Family is love. And since love is all that matters, there is more than one way you can express your love for someone.
Sunday morning. Cold december. Pure perfection. And in my new home.
Now, let me introduce myself. Im Mike, 18. I recently moved to my new house, its small but mine and i love it. I love books. Im ok looking, not so much defined muscles but im strong. Im one of those kids that didnt want to study or go to college but instead quit school and started my own lil company, its like a bookshop... of a sort.
My parents live near me, my sister lives with them, shes 17 and her name is Jessy. She was sleeping last night with me at my place, we had breakfast this morning and she went home, we have pretty awesome relationship, we do joke around tease eachother but we care for eachother as well; we spend a lot of weekends together watching movies and picking up from where we left. I do love her a lot, shes great friend and i try to be a go to person for her, doing my best as a big brother. She never complained, so far i hope im doing ok. Jess has very nice looking body, pretty face, she recently started going to the gym so yeah she takes care of herself, shes also trying to get me into it... well see, i do like working out but i never needed it that bad. Neither of us tho took it from our parents, especially not from mom who use to have some chances as a model, maybe Jessy has... she really has took it all from mom.
So the reason mom didnt get a career as a model is most likely the fact my dad intervened and i guess u can say i was the one to blame for everything, tho mom never said anything to anyone about it, i think she does feel some regrets for not making it as far as she could have, but she also feels tremendous amount of love for us, and we do feel same for her. That might actually be even better, idk.
Dad has his own lil company, he is in the... how do you call it... idk he is buying cheap houses making them look good and selling them for big money. And that is where i gained some of my muscles, renovating all these houses, destroying walls and buliding them up, all over and over again, thats why i didnt need the gym. Helping my dad, learning with him, spending a lot time together... mom was there too. She had her job of course, she had a lot of connections that she used from her moddeling yrs to get her a job or two in a month or two... it was mainly comercials and some events where her beauty was able to get in handy... but she also helped dad. She was sth like a secretary in his company. She was a real gorgeous hot housewife.
Dad didnt have an office and we werent working like ten houses in a year or anything like that. Mostly 2-3 houses myb 4, depends. So most of dads clients were calling at our home mom was making the schedule for dad and then he would go make a deal or not, he made it a routine, to buy her flowers and chocolate if deal goes bad and if he sets the deal he calls her and tells her to make herself look prettier than usual cause his taking her out.
Today was a day like that, yesterday actually. He got yesterday a new old house from some people who were moving to another state and they didnt ask much for it, perfect for us. So mom and dad were going out and mom called to ask if i can spend evening, too with Jessy, ofc i said no problem. She was no baby no child, 17 soon to be 18 but mom loved it when she knew she was safe and she loved how much love we had for eachother. She simply loved seeing us together.
Me and sis knew that and we gladly made sure we obeyed these little things for her. It was sunday evening, i spent most of the day reading books. So it would be nice to get out of the house.
I arrived at my parents house around 5 pm, dad reserved table around 6.30 pm but i wanted to spend some time with them before they leave. We sat there, chatted a bit, fooled around for a half an hour till mom said she had to go make herself look good. Me and dad looked at eachother and frowned at mom... she giggled at us and gave us both a kiss on the lips, dad slapped her butt quickly and winked at me nodding at moms ass as in trying to tell me what a babe he's got himself there. I smiled and even laughed a bit while me and dad checked mom out, and i had to agree with him there... she had great body, ok she was a young mom but still.. for 34 old lady... very nice butt and her breasts....dear Lord, ok... lets stop me right here. Mom was definitely sexy and we all knew it. Including mom but she was shy as well, kind of... .
Dad went into his room quickly taking a shower and he came out naked with his underwear in one hand and in the other was a jacket nice shirt and some pants.
He asked me
"what do you think?"
I joked with him "not impressed "
"haha, very funny smartass, who do you think you got your package from, santa? I dont think so" dad faked serious face while i was laughing he punched my shoulder and asked again
"seriously, dont be an ass, help me out... u know i suck at this, which shirt to which tie... if it was me *dropping all clothes to the floor* this is what i would wear "
"omg please put on your underwear at least dad and then ill help you traumatised for life" he grinned at me did as i said but then mom entered the room and she laughed at us and shaking her head at dad she asked
"remind me again why have i made such a mistake of saying yes to you?"
Dad faked one hell of a serious face as if he was offended stepped closer to mom pushed her gently backwards to the door stared deeply into her gorgeous brownish eyes and kissed her hard while making sure she feels how happy he is on her leg.... his hand reached her lower back.. and a bit lower, dad didnt care that i was there, he grabbed firmly moms butt and massaged it... it lasted for a looong 30 seconds before mom barely gained the strength to push him away saying
"okay okay... i remember now" she bite her lip winked at me and rolling her eyes faking she didnt like it (hopefully not noticing i was adjusting myself discretly) and telling me
"dont be like him" laughing and running away as dad chased her to stairs where they made out some more while i waited
few minutes more than i expected, all the giggle and laughing stopped...
