The Chauffeur (#21) Games.
Copyright 2019
When Fred pulled the limo into the porn store's limited parking lot, he had to park the car straddling several parking spots. For the first time ever, I heard Fred curse. Although he did only say ‘Damn' it was still a curse word. That made me smile hearing him use such profanity.
We went inside the store and saw ‘Dolph' behind the counter. He inquired about Amy. Dakota once again told him to never mind about her gal Amy. Jennifer and Tina giggled at Dakota's venom towards Dolph.
I led the ladies towards the back wall again, to look over the collar options. As we were standing there looking at the options, three people came into the store and headed to join us at the back wall.
The guy in the group scanned the wall and pulled down a fluorescent pink collar and handed it to the college-aged female, who handed it back to him with a crinkled nose.
The three of them introduced themselves as David, Marsha, and their daughter Sandra. David asked my group if we knew anything about choosing a collar.
Dakota stepped forward and asked a couple of pertinent questions that the daughter answered quickly without hesitation.
My little darling scanned the wall. She went over and bent down pulling a collar off the wall. She handed the collar to Sandra, who in turn squealed with excitement. Sandra loved the collar. It was about 2 fingers wide, pink camouflage, with a Marine bulldog mascot on it. I just smiled knowing my wife is a Marine.
Dakota put the collar around the neck of the college-aged gal. All three of them hugged Dakota before heading up to the counter to pay Dolph, who once again, leered at the women.
I spotted a collar that I knew would be perfect. It too was also about two fingers wide, but this was a shiny copper colored collar. I just knew that would be the perfect one.
My phone buzzed. It was Allison.
The text read: Where are you, Daddy?
I replied, "I'll be home soon, Penny."
I didn't get a response.
We walked up to the counter to pay for the merchandise. I held my hand up and told Dolph to just ring up the merchandise. Dakota already had her AMEX out.
As he gave us a total, Dakota handed him her card. He put his hand on hers and held it for what I believed to be just a bit too long. She glared at him. He withdrew his hand.
Knowing that everything is on video and recorded, I resisted the urge from yanking this creepy guy out of his perch and beating the hell out of him. I also figured that I need not worry, a pregnant Dakota probably has enough hormonal rage in her that she could probably beat his ass without even breaking a sweat or a nail.
I just smiled to myself as Dolph handed the bag with our merchandise and Dakota's card back to her. As we all were leaving the store, Dolph announced, "I hope to see you ladies again real soon," in a truly creepy voice. In my head, I thought that I should tease Amy that we stopped and saw Dolph and tell her that we invited him over for her to make him dinner…before she rocked his world. To me, it was damn funny, but on second thought, maybe not.
Jennifer kept pestering me about who the new sub is. I just told her she would find out at some point. Then she began pestering Dakota, who just smiled at her and said nothing. This was driving Jennifer crazy.
Dakota surprised everyone in the car. She unzipped me and fished out my cock directing Jennifer to put my cock in her mouth to keep it filled until we got home.
Jill was laughing out loud as was Tina. Dakota just smiled as Jennifer engulfed my cock. Dakota patted Jennifer on the head like a dog as she was sucking my cock.
I figured since we had a few minute drive, ahead of us, I might as well sit back and enjoy the ride and the lip service.
I laid my head on the back of the seat as Jennifer worked her magic with her mouth. Jokingly, Jill mused if anyone was going to take care of her? Tina slid off the seat and knelt in front of Jill, licking her lips erotically.
Jill bunched her dress up and slid her panties down to her ankles. Tina moved her face into place and began licking. Jill also let her head lay back on the seat and was enjoying the ride as well.
Fred put the privacy window down about 2 inches announcing to us that we were about 2 minutes from the Commune. I stopped Jennifer and put my stiff, wet, sloppy cock back into my own pants. Jill, on the other hand, decided to keep Tina's talented tongue busy until the car came to a stop.
As Fred turned into the courtyard, Jill finally had to push Tina's face away from her womanhood. Tina was a talented woman; however, she didn't get Jill to orgasm.
We all got out of the limo. I reached into my pocket and put all $500 into Fred's shirt pocket. As usual, he tried telling me that it was too much. Of course, I didn't listen and headed inside wishing Fred a good night.
When I stepped inside the door, I found both Paula and Allison on their knees in a posture of submission. Jennifer's eyes got huge. She was very excited. I reached into the bag and removed the collar. I handed it to Jennifer to place it on Allison's neck. Once it was fastened there, I leaned down to her reminding her that with the collar on she is Penny. She replied, "Yes, Master. I will do whatever you wish," in a submissive tone.
I heard Jennifer sprint towards her own bedroom, returning with her own collar on and Paula's collar in her hand. I directed Sindee to put Anabelle's collar on, which she did obediently.
I realized that I had not bought a leash for Penny. Jill just stood there in amazement whispering in my ear, "How the hell do you do this? First, we had Jennifer but now, we have three subs," She said in a tone of amazement.
I asked Dakota to go check the house and see who is here. She pads off to check for me.
Dakota returned a couple of minutes later telling Jill and I that virtually all our playgroup was here, including Marcus. Apparently, he only had the flu and is much better now.
I summoned Marcus. He came to the front door and his eyes grew large seeing the three subs kneeling.
I pointed to Anabelle and told him to play with her but be gentle as she will be needed to service others later tonight. He agreed to do so but asking where to play with her. Tina told him if she could participate, then they could play in her room on the second bed. He certainly agreed.
I put my hand out to Penny asking her to follow me and Jill to our bedroom.
That left Sindee kneeling. I asked Dakota if she would like to have a playmate for a while. She smiled and nodded her head yes. I directed Sindee to go with Dakota.
Penny had a look of worry. I guess that she was worried that she wouldn't be able to satisfy Jill. Just before we entered our master suite, Jill stopped and kissed Penny passionately trying to help relax her.
While they were kissing, I lifted Penny's tee shirt off her. I unsnapped her shorts and let them drop to the floor. I put my thumbs in the waistband of her panties pushing them down to lay on top of the shorts.
She stepped out of them. She was completely naked, and Jill had not dropped the kiss the whole time she was being undressed.
I stood behind her, gently rubbing my hand up and down her ass crack. After several moments Penny reached back and began stroking my already hard cock.
Jill, slid her fingers in the collar, pulling her over to play bed number one (the one already used). Jill pushed her down on the bed face down and told her in a stern voice to put her ass in the air and keep her face buried into the pillow. Penny complied immediately.
I walked up to this glorious sight of Penny's ass prominently displayed in the air in front of me. I took hold of my cock and pushed it into Penny. Not hard enough to hurt her, but forceful enough to get her to moan loudly.
Jill said in Penny's ear, "You better cum for your Master or I will discipline you beyond your wildest imagination," she said in a commanding tone.
"Yes, Mistress," Penny said in a subservient manner.
I pushed as deep into her pussy as I could get. I began long, extremely slow strokes. My thrusting could not be called thrusting, more like ‘snailing' it was that slow. One could have compared my in and out to waiting for the Heinze ketchup to begin to pour from that glass bottle.
Penny was moaning and begging me to allow her to cum. Jill reminded her that she already had that permission. To which she again replied, "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry. I forgot," in a submissive tone.
