other guy's girl. He walked up to her and said Slut what the fuck do you think you are doing?

She looked at him and said kissing him for being nice to us all night Why?

He told her you are my girl and you don’t have my permission to kiss him. I will beat your ass right here in the middle of this lot.

Her demeaner changed, and she said Sir I was just, and that all she got out and he hit her hard.

He said I own your ass cunt and you will obey me, or I will throw your ass out. Her girl friend ran up to help her, and he said leave that cunt right where she is, or you will join her.

She looked to him and said Sir please, we will be good.

And this dick hit her to, I had enough and got out of my car and said hey Dick Head try that with me! I dare you; you are a fucking piece of shit!

He said you want some come and get it, and he pulled back, and I kicked his right knee backwards, and he went down. His buddy was coming to his rescue, but I nut checked him, and he dropped. I kicked the first guy right in the guts.

He went to puking all over the place. I gave his buddy the same treatment and both where down trying to catch their breaths. I went over to see how the girls were. The second one had a Black eye already, and the other ones jaw was swollen, and her nose looked broken.

The girl with the black eye said, Sir, if he gets up, he will kill us. He is a very mean Master and doesn’t put up with this type of thing. Please, will you help us?

I asked does he have any of your things.

She said he owns us, Sir; we have nothing but what he gives us. His friend is just his do boy and yes man. I walked over to the dick head and pulled his wallet out of his pocket then kicked him in the face. I punched his friend in the back of the head, and he went down. Dick head was holding his face.

I picked up the first girl and set her in my back seat, and her girlfriend sat with her.

I took them home and had both take showers then come out, and I bandaged them up. I put two smelling salts sticks up the girl with the broken nose and pulled it to straiten it out. She passed out. I wrapped her up to protect her nose from bumps and bangs then used an ace bandage to hold two bags of frozen peas to her jaw for the swelling. Then I got a big steak out of the fridge and laid the other girl on the couch on top of a towel and made her stay there.

I sat at the kitchen table and thought man could this night had gone any more wrong for these two girls and me. Fuck they are both cute even beat up. I guess I will have to sit up and watch them, so they don’t get sick everywhere. I got two buckets and more towels just in case. The first girl was coming to and crying. I told her, calm down sweetie you are beat up, but you are safe. Let me check your jaw; it was swelling up from when the guy hit you.

I pulled her bandage and bags of peas off, and she looked pretty good just black and blue. I asked can you talk?

She said it hurts but yes.

I asked, what is your name baby?

She said I am Sherry, Sir.

And your friend what is her name?

Kathy, Sir.

OK, Sherry, I need to get some ibuprofen in you to help with swelling and pain alright?

She said yes Sir I will obey.

I gave her the pills, and she took them.

I asked do you feel sick you guys looked like you tied one on.

She said no Sir I am fine just sore.

I said ok baby come with me and you can take my bed to sleep in, and I will keep an eye on Kathy. Your nose looks broken, but I got it strait and wrapped to help it heal for you. But you will have a head ache from the swelling. Now your jaw is going to be sore for a couple of days, so every time you feel pain let me know, and I will give you more pain pills ok?

She said yes Sir I will obey you and thank you.

I was thinking these girls are messed up, that fucking guy was a piece of work. I got Sherry laid down, and she got quiet and went back to sleep. I went out to Kathy, and she was just setting up, and I asked, did I tell you to get up? She dropped back down where she was but groaned. I said be careful girl you are badly hurt.

But Sir, you told me you did not say I could get up I don’t want to make you mad!

I said I am mad but not at your baby. That ass that did this to you pissed me off. Now let me see how your eye is doing. About half of the swelling had gone down, but she was still in pain.

I got her some pills and got them down her. Then said ok Kathy talk to me. What is the deal with you and Sherry? Both of you call me Sir all the time, and you did the same to Dickhead?

Sir, we are owned girls, he bought us from an auction last year and has been beating and abusing us all that time. We sleep in cages naked and are only allowed to be clothed if we go outside. I should not even be on your couch. We are both pets. I am a Bitch Mut, and Sherry is a cat.

Ok, Kathy how did you end up in an auction, to begin with?

My Dad was a poor gambler and lost his ass a lot, so the guys came to my house one night and put a gun to his head and said pay up or die. My Dad said the only thing he has is me. He had no money or car, so they took me and sold me into slavery to pay his debt.

I asked did they put a slave tracker into you, Kathy?

She showed me a mark on the back of her neck where the tracker chip was.

I asked how about Sherry, is she chipped as well?

Kathy said yes Sir we got it the same time. Master bought both of us. But master treats us worst then animals.

Kathy asked Sir what will you do with us; they will come and take us back and beat you up for taking us from our Master.

I said well Sweet Pea what would you like to do? You can go back to that sick fuck, or you can be mine.

Kathy said, Sir, I would like you to own me please you have been nicer to us tonight then we have ever been treated.

I got up went to my room and got my old med kit. I said come here, baby.

This will be a little painful but not as bad as your black eye, do you trust me?

She said yes Sir I do.

Ok baby lay face down in my lap and put your head on the couch.

When she did it her head leaned way down, and I could see her chip plain as day. I shot some nova cane in her neck to numb it then made a small cut and pulled out the chip.

I dropped it in a static bag to block the signal. Then used skin glue to close it back up.

Ok baby all finished, and you are now mine.

She got up and kissed me and said thank you, Master, I will be a very good girl.

Let ’s get you better first ok? Now you need some rest are you in any pain right now?

She said no Master not much, but I am tired do you have a cage for me.

No, is that the only place you can sleep?

That is my safe place Master, but I will do what every you tell me to.

It had been a couple of hours, and we herd Sherry stirring in the room. We both went to her. Sherry said oh poor Kathy, your eye looks bad.

Kathy said Sherry I would do it all again in a minute to get what I have now.

Sherry said what are you talking about?

Kathy said Master has freed me and claimed me as his. Sherry said what are you talking about we are already master’s and he is going to hurt Sir when he gets here to pick us up.

Kathy said this is my master now he said he would take me and keep me safe. After I asked him if I could be his? Sherry said how he can do that? Kathy held up her chip and said Master pulled this out of my neck and he freed me to be his, now. Sherry looked to me and said Please Master will you take me as well. I like it here, you don’t have much, but we feel safe with you, Please.

I told her it will hurt for a minute because I have to pull the tracking chip out of you.

Sherry said I will obey you Master please I want to be with you.

I sat down on the bed and had her do the same thing Kathy had and, in a few seconds, she was free as well. Both of the chips in the static Bag. They where still dormant so dickhead must be at the hospital getting fixed back up.

I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower and climbed in bed and had Sherry on the left and Kathy on the right. I said well this turned out better than I had hoped for. I got two beautiful girls for a night out.

The next morning, I wake up to the smell of Bacon and eggs and coffee. I said shit this is great. I got up and pulled on some shorts and walked out to the kitchen and both girls where on their knees facing me smiling. This smells awesome girls thank you. I sat down, and the girls popped up and made my plate and fed me. I asked where is your breakfast girls?

They said we eat kibbles, Master we are not allowed to eat the masters food.

I said well that changes right now both of you make plates and sit with me; I like company when I eat now move. They both jumped and made eggs and got bacon and coffee and sat with me. I said now if all you have had is kibbles, eat very slow or you will get sick from the grease.

After breakfast I asked Sherry baby what is your story how did you make it to the Auction with Kathy?

She said my father was swindled out of his business by the mob. A guy had my dad building several projects and then called the loans in; I was in college and daddy just lost it and shot his self. The boss guy took my mother and said you are mine and all you own is mine as well.

My mother said sorry, but my prenup keeps you from touching anything unless you take me as a slave and I refuse to accept you. He said you will, bitch. He picked me up from college and took me to the house and told my mother. Ether you accept me, or I will sell your daughter for my losses. She refused, and he put me in the auction and sold me. Then he told me when my sister turns eighteen she will be next unless Mom relents. I told my mother, and she said we will find a way out of this Baby, and I will get you back.

I asked when your sister will turn eighteen?

She said next week Master. But you have nothing and can’t afford to buy her for me.

I said no, but we have another way around this if you are alight with it.

Sherry said Master I am your slave you command I obey.

I said ok baby that is how it will be then, and we will see if it will work.

What size clothes do you wear Sherry?

Size one master why?

And you Kathy? I am size two master.

I said, ok babies, I wont you to clean the house up and I will be home in two hours. Be good girls and don’t open the door for any one. They both said yes Master.

I went shopping and got dresses, shorts, shirts, and shoes. Then I returned home.

I took a little sun dress and handed it to Sherry, and she put it on. It was perfect. Then Kathy did the same. Both were to cute other then their black eyes and broken nose. I said come on you two we are going out for a bit. They said we look terrible Master. First call me Daddy when we are outside, two, if any one asks you were in a bad car accident. They both said yes Daddy, and I smiled. Ok, Sherry where does your sister go to school.

She goes to Across town High Daddy. I asked will she know you if she sees you?

Sherry said yes Daddy we look just like our Mother. Together we look like sisters.

I said now this will be great. What time does she have lunch, baby?

Sherry said at eleven thirty. Will anyone be watching her from the Mob?

Sherry said I don’t know Daddy but with Kathy and me missing they might.

I want you to sneak up behind her and tell her don’t look around just walk out the door and get in the van with us we want to save her.

Sherry jumped on me and said Daddy I love you, are we really going to save my sissy?

I said oh yes, but it will get bad before it gets better. But she is the key to your Mom.

We got to the school at eleven fifteen and Sherry walked to the cafeteria and waited. We pulled behind the cafeteria and waited. A couple of minutes and they came running out and jumped into the van. I pulled off and went behind some mall stores. Sherry was hugging her little sister, and she asked what the hell are we doing? They are watching her every move.

I said well little one I saved your sister and her friend last night and Sherry said this week you will get her same fate if something doesn’t happen soon. She started to cry and said yes on Friday if Mom don’t accept the asshole, he will sell me after he takes my cherry. I said well I would like you to get your Mom to take you shopping at this Mall and go to this bathroom and we will pull you two in and lay out our plan. If your Mom will accept me as her Master, then we will fix these assholes once and for all.

Sally asked will you be my Master as well?

Only if you want me to be.

Sally said will you please take my Cherry right now Master and claim me as yours.

Only if that is truly what you want.

She pulled her panties off and laid back for me to have access to her prize.

I bent down and kissed her soft peddles, and she moaned and laid back and said more please Master, Sherry said he is Daddy sissy, she said oh I like that pleas Daddy make me a woman and your slut. I freely and willingly give myself to you Daddy.

I got her good, and wet then slipped into her. God was she tight, then I bumped her maidenhood, and she stopped breathing. I pulled back a little and said if I go fast it will hurt but happen quick.

She said yes daddy do it.

I reached up and kissed her and jammed my cock into her and she yelped in my mouth. I held still for a minute then started all over again. When I hit bottom, she said give me a second Daddy I need to get used to it, please.

After a few minutes, she said ok Daddy let’s do it. And please fill me up.

I asked are you on the pill?

She said I have to be to regulate my cycle or it goes ape shit.

I started going a little faster and longer strokes. I built up to a good rhythm, and she was yelping. She said Daddy I love it. Oh yes, I am going to CUUMMMMM!

She was spasming all over then I was ready, and I filled her to the top and just held her and caught my breath. She kissed me and said Thank you, Daddy, I am yours now and only yours for life.

I kissed her and said I accept Sally. I want you marked can you and your girl friends go to the mall this afternoon.

Sally said oh yes Daddy I would love it.

Ok meet us here, and I will tell you what to do and how to do it.

She said yes Daddy, but I need to get back to school soon, or they will be freaking out.

We got back to school, and two guys were standing out back, so we dropped her off with her friends out front.

We pulled off, and a couple of guys walked up to her, and her friends just walked away with her.

Sherry, we are going to get you and Kathy marked right now as mine are you sure you want this?

Both said yes Daddy.

We got to the Tattoo shop, and I had the girl make up four samples on the left collarbone, I had “Daddy’s Girl” and on their collarbone “Property of Master Mike.”

I payed the girl and asked I have one more girl to do this afternoon then one tomorrow do you want me to pay for them now!

She said no I will wait until the job is done, Master. I told her you will do all of my work for me. She said I am Tabitha Master and I will be yours. Very good Tabitha you are a good girl.

I kissed her and we left.

Kathy said Daddy she wants to be yours.

I said I got that feeling baby, but we need to go slow.

We went home, and they made lunch for us we did not know how long we would be out. Around three thirty we left to go back, and we were sitting at the food court when the girls got there. I pointed to the hall way and walked into Tabitha and said go to the back and bring the girls in, please.

She said yes Master right away. She came back with four girls in tow. Sally ran to me and said Daddy I missed you. Her friends just looked at her like she was nuts. I said, ok baby, we need to be quick. Tabitha go ahead and do her, please. Sally got her “Daddy’s Girl” then on her right collarbone “Property of Master Mike.”

I said, ok baby, you belong to me now claimed and Marked, now if your Mother will accept this, we can get her out from under this dickheads control.

Sally said, Daddy, how about I call her and have her come get me. I will say I don’t feel good and have been throwing up he will not come then he has a weak stomach.

Give it a try see what she says.

Sally called her, and she said 15 minutes she would be here don’t move.

When she got there it was like deja vu, Holy Shit Sherry was right. The three of them looked like sisters. Sherry, Sally, and Kathy sat down with her and told her how I had saved them then claimed them and how much I loved them.

She looked to me and said Master will you please take me as you have taken my two daughters. I said if this is truly what you want. I will gladly accept you and take you for life.

She said, please Master you will save me as you have my girls. And once you claim me, you can have all that I am and all that I own.

I said, spread them, my love, I will claim you where you sit. And we knocked the bottom out of it. Then Tabitha Marked her. Samantha said Master I need you to claim me in front of my lawyer tomorrow. I will tell dickhead I have to take Sally to the doctor and we will finalize all the paperwork and I will be yours.

I said ok girls we are pushing our luck here go on and take Sally out the front and we will go out the back. Samantha kissed me and thanked me then Sally did the same and they left.

Tabitha was looking at me with sad eyes, and I said come here, my good girl.

I asked what is bothering you, my love?

She said you have claimed and marked girls right in front of me all day. I so want to be owned it is in my bones to be a submissive and you are so good with your girls I would love to be yours as well please Master.

Ok, love you have been a very good girl for me today, drop your panties and jump in the seat and I will claim you, then you can wear my mark. Will, that make you happy baby?

Oh, my Master, it would, more than you could know.

I said you will be a Daddy’s Girl are you good with that?

Oh yes Daddy, very ok with it.

I slid into her and started going to town, and she was quiet for a while then suddenly she wailed at the top of her lungs and passed out. I just kept going, and she came back around and was holding on for dear life, and I filled her up, and she went off again. She said oh Daddy that was beautiful thank you. I said that was fun baby you are beautiful!

Her little girl friend came in the back and said he did it for you? Tabitha said oh yes Sissy; I am his now, will you Mark me, please? When Sissy was done, Tabitha kissed her right on the lips, and then she locked onto me and about sucked my face in. Tabitha went to her knees and said Daddy may I continue working, please?

I said yes Baby continue like normal until I tell you different ok?

I have a lot going on at the moment but will let you know what’s happening.

Tabitha said thank you, Daddy, I love working here, and it is how I met you.

Ok baby we need to get rolling we will see you later.

That night the girls were beside themselves. Sherry said Daddy that was the best day ever.

I said for me too baby. From saving you and Kathy to taking your little Sister and Mother plus a tattoo girl. That was some day.

We had dinner, and I went to watch some TV when Sherry climbed into my Lap. She said Daddy I feel a little better tonight would you claim me, please.

I am afraid of hurting you baby; I would feel bad if anything happened to you.

Can I be on top then if I hurt, I will just get off?

I said ok baby but don’t hurt yourself, or I will spank your Butt.

Sherry looked at me funny for a minute and said oh Daddy would you Please?

I said if you don’t behave you will find out.

She got on me and went slow and built up a quick rhythm until she squealed and covered me in girl cum. Oh god, that was good baby.

She said oh Daddy I never had that oh god, oh god, not again and she covered me again. I joined her, she sent me over the edge, and I saw stars. I said baby that is enough for tonight. She frond but got off and kissed me then took my hand to take me to the shower.

Kathy got me some iced tea to fill my fluids back up that was much better.

Kathy asked Daddy will you claim me tomorrow, please?

I said yes baby you have been very patient, but we need you better.

We cuddled up and went to sleep, that was some good sleep that night. After Cumming four times that day, I slept like a baby.

I woke up to coffee, bacon, and eggs. This time the girls had theirs as well.

Eight thirty I got a call from a lawyer to meet at nine o’clock at his office.

We got there and Sally and Samantha where in the office already.

The lawyer said I need to witness you taking all three of Samantha’s holes to claim her as your property. Well, I will give it all I have. I kissed her, and we got to it then Sally came over and was lubing up her ass while I was on my back fucking up into her. I filled her up then got a drink and went right back to her and Sally got me hard and rubbed her ass hole with my cock, and I pushed into her, I gave her a minute then we got to it, god was her ass tight. I was close quick, and she was right with me, and I filled a second hole. We were both out of breath gasping for air.

I looked down to her and said ok slut clean your mess, good little sluts always clean their messes. She said yes Daddy I am a good girl and she was trying to suck my balls out the end of my dick. Damn what a suction she had. She had my ball sucked up then throated me. That did the trick, and I blasted what I had left down the throat and, on her face, and breasts. I bent down and kissed her and told her I was very happy with her.

We heard the lawyer say yes, he just finished with her and she cleaned her mess afterwards like a good slut. Yes, I am satisfied he has completed the requirements with her to the letter of the will. I will explain if she were marked, it would be done. I walked her to him and showed her collar bones where she was marked then all the girls showed him. He said Holy Fuck he has marked all four of them and claimed them all. I said no Five I own the Tattoo girl as well. He said Holy Shit that is amazing. I can keep up with two, and he has five.

Yes, I will take care of it, yes sir I will call them now and have them vacate the premises immediately. Yes, don’t worry I will have the police make sure he is gone.

Samantha said Daddy you will be coming home with me now. All of the girls will be.

I said let’s ride by the shop and let Tabitha know where we are going loves.

We all signed the forms and finished at the lawyers and Samantha took us home.

The house was Huge, like Manchin Huge. Samantha said Master this is all yours now and so am I.

I said well let’s take a look around. Samantha took us out back, and there was a big deck with gazebo and built in grill, and pool bigger then my apartment. Then a pool house and a garden off to the side. With a big yard and tennis court in the very back. We have a ten-car garage, and the house has a small house on the side for the Maid, cook and any one else we may need. Then ten rooms up stairs and four down plus a Master Bed room.

I said girls in the front room, please. I had Samantha, Sherry, Sally, and Kathy here now and Tabitha after work.

Ok, girls, I want a list of things you like and don’t plus a list of will do won’t do and have never tried. I want to know your fantasies even if they are embarrassing to you.

Rules for right now I would like all of you in little summer dresses no under clothes.

You will not lie to me, or I will punish you.

No secrets from me, I want to know everything, good bad, fun and hurtful all of it.

None of you are allowed to argue or fight about anything at all. If there is a problem, bring it to me, and I will solve it.

I expect complete submission from all of you at all times, your Loyalty and devotion to me and each other is not up for debate.

If you see one of the girls in trouble get me and help her if you can, we know this ass wipe that was here before will try some shit sooner or later so look out for each other. No one goes anywhere alone am I, clear girls?

They all said yes Daddy.

In public, you may call me Master, Daddy or Sir depending on the situation. Sometimes Master or Daddy could cause problems for you, Samantha. The girls could get away with it. Master from all of you in certain times could be problematic.

I love all of you with all that I am and want nothing but the best for you.

I expect you all to be good girls at all times. Now I want small delicate collars on all the time, and I want all of you with butt plug tails in. In the M/s community that tells everyone your owned, don’t mess with you, without permission.

