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This is part 1 of Maria's journey to reconnect with her father. This is the first story I've written in a long time. I would appreciate any feedback, both positive and negative.
I couldn't think, breathe, all I could do at this moment was feel…

My face burning hot with desire.

His hand pawing at my breast.

Feel the entire length of him inside me.

He was an insatiable beast, and I loved it.

His pace quickened, filling me in ways I never knew possible.

This was wrong.

I knew I should be angry, scared or disgusted, it felt too good to fight.

I begin to lose myself as his grip tightens around my throat.

A malicious smile twisted his lips “there’s my good girl, cum for daddy."


I'm sorry sweetie, but I think this is for the best.”

I roll my eyes at my mother's words. This situation is best for her.

Ever since she started dating John she's become less of a mother and more like a hormone-driven

teenager, though I suppose that's what happens when you start dating a man half your age.

She treats me more like a burden than her daughter. God forbid I ask for some attention.

Maybe she thinks he'll get a wandering eye… or worse. I shudder, pushing the thought from my head.

I wish she could see what a selfish bitch she's being.

“I haven't seen this man since I was two and you’re just going to dump me on his doorstep? Does he even know you're bringing me there?”

She sighs, “I am not dumping you on his doorstep, for fucks sake Maria no need to be so dramatic. It’s

about time he started pulling his weight! I’ve done it alone for fifteen years. You’re seventeen, he doesn’t have to do much but keep you alive and out of jail.”

I scoff

“besides, might do you some good having your dad in your life.”

I start to get irritated. “You never answered my question. Does he know I’m coming?”

“Of course he does! I’ve been talking to him for a month and a half so he could be prepared.”

A month and a half?! She sprung this on me two weeks ago!

“Wow, that makes me feel so much better, thanks Mom. Only took fifteen years and a twenty-five year old boy toy to realize how desperately a girl needs her father. This entire thing is a joke.”

I put my headphones on and glance at my reflection in the side mirror. My hair was due for another color treatment, my auburn roots are coming in fast. I notice the black smudges that line my emerald green eyes, annoyed that I’ll have to fix them before I get there. Why though? What’s the point? I’m not going to fix my eyeliner, fuck it, not like it really matters. Nothing seems to matter anymore.

Still an hour and a half drive left, maybe I could jump out of the truck and make a run for it… ugh, this sucks.


We finally arrive, pulling up to a nice sized grey brick house. The front porch is simply decorated with a

table and a couple of chairs. Rose bushes line the gravel walkway.

There’s a deck with one of those chair swings, a grill and assorted chairs around a fire pit, overlooking a lake. The view is breathtaking.

I try my best to take in my surroundings, it’s beautiful, but I suddenly notice that he has no immediate neighbors.

Weird. I look over at my mother to see if she’s noticed too, she’s staring down at her phone a look of disappointment on her face. Maybe she was having second thoughts?

“Your father will be out in a minute to help with the bags.” I guess not.

I angrily unbuckle my seatbelt and rip it away from me. I reach for the door handle and feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn to see the pain in my mother’s eyes.

“Maria, I know you may not believe me right now but I do love you. I’m just trying to give us both the lives we deserve. I know you may think I'm being selfish, but this is what needs to happen."

Every fiber of my being wants to scream at her, she could still live her life without uprooting mine. I think better of it, not wanting to leave on worse terms. I lean over to hug her. “Love you too Mom. This still blows though.”

This touching moment is brought to a halt by the sound of a knock on my window. I look over and feel as I’ve been punched in the chest.

The man before me was extraordinary to behold. His long auburn hair was pulled back into a ponytail,

bluish-green eyes shining like the sun’s reflection off the sea, his goatee was trimmed neatly as if outlining his full lips.

I roll down the window and he leans in, his arm brushes against mine. I look down to see the muscles in his forearm, strong and inviting… whoa girl, easy does it.

After what felt like an eternity he finally spoke.

His voice deep yet soothing “Michelle, good to see you. I trust you had no trouble finding the place?”

my mother flashes her fakest smile. “Hello Dorian. Pretty easy to find the only house on the block.”