I knew that my overly slow movements were causing her dismay as there was no rhythm for her to get into. It probably took a couple of minutes for me to pull out as far as the edge of my cockhead inside of her and another couple of minutes to push myself all the way back into her.
She was now begging for me to fuck her harder, faster, with some rhythm…. anything to help her achieve an orgasm.
I just kept up the incredibly slow movements.
As my own mind was being distracted by how incredibly horny, I was feeling, and yet how I wasn't even close to cumming, not one little bit. I thought about what Dakota had said about the CG guys only having one move…. fuck it hard and fuck it fast.
I was sure there would be no way on this earth for them to be able to do this.
Across the hall, I heard Sindee reaching an orgasm and thanking "Miss Dakota" repeatedly for allowing her to cum. In my head, that was a sexy sight.
I lean into Penny and ask her if she could hear Sindee cumming. She said she did and was envious of her. I just smiled.
Jill decided that she had enough waiting. She moved around to the back of Penny, withdrawing my cock from her womanhood and inserting it into herself. Penny moaned and begged for my cock to be put back into her. Jill just said no. She hadn't cum as directed.
Penny's eyes grew large thinking about what that meant. Jill would be dishing out some sort of punishment. Penny began rambling through a list of reasons as to why she didn't cum, how it wasn't fair, how she wants a second chance to please her Master, she begged over and over.
I held one finger to my lips indicating to Jill not to say another word, just let Penny worry about it. Jill smiled as I began a much quicker thrusting into my Queen. Jill, was moaning loudly and asking Penny if she felt this good with her Master fucking her slut hole. All she could do was say, "He fucked me so good, but I failed him," in such a defeated tone.
It didn't take my Queen very long to reach her first orgasm.
"OH, FUCK ME! MY MASTER, I LOVE YOU," she says rather loudly.
Penny is almost to the point of tears knowing she failed her Master. I did take pity on her, deciding to abuse her sweet little hole with my hand yet again.
Jill asked if we should take her to the red door room. I said that she wasn't ready for that yet as she hasn't been properly trained. Truth be told, I was a bit worried about that room. I had never gone to that level of domination/submission ever before. I needed to think on that still some more.
Again, it was clear to hear Marcus and Tina playing with Anabelle. Now we could hear Marcus announcing his orgasmic pinnacle. Soon thereafter we heard Tina also have an orgasm wash through her body. With each announcement of an orgasm, Penny seemed to drop deeper into a state of depression. Tears were now flowing, but not the happy orgasmic tears but ones of failure.
When Jill returned to normalcy, I directed Penny to lay on her back which she did immediately. I could see the shake and tremble of her body. Jill leaned down and whispered in her ear that she was to just lay back and enjoy the ride, that she was NOT being punished.
Hesitantly, a smile crept across her face. It was almost as if she wasn't sure if she was to trust what Jill told her or not. She chose to trust Jill.
I leaned in and began kissing her. I know that erotic kisses are not the norm for domination/submission, but I had said that this was all supposed to be consensual and enjoyable, not mean-spirited nor hateful.
I reassured her when I broke from our kiss that I wanted her to enjoy what I was about to do to her.
"Penny, do you trust your Master? If you don't all you have to do is say your safe word and this will all stop," I said in an emotionless manner.
"Master, you are the only one that I trust completely. No one has ever dominated me the way you have. Please do with me what you see fit," she said in a more upbeat tone.
"Close your eyes my slut. Your Master wants you to cum even more than ever before," I said to her in her ear, making her smile.
I kissed my way down to her chest, much like last time we played. I slid my hand down to her delicious pussy and began my assault on her clit.
Jill moved to the opposite side of her and began licking and sucking on her chest. I think that Jill even bit Penny's nipples with a bit of force, which elicited a set of squeals.
I put two fingers into Penny, palm up of course. I began curling my fingers making sure that I was scraping her G-spot with each finger curl. She began putting out copious amounts of wetness almost immediately. As she tried to moan, Jill covered her mouth with her own mouth.
While my two fingers were curling inside of Penny, to change things, I leaned down and began nibbling on her clit. This made her jump. The past two times I had done this method of playing with her, I had never put my mouth nor teeth on her clit. I truly believe that me nibbling on her clit moved her right past simple body orgasms to earth shattering, mind blowing orgasms.
I kept curling my fingers. I put two more fingers inside of her swollen pussy. She gasped immediately. I flattened my hand out and began pushing it in and out of her at a rapid pace. Her eyes began rolling to the back of her head. Jill was smiling from ear to ear watching me work over my new sub's sweet pussy.
She was expelling a large amount of woman cum. My entire hand and wrist were drenched.
Increasing my thrusts, Penny began showing signs of multiple waves of orgasm rolling through her body. We both heard her say "Fuck" repeatedly.
My hand kept up the intense thrusting into her pussy.
With each thrust in, my hand retrieved a huge amount of wetness from her pussy. Orgasm after orgasm plowed through her body. She was almost incoherent when she began fountaining her lady juice. Jill moved her mouth over the spray trying to catch as much of it in her mouth that she could.
At this point, I saw streams of tears running down Penny's face onto the mattress.
I changed tactics yet again. I inserted my thumb into her. Now I had my entire hand inside of her. My knuckle of the thumb was pushing her vagina wider than it had ever been.
Again, she was trying desperately to vocalize her thoughts, but alas only gibberish escaped her lips.
Jill was so excited watching what was going on, that she moved over to where the wall met the bed and began fingering herself hard.
I leaned in and told Penny to open her eyes, which she did. However, I really wasn't sure she was able to focus on anything.
Her fountain of cum began again. This time I moved my mouth into the stream, what I didn't catch in my mouth fell on my back.
I kept the rapid succession of my hand going in and out of her. Her orgasming kept plowing through her, and Jill was now also cumming.
I pulled my entire hand out and replaced it with my rock-hard cock that had yet to cum. I lifted her ankles and folded her in half, putting my cock into her as deep as I could get it.
Again, I changed tactics. I removed my cock from her sopping wet pussy and slammed it into her anal opening. She let out a shriek of pure lust. I put my cock balls deep into her. Tears were still flowing from her. She was cumming so hard that I found myself more excited fucking her ass than I had ever been.
Removing my hand had allowed her to regain her senses. She was now yelling out her orgasmic successions. She kept announcing one after another orgasm. "OH, GAWD MASTER. HOW DO YOU MAKE ME CUM SO GAWD DAMN HARD? I AM YOUR SLUT. YOU MAKE ME FEEL THINGS THAT NO ONE HAS EVER MADE ME FEEL. I LOVE YOU, MASTER," she says so loudly that I was fairly sure the street heard her or maybe the twins in the pool house.
As I felt that familiar twinge of my own impending orgasm, I directed Jill to get over here for me to shoot into her delicious pussy. Deftly she moved over, spreading her legs and allowing me to thrust into her wet pussy all the way to the hilt in one stroke.
I only needed to thrust into her 2 or 3 times before I shot what felt like more than a gallon of baby making juice into my Queen. She just moaned in acceptance as her pussy gobbled up everything my cock deposited.
