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This is a story of the Devil's Night that me and my sister, had gone out in search of blood. To satisfy our need, for our Lambs that normally supply us with blood had the flu. So we must go in search of it, something we haven't done in a long time.
WARNING! My story is intended for adults 18 years or older this story contains sexual content. The story you are about to read is fiction or it maybe true or parts of it. if true, I have tried to recreate events, locales and conversations from my memories of them. In order to maintain their anonymity of the innocent in some instances. I have changed the names of the individuals, any resemblance between the characters in this story and any other persons, living, dead, or undead is a miracle. This story, "The Mortuary Vampires" is copyright ©2018, by VampirTARA.

Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 42-year-old mortician / funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not Mormon, we are Druid/Christian). I have three children, two teenagers and a two-year-old, now I have 2 Sister Wives. Toni, that's a couple of years younger than me, and she is also my biological sister with 4 children of our husband. Then there's Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she's 23 years old with 1 child to our husband.

"The Mortuary Vampires"

Well, it was a little after 2:30 p.m., and we had just got done having a funeral service. I was walking through the lobby, when my sister Toni, came up to me.

"Tara, so what are we going to do?" My sister asked, "Kelly and Joyce both still have the flu, this isn't good. First Jesse and Jackie had the flu, then passed it to Kelly and Joyce, then go on vacation. It's been over a month since we last feed and we need to feed, we're getting weak."

"Well, we don't have a choice, we're going to have to go hunting tonight sis," I replied.

"That's something we haven't done in a long while, " my sister said. "And on Devil's Night."

"Please, you're both becoming a couple of bitches, more than normal." Our sister wife Kathy said, as she walked by.

"Oh, you think you're cute Kathy!" My sister yelled, "I can make you a snack right now!"

Well, Kelly, Joyce, Jesse and Jackie, are our lambs. They're our younger cousins that supply, me and my sister Toni with blood. Most of the time, the girls give up their blood for just a sexual favor or other times they need a favor and once in a while, it's on the house. Anywho, I turned my sister and said, "I'm going to go take a cat nap." So I went upstairs to my bedroom, I kicked off my heels, stripped off my blouse, and wiggled out of my skirt, then laid down on the bed. I was tired; I had been up all night preparing a body, on top of just having a funeral service.

It was about 3 hours later, when my sister Toni, walked in the bedroom and gave me a little slap on the ass.

"Wakey, wakey, Tara, time to get up!" My sister said, "It's going on 6, and the sun is going down. Time to go hunting, so get up and get dressed."

So, I got up and slipped off my tank top, then removed my garter belt and stockings. I grabbed my nice sexy white top out of the closet and my little short black mini skirt out of the dresser. I slipped them on, then quickly did my hair and makeup. I went downstairs, and my sister was dressed in the same outfit that I had on, except her top was pink, but no biggie. Now my sister is similar in height, weight, and hair color, except she has larger breasts and doesn't wear glasses. Anywho, me and my sister got in the car and drove down to Brewski's bar, in the south side. We parked on the side street of the bar about a block down from it. The night air had a calming chill; it brought to the skin. The moon in the night sky, so perfectly illuminating the night sky. We went into bar and got our drinks, then sat at a table.

An hour and a half had passed of us searching for a couple of girls to single out for our prey. However, with no success except for drunken middle-aged men, who thought, they were the cat's meow. Well, we brushed them off, for they were not what we were looking for. Then just as me and my sister were about to give up and search elsewhere, when the bartender came over with a couple of drinks.

He said, "The two guys over there, sent you ladies these drinks."

We both looked over, and it was two white guys that appeared to be in their mid-twenties; one was a skinny little twig, and the other was husky.

My sister said, "They aren't what we were looking for, but I don't think we can afford to be choosy; we need to feed tonight Tara.

So, I motioned for the two of them to come over, well they scurried on over. Like two dogs, being invited into a butcher shop. The skinny little twig was Mike, and the husky one was David. They were brothers, and David, had taken his brother Mike, out to celebrate his 21st birthday. Well, me and my sister flirted with them, while enduring almost an hour's worth of their lame flirtation and their bullshit bragging. When I said to them, "Would the two of you like to go back to our place for some fun!"

