The Chauffeur (#23) The City of Angels
Copyright 2019
As we disembarked from the plane, the co-pilot carried our luggage down to the bottom of the stairs. Fred walked over and picked each piece up and put them neatly in the trunk.
The ladies were all in the limo when Fred asked if he could speak to me privately for a moment. I was worried for a moment until I saw him reach into the driver's seat and pull out an 8x10 brown mailing envelope. I knew instantly what the discussion would be about.
“Mr. Greene, I think theirs been a mistake. I received this envelope, which I had to sign for and show my identification. When I pulled out the contents, I discovered this,” he said handing me the paper inside the envelope.
I glanced at it, ensuring that it did indeed say 2500 shares of Jaxson Inc. stock.
"What's the problem, Fred?" I asked.
"Um, sir, I think you made a mistake, or someone did. I'm happy with the stock, please don't misunderstand. However, is it supposed to be maybe 250 shares, not 2500?" He asks very hesitantly.
“No, it says right here 2500,” I tell him just having a little fun with him about it.
“Sir, I can read. I see that it says 2500. My point is that maybe it is supposed to be just 250 and NOT 2500,” he says clearly getting frustrated with my poor attempt at humor.
"Fred, listen to me and please listen well. I authorized it and Jill agreed. You deserve 2500 shares. You work hard, you come and go at our whim. You've sent me a couple of good guys in your nephews. You've even taken on helping Paula teach new chauffeurs how to do their job better. Paula says nothing but great things about you. Now, I hope you don't run out and cash these in right away, let them grow….and I can assure you they will grow. Think of this as an investment in your retirement,” I say to him.
"Well, thank you, sir. I'm humbled. I looked up the stock price today. It's at $271.50. That’s up $1.50 from close yesterday. You have just given me over $650,000 AND you just gave me a huge raise something like 30%. How can I be doing that well for you when all I do is chauffeur you around?” He asks quizzically.
"As I said, you do a whole lot for us. You don't realize how nice it is to know that our chauffeur isn't someone that we have to worry about running off with our secrets," I explain to him.
I get in the limo and Fred begins the journey to take us back to the Commune. In my head, I do some quick math 271.50 minus the 265.25 equals $6.25 increase since I began handing out the stock certificates.
I ask Dakota for her cell phone. She hands it to me. I turn it to the calculator mode. I put in the number 271.50-265.25=6.25. She looks puzzled at what I’m doing. I hand the phone back to her. I say to put in the number of shares she has, which she does. I whisper in her ear, that’s how much your stock has gone up since we gave it to you.
It takes a moment for her to understand in just a very short time her stock has increased by $62,500. She smiles her big come fuck me smile, which I think I will take her up on later.
Jill asked what all the smiling was about. I explained that since the stock gift, the Jaxson Inc. stock has gone up $6.25/share. Jill smiles and Tina smiles.
I got a text from Amy. She said her car battery was dead and she needed to get to the grocery store. Before I replied, I asked Tina and Dakota if either one of them could take Amy grocery shopping. Tina volunteered immediately. I texted Amy back to let her know that Tina will take her when we get home.
The rest of the drive was uneventful. Traffic was busy but not all that bad.
When we finally got to the Commune, everyone seemed relieved. Of course, Fred had the trunk open and our luggage on the ground just a couple of minutes after he opened the rear door to let us exit the limo.
Tina quickly grabbed her stuff and headed inside to put it all in her room and to get Amy to take her grocery shopping.
Dakota, Jill, and I all got our stuff and headed for the front door. As usual, I pulled a couple of $100 bills out of my pocket and handed them to Fred. He, as usual, tried to politely decline. I said to him, “Just take the darn money,” as I put it directly in his hand. He, as usual, thanked me.
I told Fred that I didn’t believe that I needed him tomorrow, but if I did need him to go anywhere, I would just let Paula know.
He got into the limo and left.
When I got inside, I took my luggage to our bedroom. Jill was already unpacking, putting her dirty clothes in our laundry hamper.
Not remembering what day of the week, it was, I asked Jill. She let me know that it was Thursday. In my head, I didn't see any reason we couldn't have another play weekend. Jill thought that would be a wonderful idea.
As we finished unpacking, I was both hungry and tired. I chose to take a nap.
Once again, it was several hours before I woke. My head was a bit fuzzy as to what day it was. I remembered laying down late Thursday afternoon. I looked at the clock, it read 3:05am. WOW, where had the time gone?
Jill was laying next to me, completely asleep, but looking as gorgeous as ever. The room was almost completely dark, except for the bit of moonlight coming through the wooden blinds that weren’t closed.
I got up and headed to the bathroom. Once finished in there, I put on a pair of basketball shorts and my usual white tee shirt.
Quietly leaving the bedroom, I went down the hallway towards the kitchen.
Surprisingly, I found Jennifer and Amy just sitting at the kitchen bar and having a drink. By the way, each was talking, I guessed that they were having adult drinks. Of course, the bottle of Rum and 2-liter of Coke sitting on the counter also gave me a clue.
Both smiled their beautiful smiles when they saw me.
“Good Morning, Ladies,” I said smiling.
“Morning? We haven’t even been to bed yet. Want to join us in bed?” Jennifer said to me.
Amy agreed.
While it didn’t seem as if they were trashed, I could tell that they were feeling little to no pain.
The two of them tried pulling on my arm to get me to head to a bedroom with them. Both sides of my brain were in a fight. One the decent guy side, my stupid brain says ‘don’t do it. You’ll have plenty of fun with them this weekend.’ However, the horndog side of my brain said, ‘why the hell not?’
For the moment, the gentleman side of my brain won out, but it could go the other way…. maybe.
“Ladies, I would love to take you to bed, but I’m pretty sure you two would be better if I didn’t play with you right now. I was thinking about having another play weekend, are either of you interested?” I ask already knowing the answer.
Amy speaks up first, “Damn, that means I need to do a whole lot more grocery shopping. I need to get the house cleaned and get laundry done. Hell, maybe I should start right now,” She says trying to get up.
