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High school senior Tessa and her grandpa
Tessa scurried around her room packing for her yearly fishing trip with her daddy and her grandpa. Her senior year in high school she was a girly girl, but her favorite times were spent being an all around tomboy. She loved getting down and dirty fishing, camping and hunting.

Her 38 year old father Paul was one of the best local preachers at the newest church in town. Her 57 year old grandpa Warren was a building contractor and recently widowed when her grandmother passed away unexpectedly with a massive heart attack 5 months ago.

Tossing the last of her clothes in her duffel bag, Tessa sat on the edge of her bed, thinking of the great 10 days of fishing ahead of her with her two favorite men in the world.

A light tapping on her bedroom door brought her quickly out of her thoughts.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed, come on in, I’m just packing.

Sticking his head in her room, Paul had an eerie look on his face. Hey pumpkin. I see your all packed and ready to go huh? I’ve got something to tell you and you’re probably not gonna like it. I won’t be going to the cabin fishing this year. Some very serious things are going on at the Church, and I just won’t be able to get away.

Tessa’s heart sank, she took a huge gulp, and with her eyes misting up she said, what daddy? I’ve been looking forward to our trip for months. You and grandpa have been taking me along since I turned 6. This is my 12th year with you and grandpa. Why can’t we go?

Wait a minute pumpkin. I didn’t say we weren’t going. I said I couldn’t make it. Your grandpa is looking forward to taking you if you still want to go. I don’t want to ruin everybody’s trip. You and grandpa can still have a great time without me.

With a huge smile on her face, Tessa jumped up and ran across the room to hug her daddy. Thank you daddy, of course I want to go, but it sure won’t be the same without your funny jokes you always tell. What time is grandpa picking me up?

He’ll be here at 2. Same time we were planning on leaving. Are you sure you have everything packed? It’s a 7 hour drive you know.

Yep daddy, I’m all packed. Oh I’m so excited. You know how much I love fishing on the lake at the cabins we always rent. Thank you daddy. I love you and will miss you and mom this week.

I love you to princess. Have a great time, and don’t catch all the big ones. Leave one or two for your grandpa. Better get your stuff downstairs. Grandpa will be here in about 45 minutes.

Picking up her bag, Tessa took the stairs two at a time and was setting on the front porch when her second favorite man in the world pulled up to the curb.

Rolling down his window, grandpa Warren stuck his head out and in his baratone voice, yelled out. Hey Munchkin, you ready to go honey.

Yep grandpa all packed and ready. As she scurried to his big pick up truck, Tessa giggled to herself, thinking about why most of her high school friends, and especially her grandpa, called her munchkin.

At 4’11” tall and weighing a whopping 98# , Tessa was by far the smallest girl in her class. Just like her mother. Tiny and petite as hell. With one exception, mother has tits. Tessa’s were like tangerines. The only thing she did have going for her was her long firm nipples. Without them her boobs would be negligible. Those and her bubble butt ass that the high school boys teased her about. Then she giggled again before dropping her bag in the back and hopping in the truck.

Let’s go grandpa. Boy I can’t wait to get there. It’s gonna be fun huh grandpa?

With his eyes riveted to Tessa’s very stiff nipples, Warren cleared his throat. Uh, I’m, yes munchkin, it’s gonna be a very fun week.

Tessa looked straight ahead, grinning to herself. She had intentionally forgot to put on her bra, which mom and dad insisted she wear, even though her non existent boobs didn’t require one unless her nipples woke up. And right now they were wide awake, standing on her chest like two pencil erasers. She also had intentionally slipped on the tightest t-shirt she owned and skimpy little shorts and booked out of the house before her overly religious father had a chance to see her and make her change into something he thought was appropriate for a teenage girl. And to do a bit of teasing to her hunky grandpa. Leaning back in the seat, she pushed her chest out to the max, and looking sideways at her ogling grandpa, gently punched his arm and giggled like a school girl. I’m all buckled in.Let’s book grandpa.