By the time I was done shooting into Jill's pussy, I directed Penny to come to clean my cock off, which she did immediately.
After several minutes of Penny licking and sucking on my cock, I shot one more set of cum, but this time into Penny's willing mouth.
She just moaned accepting every drop and wasting none.
I was exhausted. Jill was exhausted. Penny…. well, she could hardly move after I shot a second orgasm into her mouth.
Jill said to me, "David, you have never shot that much cum ever before. I think this whole domination thing really turns you on," she said smiling.
I'm not sure what it is but Jill gets me excited. Dakota gets me excited. Now, Allison/Penny gets me really excited. Maybe that is why I'm hesitant to open the red door.
I didn't hear any further announcements of orgasms. I glanced at the clock but had to glance again as it said 9:22pm. Where did the time go? I was floored. No dinner, nothing since lunch back about 12:30 nearly 9 hours ago.
I reached down and kissed Jill, then I kissed Penny. While our lips were on one another's, I unbuckled her collar and removed it. After our kiss, I asked, "Allison, did you enjoy tonight?"
"More than you will ever know. I love you, David Greene. I know that from the bottom of my heart. You seem to have a power over me that no one has ever had. All you will ever need to do is ask me to do virtually anything for you and I will," she says in a very loving tone.
Jill is smiling and says, "Welcome to the Commune," in a laughing manner.
Out of the blue, it dawned on me that I had not given Fred any stock. Of all the people to forget, how could I forget Fred?
I looked at my two lovers and both were fast asleep. I got up, headed into the shower to rinse the sex off me.
I was only in there a few minutes. I stepped out and dried myself off. Going back into the bedroom, neither of my lovers had moved even a muscle. I put on my shorts and a white tee shirt.
I peeked my head into Tina's room. There was Anabelle, still collared. I went over to her and unbuckled the collar. She opened one eye and blew me a kiss. She was wiped out and completely sated. Marcus was laying on the bed with Tina all snuggled into his chest. No one had clothes on. I just admired the two ladies as they both are very beautiful. I turned and walked out of the room, holding a collar.
At the next door, no one was in there, nor the one after that, or after that. I didn't see another person until I reached the kitchen. There I found Amy, Belinda, Dakota, John, and Diane. Mocking me, they all began clapping. I just smiled and took a fake bow.
Diane was the first one to come over to me and kiss me. I looked at John trying to read him if he gets annoyed at Diane kissing me all the time, or does he ignore it knowing that I'm not trying to take Diane away from him. Either way, I felt he was again showing signs of maturity.
"Daddy, want to know a secret?" Diane said to me smiling and giggling.
"Sure, Darling," I said to her.
"Um, Dr. Ronda called. She said that John is THE daddy. Isn't that great? That'll make you and Jill our baby's grandparents, isn't that wonderful?" she says to me.
"Darling, I think you should tell Jill that she's going to be called ‘grandmother', I'm sure she'll get a big laugh out of that," I said as sarcastically as possible.
John comes walking over proud as a peacock. I shook his hand and gave him a ‘man hug' to him. He just put his arm around Diane. I exhaled smiling a big smile for them.
I decided to play my joke with Amy.
"Amy darling, I saw your guy, what's his name, oh yeah, Dolph. I told him that you would like a second chance with him. He seemed really, really excited. I told him our address and he said he should be over later tonight after he gets off work," I said keeping a completely straight face.
"WHAT? You know I have no interest in him. Why would you do that to me, Daddy?" She yelled at me. I broke, I couldn't keep the straight face any longer. John began laughing out loud, a big belly laugh. Everyone else got the joke as well. Even Amy laughed when she realized that I was just teasing her.
I went over to her, put my arms around her and kissed her telling her, "Darling, I hope you know that I wouldn't allow him anywhere near you," I said in a serious loving manner. She smiled and kissed me back hard, putting her tongue inside my mouth.
Belinda wanted to know where Allison was hiding. I told her that Allison is in bed with my wife. She seemed to ponder that statement. I left it just that way, making her think about what I had said. Of course, what I didn't tell her was that she was now a submissive of mine.
Dakota came over and asked if Jill and I had fun because everyone could hear the fun all the way out to the kitchen, louder than anyone else in the house. I kissed Dakota and swatted her on the bum as she wiggled it at me. I summoned her back asking where Jennifer was. "Asleep in my bed," she said.
I asked Amy what was for dinner tonight. She said that she was going to make tonight rather easy. John had already ordered 4 pans of lasagna from Carrabba's along with a gallon of their Mamma Mandola's Chicken soup, which thankfully they did that as it was one of my favorites on their menu.
Not but a few minutes later, Paula, Marcus, and Tina appeared in the kitchen. Amy told them that dinner should be here in less than a half hour if anyone wanted to take a quick shower. Paula and Tina raced each other to the shower. I said loudly that there are 31 bathrooms in this house, no need to compete for a bathroom.
Amy looked at me repeating, "THIRTY-ONE BATHROOMS," she said loudly. I just laughed.
We all sat around and chatted waiting for the delivery of dinner to arrive. Just as there was a knock on the door, Allison and Jill wandered into the kitchen. Guess they smelled the food arriving.
John stepped to the door, handed the delivery guy his Visa. The guy ran it through a small white clip that plugged into his phone. He swiped the card and had John sign with his finger. He handed the card back to John and told him he would email him the receipt.
Several people came to the door to help carry the food and soup into the kitchen. The restaurant had also included plates, napkins, plastic ware, and even large Styrofoam cups to act as soup bowls. I took one of them first. I followed Belinda who was holding the gallon jug of the soup. I poured some into the cup, grabbed a soup spoon and sat right down on the floor to eat.
Dakota came over and sat next to me telling me about her experience with Sindee. She said it was fun, but nowhere as much fun as when she plays with Jill and me, or even Tina for that matter. I apologized, but she said it wasn't my fault, even though I felt like it was.
Allison came and sat on the other side of me. She asked, "David, how do you hold so much power over me. I don't understand it, not at all," she says looking into my eyes.
"I think that I make you feel completely relaxed about being able to explore your fantasies, safely," I try to explain.
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense, thanks Daddy," she says before kissing me and getting up and sitting next to Belinda.
It was nice to see everyone enjoying the food and each other.
When Jill and I finished, we tossed our plates and headed off to bed.
My bladder woke me about 5am. I trundled off to the bathroom, while my Queen laid in the land of slumber.
Once I was through, I decided to take a quick shower, shave, and brush my teeth. Once again, I am infatuated with this shower, hot water right from the start. Of course, being alone in the shower, the process only took about 5 minutes. After drying off, I put on another pair of basketball shorts and my usual white tee shirt. I grabbed my cellphone and headed down the hallway. I peeked my head into Dakota's room. She was entwined with Jennifer, who was still in her bed. I poked my head into Tina's room and saw Amy all snuggled up.
I didn't check any more rooms, I just headed down to the kitchen. I moved my laptop from the homemade work desk to the countertop at the bar. I picked a bar stool. It was ok, not overly comfortable but doable none the less. I plugged in my laptop and off to work I went.