So, she did notice. “Thanks for taking her on such short notice, I figured it was about time you two got a chance to reconnect.”

He smirked, not even trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice he replied “yeah, fifteen years does seem to be the appropriate amount of time to be able to see my daughter.”

I chuckled “that’s what I said.”

He looked at me and all the oxygen in the world seemed to disappear all at once. God those eyes could stare into your soul.

“Maria! Look at you! You’ve grown so much, what happened to my baby girl with the chubby cheeks and buck teeth?”

I blush “gone, as will be any copies of photos I see!” they both laughed. I shifted uncomfortably.

He started to bring my bags inside as I said goodbye to my mother.

I watched her pull away, part of me hoping she would turn around and realize she was making a mistake. As she kept driving it finally sank in that my home, my friends, everything that I had ever known was gone and I was left with this familiar


I sighed, basking in this bittersweet feeling for a moment before heading inside.

I take in my surroundings.

It’s bigger than mom’s place. The living room looked like the cover of a catalog. Black leather sectional, black iron and glass coffee tables with end tables to match. A big screen TV mounted over the fire place.

Dad’s got pretty good taste.

I turn and see the dining room, it’s a bit more simplistic than the living room. Oak table and chairs.

Antique grandfather clock in the corner and a bar set up next to it. I can see into the kitchen and notice

it’s all stainless steel appliances. Seems like dad’s done pretty well for himself without having mom and I to bleed him dry.

A wave of sadness rushes over me, I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even notice him standing in the hallway.


I jumped damn near out of my skin.

“Jesus, could you wear a bell or something so I don’t have a heart attack every time you pop up out of nowhere?!” he laughed

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was going to ask if you wanted a tour of the place but I see you're managing just fine.”

I half smiled, unable to shake the sadness I felt. He walks over and places a tentative hand on my shoulder. “I know this is going to take some adjusting for both of us, but I want you to know that I’ll do my best to help you through it”

I muttered a thanks and let out a yawn.

“You must be tired, let me show you to your room.” I nodded as he lead me down the hallway.

“This first one here is your room, this one next to it is mine and the bathroom is right across from your room.”

I motioned to the door at the end of the hall. “you must never, ever go in there! No matter what you see or hear!” he could see the concern on my face and laughed “I’m just joking, that’s the linen closet.”

I chuckled, not sure whether or not I was impressed by the joke or uncomfortable by it.

He opens my door and steps aside, giving me ample room to take it all in. The room was certainly spacious.

There was a large bay window over looking a small garden, there was a cherrywood dresser on one side of the window and a little vanity table with a mirror on the opposite side.

There was a bare four poster bed, all black. A small computer desk was set up next to the bed. On top of the desk was a bright pink laptop with black skulls. I turn to him, still in complete shock.

“I had the laptop custom made. Your mother said you liked black and pink, and I figured the skulls would give it a nice touch. As for the bed and everything else I figured we could go shopping and you could pick out what you’d like.”

I threw my arms around him and he hesitantly hugged me

back, as if I would break if he touched me. “Thank you so much, Da-uhh” I let go and look away nervously.

He lifted my face to look at his “you can call me whatever you’re comfortable with, I don’t expect anything from you except maybe keeping your room clean.”

We laughed. All sense of exhaustion faded so we decided to head out to the mall so we could finish decorating my room.

I got a black and pink comforter set, black gossamer curtains for the bed. Some fuzzy throw pillows for the seating area in the window, and a couple of lamps. When we get home he helps me unpack and finish setting up my room. I take a look around and begin to feel at home.


The months pass, my father and I have fallen into a comfortable routine.

He goes to work, I stay at home and finish my classes online. We make dinner together and take turns washing the dishes. We have the same sense of humor, taste in music and movies. On the weekends we camp out on the couch and binge watch old movies until we fall asleep. It honestly feels as if we've never spent a day apart.

The morning of my 18th birthday he surprised me with a flat screen tv for my bedroom.

“I’ll mount it here across from your bed. You go hop in the shower, I’ve got a big day planned for you.”

