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I come from a long line of sexually perverted individuals. My family is riddled with tales of incest and debauchery. My parents, my Aunts & Uncles, my nieces & nephews, my Cousins and most of my In-Laws have engaged in Incest and every other form of sexual deviancy. You name it, and someone in my family probably did it.
Not every family is like mine. Most so-called normal families are governed by what is known as the “Westermarck Effect." The Westermarck effect, or reverse sexual imprinting, is a hypothetical psychological effect through which people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction. That simply means that they are not sexually attracted to one another. This phenomenon was first hypothesized by Finnish anthropologist Edvard Westermarck in his book The History of Human Marriage (1891) as one explanation for the incest taboo.

However, several studies seem to contradict the standard view of the Westermarck effect as a natural learning process; instead, it may be a cultural phenomenon. People seem to have sexual preferences toward faces that resemble their parents' or their own. If correct, this would suggest that Freud's idea of the Oedipus complex had more merit to it.

My whole family has always seemed to be devoid of the Westermarck Effect, but heavy on the Oedipus complex. There are very few female relatives that I am not attracted to in one way or another. With that said, let me tell you about my older sister, Amy.

Amy’s Story

My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I have known since puberty that I was addicted to sex. I just never got the opportunity to experience sex with anyone but myself until high school. Yes, you heard me right. I was into chronic masturbation until my Aunt Bella took me under her tutelage and introduced me to the joys of real grown-up sex; with someone other than myself. I am also intrigued by the female breast. My mother told me she had a hell of a time weaning me from her breast. Even today I am easily calmed with a breast in my mouth.

I've already told you about my first sexual experience with a female member of my family. My Aunt Bella first introduced me to grown-up sex one night after Thanksgiving. I was still in high school. Aunt Bella was instrumental in teaching me about the thing’s women really liked during sex. After my encounter with Aunt Bell, I started looking at all my female relatives and began to wonder what it would be like to bring each of them to orgasmic bliss.

That brings me to my Sister Amy. She had the most enticing breast I had ever seen on any woman; young or old. I fantasized about Amy’s tits long before I ever dreamed about the possibility of playing with them. Her tits were my number one fantasy when I masturbated. I had never seen Amy's naked breast, but I knew from what I had seen, on my favorite porn sites they would be awesome to see uncovered. I tried to picture what her nipples looked like. I was sure they would be long and pointed by the way they poked against her cotton nightshirt. After Aunt Bella, I became consumed with the desire to suck Amy’s breast, to swirl my tongue around her hard nipples. I also wanted to taste the juices from her vagina. It took a long time to get Amy on board, but it finally happened. But before I give you all the sorted details, I need to fill you in with some essential specifics.

My Sister, Amy rarely dated in high school because she was never deemed a raving beauty, but she WAS sexy as hell in high school; if that makes any sense. Her most redeeming quality was her magnificent body; especially her large luscious breast. Amy may not have been considered a beauty, but she had a body that most women would’ve killed for. She had beautiful large, well-proportioned breast and a rounded little butt that was proportionate to the rest of her slender body. She gracefully floated along on long slender dancer legs, and practically every movement she made had a sexual attraction for just about every man she got around.

Now Amy didn’t always have that kind of body. I remember when she was a tall, gangly girl with a flat chest. Then one day it seemed as though someone had abducted my sister and replaced her with this shapely young woman who made my dick hard every time, I looked at her. The new Amy was 5' 6", 120 lbs., 36-24-35 and she had the most delightful little round butt that was firm due to her devotion to yoga exercise.

If you had known her back in high school and only saw her from the neck up, it may have been hard for you to identify why she was so sexy. To be perfectly honest, Amy really was quite unattractive from the neck up. I wouldn’t call her ugly; plain is probably a better term. I guess you have heard the tired old expression, “Put a bag over her head and fuck her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world." Well, that tired old expression fit my sister, Amy to a tee.

I want you to know that I love my big sister. We have always been close and didn’t seem to have the usual sibling rivalry. In fact, Amy was almost like a second mother. She made sure I brushed my teeth, washed behind my ears and wore clean underwear. Amy and I could talk about anything. I could share my innermost thoughts with her without fear of judgment, and she could do the same with me.

As I said, I don’t want to put her down too badly, but she was, in fact, downright plain looking in high school. However, she did have a mysteriously seductive smile. I would say her smile was somewhat like the Mona Lisa. Her face was covered with freckles, and she had long straight, dishwater blond hair that would not hold a curl. Most of the time she bundled her hair on top of her head and clipped it in place with a tortoiseshell clip. To say her hair was unmanageable would be an understatement. Her hair usually went in all directions creating what some refer to as “bed head"; that unkempt look most women would have when they first roll out of bed in the morning.