"Your girls are just fucking with us! David yelled, "Prove it to us, before we go back to your place. The last time, a couple of girls took us up the hill to Mount Washington, and ditched us. It was 2 in the morning, and after they were gone, me and my brother realized they got our wallets!"

"Well, how do you want us to prove it? My sister Toni, asked.

David replied, "We go outside behind the bar or somewhere, and you girls blow us first!"

My sister whispered to me, "I know, but if we want to get them back to the mortuary. We're going to have to take the chance, Tara.

My sister looked at the young two guys and said, "Ok, but it's going to have to be just one of us, while the other stands watch! We all don't need to get caught and go to jail! So, which one of us did you want to do it?"

David blurted it out, "Her with the glasses, I mean Tara, sorry!"

So, we all left the bar and walked down the side street beside it, towards where we had parked our car. At the end of the street, there was a parking lot that had these little mini handicapped buses, of some transportation company. We quietly went into the dimly-lit lot, and between a couple of those little mini buses. My sister Toni, stood watch, as me and the two young guys went between the buses.

As soon as I got down my knees David, unzipped his pants and dropped them to the ground, he then quickly reached into his boxers and pulled out his penis. My eyes opened wide, as I was face to face with a very large and thick 8 inch penis. In the parking lots dim light, I could see the veins popped out from it that went beyond normal, like thick vines wrapped around the trunk of a tree. It was quite impressive, my hunger grew, as I could see the blood pulsating through his penis.

"Come on Mike, get your cock out man so this little vampire slut can suck it!"

The young skinny guy Mike, slowly unzipped his pants, he then reached in and pulled out his penis. I could you see why he was hesitating; he had a tiny 4-inch erect penis.

I could see out of the corner of my eye my sister Toni, keeping watch while occasionally glancing over watching what was going on. As I wrapped my fingers around his tiny penis, I leaned forward sliding my lips over the head of his penis. I then began sucking and swirling my tongue around, the head of it. After only about a minute of me sucking on his penis, his friend David, bumped him to the side. And put his large veined penis to my lips, as his friend's penis slipped out of my mouth. I blurted out, "Hey, what the fuck!"

"Suck it bitch!" He said to me in a degrading smartass tone.

My need to feed was was growing deeper by the second, as I stared at his blood-filled penis. I parted my lips, then leaning forward and sliding them slowly over the head of his penis. Chills ran down my spine, as my lips slid down the shaft of his penis over the thick bluish blood rich pulsating veins. My lips and tongue could feel the blood pulsating through the veins in his penis, as I started slowly bobbing back and forth on it. With my left hand, I reached over and grabbed the young college boy Mike's tiny penis and started stroking it.

"Shit look Mike, her eyes are glowing red! That's fucking Wild, I love this vampires shit!... I love Halloween! The young college boy David, yelled. After she sucks your cock, we'll go down Fatheads and see what kind of sluts are down there!"

So, we were getting double-crossed, "I thought to myself. Well, he wasn't getting away without paying the ferryman." Then there was the loud sound of a train rumbling down the tracks that were less than a block away at the end of the street from the bar. As I was bobbing on the one young guy's penis and stroking the other one's penis. I was fighting the hunger; it wasn't the right moment. It was only seconds later, that I felt a stream of warm semen land on my wrist and forearm. Then there was a quick second squirt of semen. Squirted out on my forefinger, as it passed over the headed of his penis. I started quickly stroking it, while his warm semen oozed between my fingers. After a couple seconds his penis stopped pulsating and started to go soft. So I let go of it, as I continued bobbing on David's penis. It was not even a minute later, I felt him tense up; I reached up with my left hand and grabbed a hold of the bottom of this shirt. He grunted, then a large gob of warm semen squirted out the head of his penis into my mouth. The moment was here, I clamped down and sunk my fangs into his penis.

David, let out a high shrill piercing cry, "UGGH!"

But, his cry was extinguished, by the sound of the train rumbling down the tracks. He tried to pull away, but I held the bottom of his shirt tightly, as I began to feed on his blood. His brother Mike, took off like a bat out of hell; he ran past my sister Toni. He never looked back, as his friend struggled to get free from my grasp. David's penis ejaculated a couple more squirts of semen on my tongue, while his blood flowed into my mouth. His warm blood mixed with semen and laced with hormones was intoxicating. Then he managed to slip from my grasp; he stumbled trying to pull his pants up. And before I could get up off of my knees, or my sister could get to him. He managed to get away running down the alley trying to pull his pants up.