I looked at my email list. 214 of them to be exact. I perused the list looking for some replies. I noticed one from Special Agent Fernandez. It read:
Mr. Greene,
It was nice to hear from you. I bragged to a friend of mine from Homeland Security about how helpful you were in taking down two brothers that had been eluding capture for a long time.
He asked me if there was any way that you knew about what was going on with the Pinetree and the forced prostitution/slavery. I assured him that if you knew you would most certainly address it.
If you are OK with the idea, I would like to join in only as an advisor to you when you meet the people from the DEA and Homeland Security. I looked them up for you and know them all either by reputation or personally.
Give me a call soon so we can arrange things.
Special Agent Jose Fernandez
I smiled and returned his email that I would call him today.
I did notice an email from the district manager from the restaurant in Tampa. He said he ‘just received' the email and assured me he was ‘all over it'. Little did he know that I already knew that was a lie. I made a note to have Dakota schedule the plane to head to Tampa tomorrow.
I began answering a whole lot of emails that only required me to read as they were just ‘copying' me in on in-house communication.
I got two emails from top managers at the trucking company. One from Joe Smith who recommended buying as many tires as we could afford before the price went up even further. He did say that while Continental was a fine brand, it was his opinion that Goodyear was head and shoulders above virtually any other brand. His reasoning had to do with the number of times they would accept being retreaded. He said that they could be retreaded 3 times, which was one more than any other brand.
I replied thanking him for the information.
The other email was from a Mac Brown. He said that he didn't like Continental at all. He said recommended either Goodyear or BF Goodrich. He went on to say that the BF Goodrich tires were made in the same plant as Michelin tires and were dramatically less expensive than most other brands.
I thanked him for the information making note that pricing would decide.
Neither one of them offered an idea on how many tires we should be discussing.
More of the ‘read-only' emails.
Again, looking at company stats for each brand, again the Vegas restaurant was just a hiccup away from taking over the top spot in the restaurant group. Again, I sent out congratulatory emails to the management and chef.
However, I did notice that the entire Dallas area had taken a dramatic drop across the board: number of tables, the dollar amount of sales, number of reservations not filled, employee turnover, and guest check average.
I made a note to myself to have the plane stop in Dallas first before heading to Tampa.
I began feeling hungry and decided on a toasted PB&J double decker with a glass of milk.
I started the process. While the toast was cooking, I poured a red solo cup of milk. The toast popped and I put the third piece in.
The toast smelled delightful as I smeared the jelly on both pieces. Once the third piece popped, out came the peanut butter (Jif smooth only).
In my head, I decided to hand Amy one of the unused Visa cards and have Jill order her an unlimited Visa as well as an AMEX. If she was going to run the house, then she needed a financial way to be successful.
I kept reading stats from the various brands.
I looked up the stats on the three limo companies that we owned. The Vegas one had an increase in sales continually since we purchased them. The two in LA, not so much. While sales had not gone down, reservations had. In my head, we were taking fewer customers but getting more from them. For the Happee, Happy limo brand, that was fine since they held the ‘client' side of the business. But Black Car Limo had gone down in the number of reservations as well as overall sales. I made notes about chatting with Paula about this.
Dakota wandered out to the kitchen.
I kissed her good morning. She looked at the coffee pot and frowned. She went over to it preparing it for the morning workout.
I handed Dakota my notepad. She read the notes and put her phone to use getting the plane ready by texting the company that kept everything ready on the plane. By the time her coffee was ready, she told me that the plane would be ready.
I made a list of items that I wanted Amy to get for the house. More cookware, more cooking utensils, plates, glassware, silverware, cups (Tervis brand), coffee mugs, at least two different size bowls, a mixer, a blender, a multi-slice toaster, a second coffee pot (one of those K-cup types), serving ware, and knives of various sizes and maybe a large block to hold them, a knife sharpener, mixing bowls, large popcorn bowls, and one more appliance for the kitchen……an ice maker (I hate buying bags of ice and the one on the fridge would not be able to keep up when we're entertaining or when the weather gets unseasonably warm). I put a Visa card on the note.
Dakota slid the note over to herself and read it, making sure that I had not forgotten anything important.
I texted John and Diane's phone asking them to find 4 college friends, who could be trusted to assist my new person at ‘The Hawk' (formerly the Kraft building). I need them to be able to wear dress slacks, short-sleeved collared dress shirt, dress shoes, and a belt. I emphasized a belt, saying that if there are belt loops on the pants, a belt is required. I said that we are certainly willing to work around their college schedules.
I also texted Paula about needing to talk today about the limo companies.
I spent about an hour looking over the information on the internet about tires. Lots of ads boasting prices and installations costs and the such.
I looked directly on both BF Goodrich's website as well as Goodyear's website. I noted that the cost on their website was virtually the same as the one through a retail outlet. I figured that I needed to call them directly instead.
I spent some time looking at tire purchases over the past two years, both by a yearly number, price, and delivery locations. I also looked at the current year in a month by month format. After spending an inordinate amount of time, I felt maybe I should just split the number of tires purchased right down the middle. Half would be BF Goodrich and half would be Goodyear. I estimated about 5,000 tires of each brand in the two most popular sizes that we have bought
I made note of the direct dial numbers for each brand and to call. It turns out that BF Goodrich has an office here in LA, where it appears that Goodyear is based out of Akron Ohio.
I looked at the microwave clock and saw it read 7:44am. Time to head to the bedroom to dress for the day. Jill was in the shower as I went into the bedroom.
I pulled out some dress clothes for today and pulled my luggage bag out laying it on the second play bed. I began dressing. Just before I put on a long-sleeved dress shirt, I heard the water shutoff in the bathroom.
I walked over to the bathroom peeking my head in and just admiring my beauty, all wet and naked getting out of the shower.
"OH, MY GOODNESS," Jill screamed.
"You startled me. What the heck are you doing just standing there leering at me?" She playfully asked.
"Well, I just wanted to see my beautiful wife before I got dressed and headed out," I told her.
She wound the towel into that snapping style and mockingly tried to snap me with it. She missed, causing me to smile and smooch the air towards her, which she returned with a smooch of her own.
I went back to dressing. Just as I was finishing, Jill came into the bedroom and remarked how ‘handsome' I looked.
Jokingly she asked who the woman I was dressing for might be.
"Well, there's you, Dakota, Tina, the three new subs," I said smiling.
She just put her hand up telling me to stop. "That sounds more like a posse," she replied giggling.
"Or a harem," I said smiling. Jill smiled as well.
Once finished, I kissed Jill and headed back out to the kitchen. Dakota was not there. I made a note as to where the office of BF Goodrich was located here in LA. I made a few more notes. I texted Fred to come to pick me up at his earliest convenience. He texted back that he would be at the house no later than 9am.
Paula came stumbling out to the kitchen. She saw the coffee pot all warmed up with coffee. She smiled and poured herself a cup.
I figured since she was right in front of me, we could chat about the limo company.
"Paula, have you seen the numbers for the three limo companies?" I ask.
"Yes, Black Car is really concerning me. Numbers are down, way down. I was thinking that maybe we should start contracting with the top tier hotels and resorts to be their primary ‘go-to' for service," she answered.
"I like the thinking. Start on that, or do you need some help, maybe an assistant?" I asked.