However, for some hard to explain the reason, her unruly hair also contributed to her overall sexiness. And without realizing it, Amy would often exhibit facial expressions that range from enticing, to fascinating, to appealing, to inviting, and in some cases, utterly downright mesmerizing. That along with her latent sexual appeal that she didn't even realize she had, all added to her total sexy package.

Amy was acutely aware that most guys usually spoke directly to her tits rather than her eyes. She once confided in me that their ogling made her uncomfortable at first, but she learned to enjoy their attention. The young boys she went to high school with were awed with her tits but didn't know how to approach her, so she had few dates in high school. In college that all changed.

In college, Amy began to use a bit of makeup. You would be surprised at what a little lipstick and eyeshadow will do for a girl's appearance. The makeup and her large breasts made a delightful combination. No one seemed to notice her plainness with a dab of lipstick. She used to hang out with some really gorgeous girlfriends but still thought of herself as ugly compared to her girlfriends. She was amazed at why so many of the guys her girlfriends attracted wanted to hit on her. I could have told her that it was her tits and the makeup, but I didn’t.

The college guys appreciated her large tits, and it often led to many dates where she would spend the entire evening prying their hands off her tits. On some occasions, she would let a guy slip his hand inside her bra, and if the mood struck her, she would even let him suck on her sensitive nipples. She always loved it when I sucked on her tits, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. I will get to that part later. Amy never let any of the guys in college fuck her, but she did give a lot of hand-jobs. She told me after she returned from her honeymoon, she had been able to save her virginity for her wedding night. I wanted to hear all the details of her wedding night, but she told me somethings were meant to be private.

Amy graduated from an Ivy League University on the east coast and had married a very successful corporate attorney. He was about ten years older than Amy, and I am sure it was her tits that captured his heart. I don’t remember if Amy ever told the rest of the family or me how they met. Everyone was so thrilled she found someone, we just didn't press for details.

Okay…enough background. Let’s get to the parts where I devoted most of my waking hours trying to seduce my older sister. My last year of high school I had a constant erection every time Amy donned her bikini. That was exciting to see but was not enough to satisfy my cravings for her. I used her bikini images for masturbation motivation. I began to spy on her and tried to get a glimpse of her in the nude. I think she realized what I was doing and began to tease me while pretending she was unaware of my snooping.

A week after my first sexual encounter with Aunt Bella, I was walking down the hall to my bedroom. Amy's bedroom door was slightly ajar, and I could see her in front of a full-length mirror. She was completely nude and was casually brushing her long hair. I was treated to a full-frontal view of her body reflexing in her mirror. I was riveted by her exquisite state of undress. I couldn’t move away from her bedroom door. I was barely able to catch my breath. I couldn’t have planned this chance sighting more perfectly. I lost track of time and had no idea how long I stood there gaping.

She was absolutely stunning, and she would occasionally pause to turn sideways and study her breast from different angles. Her areolae were about two inches in diameter, and her nipples were hard; standing out from her breast like little cherries on an ice cream sundae. They were more beautiful than I had ever imagined. At one point she closed her eyes and pinched her nipples, letting out a low moan. I began to rub my swelling cock through my thin running shorts, and I think she caught a glimpse of my movement in her mirror because her face flushed a bright red and she froze for a moment. A minute later her eyes locked onto mine in the mirror. For a brief moment, she stared and then reacted. She spun around and charged the door like a crazy woman.

“You perverted little asshole,” she screamed before slamming her bedroom door shut.

It took me a minute to recover from the initial shock, and I then retreat to the safety my own bedroom. I felt reasonably sure mother had heard the ruckus and would come to investigate. About five minutes later I heard Mom talking with Amy. I couldn't detect what they were saying but was sure I was in for a stern lecture from either Mom or Dad.

I spent the rest of the afternoon preparing for my defense. That dreaded moment never came. Dinner was calm and relaxed as usual. There was an average amount of family chatter around the table. I did notice that Amy avoided making eye contact with me, but when she did, she would guardedly smile and blush a little. Amy seemed to intentionally evade looking at me. Mom would occasionally smile at me and ask if I was okay. I didn’t know how to answer her. I thought I knew the reason for her question, but I didn’t know what answer she expected from me. I remember wishing I had listened at Amy’s door when Mom came to check out the ruckus.

Halfway through the dinner, I found myself unconsciously staring across the table at Amy's tits. I lifted my eyes from her breasts and saw she had stopped eating and was glaring at me with a deadpan stare. I looked to my left to see if my Mom had noticed my gawking. Mom gave me a coquettish smile and then winked. Dad was busy cutting the steak on his plate and didn’t witness anything. I had no clue as to what was going on in Mom’s and Amy’s minds, and I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. I couldn’t wait for dinner to be over with.