"Someone help me!" David, yelled.

But, no one heard his cries for help over the sound of the train; I turned to my sister Toni and French-kissed her, sharing the blood that I had in my mouth.

As we ended our kiss my sister hissed “Ahhh Tara, gotta love the taste and smell of young fear.”

"Oh most definitely sis," I hissed back at her. “Let us hurry, don’t need our night being ruined by police. I then reached down and picked my purse up off the ground; my sister grabbed my hand and we went up to Carson Street, then disappeared into the crowd.

We walked up Carson Street until we came to a parking lot on the corner just down from Burger King. Her and I sat down on the cement curb edging to the parking lot and lit a cigarette.

"Tara, heads-up cop car! Well, it doesn't appear that the cops are searching for anyone, by the way, they drove by, my sister said. So what are we going to do now Tara, I need to feed tonight?"

With a slight giggle, I replied, "Don't worry Toni; we'll find something. There's too many college kids out tonight for us not to. Look at them all drunk and naive dressed up in their Halloween costumes for the picking. But the only problem is, they're all in groups."

A half-hour at past, when these two young really dark black Haitian guys stopped and asked us for a cigarette in a very broken English. Well, we each gave them a cigarette, and I guess they assumed that was an invitation to sit down and start talking to us. The one that had on a blue pitt T-shirt decided to sit down beside me, and the other was wearing a black T-shirt sat on the other side beside my sister Toni. The two of them appeared to be 18 or 19 years old, so in the midst of our conversation, we asked to look at their IDs, because they looked so young. We discovered they were both freshmen students at Pitt University from Haiti. Their names were Emmanuel and Zhedd, and they both was 18 years old. Well Zhedd, was the one that was interested in me. While Emmanuel, seem to be interested in my sister, because it appeared. It was that she had larger breasts, as he couldn't quit staring at them.

Well, it didn't take long for them to start flirting with me and my sister. Then a little into the flirting Zhedd, that was sitting beside me placed his hand on my leg at the edge of my black mini skirt. When he did that my sister looked at me, I looked at her and raised my one eyebrow. Signaling to her, "Let them do what they like, we've found our prey." She gave me a "What the fuck" look, just then the two young black Haitian college guys got up. They both walked over to the trash can a few feet away to throw out their soda cups and was talking amongst themselves in some foreign language.

Then my sister whispered to me, "They're black Tara, I've never done it with a black man before Tara!"

"Neither have I sis, unless you want to take the chance of finding something else!" I replied back to her.

"Nooooo, the prospects aren't looking good....Looks like we're going to have to take a little black dick tonight, if we want to feed!" My sister whispered back to me. "God they can barely speak English, I can hardly understand what they're saying Tara!"

"No kidding! Most of the time, I can't understand a fucking thing they're saying" I replied back laughing.

Even though me and my sister was never into black guys, we needed to feed. We were too hungry and getting weak to care about having interracial sex, as long as we got the blood she needed to replenish our strength.

The young black Haitian college boys Emmanuel and Zhedd, came back over to where we were and my sister said to them, "What say, we all go back our place boys? Where we can have some fun in private."

Well, they eagerly jumped at the offer, so we grabbed our purses and got up off of the parking lots cement curb edging. We started walking down the street with the them to where we had parked our car on 8th Street. Well Zhedd, put his arm around my waist and as we walked down Carson street, his fingers crept down over my ass; I noticed Emmanuel, was doing the same to my sister Toni. As much as we wanted to bat them away. We knew, we could not without ruining our chances of luring them back to the mortuary. If the young Haitian college boys Emmanuel and Zhedd, only knew what was to befall them and the price they were going to pay.

After the 20-minute Drive of me and my sister being pawed and grabbed, all of the way from the south side. We finally arrived at the mortuary, and as I drove through the cemetery gates.

Emmanuel yelled, "You live a cemetery?"

"Yeah, in a mortuary or if you want to call it a funeral home," my sister said.