I smirked at him “What are you planning old man?” he looked at me, eyebrow raised “old man? I’ll show you an old man you little whippersnapper!” I ran away giggling as he lunged for me, chasing me down the hallway and into the living room.

He caught me from behind and lifted me off the ground. “Not

so old now am I?” he laughed. “Well, you do officially have an 18 year old, I’d say that makes you pretty old.”

He carried me through the hallway, his voice husky “you damn kids with your rocking and rolling, why back in my day we showed our elders the respect they deserved.” I giggle “careful not to break a hip there Gramps.”

Neither of us could contain our laughter. He carried me into the bathroom and set me down, reaching over to turn on the shower.

“Now get in the shower young lady before I turn you over my knee.” As he turned to walk out I could hear him muttering “old man, pffft I’m not that old. You’re the one getting old.”

I chuckled to myself and began to undress. I looked at myself in the mirror, checking to see if my 18 year old body looked any different from my 17 year old body. Nope, same perky C cups, same flat stomach, same wide hips. My ass rounded out a bit more, sweet.

I step into the shower, enjoying the warm water cascading over me. I grab my loofah and realize I have a decision to make… coconut body wash or ocean breeze? Dad says the coconut one is too strong, so ocean breeze it is.

As I start lathering up, my mind wanders. What does Dad have planned today? I think about how excited he was earlier, whatever it is must be pretty special.

My thoughts switch to him playfully carrying me into the bathroom, the feeling of his arms around me, the way his breath felt on my neck.

I feel a familiar tingle building inside me, almost instinctively I reach between my legs and run a finger along the slit, dipping into the velvet folds.

I start gently rubbing my clit, slowly building myself up. I think about him carrying out his threat to bend me over his knee, envisioning the feeling of his hand bouncing off my ass. A whimper escapes my lips, echoing around me. I'm getting closer until...

*Bang bang bang* “Maria? You ok in there sweetie?”

I pull my hand away as if he could somehow see me through the locked door between us.

“I’m fine, just nicked myself shaving.” I replied, hoping the quivering in my voice didn’t betray me.

“Ok, just be careful, wouldn’t want you to bleed to death.”

Damn it. I quickly wash my hair and rinse off, kicking myself for not being able to keep quiet. I dry off and head into my room to get dressed, I’m met by my father who had just finished installing the tv.

I stand there in my towel, blushing.

“I’ll walk you through the channel settings and all that later, go ahead and get dressed, we’ll grab a bite on the way.”

He closed the door, seemingly ignorant to me being half naked. I quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a tank top, threw my hair in a ponytail and grabbed a pair of slides.

We stopped by a fast food place and grabbed breakfast. “So, where are we going?” he smiles at me and looks back to the road.

I sigh and look out the window, wondering what the day brings. We pull up to the mall, he turns to me and says “now listen to me very carefully, I know you don’t like when I go crazy and spoil you, but I want to do this so I don’t want to hear any complaints about a thing. You see something you want, you grab it. Don’t even look at price tags. Today is your day and what my princess wants she’s gonna get!”

I get ready to reply but he cuts me off “and the only thanks I want from you today is a smile.” I smile and nod “ok dad, you’re the boss.” He smiles back and we head inside.

We wonder around and window shop a bit, having no idea where to start this shopping spree.

We pass by a high end lingerie shop and I stop to admire a black corset adorned with ribbon and lace. It's sleek shape forming to the mannequin. I turn to walk away and he grabs my hand leading me inside. I try to protest but he shushes me.

He drags me to the sales associate and announces “my

daughter has taken a liking to that corset in the window.” I can feel my face turn red.

She giggles and leads me to the changing room “oh don’t worry dear, happens all the time. Fathers enjoy embarrassing their children. Let’s get your measurements.” She measures my cup size, waist and hips.

I thank her and head back out to the floor. I scan the store until I find my dad rummaging through the corsets.

“Look honey this one’s pink!! And it comes with dental floss!” I look at the floor covering my face.

“Making up for lost years of embarrassing moments are ya?” he smiles and gives me a wink.

I look through until I find a similar version of the corset from the window. It’s pink with black embroidered lace and black

ribbon. It comes with a matching pair of boy short style panties.