I step over to her, putting my arms around her to steady her. Of course, she thinks that I’m putting my arms around her as an indication that I want to play, which I do, but that’s not why my arms are around her.
“See, I knew you wanted to play,” she says with a half-hearted smile and her eyes a bit droopy.
She put her arms around my neck trying to plant a sloppy wet kiss on me. I conceded the point allowing her to kiss me as passionately as she could. She stuck her tongue out licking my lips and the area underneath my nose. That told me she was indeed more inebriated than I suspected.
Jennifer, now feeling left out, stood up holding on to the countertop trying to put me into a David-sandwich.
She said into my ear much louder than needed, “David, how did we ever get so lucky that you include us in your playtime? You do realize that we both love you, don’t you?” She said in a manner that suggested that she too has had a bit too much to drink.
I looked back at the handle-size bottle of Rum and realized it was about 40% gone, something I didn’t notice when I first saw it sitting on the counter.
I scooped Amy up in my arms, with Jennifer taking hold of my arm with hers. I walked them down to a bedroom that I knew was unoccupied. I opened the door and laid Amy on the bed. Jennifer was already peeling clothes off.
I kissed Amy telling her goodnight. I turned around to see Jennifer virtually naked already. I kissed her and whispered in her ear, “Play with Amy, she wants you,” knowing that either or both would be asleep shortly.
Jennifer frowned but decided to follow what I had said and climbed into bed with Amy. They started kissing. I just stood there for a couple of minutes being the voyeur, but alas, as I suspected they both fell quickly asleep as they snuggled into one another.
I quietly left the bedroom and closed the door behind me.
Heading back to the kitchen, I put the bottle of rum away. Poured out the remainder of the already poured drinks. I put the glasses into the dishwasher which was empty. I put the cap on the bottle of Coke and put it in the fridge.
Once in the fridge, I realized that I was hungry. I pulled out the jelly and decided to have my personal favorite: a toasted double-decker PB&J sandwich with a glass of ice-cold milk.
As I waited for the toaster to pop with my first two slices of bread, I wiped off the counter both where they made their drink and where they were sitting drinking their drinks.
Smelling something burning, I looked at the toaster. We had a new one, that I didn’t realize until it burnt my first two slices. I readjusted the setting dial as it was all the way to the max at number 10. I turned it down to number 3 thinking that for a new toaster that should be dark enough without burning the toast.
I pulled the two burnt slices of toast out and tossed them in the trash. I put in three slices now since the new toaster was an 8-slice toaster with four levers to cook two slices at a time.
I began to look around, virtually every one of my items on the list that I gave Amy was in the kitchen.
I opened the cabinets and drawers to find silverware, actual plates, bowls, Tervis ware cups, coffee cups, drinking glasses, cooking utensils, potholders, new cookware including three roasting pans of different sizes. I was truly amazed. Amy had done well, very well. The kitchen was indeed ready. I also noticed that we had two blenders, two mixers, a food processor, and a second microwave. None of which I noticed when I entered the kitchen as my attention was to the two drunk beauties that occupied the room.
I did notice a list just lying on the bar counter. It had some other items that she felt we needed.
The list read: Dining room table, seating at least 12, china cabinet, Noritake china, true silverware, a box to hold the silver, paper towel holders, a desk for planning, a date book, several dry erase boards, multiple message pads… the list just stopped.
Amy had indeed done well so far, and her list only confirmed that she was the proper choice to entrust running the house.
I pulled my laptop out and plugged it in. I opened it and logged into work's email. Again, shaking my head there were another 413 emails. I thought to myself that with only two days away from my laptop the emails grew exponentially.
I scanned through them looking for important ones first.
I noticed one from the district manager in Tampa demanding he knows why I ‘snuck' into one of his restaurants without asking him permission.
At first, I thought about being cordial and explaining my position, but then my instincts took over. I replied that I didn’t need his permission since he reports to me, not the other way around. I continued to tell him that he should be careful as there are lots of high-quality people who could replace him, should he choose to leave our employ.
Just to be an ass, I signed the email “Respectfully, your boss…. David Greene, Director of Operations Jaxson Inc.” I smiled as I hit send with return receipt requested. This way he couldn’t say that he ‘just got’ the email.
I also blind copied the two HR people, one with Jaxson Inc. the other the regional HR for the restaurant group.
I said to myself, “Take that you piss-ant,” smiling the whole time.
Looking over the humongous list, I saw many emails that were just read-only ones that had copied me on various topics. For the first time, I saw one from one of the horse tracks that we now owned. I had forgotten about those money-makers. I opened the one that was titled “HELP”. I was worried at first thinking that this may be one of those spam emails, but it wasn’t.
As I read the email, it was from a Ted Willis, Director of Operations at Tampa Bay Downs. His email eluded to issues that they were having with the gaming commission in the State of Florida.
The email explained that one of their dealers had put together a small group of people who worked as a ring in their cardroom. They would work the tables moving their way to the final table. The dealer, who was a key part of the ring, was dirty-dealing ensuring that the others in the ring were getting all the good cards.
What tipped the gaming commission off was a professional poker player from Las Vegas and Atlantic City recognized the shady ways of the dealer.
He first complained to management, who basically did nothing. He contacted the senior management of the track, who also did nothing feeling that this was just the grumblings of someone who lost their money.
It continued telling that this guy then filed a grievance with the State of Florida’s gaming commission. That prompted them to take all the surveillance video for the past 6 months. Now, normally that wouldn’t be a problem, however, there were several court cases coming up in the next couple of weeks and without the surveillance, the cases would be dismissed, and they would be open to civil lawsuits.
What he was asking for amounted to legal help since we now owned that track and several others. He gave me his contact information at the bottom of the email.
I read the email a second time just to make sure I understood all the salient details. I put the information down on my notepad, along with Mr. Willis contact information.