Warren shook his head, then looked up to see Tessa watching him staring openly at her great big marble hard nipples. Oh, uh, yeah sure Tessa, I’m ready.

With a very red face, Warren put his truck in gear and headed out.

Seven uneventful hours later, with one stop for gas and another to get a bite to eat, they pulled into the lodge, and Warren went inside to get the key for their isolated lake side cabin.

Grandpa came out with the key with a slight frown on his face.

Did you get the key grandpa?

Sighing, her grandfather just nodded. Yes sweetie, I got the key. The lodge overbooked so we got one of the cabins with one double bed and a couch. So I guess I’ll be sleeping on a couch for the next 10 days.

Oh nonsense grandpa, it can’t be that bad. We’ll take turns okay. I don’t mind sleeping on the couch.

Pulling up to the line of cabins, Tessa leaned up in her seat and pointed down the road. Hey grandpa. It looks like Mr Evans is here already. He sure is gonna be surprised when he finds out daddy isn’t here with us. He’s daddy’s best friend.

Her grandpa just sneered, oh yeah, Mr big shot John Evans. Of course he’s here already. He thinks he’s gotta be first at everything. Mr rich man.

Oh grandpa. He’s not that bad. I like him and he treats daddy real good all the time.

Sweetheart, I like him too. It’s just his bragging about what he has that gets on my nerves.

Tessa grabbed her bag and followed behind her grandpa as they headed up the cabin walkway and opened the door. See grandpa this is really nice too. And look at the size of the bed. It’s gigantic. I bet we can both sleep in it and not have to use that old lumpy looking couch. Huh grandpa? What do ya think?

Well maybe we can. But god forbid your dad finds out. He’d have a hissy fit if he knew we slept in the same bed.

Oh phooey grandpa. He won’t find out. We’ll just be sleeping anyway. Let’s think about fishing tomorrow. This is gonna be a blast just you and me. Right grandpa?

Yes honey. This could be the best fishing week I’ve had in 20 years. With just you and me here, reminds me of old times when your mom and I used to come up here alone. Your grandma hated fishing, so your mom and I came here by ourselves up until the day she married your dad. Fun times. I like to say I taught your mother everything she knows. And boy was she eager to learn anything and everything.

Wow grandpa. I didn’t know mom came up here fishing with you. That’s pretty neat that you taught her so many things. Maybe you can teach me everything you taught mom. Gosh I’m a little tired from our long drive up here. I think I’ll take a quick shower and head to bed.

Sounds good munchkin. Yep you’re just like your mom. Eager to learn. Oh hey, before you jump in the shower, could you run out to the truck and get me a couple aspirin out of the glove box? I’ve got a splitting headache. And bring me a beer from the cooler in back so I can wash them down. I’d appreciate it little girl.

Sure thing grandpa. But just for this week, could you please not call me a little girl? I hear that all the time from the boys at school. Looking down at her chest, Tessa sighed, know what I mean grandpa?

Sorry sweetie. But from my view right now, and I know I shouldn’t be looking, but hey, you may have smaller boobs, but I bet there’s not a girl in your class with longer nipples. I’m your grandpa, but hey I’m a man and notice those things.

With a beat red face, Tessa giggled , haha grandpa. The boys at school don’t even know I have nipples because my religiously strict daddy makes damn sure I wear a bra, even though I hardly have anything that needs one. Turning on her heels, Tessa headed out to the truck with her grandfathers eyes glued to her hot little ass.

Running back inside out of breath, Tessa felt a chill run through her body. Man it’s creepy dark out there grandpa. Here’s your beer. I opened it for you. And I got me one too since you didn’t bring me anything to drink. Oh and here’s your aspirin too.

Warren shrugged and popped the pills in his mouth and swigged them down with a long drink from his beer. Oh so you think you’re a big shot now and can drink a beer huh little lady. If your dad finds out I’m dead meat. He’ll never let you go anywhere alone with me again.