We head up to the register, pay and leave. True to my word I look at my dad and just smile. He smiles back and tells me to lead the way.

Knowing he’ll drag me into any store I spend too long window shopping at I go ahead and walk into a boutique with a name I couldn't pronounce if I tried. Designer tees, jeans, skirts, dresses.

I pick out a few tee-shirts, a new pair of shorts

and a pair of jeans with rips along the front.

I see my dad speaking to the manager and pointing over at

me. Oh God, what is he planning now? After a few moments Dad walks over “is that all you’re getting? Surely there’s more that you want!” I try to ask what that was all about but he pretends he doesn’t hear me. We shop a bit more and I end up grabbing a few skirts and more shorts.

We ring it all up and I damn near pass out hearing how much the total came out to. Dad looks confused, “are you sure you got everything? That amount doesn't seem right.” The cashier looks at a form on the desk and

says “oh my mistake! Yes Sir, I apologize. Your total is $3,685.92" He thanks the woman and pays. I look at him wondering what he possibly bought that cost him an extra $2,000+.

“What is going on?” he smiles “you’ll see soon enough. Anywhere you wanna go? We have about 45 minutes until your first appointment.” “Appointment? For what?” he just winks at me and walks away. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see. We hit a few more stores and I get some stuff for my room, some new shoes, a new purse. He looks at his watch and says its time to go.

We walk over to a swanky salon in the mall.

“Maria Patterson to see Anna.” The woman I assume to be Anna comes over and gushes over how excited she is to be taking care of me today.

“I’ve got a few stops to make so I’ll be back in a bit. I expect my little girl to look like a new woman when I get back.”

With a smile he leaves me with this 'Anna'

"ok so, how would you like to start Hun?” I shrug “I’m honestly not sure, this has all been a surprise so I’m

not sure what's going on.” She looked a bit surprised “Oh I see! Well your father has ordered the full spa package. Massage, facial, mani-pedi, cut, color and style, and a full make over.”

My eyes go wide

“Wow, all of this just for my birthday?” she shrugged “I guess so.”

I opt to start with the massage and work our way down the list. After the massage was finished Anna had arranged to have my facial while I got my mani-pedi so I’d have more time to get my hair and makeup done. I honestly felt like a pampered princess.

I got a set of pink and black acrylics with Crystal bows on the middle fingers, and pink and black toe nail polish.

Time for the hair. "So what're you looking for? Do you wanna do a full color or get some highlights? Anything you can think we can do” I told her I've always wanted to do a bright crimson, but could never get the color right on my own. She said that wouldn't be an issue and began bleaching my hair. We giggled at how white my hair was when she washed it out. I kinda looked like a young, hot grandma. She applied the red and added some black lowlights to deepen the color. As we wait for it to set I see my dad walk in carrying a bag and a few boxes.

He points over to me and the receptionist nods, smiling from ear to ear. He walks over and looks me over for a second. “you are absolutely glowing. Are you enjoying yourself?” I gave him the biggest smile I could muster "This has been incredible, I feel like a new woman. Really dad, you didn’t have to do all of this.”

He kissed me on the forehead then whispered something to Anna before leaving. She nodded in agreement.

After she washed out my hair I said I’d be fine with a simple blow dry and back in a ponytail, but she shook her head. “Sorry sweetie, dad’s orders, he has a specific style in mind." I shrug "oh well, can't wait to see what happens next."

I was brought to the back after my hair and makeup were complete, not being allowed anywhere near a mirror.

Anna and another woman start going through the things my father brought over.

A black clutch with silver skulls, a pair of black pumps, the lingerie from earlier and a diamond tennis bracelet.

They unzip the bag revealing the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was strapless corset gown with a sweetheart neckline. The top was pale pink lace accented with crystals, while the skirt was black, ankle length with a slit up the left leg to mid-thigh. I was standing there just staring at everything, taking it all in when I hear a voice from outside the door.

“Is she ready yet, I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

I quickly change into the lingerie and the ladies help me into the gown. Anna helps me with the bracelet while I slip into the heels. I grab the clutch, taking a deep breath before turning to the mirror behind me. I barely recognize myself.