He did invite me if we were ever in Tampa Bay to visit him and the track as it is one of the oldest in Florida and a quite beautiful park, while not Churchill Downs nor a few of the other storied parks, it was a high-quality park with a storied history none the less.
I made some notes about calling the legal team in Florida as well as call the State of Florida gaming commission. My first instinct was to request that the video be duplicated, and the originals be returned, however, I wasn’t sure if that was even possible. Of course, my second thought was about if they even had a warrant to take the video and why wasn’t legal already involved? I sent Mr. Willis a reply email telling him that I would be contacting him later today.
I began reading many of the ‘read-only’ emails to be able to discard them. I glanced at the clock on the microwave. It read 5:55am. I figure that I would contact Mr. Willis about 9am our time, which would be about noon Tampa time.
I did respond to a few of the emails saying ‘thank you’ for the information, just to let them know that I had read the email that they had sent
I saw another email from one of the trucking managers. He said that most of the tires that were ordered from BF Goodrich was delivered and they were a big hit as several trucks across the US were making the switch. He also asked if we could afford it to order another group exactly as the first set and have them delivered to the same locations before they started getting low.
I sent a return email asking him if we were taking the removed tires to one of the Dallas retreading locations, and if not, could we get that underway.
I responded that I would take care of it. I sent the guy from BF Goodrich requesting another order, but this time I doubled the order asking that they once again deliver the tires to the same locations.
I did check the financials and found Jill had already paid their invoice. I scanned through the invoices and didn’t see anything out of line.
Going through more of the emails, I saw one from Roger. He recommended three people to handle the firearm training. One East coast, one in the Midwest, and one Westcoast.
He suggested Tom Smith, East coast, Mathew Miller, Midwest, and Diego Sanchez for the Westcoast. He gave me contact information for all three. I replied that I would get in touch will all three and thank you for your hard work. I also asked when he would be back in LA.
Once again, I glanced at the microwave clock. In my head, I decided that we needed clocks in every room, including the kitchen. If both microwaves were being used where would one look for the time? I got up and added that to Amy's list.
I went back to reading and discarding the ‘read-only’ emails.
After a couple hours of working my way through the emails, I came across one from Special Agent Fernandez letting me know that he had heard rumblings from some of his sources that there may be some sort of retaliation headed my way from the Russian syndicate. He offered me some protection, assigning an agent if I felt that I needed one to shadow me for a couple of weeks.
I replied a thank you for the heads-up, but at this time I would decline the agent, telling him that the agent should be working on something more important rather than babysitting me. I let him know that we have a security detail already.
I copied Roger the email from Fernandez saying that I would like to take the two nephews of Fred from the Coast Guard that he hired as part of his security detail. I would have them here to protect everyone.
Finally, at 8:50am I had emptied my email inbox. I felt really accomplished, then it dawned on me that I promised to contact Ted Willis at noon his time, which would be in about 10 minutes.
I got up and headed down the hall to our bedroom to get my phone. Jill was still as gorgeous as ever, and still completely asleep.
I pushed open Dakota's door, expecting to see her sleeping as well.
However, she was up, showered, dressed, makeup on, hair brushed. She looked stunning. When she saw me peeking in she jumped up, running over to me and leaping into my arms causing to take a step backward to keep my balance.
Dakota doesn’t weigh much, but when that little bit of weight comes at you through the air, it comes with a bit of a force.
“Oh Daddy, I love you so much. I’m starving. I need to eat. If I don’t watch what I eat I’ll lose my girlish figure…hee, hee,” she said giggling at her own joke.
I decided to try and carry her to the kitchen. She had her lithe little body wrapped around me like a monkey hanging on a coconut tree.
Dakota smelled delightful as she had some sort of rose-scented perfume on. I nuzzled her neck but keeping my eyes on where I was walking.
I made it all the way to the kitchen only to see that it was one minute before 9am. Time to call Mr. Willis.
I sat Dakota down and pulled out my phone and began dialing. I put my index finger to my lips indicating to Dakota that I needed her to be quiet, which she nodded her head in acknowledgment.
“Hello, Mr. Willis please,” I said.
“I’m Ted Willis, how may I help you?”
“This is David Green, I believed that I emailed you saying that I would be contacting you about now,” I answered.
“Yes sir, I was just read your email a few minutes ago. Thank you for calling me.”
“I looked up whom our legal representative is in Florida. It’s a large firm based in Tampa called Shallowitz, Nowicki, and Rubens. I’m going to call them next after we hang up. Apparently, Gloria Rubens is the partner that handles cases such as what you have. I'll send you an email with her contact information so you can follow up on Monday." I tell him.
“Thank you, sir. In about 10-15 days we have a couple of court cases coming up. One is about an assault of a young lady whose husband got drunk and slapped her around when our security tried to arrest him, he gave them a hard time. It ended up taking three officers to detain him until local law enforcement arrived. The other case was one for the Feds. It involved a couple of guys trying to pass off phony money. Mostly 20’s and 50’s, trying to stay under the radar but we caught them anyway. The U.S. Secret Service has collected all the forged bills, nearly $1000 dollars in all. They want a copy of our videotapes for that day following the guys passing the bogus bills and if we don't have the video to copy for them, then they will release these guys." He explains.
“Mr. Willis, I wish you had sent me this email sooner, I just returned from Tampa last night. I was there checking on two of our other brands, The Pinetree and our restaurant in Ybor City.”
“OH, I know that restaurant, it’s one of my wife’s favorites. She’s Cuban and loves their roast pork mojito and she’s been trying to set the manager, Mr. Garcia up with her older sister.” He tells me, making me think that the whole group of them need a West coast vacation for a long weekend, and who knows, maybe some playtime.
I thanked him for the information and promised to send him the email regarding Gloria Rubens.
My next call was to Gloria Rubens.
“Hello, Law offices,” said the nice voice.
“Gloria Rubens, please.”
“I’m sorry, she’s in a meeting right now. May another attorney help you?” She asked.
“No, Ma’am. My name is David Greene, I’m the Director of Operations for Jaxson, Inc. Please have her return my call at her earliest convenience.” I said before hanging up.