I was in my room later that night surfing the internet. I was more explicitly viewing porn sites that featured brother-sister incest. There was an apparent knock on my bedroom door which I did not hear because of my intense interest in the subject matter on my computer screen. I was watching a young boy on the screen vigorously sucking his sister’s enormous tits and jamming his fingers in her pussy. I was lightly stroking my throbbing cock through my boxers when I heard a gasp and turned to find my sister’s eyes glued to my computer. She was dressed in a thin cotton nightshirt, and her stiff nipples were visibly aroused.

“What the hell are you watching, Todd?” Amy shouted.

She scared the shit out of me, and all I could think to says was, “Why did you come into my room without knocking?” I placed a magazine over my hard cock to shield it from Amy’s view.

“I did knock you little pervert, but you were apparently too engrossed in your sick porn to hear.” She continued to stare at the computer screen. Her face was flushed, and her nipples were pushing hard against her nightshirt. I couldn't stop looking at her hard nipples. She was equally interested in what was on my computer screen and apparently wasn’t aware I was absorbed in her tits, or she no longer cared if I was ogling them.

I finally tore my eyes away from her nipples and looked into her eyes. She had finally torn herself from my porn site and was now glaring at me. I thought she was on the verge of tears, so I asked again, “Why DID you come to my room?”

“I came to apologize for calling you a perverted little asshole, but apparently that’s exactly what you are.” Amy’s breathing was rasped and coming in short burst. I saw her eyes dart to my covered crotch then back to my eyes before she turned and quickly left my bedroom. I didn’t know what to do or say. I knew sooner or later this whole thing with Amy was going to blow up in my face.

For the next few days, our contacts were limited to meals and other family gatherings. I still couldn’t stop my eye from automatically settling on her tits when she came into a room. However, I was becoming more skilled at not being so obvious when my eyes did stray. A couple of times I caught her sneaking a peek at my crotch. There was always something there to attract her attention because I found myself getting hard every time, I got around her. A few times I even noticed Mom was checking out my package. At least I think she was, but it could've just been my imagination or wishful thinking.

Then one night after dinner, Mom was cleaning the kitchen, Dad was settled in front of the TV and Amy moved close to me and whispered, “My room in ten minutes.”

She was disappearing down the hallway toward her bedroom before I could ask why. I was puzzled by her action. I was excited to have been summoned to her room yet at the same time I was apprehensive. My sister had always been a mystery to me. I had never been able to figure out what was really going on inside her female mind.

Ten minutes went by rather quickly, and I found myself outside her bedroom door almost hyperventilating. I took a deep breath and lightly rapped on the door to her inner sanctum.

“Come in, Todd,” she murmured in a soft voice.

I cautiously stepped into her room and asked, “What’s going on, Sis?”

“Have a seat, Todd. We need to talk.”

Amy was sitting at her computer wearing her cotton nightshirt that came down to midthigh. I could tell she was braless because the ever-present hard nipples were staring through her nightshirt at me. No matter how hard I try to control my eyes, they automatically go to her tits. Amy grinned and said, “That’s what I want to talk to you about.”

“What?” I asked as I awkwardly tried to feign misunderstanding.

"Cut the bullshit, Todd! You can't seem to keep your eyes off my tits."

I didn't say anything. To tell the truth, I didn't know what to say because Amy had me dead to right. I can’t help it. My eyes go straight to her tits without my knowledge or forethought.

She looked at me for a few minutes then asked, “What’s the big attraction with MY tits? I know you have seen tits before. You probably slobber over pictures of women’s tits every night on your porn sites. And I know you've seen my bare tits because I caught you spying outside my bedroom door just last week.”

I thought for a minute and then truthfully answered, “I’m not sure I know why I am so fascinated with your tits.”

“Well…Mom says I should just show you my bare tits and let you get it out of your system. Mom suggested I let you see them, touch them, squeeze them or whatever else you need to do to get it out of your system once and for all.”

“And suck them?’ I eagerly asked.

“Yes, you little pervert, and even suck them if that’s what it takes for you to get past this hurdle."

"Wait a minute. Mom knows we are in here talking about my lusting over your tits?”

“It was her idea. She sees the way you gawk at my tits. And she is perfectly aware that you look at her tits the same way.”

“Are you telling me Mom knows I lust after her tits also?”

“That’s exactly what I am telling you.”

“Does that mean she is going to show me her tits too?”

"In your dreams, maybe…Get real, Todd. She's your Mom, and she is not going let you see, touch, squeeze or suck on her tits. You will just have to be satisfied with doing that with my tits. Now, do we have a deal?"