My, now, crimson hair was curled and pinned into a messy bun, and my long bangs parted and curled into loose ringlets framing my heart shaped face.

My eyes were done in a simple Smokey eye and winged black liner. My long, coal black lashes frame my emerald eyes.

My plump lips were shimmery pink with a slight gold tint.

The dress showed off the tops of my Breasts, but not enough to seem vulgar. It hugged my waist perfectly. I extend my left leg, watching as fabric fell away leaving behind smooth skin. Everything was perfect.

Anna called out to my father, “you might wanna take a seat Mr. Patterson. If I may be so bold, Jesus himself would be knocked out of his sandles.” That remark made us all giggle.

Anna opened the door signaling me to step out. I walk out and see my dad sitting in a black suit, his tie matches the pink on my gown. He looks so handsome.

His face lights up, he stands up and takes a step towards me “who is this gorgeous woman? Anna,

where’s my daughter? This can’t be her!” I blush.

Anna steps out and replied with a smirk “I recall you saying you expected her to 'look like a new woman’ so here she is.”

He grabs my hand and gives me a little spin, his eyes burning over every inch of me. “That I did. You have gone above and beyond.”

We left the salon and headed to dinner. He was silent for awhile but I caught him stealing glances at me, I decided to break the silence.

“I honestly can’t thank you enough for all of this, today has been amazing!” I could see him smile.

We arrive at dinner and I see why he had me get all dolled up. He somehow got us a reservation the fanciest restaurant in town.

"How did you manage to get a reservation? They're booked a full year in advance!" He smirks at me.

"Well you get special treatment when you're related to both the owner and the head chef." I stare at him in disbelief. "Wait what?!" He shrugs it off. "No big deal, both of your uncles work here and managed to squeeze us in for your special night. Unfortunately only Shawn is working tonight and he'll be so busy in the kitchen you probably won't have the chance to really meet him." I sank back in the seat. "You've never said much about your brothers." Once again I'm met with a shrug. "I didn't want to overwhelm you."

At that he reaches into the center console and pulls out a jewelry box handing it to me. “Just a little something to complete the look.” I open the lid, it’s a silver necklace with a heart pendent, 'Daddy’s girl’ engraved on it.

I reach over and hug him tightly. “Thank you so much. I love it!” he puts the necklace on me, admiring it for a moment.

We head inside and have an incredible meal, talking and laughing for the rest of the evening.

When we arrive home I take off my heels and start heading off to my room.

“where do you think you’re going? Your birthday celebration isn’t over quite yet.” I stare at him, how can he have more planned? I follow him into the kitchen and he takes a pretty lavender box from the fridge.

"I know you aren’t much of a cake person so I got you a birthday dessert you might like better.”

He opens the box to reveal strawberries with some kind of chocolate filling.

“These are champagne soaked strawberries, with a chocolate ganache center.”

I take a bite and immediately taste the champagne. “Oh my God, this is amazing! Honestly, this was the best birthday I have ever had. Thank you Daddy.” He hugged me tightly

“I’m glad that you had such a great day sweetie. I’m happy that I could do all this for you.”

We finish off the strawberries, say goodnight and head to our rooms. I figured I’d bring in the bags from our shopping trip in the morning. I take another look at myself in the mirror, unable to get over the view.

I start getting ready for bed and unpin my hair, It falls over my shoulder.

I remove the bracelet and set it gently on the vanity. Lovingly caressing it with a finger before trying to undo the dress.

I can't reach the laces so I try to slide it down, to no avail. I'm unable to pull it over my head either.

I’m gonna need some help. I knock on the wall that connects our rooms. “Dad, can you help me please? I’m stuck.”

After a minute I hear a knock and the door opens. He's standing in the doorway shirtless, abs glistening lightly. I fight to tear my eyes away.

“Uh, could you untie me please? They laced it a bit too tight.”

He walks behind me taking the laces in his hands “sure hun.” As soon as he loosens them the dress begins to fall, I bend

slightly trying to catch it before it hits the floor and I feel my ass press against him. I quickly stand upright forgetting about the dress for a moment. “Uh, sorry. Thanks. I’m gonna just… I’m gonna go die of embarrassment now.”