When I hung up the phone, Dakota was already pulling my shorts down and stroking my partially erect cock.
I thought to myself, “Man she makes me feel so good.”
Having my eyes closed, I was startled a bit with another set of hands were rubbing my shoulders. It was Amy asking what time I put her to bed.
“Around 3am, you and Jennifer were pretty well buzzed,” I explained.
"Yeah, Jennifer is still in bed, moaning, but not in a good way," she said
At this point, Dakota had me fully erect and she was working her oral magic on my manhood. Amy realized it and walked around in front of me and straddled my lap causing Dakota to have to release my cock from her mouth.
Dakota moaned her sad moan and put on her pouty face playfully pushing Amy from behind.
They both giggled together.
"I had Daddy first until you plopped your hoochie twat on his lap," Dakota said playfully.
“Well, I’m sure you had him in Florida, so I get him first,” Amy said giggling.
Amy stood a bit lowering herself down on my hard cock, impaling herself completely on me in one movement. She just sat there my cock buried into her as far as it would go, which was past her cervix as I felt the tip of my cock push past that.
She began rocking her young body back and forth on my manhood. Then she did something that no one else had ever done to me before. She moved her hips sideways, not back and forth on me, but left to right and back again. This new direction of movement caused me to swell up and nearly shoot into her after just a few strokes.
When she sensed my cock growing inside of her, she slowed down her movements to keep me inside of her a bit longer.
I felt her pussy spasm on my cock, and I watched her eyes glaze over. I in-turn started of thinking about anything else than Amy’s sweet pussy.
We fucked like that for about 15 minutes or so. Dakota got up off her knees, being bored watching Amy and me fucking and she not being part of the fun.
Dakota got up and poured herself a cup of coffee keeping a watchful eye on Amy and me. Amy went back to thrusting from side to side. This felt incredible. Thankfully, Amy reached her orgasm before I hit mine.
“OH, GAWD DADDY, YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO DAMN GOOD!” She announced loudly.
I reached my own orgasm saying, “DAMN DARLING, HERE I CUMMMMMM!” shooting rope after rope inside of her sweet young pussy.
Dakota watched us reach our pinnacle together, sitting at the table licking her lips and looking me straight in the eyes.
She leaned forward and said to us, “Damn, you two look so hot together,” in a sexy tone.
As we both began to return to normal, Amy uncoupled from my lap and walked wobbly-legged over to the coffee pot. I just smiled and pulled up my shorts stuffing my deflating cock away for the moment.
I began to think about Roger’s letter regarding the Russian syndicate. I put on my notepad that we needed several more cameras out front, to make a video presence and make it rather obvious. I put on my notepad to call the security company and have them come out as soon as possible.
Amy decided that she should cook us some sort of breakfast. I asked for scrambled eggs, toast, maybe bacon or sausage, whichever she decided to cook. Dakota asked for three fried hard eggs with 6 slices of toast and mayonnaise and three big slices of tomato. She intended on making a fried hard egg sandwich with tomato and mayo, which to me sounded pretty good. However, I stuck with my original order.
Watching Amy wiggle her small tight ass while cooking for us made me smile. In my head, it was incredible how damn lucky I was. Jill, Dakota, Tina, Amy, Jennifer, Allison, the twins, Belinda, Dr. Ronda, Paula, and Donna. What guy on this planet, except for Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt has it so good?
I sent Roger another email. This time I let him know that I was increasing our video presence at the Commune. I also asked about attending with Dakota firearm training and having several of the playgroups attend. In my head, I was thinking that John and Diane, Allison, of course, Jill should at least learn how to handle a firearm even if they didn’t decide to apply for a carry permit. I also copied Diego Sanchez whom Roger suggested take over the firearm training for the West Coast operations.
It didn’t take long for Amy to finish fixing breakfast for Dakota and myself. I asked, “Amy, darling, aren’t you going to eat?”
“Um, no not now. I think I need to take a quick shower and rinse the sex off me. Maybe that will keep your cum from continually running down my legs…. hee, hee, hee,” she said giggling before she shook her cute ass at me and trundled off to a bathroom.
Dakota and I ate in silence, although Dakota did reach over and held my hand for a couple of minutes, clearly in a show of love for me.
I gently squeezed her hand back returning the sentiment.
I scribbled names on a blank sheet of my notepad. The guest list for play night, Friday night. The list was essentially, the whole playgroup.
Amy, Jennifer, John and Diane, Paula, Dr. Ronda, James and Nadia, Donna, Marcus, Allison, the twins, Belinda, the CG boys, Dave/Marsha/Sandra with a big question mark next to them, Dakota added Roger, if available, She also added Mark Newberg and Mike Booker, however I scratched Mike Booker off the list.
Dakota also wrote Fred and put a large question mark next to his name. I just sat and pondered that one, figuring that I needed to personally handle that.
I added Special Agent Fernandez with a question mark as well. Dakota scratched his name off the list noting that he wore a wedding band. I had missed that but was thankful she didn’t.
Although many, if not most of the ladies, were bisexual it seemed to me we were light on guys. I did the stick figure counting coming up with 10 guys, that included myself and Roger (if available) and Fred, again with a question mark.
On the women's side, we had 16 lady names that included Marsha and Sandra, Nadia, the twins and Belinda, as well as Allison and Diane. Dakota circled Diane and noted that she may not be well received with her recent antics. I just wrote ‘don’t worry about it’.
Dakota having gobbled down three of her fried hard egg sandwiches, got up and rinsed her plate off and put it in the dishwasher. She opened the fridge and poured me a large glass of pineapple juice handing it to me smiling.
She leaned down and kissed me passionately.
She too left the kitchen to head towards a bathroom.
I too rinsed my plate and silverware off and put it in the dishwasher, noting that it was about 75% full. I added detergent and Jet-dry and started the machine.
On the way back to my bedroom, I pushed open a door that held John and Diane, still all snuggled up together sleeping.