“We have a deal,” I grinned.

“Good. Lock the door and promise me you will never mention this to anyone; especially not Dad.”

I rushed over to lock her bedroom door, and when I turned around, she was standing next to her bed minus the cotton nightshirt. She had on a pair of sexy navy-blue bikini panties and was sporting a prominent camel toe. I think I detected a wet spot between her legs but couldn’t be sure because of the dark navy-blue color.

She looked nervous but smiled and asked, “Do you want me standing, sitting in a chair or on the bed?”

I chose the bed. Amy sat on the edge of her bed and waited for me to make my move. I didn't know how to get started, and neither did she. Licking her lips, she waited with anticipation. I couldn't help but admire the beauty of her young naked body. Her satiny skin glistened with a light sheen of sweat, her long straight hair wildly tousled as usual, her nipples were rigid and appeared ready to burst.

I slipped my jeans off and sat next to her and just stared at her magnificent tits. Her nipples appeared to be very, very hard and the flesh around her breasts had a crimson glow. My initial hesitations were slowly melting away, replaced by a strong desire to give her what I had always fantasized about.

“Why did you take your jeans off? You are not going to do anything more than examine my tits.” She was very matter of fact about it.

“I know, Sis. I just wanted to be comfortable. In case you don’t know it, my cock gets really hard around you, and it is very uncomfortable squeezed into the confining space of my jeans.”

She appeared to be satisfied with my explanation and gazed up with doe-like eyes, anxious for me to begin. Her gaze never left my eyes as she seemed to want this as much if not more than me. She bit her lips and sighed while her blue eyes became glazed and she began panting hard. Her eyes pleaded as she leaned close and whispered what she desired next. Up until then, I had no clue as to what she really expected from me.

I tried to be gentle at first. I was her younger brother, but I sensed she wanted me to take charge as if I was the older of the two. I cautiously caressed one tit then the other. They felt so firm yet spongy when I squeezed them. Amy looked at me as though she was afraid, I would damage them. She took a deep breath when I began to roll one nipple between my thumb and index finger. I could feel her heart beating rapidly under her breast.

She gasped when I leaned forward and took a nipple into my mouth. Her first instinct was to push my mouth off of her nipple. I refused to surrender that nipple and sucked harder. Her breathing picked up and instead of forcing me off her tit, she pulled me tighter into her bosom. I got bolder and tried to slip my hand inside her navy-blue panties. She grabbed my hand and made it clear I was not allowed to go there. After a few minutes of enthusiastically devouring her nipples, she started to hyperventilate and then tremble. A minute later she stiffened as an orgasm engulfed her body.

She squealed and placed a palm on each side of my face and pulled me to her lips. I could feel her tongue poking at my lips trying to gain entry to my mouth. I let her in, and our tongues danced and twisted causing both our heads to spin. I had no idea my sister could kiss like that. It was the most thrilling, most passionate kiss I had ever experienced. That includes the kiss from Aunt Bella. I don’t know how long that kiss lasted before she broke away and said, “Oh my God, where did you learn how to do that?”

I assumed she was talking about sucking her tit until she orgasmed and without thinking, I said, "Aunt Bella taught me.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew I had fucked up. I remembered promising Aunt Bella I would never tell a soul about our sexual rendezvous’ most every weekend. I hoped Amy had not heard me, but she had.

“What the hell do you mean, Aunt Bella taught you?”

Amy's face registered both surprise and confusion. Her eyes were actively scanning my face for answers. I didn’t know how to answer. I just sat there with a dumb expression.

“You opened this can of worms, Todd. Now tell me what the hell is going on with you and Aunt Bella?” She shouted.

“I promised Aunt Bella I would never tell anyone about our time together.”

“Too late, Todd. I want to hear all about your incestuous affair with our sweet Aunt Bella,” she demanded. “By the way, you do know it’s incest when you have sex with a blood relative; don’t you?”

“So, what? I have learned that this family has a long history of incestuous affairs among blood relatives.”

“What the hell are you talking about, Todd? You can’t give me one example of an incestuous act between two blood relatives in this family.”

“You mean other than the fact I just made you cum really hard just by sucking your tits?”

“Sucking my tits doesn’t make it sex.”

“Making you cum like crazy just now made it sex. The goal of sex is to make one party, or both have an amazing orgasm. You, my dear sister, just had an amazing orgasm; ergo sex. Incestuous sex at that.”

“You are so full of shit, Todd. Making me cum just now is far from a family history of incest.”

“Oh, there are many more incidents of incest in this family; believe me,” I quickly added.

“I don’t believe you.”