Grandpa I’m a senior in high school, not stupid. I would never breathe a word about drinking a beer to anyone. Besides who would teach me all the things you taught mom? Huh grandpa?

Go take your shower big shot and I’ll get in bed while you’re doing that.

Okay gramps. Be back in a flash okay. Oh and grandpa, no peeking you bad boy. I saw you looking at these. Pinching her already hard nipples, Tessa stretched them out, uh huh grandpa, these right here. Giggling hard, Tessa twirled around, wiggled her sweet little ass and bounced on one foot into the bathroom and slammed the door shut with a swing of her hip.

Twenty minutes later Tessa came out of the bathroom with a t-shirt much tighter than the one she wore earlier. Her very long nipples stretching her shirt out like small thumbs. Her tiny booty shorts hugging her sweet little ass like a second skin. Hey grandpa can I jump in bed and leave the light on while you finish your beer and I drink mine. We can talk a while if you want.

Sure munchkin, get on in here. You better not get stupid after one drink either.

Strutting to her side of the bed and lifting the blanket, she stood big eyed staring at her grandpas totally naked body. Ow wow, I didn’t know you slept like that. I mean uh, um, well you know, naked.

Sorry princess. Grandma insisted I sleep like this. Besides you did say you wanted to be like your mom. She certainly never minded me sleeping like this. If you want to know the truth, your mom always said, well if it’s good enough for my daddy, it’s good enough for me.

Tessa gulped, cleared her throat and without saying a word quickly stripped her t-shirt off and tossed her skimpy shorts across the room and jumped on the bed and sat cross legged. Taking a long drink of her beer, Tessa watched as her grandfathers eyes wandered over every succulent inch of her petite little body. Well grandpa, does it measure up to moms? I mean besides my tiny tits?

OMG munchkin. You’re mothers body was exactly like yours when she came here for our first fishing trip. Her boobs were even smaller. But you both have those long luscious nipples.

Oh grandpa you’re embarrassing me now. Why can’t the boys at school be as nice as you. They’re mean to me. Always calling me no boobs Tessa. Then when I walk away they whistle at my butt. Why do boys do that?

Boys do that because that’s what they are princess. Just boys. Now I have a real question for you.

What kind of question grandpa? You’re not gonna say something dumb like those dumb ole boys at school are ya?

I was just going to ask you if you have a boyfriend? Is that dumb ole question?

Rolling her eyes Tessa looked over and sighed, no grandpa it’s not dumb. But you know daddy would never let me have a boyfriend until I graduate from high school. He always tells me I’m to young for boys. If it’s up to him I’ll be 25 before he lets me have one.

I hear you Tessa. I’m well aware of how your dad feels about you and boys, but my question was, do you have a boyfriend. It wasn’t does your dad want you to have one.

Well I guess there is this one boy at school that kinda likes me. I don’t know if I’d exactly call him a boyfriend, but we do talk and he kissed my cheek once. You’re not gonna tell daddy are ya? He’d ground me forever if he even thought I liked a boy.

Well how about anyone that doesn’t go to high school with you young lady?

Huh? What do you mean grandpa? The boys at school are the only ones I know.

Okay so those are the only boys you know. What about someone not in school. Someone a little older. Like, oh let’s just say someone like Mr Grayson?

As the blood drained from her face, Tessa almost choked and squeaked out almost in a whisper. What? Are you talking about the Grayson’s that I babysit for? He pays me to watch his kids grandpa?

Isn’t that the family you stayed with for a whole week about a month ago because he had to be out of town and he asked your dad if you could watch his kids while his wife worked and it would be to much trouble driving you back and forth because of the crazy hours she worked?

Yes grandpa that’s him. But what does that have to do with me having a boyfriend.