I pushed open Tina’s door noting that Amy was in the shower, and Tina was sleeping still. I contemplated joining Amy in the shower but dismissed that idea since we just had a wonderful few minutes of sex in the kitchen. I pulled the door closed.
I reached my own bedroom. I walked in and found Jill in the shower, this time I decided to join her. I quickly shed my boxers and went into the bathroom. It was full of steam. I knocked on the glass door to see not only Jill’s silhouette in the shower but another one as well.
I opened the door and peeked my head in. There was my darling Jill being service by my newest sub, Allison. I just stood there being a voyeur watching two beautiful women intertwined and enjoying each other. I knocked on the glass, startling Allison and causing Jill to open her eyes and smile her gorgeous smile. She motioned me to join them with one index finger.
I stepped into the shower with a raging hard-on from watching my two lovelies servicing each other.
“David, you certainly picked a wonderful sub here in Allison. She has a delightful tongue,” Jill said to me.
I stood Allison up, bent her over at the waist so she could continue to service Jill with her tongue. I moved behind her and gently slid my cock into her very wet pussy. She moaned loudly as I pushed my entire length into her.
I began my thrusting in and out of her woman folds. She was having a difficult time keeping on task of pleasuring Jill with her tongue as I was fucking her sweet pussy from behind.
Jill reached over and turned the shower off. Although the hot water felt great, it was washing away Allison's womanly wetness causing a bit more friction.
I put my hands on her hips and thrust into her with more force. This caused her to moan loudly and spray my thighs with her wetness. I just kept up pounding her delicious pussy with all the force I could muster after Amy just had her way with me in the kitchen.
Jill arrived at an orgasm first, pulling Allison’s face into her sex hard. Allison just kept up her oral assault while I kept fucking Allison from behind.
It didn’t take long before Allison also reached her orgasmic pinnacle. Her orgasm was so forceful that I felt her knees weakening. I put my arm around her midsection to keep her from collapsing. She was nearly dead weight in my arm moaning continuously.
I kissed Jill. I kissed Allison on the back of the neck which caused her to moan and say, “Damn, I’m so lucky to have met you both. I have never felt this loved ever in my life,” in a soft tender voice.
I stood her up and the three of us formed a group hug, kissing each other as our bodies pulled tighter together. Unexpectedly, Jill turned the shower back on, startling Allison and me. Jill just giggled.
The three of us took turns erotically washing the other two. As Allison soaped up my cock, she put the entire thing in her mouth after she rinsed me off. Jill kept my mouth occupied with one of her gorgeous breasts.
As Allison kept her oral skills on my manhood, I felt that twinge as my balls retracted into me. I said to Allison, “Honey, I’m going to cum,” to which she just moaned and sucked harder.
I exploded into her mouth, rope after rope that she swallowed like a pro. My own eyes rolled backward for a moment as I truly enjoyed cumming into Allison's accepting mouth.
After I regained my senses, she soaped my deflating cock and rinsed all the sex off me.
Once we were all clean, Jill again turned the water back off and we all stepped out. I took a large towel and began to dry my gorgeous wife. Allison grabbed another towel and began doing the same thing. After my wife was dry, she walked back out to the bedroom and Allison began drying me.
I embraced Allison, kissing her deeply and passionately. She responded in kind.
We pulled our bodies together embracing one another before she broke the kiss. We were now dry and headed out to the bedroom.
Allison said to me quietly, “You know that Belinda really wants you. She’s not into the whole dominance/submissive thing that I truly enjoy with you. However, she really wants some time with you to fuck you, to suck you, and hopefully, you'll fuck her in the ass as she loves anal sex and your wife told me about your first time with her. She says you're a gentle anal lover, taking care not to hurt or injure someone. That is hot for me! I knew you were a good Daddy/Master. You just don't have that meanness in your eyes. Your eyes are so loving. They give you away," she says to me.
“Darling, that is such a compliment. Thank you, “ I tell her before I ask her to invite all her friends to a play party Friday night and into Saturday.
However, I did say that everyone must go home by Sunday morning as I needed at least one day of rest before work on Monday.
Allison teased me that I’ll probably need more than one day of rest if we have a two-day play party.
I did ask if she knew a couple of decent guys to invite. I told her that currently, I'm expecting 10 guys and 16 ladies and maybe just a couple of nice guys would help even the ratio. She said she did indeed know of a couple of truly nice guys that she thinks would fit in with the party. I suggested that she call them and give me their contact information so that
I may call them personally and invite them as well.
She picked up her clothes, pulling her phone out of the pants pocket and texted me the two guys contact information.
Allison dressed and left the bedroom. Jill was also dressed, but she sat at the makeup table putting on her makeup and looking as gorgeous as ever.
Dakota came bursting into the bedroom. She barked out, “David, Jill you need to come to the TV room and see what’s on the news,” before she headed back out to the hallway.
I put my basketball shorts back on and a white tee shirt, Jill was already dressed and followed Dakota out the door. I followed in just a moment later.
The three of us literally ran to the TV room. There on our 95” TV was our Fred pointing his weapon at a guy who was holding a woman hostage with a knife to her throat as the Channel 11 Fox helicopter hovered overhead.
The police were just arriving. You could barely hear Fred telling the guy to put the knife down. He repeated the order. Police were getting out of their cars with their weapons drawn as well.
Suddenly, the whole thing erupted on live TV. The guy with the knife, reached around behind himself with the other hand, allowing the woman to fall to the ground. He pulled out a revolver pointing it in the direction of Fred. Fred and at least two officers fired hitting the guy. Fred just hung his head, knowing that he had hit, and probably killed the guy.
Fred laid his weapon on the hood of the Town car and put his hands in the air. Two officers rushed to the guy on the ground kicking the gun and the knife away from him. One officer checked for a pulse and shook his head.
Another officer cuffed Fred and took him to the back of his cruiser.