"Well, I have someone who might be of use that is just a reservationist. She is college-aged, working her way through UCLA. She wants a degree in business. She's 25, blonde, beautiful and has a very flirty way about her. On the phone, she gets the guys to buy the more expensive packages and she forms relationships with the women quickly lamenting on how a woman's work is never done. Which in turn, gets them to buy either more time or our flower/candy package to treat herself. She outsells virtually everyone and yet she has been with us just over 6 weeks," Paula explains.
She sees a smile creep across my face. She already knows what my dirty mind is thinking. She smiles back.
"Should I interview her or leave that to you?" I ask.
"David, I know how busy you are, I don't want you to be overloaded," she says sarcastically. I just smile.
Paula spun my laptop around and pulled up the numbers for the limo companies. She pointed out that the Vegas operations were doing quite well praising our new lady running that branch. However, she did show something that apparently worried her. Vegas had an unusually high turnover rate, nearly double that of any other location. I told her that she was probably just ‘cleaning' house. It should settle down in a couple of weeks, but I would put in a call to her and maybe she should as well, just to confirm that she was indeed getting rid of the deadwood.
Paula tapped me on the shoulder seeing Fred pull into the courtyard. I grabbed my stuff, however, I remembered that I had not grabbed any cash. I hustled back down to the bedroom to get some money.
I grabbed 6 $100-dollar bills and went back to the get my stuff. Dakota was on my heels in a beautiful conservative dress.
We headed out to the car. Fred, of course, had the door open and waiting on us.
I handed him a small piece of paper with an address on it. I wanted to go to the BF Goodrich location here in LA, to discuss a large tire purchase.
The drive during morning traffic was almost brutal. We didn't arrive at the location until a quarter to ten.
We got out and headed inside. The receptionist was a nice lady who asked if I had an appointment. I told her that I didn't and would like to speak to someone about a large tire purchase. She began to explain that this was a corporate office and that they don't sell tires there.
Dakota reached into her notebook and pulled out a business card and handed it to the receptionist.
She read the card and apologized saying that they get people all the time thinking that they could get tires there.
She asked me and Dakota to just take a seat and someone would be down in a couple of minutes to talk to me.
When Dakota and I sat down, I asked, "What business card did you give her?"
She pulled another one out and handed it to me. It read: DAVID GREENE, President & CEO, Jaxson's Inc. along with my email address. No phone number was listed.
"Where did you get this?" I asked, quite stunned.
"Melanie had them made and shipped them to me a couple of weeks ago. I would guess that she's sweet on you and she probably has noticed a change in Bob. No longer stressed out about running the company and they are probably enjoying life much more," she tells me.
"Well, good then. I'm doing my job," I say smiling to her.
We waited for nearly 20 minutes before a nice gentleman approached us.
"Are you Mr. Greene? I'm Austin Mackey. I'm the director of sales. I oversee all the tire sales going to the various retail locations on the west coast," he tells me.
He goes on to say, "Are you looking to carry our brand at some of your locations?" clearly not being told the reason that I was truly here for.
"Um, no, I'm not here to begin carrying your brand at any retail location. What I am looking to do is make a rather large purchase of tires and have them delivered to my various trucking locations throughout the US," I explain.
He looks puzzled.
I ask if there is somewhere that we can go and have this discussion in private as I really didn't want to discuss this in the lobby.
He told us to follow him. He led us to a conference room.
I began again, "Mr. Mackey, I'm looking to make a substantial one-time tire purchase from your company and have them delivered to various locations around the US. Are you the right person to speak to about this?" I ask.
"Sir, how many tires are you calling a substantial amount? We don't sell anything under 20-25 tires," he tells me.
"In the neighborhood of 2500 tires," I said stoically.
"Um, Mr. Greene, did I hear you properly? Did you say twenty-five HUNDRED?" He asked completely shocked.
"Yeah, is that a problem?"
"No sir, we've never had anyone just walk in off the street and want to purchase that many before," he tells me, now smiling.
I tell him that I was thinking of maybe his most popular two sizes. He laughs and begins to tell me that there are so many variables that just ordering two most popular sizes probably wouldn't be a prudent purchase.
He explained that on a truck there are three types of tires. Steering tires, for the front axle. Drive tires, for the back end of the tractor. And, trailer tires, for the rear group of tires on a trailer.
He also went on to explain that there are probably another 15-20 different variables. Size, tread depth, tire width, tire height, retread or first run, tread design just to name a few.
I sat and pondered for a moment. I realized that this wasn't the same as buying a can of tomatoes. Buying tomatoes only came down to price and quality.
I noticed Dakota typing furiously on her phone. As Mr. Mackey was pushing his card over to me, Dakota asked, "What if we knew all the trucks were using the 20" tires and when we replaced them, we could send the removed tires to be retreaded?"
Mr. Mackey was clearly stunned that Dakota learned so quickly about truck tires.
"Ma'am, we have several retreading locations near Dallas. If you can get the tires to us then we can retread them usually in 24-hour turnaround time," he answered.
Feeling really proud of Dakota, I decided to take over at this point.
"Mr. Mackey, if we get the tires to your Dallas area retreading locations will you assume the cost of shipping them to our locations once they are ready to be put on trailers?" I asked.
Dakota spun her phone around to me pointing at two types of tires she thought might work. The ST244 for long haul trucks and the ST230 for regional or short-haul trucks.
I asked about them. Mr. Mackey took quite a while explaining how good the quality of each tire. He finally ended saying that each tire has a 5-year warranty, which interested me.
When he was done, I saw Dakota's eyes all glazed over.
I ordered 500 or each tire. Dakota pulled up our top 20 trucking locations nationwide. She spun her phone around to Mr. Mackey. He began writing down the locations that we wanted them to be sent to.
Initially, he tried to give me a price in the $325/per tire range. I said, "Thank you for your time. We'll head on to our appointment with Goodyear," getting up from the table.
His eyes grew big and he apologized. He said that the best he could do would be to offer us a price of $177/tire. I accepted knowing that the best pricing I could find through retail was in the $280 range. I did request that they pick up the cost of shipping them, he agreed. He asked how I was going to pay for them. I handed him my AMEX card. He was shocked. He handed me my card back and offered to bill us since they don't take credit cards for a purchase of that size.
I did the math and realized that we were discussing $177,000.00. Clearly, he was right. Dakota gave him Jill's email address and other contact information. Mr. Mackey said he would check the warehouse and have them begin to ship them before the close of business today. I thanked him and we headed back to the lobby.
I noticed that this had taken most of the morning. I asked Fred to take us home.
The trip back to the house was much quicker than going out since there was no ‘go to work' traffic.
I called Agent Fernandez.
He told me that the DEA and Homeland Security was anxious to speak with me as soon as possible. If I had time today, he could put together the meeting at his office. I agreed to say at 2pm but letting him know that we were supposed to be heading to Dallas and Tampa today. He said he would set things up right after we hung up.
Hearing the conversation, Dakota was already alerting the plane crew to our change in plans, we would be leaving about 4 hours later closer to 6pm.
I texted Amy asking if she has anything going on for lunch. She replied that she was at the store getting what I had asked for and was not home currently.