All of you girls are mine, and I don’t share my things. I have learned over the years no one will take care of your things like you do. No one is to touch, kiss or hug you in any way unless you have my permission, do you girls understand me.

Again, Yes Daddy.

I called Tabitha and asked baby is there a sex shop near your shop?

She said yes Daddy the other end of the strip mall; Big Mike runs it.

I told her all of my girls will were a collar and butt plug tail all the time, so we are coming shopping and will see you in a few minutes.

Tabitha said Daddy Sissy would like to talk to you if you have time, please.

I said we have time baby we are in no rush, we will see you soon.

When we got to the shop, I walked in, and this guy was giving Sissy shit about something. When I walked over to her, she said hello Master how are you today?

I am good Sissy how are you baby girl?

The guy turned to me and said who the fuck is this guy bitch? Sissy said this is My Master you dumb Fuck and you better show him some respect, or you can leave right now.

He said fuck that you are my Bitch and I will kick his ass. I just smiled and said, so you disrespect other people’s property. What kind of ass are you? Apologize to her now because there will not be a later.

He pulled a knife on me and jumped my way, and Tabitha put a foot on the side of his head and knocked him out. I picked him up and through him in the alley dumpster. Then returned to my girls.

Sissy explain now.

Master, he was an old boyfriend that thought he owned me and would beat me if I didn’t do whatever he said to do. He was always mean and ugly to me everywhere we went.

Well Sissy if I take you, I expect you to obey me and my commands, without hesitation. You will be loyal and devoted to me only because I don’t share my things and all of my girls know this going into it with me.

Sissy said but Master you love your girls and treat them very good if they are good girls.

Yes, I found you get more from love then abuse.

You will not fight or argue I will settle all disputes. You will submit to me alone. If you cannot accept that, then walk away. You cannot change your mind once you get what you want. I will put you in a servitude collar if that is what you think be very certain about this. Tabitha was sure right off the bat and committed to me, and I claimed her.

Sissy said Master I love how you care enough to give me that option and want me to be sure. I will be honest and give it full thought and give you my answer. But I don’t think I will change my mind. Being with you will be very good for me. And not thinking about flirting and sucking up to customers. Ether they want the Tattoo, or they don’t. I will be free to walk away from waisted time and effort.

Tabitha, are you free right now? She said yes Daddy I just finished with this girl.

Come on I want you to pick a tail you like. We all walked down to the Sex shop and told them what we needed, and they had everything I was looking for. All of the girls where happy with their picks and I got them lube and said come to me girls and bring your plugs and collars. I told each to assume the position and collard them then put them across my lap and tailed them all. They all looked cute and were excited. I walked over and found the tail I liked for Sissy and got her a Collar and had them in a bag for her. I knew she already had her mind made up when we left the shop; she wants to be led and not have to make the decisions.

Tabitha said she is yours Daddy she knows it to, but you put some doubt in her mind, but I know she wants you to make her be a good girl. With you, she will turn her life over to you to make her what ever you want her to be.

I have an idea; I want you to run and get a little girls dress and Patton Leather pumps and lacy top socks. And two bows for her hair. I want her to be my Daddy’s Baby girl. We are going to take her way back, and that is how she will dress every day until I say differently.

Tabitha said oh Daddy that is too funny, she is going to shit!

I will see just how devoted to me she really is, and no teasing or you will join her.

Tabitha said I will be a good girl Daddy.

Ok, go get what I told you then come back quick.

Sally said where is Tabitha going?

I said to get Sissy’s new outfit.

Sally asked can I go, please?

Yes, I don’t want you girls alone any way.

The girls ran off giggling.

When we got into the shop, Sissy came to me and said, Master, I want to make my commitment to you please. I know I will be giving up my free will but also know you will take good care of me if I do.

I said there is no backing out once the collar goes on Sissy and you are marked.

She said I still want to be yours, Master.

Ok, Sissy, I accept your commitment to me, and I want you to be my Daddy’s Baby Girl until I tell you differently, do you understand Baby? She said no Sir,

but I will be what ever you want me to be.

I said good because Tabitha and Sally are bringing your new look in a few minutes. The girls came back giggling and red faced but got quiet when they came to the back of the shop.

Did you get everything I wanted Tabitha?

She said yes Daddy.

Go take Sissy and get her changed for me.

Tabitha, Sally, and Sissy went in the back room, and I could hear all kinds of noise back there. Then Sally came out then Tabitha. I said come on Sissy show Daddy how you look.

Sissy came into the room we were in, and she was perfect, she had a light blue dress with white lacy apron on it, and Patton leather three-inch pumps and blue socks with white lace.

Two pig tails with blue and white bows on them she was absolutely gorgeous.

I said perfect Tabitha just what I wanted.

Sissy said Daddy it will be hard working hear like this.

I said no it won’t because this is what I want, and I am the only one you are concerned about. No matter what anyone says to you or about you. You are doing this because of me and me only. You are my Baby girl, and your devotion to me will make all the other comments irrelevant. Because you make Daddy happy doing this for him!

She ran up to me and said I knew you would make me see why I was dressed like a little girl because I am Daddy’s Baby Girl and I am happy to be your Baby Girl Daddy!

I put her collar on then put her tail in, and she was bouncing around like a two-year-old.

I said, girls, when you close up come to the house, you will be moving in, and I want you to know your spot. And Sissy I will claim you then. We walked out and sat in the car just as two college girls went in for Tattoo’s. They walked up to Sissy, and she got excited and was all smiles then walked out from the counter and did a turn. To show the girls her outfit. You could see her thank them then go back to work showing the girls what they had to offer.

The girls picked some thing, and Sissy walked them back. A big guy walked in, and she was a little scared looking. She was looking around, and he held her hand then he pulled her over the counter. I got out and walked back in, and she said My Daddy will get mad if you don’t put me down right now. He said come on Sissy we can have some fun!

She said no I am Daddy’s girl only take your hands off and put me down NOW!

He asked Sissy what happened we use to have fun?

She said I am Daddy’s Girl and only Daddy’s girl. He doesn’t share me with anyone, so never touch me again.

He said this must be some guy to have you this devoted to only him Sissy!

She said he was my Master the moment I seen him take Tabitha, and I asked to be his, and he took me as his Baby Girl. So now this is how I dress for him only.

And you tore my new dress, and that will cost you, you dumb fuck.

He said I am Sorry Sissy I did not mean to cause you any trouble. I don’t want you getting in trouble because I was rough housing with you. I will buy you a new dress. I am truly sorry.

I walked up and said do you always handle another person’s property like that?

He said No we use to have fun together but now some guy owns her, and she will not play.

I said yes, and I am that guy. Sissy was watching me but said nothing.

I told him if he didn’t put her down like she told him to they would have carried him out. She is Marked collared and tailed that means no touching by any M/s people.

He said I tore her dress horse playing with her I need to get her a new one. She is still my friend even though you now own her. And you must be some kind of good guy because she would normally kick some other dick head to the curb.

I said I am just a guy that looks out for his girls and loves them not abuse them and she wanted that. So, she asked me for it; I did not go after her, that is why she is so devoted to me and is my very good girl. I heard everything you said and seen everything you did.

You followed my rules to the T, and I am very proud of you Sissy.

She said what do you mean Daddy?

I told you no arguing, no fighting. And when he picked you up, you just told him put me down my Daddy will get Mad.

You didn’t fight him when he picked you up but used your words to get him to listen to you.

Then you told him he was bad for tearing your brand-new dress and he is going to replace it without argument.

Sissy said Daddy I never even thought about it. Normally I would have kicked and punched him. And Tabitha would have been all over him kicking his ass and handing it to him.

I said see that’s my good girl, you followed my command and got out of a bad situation with words only.

Tabitha said Daddy she has never been that calm about any thing ever, she is Daddy’s Baby Girl no doubt about it. She loves you, Daddy.

I said well I seen this going bad when see started to look around for help, so I came back in to handle the problem. But she had full control of it, so I let it play out, and I am very happy with her. Ok, girls, I am going home see you there in a couple of hours.

Both girls said good bye Daddy.

When we got home, I asked the girls to make some dinner while I go take a shower. I grabbed Kathy and said come with me pet. We got in the shower, and I started messing with her ears then kissed her neck down her collar bone to her tits but left the nipples for later, I worked my way down one side then the other to her hip bone and across her mons to the other hip. Then started down the inside of her left leg to her knee and up the right to her lips and kissed them both, with a lick her knees started to shake, and she got weak.

I picked up her left leg leaning her against the wall and kissed down to her toes and kissed each one. Then switched legs and worked back up to her twat. I kissed it hard and she was trembling and moaning holding on to my head. I turned her around and leaned her against the wall leaning over till her Pussy was exposed and licked her from asshole to clit and back. She was about to hit the floor when I buried my tongue in her, and she gasped and backed up on me then I circled her asshole a couple of times then shoved my tongue into her, and she went down. I caught her and held her up then rubbed my cock up and down her slit till she was wet with girl cum then I inched my way in slowly and held her, so she could not drive down onto me.

I was making it painfully slow for her, and she was about to lose it on me then I stopped when I reached bottom. She was panting like a hot dog. She looked over her shoulder and said Daddy why are you doing this to me?

I said any one can just fuck you and cum I want to make you feel things you never knew existed and push you way beyond your limits.

We are just getting started baby hang on now you will feel the love I have for you.

I started to long stroke her slowly all in, all out. I did this for ten minutes, and her legs were trembling, so I picked up speed and started to push on her cervix every down stroke, and it was getting softer. Kathy said oh Daddy here it comes again and its going to be big oh shit oh shit Iiiiieeeee and she slumped down, so I pulled her to me and I popped in when she stood up, and she yelped.

Oh God Daddy no more, please.

I said now it is my pleasure we are going for. And I was long fucking her. It felt like she was going to pull my head off every time I pulled out then my balls tightened, and I drove it home and filled her up. That sent her over the top with a huge orgasm, and she passed out. She was limp in my arms and was panting.

Sally asked Daddy are you ok that sounded painful.

I said yea baby, but Kathy is out for the count. She has never been with me, and I opened her eyes to what love is and how much I love you guys.

Well, Daddy dinner is ready when you are.

Ok thank you, baby, I’ll be right out. I set Kathy on the floor and finished washing then washed her up. I dried off then pulled her out and dried her and put her to bed.

She just laid there with a big stupid grin on her face that said well fucked and happy.

I pulled on some shorts and went out to dinner and the girls all just watched me. I said go ahead and ask before you pop with curiosity.

Samantha said, Daddy, that sounded intense in there and where is Kathy at now?

I said it was good loving and a lot of fun. And Kathy is passed out in bed after being fucked out. I gave her what I will be giving all of you soon.

Samantha said Daddy our time was very good but what you did to Kathy sounded frightening, is she alright?

She is fine, but it was very intense. I showed her a new type of love she has never experienced before. Each of you will receive it when time permits, and you all deserve nothing less than my very best! Sherry asked Daddy can I be next, please. I said you can sleep with me tonight baby and when you get up tomorrow you can tell them all if it was worth it. They all giggled nervously and looked at each other for support.

The door Bell rang so I got up and opened it to find Tabitha, Sissy and a new girl I had not met.

I told them to come in, and Sissy said Daddy I know I should have asked before I brought my friend over, but she freaked out when she seen my new dress you got me. She asked me a lot of questions about why I was dressed like this but all I told her was is my Daddy likes me like this.

First Sissy yes, a call would have been a good idea, but you are going to be living here, and you can still have friends. But you know they might see more then they planned at some time, but you are safe this time baby.

Come into the living room, and I will tell all the girls about this as a new rule. But first who is your friend Sissy?

Daddy this is Sara a girl I have known since High School. We have always been BFF’s and have told each other our deepest darkest secrets and have had each other’s backs forever.

I said Sara it is very nice to meet you and welcome to our home. I think it is wonderful you guys have been friends so long. Now, what is it you would like to know?

Sara said thank you, Sir, for not getting mad with Sissy for bringing me. She left me out on a limb not answering my questions. First, why does she call you Daddy?

I said well that is a little complicated unless you understand the concept of M/s relationships, do you?

Yes, Sir, I understand Master/ slave relationships and get the whole concept. So, Sissy is your slave then?

Yes, Sara, she is.

How did this happen Sir I have known Sissy a long time, and she is not that type of girl? I have seen her beat a boy up for grabbing her ass at school. But to let some one control every part of your life seams demoralizing to me.

I said not if you like having someone else make the hard choices and the decisions for you. Sissy is a strong-willed girl and very sure of herself. But she likes to have someone in charge that she can trust with her life and wellbeing at all times.

I do that for her; her new look was a sort of test of her devotion and loyalty to me. At first, she wanted this for the wrong reasons, she wanted this because she seen me Take Tabitha and own her, but I was very loving in how I did it. I did not force her submission to me nor did I approach her to become mine. Tabitha asked to be owned by me because she is a natural Submissive, and she was my Tattoo artist for marking my girls, and she got so excited she asked me if I would also take her as mine. She had always wanted a Master but never found some one she could or would trust with her safety and life.

She watched me with my girls and felt safer with me because I love my girls above all others. I treat them with love and respect and do not force them into doing things. They obey me because they respect me, not because I force them to submit to me. Sissy watched me with Tabitha and my girls as well she is out front, so she sees us first. Then her boyfriend tried to be a dick, and we took him out, and I put him in the dumpster. She liked that I looked out for her even though she did not know me, and I didn’t know her.

I called Tabitha and asked about a sex shop by her shop, and she said yes there is one, but Sissy would like to talk to me. We all went over there, and Sissy asked me to take her, but I told her I would be doing the same thing her old boyfriend did, she would submit to me and obey my commands without hesitation, I expect complete Devotion and loyalty from my girls. I said you really need to think about this because once done only I can release her. I told her don’t just do it because Tabitha did it she is a very different girl. You need to see this with your eyes wide open and not just some trivial want for the moment. I would not let her be mine until she was sure this is truly what she wanted and needed. She needed to know it is for life with me and I do not share my girls they are mine only. So, if that is not what she wanted for life, then she needed to find what she was looking for some place else.

Sara said wow Sir that was a true lessen in life right there. To not just jump at some thing because you like it that moment, it could turn out to be a big mistake you could suffer for. For a stupid want, and not a need. When Sissy told me, My Daddy will make you see it. Clearly, I thought she was full of shit, but boy was I wrong. Sissy, your Daddy, is awesome just like you said he was.

All the girls were sitting here now listening to me and Sara talk and had not said a word. But they all got up, and each came and kissed and hugged me. I asked what was that for girls I like it but why did you all do that?

They said Daddy we all came to you from different directions and for different reasons, but you took us all the same way you did with Sissy and made us be sure this was what we needed. You never forced any of us, and we all had the walk away option, but we never stopped to think of it like what you just told Sara. This really opened our eyes as to how much you really love us.

I said well all of you had to ask for it I never went to you, so I can never be the bad guy making you do some thing you did not want to.

I turned to Sara and asked. Does that answer your questions?

She said all most, why is Sissy dressed like a little girl?

Well, that was a test for her before we went to far, Tabitha told me Sissy was mine and would ask to be when we got back to the shop. I said I have an idea to see if she is committed. I sent Tabitha and Sally to find her outfit for me, and after I accepted Sissy, I had her change into it to see if she would refuse the humiliation of dressing like a little girl. When she came out, she was beautiful to me, and I loved her more than ever. She asked me why I did it, so I told her I want her to be my Daddy’s Baby Girl. She is doing this for me and only me so no matter what anyone else thinks it is only for me!

Sissy changed her attitude after I told her that and she became happy to be My Baby Girl.

A big guy came in and was harassing her, but she never got mad until he tore her dress, and she made him buy a new one and made him put her down because her Daddy would not like it. She took control of the guy and had him like putty in her hands by the time she was through with him. She seen as long as she did it for me, fuck what everyone else thought it did not bother her in the least.

Sara asked Sir may I tell you something?

Sure, baby what is it?

I was always my Daddy’s Baby girl, and when he passed away, I was devastated!

He was my reason for living, and I have been miserable ever since. I get into trouble and became a mean person my Daddy would not be Happy with. It would break his heart to know what I have done.

I said I am very sorry to hear that baby; you would make a lovely Baby Girl for some one.

Sara said no Sir I would not I would only do it and be happy if you would be my Daddy like you are for Sissy, I love her like a sister and always have. Even my Daddy loved her.

Please, Sir would you let me be your Baby Girl, and you be My Daddy, I will be a very good girl for you and no one else.

I said Sara you know this is for life. You cannot change your mind next week and say this is shit I can’t do this.

Sara said I know Sir it would kill me to lose another Daddy, I Love my Daddy and lost him and have been lost ever since. You would make me whole again Sir, and I will Love you with out hesitation and obey and be your good girl I promise!

Ok, Sara, I accept you as my Baby Girl. All girls will be hairless from the neck down, Marked, Collared and Tailed always! Am I clear girls? They all said yes Daddy.

Next, like tonight when Sissy brought Sara here, she should have called first in case a had all of my girls naked when they showed up. You will all do this from now on if nothing else but to give us a heads up.

Ok, girls, I am wiped and need some sleep I will see you all in the morning. Sherry let’s go.

Sam show the girls around and let them find a spot they like. Tabitha, Sissy, and Sara you will all be moving in so find your spots.

I took Sherry to my room, and we climbed into the shower, and I started to work her over. In ten minutes, she was a quivering mess, that I took to bed. Kathy asked Daddy can I watch to see what you did to me? I looked to Sherry, and she said yes, I told her ok, but I did other things to you every girl is different, and I want all of you to have the time of your life with me.

An hour later Sherry was passed out cold and limp in my hands.

Kathy said oh Daddy if you did half of that to me oh my god no wonder I passed out. I almost passed out just watching it you are amazing Daddy I love you so much!

I said I love all of you this much. We got a new girl while you were napping. Her name is Sara, and she will be a Baby girl like Sissy.

Kathy said I love that outfit on Sissy she is so cute.

I agree, there is still some dinner if you are hungry baby or you can cuddle up with us whatever you like.

Kathy said Oh, tough choice Daddy, but I am starved. She kissed me and bounced out of bed.

I snuggled up with Sherry and went to sleep. About an hour or so later the bed moved then moved again. Well, at least they didn’t wake me up.

In the morning I woke up at four thirty, I sat up and looked around. I laughed, all of the girls were in bed with me. Well, we had plenty of room I don’t mind at all. I got up made coffee and was reading the paper when Sam came strolling in.

Good morning beautiful how are you this morning?

She said I am good Daddy it was nice sleeping with you even though we were not invited.

I said baby I don’t mind at all. Each girl needs her time to be special, but after we are done you guys can snuggle up with me, I like it.

Sam, you said we have some money in the bank, what are we looking at?

She said Daddy you have right around fifteen million in the bank with dividends still rolling in.

So, I don’t have to work anymore?

Sam said no Daddy not unless you want to, I have a lot of stocks working for you and I watch the market and can roll them over as needed.

I said you are awesome baby doll you know that!

She said Daddy no one has called me baby doll in a very long time. I said well get use to it. I love it, and it fits you well.

Do we have maids and cooks and housekeepers?

Sam said yes Daddy, we have two Maids a cook and a house keeper that work here. This is their weekend off. I usually just eat out when they are off doing whatever they do.

I said I want to know exactly what they do and who they are with when they are off. They could be the other guys informants, and we don’t want any one knowing our business in this house. If they are not loyal to me and devoted to me, they are gone I don’t care who they are. When do they come back? Nope never mind call them back right now, I want to know who and what they are. Sam called them, and the maids were on their way back already, and the cook was just heading our way, but the house keeper was busy.

Sam go get the girls up and bring them here, please.

She was back in a few minutes. Assume position for me, please.

They all got into position and looked at me. I said we have an issue here we need to solve.

The housekeeping staff are not known to me, and I don’t want strangers with my girls. So, I need you all naked and in the front room facing the front door. They all got up and went to the front room stripping off as they went. I put them in front of the fire place in position, and we waited. A half hour later we heard movement in the kitchen. They came in from the back. I had Sam in the front of the girls and told her call them in for me Baby Doll.