I drove up the cemetery entrance and around to the rear of the mortuary.

Emmanuel yelled, "Why, we going around to the back?"

My sister said, "That's because we don't want our husband to here!"

"Her husband or your husband?" Emmanuel, asked her.

My sister replied back, "Our husband, me and my sister are polygamous, we are married to the same man. We share a husband, along with another girl."

I pulled up to the rear entrance of the mortuary, as we all got out of the car. We were greeted by the sound of our Cemetery owl calling and the tumbling tree leaves echoing across the moonlit night.

After sorting through my keys, I finally found the right one and unlocked the receiving door entrance to the embalming room. Me and my sister turned around; the two young black Haitian guys weren't behind us. They were over peeing on our flowers, me and my sister just talk to each other and rolled our eyes.

"Oh my God, I can't believe we're doing this!" My sister whispered me, "They are so butt-ugly, every time that Zhedd smiles; he looks like a pumpkin. And that Emmanuel, looks like he has never heard of a toothbrush, his teeth are greenish yellow. Come on trade with me please, Tara!"

"But we can't; they each chose which one of us; they wanted." I whispered back to my sister. "Just think of the succulent young, vibrant blood, laced with hormones, we'll be having soon."

"I know; I know, but if he tries to kiss me, I'm going to vomit! God, I'm so hungry, I need to feed! I don't know why, but I'm so nervous. We haven't gotten any black deceased at our mortuary, yet. And in college, all the cadavers were Caucasian, I wonder if it's true about the size of their dicks. I've never seen a black dick before." She whispered back to me.

I whispered back to her, "I'm nervous too, and it's a myth about their penises, but I've never seen one either Toni." Just then the young black Haitian college guys got done doing what they were doing. As they walked back over to us, I said to them sarcastically, "Thank you both so much for watering our marigolds!" I Then entered the embalming room, with the two guys behind me. While my sister Toni, followed all of us in and locking the door behind her. I walked over I set my curse on the counter, I turn around and walked over by the embalming table. Zhedd came over to me and put his arms around my waist; he started kissing me. So I kissed him back, as I was in the midst of a lip lock with Zhedd.

I could see out of the corner of my eye that Emmanuel, had my sister backed up against the counter and was kissing her neck with his hand on her right breast. He was feeling up her breast pretty damn good while she was avoiding kissing him on the mouth. Zhedd's, left hand moved up from the middle of my back to my right breast and started grabbing it. While his right hand slid down and slowly over my ass to the edge of my black mini skirt. His hand then leisurely went up under the back of my mini skirt and moved their way up to my panties. He started rubbing my ass and feeling the material of my little pair of shiny Satin pink bikini panties.

As me and Zhedd kissed, I noticed Emmanuel had stopped fondling my sister's breast. He had his hand up the front of my sister's black mini skirt and was rubbing crouch of her little pair of shiny white satin bikini panties. Emmanuel, kept trying to kiss my sister on the mouth, but she kept turning away.

I moved my hand up placing it in the middle of his chest and gently pushing him back breaking our kiss. While with my left hand, I pushed Zhedd's hand out from under my skirt and said to him softly "Give me a quick second, I have something important to do." I walked over to the counter and grabbed my cell phone, as I turned around. My sister was standing there; she obviously used me, as an excuse to pull away from Emmanuel. My sister watched, as I sent our sister, wife Kathy a quick text that was elsewhere in the mortuary.

As we waited for her to reply, my sister whispered, "Tara, did she--"

When something made us, both look up at the same time. My sister stopped what she was about to say, her mouth dropped open and her eyes opened wide in astonishment. I was amazed; it took my breath away to see that the two young black Haitian college guys had their pants unzipped and their dark black penises out. My sister Toni couldn't quit staring at Emmanuel's penis; it was long, thin and dark black. Zhedd's penis was an average size and dark black; I snapped a quick pic of it. And then elbowing my sister, giving her the look that our sister, wife Kathy, had just acknowledged our text.

I then whispered to my sister Toni, "It's time to begin!" With devilish smiles on our faces, We both reached down with devilish smiles on our faces and slowly started pulling our tops, out of my black mini skirts. After pulling our tops out of my skirts, we both reached down and grabbed the bottom of our tops. Together we both pulled them up over our heads and removed them, revealing my pink and my sister's white satin and lace bras.