I texted Jill about the same thing. She texted back that she sent Diane and John down to KFC to get chicken, lots of chicken since our boy John seemed to have a bottomless pit of a stomach.
I laughed when I read her reply and showed it to Dakota who also laughed out loud.
Just as we were pulling into the Commune courtyard, I was beginning a text asking Jill if we had fixed the issue of missing Fred with the stock, but I didn't get to finish it.
Dakota and I went inside. I let Fred know that I needed to be at the FBI building by 2pm. He said he would be waiting for me no later than 1. He said he would be back later as he wanted to go have lunch. I offered for him to join us, but he politely declined.
Once inside, I stopped Dakota and thanked her for her assistance with Mr. Mackey. She smiled and again told me that ‘it was all for me'. I just smiled and thanked her again.
I called out for Jill. I followed her voice to our bedroom, where she sat on our sleep bed with a laptop open in front of her.
"Damn, you're sexy when you are working," I said smiling.
I went over to kiss her asking who might be here in the house. She replied, "Why, are you horny and are wondering whom you can put that dick into?"
"Well, that would be nice, but no, I was just asking," I said.
"Marcus is still here. Amy is at the stores getting what you requested in your letter. John and Diane are getting chicken as I already told you. Allison has been moving the film equipment out of that upstairs bedroom over to the second pool house. Paula and Jennifer both went to work shortly after you left. I think Tina might be in the TV room as I didn't need her right now," she explained.
"Are you packed? Is Tina packed?" I asked.
"Oh, no, I had forgotten about that. Let me text her to come in here," she replied.
It only took a couple of minutes for Tina to arrive in our bedroom.
"Tina, could you please begin to pack a couple of bags for me for the trip. You also need to pack one for yourself as you will be going as well," Jill directed.
"Yes, Ma'am," she replied.
Just as I heard John and Diane come through the front door, it dawns on me that Marcus might just be a good candidate for the project at the Hawk.
Jill, Tina, and I head to the kitchen for some grub. That is before John eats it all.
I already see John with a piece of chicken in his hand as Diane is struggling to put all the buckets of chicken on the counter.
"John, help Diane, please. The food will still be there 2 minutes from now," I say to him.
John puts the entire chicken leg into his mouth and pulls out just the bone clean of any chicken meat.
Jill laughs and says, "Well, it's nice to know that John can deep-throat a chicken leg, wonder what else he can deep-throat?" The whole room laughs. John turns a bit red-faced and chuckles. Had anyone other than Jill made that comment, I was sure he would have been mad.
I texted Amy that lunch was here. She replied that she went through Taco Bell drive-thru and should be home in about an hour.
"Diane, how's the search for people to help Sharon at the new building?" I asked.
"Well, not that good actually. Everyone has some lame-ass reason to not want the job. My guess is that most of our friends don't have good clothes to wear, only tee shirts and jeans," she says to me.
I saw Allison coming down with her arms full of cords. I asked her to join us and call her three friends as well. She said she would.
I watched Allison. She has a cute wiggle to her butt. In just a couple of minutes, I see John's face light up with a big smile. I knew without looking that the twins must be here. The glass door opens and in walks the twins, followed by Belinda, and finally Allison.
John jumps up and offers to help them. They declined saying that they can pick their own chicken. Diane and Jill both laugh. He sits back down and goes back to eating, not looking up from his plate.
I counted the number of buckets, 14 buckets for 11 people. But I was happy that we had more chicken than we needed.
"Marcus, what's going on in your life. Did you find a job yet? I remember that I thought you should try the call center, but I have a bigger, better task for you. Would you be interested in hearing it?"
"Yes, sir," he says.
"I need someone to go to the Hawk building and help Sharon. We just got nearly 300 file boxes of all the paperwork from all the buildings that we just bought. They are all mixed together. I need about 4 people to help sort them into separate boxes and sort them by types of files, to prepare them to be sent to each building,"
He nods his head like he's interested.
"However, you need to wear dress pants, a dress shirt, hard shoes, and a belt. Every day," I tell him. He doesn't seem to be dismayed at the thought of wearing decent clothes.
Corey, one of the twins, pipes up asking if the job was open to anyone. I shrugged my shoulders saying that it was. She asked if the three of them could work as well.
I thought about it for a moment, looked at Jill and shrugged telling her that I was fine with it.
Again, I went over the dress code. They didn't seem to have any issues with it at all. I did mention that if anyone in the building asks to just tell them that they are college students. They assured me that they would do so.
I texted Sharon that we have four people who will be at her office no later than 10am tomorrow. She texted back: thank you.
I reminded everyone that Dakota, Tina, Jill and I would be out of town for the next few days but would be available by text or phone. Everyone nodded in agreement.
Looking at the time on the microwave, I mentioned to Dakota that we needed to head out front as Fred should be arriving momentarily. However, before I left the kitchen I quietly asked if the gift for Fred had been set-up. Jill assured me that he would have them tomorrow or the next day at the latest.
"Did you send 2500?" I asked.
"Yep," Jill replied.
I leaned in and kissed her. Both twins and Belinda hugged me as I left the kitchen. I saw Fred pulling into the courtyard. Dakota and I went outside. Once again, Fred was waiting with the back door open.
Fred asked if we were still heading to the Federal Building. I told him that we were. I also mentioned that he should look for an envelope from Jill and me.
We traveled quickly through the roadways and got to the Federal Building much quicker than I anticipated.
Dakota and I got out and went inside.
We were met by Special Agent Fernandez waiting for us. He handed each of us visitor badges and took us to the elevator. We stopped on floor 11 and headed to a conference room.
The room was empty. I had expected them to already be here. The three of us chatted for a while. He inquired whom Dakota was. I remembered when he asked that Jennifer was with me last time and not Dakota.
The phone on the table buzzed and the receptionist announced that the DEA folks are here, and the Homeland Security group was also here and that we might want to move to a larger conference room.
I looked at Agent Fernandez saying, "Group?" He shrugged his shoulders and said we should head out to meet them at the elevator, which we did.
When the elevator doors opened, there stood 10 people. Five with each group.
Agent Fernandez asked them all to follow him. We all walked down a long hallway to a rather large conference room. Clearly, this one was large enough for all of us.
I sat at the head of the table. Agent Fernandez on one side of me. Dakota on the other side. Homeland took one side of the table, the DEA the other.
We took about 15 minutes just doing introductions.
I waited for one of them to begin.
Agent Todd from the DEA began. He explained that a group of Mexican cartels would rent a room at the Pinetree to use as a base for meeting with their drug mules. Take possession of the large amounts of drugs and give the mule money and have them go away. They had photos of the known members and their ids so far.
The Homeland Security jumped in with Agent Saunders telling us that under the guise of these ‘vacation packages' they would bring up non-English speaking men and women to pose as ‘married' but actually they were being forced to be sexual slaves before being turned out onto the streets.
I sat there with Dakota stunned.
I asked the DEA if they had photos and deions of the Mexican Cartel members. I also inquired about how to identify them. Were they using fake passports? Were they changing their names? Is there a way for us to contact the DEA when one of these people take a room? I also asked if there was a pattern to where they would stay.