They both froze in spot when they walked in and seen all the girls naked and in position.

I said hello lady’s; I am the new Master of the house. And we need to talk. Please get naked for me now or leave we will no longer require your services.

Both of them stripped down naked and stood in front of the girls. I walked around them and said very nice girls. You are both lovely. What I need is complete submission and loyalty from the both of you. You see my girls all came and asked to be mine non-were forced to do so.

Now for you to work here, I need to know your were about any time you are not here and who you are with. If I cannot trust you, you cannot be around my girls or around here. You can understand they are very precious to me and their safety is my first concern. This is why you are naked right now. If you turned around and walked out, there would be no problem. But now you have submitted and stayed I need to know all about you please sit and tell me why we should keep you here. Girls you are released, go relax for a few minutes until the cook gets here then back in position ok. They all said yes Daddy and the Maids looked to me. Both girls had family here and were with them for their time off. Nether had boyfriends. I find this hard to believe.

Both of you are very pretty how is it you don’t have boy friends?

We are lovers Sir we are cousins and have been with each other for six years.

I said well Females gives you an in, but Lesbians makes it harder. You are not permitted to touch my girls they belong to me only, and I do not share. And as you have seen, they are very tempting.

The bigger of the two said Sir we are not Lesbians so to speak we have love each other since we were kids. She was raped by my father when she was twelve, and I have been her companion ever since were ever I go she goes. Sir the girls you have are all beautiful, and we are not we are just plain girls. But we will ask if you would accept us as your Slaves could we still work here, please? We don’t need to go home. We just go see our mothers anyway.

I told them if I do that it will be for life and you are only loyal to me and no one else. Not even family can you do that?

Both of them said yes Sir we will be yours and only yours and will follow your commands and obey you. I said, ok girls, I accept your commitment to me and you are now my Slaves I own your asses. Your new uniform will be, your little hats and the aprons nothing else. You will be Marked, collared, tailed. We heard Noise in the kitchen, so the girls got into position.

The maids in their uniforms on ether side of Sam with the girls behind them.

Sam call her. She did, and when she walked out, she yelled what the fuck is going on here?

I am the new Master of this house. And I have naked girls here, so get naked or leave now.

She looked to the floor and said yes Master I will obey.

I said ok spill it what is going on assume the position now. And she dropped.

Master, I am an owned slave Sir I work here in servitude to the other man that was here before. My Master got in to debt with him, and I was put into servitude to help pay it back.

I said call your Master for me love.

She got up and called her Master and handed me the phone. I said hello Sir I am Master Mike the Master of the house your slave has been in servitude at. The other guy was put out when I took Samantha as my Slave, and I own everything she had.

I have a bit of a dilemma with your slave being here. I don’t know who I can trust with the asshole that put you in your spot. And don’t plan on that happening here. How is your slave in servitude to this place or is she in servitude to the asshole?

I asked has he contacted you about your slave or her servitude?

You can understand I can’t have strangers around my girls I don’t trust. I have nine slaves, and one bad one could bring down my house of cards. He asked if I need her as a cook?

I said yes, we need a cook but if he finds you with her and she is in servitude, he could take her and any other girls you own.

I said yes, she would be welcome here if that was to happen. I said ok Sir and thank you for understanding my problem.

I handed her back the phone, and he told her he was releasing her from being owned by him only if she would accept me as her new Master.

She said but Master I have been yours for a long time, and I love you, Sir. She said yes Sir, yes Sir. No sir he was a very bad man. Yes, Sir, I will thank you, Sir, I will I promise. Yes sir, here he is.

He said she is yours and thank you for looking out for her and I hung up.

I looked to the girl, and she asked Master will you please accept me as one of your girls. I am a good girl and will obey your every command. I asked are you sure baby? She said if I stay with my old master I have to go back to that bad man, but if I belong to you, I am free again.

I said very well little slave, I accept you as mine and I own your ass now. You will be Collared, Marked and Tailed at all times and no hair from the neck down. what is your name baby?

I am Gabriel Sir or Gabby. I said well Gabby welcome home. Gabby you see the changes to the Maids uniforms make similar changes to yours but be safe I don’t want my cook burnt ok baby?

She said yes Master thank you for caring about me I am no body. I said now you want to be spanked, don’t you?

She said oh no Master I am sorry what did I do wrong?

I said you are one of my precious girls don’t ever think you are anything but my favorite toy. I love all of my girls and you are included.

She started to cry.

I asked what’s wrong baby?

She said no one has ever cared for her only her cooking.

Samantha asked Daddy, may I?

Go ahead, baby.

Samantha said Gabby I have always loved you and you are a beautiful girl inside and out. Our Master is very different from any you have ever seen. He Loves all of his girls. From the Daddy’s Girl to the old girls like me he loves us all never doubt that for one-minute baby you are now loved very much. Gabby was crying hard now I looked to Sam and said show her Sam. And all of the girls hugged and kissed her then turned her to me and I picked her up and put her in my lap and hugged her tight then kissed her.

I said now the next time you say something like that you will be spanked. But all the other times this is how I treat my girls all of them.

All the girls got up and were getting drinks and talking then they came running to me and Gabby that I was still holding. She got down and naked with the other girls, and in position.

The house keeper walked in and like the others froze in spot.

I said I am the new master here and you will get naked now or turn and leave NOW!

She had her mouth open in shock; she was a cute little Redhead. But she turned around and walked out of the house and left. I said what a shame she was cute as a button, I even liked her little mold under her right ear.

Sam said Daddy that was strange she never acted like that before. Some thing is wrong with her, I think.

I said well we may have just found our mole for the bad guy. Gabby can you make us something to eat baby?

Yes, Daddy right away.

I said you don’t have to call me that baby if you don’t want to.

She said no Daddy I like it and it fits you. You take care of us all like we are your daughters, so Daddy fits you very well. I said ok get to it you, no buttering me up!

And all the girls cracked up.

We all had a nice late breakfast, and all the girls kicked in to help out. It was getting close to lunch time, and we heard a noise coming in the back door. I said just stay were you are girls let’s see what we have here.

I seen the cute little redhead again. This time she walked in and took off her clothes with out me saying a word then got into position.

I walked up to her but noticed two things right off the bat. She was missing the mold, and she had gray eyes not green like before.

I asked ok little bit what is your name?

I am Sienna Sir.

And what is your sisters name Sienna?

She said what do you mean Sir?

I said well Sienna I pay attention to the little things. First, your body language is totally different from your sisters, then you are missing the mole she has under her right ear and the big one, you have hazel eyes, and she has green. Now are you going to answer me or am I going to turn you over to the girls to get it out of you?

She said Sir I am sorry no one has ever picked us apart like that before. And you are right we are opposites. You had her so flustered she could not even talk.

I said I know you work for the dick that was here before and caused Samantha’s husband to kill himself. So, what are you doing back? You know you are on thin ice right now.

Sir, he knows nothing about you, and I am here to find out who and what you are. He can’t find anything on you to use.

I laughed and said he will play hell finding out about me sweetie plus when he did; he would wish he hadn’t. Some very bad people will be looking down his throat.

I am what is known as a true Master you see all of these girls, I own them all. And you could be next.

She laughed and said many have tried Master, but non-have made the grade.

Well Sienna, are you willing to bet your ass on that? Now understand once I own you it is for life. If you fuck me, you will be in servitude to me, and then your sister will be next.

She said you are welcome to try, but I will win in the end.

I said oh no sweetie, you will put this in writing; I win you submit freely and become my loyal and devoted slave for life. Those are the stakes here sweetie you came into my house, I did not come to you, and you will be scrubbed clean head to toe by the girls if they fine tracking chips or any other type of devices on you, I will beat the skin off of you. So, what will it be?

I have a chip on the back of my neck and a monitor chip in the left lip of my cunt.

So, do you still want the bet, or will you just walk away?

Sienna said I will take your bet, Sir; this will be fun.

Girls scrub her ass head to toe search every inch of her. If she is lying, put the servitude collar on her she will be my new pet.

After the girls got her clean top to bottom, they found three more trackers on her. I pulled out my old core kit and removed all of them. Then I checked her again and found two between her toes. I pulled them and asked any more we missed, I am going to scan you now that you lied to me before I put your collar on. You are now my kitten little slut.

I cleaned her up then started to work on her. I went painfully slow from head to toe. I worked for and hour and never entered her she was on the edge the whole time. Then I popped the head in and went slow all the way to the bottom of her insides. I laughed and said, ok baby, how are you doing?

She said fine how about you?

I said now that you are warmed up we are going to step it up a notch. I pulled out slow then back in slow for a half hour. She grunted every time I hit bottom. Her cervix was now losing, and she was not as deep as Sherry had been. She had been on the edge for an hour and a half now time to bring the heat. I popped through her cervix and went to the bottom of her uterus and held it there. She was shaking like a leaf. I started to long stroke her then all in, all out, and was picking up my speed. We were going full tilt. And my balls tightened up and thought time to bring the heat and I went to pounding her, and she had a major orgasm, her eyes rolled back in her head, but I kept going. Then I was ready to fill her, so I slammed into the bottom and unloaded in her and she passed out from the volume of cum I filled her with, but I was still hard and didn’t stop I started to long stroke her again she came too and asked where am I. Samantha said My Daddy just fucked you stupid you dumb cunt you will now submit to him of your own free will, or I will take your ass outside.

But we have to wait until Daddy is done with you. You are going to walk funny for a couple days slut that is for sure. She started to go off again and was saying oh god not again please Master I need a break. I said me too your ass is to slippery to be much fun. I grabbed her ankles and pushed them up, and Samantha pulled my cock out of her and lined it up with her ass, and I drove it home. She screamed and passed out. I stopped and waited for her when she came back so did I, and I pounded her ass hard until I was ready to fill her up again. When I unloaded in her this time, she was talking gibberish, and the girls cracked up. Not such a tough bitch now, is she?

I said girls change the sheets for me please while I go clean up my new pet.

I got in the shower and set down in the warm water, then pulled her down on to my lap. I let the water beat on her swollen pussy and washed the cum out of her. I washed her hair then cream rinsed it I washed her whole body she is a cute little thing. I slid her to the back of the tub and washed myself and felt her come too. She looked up and said Master you washed my hair?

I said yes pet it was all sweaty and was stuck to you and I can’t have my pet dirty like that what would people think? Now Pet you are going to help me get your sister as well. She said Master that is easy. I own her ass. She is my slut. I said not any more pet she belongs to me now just like you do. Pet you are a cute little thing, if you are a good girl, I will take very good care of you, and you will not want to be anywhere but on my leash. She said I have to be leashed master. I said you will love it you will see.

She said I don’t think so Master.

I said do you want to bet me again?

She said oh no Master I learned my lesson the first time.

Now pet you only wear what I let you when I let you.

She said yes Master I will obey.

I said very good the better you are for me, the more things you will get, but you have to earn them.

We got out, and I said Tabitha come here, please. She said yes Daddy?

I said let’s get all the unmarked girls together and go to the shop and get them Marked and Tailed and collared. Pet will need ears and a leash as well.

I put pet in one of my T shirts, and we took off, pet called her sister and had her meet us at the shop. Tabitha marked all the girls and put “Pet” across pets neck in the back. I walked them down to the sex shop and found everything I needed for all of them. Pet and her sister got matching tails and ears and collars. Then I told Tabitha I wanted pet sister to be a Daddy’s girl take her with you and make it good. Sissy went to, and we went back to the shop to wait for them. When they walked back in Suri was just too cute for words. She said master is this ok?

I said you can call me Daddy now that you are a Daddy’s girl baby and yes you are beautiful.

Let’s go to the Mall I want to find something suitable for pet to be in public with. We got to the mall and were walking and looking in the shops when I spotted what I was looking for, a little green belt dress that said: “I was a bad girl” on the back and made her put it on right in the isle we were in. I said very good when you earn it you can have the good girl dress.

As we passed a food court, a little girl came running up to me and asked sir is she your kitty girl? I said yes baby she is, and this is my Daddy’s girl. She said I have a dress just like that, but I don’t like it.

I asked why is that baby? I feel funny wearing it when everyone is pointing at me and saying how cute. I asked well are you cute in it?

She said my Daddy, says I am.

I said well do you see her looking upset wearing hers?

She said no Sir.

She wears it because I think she is too cute, and I love it, so she wears it for me and don’t care what anyone else thinks only her Daddy.

She said I can do that for my Daddy he buys me ice cream when I were it.

I said see he loves you and how you look for him.

She asked why is she dressed like a Kitty. I love her ears they are very nice.

Well she was a bad girl and got punished, so she has to be my Kitty now until she is a good girl, then she can be a dressed girl, or she can stay the kitty, but she has to be a good girl first.

She whispered in my ear she would like to be a kitty, but she is a good girl, not a bad girl.

I said let me ask your Mommy if she is ok with it I will get you some ears for being a good girl.

I asked the Mom, but she said she don’t need them she wants everything she sees. I said well it is up to you Mommy, but she has been a very good girl. She asked nice questions and did not want to be bad to be a kitty she likes being a good girl. The mom said well sir you make a good argument, and her Daddy loves her in the little girl dress. Tabitha take Sissy and see if you can find my new friend some ears and a tie-on tail in her colors. She said yes Daddy we will be right back. I asked the Mom if her and the little girl had lunch yet. They said no I said come on my treat. It will take the girls a few minutes. We had some Chinese it was the little girls favorite. Then we got ice cream. The girls got back and handed me the bag. I opened it, and they got the mom and little girl matching ears and tails.

I pulled them out and handed both of them the ears and tails, and the little girl lost it. She put her ears on then handed me her tail I tied it on her, and she was dancing all around happy as could be. Mom handed me her tail, and I tied it on for her, and they matched and were cute as could be. The little girl asked her mom something, and her Mom said yes, and she jumped in my lap and gave me a hug and kiss and said thank you, Sir, this is so fun to have Mommy match me.

I said you are very welcome little one, have a good day and be a good girl for Mommy ok?

She said yes Sir. We took off. As we were walking we see this boy slap the shit out of this girl and she said I didn’t do that, he drew back again and I said Tabitha now! She took the boy down and hit him so fast he never seen it coming, I walked over and helped the girl up, and Sissy wiped her face and took her to the bath room. I walked up to him and said listen you little piece of shit, that is no way to treat girls. If you don’t apologize to that little girl, I am going to let Tabitha beat your ass into the ground in front of all your buddies, so they see a girl kicked your ass and handed it to you. He said fuck you she just got lucky.

I said no she was being nice, but now she is not going to be nice any more. I hope you don’t like them teeth.

The girl was coming back, and she said you are an asshole you fuck wad. He said I will fuck you up slut and drew back. Tabitha. She hit him so fast and so hard the kid could not move, he went down like a brick.

I told his friends, I am taking her home. If he fucks with her ever again, Tabitha will beat all of your asses. I seen her do that to a grown man, so your punk asses will go down like shit head over there. About that time sweet pea ran up. Sir are you ok?

I said, sure baby. She said he is mean to that girl all the time she lives down the street from us. The Mom walked up and said did he hit you baby and the girl went to her and cried and said yes ma’am. Mom said that is it, buddy, you will get your own room with bars you are just like your shit head father.

Mom, what is your name dear?

I am Kathern Sir.

Kathern I am Mike, will you take this girl home, or do you want me to.

Mike, I will take her, but I have to pick up my son from practice it will be a while.

I will take her then, so she can be safe with her parents. Let me give you my cell number, so you don’t feel like I ran out with the girl. And these are my girls here Sherry, Sissy, Sara, Sienna, Suri, Gabby, Luna and Emma we where just shopping when we met you and your Baby girl, then we were getting ready to leave when we see this girl get attacked by dumb ass over there.

Baby Girl said Mr. Mike I will show you were we live while Mommy gets Bobby, my brother.

I said baby that is nice of you to offer, but I don’t think Mommy would feel comfortable with you going with me baby, she just met us, and we are still strangers to her. Do you go with strangers you do not know?

She said oh No Sir; I can not even talk to them.

That is funny you talked to me a few minutes ago and did not know me.

She turned and said I am sorry Mommy I forgot when he had his kitty with him.

Kathern said its ok this time baby you found a very good man but don’t do it again he could have been a bad man and hurt you, we just want you, safe baby!

That is right baby girl, not every person is good. Unless Mommy or Daddy say they are ok, keep your guard up, so you don’t get hurt. I would be very sad if you got hurt.

She said I feel safe around you mister Mike and your girls would not let any thing happen to me. I can feel how much they care about me because of you. And now you helped Betty, and you don’t know her.

Ok baby we get it, what is your name before you go buttering me up.

I am Heather.

I said nice to meet you, Heather; you are a very good girl. How do you know Betty baby?

Heather said she has baby sat for me before and is very nice to me.

I said that is good, but we need to get her home now and tell her parents what happened. You and Mommy get Bobby, and you could if Mommy is ok with it, check on her make sure she is ok.

Heather said I will mister Mike, thank you for saving her she is my friend.

You are welcome baby, come on girls let’s get Betty home.

When we got there, her Dad was out front cutting the lawn and Mom was tending to flowers around the house. I walked up to the Dad and said my name is Mike and my girls and I were at the mall and we seen your daughter get attacked by a kid that lives in your area. We broke it up and brought her home to you. We made friends with Kathern and Heather on your block, and they also know what happened. She is safe and only a little hurt but fine otherwise.

I turned and said Tabitha bring her please. And Betty and Tabitha got out and came to us.

The man was about to lose it but asked her what happened baby?

Keven said I was cheating on him and slapped me. I didn’t do any thing he was showing off for his friends and thought it was funny. He is mean just like his Dad is to his Mom.

Baby you need to stay away from his sorry ass, his whole Family are shit, and the poor Mom is stuck with them.

Betty said, Daddy, he claims me at school and everyone knows he owns me there.

I looked to her and said, Betty, no one can claim you if you don’t want it.

What you are telling us is he thinks he owns you then?

She said yes Sir, just like his dad owns his Mother, Keven tells everyone he owns me I am his Slut.

I said no baby you are not. You are a beautiful little girl and don’t even need to know about this. But since you do. This is what owned girls look like. Assume position and all of my girls jumped out and assumed position in front of me.

I said, baby, the girls give me this power. I did not take it from them. The girls have all the power to give or take their submission. What he is trying to do is call forced submission, and you will not be going down that path now that I know you.

You see all of my girls love me and are treated with respect and love, never forced abuse. You see how your Mom loves your Dad and hugs to him? She said yes Sir they love each other a lot. Well, Baby, your Mom gave your Daddy that power and you are the loving results of that. But if your Mom didn’t like your Dad, we would not be talking right now because she has the power to walk away. She is here because she wants to be not because she has to be.

Now, will you show me Kevin’s house I need to have a word with his father?

Betty said yes sir the end of the block other side of the street.

Thank you, baby, I am giving your Dad my number, and if you have anymore, problems call me. Kathern all so has it so tell her if Mom and Dad are at work ok? Sir, it was nice to meet you, and your wife and Betty is a very sweet girl. I will see to the jerk down the street; she better have no more trouble out of him.

He said thank you, Mike.

Girls load up please and all of them loaded in to the van. We drove down the street, and the house was a pig sty. I knocked on the Door, and this tiny little woman opened it. She said yes?

I said is the Master here? She looked to the floor and said yes Master he is. Get him for me. She turned but left the door open. The house was dirty inside and out. I could see three cages in a back room with girls in them. He came to the door and said yea what the fuck do you want?

I said are you the Master here?

He said yes this is my house. And all these girls belong to you?

He said yes these are my sluts.

I said your son was abusing the little girl down the street at the mall in front of all his friends today.

He said really he claimed the little slut right in the Mall?

I said he tried to force her into submission, but my girl beat his ass.

He said what the fuck I would kick her ass right now.

I said no I don’t think so, but the reason I am here is the girls on this block are off limits to him I am protecting them so you and him must leave them completely un accosted.

He said fuck you, who do you think you are ordering me around, I should just take your sluts away from you. Tabitha now. She broke his nose, and he went down hard.

I said get up pig; he said I will kill that slut.