Next we both reached behind our backs and grabbed the zipper to our black mini skirts. We both unzipped our skirts, then slowly slid them down off our hips and over our asses. We then let our skirts drop to our feet and then stepped out of them.

We both then reached up behind our backs and unfastened the clasp to our bras. We both slid the straps of our bras off our shoulders, and took a deep breath. Then we both slowly removed our bras, showing the two young black Haitian college guys our breasts. Zhedd, he couldn't quit staring at my still nicely firm for my age, 34C breasts. While Emmanuel, was fixated on my sister Toni's 36D breasts.

We looked at each other; we were nervous. Me and my sister reached to my hips and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of our panties. I started slowly sliding my little pair of shiny pink satin bikini panties down then she started sliding her little pair of shiny white satin bikini panties down. We both slid our little panties off of our hips and over our little round asses to our thighs and exposing our smoothly waxed pussies. Then leaning forward slightly, as we both slipped our panties down to our feet and stepped out of them. We then both tossed our panties over to the young black Haitian college boys. Their Eyes Were glued to our smoothly waxed little white pussy's


I stepped forward, then got down on my knees in front of him, as my sister followed my lead, and did the same in front of Emmanuel. My sister turned and looked at me, with the look on her face of, "Oh my God." She took a deep breath, then she turned and reached over wrapping her hand around Emmanuel's, penis. With a bit of hesitation, my sister leaned forward and slid her lips over the head of his dark black penis.

As my sister started sucking on her very first black penis, I then reached over and wrapped my hand around Zhedd's, penis. I slowly leaned forward and got ready to suck on my very first black penis. As I parted my soft red lips, Zhedd's dark black penis slipped between my them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhedd yelled out.

As my lips slid over the head of his penis, my lips slid all the way down his dark black shaft, I then withdrew my lips to where just a head of his penis was in my mouth. My tongue swiveled around the head of his penis. Then I started bobbing and sucking his penis, He was brushing his hand through my long raven-black hair, while my head bobbed back and forth on his shaft. I could smell the blood, the room was filled with the smell of young male hormones, as I was sucking on his dark black penis like a popsicle. I know what my sister was thinking, the same as I was. If we suck them off quickly, we won't have to let them fuck us, but no such luck. The two young black Haitian college guys were moaning pretty good, as me and my sister Toni, sucked on their dark black penises.

Less than a minute later Zhedd, yelled, "STOP! STOP! WE FUCK NOW!"

I slid my mouth off his penis; I looked over at my sister Toni, and she had done the same. Me and my sister both got up off of our knees, then Emmanuel, grabbed my sister by the hand. He pulled her over to the embalming table, then quickly turned her around. My sister looked at me with nervous uncertainty on her face, as he bent her over the embalming table. I watched the young black Haitian college guy Emmanuel, with his one hand guiding his penis to my sister's opening. I knew he found her opening and the head of his dark black penis was between her pussy lips, when she let out a loud, "Hiss!" He grabbed my sister's hips tightly, then give a thrust with his hips.

My sister Toni, gasped loudly, "OOOOH! AHHHH!" As her little ass lifted up in the air and her high heels clicking off the tile floor.

He then started giving it to her, he was slapping against her bare little white ass, Fast and furiously. She held on to the embalming table, as it shook violently.

"OH! OH! OH! OH!" My sister cried out, as he fucked her.

I wondered what was in store for me, as I took Zhedd, by the hand and started leading him towards the casket against the wall on the church truck. I said to him in a soft seductive voice. "I want to do it over here in the casket."

"IN A COFFIN!" Zhedd said, with a sound of a bit of fear in his voice.

In a devilish voice, I said to him, "Well, do you want some white pussy or not?"

I braced myself on the swing bar and climbed into the casket. Then laying back and spreading my legs, exposing my smoothly wax pussy, offering it for the taking. As I was laying there waiting to get my first black penis in my pussy. My hunger was growing, and I knew my sister's was also. But we had to wait, for the blood is more succulent and intoxicating. When it's laced with the male hormones, after he has ejaculated. The young black Haitian college guy Zhedd, climbed into the casket and knelt between my legs. He undid his pants and slid them down, along with his blue plaid boxers. He grabbed ahold of his penis with his right hand, I gasped out loudly, as I felt him place the head of his dark black penis between my pussy lips. Zhedd, leaned down over me; he then slowly pushed the head of his dark black penis into my little white pussy.