Agent Todd explained that they only stay in large cities, mostly due to small cities drew suspicion but big cities did not. He went on to say that they would give us a phone number to dial when one of these people showed up. He said that they weren't sure if they were using their real names, but probably not.
I considered what Agent Todd had told us. Then I moved on to our Homeland Security, Agent Saunders.
She explained that they had identified about 20 different companies that used false appearances of people from Mexico, Central America, or South America to have a room for a week to ten days. Once in the States, they would be forced to have sex at their handler's discretion with whomever they were required to do. Often, the women were under the age of 16 but just looked older, many of them being virgins.
This part really pissed me off. How fucking dare, they use young girls, who were still virgins to become prostitutes against their will. I voiced my unhappiness with that situation. That seemed to make the Homeland Security people smile.
They also handed Dakota and me several packets with photos, names, information regarding the many false vacation package shell companies.
I asked if they show up at one of our locations, are they available 24 hours a day. Agent Saunders said that they would come by in the morning and pick them up.
I pushed back and pushed back hard.
"What the hell are you telling me? That they get a free night to play their game while you sleep at home and will ‘pick them up tomorrow'? I saw Agent Fernandez smiling.
"Look, if you want my company to assist you, then you will have agents available 24 hours a day, otherwise there is no deal," I barked at them.
Agent Saunders tried to strong-arm me, "So then we should look at you for knowingly assisting them in their criminal activities," said to me as if he could intimidate me.
I turned to Agent Fernandez, "Answer me this Agent please, This entire room is fully microphoned and recorded, correct?"
"Yes, it is," he answers.
"So then, if I was to get a judge to have you give me the recordings of our conversation today, I could easily turn them over to both the U.S. Attorney for abuse of Federal authority as well as turning the tapes over to every media outlet across the US?" I ask.
He smiles and replies, "You wouldn't need a Federal warrant. I would happily give them to you," he says smiling.
Agent Saunders wants to up the ante, "We could use the Patriot Act and silence you, maybe even have to put you into custody for ‘national safety'," he says trying to play games with me.
Special Agent Fernandez spoke up again, "Don't worry about these guys Mr. Greene. Before they could even have you cuffed and on the elevator, I would have 30 or more agents arrest these bozos for the following charges: Threatening and Intimidating a cooperating witness, Abuse of Federal powers, conduct against their sworn duty, making physical and mental threats against you and your assistant, carrying a firearm into a Federal building without the proper credentials to do so. Plus, I'm sure that I can think up another 10 charges for each of them," he says smiling the whole time.
Agent Saunders stopped talking.
I guess I don't get it. They want my help, but they only want it on their terms, putting my people in harm's way. Either they would be available all the time, or there was no reason to cooperate.
Clearly, they were just playing games.
I looked at the DEA people. They didn't have a word to say.
I decided to offer my assistance but on my terms.
"Let's talk about what I'm willing to do to assist both of you. First, Agent Todd, it will take about a week, but I will get all of this information to all of our Pinetree locations. I will also have our IT people put this information into our computer system so it would pop-up as an invalid credit card. Which would, in turn, have the front desk person call a number, which would be manned by your people giving you the credit card number. You will authorize the transaction, but that would alert no one on my side that this was anything but legitimate. Your people would request the room number so that none of my people are put in harm's way. Can you live with this so far?" I ask.
Agent Todd replies smiling, "Absolutely!"
I turn to Agent Saunders. "Let me tell you what I'm still willing to do even after your shady-shit game playing. First, it will also take about a week for my IT people to put your information into our computer system. When someone shows up as a ‘winner' from one of the ‘vacation package' bogus companies, an alert will pop-up requiring my front desk people to call another number, which will be manned by your team. They will ask my front desk person the names, the identification, the company's name. There will be a short pause as if the reservation is being verified. Your people will then have the information from us and will come to get these sleazy people. I don't want any of my hotel personnel to be put in jeopardy ever. Is that clear? Within TWO hours, your people will pick these people up. The Pinetree and Jaxson Inc's names will never be mentioned. Can you live with this arrangement?" I say to her.
She nods accepting the offer. I stand up offering my hand to shake on the deal. Agent Todd leaps at the opportunity to shake and seal the deal. Agent Saunders shakes my hand, almost reluctantly.
Agent Fernandez offers to walk Dakota and me out. In the elevator, he tells me that one of his fellow agents gave him a head's up that she likes to intimidate people to do exactly what she wants them to do. He also said that his fellow agent said that she might already be under investigation by the US Attorney. I asked him to quietly check into that for me. He said he would. He did thank me for assisting, which neither Agent Todd nor Agent Saunders offered.
I asked Fernandez if he was happy doing what he was doing. He told me that nothing thrills him more than making a case against known criminals. I just told him to keep doing what he is doing, but if he ever gets unhappy with this career to call me. He said he would but didn't see that happening any time soon.
The elevator bell rang as we got to the bottom floor. We stepped out and at the security desk, we handed back our security badges.
Outside, we headed to Fred.
In the car, Dakota and I exhaled.
"Daddy, that was pretty intense, but I think that you have a good friend with Agent Fernandez. However, I wouldn't trust that Saunders chick one bit," Dakota said.
"I agree. I just can't believe that she wants our help, but she doesn't want to actually do any work. She wants our people to do the whole job and they will come to pick up the criminals at their convenience. Oh, the games stupid people play," I said to her.
She smiled. It wasn't long before we were turning into the courtyard of the Commune.
I thanked Fred once again, putting some money into his shirt pocket to his objections. I asked him to be here early enough to get us to the plane no later than 6. He said he would be here about 4:45pm. I thanked him for his hard work and went inside.
Dakota went straight to her room as she had not packed yet. Jill's bags were by the front door. Tina's bags were by the front door. My bags were by the front door. We only waited for Dakota's bags.
I saw John and Marcus outside with the twins, Belinda, and Diane. They all seemed to be getting along wonderfully. However, Allison was still lugging video equipment down from the upstairs room.
"Why didn't you ask John or Marcus to help you?" I asked.
"They're busy. I'm almost done anyway," she replied.
I shook my head thinking that she should have been done a couple of hours ago.
I walked out to the group sitting around the pool. I walked past them to the second pool house. I just walked in since Allison was leaving it unlocked. I looked around and saw a few video setups in several rooms. The kitchen, the living room, a bathroom, the TV room, the laundry room, and both bedrooms. I smiled. I didn't realize that there was that much video equipment in the room upstairs.
Allison came in with another box of cords.
"Allison, the place looks really good. You've set it up rather well. Any thoughts on when you're going to be starting your filming?" I asked.
"Well, hopefully in the next two days. Your boy John offered to be in a video, but I told him he needs to clear it with you." She says to me.
"Allison, I really don't want any of our playgroup in any of your videos. Please make that clear to everyone that asks," I say to her.
"Yes, sir," she answers.
"Allison, let me ask you, how smart are the twins. I have a good idea that Belinda is smart, but I'm not so sure about the twins, Can you fill me in, just between us?" I ask.
"Well, they might look alike, but they are complete opposites when it comes to brains. Corey is the smart one. She usually gets it right away. Carol, not so much. She's pretty, she likes to fuck, she's really nice, but she's about as sharp as a spoon," she says to me smiling. We both have a small chuckle.