I told him you are dirty and stupid. He got to his feet, and Tabitha went full on beating his ass.

I said Sissy bring me the servitude collar. She handed it to me, and I said do you know what this is?

He said no.

I said because you attacked me I am placing you into servitude for one year as well as your son. Where is your wife?

He said I am not married; his mother is just a useless slut like all the others.

I said I will be taking all of these girls from you pig and you and your boy will not be allowed to be near a girl for one year. If in that time this house is clean inside and out, I may lift your sentence. I want this place spot less inside and out. I clicked the collar around his neck and turned it on. Just then a car pulled up, and the Son and a couple of his friends walked out dragging two girls with them. I said what do we have here? He said you took my slut, so I got two more to play with.

Tabitha, she hit him in the face, and he went down. I told the boy’s don’t move a muscle or you are next. I put the other collar around his neck and said you are now in servitude to me you little piece of shit; I own your ass for one year. You are not permitted to look a girl in the eyes in that time. You and your Pig Father will clean this pig pen up to match the other homes around here, or I will sell your asses to the Mexican slave traders as male sluts.

He said you can’t do this.

I said in this state I can it is very legal, and all of the paperwork has been filed. Now, so you know how bad you really have it. Betty down the street will be your controller. And Pig Kathern will be your controller. If they do not see you working on cleaning this place up this is what happens, and I pushed their collars control button, and they shit their self-right there.

I said fun hu?

I will be back in one hour all of the girls here will be washed and clothed for me to pick up. If I find one new mark on them, your asses will be barbeque. Now get them cleaned up.

We drove to betty’s house, and I told her what had happened and asked her to control Kevin at home and school. She said thank you, Sir, I will. I said call me daily and tell me how it went. I will be back in an hour to pick up the girls they had in the house. I want that house cleaned inside and out.

Betty said yes Sir they will not get any rest from me after the way he treated me.

I said Kathern will be controlling the Dad as well if he says any thing or even looks at you light him up. They are not allowed to look girls in the eyes for a year. I went to see Kathern and told her what I had done and asked if she could over see him for me, and she said sure Mike I will keep an eye on him. I said I want him treated just the way he treated the girls he held in his home. No respect.

I have to take my girls home then I am going to take all the girls he has in cages in that pig pen. I will be back in and hour see you then.

I dropped the girls off, and we had some lunch, and I brought Tabitha and Samantha back with me. I inspected every girl, and Kathern and Heather came down to help.

Kathern said Mike two of these girls are wives that went missing from our block a couple years ago.

I asked will you come to my house and talk to them see if they want to go home, I want to get them all bathed and fed and make them feel safe and see how messed up they are.

Kathern said Mike, Heather, and Betty could help they where both, baby sat by these girls they might bring them out to talk to you.

I said if you are ok then I am fine with it.

We loaded six very scared and shy girls in the van. We took them home, and we washed them head to toe. Cleaned there matted and dirty hair and dressed them in light summer dresses and sat them down and fed them all. I had the girls all pair up and take a girl and walk her around the house and grounds. They had been in cages so long they got tired quick. So, a little at a time.

Kathern and the girls showed up, and Betty’s Mom came with her.

Betty said mister Mike I brought my mom with me to help she knew some of these girls as well.

Thank you baby good idea. Ok, pick one, and we will start, you need to know I will have to be loud and command them to behave and listen so don’t be afraid when I get loud. They have been treated like animals and will not respond to kind and gentle until we have their attention. Betty said I have seen and heard how they yelled at the girls all of us have.

I got the four girls together and said you may think I am being mean to the girls, but I would not hurt any of them for anything. But I will have to break down their commands they have lived under before we can get to the girls inside. I told Betty they think they are animals, so we have to get past that, some may come right around others may have been treated very bad, and we have to build trust in them that we are not going to hurt them.

Heather came up and hugged me and said Mike mommy said you are a good man and I trust you will fix these poor girls. And if it gets to bad, I will go play with kitty for a while; she is so cute.

I said that is a good idea baby, if you and Betty get scared, just go find Kitty and she will love to play with you. Her name is Sienna if you like that or Kitty is fine.

We got the first girl, and I said assume position now. She had not been trained, so I said sit slut and she sat on the floor. What is your name? she said I am Slut Sir.

I said what is your person name Slut.

She had to think some, and you could see tears welling up, and she said, Annie Sir, I was Annie.

How long have you been a slut Annie?

She said I was; I don’t know Sir I can’t remember. Master just beat me until I could not remember any thing but Slut and Cage.

Annie will you be able to sleep without your cage?

No Master I am safe in the cage I need it. Ok Baby, we will get it for you.

Annie, I am your new Master now, and you and the other girls will be living with me alright?

Yes, master, I will obey, I am a good slut for my master.

Annie do you remember any of these girls with me.

That Baby, no the little girl was Betty I use to baby sit her, and her Mom Linda I have not seen them in a very long-time master would not take us outside the neighbors would call police for pets outside off a leach.

Well, Annie, we are going to change some of the things you can and can’t do. You see we are going to try to get you home if you like that. That is why Kathern, Heather, Betty, and Linda are here with me to help you remember your old life.

We will not hurt you or make you do some thing that you are afraid of. I am a very loving Master and love all of my girls and my Pets. Annie said, Master, you have other girls and Pets too?

I said oh yea, and they are all good girls would you like to see some of them?

Master, I have never seen other masters girls or Pets before. I said ok baby come here to me, so they don’t scare you and Heather will bring a couple in.

Heather will you get Kitty and Suri and bring them in tell them to be nice to our little mouse they will understand.

Ok, mister Mike I like Kitty any way, and off she went. I could hear Heather coming back, and she was all wound up then got really quiet before they came in the room. Annie was holding my leg and climbed into my lap as they came in. I said in a quiet voice they are good girls and will not hurt you baby just watch. Girls assume position for me right here.

I thought it was cute when Heather did it with them; I said baby you don’t have to take position with the girls you are not mine only they are.

Heather said Kitty told her she was Daddy’s good girl like Suri is and I am a good girl for you to Mister Mike that is why I did it. I said very well baby we will talk about this later.

You see Annie my girls are very well trained and have good manners. Even my new friend Heather like to be a good girl for me. She is just too cute don’t you think?

Annie said yes Master she is a good girl.

This is Kitty my pet. She was a bad girl, but I have shown her good girls get fun things bad girls don’t, and she likes being my good girl. Sienna tell Annie what it is like with me in our home.

Yes, Daddy. Annie, our Daddy, is very gentle and loving. He will help you if you will let him.

Only bad girls get punished here, but even then, they are never beaten or abused. Our Daddy gets all of us to behave so he can love us, and we all want that you will see.

I was a very bad girl and was ugly to Daddy and the girls here, but Daddy just loved on me until I seen he will love me any time I want if I am good and I really like that. I had a very mean master before Daddy found and saved me. Now Suri and I are very happy here. Suri is my twin sister, and she came here to be Daddy’s “Baby Girl” that is why she dresses like a little girl because Daddy loves her like this, so she loves him back and dresses for him only.

Mean people have made fun of her and laughed at her but she doesn’t pay them any mind Daddy is all she cares about, and if he is Happy, she is Happy, and that is how we are here all of us.

You see Daddy just met Heather and Kathern today at the Mall shopping and they love our Daddy and are here to help you feel better, then we have Betty she was attacked by a bad boy your old master’s son, and we saved her, and she and her Mommy came to help you to. Only because they know our Daddy is trying to make, you feel better. And all of Daddy’s girls will help you any time you need us just yell help, and we will come for you.

Annie turned to me and asked can I call you Daddy like the other girls it feels safer to me then when I call you Master.

I said, baby, if it helps you feel safe then, by all means, do it. And like my good girl Kitty told you everyone here will help you any time night or day. If you have a bad dream call out and we will hug you and make you safe ok?

She looked me in the eyes and said yes Daddy I will try to be a good girl for you!

That is all we ask baby we all know you had a very bad Master, and he will be hard to forget, but we will love him right out of your head.

Annie looked to me and asked Daddy can I have a drink and some food we only eat once a day, but I get hungry? I said Annie you have done very good today. We will get you some thing Kitty will you take her and feed her, please?

Yes, Daddy Suri and I will take good care of her.

Heather asked mister Mike can I go with them, please?

I said I am fine with-it baby, but you have to ask mommy you are her baby, not mine.

She asked Mommy can I go with Kitty and Suri to feed Annie, I would like to talk to her, please? Kathern said I don’t know baby, we are guests here in Mister Mikes house and you act like you own the joint. But if Mister Mike is ok with it and Kitty don’t mind, you can go with them. Kitty got a big smile on her face and said come on little sister we will get Annie all fixed up, but you need to hold my leash I am not allowed off of it yet. I have to earn that from Daddy.

Heather said, but you are a good girl now. Kitty said I am now baby, but I was very mean to Daddy, and this is my punishment for being bad, I know I was bad, and I accept this because I was the bad girl. When Daddy thinks I have learned my lesson, he will take me off of it, but I will wear it until he tells me different. This is how you learn from mistakes do you understand?

Heather said yes Kitty I understand, and if I made you disobey Daddy then I would be a bad girl too, but I will not get you or me in trouble with Daddy ok?

Kitty said you got it, little sister you are very smart for a little girl; you could have saved me from this if you where here. Heather grabbed the leash and took off with kitty in tow.

Kathern, she will be fine with the girls they would fight for her don’t worry.

Kathern said Mike it is not them I am worried about, that little shit is falling in love with you and the girls and she is very possessive when she gets her hooks in believe me. My husband is wrapped with that little girl.

I said I see your point; she is sneaky to she just plays innocent to get you hooked on her big eyes. And we cracked up.

I asked the girls; how do you feel about how this is going so far?

Kathern said these girls are in the best place for them to get better. Your kind and loving ways pulls them to you, and you give them a safe feeling like you did with all of us today.

In one day, you have become family to the four of us. Hell, if I was not married, I would be asking to be here with you and the girls.

I said I am no home wrecker Kathern, but all of you girls are welcome here and if you need us just call.

I said let’s talk to the young girls next and see how bad that ass hole kid fucked them up.

The first girl was just scared, and she had a red mark on her face where the kid had slapped her. Kathern put some healing cream on it, and a little while later she was good to go. The next girl was a different story. She was the school slut, but she did not seam all that happy about it. Ok, sweet pea tell me your story, I can see you think you are a slut but your face tells me it is not your choice.

Sir, I live with my Father and two older brothers. They started raping me when I turned sixteen and have never stopped. They rape me every night many times, and now my father has joined in since I turned eighteen. I said you don’t look eighteen, Sixteen maybe but not eighteen. Well, I am Sir. But now my brothers want me to start hooking so they don’t have to work and can sit home on their asses like my Dad. He made my Mom into a hooker, and she died of aids last year. Now they want me to bring in the money they lost when she died. They don’t care about me only my pussy and the money I can make. I said well-baby you are welcome here and you will be safe, and no one will harm you. What is your name baby?

I am Kelli Sir. Tabitha come here baby.

Tabitha said yes Daddy. Tabitha find Kelli a room she will be here for a while. Tabitha said come on Kelli we will get you hooked up.

I told Kathern I need to go get the girls cages, so they feel safe tonight. She said I will stay here and talk to another of the girls and find out how they are doing your girls have had them busy this afternoon they are going to be tired tonight.

I went and picked up the cages, and the yard was at least picked up, but they were a long way from what I wanted. When I got back, I washed and cleaned the cages and put fresh bedding in them. I took them to my room and lined them up by the bathroom door, so they had some light if they woke up during the night.

I said ok girls let’s have dinner Gabby said Daddy it will be ready in a half hour.

I asked Kathern if her and the girls wanted to stay for dinner?

She said thank you that would be nice. My husband is at work so just me and Heather would be lonely.

After dinner, we went to the TV room to watch some TV. I had all the new girl sit on the floor like good pets would. Annie was hugging one of my legs but was calm. The other girls were sitting talking to Kitty, so Heather walked over to me and was just looking at me but said nothing. I had a feeling I knew what she wanted but did not give her an in.

Kathern was giggling because she knew what she was up to.

Heather cleared her throat. I looked at her and asked may I help you with something baby?

Daddy can I sit on your lap, please?

I said baby I am not your Daddy what happened to mister Mike?

Heather said that sound so far away, but Daddy sounds close warm and safe.

Ok, and what would your Daddy think, he would be heart broken to here his baby call another man Daddy.

She said well really he is my step dad not my real Dad and he is nice, and all but you make me feel like a real daughter more then he does. He tryes but he forces his self to do it, and I have heard him tell Mommy he wished I was not there because I am another mans kid and not his.

I looked to Kathern, and she was crying and shaking her head yes that it was true.

I said come here baby I would never treat you like that.

Heather said thank you, Daddy, I will be your little girl from now on always. I said that is nice baby, but we don’t want Mommy getting in trouble because of me. You know I and the girls all love you, and you are welcome here any time baby.

She said I know Daddy; Kitty told me you would love me just like you love them.

I set back and was rubbing her back, and Annie’s head and both of them went to sleep on me.

Kathern said oh them hooks are really deep now, and she giggled.

I said oh be quiet you set me up. Should I punish you now?

I said ok its time for bed I need some sleep, Annie woke with a start but calmed down she still had my leg. I said Kathern are you going to get her now?

Kathern looked at the floor and asked Mike could we spend the night? It is lonely at the house, and he will not be home till tomorrow night. I asked where is your son?

That is his Son, and he is with his Mother. Plus, I don’t think she is going to let you go now. She has claimed you as her Daddy.

I said that will not work I sleep naked, I can’t sleep with clothes on.

Kathern said that her husband sleeps naked as well and Heather has seen it all. She doesn’t pay it much mind if you don’t make a big deal over it.

I said well fuck you did this I don’t know how but I know you did this.

Tabitha said I have an extra bed in my room Kathern you can crash in, and the took off leaving me with Annie and Heather.

I went to my room and found a tee shirt and put it on Heather to sleep in and she climbed right in my bed like it was her spot. I took Annie over to her cage but she didn’t want to go into it, so I asked what is the matter, baby?

She looked up and said Daddy can I sleep with you and Heather? I would like to try it if you are alright with it.

I said come on how did I lose control tonight I just don’t get it.

Annie said Daddy, its that little girl; she loves you with all her heart and everyone can see you love her too. When she climbed into your lap tonight, I knew I was Safe. Babies have a sense about people adults don’t have they are like animals they know if you are good or bad.

Daddy, I think I can be a good girl for you now, I feel love and safety when I am with you.

I said ok chatter box before we had to drag words out of you now you just let it rip.

We went to bed, and Annie was laying down by my legs she was just more at peace there. She hugged my right leg, and Heather rolled over next to me but didn’t wake up. Finally we all drifted off. I woke up when the bed moved on Heathers side. Then I felt some one crawl in on my other side it had to be Betty it was a small head, then the bed moved again on her side but went still they were happy to find a spot and went to sleep, so I went to back sleep. around day light I woke up having to pee, but I could not move.

Heather was laying on me Betty had my right arm, Linda was hugging the both of us and Kathern was hugging me from the left. Annie was curled up between my legs shivering from being on top of the covers. I woke up Kathern and said baby take Heather for me I need to go pee, or we will be swimming here. She got up and took Heather off of me. I unwrapped my self from the rest of the girls and got up. I told Kathern to lay back down and go back to sleep.

I went pee and went to the kitchen for a drink and found Sam sitting there I asked what’s up baby.

She said, Daddy, we keep getting more and more girls and I don’t get any of your time, and I miss you. I said I know baby we will get this settled down and I will have time for all of you girls, I will make the time. But right now, you know those poor girls need our help. We will start getting them home, and we will have family time.

Heather came running in the kitchen crying I asked what’s the matter, baby?

Mommy said we need to go home because we are taking your girls time away from them.

Sam said Baby right now you guys are helping the poor girls that Daddy saved, we will be fine we have the rest of our lives with Daddy.

Kathern said that is nice of you, but you guys just got Daddy your selves and have not had any time with him, and we come in and take him away from you, I know you have to be sad from that.

Sam said Daddy saved us just three days ago from bad situations just like what these other girls are facing, yes, we mis time with him but Daddy will not turn his back on any mistreated girl. If he did, we would not even be here. We will survive for a couple of days. Look at Annie. He turned her around in a couple of hours. That was the first time she has slept out of her cage in a year. That is huge. We are just being petty and will have our time. But I have noticed something, and, in this house, you must not lie and keep secrets you have fallen for Daddy too just like Heather has, haven’t you?

Kathern looked down and said yes, he is an amazing man. I witnessed something wonderful yesterday from him, and it moved my soul.

I stood up and said Kathern you are married and made a promise to a man. I will not cross that line I told you that. If you cannot behave around me, I will make you go home.

She looked down and started to cry saying, Daddy, I know what you said, and I have fallen into your charm. But my husband has not been faith full to me he is messing around with three different women at the same time.

I said can you prove this?

She said yes Daddy I can right now if you want to see. I said let’s go. Heather stay here with Sam and be a good girl for me ok.

She said yes Daddy I will.

I went to Tabitha and said baby get dressed and come with me.

Two minutes she was at the car, and we took off.

We pulled up to a house and Kathern said that is his car Daddy, he will be leaving here in ten minutes then he will go across town to a motel and meet up with another girl.

We watched as he came out with a girl in a short robe walked him to the car and was kissing him then handed him coffee. I said shit I could use a cup of that.

Kathern said go tell her you want one.

I got out and rang the bell she came to the door saying you came back for more. I said yes, I would like a cup of coffee too. She said who the hell are you my husband just left for work.

I said oh that is rich. His wife is sitting in my car right there, and we watched the whole thing. So, get me a cup of coffee please and I will leave. But I may come back when your real husband leaves for work.

Right now, little Slut I own your ass, and you will obey me, or your husband will get the video I just made am I clear? She handed me a cup and said yes Sir. I said good home wrecker. We left, and I told Kathern I had that little slut on a leash now. She giggled and said you are not like that Daddy. I said you know that, but she doesn’t. and I took this. It was a picture of the girl and her husband. Kathern said I know him. That is my husbands Boss. We cracked up then. When we got to the hotel, we could not find his car.

Kathern said he normally comes here next, then the other girlfriend around lunch time.

Let’s go there just in case he changed up his game. Just as we were backing up the girl friend pulled in, and she looked pissed. I said let’s see what’s going on first. She went to the desk and got her key and was ready to walk to her car and pull around back. I walked up to her and grabbed her arm and said what’s the matter beautiful, lover stand you up? She said yes, he won’t be here till noon, that fucks up my whole day. I said how could he leave a hot beautiful woman like you standing around. That is shameless.

She asked are you busy I seam to have time on my hands?

I said I have two already beautiful or I would rock your world. Let me have your number, and I will give you a call some time when I am free to give you the time you need. She put all of her information in, and I took a picture of her for my contact list. I said I really need to run, but you will hear from me Mrs. Herbert, Pamila Herbert. And you are? You may call me Master Mike!

She said oh shit really?

I said yes really.

I walked away, we went to the other girlfriends house, and he was there.

I snuck up the side of the house and found them in a bed room in the back. He was on his hands and knees, and she was behind him fucking the shit out of him with a big dick. He was crying and saying I am sorry mistress she means nothing to me. She is the bosses wife; I fuck her because he fucks me out of my money. I said well this video is golden. I walked to the front door and rang the bell. The woman answered in a robe, and I walked right in and grabbed her by the throat and said on your knees slut! Now! She dropped. I said what do you think you are doing slut?

I was having fun with my slave Master. I asked do you know he is married?

She said no he belongs to me. For life, I have him marked with my mark. Well, slut you will submit to me, she said yes Master I will freely submit. I said tomorrow you will go to this Tattoo shop and tell my Daddy’s Girl you are owned by Master Mike and need his Mark. If you fail me, I will put you into servitude for a year, so you know who owns your ass, am I clear slut?

She said yes Master I will be there first thing in the morning. And Slut you are not permitted to cum until I say so. Punishment will be harsh if you disobey. Now I want you to demand your slave to move in with you and be your house bitch. He may not cum until you do am I clear?