Once he had it all the way in me, he paused for a second. OMG! Then all of the sudden, he started ramming his dark black penis into me, like a wild man. Both of my legs flew straight up in the air towards the ceiling, as I cried out, "OH MY!" His dark black penis rammed in and out of my little white pussy, he was bawling me like crazy, as I was crying out, OH! OH! OH!" The Church truck that the casket was resting on, it was shaking and squeaking, "Squeak, squeak, squeak." He went on fucking me like there was no tomorrow, for a good three or four minutes.

Then I felt the young black Haitian college guy Zhedd's, warm creamy-white semen ejaculating into me. He was really emptying his balls into me; I could feel it flowing down into the opening of my cervix and into my uterus. He laid on top of me between my legs a few seconds, then got up off of me and put his penis back in his boxers. He pulled his pants up, then climbed out of the casket. I sat up and saw that Emmanuel, had my sister Toni, backed up against the counter. She was digging her nails into the edge of the counter in disgust, as he was French kissing her with his arms around her grabbing her ass.

After carefully climbing out of the casket, I then walked over to where Zhedd, was standing. He was watching Emmanuel and my sister, as he was zipping up his pants. I stood behind him quietly, while his semen ran down the inside of my thighs like a river. As Emmanuel, french kissed my sister, I knew she was aware of my presence. I watched her discreetly with her right hand, reach behind her back and grab a scalpel out of the tray that was on the counter behind her. She held it behind her back, as she broke her kiss with Emmanuel, and easily pushed him away with her left hand.

"Hold up, we have all night!" My sister said in a gentle voice to a Emmanuel.

Well Emmanuel, took a step back and said, "We got to go, you take us back to Southside!

My sister said with a devilish giggle to Emmanuel, "Come on, we're just starting to have fun!"

She then whistled, our sister wife Kathy, walked into the embalming room with her right hand behind her back. Followed by my 19 year old daughter Skyler, and Toni's 18 year old daughter Amy.

"No, you take us back to South side!" Emmanuel yelled.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere!" my sister said in a calm voice, "See gentleman, you have something we want, your blood!"

My sister Toni, hissed and bared her fangs, she walked towards Emmanuel, as he started backing up.

"You crazy white bitches, you take us back to South Side now!" Emmanuel and Zhedd, both yelled.

My sister's hand came from behind her back and in a quick Swift motion, she swung the scalpel and sliced Emmanuel's, throat just below his Adam's apple. He grabbed his throat making gurgling sounds, as the blood flowed from his throat. My sister dropped the scalpel, and quickly took him to the floor. She sunk her fangs into his throat and ripped out a chunk of flesh, then spit it out to the side. She then leaned down and started feeding on his blood from the gaping wound.

Zhedd, screamed, "Oh, God in heaven help me!"

"You can pray to your God for salvation, but he's not going to help you tonight!" I yelled. Then from behind, I quickly wrapped my left hand around Zhedd's, waist. I dug my nails into him like the talons of the hawk. With my right hand, I reached around putting my hand over his mouth and pulled his head backwards. I viciously sunk my fangs into his neck; his hand grabbed a hold of the embalming table shaking, shuddering. His eyes were bulging, as I was sucking him like a rat, draining the life out of him. Losing his grip on the embalming table, I took him to the floor. I got on top of Zhedd, and reinserted my fangs to do his neck. As he tried to push me away, while I feasted on his blood. Kathy, and Amy, both rushed over and quickly bound his legs with duck tape. While Skyler, was doing the same to Emmanuel.