Allison steps towards me and without warning, kisses me very passionately. "David, every time I see you, my heart melts and my pussy gets wet. You are an incredible man. I completely understand why Tina, Dakota, and Amy call you ‘Daddy'." She says to me in a very sincere manner.
She adds, "Rumor has it that you got Dakota pregnant. That you got Diane pregnant. And Tina wants you to get her pregnant." She says to me.
"Well, that's sort of accurate. Diane got word from Dr. Ronda that John is the father of her baby. And, yes, Tina would like to get pregnant by me, however, you left out the most important person, Jill. She and I are trying to make a baby as well," I say to her.
"That's not what Diane said to me this afternoon. She said that she was telling everyone that John is the father, but she knows differently," she tells me. My heart now is beating a bit more quickly.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yes, you should probably talk to her," she tells me.
"I will. Now how do I thank you for telling me that information?" I ask.
She steps forward and whispers in my ear, "Daddy, you already thanked me last night. You and Jill made me cum so hard and for so long, I was unsure what planet I was on," she says to me looking directly in my eyes.
I step forward and kiss her again. She responds by putting her arms around me pulling me into her.
Just as I was about to unbutton her blouse, there's a knock at the door. It was John asking if I was still in there. I told him to come in.
Allison was handling the cords when John walked in.
"What's up John?" I asked.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
"Sure, here or somewhere else?"
"Is by the pool ok with you?" He asked.
I let him lead the way. When we got to a couple of loungers, he sat in one and I took the other.
He began, "David, I want you to know that I know the truth. While Diane is telling everyone that I'm the father of the baby, the truth is that you are the father," he says to me in a straight-forward manner.
"Well, isn't that a surprise. She didn't tell me that," I say.
John looks at the ground. He goes on, "I'm really not sure how I feel. I know that you love both of us and want us to make good choices. However, this really challenges my thoughts and I'm not sure what to do," he says clearly a bit upset.
"Let's call Dr. Ronda. I'll put her on speaker phone, and you can hear for yourself what the truth really is, sound ok?" I ask.
"Yes, sir," he says.
I dial up Dr. Ronda's personal cell phone.
"Hey, there sexy. What makes you call now?" She asks.
"Ronda, I need a straight answer about something. Did you call Diane and tell her whom the baby's father is?" I ask directly.
"Um, yes I did David. It's not yours. It's your boy John's baby. I matched the DNA against your DNA that we had on file from your last blood tests and it came back negative. That only leaves one person, John." She tells me.
I thank her and tell her that Jill and I will be back in town hopefully by the weekend and she should stop by as I've missed her. She said she would and hung up.
John was completely confused now. "If the baby is mine, why is she telling people that it belongs to you? Does she NOT want me to be the father?" he says with his eyes tearing up.
I man-hug John. "Let's go inside and talk to Diane. Let me do the talking, please," I say to him.
We get up and see Diane in the kitchen. I poke my head inside the glass doors.
"Diane, may I talk to you for a moment, please?" I ask.
She nods yes and heads out to John and me. She sits next to John.
"Diane, I have to ask you a serious question and I need a truthful answer," I say to her looking directly into her eyes.
"Did Dr. Ronda call you today and tell you who fathered your baby?" I ask as John sits quietly, but clearly with a heavy heart.
"Um, yes," she says.
"It's John's baby," she says meekly.
"Then why did you tell other people that it was mine?" I ask.
"Because I thought you would love me more if you thought it was yours," she says with her eyes now welling up.
"Diane, deceiving me isn't the way to get me to love you more. That gets me to love you less. If you were to make a mistake or misspoke then that would be one thing, but intentionally telling a lie that's not what I expect of you," I tell her in a matter of fact voice.
Tears begin to roll down her cheeks. John puts his arms around her. Clearly, he loves her, even if she did make a bad choice.
I stand up and begin to walk towards the glass door. I hear Diane meekly saying, "Daddy, I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me," between her tears.
"Don't ask me for forgiveness, ask John. You broke his heart," I say to her before walking into the house.
I hear her just cry harder, sobbing as I enter the house. I stop just inside the door. I stand there hearing the sobbing of Diane. She is begging John to forgive her. I turn around and decide to walk back out there.
"Diane, you need to fix this with John. I can forgive you if he can forgive you. I'll chalk this up to you being young and hormonal. The next time you lie to me, our relationship is over." I say to her causing her to begin to wail and beg for my forgiveness. This time I turn and walk into the house and shut the glass door behind me. I keep walking away from the glass door even though I hear her continue to beg John for forgiveness crying almost hysterically.
Now, I have tears running down my own cheeks. Diane's lie caused three people heartache. My mind was swirling with questions about if I could trust her any further.
On the way to the bedroom, I saw that Dakota had added her bags to our bags. I headed down the hall, tears still running down my cheeks. I went into the bedroom where Jill saw me and leaped off the bed and came over to me asking what was wrong.
"Diane lied to everyone. John is the father, I just called Ronda. But she was telling everyone that it was my baby," I say to Jill. She hugs me hard and tells me to try and let it go. She's a kid and made a bad choice.
"You knew?" I asked.
"Tina told me and then Dakota told me," she answers.
"Jill, can I still trust her?" I ask.
"Of course, she won't make that mistake again. She hurt you. She hurt John. She has tainted what she says now. I don't think that she will ever make that mistake again. She loves you too much and doesn't want to lose you in her life," Jill says in a heartfelt manner.
I say to her, "Let's get the girls and go to the plane," kissing her.
She kisses me hard and takes my hand leading me to the front door. She calls out for Dakota and Tina. They meet us at the front door. We see Fred outside waiting for us. He has the trunk open.
I look back at the glass door and see Diane still crying hysterically. I can't just leave things this way. I head back to John and Diane.
I open the door and walk out to them.
"Diane, stand up please," I say to her.
I put my arms around her. Kiss her on the top of her head. She slows the crying down to almost a stop.
"Diane, I still love you. John still loves you. All I ask is that you be 100% truthful from now on. Do you understand me?" I ask directly.
"Yes, Daddy. I'm so sorry. I wanted it so much to be yours. I promise you that I will never make that mistake again. I love John with all my heart. Thank you for giving me a second chance. I won't screw this up ever again. I love you," Diane says to me with tears still in her eyes but now not crying.
"I've got to go now. Remember, I love you. John, I love you as well. Take care of Diane while I'm gone," I tell them.
I kiss Diane again, shake John's hand and go inside to catch up with the travel group. I realize I have no money with me and head to the firebox taking out $2000 for the trip.
I close the box and head to the car. Once inside I direct Fred to the airport.
Traffic was bad, but Fred takes the surface streets and we get there a bit quicker than I thought we would.
I look at my three ladies. Jill, my Queen. Dakota, my baby Momma. Tina, whom I don't know what to do with.
As we drive to the airport, I just think how lucky I am to have taken that job as a Chauffeur.
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Summer DirewolfReport
I love this series.
There are many writers who had great story but didn't continue.
I'm glad that you're not like them.
Great Work.
Anganell BrigetteReport