She said yes Master. Now the longer it takes for him to move in and clear his life up the longer you suffer not Cumming. Once this task is complete, I will let you cum on this, and I pulled out my cock, and she about fainted. I said get to it slut, or I will give this to some one else, and you can do without. I left but went back to the window. She walked in still dizzy from lust and he asked is everything, alright mistress?

She hit him hard and said listen to me slut boy. You are going to go home and pack your shit and move in here as my slave boy house slut today. Or I will beat you half to death. Because of you, I have been owned by a very strong Master, but I cannot cum until you are my house slut and you can’t cum until I do slut. So, get your ass moving, now. He said but mistress, my wife, will have a fit, and I will lose everything.

She said you don’t need anything slut you belong to me remember you signed a contract and I will need to Cum soon or I will take it out on you. She kicked his ass.

I showed the video to Kathern, and she about pissed on the seat. I said let’s follow this dick head I want to video him fucking up going to the other woman at the hotel. I will send it to the slut, and he will catch hell for it. Sure, enough he went right to her. I videoed him hugging and kissing the other girl at the door and sent it to the slut. I called her and said do I have to punish you to get your slut slave to obey a simple command slut?

She said no Master I will see to it then I sent Kathern over to flatten his tire. She was pissing in her pants the whole time. I said now it is time to turn this up a little. We went to the sluts house, and I said slut I am not very happy with you so far assume the position now.

I pulled up a strait back chair and sat down. Girls assume position please and both of my girls dropped. I said do you see this slut. They obey now not when they get around to it. Stand now. She stood up now strip. She dropped her clothes on the floor. Now across my lap slut and count and thank me. I proceeded to spank her ass bright red. I told her you are not permitted clothes now until I say so. She said yes Master, but my husband will. I said I did not put you into this position, your disobedient slave did. I don’t care what you tell your husband, but the truth is always better. But I will be watching you slut, and you better obey better then your slave does, or you will be across my lap again. She said yes Master.

What is your name slut? I am Katie Patrick Master. Kathern said the owner of the office my Husband works for. She said yes. I said this is your slaves wife right here she is now my slave as well. You will have him file for divorce, and she will sell the house, and I will be taking that money. Katie said Master I will buy you out now, so she doesn’t have to wait. I said very well, Katie.

She wrote out a check for the house, and I will deposit it in the bank in the morning.

Now Katie my rules my girls are hairless from the neck down and are collard and tail plugged at all times. When you are marked there is a sex shop on the other end of the mall there get a tail and collar there. Once done go back to the Tattoo shop and have Sissy take pictures and send them to me. I will be watching you so don’t fuck up, or you will be on my lap. Now clean your mess slut.

We left the house, and we went home. When we got there, I told Tabitha to find a room for Kathern and Heather to stay in. Heather came running around the corner and jumped into my arms, Daddy I missed you. Did you fix the problem?

I said let me ask you something, how would you like to live here with me and the girls?

She had a sad face and said Daddy I would love to, but Mommy would be sad if she was by her self alone at home. How about if she comes too would you be ok with that?

Oh yes, Daddy but my Dad will not let us. I said well that is what we fixed today baby. He is not your Dad any more, and we found out he is a very bad boy and will be punished.

She hugged me and said I love you Daddy can I tell Kitty? Sure, baby go on. I looked up as she ran off and seen Annie behind the wall peeking around at me. Annie come here what is the matter baby girl?

Daddy, I thought it was a dream about you when I woke up in your bed with Heather hugging me, I cried, but Heather loved on me and calmed me down. she said you had to go some where but would be back, and here you are, but I can’t do alone out of my cage, and she ran off, and it scared me. I sat down and pulled her to me and hugged her and told her this is your home now; Kitty told you call out if you are scared. They will come. Call out right now just yell help.

She looked down then yelled help and girls ran from all over the house to us. I said see baby you are never alone here. Some one will come if you get scared. Heather ran up and hugged Annie and said I am so sorry Annie it is my fault for leaving you I knew you were scared but I got excited when Daddy got home.

I said tell you what Heather, Annie will be your pet until she can deal with being alone go find her a leash and you have to take her everywhere you go ok?

If we go off, she must be put in her cage, so she is safe. We will put her cage in your room, so she has a safe place to run to if she doesn’t feel comfortable. As she gets stronger, she can get her own room, but for now, she will sleep with you or me, so she is safe ok Annie?

Annie said thank you, Daddy, I will like that a lot Heather is very nice to me. Sally come here, please. She said yes Daddy.

Tomorrow we are going to the Tattoo shop will you take Heather and Annie to the dress shop and get them a couple of matching dresses then Annie needs her tail and ears to match Heather, ok.

Sally said oh this will be fun Daddy you know I love this stuff and making your Daddy’s girls is real fun.

Ok baby, go help Annie move her cage in Heather and Kathern’s room, will you? Heather is going to watch Annie for me and help her get better. The three of them walked off, and we could hear the cage going up the stairs. Sally said Daddy I need to run up to the store for a minute is it alright. Sure, baby take someone with you.

Her and Tabitha were out the door and gone.

We where watching TV when we heard Giggling come in the door then girls running up the stairs. I got up and grabbed Samantha by the hand and said come with me, baby. She said now, Daddy?

I said yes baby you need some time with me. Just as we rounded the corner Sally came down the stairs and said Daddy come with us and all of us went up stairs to Kathern’s room and a night light was on with a dim glow I looked in, and Annie and Heather were cuddled up together and both of them had Hello Kitty nighty’s on they were too cute and both smiling happy and content sound asleep. Kathern came up behind us and asked what’s wrong Daddy?

I pulled her to the door, and she had tears running down her cheeks. I asked why the tears baby.

She has never been that happy in her whole life Daddy, and it is all because of you she is.

Sleep well baby, come on Sam, I need some rest, tomorrow will be exciting, to say the least.

The next morning, I got up early with the girls before they went to work. I told them to make Katie squirm this morning. After Tabitha Marks her, she has to walk to the sex shop for a tail and collar then walk back to the shop to be plugged and collared then I want pictures sent to me. I will be there, but she doesn’t know that.

I want her to have a big bright tail and a collar with slut on it. Sissy, you pick it out, Tabitha I want an addition to my Mark. On the right collar bone, I want “Mike’s Slut” added she will shit when she sees this, but she wants to play with fire she is going to get burnt.

I got my shower then got Kathern and brought her with me to the shop. I had Tabitha Mark her, and she was in the chair when slut came in, and we hear Sissy say lady you need some clothes on.

Slut said I am sorry mis, but my master is punishing me, and I am not allowed clothes until he says so. My Master sent me here to be Marked then I have to be collared and tailed then send him pictures when I am finished. Sissy said and who is your Master mis.

He is Master Mike miss.

Oh, goody Daddy found a slut.

Katie said what do you mean Daddy?

Sissy pulled her top open, and there was my Mark big as life. Master Mike owns me as well as my sister Miss. You must have been a bad girl to be punished like this; he is a very loving Master, not a mean one. Katie said I have not seen any love from him he was mad when he walked in my home and took me in my living room.

Sissy said you did something very bad then; he is nothing like that at all. Sissy yelled Gabby we have another to be Marked for Daddy. Tabitha said I am just finishing up now Sissy send her back. Slut and her slave walked back as Kathern was getting up from her chair and looking at her new Mark. Kathern said Daddy will love it Tabitha nice work and she turned and was face to face with her Husband. She said hello Slut is your Slave being good today; Daddy was not happy with him at all yesterday.

Katie said yes Kathern he is much better today but why are you here?

Well when you said you were taking this bad Slave from my house, I asked Daddy if I could be his for the rest of my life, he accepted me and Heather into his home, and now I am his. See I have his mark now.

Katie said I hope Master is happy today I have done everything he asked me to and will finish it this morning. Kathern said I have to get my Collar and tail this morning, so Daddy will claim me and plug me.

Katie said I have to as well do you want to go together?

Kathern said sure, but I can not hide you if that is what you were thinking that would get me in trouble and I am a good girl for my Daddy.

Katie said oh well it was worth a try. Kathern said you didn’t have Slave hide you, did you?

Katie put her head down and said yes, he blocked the street for me.

Kathern said Daddy will not be happy with you for that I hope he doesn’t punish you for it.

Tabitha put her Ink in place with the add in, and she got up and looked in the Mirror and said what the fuck.

Tabitha told her Daddy was very specific on what he wanted on you and how it should Look.

Katie said this will show all the time unless I wear a turtle neck every wear.

Tabitha told her you are now Daddy’s property you don’t get to pick and choose what you do and do not like, that is up to him now. You Submitted to him of your own free will. You were not bound or forced to do it you made that decision on your own, and this is for life Slut so be happy you have a good Master. If you are a good girl and follow his commands, you will soon find that out. I know Daddy’s love, and Sissy and Kathern know it. Only good girls get it bad girls get punished. And your Slave has a direct influence on your behavior. If he is bad, you are bad. So, make sure he doesn’t get your ass in trouble, or this will be no fun for you. Daddy made Sissy Kathern and me Cum before breakfast this morning when was the last time you got to cum slut?

Katie was crying and said I am not allowed to cum until Master gives me permission this is not fare for you to tease me like this.

Tabitha said I am sorry Katie but if you do everything just how Daddy commands you to things will change for you, he is a fare and Loving Master, but you must do what he wants and not cheat. Your punishment is no clothes and no Cumming. Put your head up and own this shit only when you fully submit and stop trying to control the situation will you truly get the benefits of being Daddy’s girl. You are a beautiful girl and Daddy might make you into a Daddy’s girl if you behave, or you can just be a Slut.

That is your choice, but the sooner you submit fully, the sooner you will get your life back. I gave my self to Daddy right from the beginning, and I asked to be his. You were stealing his friends husband from her, and she was being mistreated because of you, he even told her he wished her daughter was gone from their house and the baby girl heard him. Now My Daddy is her Daddy, and Kathern gave herself to My Daddy, so we are all very happy, and he loves us all.

So, Slut if I were you, I would listen to Kathern when she tries to help you, she doesn’t have to give you the time of day, but she is not that type of person. She will help you be a Daddy’s girl if you let her now you have more tasks to do so get to it and like I said Head up and own it, Girl.

Katie said thank you, Tabitha I will follow your advice and listen to Kathern, can you please Mark my Slut “Owned by Mistress Katie” and give him the extra like I got if I have to wear this because of his disobedience then so should he. “Katie’s SLUT” should do nicely don’t you think?

Tabitha giggled and said I will fix him right up Katie, would you like kissing lips as well.

Katie smiled and said oh yes right on his neck above Katie’s slut to draw attention to it, and both of them cracked up. Katie said thank you, Tabitha, you have made a bad thing understandable to me and I will do as Master has commanded. Come on Kathern I will need your help with a tail and collar.

Kathern said sure Katie lets shock the shit out of them and stroll down there like we don’t have a care in the world because our Daddy wants us to, not because he commanded us to. They walked out the door like they were both fully clothed and walked right down to the shop and went in. I text Kathern and told her two collars for Slut, one with Slut and the other a nice little one like she was getting. She said Gotcha Daddy she is going to be a good girl I just know it, but he needs to feel your punishment for what he did to Baby girl.

I text back I have some thoughts on that baby but a big tail for slut now we will down size when she is a good girl. Kathern text I will get both as an incentive to be a good girl for her.

I text back good idea baby keep her on edge I will be sitting in the back when you get back I want you to control her like she controls him, make her assume position and collar her, then bend over and spread and plug her, but make it last, don’t let her get it over with to quick, then take a bunch of pictures of her for me ok?

Yes, Daddy anything you want I am your good girl always! When they came back, Kathern pulled Katie into the back and said assume position Slut. And she put the collar on her, now stand and bend over the chair and spread them for me Slut.

She complied right away no argument at all. Her tail was almost to the floor, and she had a two-inch lettered collar with SLUT across it gold on white. Kathern laid out the small collar and tail and said Slut when Daddy is happy with you, that you can, and will follow his commands with out hesitation, and you are Loyal and devoted only, to him, you will be able to wear these instead of your punishment tail and collar. They are both beautiful and classy like you are, but you must earn them can you do that for Daddy?

Katie said I thought those were for you Kathern I did not dare to hope for them. Kathern said no these are for me and Daddy will collar and tail me because I am a good girl just like you will be. Now Sissy will take your pictures for Daddy, make sure you let him know you are owning your punishment like a good girl and not pissed like a bad girl. Unless you like being humiliated and punished.

Katie said yes Ma’am I will obey and be a good girl for Master.

Sissy came back and took almost a hundred pictures of slut in every possible pose she could think of. Then Kathern said put your slave in position Slut. She did. Now assume position right next to him and hold.

I text Sally to see how she was doing with Heather and Annie. She text back she just got them dressed, and they are too cute Daddy. I said stop and get Annie a tail to match Heathers and ears for her. Sally text back I got them first I knew were you were going with this, and Daddy you would have been so proud of Annie she has been so good today.

I text ok baby see you in a few.

I walked out of the office, and Katie looked to the floor. I said look at me slut.

She looked up, and I said I should punish your ass again Slut for being sneaky, but you redeemed yourself for me and made me smile about you for the first time. After Tabitha and Kathern told you how to behave and how to act you obeyed both of their instructions to the letter. You walked to the sex shop head up and was like you where fully clothed. When you came back, and she told you what to do you did everything without complaint or hesitation. You never looked around or even noticed if other people were watching you humiliate your self for a Slave. When she told you something, you answered back Yes Ma’am and told her you will obey and did so. I have been watching you every step of the way. You paid very close attention to what each of my girls had to say.

I am proud of your actions today Slut. You made me smile for the first time since I have known you, so I will give you a reward for obeying and being such a good girl today. Slave give me your shirt. He handed me the shirt and his Tattoo’s were great. I took the shirt and said Slut you may wear this only one button at the bottom may be fastened to keep it on, but this is your first of what I hope will be many rewards from me. Even your slave has not said one word today. So, his loyalty to you has increased as well as his obedience. That is very good slut. Another plus for you. Kathern seems to think you are Daddy’s girl material, but that is yet to be seen. Since you have worked so good for her, she will be your controller now. If she takes you out, you will be leashed if you take your slave out, he will be leashed.

So, slut how do you feel about what you have learned today?

Katie said Master first I would like very much to be a Daddy’s girl but for what I have learned. Your girls love you more than anything I have ever seen in my life time. They praise you with every breath they take and are proud to do so. As for being slaves, they act more like baby girls then they do as Slaves. I want to know that level of devotion you have with them. I want my slave to be that devoted to me as they are to you. They would walk through fire for you and smile the whole time doing it.

I said very observant, but you missed the real lesson here, but you will see that in a minute or two keep your mouth closed and just listen to what happens. You will learn from the very one he shunned. He had the world in his hands but could not even see it, but you will. Now behave when she gets here. And you will get a lesson in how I command such loyalty and devotion from all of my girls. About that time the bell on the front door clanged and in comes a little tornado.

Daddy, Daddy, are you here.

I am in the back baby.

She came in and stopped with tears in her eyes, and Annie felt the change in her attitude. Daddy, I don’t have to go back, do I?

No baby you are mine now and nothing will ever change that.

She smiled at me but watched him like a hawk. Then she said Sally took me and Annie shopping and we got matching out fits. Do you like them?

I said you and Annie look so cute baby I love this look on you and Annie. She makes a cute Daddy’s girl, don’t she.

Heather said Daddy we had so much fun and Annie has been such a good girl today. A lady side that is discussing being led around on a leash by a child no less. Annie turned to her and said Miss I was kidnapped raped and beaten for over a year and her and her Daddy saved me. I was locked in a cage like an animal for that year. This little girl is the first person to treat me like a human since I was saved by her and her Daddy. This leash is like a security for me, and she has helped me more than you could ever understand in this life time. So, what you think is discussing is just your ignorance in understanding my pain and suffering.

She is my guardian Angel so what you think means nothing but what she thinks means everything, so unless you have been caged, beaten, raped and forced to have sex and eat only kibble and water every day and every night, please keep your stupidity to yourself. This little girl has more compassion in one finger then you do in your whole body. So, her holding my leash and loving me like her pet she is my world right now. I have only been free for three days and for me to even be out side is all because she loves and cares for me that I can do this.

Heather said the lady was crying and said I am so sorry miss for your torcher and your lost humanity and she hugged Heather, and she said I am very sorry little miss and I will pay for anything you and your friend want in this store to pay for my arrogance and ignorant. You are doing a very good thing for her, and I am very sorry to have said what I said but happy to have met such a wonderful little girl. Heather said I am Heather, and this is Annie, and we both are Daddy’s girls, my Daddy wants us to match in Daddy’s girl out fits because he loves us, and Annie and I are together until she is better. I have full control over her to keep her safe and secure, so she can see out side like today. The lady stood up and said help us please, we need Daddy’s girl clothes for these two young lady’s for their Daddy.

Daddy the Lady bought us three matching out fits and gave me her phone number for you to call her, she wants to talk to you. I said, ok baby, I will do that later. Annie, how do you feel?

I was scared Daddy when we went into the store, but that lady made my defenses go on full alert in case she meant harm to my Heather. But when the lady apologized to my Heather, I felt safe again, and we had fun trying on all the clothes. Annie come to me time for your tail and ears like Heather wears.

Annie asked Daddy when will I get my Mark like the other girls have.

Baby I didn’t want to do that incase you get to go home.

Annie said I will still be yours, Daddy, that part will never change no matter what happens.

Tabitha, will you help her out, please?

She said right away Daddy come on Annie let’s fix you up.

I looked to Katie and said ok tell me what you learned Katie.

I learned you are truly amazing Master; I have never seen anything like that before, even the baby is Devoted to you.

I asked why do you think that is Katie?

Because even as slaves and daughter you give them nothing but love, and they give it back with everything they have.

Now you understand Katie; you have my way of doing things to get what I want.

She said Master I have been going about this all wrong, my way was forced obedience and yours is love and support obedience with big returns on what you put out.

Very good Katie you got it, that is how you command obedience and devotion from your slaves. They will drown you in love and devotion. It is tough to take, but some one has to do it!

Sissy came back and said Daddy there is a lady up front to see you.

Send her back Baby.

The lady came back and said Sir; I assume you are this Daddy, I keep hearing about.

Yes Ma’am, I am how can I help you?

She said first Sir I need to apologize for my behavior towards your beautiful girls. I was mean and rude to both of them and want to make amends to you for these two girls are very amazing. I had no idea the suffering Annie had survived and that your little Girl had played such a big part in her healing process. I am truly sorry for my behavior towards them.

I said well my dear I truly appreciate your commitment to make amends for your transgression, but I feel there is more to your story we have not heard yet, so tell me, I do not like lies or secrets and I know you have something to tell me.

She said yes Sir my name is Maria Herldson and just over a year ago my daughter went missing. Were there any other girls with Annie when you saved her may I ask?

I said yes Maria there were three others with her, they are in worst shape then her, but we are working with them every day. They heal a little each day.

If you would not mind could I see if my daughter is among them? She was my whole world and would love to get her back if she would have me.

Do you have any pictures of her with you? She had twenty. I said well I see you love her a lot and I can help you out. She is at my house, but she is one of the abused ones. She is very withdrawn, and she requires quiet and slow movement, so she stays calm. She is very beautiful most of her damage is mental and missing you may be what has her so withdrawn. Now you need to understand she is a pet, she will not respond to her name yet, but if you call her slut or girl, she will listen to you. Don’t get your hopes up too much for recognition from her but you may jog her memory’s. And bring her out of her depression.

Slut we are finished for today you can go home now and work on what you have learned today.

Katie said thank you, Master, I will obey and be a good girl for you. And her and her slave left.

Maria asked she called you Master as in Slave Master?

I said yes, I am a master of slaves, but I love all of my girls. My good girls call me Daddy, but the Bad girls call me Master.

Maria said what would you have me call you Sir.

My name is Mike, and that is fine with me only my girls are required to show their obedience in calling me, Daddy or Master. You are not one of my girls, so Mike is fine or Sir, if you like ether, will work for me.