While me and my sister Toni, gorged ourselves on the two young black Haitian college boy's blood. Our daughters dragged in a cardboard cremation container, and prepared it. After a minutes, we were done feeding; Emmanuel, was dead, Zhedd was still alive, but just barely. All of us girls, picked up Zhedd's body and tossed it in the container, in his weakened state. He begged for his life, but it fell on deaf ears. We then picked up Emmanuel's, body and toasted on top of Zhedd. Our sister wife Kathy, placed the lid on the container. Then we all lifted the container onto a lift truck and wheeled it down the hall to the crematorium. My daughter Skylar, had already started the crematorium chamber. We slid the container into the retort and Skyler, closed the chamber door. As we all left the crematorium, you could hear the faint screams coming from the retort. Me and my sister went upstairs to take a shower, while our sister, wife Kathy, gathered all of our clothes and washed them. While, our daughters cleaned up the embalming room.

After we had gotten done taking a shower, as I was drying my hair with a towel. It dawned on me, I said to my sister Toni, "Oh shit! We forgot to lock up the Mausoleum and cemetery gates. I'll go do it real quick." I threw on my robe and grabbed the gate keys, I tiptoed down our little cemetery roadway in my bare feet and wearing nothing but my short little blue satin robe. After locking up the front cemetery gates, I continued down into the cemetery to lock up the mausoleum. Well, as I was locking up the mausoleum, I heard a noise, I turned and looked, it was the neighbors German Shepherd. I said to the dog, "Oh, you escaped from your yard again; I haven't seen you in a long while. The last time, me and you had a little encounter......... Hmm, I was just thinking; I'm a bit worked up, and I bet you would love to empty those big balls you have. Tonight's your lucky night, so let's, me and you mate."

The dog followed me, as I tiptoed across the little cemetery roadway into the grass, I walked through the monuments and headstones about 45-50 yards. To where there was a gap of grass between the headstones, then I stopped, then turning around and undoing the sash to my robe, as looked at our neighbor's dog. I opened my robe and let it slide off my shoulders and down my back. My robe dropped down into the grass, I said, "Ok boy, it's time for me and you to get it on." I Then slowly got down on my hands and knees in the grass and assumed the submissive doggy style position. I said out loud, "Ok doggie, take me." The neighbor's German Shepherd didn't waste any time mounting me, he wrapped his paws around my waist tightly. He started poking the tip of his penis trying to find my opening. Then the dog howled loudly, when he felt the little red tip of his penis between my pussy lips.

My eyes opened wide and my mouth dropped open, I cried out, "OOOOH, YES!" As the dog found my opening. The dog's penis was quickly sliding in and out of the entrance to my pussy, it started growing longer and thicker. The walls of my pussy stretched to accommodate his penis, as it went deeper inside of me. The neighbor's German Shepherd was riding me; he held onto me tightly, as he fucked me like a jackhammer. I held my head up looking straight ahead; my long raven-black hair blew in the breeze, and my glasses bounced on the bridge of my nose, as I cried out repeatedly into the night, "OH! OH! OH!"

Then I screamed out into the darkness, "OOOOH MY!" As his knot pushed into my pussy, it was only seconds later that, I dug my nails into the grass. My voice echoed out into the night screaming to the heavens, "OOOOH YES DOGGIE!" I started to orgasms; my pussy muscles started contracting wildly, and my body trembled. The dog was motionless and whimpering; he was ejaculating, his very warm semen into me. It was very much warmer than a man's semen. In the grass down on my hands and knees in the doggy style position, with my eyes glossed over, breathing heavily, as I looked straight ahead into the night. I could feel the dog's large balls throbbing against my pussy lips. He just laid on top of my me, inseminating me with his seed.

Then finally 20 minutes later, when the dog was getting off me, his knot popped out of me with a wet sloppy popping sound. The dog licked my pussy from behind for a about a minute. When he was done, I got up and sat back on my knees in the yoga style position. I watched the neighbor's German Shepherd wandering off into the night, after a couple of minutes. I got up off the grass and slipped my robe back on; I walked back up to the mortuary shaking my little round ass. I felt bad for taking so long and making my sister wait, for we were about to fool around. However, I didn't feel bad any longer, when I walked into the bedroom and saw. My sister on the bed in the doggy style position with our family's Rottweiler mounted on the back of her, and he was fucking her........THE END.


2019-01-21 02:48:41
I just wanted to to say that I really enjoy your stories. Not only are they extremely erotic. Your use of propper grammar and punctuation and using paragraphs in the propper way make for an enjoyable read. Please keep up the good work


2019-01-04 14:54:42
Too short. Just when I am getting into it it ended.

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