Sorry princess, just one more little question and maybe we should get some sleep. Isn’t it a fact that the week you stayed there, that it was Mrs Grayson that was away on vacation to Florida for a week and she took her kids with her while Mr Grayson stayed home all week and never left his house? He was fucking you wasn’t he munchkin? You and Mr Grayson were fucking your brains out for one whole week weren’t you? That’s the boyfriend I’m referring to princess. Well, yes or no. Do you have an older boyfriend who uses you as his own personal fuck toy every chance he gets?

Tessa’s jaw dropped. Her eyes were wide and her body was shaking uncontrollably. Not because her grandpa knew what happened. It was because he called her a fuck toy. How do you know all that grandpa? No one can know. How, how, how do you know?

Well it just so happens that I ran into Mrs Graysons mother at the mall. I knew you were babysitting and was about to ask her about it when out of no where she blurted out how lucky her daughter was to be able to take a trip to Florida and what a shame it was because Mr Grayson couldn’t go with them because of his demanding job. I put two and two together and realized his demanding job was fucking the hell out of you 24 hours a day for a whole week. I just smiled at her mother and told her what a shame it was that Mr Grayson couldn’t enjoy the trip with his family. But he enjoyed every inch of your hot little body didn’t he Tessa. And that man fucked and fucked and fucked every hole you have didn’t he little lady?

Oh. My. God. Yes he did grandpa. He used me and used me and used me. But he’s nice grandpa. He tells me I’m beautiful. He gives me money. He buys me cool outfits to wear for him. I’m doomed now. You’re gonna tell daddy aren’t you. I’ll be grounded till I’m 50.

Warren squirmed trying to get comfortable. His fat prick was twitching and so fucking hard. Harder, longer and thicker than he could ever remember. One last very important question munchkin. Those aspirin you brought me. What color were they?

Uh, um, well they were blue why? There were two bottles and I brought you the pretty blue ones.

Oh fuck. Honey those pills were for when grandma felt frisky. Those are called viagra. One pill keeps me bone hard for at least two hours. I’ve never taken 2 at once before, but I’m guessing this hard cock I’ve got right now is gonna be with me most of the night.

Oh no. I’m sorry grandpa. Raising the blanket and pushing it to the foot of the bed, Tessa crawled between her granddads legs, curled her fingers around the thickest cock she’d ever seen, and looking into her grandpas eyes whispered, does it hurt grandpa? Maybe I can help. Then she leaned down, pumped her gripping fingers up and down a couple times, then sucked the cum bubble oozing from her grandfathers amazing huge prick in her mouth like a strand of spaghetti. Then she pursed her lips and sucked on the big purple mushroom head of her grandpas stiff prick and slowly pumped her fist up and down. Jacking off the biggest cock ever, waiting and hoping for a yummy mouthful of cum that she knew for sure her grandpa was going to give her.

Cupping his big cum filled balls in her hand, she rolled them around, squeezing and moving her mouth deeper and deeper along his bloated hard dick.

Warren grunted, moaned and watched as his granddaughter bobbed her head up and down on his aching thickness. Raising his hips, he threaded his fingers in her hair and drove his pulsing prick to the middle of her throat, then grunted like a wounded animal, his stiff cock spurting hot thick ribbons of sticky cum down her cum guzzling throat.

Tessa swallowed, and swallowed and swallowed every delicious drop. When his body dropped back to the bed, his breath coming in short hard gasps, Tessa pulled her lips from his still raging hard dick and smiled at him. Did that help grandpa? Then her face turned red as she shyly asked, did mommy do it like that too?

Still breathing hard, Warren pulled her up and kissed her neck. Honey, your mother was one great little cocksucker, but you’ve got her beat by a long shot. And baby girl, as you can see I’m still as hard as a fucking rock. So guess what, a certain little girl I know is about to get a fucking she’ll never forget.

Tessa giggled like the little school girl she is and hopped up, turned around on her knees and looking back over her shoulder hissed, oh fuck yes grandpa, I hope that little girl is me.