He laughs at me and kisses my nose. “This is nowhere near as embarrassing as you running around the house naked as a kid while your mother and I we’re entertaining. Don’t worry about it princess.” He heads towards the door and closes it behind him.

I’m still mortified. Had I known the dress was just going to slip off like that I’d have held onto it.

Ugh, whatever. Not the worst thing that could have happened. I just want to sleep.

I don’t even bother changing out of the lingerie and climb into bed.

I doze off, trying to stop myself from thinking of what happened. I’d only been asleep for about 20 minutes when I heard noise coming from dad’s room. I hear grunting and low moans, suddenly I hear a loud thud and jumped out of bed.

I run into his room, thinking he’s probably hurt.

“Dad are you ok- oh my God!!!!” I stood in his doorway in complete shock. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, stroking his cock furiously as a petite brunette was bent over a coffee table. He looked at me, his eyes full of passion and fear.

“Oh fuck! Maria I-” he started grunting again and I watched as he exploded. His jizz seemed to go everywhere.

I apologized profusely and slammed the door shut, running back into my room.

I climb back into bed and shut my eyes tightly, hoping that this was just a dream and that I didn’t just walk in on my father masturbating.

I couldn’t get the thought out of my head. The sight of his thick, rigid cock twitching as he came, the sound he made as he said my name, the sounds from the porn on his tv.

Ugh, why didn’t I knock? I hear my phone vibrate and snap back to reality. I look and it’s a text from dad.

“we’ll talk about this in the morning.” I sent back a “k” and toss my phone back onto my desk.

I tried to fall back asleep, tossing and turning. I hear him snoring in the next room. Envious that he’s able to even sleep.

The thought of him naked on his bed keeps playing in my mind.

The image of that petite brunette bent over the table, her moans echoing in the room.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I decide to get out my laptop and try to find the porn he was watching.

After a few minutes I finally find it. Hot Teen Takes Daddy’s Cock.

Is this the kinda stuff he watches? Can’t he just watch normal porn for fucks sake?

Before I could stop myself I hit play and cast the video from my laptop to my tv.

I place the laptop back on the desk and lower the tv volume.

It starts like you would expect. The brunette has her hair in pigtails and is wearing a slutty school girl outfit that does nothing to hide her tattoos.

She’s pretending to read a

biology textbook and the “Dad” sits next to her on the couch. He takes the book from her, tossing it to the side and begins rubbing himself through his jeans as she turns away feigning disgust.

He grabs her face and turns it towards him, kissing her and untying her shirt releasing her tits. She reaches down and

unzips his pants, leaning over and taking his unimpressive cock in her mouth.

He leans back, placing a hand on the back of her head.

I start to feel my face flush. I pull the top of my corset down exposing my tits, alternating between massaging and pinching my already erect nipple while my other hand slides down my body and into my panties.

I slip a finger into my virgin slit as he pulls her onto his lap watching as she begins bouncing on his cock for a bit.

“Yeah, take daddy’s cock you little bitch.” I whisper through clenched teeth.

He pushes her off and forces her over the coffee table. Her tits rubbing against the glass with every thrust.

My thoughts turn back to my dad, his hard cock locked in his grip, I begin pumping my finger faster, matching his tempo. I imagine myself bent over the table, loving every second of Daddy’s cock buried deep inside me.

I slip another finger in and a moan escapes my lips “mmm yeah, gimme that thick, hard cock. Just like that, pound my pussy daddy ” I suck in a breath as I feel myself getting closer.

“C'mon daddy fuck me like a dirty little whore. Fuck I’m so close, make me cum daddy!”

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming” my body spasms as I embrace the

euphoric feeling coursing through me, but it is soon replaced by a deep disgust.

I remove my hand from my sopping pussy. “What is wrong with me?”

I move towards the edge of the bed so I can get cleaned up and am met by a shadow in the doorway. “Young lady, I think you and I need to have a talk.”

I sat completely frozen. How much of that did he hear? Was this how he felt when I caught him?