Sally take the girls home, and I will have Maria follow me home, I will see you when we get there.

When we got home, I went and found Samantha and asked if the girls were down for their naps.

She said yes Daddy we had them out side for a couple of hours to day and they actually played together even the little scared one played a little, so we fed them and put them down for their naps. Samantha said Daddy this lady looks a lot like our scared girl were did you find her?

Well, baby, this is her mother, and she found me. I am hoping she will shake some memory lose in her and bring her back to us.

Sam said Daddy that would be very nice if it works.

I said come on Maria I will show you your daughter. Be quiet and let her discover you don’t go to her. If she knows you let her come to you. I set Maria in front of the girls cage, and we waited for them to wake up. We sat quiet not talking or moving, but that changed in an instant. The girls all started to wake up the first one sat in her cage like a puppy wiggling her whole body wanting to play. The next one woke up, and she sat there looking at Maria like she knew her, but Maria was watching her daughter not paying attention to her. Suddenly the girl jumped in her cage and yelled Maria, Maria you are here oh my god Maria you are here. I said calm down baby yes Maria is here how do you know her?

She is my Nanny Master she raised me and Selena together like sisters. She is my second Mom.

I said ok I will let you out but sit by her side quiet for me ok. She said Yes Master I am a good girl.

She sat down and put her head in Maria’s lap and just cried. The other girl was wiggling so hard she was going to turn the cage over, so I took her out and set her by my chair and patted her head and she calmed down.

Maria said that brakes my heart to see that, she has been completely animalized. She thinks she is a puppy girl. I said yes Annie was just like this when we found her.

Maria’s daughter started to stir, and she jumped when she seen the girl that knew Maria was missing from her cage. I touched the girl and said call to her quietly. She said Selena over here baby look at me. She slowly turned afraid but found her friend and a smile created on her face then she spotted Maria and started to cry. She backed all the way inside her cage like she was afraid she was dreaming. I told the girl tell her. She said Selena Mommy has come for us; Maria is a really here baby sister, Mommy is here. It is not a dream she is real come see. Daddy is right here you know he will not let anything hurt us ever again, and she started to come to the edge of her cage. But she would not come out. I said Selena look at me. She shook her head no. I said look at me Now! And she turned her head to me. Now come to me, baby.

She came out of her cage and crawled into my lap. Look at her baby; she is really here. She met Annie and Heather at the store today, and after Annie told her story to her about how she was treated she came to me and asked if I had saved any more girls like Annie? Then I asked her do you have a picture of the girl you are looking for, show her what you showed me, Maria.

Maria pulled out her wallet, and all the pictures spilled out in front of us. I reached over and pulled them to me and said look baby she never stopped looking for you. Any one she thought could help has seen you and how much she cares for you. Selena baby, she is here for you, and she is your real mommy. She really loves you and is happy to know you are safe now. Go ahead look at all of your pictures baby can you feel how much she is hurting missing you?

Selena looked at the pictures, and she started to smile and said Daddy this is my thirteenth birthday party, this is at Debbie’s graduation. Here is our first trip to the beach. Daddy, I remember all of these days. Mommy took us every were together. Debby is my sister Daddy. She would not let go of me when the bad man took me. She loves me and never left me.

I said see Mommy loves you to and she never stopped looking for you ether. She needs you and Debby. Debby new her right away. Now look at her and open your heart up baby, and let her in, Debby is right here with you to, I am not going any wear ether baby, you are safe in our love.

Then she hugged me and was crying and holding tight to me. Daddy does Mommy still live with Robert I looked to Maria, and she shook her head yes.

I asked why do you ask that baby?

Robert was the one that sold Debby and me to the bad man. He woke us up one night and took us to a big building in our PJs and sold us to the bad man. He said we were in his way to become a big person in the government. We have been with the bad man ever since until you and Tabitha saved us.

I looked at Maria, and she was getting ready to lose it her temper was going to cause her and the girls a problem. I turned my chair and said girls in your cages now, and all of the girls jumped into there cages. I said I will be right back girls I handed Selena the pictures to look at. I grabbed Maria’s hand and said come with me right now. Don’t say one-word Slut or I will punish you.

That got her attention, and she looked at me like I had cut her. I took her to the garage and over to a mattress leaning against the wall and said ok let it out now give it to the Mattress Robert. Let him feel your pain all of it. Teach him what hurt he caused you for the last year, go on give it to him and she went nuts and beat the shit out of the mattress and was cussing in Spanish clawing and kicking and crying and yelling till she could not pick up her arms any more and she just fell to the floor crying. She was a living mess of emotions and was hurting from the betrayal Robert had caused her over her girls.

I said keep it together baby we have two little girls that need you right now and nothing is more important than they are.

Maria looked to me then went into position and asked Master I would like to give my self to you. I want to be owned by you and only you. I understand what I am asking of you, and I do this of my own free will. I will be loyal and devoted to a fault and will obey your every command. I will not disobey or be disobedient ever. You are the only man I will obey.

Master, I ask this of you because if I do not have you to command me, I will kill that mother fucker and go to jail and that will not help my Baby’s. please, Master I truly need your commands right now.

I looked down on her and said stand Maria you need to be punished before I can accept you. You all most put them Babies into jeopardy. I am not doing this because you got mad. You had every right to be mad, I am furious right now I want blood and I will get it. The reason I am doing this is because you put your self before the girls that need you desperately right now. From this moment on you will not do anything you do not have permission to. Now across my lap skirt up panties down. I spanked her until she was a bawling mess and could not move under her own power.

I said stand slut now. I pulled out my cock and said worship my cock with all the passion you can show me. It is your new lord and Master. She about sucked my eye balls out of my head until I let go. And she held it in her mouth. She gave in and was crying again. I said swallow now, and she did then show me. I said, Maria, I accept your commitment to me. As of this moment I own your ass. You will not dis obey me, and you will give those baby’s what every you have to give. They need your love right now.

You have been claimed and are owned by me, and I do not share my girls. You need, a small delicate collar and you will be Marked and tailed right now. No one is permitted to touch you but me from now on. Get in your car and go see Tabitha and get your Mark then go to the sex shop and pick a tail. Then go to the jewelry store and buy a small tight neckless to represent your collar and bring them to me to be collared and tailed. Go clean your self up then tell the girls you will be back in a little bit to spend more time with them.

If your demons get the better of you this mattress is your out let use it. Now be a good Daddy’s girl and follow my commands to the letter. Maria, you are my good girl stay that way I don’t like punishing my girls.

She said yes Daddy I will obey you and be back very soon.

I followed her in to the bathroom, and she had her self-presentable again, and I held out my hand. She said, Daddy, what is it you want of me. I said all under clothes you are not permitted them now as part of your punishment. It will remind you who owns your ass now. She dropped them with out a thought. I said very nice. I like these. Then she turned and went to the girls and said girls I need to go but I will be back very soon, both Selena and Debby said please don’t leave us we need you, Mommy!

Maria said Daddy gave me a command and I have to be a good girl and do as he has asked. You don’t want me to get into trouble with Daddy, do you?

Both said no Mommy be a good girl for him we love him. Maria kissed both of the girls and said be good girls, and I will be right back. Selena said Mommy wear is Daddy? He is just outside the door Baby what do you need?

I need him, please.

Maria said Daddy Selena needs you, please.

I stepped in and said yes baby what is it?

Daddy may I get out of my cage I would like to see the girls and thank them for looking after me and Debby.

Shure baby you can do that but if you get scared just climb back into your cages. She looked at me and said do you have a room we could sleep in I don’t think I need the cage any more, I feel all most human again, seeing Mommy and all the pictures has opened my eyes, and I feel like some one opened dark drapes in a dark room. Come with me, baby. We walked to the third guest room, and there were three beds in there. I said you and Debby can use this room, so Maria has a bed too.

Selena said she don’t live here Daddy.

I said she does now I own her; she is my slave and a Daddy’s girl she is going for her mark, collar and tail right now. Selena jumped into my arms and said thank you, Daddy, for bringing my Mommy back to me, Debbie, and I needed her to free our minds from our sorrow.

Maria said I will be back soon girls I love you. I told Maria to take Samantha with her my girls don’t go anywhere alone.

Her and Sam left for the shop.

Sam said when her and Maria entered the shop Sissy asked what happed, why are you here you never come here?

Sam told her Daddy wants Maria to be Marked. She asked Daddy to own her.

Sissy asked Sam do you know who she is?

Sam said what do you mean Baby? Sam, she is the Senators Wife, Senator Robert Herldson, she is Maria Herldson.

Samantha said oh shit no wander you needed Daddy’s control. Killing a senator would be very bad.

Maria said Daddy will know what to do and how to do it. I think he has a plan already, but he doesn’t do anything until he is ready. And you can bet the Senator will pay dearly for his transgressions. Maria said that is why I asked Daddy to make me his; now no one is permitted to touch me with out his permission. I feel so liberated.

After Tabitha finished with her, Maria said I love it. I am a Slave to my Master. Daddy now owns my ass for real. Come on Samantha we need a tail that Daddy will be happy with.

Sam said they found a beautiful black silky tail to match Maria’s hair. Then they went to a jewelry store down town. And Maria found a platinum thick serpentine choker necklace with a ring in the front it was gorgeous. Samantha said oh Maria that is amazing makes mine and the girls look like dog collars.

Maria asked do you think Daddy will approve of this?

Samantha said hell yea he will probably order all the girls one. This could be worn any where with any thing or nothing at all and giggled. Maria asked the sales girl how many of these do you have on hand lovely. The girl said let me check ma’am. She came back and said we have ten besides that one and the store across town has ten more. Maria said I want all of them, how soon can they be here? The girl said I will go get them myself. Maria said I am paying for them now we will be in the coffee shop when you get back. Tell no one who or what they are for. The girl said yes Ma’am I will return in twenty minutes with the rest of your order.

Maria said Samantha I would give you this right now, but Daddy may want to put them on the girls his self. Thank you for letting me into your Family today. You never made a sound when Daddy told you to come with me, and you have been nothing but helpful to me.

Samantha said Maria I was in a relationship just like you are in right now. Daddy saved my daughters Sherry and her friend Kathy from an abusive kid that bought them at a slave auction. He healed them and got them back on there feet then he rescued my baby girl Sally and claimed her. She told him of the guy that had swindled my husband out of his business, and he killed himself over losing everything. The guy moved in with me but could not touch anything I had unless I submitted to him. I would not. He was going to sell my baby into slavery just as he had Sherry, but Daddy listen to the girls tells of our misfortune. They said if I committed to him, he would get everything I owned. Sally called me saying she was sick, and I met Daddy, and the girls told me how he had saved them and loved them and how when ass hole sold Sally my last resistance would be gone, and he would force me into submission. Daddy said if you submit to me, he can’t touch you without my permission.

I told Daddy I will be his willing slave and give him everything I own to save me and my girls, but we had to do it before my lawyer to make it legal and binding. He said tell shit head I have to take Sally to the doctor, but we will go to the lawyer instead. That is what we did, and the lawyer witnessed Daddy claiming all of my holes as his own and I signed everything I own over to him, the house my wealth and all the cars and property’s.

Daddy had everything planned down to the cops removing the asshole from the house. He is very smart and very thorough. Believe me, Maria we are more alike than you could possibly know. But Daddy will protect us with his life. That is why our commitment is for life. Once we give that to him, he takes everything away from us we worry about nothing. Maria said hold on a minute dear.

She called Daddy and said Daddy Samantha and I are in the coffee shop across from the jewelers, and we are being watched, we are waiting for a delivery, but I have a very bad feeling up my neck. Daddy said we need to move inside the coffee shop. We moved in, and in a few minutes, we spotted Daddy and Tabitha walking in from across the mall. Daddy spotted me and sent Tabitha in to find out where the guy was watching us. I told her, and she went skipping like a little kid out to Daddy.

Suddenly we see all of the girls coming like a mass horde right for us, just as the girl from the Jewelry store came in, I told her dear you are going with us someone has been watching us, and we are in danger right now, but Daddy has a plan so just relax and follow what ever we do. Suddenly we all turned and left the shop, and the guy got up and signaled another guy we were leaving. Daddy went behind one and Tabitha was behind the other. She jumped and kicked the guy in the head, and he passed out. Then she ran to the other guy, and he was yelling at Daddy, and she took him down the same way.

Tabitha found the first guy had a listening devise and she got it and all of his stuff and had security help her get him to her car. She told them he had narcolepsy and would just pass out for no reason then wake up like nothing happened. Daddy just toted the other guy off to the van. Both got blind folded cuffed and gagged. Daddy took them to his old trailer. He called Maria and told her to drop off the girl at the jewelry store. Maria got her card and gave her a nice tip for her troubles. Daddy said he will be home after he got some information from the guys following us.

He got home about two hours later and said the senator had men following Maria since she disappeared yesterday. When they found her car, they came to find out what she was up to and if she was having an affair. When they found out Daddy owned her, they were getting ready to go to the senator with their findings. But now they fell off the map. Daddy said this works two ways. Now, Maria, you have to go home, but we are going to cause a little seen. I have a friend that works for the hospital down the road by the Tattoo shop lets go see her.

When we got there, I got with my friend and said we need a favor baby. The senator is looking for his wife, but she has just found her daughter after a year of being gone. He doesn’t like the daughter and sold her and her friend into slavery where I saved them from. Now Maria has been missing since yesterday we need a cover that is believable for even him. She said Daddy I have you covered.

Come with me. We went to a room across from the nurses station, and she bandaged up Maria’s head and casted her arm then put her leg in traction. Maria looked bad. I said what the hell it looks like she had an accident she said well this is the hazardous containment unit. There was a bad accident yesterday, and there was a lot of people that got hurt from a spill. Maria just became another one of the victims, and she just regained consciousness. To let us know who she is.

She asked what about all the things I bought today. Some one found your purse and used your credit cards. She said Daddy you need to take this for me he will know it is new. I took it and put it in my pocket then thanked my friend. She called the senators’ secretary and told her about the accident and Maria’s just coming too.

She told her where she was, and that Maria could only have family visit for short periods of time.

A half hour later the senator and his secretary showed up. He said what can I do for her. The nurse said she is only in and out a few minutes at a time. She will check on her. I slipped a tracker in the secretary’s purse while she was drifting off into space. She kept looking at me like she knew me. Then I remembered her. She was a trailer park slut, and she was the senators slut now. I said Kimberly how are you. She looked at me then it struck her like a brick. She said shh don’t let him hear you. So still working the weak minded I see. She giggled and said he is so easy he is just here to see if the bitch wife is going to die so I can move into her shoes. Really that is cold even for you. She said I have been working on this for over a year. I helped him get rid of her daughter and a little friend and now if she is gone I git the free ride. My dad and little brother took good care of the daughter now I will help take care of her. I said how do you know he will keep you around once she is gone. He may just dump you as well unless you have something on him.

Kimberly said I have tons of shit on him. I said do you have any backup incase he tries to get rid of you after she is gone. She said Fuck I never thought of that. She reached into her purse and said will you keep this safe for me, I know you are one of the only good guys I have ever met. This is one of my copies of all the shit I have on this asshole I have another on my computer at home, but he doesn’t know about that one. I said cool I will keep this safe for you. Just call me if you need me. She said thanks, but I need some room between us, so he doesn’t get shitty on me. No problem but how will you get rid of the wife she is watched all the time.

Shift change will be the perfect time to take her out of the picture with as weak as she is it will be quick and easy. Well, I wish you well Kimberly I hope you get everything that is coming to you. About then the nurse said no you cannot be alone with her she is under strict watch instructions. She has been poisoned from the spill, and we have to monitor her constantly. He said fine come on Kim we are out of here.

When they got on the elevator, I lost it. I walked into the room as the nurse was unwrapping Maria. I said that went way better then I thought it would. Maria asked what do you mean Daddy?

Well, the senators secretary was a trailer park slut that lived a few trailers from mine. She helped the senator get rid of Selena and Debby. She has been working to get rid of you too. She wants to be Mrs. Scumbag; I asked her if she had some thing on the senator because if you are gone, he might turn on her and get her out of the way she knows all his dirty little secrets. She said shit she never thought of that, and she handed this to me all of his misdoing she has been apart of. Now she is planning to come here at shift change and do you in and slip out in the chaos like a thief in the night. My nurse friend said do you want her for your collection Daddy? I said well now she would make a good little pet for Maria and the girls. Or I could use her for a foot rest; Maria liked that one best.

Maria asked the nurse how come you call Daddy, Daddy?

The Nurse showed her the Mark from back in college days, she said I was going to be the Satan’s sacrifice Pig and Daddy Saved me, so I gave him my life. I belong to Daddy for years now. If he didn’t save me, I would be dead.

Maria said we are sisters in more ways then one and handed her the neckless I was holding. She said wear it with pride we belong to the best man I have ever met. The nurse hugged her and me, and we left the hospital. I said call me when the prize is ready; I have some empty cages just for her. And we all laughed.

Maria got home and kissed the girls and hugged them saying Daddy has freed us all my baby’s we belong to him forever now. I heard running coming down the hall, and Annie came running in the room carrying Heather. I asked what is the matter, girls? Annie said nothing Daddy she can’t keep up is all, her legs are to short. I cracked up. I said well then, I don’t think you need this any more my love and unleashed her. Annie said but Daddy I like being Heathers pet she is a very good girl to me. Annie do you know how to heel. She said yes Daddy. I said well then, she still has a leash on you then. Just not visible. Let some one that needs it use it. Go get the last pet girl she still has not talked yet.

Heather kissed me then Annie, and they ran off again. They went and got the last girl but she was being a bad girl Annie yelled help me. we ran to the room, but the girl would not get out of the cage until she seen me and she ran to me and sat by my leg.

I said well I guess she is a one-person girl baby. But I have a feeling we will be getting one for you and Annie to train tonight. Little pet followed me through the house and sat by my leg the whole time I was at the table eating. I put her some food down, and she ate it then was rubbing on my leg. She was nervous and panting. I asked her do you need the bathroom, and she got up, but she ran to the back door. I said well she has been here three days I guess she needs to go. Sally said, Daddy, I take her to the back there is a big hedge back there she will go fast then you have to wipe her, or she will drag it on the ground.

Sally, have you heard her talk yet? No Daddy only grunts and moans are all but no words.

I said I hope they did not hurt her physically. Sally said she looks fine and I don’t see any scars from injury’s. I looked at her neck all around, but she pointed to her voice box and made a x across it. I asked you cannot talk. she shook her head no. do you like being a pet? She shook her head very fast yes then like she was licking herself.

So, you want to be a cat. She shook her head no and made a big sign then made it shrink down to a little cat, so you are a kitten then. She was all excited about that. I said ok kitten you will sleep on my bed from now on. I called Suri and Sienna and said Sienna you have a sister now she is Kitten her choice and she has a place on my bed. But she will not use the bath room, yet she likes it out side for some strange reason. I had an old ball in my drawer and went to get it. I bounced it on the floor and kitten went nuts trying to get the thing.

She had me cracking up, but she finally got tired from playing with it and brought it to me then curled around my feet. I pulled her into my lap and hugged her then rubbed her head. Heather was looking sad but said nothing. But Kitten seen her and climbed down and went to her and pushed her to me and helped her in my lap and I hugged her and kissed her. I said see kitten knows this is your spot she was not trying to take it from you. I was just loving her for being a good girl today. Maybe in a day or two, she will play with you to just give her time and move slow around her.

A true kitten will take what they want if she likes you, she likes you, but you can’t force her. She has to feel safe with you, and you know you and Annie ran in the room and scared her. She has been alone all day, so that was not nice for her. I know you want to love her but let her get use to you first ok. Heather said I am Sorry Daddy I forgot she was all alone today. Me and Annie will be quiet around her till she knows us. I said she will like that baby. So, what have you two been up to today?

Heather told me about her and Annie’s day and they where very busy, Annie even colored with Heather that is very good.