“What would you say if I told you that I know for a fact that Aunt Bella has fucked her brother and her Daddy since high school.”

“Wait a minute, her brother is our Dad. I don’t believe our Dad would fuck his own sister.”

“And what would you say if I told you that our Mom had fucked her big brother and her Daddy?”

"I would say you were full of shit and you are either making this shit up or someone sold you a big lie.”

“Are you calling our Mom a liar? The revelation of this rampant family incest came from her own mouth.”

“Are you going to sit there and tell me our Mom told you she fucked her big brother and her Daddy?”

"Well in a roundabout way Mom told me about having sex with several blood relatives and also some relatives not related by blood. I heard it direct from her mouth.”

“Bullshit! Total bullshit!”

“No, I promise it IS the truth. I came home from school just before the Thanksgiving break, and I heard Mom and Aunt Bella arguing. Mom was pleading with Aunt to stop fucking our Dad. While the argument continued, I learned about the incestuous contacts I just mentioned. I also learned that Mom and Aunt Bella lick each other’s pussy occasionally.”

“Now I know you are making this shit up. Our Mom would never eat another woman’s pussy.”

“Yes, she will, and from what Aunt Bella said she is quite good at delivering remarkable orgasms with her tongue.”

Amy was quiet for a considerably long period. I could see the wheels turning in her mind. It was apparent she had many more questions rumbling through her head. I was getting turned on just relaying the information I had learned about our perverted family. My cock was threating to pop out of my boxers.

“You say Aunt Bella taught you how to cause a woman to orgasm with your tongue on her tits?”

“Absolutely! She taught me things about using my tongue on a woman in ways I never dreamed about.”

“Did she teach you to use your tongue anyplace else on a woman's body to make her orgasm?"

“As a matter of fact, she did. Why do you ask?”

“Well…I hear girls at school talking about….” Amy blushed and looked away from me. I could tell she was struggling inside with what she wanted to ask me. I let her stew for a moment and then motioned with my hand for her to continue.

"They say that it really feels good when a guy licks you down there," She blurted and then looked away. Her cheeks were bright red, and her breathing had increased considerably. Even though we had always been able to talk to each other about anything, I knew it took a lot for her to say that to me.

“And let me guess,” I grinned. “You would like to find out firsthand what it actually feels like, but are too embarrassed to ask me to show you.”

Amy stared at the floor and shook her head yes. I tried not to act too enthusiastic about her request. I had wanted to taste her pussy almost as much as I had wanted to play with her tits. I told her to slip her panties off and lay back on the bed. She flopped on her back and slipped her panties off in one smooth motion. I crawled between her splayed legs and kissed her inner thigh. I planted gentle little kisses as I made my way up to the promised land. I used my thumbs to fold back her labia. After a few puffs of warm breath in that area, her clit poked its head out of its hood. Just as I moved in to make contact, Amy put her palm on my forehead and said, “Your tongue only. Don’t you dare try to stick your cock in there!”

“I promise, Sis. I would never do that unless I had your permission.”

She removed her hand from my forehead and said, “Okay, but if you do try to stick your cock in me, I will scream for Daddy. And believe me, neither one of us want to go through the shit storm that would follow.”

I assured her I wouldn’t violate her trust and began my approach again. I spread the lips of her vagina and again blew gently on her opening. I had learned that technique from a porn site, and Aunt Bella had loved it when I did it with her. Just like with Aunt Bella, Amy’s clit pushed out from under its protective hood. I returned to kissing and licking her inner thighs while listening to her moans and gasps. I move back to her pussy where I ran my tongue over her wet labia. Amy let out a deep guttural groan, and then I felt her hand on the back of my head; guiding me to the places, she needed me. I began licking her hot folds, listening to her moans of pleasure as I continued running my tongue up and down her pussy lips. I parted her folds with my tongue and let her juices flow down onto my tongue. I found myself tongue fucking my big sister as she began gyrating on the bed and pulling my face deeper with her fingers entwined in my hair. I am so glad I had watched those porn sites. The things I learned there made me appear to be a worthy sex partner; not just a horny teenager.

I worked my tongue deep into her pussy as she thrust her hips upward before I moved up and took her clit into my mouth. As I began sucking Amy’s clit, I worked a couple of fingers deep into her pussy finding just how tight it was. That’s another little trick I learned on the porn site. I alternated between licking and sucking her clit, as she became more and more impassioned. It wasn't long before she was thrusting her pussy hard into my face as the first of many orgasms washed over her.