He walks towards me and I can make out a slight bulge in his boxers. I look down to avoid staring and notice my tits still hanging out. I try to lift the corset back up but he grabs my wrists.

I look up at him, his hungry eyes devouring me.

“Looks like we’ve both had a pretty embarrassing evening, eh princess?” I fight to free my wrists but his grip tightens.

“Daddy please, I’m sorry. I just got caught up in a moment.” I could see him getting more excited by the second. “Yeah, sounded like a helluva moment.”

He shoved me back on the bed and I watch in horror as he removed his boxers. It’s so much more intimidating up close. I raise myself up on my elbows, trying to crawl away from him.

“Daddy, what are you doing?” He crawls onto the bed, straddling my waist.

“I’m going to give you what you want.” “No, plea-gggg” He grabs my head, forcing his cock down my throat. I choke, tears stinging my eyes. I try pushing him off, feeling like I’m going to pass out. He eases up enough for me to breathe but the moment is short lived as he starts fucking my throat with a vengeance. He pulls away away as I start gagging again.

I try to catch my breath, attempting to reason with him between coughs “Please, no more… I can’t… WE can’t…” he grabs my face, leaning in close, his breath hot on my face “we’re just getting started little girl.”

He rolls me onto my back, positioning himself between my legs.

I begin to panic, trying to press my thighs closed, push him off, scratch him, anything to prevent this from happening.

“NO, DADDY PLEASE, DON’T…” my breath catches as he forces himself inside me. I let out a scream as I feel him tear through my hymen as if it were a sheet of paper.

Tears are flowing and each sob seems to make him want me more. “You’re so tight princess” he growls in my ear.

His pace starts to slow “I want to make this last.” He kisses my jaw, working his way down my neck, his warm tongue encircles my nipple, causing me to moan.

I can feel my body begin to betray me as a shiver runs through my spine. He lightly bites down and I wrap my legs around his waist. What am I doing? “Not so bad now is it? You like this don’t you my little slut?” it feels as if a stranger replied in my voice “Yes daddy” he moves over to the other side alternating

between both breasts.

This shouldn’t feel so good. My father just raped me… but I fantasized about him being inside me…

I can’t think straight, can’t breathe, all I can do in this moment is feel. I feel my face burning hot with desire as he paws at my breast. I feel the entire length of him inside me, tearing me apart. He's an insatiable beast and I love every second of it. His pace quickens, the pain turning into a pleasure I never knew possible, filling me completely. I know how wrong this is. I should be angry, scared and disgusted but all of those feelings have melted away. His hand grips my throat tightly as I begin to

lose myself in the wake of an intense orgasm. A malicious smile twists his lips, “there’s my good girl, cum for daddy.”

My body begins to quake as wave after wave hits me, daddy starts pounding me harder grunting in my ear about how good I feel wrapped around his cock.

I wrap my arms and legs tighter around him “fuck daddy, it feels so good.”

With a few final thrusts I feel him explode inside me, he groans my name, it feels like an eternity before he rolls off of me.

There we were, freshly fucked and exhausted. Part of me wanted to run into the shower and scrub the shame away, another part wanted to curl up in his arms and fall asleep.

He turned my face to him and kissed me gently on the lips “I love you princess.” I nuzzled into his chest.

I had just started to doze off when I heard him whisper “don’t get too comfortable, daddy’s not done with you yet.”


2019-03-02 14:42:45
Awes! thanks for sharing.


2019-01-30 17:46:38
Vagina's Master - Thank you. I had it spaced out differently when I transferred the story over and never corrected it, as I should have. However, I still had both conversing in the same paragraph so I appreciate the tip and will be sure to correct that in part 2.

Vagina's MasterReport 

2019-01-30 17:18:16
Just one critique: when writing dialogue, start a new paragraph each time someone else begins to speak. And keep the speaker's action in the paragraph with the person who is speaking, not the person being spoken to. Just confusing enough to be distracting from what is otherwise a great, well-written story.


2019-01-28 17:00:21
I love it , hot lustfull daddy sex ..... yummm


2019-01-27 13:29:48
Great memories!

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