Without a word Warren slipped in behind Tessa, slid his big hands gently over her supple hot little ass, then folded his fist around his thick throbbing boner and guided it to her wet little greedy cock hungry cunt and drove it to the molten core of her hungry quivering pussy.

Tessa grunted, pushing her tight cunt back against the thickness of her grandpas long rigid cock till he was buried balls deep inside her slick wet cunt. Fuck me grandpa, fuck me really really good. Fuck me like you did mommy. Use me grandpa. I wanna be your nasty fucking fuck toy whore all week long.

Warren was relentless, pounding her young cunt like a battering ram. Again and again and again he pummeled her pussy.

Tessa’s cunt gripped her grandpas fat cock like a vise, cumming over and over on his thick power driving fuck pole. Pushing her face right against her pillow, Tessa screamed at the top of her lungs as her grandfather hammered her young cunt. For 3 hours straight his big stiff meaty prick battered her spasming pussy. With one final lunge, Warren buried his boner deep in his granddaughters hole and was finally about to cum when Tessa raised up, no grandpa, not in my pussy please. I want it all over my face.

Yanking his big dick from Tessa’s great little cunt, he spun her around and with his fist jacking off his spitting prick, he sighed and his fat dick sprayed her face like a fire hose. Long sticky strands of cum splatting against her face. Dangling across her forehead and the last thick cum drop splashing on her lower lip, which Tessa snatched quickly up with her tongue.

Yawning loudly, Tessa looked around the room and saw a note on the pillow next to her.

Hey sexy girl. Thought you needed your sleep after last night. Had to run to town to get some supplies for the cabin and fishing license for me. I should be back by about 2 o’clock. Love ya munchkin. Grandpa.

After jumping in the shower Tessa pulled on her newest tank top bought by Mr Grayson and the skimpiest pair of booty shorts she owned and went to the front porch to sit and wait for her grandpa. Glancing at the clock on her cell phone, she sighed when she realized she had a 3 hour wait before her newest lover returned.

Down the road she saw Mr Evans headed down the windey road towards her. She waved when he got closer. Hi Mr Evans. Daddy’s not here this year. He had some unexpected business at church and couldn’t make it . It’s just me and grandpa this time.

Well hey Tessa. So where is your grandpa? I don’t see his truck. I stopped by last night about 10 to just say hi. I knocked a couple times but I guess you and your grandpa were already sleeping.

Yeah gosh, we went to bed pretty early after our long drive. . And my super nice grandpa even let me sleep in today because he knew how wore out I was.

Yeah wow. After that long ride it is tiring. And especially after that brutal fucking Warren gave you all night, I can just imaging how wore out you must be. My god that man fucked you for at least 3 hours straight didn’t he. And you must have cum all over his pounding cock 10 or 15 times before he finally blew his load all over that pretty little face of yours.

Tessa could feel her heart beating a billion miles an hour. Her face turned 10 different shades of red. Barely able to talk she gasped, huh What did you say Mr Evans. He’s my grandpa you know. And I’m the preachers daughter. I don’t do those kind of things.

Walking up the steps and sitting down next to Tessa, he put his arm around her shoulder and pointed to the video he had playing on his phone. Why don’t you and I watch this little 3 hour video together and you can tell me how much you love that great big fucking cock that your grandpa is pounding your cunt with. Ok Tessa. Oh and one more thing, when your fucking your grandpa next time, be sure to turn the light off and close the bedroom window no matter how nice it is outside. Now let’s talk about the new deal you and I are gonna be making. It’d be a real shame if your daddy and your school friends ever got a hold of this video wouldn’t it. Are you ready to make a deal you filthy little cock whore.

One single tear rolled down Tessa’s cheek, but she nodded, uttering two little words. Yes Sir.


2018-11-23 18:47:52
Thanks I’ll do that next time


2018-11-23 02:33:44
It would be better if you denoted the verbal parts with quotation marks.

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