Once she came down from that initial orgasm, I proceeded to lick on and try things that had pleased Aunt Bella. I would bring Amy to the edge of her next orgasm and then shove my finger into her anus just as she exploded with orgasmic bliss. She would have to stifle a scream. We didn't want Daddy rushing in to break up the fun. I could feel the lust and pure enthusiasm coming from her as I sucked her clit between my lips and gently flick it with my tongue. Every once in a while, she would stiffen and use her hand to push me deeper into her silky tunnel. She would shudder and shake for a moment and then relax. After a while, she could take no more and pushed me off her honey pot.

We held each other close for a while. It was getting on into the early morning hours. I was exhausted, my jaws were aching, and my tongue was on its last lick. I leaned over and kissed Amy on her lips and lifted myself to get out of bed.

She placed her hand on my arm and asked, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to my room. We sure don’t want to fall asleep and let Dad catch us in bed together.”

“Don’t go just yet.” She hesitated a moment and then said, “I want to make you cum before you leave.”

“But I thought you said you were not going to let me fuck you?”

"I'm not going to fuck you. I want to suck your cock. You made me cum at least five times tonight, and the least I can do is suck your cock until you cum at least one time."

“Have you ever sucked a cock?”

“No, but how hard can it be?”

"I don't know, Sis. It takes a certain amount of skill to give an excellent blowjob,” I remarked. "I've had some good blowjobs, and I've some very, very good blowjobs."

I should have kept my mouth shut. The hurt in Amy's eyes threatened to spoil an otherwise exceptional evening. I tried to backtrack and undo the damage I had just created. She puffed up into a fit and turned away from me. I knew I had just ruined what could’ve been a beautiful brother/sister relationship.

“I’m sorry, Sis. I would love for you to give me a blowjob. It just surprised me when you offered. A guy has a hard time visualizing his sister sucking a cock.”

Amy rolled over to face me with a big grin on her face. I knew there was no stopping her now and slipped off my boxers, releasing my seven-inch cock. I couldn’t tell by her expression if she was impressed with my cock or frightened by its size. I sat on the edge of the bed and Amy kneeled on the floor between my hairy thighs. She stared at my cock for a minute before leaning forward and taking it into her mouth. Within seconds I pushed her off my cock and screamed for her to stop. She looked shocked and hurt. I tried to explain without making matters worse.

"Amy, you were biting me," I tried to explain in a loving voice. "I'm sorry, but I should have told you to cover your teeth and not let them grind against my cock; especially the tender plum shaped head.”

She started to sob. "I'm so sorry, Todd, I wanted to make it feel as good for you as you did for me. I had always heard girls say they sucked their boyfriend's cock and thought I was supposed to suck it as I was just doing.”

"It's okay, Amy. Let's start over, and I will talk you through it."

She nodded her okay, wrapped her soft fingers around my cock and waited for my instructions.

I began by saying, “The tip of a man’s penis is by far the most sensitive spot on his cock, particularly the underside of the mushroom.” I pointed to the frenulum. “This spot is the female equivalent of the clitoris. So, focusing attention on the tip is going to work well to push any man over the edge in the most intense and pleasurable orgasm possible.”

I looked Amy in the eyes to see if she was following my explanation. She smiled and nodded for me to proceed. She leaned forward and touched her tongue to my mushroom and gave the frenulum a gentle lick.

I took a deep breath and continued. “There are a number of techniques you can use to pleasure the tip of a man’s penis. Let’s start with Kissing and licking the tip of the cock. That is a fabulous way to start off any blow job and draw out the length of it. It’s also perfect if you like seeing and hearing a man squirm in beautiful orgasmic agony. Kissing his penis and balls is easy, just think back to how you would kiss him normally on the lips: Just purse your lips together and give the penis small “pecks. Then open your lips slightly so that you can gently squeeze the top of the penis between them. And with saliva on your lips, gently run them over the tip of his penis until it is well lubricated with your spit. Now use your wet lips to gently suck on the top of the penis while swirling your tongue around the tip. Make damn sure your teeth never come in contact with the penis.”

Amy rubbed her soft wet lips over the tip of my cock until it was well lubricated. I was pleased with how she eagerly followed my instructions with such enthusiasm.

"That leads me to The Twister technique. Using your tongue and lots of saliva, you can perform an ultra-pleasurable and satisfying blow job technique that's referred to as the Twister. While holding the penis steady in one or both hands, start making a slow circular motion with your tongue around the top of the penis. You can alternate direction and speed to add some variety, but this blissful blow job technique alone is enough to give any man a magnificent blow job from start to finish."

Amy tried it, and I immediately felt my orgasm begin to stir deep in my balls. I had to stop her for the time being because if I blew my load right then, it would cut the lesson short. I decided to cover some fundamental techniques before going any further.