I grabbed my phone and called my friend who ran the bail bond agency. I quickly explained what had just happened, thankfully, she had just watched it on TV as well. I told her that the guy that they just cuffed was one of my employees and for her to post his bail no matter how much it was.
Jill was calling Paula to explain what we had just seen on TV. Dakota was heading out to the garage to get her car. Jill and I turned off the TV and headed out the front door. Dakota pulled up and we got in and she sped off toward the Police station. She weaved in and out of the traffic running every yellow light she came to.
I called each of the CG guys, who had also seen it on TV. They offered to put up the money for their uncle’s bail. I told them to head to the Commune to protect everyone that was there as there may be some news media approaching the house wanting a comment. I instructed them to not say a word and to not even open the door to media. They acknowledged what I told them and said that they were on the way to the house.
Funny thing about adrenaline, the whole world seems to move in slow motion as you want it to move faster.
Dakota arrived at the Police station before the officer who was transporting Fred arrived.
Dakota parked her car and we all rushed into the station. We were met by a gruff older man at the front desk. We explained to him why we were there.
He told us to just sit down in the lobby area and when Fred arrived, we would be allowed to go upstairs.
I decided that I didn’t want to wait, so I dialed up Lt. Horowitz, who happened to be on duty. He said he would be right down to get us. He also had watched the events unfold.
He arrived only a couple of minutes later, holding several visitor badges. He acknowledged the front desk, Sargent.
He gave each of us a badge and put the rest on the counter for the front desk Sargent to put in a drawer.
Horowitz took us to the elevator and up we went to the 6th floor. On the way up, he explained that Fred was only being detained, not arrested. The officers at the scene only needed information about how the whole thing unfolded before the other officers arrived. He also said that one of the officers took his car keys and pulled the car into a parking spot and will be bringing the keys to the station. They had chosen to not tow the car.
The three of us seemed relieved knowing that Fred was only being detained and not under actual arrest.
When we got to the 6th floor, we were directed to a set of chairs next to the entrance doors to the large room that was bustling with officers at various desks.
Although it was only about 10 minutes, the wait seemed like an hour.
Dakota notices Fred being led into the room and seated at a desk in the middle of the room. He didn't see us waiting by the doors that he just came through.
I stood up and headed over to Fred, asking the ladies to remain where they were unless Horowitz or another officer told them to go over.
Fred was just sitting there looking at the floor. I walked up and said to him, “Hey Fred, crazy thing I just saw on TV,” I just stopped there thinking that now was not the time for bad jokes.
He smiled when he saw me. I put my hand on his shoulder and asked the officer if he really needed to be cuffed as I would take full responsibility for him. The officer, named Joe, agreed and uncuffed Fred, putting the cuffs back into a leather pouch on his belt.
We began the long journey of the questions and answers. Before Joe began his questioning, I told Fred that there was no reason not to answer Officer Joe’s questions fully and truthfully. If they did decide to arrest him, for whatever reason, do not worry as we had already made arrangements to have bail posted. Fred thanked me and began answering Officer Joe's questions.
I got up and headed back to Jill and Dakota, explaining to them that Officer Joe was just asking questions about how the whole chain of events began. I told them to call Paula and have someone head to the car and pick it up, not wanting it to be left in that parking lot where who knows how many people saw the events on TV.
Jill suggested that if we could get the keys now, her and Dakota could go get the car and take it to Happee, Happy limo and then head back here to pick Fred and me up.
I went back over to Officer Joe asking if we could have the keys to the car to get it back to the limo office. Joe asked Fred if that was OK with him. He, of course, told Officer Joe yes. Officer Joe handed me the keys which I walked over to Dakota and Jill. I gave the keys to Jill. Who kissed me and Dakota kissed me and they headed out.
I went back over to Fred and sat down next to him. I listened as Fred explained how the events unfolded.
After several minutes of Q&A, another officer arrived with the young lady who was held as a hostage. She raced over to Fred, hugging him and kissing him with many ‘thank you' for saving her life.
Fred smiled and hugged her back.
I realized that I was hungry, the adrenaline was now wearing off and my stomach was beginning a riot wanting food.
I asked Officer Joe if it would be OK to order some pizza for everyone. He shrugged his shoulders saying the saw no issue with it. I asked how many officers were on duty here in this room, he looked around and told me about 50 plus a few people such as Fred and I which brought the total around 60.
I got up and pulled out my cell phone dialing the local Pizza Hut. I ordered 25 large pizzas. 10 cheese, 10 pepperonis, and 5 Supreme. They gave me a price which I put on my AMEX. They told me about 45 minutes to an hour. I told them the pizzas were to go to the 6th floor to Officer Joe, but I had to look at his name badge to get his last name. Officer Joe Candy. The phone person acknowledged everything and verified what I ordered, but he asked what crust I wanted. I told him half of the cheese and half of the pepperoni to be split evenly between Pan and Hand-tossed. All five Supreme pizzas were to be on Pan crust.
We ended the call. I told Officer Joe that it would be about 45 minutes to an hour. He phoned downstairs to the front desk Sargent and let him know that Pizza Hut would be delivering 25 large pizzas.
After the phone call, Officer Joe went back to more questions. One tiny hiccup was that Fred had not had his carry permit on him, it was in the car glovebox. Officer Joe reminded him that it was to be on his person if he had his weapon on his person as well. I worried that this one item might get Fred arrested. However, Officer Joe looked up in the computer and found a perfectly current carry permit. He chose to overlook the minor infraction, suggesting that Fred put the permit on his holster somehow to avoid future issues. He agreed to do so.
The hour passed quickly as two officers and the Pizza Hut delivery guy came into the room with all the food. You could hear the ooh's and ahh’s when everyone saw the food. They put the stacks of pizza on two empty desks. I got up and went to the Pizza Hut guy and signed the ticket and left him a $100 tip. His eyes grew large looking at the tip and asking, “Are you sure sir?” I just nodded my head. He said thanks and headed back down to the lobby where the front desk Sargent made him leave all the hot bags so nothing was being smuggled into the station.