I got up and i went to see is everything okay and i definitely had sth to see... there was mom on her knees in front of dad who climbed first step and was facing me with his body, i could not believe... dad was enjoying right there in the hall, mom was quietly swallowing him all the... i didnt see the act cause moms head was hiding it all but there was no mistake, dad hold her head with one hand pushing his dick deeper in moms mouth she pulled his dick out for a second there i saw the tip she raised her hand, the free one to her face and all i heard was "shhh, be quiet" then her head went down again as she sucked dads dick faster and faster, slurping sounds were obvious and a few moans escaped them both, dad grabbed her hair and pulled hard as he came in her mouth cramps hitting his body alltogether with pleasure... once again mom pulled him out of her mouth, the hall was so peaceful, such silence i swear to you all you could hear was my heart trying to break out of my chest and a simple sound of somebody swallowing something... then mom quickly got up, fixed herself a bit and since she hasnt see me behind her dad winked at me as she pulled an act for my ears she yelled how she now has to fix all of her make up cause of him Jessy finaly came home from her friend, it was 6.oo pm and i helped dad while Jessy went to see if mom is ready which she most definitely was... They were both ready by 6.10 and ready to go. Place wasnt far so they can make it.
Jessy made us some popcorns as soon as they left and we made ourselves comfortable in her room watching movie. We had whole house for ourselves but we enjoyed it this way more. I remember when we were kids we lived in a smaller house and we had one small bedroom where we slept together, me and Jess, in one big bed, well as big as it could have been in such small room but big enough for two small kids to jump all over it and wrestle and what not... it was only waaaaaay to big in the morning when we had to make it, ofc we were small kids and we thought that it wasnt fair, mostly cause we were lazy.
I suddenly snapped back to reality catching myself staring at my sister, we were laying aside and she was watching movie while i looked at her remembering of all the past, she turned out into real pretty lady i thought to myself, she started quietly giggling i kissed her cheek and she asked
" what was that for?" while big smile spread all over her face, i jush shrugged and smiled back at her, turned my head back to tv and grabbed some popcorns, few moments later she snapped back at me with a kiss on my lips i smiled at her as she cuddled herself as close as possible to me saying simple
I frowned than laughed shortly "what for?"
She shrugged her shoulders back at me as i hugged her thight kissing her forehead. Once movie finished i realized i have slept through some of the scenes but when i checked up on Jessy to apologize she was asleep, too.
Instead of getting up and waking her up cause she was leaning on my shoulder i decided to let her sleep. She helped all of us these days, she had some dilemmas about leaving school and starting her own buisness but never said anything to mom and dad, yet. She even mentioned it to me just once last month. I think she was learning how to start and what shell have to do and stuff... while making sure she didnt miss anything on any lectures in school, so i let her sleep, i watched her a bit more and i fell asleep myself too...
I woke up around midnight mom woke me up actually with a kiss on the forehead, i opened my eyes and saw her sitting next to me wrapped up in a towel her hair as well, she caressed my hand saying i should probably get on my way i have work tommorrow... i took another minute or two, looking at mom, her smile, her eyes, her lips... her neck.... collar bone... lowered my eyes kind of pretending to be sleepy... looking at her gorgeous long legs staring a bit longer... sth in me told me to lower my hand on her leg...and i did, whispering " hi mom... oh yeah... of course... in a minute" caressed her leg slightly i add "you are gorgeous mom" she covered her red face being all shy "and so hot..." i added not sounding very confident but she liked it and put a finger on her lips telling me to be quiet with another "shhh" that made my dick twitch then i carefully pulled my hand from under just smiled at me as i sat next to her with her eyes full of love, she kissed me again on the lips and took my hand to walk out of Jessy's room, i followed her, mom was so hot... and that towel was so thin. I closed the door carefully and mom hugged me again and kissed me twice now thanking me for babysitting Jess she joked, i kissed her back once and asked "how was your night?" She got all red and covered her again red face with her hands and i joked with her "oh... that good huh?" She slapped my hand and tried to be serious with no succes i gave her one last hug and went home, i had work tommorrow and i needed sleep... she offered me guest room if im too tired to drive and i considered it for a moment but nah... i just recently moved away i want to enjoy my own place as much as i can, kissed mom and said "have a good night mrs Red Face" winked at her and she smiled big time saying good night to me too.