I was just getting ready to go to bed when my phone rang. It was the nurse they had a package to be picked up. She would be out all night and had been bound in bandages. For me. I went to the hospital, and they had a wad of bandages sitting by the door. I said how much money did you waist on her. She will have a shit taste in her mouth when she wakes up. She has a sailors mouth on her that is for sure. I gave her a kiss then took my package to the house. I put her in one of the cages and locked the door and covered the cage.

The next morning, I woke up with Heather on my chest Annie on my leg and Kitten snuggled up next to me. I bumped kitten and she woke up with a start but calmed down I got out of bed and laid Heather down next to Annie and Kitten was doing the dance. I said baby I have to go I can’t take you out yet. Come on and grabbed her hand but she was pulling away. I said calm down and come with me there is nothing going to hurt you in their baby. She walked away from the toilet, so I asked what are you afraid of? She made a sign like water spraying up in the air. I said some one put you on a bodei.

that was not nice if you don’t know what it is. I put her in the shower and said go pee in there. She squatted down and peed like a race horse for a good while, and I flush the toilet, and she jumped back but seen nothing happening but the Noise I said see nothing will get you watch, and I flushed it again and she watched the water going around. I said look here baby this is the one you don’t like, and I turned on the water then flushed it, and it squirted in the air. I said this one will wet you all up but this one will not. Next time you need the potty, I will help you learn how to use it. It is very easy, and you will like it.

We went to the kitchen and Gabby had breakfast ready for us. Gabby set a plate down for Kitten, and she ate quietly. We went to the back yard and set down relaxing kitten got antsy, so I asked you have to go, baby? she shook her head yes. I said ok time to try the potty, come on it will be fine; I will be right there with you. I set her down, and I set on the tub and waited for her to go, but she was nervous. I said just relax baby it will not hurt. I turned on the water in the shower to a slow trickle, and she started to pee then she let go and did her business. I wiped her then flushed it, and she just watched the water going around.

I asked are you ok, she shook her head yes and was all smiles. I told her see I told you it would not hurt you. The other one just scared you is all, but its just water and we can dry you off. We heard a rattling going on in the bed room, and Annie yelled help me. Heather and she were hugged up tight to each other scared shit less from Kimberly trying to turn the cage over. I said its ok girls we just caught a rat in our trap go get some breakfast and me and Maria will take care of it. Kitten was pulling on my leg, so I asked what is it, baby? She pointed to the cage and made a sign like holding or hugging. Is she the one that put you in the cage. She was shaking her head yes then got a mean look on her. I said yep she is a bad girl that is for sure.

Kitten was shaking her head yes. I asked can you get Maria for me or do you want to watch her? She took off, and I could hear Maria say ok I am coming ok I am coming. Maria walked into the room and said what the hell is that you got a Mummy? I said no get the girls for me; she asked all of them? I said no just yours.

She was back in a minute, and I said girls we set a trap last night and Mommy and I caught a rat. You know this rat very well. She will be staying with us for the rest of her life she just doesn’t know it yet. I opened the cage and pulled out Kimberly and dropped her on the floor.

I said by now Kimberly you know who I am, but I have some friends of yours that have waited a year to meet you. She was quiet then she went nuts. I said oh that will not help you, baby. Nothing you can do now will help you baby but calming down. if you don’t, I can leave you like this for a very long time. Now girls Kimberly here was a trailer park Slut. She fucked everyone in the park but me. And she fucked over everyone but me. That is who she is and what she does. She is a user. She uses people for what ever she can get then moves on to the next victim. She doesn’t know it yet, but she is going to be helping to bring down a corrupt Senator, and it will be his own hand doing the dirty work.

I went to my closet and got down a box full of Servitude collars. I unwrapped Kimberly’s head and neck and put the collar on. I looked her in the eyes and said you know what this is. She shook her head no. I said this is your worst nightmare. This is called a servitude collar. It is a control devise for bad people and is very painful. If you talk without permission, you get this, and I pushed the button. She pissed herself. I said if you try and attack any of us you get this, and I hit her hard, and she shit herself. Now do I have your attention. She shook her head yes very fast. I said Kimberly there are three more settings on this collar.

If I hold the last one, you will die. Now if you behave and I mean like a good girl we all know you are not I will not go any higher, then you already have received. But push me, and you will not like the results. Now, Kimberly, this is not you worst fear in my house. Annie comes. She came running. And stopped in front when she seen Kimberly and started to growl, well she set off the other three girls. Girls assume the position. They were all around her like a clock every corner was covered. I said Kimberly I would not move a muscle if I were you. See the cages on the wall. That will be your new home. But these girls have lived in them for the last year and have been treated very poorly. They would like nothing more than for me to let them attack you and believe me they would literally eat you alive. They are animals in girls body’s right now. They just started to be able to talk they were so traumatized. I do have one question for you who is this girl she is my Kitten, but she knew you before I even unwrapped you. So, who is she?

Speak now and be civil and quiet.

Kimberly said she is Katlyn, my Mute sister.

Well, Kitten do you want Kitten or Katlyn? She never took her eyes off of Kim. I said Kim you are on very thin ice right now, every one of these girls wants your ass. Are you going to be good or do I walk out the door and close it with them in here with you?

She was crying and said please Sir I will do what ever you tell me to, but if you leave, I will be dead before the door closes.

I said you are very right. Girls cages now, all of them got in their cages to calm down. Annie asked Daddy I need Heather may I go, please? I said yes baby stay calm and go find her.

Heather stepped in the door and said I am right here baby you will be ok come on. Daddy had to let that bad girl know she has no power in this house and any disobedience will be met with very bad results. Come on baby let’s go ask Gabby for some ice cream. All of the caged girls went to whimpering then they all wanted that. Heather baby will you take all the girls for ice cream, please. She said sure Daddy I would love to be with my Sissy’s come on girls and they all took off with her. Kim do you see the power that little girl has she could have you finished here and now, and she knows you are bad, so every girl in here will also know it. Try anything, and your life will be forfeit. That is the line you are on.

Now, Kim, you are my pet. You will crawl everywhere you go unless I say different. Next, you will only speak when asked a question or have permission to speak. As of now, you are less then an animal. You will sleep in a cage if you are not by my side you will be in a cage. If one of the girls tell you to do something you will move your ass. Next Maria will be your controller. She is the one you wanted to replace with the senator. And the two girls she brought in are her daughters you helped to sell over a year ago. So thin ice baby.

I have filed servitude papers for you, so you are mine till I grow tired of you. Next, I am filing Servitude papers on the senator, but they will be served the day Maria is buried, and we all will be attending. When he is served, I will receive all of his assets. Now the one funny thing in all of this is I own a Mistress, and your all-powerful Senator will be her slut from now on. Kim started to giggle and tried not to but that was just to good, and the three of us let it go. Now you will be Marked as my property, and you will be tailed as well like all of my girls.

Maria, please take Kim and put her in a summer dress we are going to the FBI with our little bit of Senator fun.

When we left the FBI’s office, they said they would cooperate with us to catch the Senator and take him down in as much public humiliation as we could get. He was burring Maria tomorrow with a closed casket with full honors. The Police Chief, Mayor. Congressmen and women. And all the news coverage we could muster. We sat in the van and watched all the people arrive and take a seat everyone was set up, and the Reverend was just finishing his service when I walked up with Kim crawling on a leash and Maria and all four girls behind us. I said that was a very lovely sermon for you don’t you think Maria. She said yes Master it was lovely. Too bad I never died like he hoped Kimberly would have killed me. Now, look at him Kim he has a new slut not two days later I told you he would drop you like hot rocks. All the while they were watching us the news people where filming what was happening.

The Senator jumped and said you faked your own death. What the fuck? That was when the FBI walked up and said Senator you are under arrest for kidnapping attempted murder and slavery. Embezzling and fraud. You are being placed into servitude to Master Mike, and all of your Assets now belong to him by court order. Now Chief and Mayor don’t go wondering off we have some new bracelets for you as well. Master Mike, we found out they are coconspirators in this little skeam. It would seam Kimberly was very efficient in her documentation. How would you like to deal with them?

I looked to Katie and asked how would you like a couple more Sluts for your Harem Slave?

Katie said oh Master that is some prime real estate I would love it. Are you letting me have three new toys’?

I said you have been a very good girl. Lately I think you deserve a treat, what do you think Maria? Daddy, she is just the Bitch Mistress they deserve. And even the Pastor was laughing. Katie said boys strip them my sluts don’t get to wear clothes. I said ladies and gentlemen, please be aware you are all being watched by someone. Piss off the wrong girl, and you are toast.

As we turned to leave, I told Kim to stand and walk with us.

Maria said Daddy you know they probably have slaves at their home as well. What are you going to do with more slaves? I said we will cross that bridge tomorrow. Let’s take our good girls home now they have had a very busy day today. Kim pulled on my sleeve? What is it Kim, Master the senator has two girls in the bottom of the house and they only get fed every other day? They will be very hungry. I said ok we will ride by his home on the way.

We got there, and a Maid met us at the door. She said Master welcome home. I said I need to look at the slaves do you have the keys?

Yes, Master, I do. Why are you calling me Master? I am a slave Sir I now belong to you.

How many slaves are in the house baby?

Four house and the two new ones just acquired two days ago.

Do you know where they came from?

Sorry master I only know I had to get them cleaned and fed when they arrived, but I have not been permitted contact since then.

Ok, sweetie, I want to inspect the new girls and want them fed then I want a slave meeting after that will you see to it.

Yes, master, right away and my name is Shannon Master, but I will answer to whatever you see fit to call me.

Alright Shannon, and please inform me of the rest of the slave’s names when we meet, please.

Yes Sir.

This place has a huge basement with apartments built down stairs. All the way in the back is a receiving area with a loading dock-built in. there is a slave holding area and playroom as well.

The two girls looked well cared for but underfed. I said girls you are now my property I have taken possession of all assets in this house. Tell me where did you come from and what are your names?

The first little redhead said I am Amber, and I was taken from my college campus one night going to the library. The other little blond said I am Beth, and I was taken the same way.

Ok, so you didn’t ask for this and were forced to be here?

They both said yes Sir. The other man had two guys picking up girls for important government people in the area. We are not the only girls that were picked up.

Shannon let them down let them shower then feed them a good meal right now. We are going to find out who ordered this and where all the girls went.

I turned to my girls and said baby’s it looks like we will be tied up for a while will you girls be ok, or do you need to go home. All of them said we will help Master even Katlyn said stay. I looked to Kim and asked will you behave for me? Yes, master, I did not know how the girls got here or that the house servants were slaves they never said anything. Ok, Kim, you may walk and help with the girls we find but don’t try me!

Kim said, Master, I already see what kind of person you are plus I have known you since I was a kid. You are a good man but not one to be fucked with I will obey your every command Master and will be a good girl for you. I said ok behave I am watching.

I went to Katlyn and said Baby you stick with Kim here is her collar control if she misbehaves make her understand.

She smiled an evil smile and shook her head yes.

Katlyn be a good girl now she is trying to help! But if you slip and we giggled, and I winked at her.

The other girl Beth said Sir we where only two of eight girls picked up that night. The guys that took us were dressed in Guard uniforms. One was skinny, and the other guy was the muscle.

Ok baby go get your shower then eat something I need to meet the staff hear. I will get with you before we leave.

Shannon have the staff meet in the den, please. I took the girls to the den and had them have a seat. We set down and waited for the others to join us I was in a strait chair and Katlyn and Kim where on ether side of me and Maria and the other three girls were on the couch. Shannon walked in and walked in front of me and said Positions. And the other three girls dropped behind her. I said good evening ladies I am Master Mike your new Master, and I wanted to meet you.

Shannon said Master Carlie is on my left and Lori is on the right and behind is Pam. Pam is our cook, and Lori and Carlie are the housekeepers. They do laundry set up the rooms and all other needed cleaning and are very good at it. I serve the master and attend to the guest as needed. I also help Pam serve and prepare the meals.

I said it is nice to meet all of you. I will be making some changes, but not right away. First thing you need to know about me Is I am a loving type Master. And I adore good girls. If you obey my commands and look out for each other, I will be happy. First rule is no fighting or arguing; I will settle all confrontations.

Two No lying that leads to mistrust and other bad things.

Three: no secrets that causes its own problems. If any of you are lovers or you don’t care for someone I need to know. I will not beat or mistreat you unless you force my hand to do so. I love all of my girls and want to know you and love you as well. Anything you think I need to know you can talk to me with out fear. I will listen to you and give you my opinion.

I need to know anything the old Master had going on in the background and any bad or good things he had you doing. I mean to keep all of you safe and well cared for. So the more you help me, the more I can help and take care of you.

This girl you all my know this is Kimberly the senators former secretary. She is being Punished and is a pet for me. This is her sister Katlyn, Kimberly sold her into slavery, and I rescued her and the other three girls on the couch. That leaves Maria, and you all know her. She is a good girl for me, but she could have been a bad girl before I don’t know. If she was a mean person to you or mistreated, you I want to know. She has no control over you only I do.

I want all the dirt, and all the good and I will make my decision on how to proceed. Now I want a hug and a kiss from each of you. And don’t worry I don’t bite much. Shannon do we have an office here I can use?

She said yes Master I will show you. I stood up and told all my girls to hold. All the others I would like my hug and kiss now. After I went through the girls, I said Shannon take me to the office, please. The rest take a seat. I will call you all in one at a time. Shannon and I entered the office, and I asked her what kind of monitoring devices are in hear baby?

She opened a closet, and it was full of monitors for all over the house. I asked who monitors the system baby?

Master, I have a “master’s in computer sciences” and control this system and the house. I know everything about you and your girls for the most part. I could see what you were trying to do for everyone even when you took Maria. I didn’t tell the senator because he is a very bad person and only uses people for his own gain unlike you. You help and better everyone you come in contact with.

I said well shit aren’t you a gold mine! I will need to spend so time with you I can see that. Now my little bug keep me in the loop and is there anything I need to know about the other two bums, the Chief of Police and the Mayor. I know you have your fingers in there.

I do Master I have all of it wired for sound. And they are not the only ones. All of the government people are monitored and their households.

Master, there are some very bad people out there. But I award my loyalty to you and only you. I found you from the trailer park and followed your growth. I would have come to you, but when I saw you with Maria, I knew you would be coming to me. When she told you to take control of her before she did some thing bad it was just a matter of time. Master I have my collar and tail already I just need your Mark, and I am set.

Tomorrow go see Tabitha, and she will mark you. Now, how many slaves do I have with the other two houses do you know?

Well, master, the Mayor was the ring leader, and he has four in house plus the other six from the college, they have been fed but not cleaned up yet. The Chief has two house slaves plus his daughter is a slave since she was fifteen.

So, eight girls from the college that you are returning and seven more owned slaves. This house would be your best asset to live in there are twelve rooms upstairs, six on the main floor and twelve rooms in the basement. Plus, a holding room and a play room. We have a big pool and playground for your Baby Heather to play in. we have a six room Servants quarters. I would like your permission to move into the room next to this office to make monitoring everything more efficient for me and you.

I said I like that idea Shannon, make the move tomorrow. Plus have the Master bed room cleaned and freshened up then get a moving company to move all of the girls things here. I will bring them tomorrow to pick rooms. Now we need to close down the other houses and have the servants move here to lighten the load. Are all the other slaves ok or do we have problems in the mix?

Shannon said there is one problem the Chiefs Daughter, but the rest are loyal to you as I am. I contacted all of them when we seen the news report, and they are ready to meet you.

Call the Mayors house and have the girls showered and fed if they are still hungry. Do you know who captured the girls, they need to be taken care of!

I do master, and I will take care of that asap. Now my suggestion for the Chief’s daughter is servitude to control her she is a spoiled brat and will fight with any one.

Oh, Tabitha will have fun with her. Is the Mayor’s staff set up like here? A cook two cleaners and a Maid.

Shannon said yes Master, but the Maid is my sister. We were kidnaped at an early age. We have been slaves most of our lives.

Has she been educated like you where baby?

Yes, master, we both are very good in our fields. She is a business Major and is very proficient in finances.

Well, that could be very nice indeed. I want a desk in here and set up both of you in here as well. Wait a minute do we have a office library here?

Shannon said Yes Master just across the hall that is where the Senator did most of his work from.

Then I will take that one, and you and your sister will control tech and finances from here. Set it up, so you two have what ever you need to work with. I want to have a complete account of all of our assets and moneys in the banks. Also, contact Katie and let her know we will be moving here and see if she needs anything. I bet those men are shitting Bricks right now. She is very persuasive with a riding crop.

Shannon said Master I have her house in my system and she has them in very compromising position. They are all tide face down ass up, and she is breaking them in as her Sluts. The senator screamed the loudest it was awesome.

Shannon call the other three in here now.

When they came in, I had them sit down then told them I will be pulling the other slaves in to this house, so they will have extra help here. My family will be moving here as well help them get settled. I will interview each of you and the other slaves when we get things in order. I want you to know we will all become a family here and the girls will help you if they are needed. If we work together, it will be good for everyone. When the others get here if you find or hear any problems come right to me. I wanted to spend time with each of you tonight, but I found out the other six college girls are at the Mayors house and I want to get them home. So be patient, and we will get this straightened out with your help.

Are the college girls ready?

Lori said they are Master, and they want to help you if they can.

I said they can help with their friends to calm them down. I wish I had my Van.

Pam said we have a van here Master I will get you the Keys.

I went to see Maria and told her we will be moving here tomorrow is she going to be ok coming back here?

Maria said Daddy I go where you go!

Good girl, I want to take the college girls home we have to pick up the other six then I need Tabitha, and we will close down the Chief’s house. Do you girls want to stay here or ride along? Katlyn side she goes with me. Kim side I have to go to Master. She has the controller. I have to be close to her or it shocks the shit out of me. Maria said Daddy I will stay here with the other girls and find us a suitable room. I said we have three floors to choose from. But I have the Master and Shannon will be next to the office. So, everything else is up for grabbed. Annie said, Master, I need to see Heather I have been away to long I miss her and feel a little nervous. I said, ok baby, I will take you to the House on the way to the Mayors house. I miss my Baby too.

I got the girls loaded up, and we headed to the house, when we got there, we all went inside, and I told everyone what was going to happen. I gave Heather a kiss and hug and took the girls back to the van, and we went to the Mayor’s house. We went in and talked to the staff, and I told them to prep for moving to the other house. Make sure everything was off and secure. And I will see them all tomorrow.

We took the girls to the college main office to let them know the girls were all safe and ready to return. They took them and escorted them to a dorm for the night. I gave them all my number if they needed anything. I called Tabitha, and her and Sissy just closed the shop. I said meet me at the Chief’s house.

When we got there, she was waiting for us with a servitude collar in hand. Ok girls let’s get this over with. I nocked on the door, and this cute little girl answered the door. I said hello sweetie who are you? I am the maid Master; I am Shelbi. How old are you baby? I am twenty-three Master. I said no shit I would have never guessed. How would you feel about being a Daddy’s girl?

Shelbi said I love dressing like a little girl. And love being spoiled by my Daddy.

I said well I want you dressed the part baby girl. Now, where are the other two girls?

Becky is in the kitchen waiting to meet you, and the brat is in her room pissed off. I said let’s see Becky first then.

When we entered the kitchen, there was a twin of Shelbi standing there. I said no shit this is awesome; hello Becky how are you baby girl?

Oh, Daddy, I am very good now that I meet you and see what you are thinking, may I please get dressed properly? Go ahead baby we will be right here. In two minutes, Shelbi and Becky returned little girls to the T.

I said oh my I love this, and I want this full time.

They both said realy all the time. Our Master never would let us liv our fantasy’s.

Sissy walked in and said Daddy loves his Daddy’s girl’s. they jumped up and down squealing then we heard her coming. what the fuck are you two bitches up to now and who was at the door?


And before she knew what hit her, Tabitha had her on the ground and the collar around her neck. She handed me the controller, and I turned it on, and she opened her eyes and said what the fuck just happened. I hit her hard, and she pissed all over herself.