Officers and others grabbed paper plated, some napkins, and pulled a couple of slices on their plates. Even Officer Joe, Fred, and I got in line for pizza.
Thankfully, when it was our turn, I grabbed three slices of plain cheese pizzas.
After our plates were full, we sat back down. Officer Joe thanked me for providing lunch and went back to the Q&A with Fred.
The whole process took another couple of hours. Jill and Dakota had returned telling me that the Town car was back at the Happee, Happy limo garage.
I asked Officer Joe how much longer. He said that they were basically done.
Of course, they would have to submit the report to the district attorney but didn't see any charges being filed as it certainly was a case of self-defense and a nice case of heroism on Fred's part saving the life of the young lady.
We thanked Officer Joe and headed out. Officer Joe asked if we wanted to take any of the pizza with us since we had bought it. I declined but did ask if someone would take a pepperoni pizza down to the front desk Sargent as he has a truly crappy job being at the front desk. Officer Joe handed one of the pepperoni pizzas to another officer and told him to take the pizza down to the front desk Sargent.
Fred shook my hand again thanking me for the support.
The four of us headed down to the car as Jill and Dakota both hugged Fred and kissed him.
This made him both smile and blush.
We only took the elevator to the second floor as they have a walk through to the parking garage on the second floor. We used it and I saw Dakota’s car almost instantly as we got into the parking garage.
Dakota unlocked the car and I and Dakota got into the front seat and Fred and Jill in the back seat.
As we were driving towards the exit, I heard a zipper being unzipped in the back seat. I glanced over to the back and saw my Jill unzipping Fred and fishing out his mostly hard cock. I watched for a moment as I saw my beautiful wife begin to orally assault his cock. He just laid his head back to enjoy the ride.
I just smiled and turned back to the front. Dakota was grinning from ear to ear.
Fred said, “This is truly the City of Angels,” referencing Jill as one of the angels.
Fred held out for quite a while before he announced, “Ma’am, I’m about to cum. You may want to pull me out of your wonderful mouth,” which was very gentlemanly I thought. She just kept him inside her mouth as he erupted, “OH FUCK MEEEEEEEEEE,” with his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
I knew just how wonderful Jill’s oral skills were, and now so did Fred.
When we arrived at the Commune, I asked Fred to join us inside, but again, as usual, he declined very politely.
As the ladies went inside, I asked him to pack a bag and be here about 5pm Friday night for a weekend of play and debauchery. He wasn’t sure if he should. I noted that he already had one of Jill’s delightful blowjobs and I was pretty sure he would enjoy himself this weekend. He hesitantly accepted.
He said that one of his nephews would take him home as he saw both of their cars in the courtyard.
I went inside and summoned JP to take his Uncle home. Which he gladly did.
The rest of the day was uneventful compared to the whole Fred incident. I phoned Bob Jaxon. He too had seen the news of Fred, he just didn’t know that it was an employee of ours. I explained that there was nothing to worry about as the Police were not pressing charges and that the Jaxson name was not mentioned.
Just moments after getting inside there was a knock at the door. The security guys were here. I walked with them out front to the courtyard saying that I wanted it to be various obvious that this whole outside would be under surveillance. I did show them that I wanted a couple of cameras pointed at the street noting if anyone was watching the house. I also wanted a hidden camera and a light on 24 hours a day to record the tag numbers of any vehicle that entered the compound along with another one that took video of the driver, but that I wanted those cameras hidden and fed into a computer inside of the house.
They told me it would take two, maybe three days to finish the whole project. I told them to work on it Friday but be done no later than 3pm as I was expecting guests for a party and to resume the work on Monday at their convenience.
I did ask if they had a recommendation for an electric gate company. One of the guys checked his cell phone and gave me the contact information on a small but high-quality company that he trusted and referred several people to that were very happy with the work.
I thanked him for the recommendation and headed back inside.
Once back inside, I phoned the gate company that was recommended to me. I set them up for a meeting on Monday telling them I wanted a rod-iron roll back gate on a track that moved quickly not one of those slow ones that allowed two or three cars to sneak in like many condo complexes. They said that they would send someone over mid-morning on Monday and would have several options for me.
I asked Amy when the pool was serviced last. She didn’t know. I asked her to phone the pool company and have them service the pool before our party Friday night.
Amy did tell me that Tina and she were just heading out to the grocery store. She showed me a list. I added a few things to it. Steaks, ribs, lots of salad veggies for a large salad, sour cream and Hidden Valley Ranch Dip mix, a large bottle of Marzetti’s vinegar and oil dressing, several cake mixes and accompanying frostings, along with steak sauce, grape jelly, and several bottles of Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce, some A-1 and Heinze 57 sauces.
Amy made a joke about asking one of the twins to drive her using their SUV. Tina began to get all butt-hurt and put on her pouty face. Amy kissed her cheek telling her she was just joking, which made Tina smile again.
I told both Tina and Amy that on Tuesday, keep the day open as many of us will be attending a gun safety class at the shooting range. Tina’s face squished all up. I assured her that no one is being forced to apply for a carry permit, but that everyone including Jill and I would be attending.
I went on to tell the ladies about what we saw on live TV this morning with Fred. Both ladies were completely shocked. It made me feel good when both Amy and Tina asked how Fred was doing. I assured them he was fine and thanked them both for being concerned with another part of our family.
Amy did ask if this was to be kept a secret or is anyone allowed to know. I replied that only our family/playgroup. We didn’t need any outsiders sticking their noses into our business. They both agreed.
I decided to call Sharon at the Hawk to check on my fearless four to check on their progress.
“Hello Sharon, it’s David Greene,” I said as she answered the phone.
“Hello, Mr. Greene. Why the call?” She asked.
“I just wanted to check on my four that I sent you. How are they doing and more importantly how are you doing?”
“I’m just fine. Thank you for asking. However, I have to ask you a personal question. Is it me, or are the twins completely different mentally. One seems as sharp as a knife the other….well, she’s pretty but maybe the blond dye infected her brain and removed some brain cells as she keeps having to be told which office is for what office building. We even put a piece of tape on the door to help her remember which office belongs to which building,” she says kind of chuckling.