“Everyone is familiar with the UP & DOWN technique. It is the most fundamental of all blowjob techniques. Almost all guys fantasize about getting a blow job, but if you’re not feeling particularly confident the first few times you try it, then my advice is to stick to the easy-to-perform blow job techniques like the Up & Down. Mastering this first is a smart way to get comfortable giving a blow job before progressing to more advanced techniques and tactics.

To perform the Up & Down, you merely need to take the penis into your mouth and make a tight "O" shape with your mouth around the penis. This "O" shape means that you can apply pressure around the entire penis. And please remember to keep your teeth off the sensitive areas. Next, you are merely going to bob your head up and down, taking the penis in and out of your mouth. Bobbing your head up and down is super simple to start with, mainly if you just concentrate on the top inch or two of the cock. Try to picture his cock sliding in and out of a vagina. As you get comfortable with this, try taking the cock deeper and deeper with each stroke so that you can stimulate more and more of the penis. That's known as deep throating which is an advanced technique we will cover later.

Taking the penis deeper and deeper into your mouth runs the risk of triggering your gag reflex, but try not to worry about that because it’s entirely natural, and most guys don’t really care if you gag a little.”

Amy lowered her mouth to my cock again and took it deeper into her mouth until her gag reflex prevents her from going any further. She backed off and looked up at me for approval. I smiled and complimented Amy on her sincere effort. I could see she was pleased with herself.

“A powerful, but often tiring technique is sucking the penis. Of course, you’re not doing this to actually “suck” the cum out, that would be impossible! Instead, you’re going to wrap your lips around the penis and take the first few inches of it into your mouth. Then you are going to very gently suck on it while bobbing your head up and down. Sucking on it will cause your lips and the inside of your mouth to press softly against the shaft and the head of the cock, creating a seal. While doing this, you can take the penis in and out of your mouth, allowing you to pleasure it entirely. Just be sure you keep your teeth from making contact because that causes a biting sensation that doesn’t feel good at all.

While sucking, you can add some variation by using your tongue to massage the penis too. You can add to the pleasure by humming. There isn't anything more to this technique other than just sucking, humming and taking the penis in and out of your mouth.”

Amy went to work implementing that technique, and I realized too late that I shouldn’t have suggested the humming. Before I could warn her, my orgasm exploded in her mouth. She pulled off quickly and the second blast hit her in the face below her mouth. The third and fourth blasts hit her chest and dripped down over her breast. She jumped up and rushed into the bathroom for a wash rag. I noticed her lick some of the cum off the back of her hand as she hurried toward the bathroom.

I knew that after that explosion I was out of the ballgame until I could recover. I thought Amy was ready for a break anyway. I decided to cover some more fundamentals. Eye contact followed by the hand job technique should allow her time to rest and me time to recover I thought to myself.

“Amy, I want to take a minute and cover a few fundamental things that will improve your blowjob ability. Making eye contact with your boyfriend while giving him head can be super intimate and intense and even a little bit submissive. Guys get turned on by a sexually submissive woman.

If you have just started dating your guy and you proceed to give him a ten-minute blow job maintaining unbroken eye contact throughout, then he is obviously going to feel a little awkward. Remember they prefer submissive. It’s going to feel too intense. To prevent this, just tone down the amount of eye contact you are making or just look at him for 2-3 seconds at a time. Eye contact is good, just don’t Force It. Don’t make overly intense eye contact. You have to judge how much eye contact to use by his reaction. You can immediately break the sexual ambiance and kill the mood if you are trying awkwardly to maintain eye contact with your guy during the whole blow job.

So, if you notice that your boyfriend always breaks eye contact with you or gets uncomfortable whenever you try to make eye contact with him during oral sex then just forget about using this technique.”

Amy locked eyes with me, wrapped her wet lips around my cock and swirled her tongue around the sensitive mushroom. I almost lost my load again when she added a low humming vibration. She definitely had that technique mastered. I had to move on to prevent another premature ejaculation.

“If you aren’t used to blowing your boyfriend, then you will naturally find that your jaw and mouth get tired quite quickly. Allowing your hands to take over while you give your mouth a rest means that your boyfriend gets to receive unbroken pleasure. So, when you feel your mouth becoming tired, or if there has been a premature ejaculation like a few minutes ago, then grab hold of his cock and start jerking him off for a minute or two. Then when your mouth is rested, you can go back to giving him more oral sex.”

Using your hands is a powerful blowjob technique while giving oral sex. In fact, you can deliver way more pleasure and enjoyment by using your hands on the penis and balls during the blow job. Jerking a man off while giving him a blowjob at the same time is a super way to maximize his pleasure. Just take the first inch or two of his cock into your mouth and then wrap one hand around his shaft. While using a simple technique like that you can also run your hand up and down his shaft at the same time, giving him a pleasurable blowjob.”