I said don’t open your mouth unless I tell you to. I own your ass, and I just put you in to servitude because you do not know how to control your self and act like a good girl but that will change right now. If you look at me funny or open your mouth without permission, I will fry your ass in your own piss, and I hit her again, and she passed out. When she came too, I said ok little miss thing go clean your self up then come clean your mess you made here and be quick about it. I told Shelbi and Becky to close the house down and had my girls help. Now get some clothes together you are all coming with me tonight.

Miss thing showed up, and I said clean your mess, and she cleaned it all up. Then I said strip. She turned beet red but dropped her clothes. You will have to earn your clothes back. What is your Name?

I am Tammy Sir.

Tammy because you have no control of your mouth or emotions you will not speak unless asked a direct question, you will learn manners and how to be a good girl. Because bad girls are punished. I will not abuse you or mistreat you but if you don’t obey me and mind your self your life will not be any fun. As you can see Kim here is in the same boat as you are, but she has gained some of her privileges back by being helpful and obeying me. It will work the same for you, and it is all up to you. Tabitha go with her to get her ID and such, but that is all she needs for now. Then bring her home with you the rest of the girls get in the van. When they walked down Shelbi locked the house up, and we left for home.

Heather loved the two new Daddy’s girls. She said Daddy they are very cute. I said I know Baby. How about we all snuggle to night would you be ok with that. I took the two controllers and said ok girls let’s go I am tired. I put both the bad girls away in cages. Then handed all four of the others tee shirts. Heather was on my chest Annie between my legs and Shelbi and Becky on my sides, and we went to sleep like that.

When I woke up Annie was alongside the bed, and I handed Heather to her, and she hugged her up then I had Becky move, and I got up. When I came back, Annie was sitting on the side of the bed rocking Heather and humming to her. I asked Annie do you have children?

She said I did Daddy two a little girl and a little boy. I love being a Mommy, and my babies’ loved me.

Would you like to find them and see if you can go home you are doing much better and each day Heather has brought back the adult Annie to us? You are a pleasure to be around, and she and I just adore you.

Daddy, I have been away almost two years from what I can remember, and they might have a new mommy now to love them, if I showed up, it could hurt my babies,’ and that would make bad things happen to me. I am very happy here, and I don’t hurt anymore. I would like to stay with you and love what comes to us as a family.

Do you remember your last name baby?

Daddy, I was “Anabel Mayfield,” but I am just Annie now.

Well, Annie, I will have Shannon look into it and see how they are doing and let you know if they have moved on or if they are still wanting you. I will not interfere in their lives but let you know one way or the other. If they are happy and healthy, we will leave it at that. But if they are hurting over you, we will take a different path, alright baby?

Daddy, I am yours now and know you will only help and not hurt, I trust you with my life because it is your life and I obey only you.

Very good my love I am sure Shannon already has our answer for us, but I will talk to her this morning. Now wake our angel up, and we need to get moving. I reached over and kissed each of my new girls and said come on my baby’s time to get moving, shower then dress, and we will get everyone fed.

We all jumped into the shower and got washed up then, Heather and Annie took off to get dressed, and Shelbi and Becky put on their dresses, and we headed down for breakfast. The dining room was full of chattering girls but went silent when I walked in.

Good Morning my beautiful Family, how are all of my loves this morning?

They all said good morning Daddy!

Today we are going to be moving into the Senators Mansion, and it will be our new home. We have eleven new sisters for you to meet and we will all be in the same place.

You will find that Shannon at the mansion already knows all of you and will help with getting things more comfortable in a strange new place, Samantha, I want you to meet and talk to Shannon and her sister, the three of you will be in charge of running our household, Shannon is Computer whiz and her sister is a business major so the three of you should have us in the pink or black should I say.

Sam said Daddy that is amazing we will have our funds going through the roof.

I want a full account of all of our assets and accounts and see if you can find hidden accounts, then I want the three of you to go through the Mayors home and see what you can find there. Then take them through the Chief’s house.

Sam said Daddy I will get with Shannon, and we will set up a plan of action.

I had the girls bring all of the cars we had plenty of room. When we got to the Mansion Shannon met us at the door. She said Master I have the information you wanted for Annie when you have a minute.

Let’s get the girls in and find placements for them.

Shannon do we have a room with three beds together?

We have a large guest room on the other side of mine and close to you? I grabbed Samantha and said follow me love and showed her the room there was a queen and two twin beds in it. Will this work for you and the girls?

She said it will fit the four of us nicely, but I will ask the girls how they feel, you know Sherry and Kathy are inseparable since you saved us. They sleep hugging each other for safety every night and sleep like rocks.

Ok baby see how they feel, but the option is open to you. Heather, Annie, and Kathern found their spot, Then Tabitha and Sissy found theirs.

Gabby, Emma, and Luna moved into the servants quarters and sat down with Pam, Lori, and Carlie to set up a working plan. I told them three more girls will join the team today some time. A cook and two more girls.

I went to find Shannon and said call your sister and have her close down the house and be ready to come here in an hour. She called her and said she will be ready Master.

Now, what did you find? Well, Master, it is not good, but we can fix it if you like. Annie’s husband had a mental breakdown and is in a state care facility and not doing too good. Both of the children were taken in by his sister, but her health is failing her, and the state is about to take the kids away. If you like I will intervein, and we can take guardianship of the children. They are six and four. They were four and two when Annie was taken. That explains her attachment to Heather. I said grab your purse and follow me.

Heather, I need you baby. She came running to me, and Annie was close behind her.

Sam, can you do me a favor, please? Watch after Annie for Heather and me for a little while. We are going out for a bit, and I need Heather’s help with something. Sam said sure Daddy we will set up their room while you are out.

Thank you, Baby, Annie can you Help Sam do that for me?

Yes, Daddy, I will be happy to.

I kissed them both, and we took off. When we got to the sisters house, she barely got the door open, and we could hear the kids crying in the background. I said Ma’am I am Mike.

She said I seen you on TV the other Day when you arrested the Senator, Mayor and Chief of Police. I was happy you took them thieves out of office. Well, ma’am, do you remember the girls with me. Oh yes, they are beautiful. I said one of them is Annie. She was captured and tortured for two years, but we have been working with her to heal her.

She started to cry, she said it killed my brother when she was taken, I don’t think he will last the week he has gone down hill and is on life support now. I am just a step behind him I have stage four cancer and the doctors only give me a month at best.

I said I am so sorry ma’am, but the reason I am here is I know the child welfare people are ready to take the kids and I would like to be their guardian. If you will sign them over to me, I will let Annie raise her baby’s, and I will have two girls come and help you until you are ready to move on. They can cook and clean and help take care of you to take that burden off your shoulders.

She said Master Mike I will gladly sign the kids into your care. They are hungry, and I can’t even feed the baby’s. Heather will you, and Shannon see to the two children for me, please. And they took off. I said I know the lady from child services is on her way here now. I called the house and talked to Kim and told her what I needed and if her and the brat would do this for me, it would help their situation greatly. She said yes Master I will do that for you. But we can’t be to far away from the controller, or we get zapped. Have Sally bring you two over here to me please and come dressed. I need you as soon as possible ok. Yes, Master Sally is in the kitchen I will tell her.

When they got here Katlyn was with them, hi baby what are you doing here. Kim said she wants to help with keeping control of both of us she knows the brat still has issues and she can’t talk yet, so Katlyn is perfect for her. I said very well. Girls, I want this place cleaned up and made brighter for this lady to have a happy place to be, not dreary. She is very sick and will not last too long, but we want her comfortable for the time she has, now get to it we are expecting company so clean out here first and have Shannon make a pot of coffee for us.

A half hour later the front room was spotless and we where drinking coffee when the lady from child services showed up. I told her what I would like to do, and she was happy to have me take the kids to a much better place and would let the judge know we would be taking over raising the kids. I said thank you, and we will see too this ladies comfort as well. We may need a nurse to check on her from time to time, but we will keep her comfortable. The Lady was happy and signed the children into my care. I went into meet the kids and Heather jumped into my arms. She said this is my Daddy and he will be your Daddy too.

He is a very nice Daddy and will love the both of you. The little girl asked me will you be my Daddy I lost mine, and I need one very bad I miss him so. I held out my arms and hugged her to me, and she just cried on me, I said you will be loved a lot baby girl, and I have a surprise for you at my house, actually for both of you. The little boy said I wish my mommy was here. She would love me too. I said then you will really love the surprise I have for you then right Heather; she said oh yes Daddy if it is what I think it is he will be over the Moon. And what do you think about having a new brother and sister? She said I will love it. My playground is nice, but I have no one to play with. I said well that is over now. I am sure the four of you will have a great time getting to know each other.

Ok, kids let’s say good bye to Aunty, and we will go home now.

I gave each of the girls a kiss and told them to be good then I stopped and looked in Tammy’s eyes and said you will be a good girl for me and I will be watching you. Don’t make me punish you and we will do some fun things when we are back together. She said yes sir I will be a good girl you will see. Now same rules as at home. Unless asked a question. And we left.

When we got home, we entered the kitchen from the back, and I had the kids blind folded, I said we will bring in your surprise stay here with Shannon, and we will be right back ok? The little girl said ok Daddy, and she was all smiles. We gathered all the girls and told them to be quiet and go to the kitchen and assume the position for me I took Annie and asked baby do you trust me?

Annie said you know I do Daddy. I said I have a gift for you, but you can’t say any thing or make any noise until you get to see it can you do that?

Yes, Daddy, I can do that. Ok, Heather will guide you into the kitchen and sit you in a chair. She will not leave your side and will hold your hand until we take off your blindfold and you see your gift ok?

Oh yes Daddy this is scary and exciting all the same time.

Ok baby be quiet now heather take her to the kitchen. We got in there, and she sat down, and I had Shannon pull the blind fold off the kids when I pulled off Annie’s. she blinked a couple of times then tears rolled down her cheeks, but she did nothing else the kids look at her them me, and I shook my head, and the little boy jumped out of the chair yelling Mommy and jumped into Annie’s arms, and they really went to crying then. Heather went to the little girl and pulled her over and said baby sister this is your real Mommy she has been away a long time, but we found her and brought her home.

Then the little girl climbed into her Lap. Annie was rocking and hugging and crying but would not let go. Then the little girl said, mommy, can I get down, please. And Annie let her down, and she hugged Heather and said thank you, Sissy, then she walked over to me and held up her hand for me to pick her up and hugged my neck and said thank you Daddy for finding my Mommy but I am really a Daddy’s girl, Brother is the Mommy’s Boy, and he has missed her every day.

Annie looked over and said I am a Daddy’s girl too baby, and he is an awesome Daddy, and I love him so much. The little girl said me too Mommy I have missed my Daddy.

Annie said that would not happen any more Baby this Daddy is here to stay.

I found out later the girl is Andrea and the boy is Adam. I asked Annie if she would like to go to the front room and spend time with her kids and she told Daddy my legs will not work right now. I am in shock from this blessed gift you have given to me. If I move, I will pass out. Plus, I could not possibly let my Adam go yet he was my life. Oh, how I have missed this beautiful little boy.

Andrea said to see that is why he is so quiet he has missed our Mommy, but now I have my Daddy, and I will not let him go. Heather said Sissy that is our Daddy I will share with you. Andrea leaned back and held an arm out for Heather to join us, and we hugged the rest of the day away in the kitchen, then we all got a surprise Annie started to sing like she was whole again, and she had her boy. He sang the same song she must have sang to him when he was smaller. They were beyond happy they were elated to be together again. Heather laughed and said well she is all better now Daddy Can Andrea sleep with me now. We know were Adam will be sleeping. I said, sure baby, just as long as Annie knows where you are.

When I went to get up the girls would not let go, I just laughed and took them and sat in my big chair in the front room I laid it back and we took a nap right there with both of my girls holding on for dear life.

Annie and Adam came in, and she said, Daddy, why don’t you go take a nap in bed you have been on the go for two days strait.

I am good right here baby but why don’t you take Adam and lay down and bond with him. He has been in a lot of pain being with out you so long.

Annie asked you don’t mind Daddy?

I said really you have to ask? You see how much these baby’s mean to me. And Andrea ain’t going nowhere she is home.

After an hour I woke up but both girls were out, I guess all the stress was too much for them, and when they let go, it hit them hard. I took them my room and put them in my bed and covered them. I found Shannon, and she hugged me and said Master that was the best thing I have ever experienced. I said I enjoyed it too baby, how about we go pick up Colleen and the girls now, we can put two family’s back together. She said yes please Master I have missed her.

When we got to the Mayor’s house, all the girls were in the front room ready to go. They loaded up, and I put their things in the back, and we went home. Shannon and Colleen went to their rooms, and I took the other girls to the kitchen to meet the other staff. All of the girls got together and liked each other and set down to work on there game plan. I said I am very happy with the way you girls are getting this all set up and working. Plus, if you need any help, all the other girls will give you a hand. Ok, girls, I will leave you to it.

I went out and set by the pool to just unwind for a minute. It was a pretty day and quiet outside. This was the first time I have just set down with nothing to do but just sit. I thought man I could use a cold beer right now. I hear the door open and close then I felt some one near me. I opened my eyes, and Sara was there just looking at me. What is it, baby?

Daddy, I brought you the beer you wanted!

I asked how the hell did you know I was thinking about a beer?

Sara said ever since I was a little girl I could since things from the people I am close to.

When you cleared your mind, your thoughts were very loud in my head, boy I could use a cold beer right now, so I knew my Daddy was relaxed for the first time since I have been with you. When you are like this, just think about something you need, and I can here you. But it only works for someone I love, my devotion to you lets me hear you now. I said well-baby that is awesome, a little spooky but awesome and I love you too. You are after all a Daddy’s girl.

Sara said I am only your Daddy’s girl no one else matters to me only you. I said come here and love me, baby. I held her and kissed her. We had a nice peace full ten minutes until Heather and Andrea found us. I said it was a nice baby while it lasted. Sara said they want you to play in the playground with them or at least watch them play. There was a table there, and Sara and I sat there watching them go crazy on the swings. Andrea told Daddy I have never had this much fun; it is so nice to have a sister to play with.

I am happy for you baby have fun. Did you ask your brother to come to play with you guys?

Andrea said he wouldn’t leave Mommy he is afraid she will be gone again.

I said give him some time, and he will be alright as long as he can see her.

After about an hour I asked if they were ready for lunch and we all went in.

Suri was in the kitchen eating a sandwich, and I asked where is Sienna?

This time of day she will be on your Bed sleeping. She loves your smell the first time we got here she jumped on your bed but jumped right off and said not Daddy then she went and found Katlyn and loved on her. She is always with her when you are not here, but she can’t find her today.

I said she is on a mission for me and will be gone about a month. Then she will be back. Suri said you better put Sienna on a leash, so she can go everywhere with you then or she will go crazy. I walked into my room, and my kitten was curled up on the bed. I walked over and rubbed her head, and she climbed in my lap and said Daddy I have missed you and I can’t find Katlyn anywhere.

I have missed you too baby girl, but I have a new friend for you to look after for me. She is a four-year-old girl, and she is beautiful. But she is a Daddy’s girl like Heather. We got her and her brother this morning and they are Annie’s children. The boy is stuck to Annie but the girl is playing with Heather, but that will stop when she can’t find me. I would like you to be a distraction for her if I am not here to love on her. I know the three of you need me, but I have things I need to take care of from time to time. Would you help me with her, please?

Oh, Daddy you know I will do anything for you. I am a kitten because you let me be anything I want to be. I picked her up and said let’s go meet her and see how she takes to Daddy’s Kitten. I carried her to the kitchen, and she was loving on me and kissing my whole face when we got there. I walked over too Suri and said guess what I found.

She said right where I said she would be right?

I said yep right in the middle. Andrea this is my Kitten Sienna, she is a loveable little thing and just likes to sleep and play. Andrea said Daddy that is a girl. I said shh she thinks she is a Kitten and she loves to be my kitten. Pet her and see what happens. Andrea started petting her, and she was purring and laid her head on Andrea’s lap. Andrea said she is so soft Daddy and she smells like you Daddy I love it. Andrea got off of her chair and hugged Sienna and said I don’t care if you want to be a Kitten, I will love you any way. Sienna hugged her and rubbed all over her. Andrea asked Daddy what is she doing, this tickles. She is bonding with you. If she can’t find me, she will come looking for you to play with and love on and she will keep doing it until you smell like me too. She is marking you as hers.

After we finished up, I asked do you want to go play out side again. Both girls took off, and Sienna was hot on their heels. The three of them where swinging and singing some silly song but having a good time. They carried on like that for a couple more hours then I went and got my suit on and went for a swim. The girls just watched, I stopped and asked do you want to swim with me?

They said we don’t know how to swim Daddy. I said take off your dresses, and you can swim in your panties. They did, and I said climb in the water and get used to it first then I will show you how. They both just shivered but got we. I said come on Sienna if they can do it you can too. She got wet and was shaking till her body adjusted to the temp. then I showed them how to hold their breath underwater. Then I got them to float on their backs. Then they swam to the wall and back then across the pool. They where doing great. They did not fear the water but respected it. I had them rest a bit then jump in and swim to the side over and over. One after the other then jump in and swim across the pool. All three of them were having a ball. I said ok girls you are doing great we will practice every day till you are water rats. Ok, girls go rest a minute, and I will get Annie and Kathern to see this, Sienna said bring Suri too Daddy she will go crazy. I went in and called three girls and said follow me I want to show you something.

I took all of them out to the pool and Annie, and Suri didn’t like it. I said ok girls watch this. I walked to the other side and said Andrea come to me and she jumped in the water and Annie screamed until she popped up and swam across the pool to me. Very good baby. Next Heather come to me, and she jumped in and swam right to me, and Kathern was happy and clapping, ok Sienna your turn baby come on, and she jumped in and swam across the pool and Suri said you can swim I don’t know how to do that. How did you learn to swim?

Daddy taught us to swim this after noon after lunch. They said what, no way. The girls giggled and said yep he did us one at a time till we could do it. Now we are his water rats, and we all cracked up. I said ok girls no swimming unless you have someone here that can swim as well, and I don’t mean each other. Tomorrow we will have a pool party, and I want to know who can and who can not swim. Everyone will learn to swim so we don’t have any accidents. No one swims alone.

The next day at the pool party only Annie Adam and Suri could not swim, and in an hour, we had them swimming like a fish. Adam and Annie had the best time together. I took Annie and Heather, and Andrea took Adam, and they had fun teaching them to swim. Annie and I sat there watching the girls work with Adam, and he picked it up really quick. He turned to where Annie and I had been then Panicked when Annie was not there. I said calm down Adam she is right here watching you learn to swim, and she is very proud of you as am I.

Annie go call him to you. She walked to the pool and said come here baby show me you can do it. The three of them jumped in the pool and swam over to Annie and me, and we picked them up and hugged them to us. I said very good kids very good. And all the girls clapped and cheered for them, and they turned red but were very happy. Adam walked over to me and said thank you, Daddy, this has been the best day of my life. You gave me my Mommy back taught my Sissy and me to swim and have taken us all in to your family. This is the best ever. Annie said I agree baby our Daddy is the best!

And we all love him.

I said well family I love you all as well and our family has just gotten bigger and better with all of you that have come to me and asked to be mine. All of you Asked for it.

It was three days later when Kim called me and said Daddy; we need you here now, Aunty is close to her time. I took Shannon, Samantha, and Tabitha with me. And Colleen and Annie followed. Siena watched the kids for us.

We got there, and Aunty said oh Annie you came to see me thank you. Master Mike, I have signed over all that I have left to you it is all here in this folder.

Colleen took the folder and put it away, we all sat around Aunty and told her of the kids new adventures and how they hade grown in the month since I had taken them, and she was happy.

She said thanks to you I have seen the baby’s go to their Mom and I can rest in peace now with a clear mind. Thank you, Master Mike.

When we all got home, this had been a very draining day, we all needed some down time. I ordered piazza for everyone and we sat by the pool to regroup. Our lives finally started to slow down and get into a family rhythm and I got to spend more time taking care of the girls we have at home. Everyone was much happier, and life was finally looking up. The College girls would even stop by time to time to swim with us.


2021-04-28 23:03:21
love this one

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