Amy caressed my limp cock in her hot little hands, and I knew the break wasn't going to last as long as first anticipated. I could already feel the blood begin to surge back into my cock.

“A great handjob technique you can incorporate into your blow job is working the testicles or balls. There are so many different things that you can do to the balls with your hands while giving a blow job, from fondling to caressing to tickling to massaging them. Try experimenting to see what your boyfriend enjoys the most. I love it when a girl tickles my balls with her fingertips.”

As soon as Amy tickled my balls with her fingertips, it sprang back harder than before.

“Speaking of working a man’s balls, using your mouth and tongue to stimulate them is an excellent blow job technique that adds even more pleasure to your blow job. Whatever you can do to the penis with your mouth, you can do the same to the balls. The big difference is that the balls are super sensitive to pain, so make sure you don’t apply too much pressure, or worse accidentally use your teeth on them. I can’t stress enough how important it is to be aware of your teeth anytime you get near a man’s sex organs.

An easy way to see if your boyfriend enjoys you playing with his balls is to start by gently kissing them. Just purse your lips together and give them a few soft, wet kisses. Once you can see how much he enjoys you kissing his balls, take it up a notch by gently licking and massaging them with your tongue. Keeping your tongue flat so that it covers as much of his balls as possible is best.

A more intense way to massage his balls with your mouth is to gently take them into your mouth and softly massage them with your tongue. Remember, the key word here is SOFTLY. You’ll also find that the more saliva you use, the silkier it feels for your boyfriend’s sensitive balls. If you can’t produce enough saliva, edible lubricant works great here too.

So, you can kiss them, lick them and even suck them. A powerful technique is gently taking one of your lover's balls into your mouth and then softly lick and suck on it. Remember what I mentioned before that different guys have different preferences. So, while some guys adore having their balls stimulated, a small percentage of guys don’t enjoy it much at all. Don’t worry about this as it’s just your boyfriend’s personal preference. I personally like for you to kiss, lick and tickle my balls with your fingertips. I could lay here all night while you do that.”

Amy smiled and nodded to show her understanding.

“Okay…now for the grand finale. The best and most satisfying way to end a blowjob is with the Deep Throat technique. Deep-throating is a more advanced blow job technique, but when done right, it can deeply gratify and sexually satisfy a man. Always save this for last because very few men can endure deep throating without losing their load. This extra pleasure is enhanced by the back of your throat. As you take the penis deep into your mouth, eventually to your tonsils and the back of your throat will come into contact with the tip of the penis. It takes practice to relax your throat and let the penis enter. The slight spasming of your throat muscles, due mainly to your gag reflex will make it more enjoyable and stimulating for the penis, along with the fact that the rest of your mouth and tongue will be stimulating the shaft of his dick. When any man’s cock experiences this phenomenon it has no choice but to erupt in orgasmic pleasure. It works every time without fail.”

Amy leaned forward and took my mushroom into her warm mouth. She circled it with her tongue while applying gentle suction. She bobbed her head a few times and let my cock slide deeper into her mouth. Each time she bobbed her head, she took me a little further into her mouth. It wasn't long before I was at the back of her mouth. She gagged a few times, but I could feel her throat open and let me enter. She held the head of my cock maybe an inch inside her throat. I could feel her throat muscles spasm and massage my mushroom. I could feel my orgasm bubbling up, and I tried to warn Amy.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming," I cried as I attempted to push her off my cock. She pulled her head back just a little and held the tip of my cock in her mouth. She made a tight seal with her lips, and I could feel the muscles in her throat and jaws move as she sucked and swallowed every drop of cum from my spasming cock. I could feel my balls emptying into her suctioning mouth. I thought I was going to pass out. After a minute I had to push her off my sensitive gland. She continued to lick and fondle my balls. There was no doubt she had found something she enjoyed, and with a little practice, she would become very skilled at it.

I pulled her up into my arms and kissed her on the lips. She pursued my kiss with vigor. I could taste the saltiness in her mouth and said, "You are a very fast learner, and with practice, no one will suck a cock better than you."

"And I plan to get that practice every night from now on," she smiled. "You can expect this to happen every night, and you are damn well going to return the favor by eating my pussy every night."


Amy and I continued to have our nightly sexual forays until she went off to college, and then our contacts were limited to Holidays and other school breaks. Aunt Bella and I continued our sexual interludes as often as possible up until I went off to college, then only occasionally when I came home on break. Amy married shortly after she graduated from college and our pleasurable sex with each other came to a halt. She never did let me fuck her, but I still occasionally masturbate while thinking about her amazing blowjobs.
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