“No, Sharon you’re absolutely correct. I think that their father must have told one of them ‘don’t worry, you don’t have to be smart because you’re pretty’, I said laughing, which in turn made Sharon laugh as well.
“Sharon, now it’s my turn to ask you a personal question. Are you seeing anyone? I ask because I’m hosting a party Friday night and there will be several single guys. Now, before you get all worried, I’m not trying to set you up with anyone. I’m just making an offer. You certainly are welcome to decline, its just a friendly invitation,” I say to her.
“Sir, I would LOVE to come to a party. I’ve been avoiding doing things like that since my husband died. My friend Dr. Ronda keeps telling me that I need to get out and meet people, maybe not romantically, but meet them none the less,” she tells me.
“Um, Dr. Ronda is a close and dear friend of mine and my wife. You need to speak to her, as she will be coming to the party on Friday night. The party will last through Saturday and everyone will be sent home on Sunday morning," I explain.
“REALLY? Dr. Ronda is a friend of yours? She and I have been great friends since our senior year in high school. I went to USC and she ended up going to UCLA. I majored in liberal arts and graduated with a degree in management and a minor in English literature. Obviously, Ronda went for a pre-med degree before getting into medical school, where she flourished. This is unique. I’ll give her a call tonight after work. Oh, and your four are hard workers they are more than half done already, something that I didn’t expect when I saw all the work,” she said to me in an excited voice.
“Sharon, don’t worry, I don’t care if you call Ronda from work. I’m a bit more relaxed than any boss you probably have ever had. By the way, since we will be having food, is there anything I should be aware that you might be allergic to?" I asked.
“Nope, I can eat everything, of course, it makes Dr. Ronda envious as she is always watching what she puts in her mouth," she tells me.
I laughed out loud. She doesn’t know what the hell Dr. Ronda has had in her mouth, but maybe this weekend she will.
I thank her for the update and end the call.
I texted Dr. Ronda the following message:
Play party Friday night, Saturday. Go home Sunday morning. I invited your friend Sharon, she accepted. She’ll be calling you to get details, please tell her about my parties. I think a party would be good for her. Love ya, David.
It took a few minutes, but I got a text back from her saying:
David, how do you know Sharon? She’s been a friend for years. I’ll expect her call. I’m so looking forward to Friday night. You’ve made my day. Smooch, Ronda.
Well, there’s two off the list counting Fred that makes three.
I went over to Dakota in the kitchen, who was eating another sandwich. I asked for the party list and how many she has contacted. She pulled the list from her assistant’s book and handed it to me. There were red checks by the names she had called to invite. She had not called Dr. Ronda yet. I picked up her red pen and checked Dr. Ronda off the list and added Sharon’s name and put a check mark next to it as well.
I gave the list back to Dakota who put it back in her notebook. There was still several names that she hadn’t checked off. Five of them were Allison and the ladies from the pool home. I decided that we didn’t need to call them since they would be home tonight, and we could just ask them. Then I remembered that Allison already knew from the play this morning with Jill.
So I checked Allison's name off the list as well.
Going out to the TV room, I found Jill working away on her laptop reading email and responding.
“Darling, how do you do it? I haven’t been on my laptop for three days and I have over 800 emails,” she said sounding a bit frantic.
“I just keep logging in and knocking them down. However, once I read the read-only ones I delete them. No need to fill my email box once I read the information,” I tell her.
“Hey, that’s a good idea. I can probably eliminate nearly 1000 emails that I had been saving,” she says with a bit of glee in her voice.
She begins checking off ones that she has already read today.
I lean over the back of the couch and kiss the top of her head. She purrs a bit. I leave the room to walk around the house looking to see whom maybe here.
I stop back at the kitchen and ask who might be here.
“Well, you know that Tina and Amy just left. Jennifer left earlier to head to the office taking Diane with her. Donna is at the call center, she took John as well, saying she would be back tonight. Paula is at the limo company. Fred’s nephews are around here somewhere. And your four tenants are at the Hawk working. Did I miss anyone you were looking for?"
“Nope, that is fine. I sent one of the CG boys to take Fred home,” I told her.
Just as I said that the other guy, Derrick came from down the hallway. I smiled at him. He told me that he got a text from JP that Fred is home safe and he's coming back but that he's run into traffic and it will take a bit.
I thanked him and his cousin for watching over my house.
Suddenly, I heard Jill let out a big swear. I walked over to her and asked what was the problem.
“This stupid fucking idiot from auditing. He doesn’t think that he should approve bills unless we get ‘purchase authorizations. He’s as stupid as they come. Why institute an additional step in paying a bill when we submit the bill directly,” she says with a large amount of venom in her voice.
“Then fire him or set him straight. You run the financials, not him,” I gently said to her.
“You’re right. Let me call him. Oh, it figures, he’s in fricken Montana. Nothing to do out there. I’ll give him a call try to talk to him, if he doesn’t listen, then I’ll just let him go. How does that sound?” She asks still really ticked off.
“Sounds good to me. Hey, do we need the auditing department in Montana? Maybe we should move it to somewhere that is good weather year round, like Tampa, Atlanta, or even say Los Angeles?" I ask with a smile.
“Los Angeles…. the City of Angels…. what a great idea. How soon can you make that happen?” She says to me with a big smile.
“How about the beginning of next month. We’ll set up shop at the Hawk. Of course, we’ll offer everyone an opportunity to transfer to LA, even your punk guy who you can keep a watchful eye on, that is if he even comes here,” I say to her.
I dial up Jennifer.
"Hey, there sexy. Dakota tells me there's another of your wonderful parties this Friday night, which will bleed into all day Saturday and then into Saturday night. But we all must go home on Sunday morning…. good thing I’m now living at the Commune,” she says with an obvious smile in her voice.
“Jen, I have a business need. I'm deciding to close out an auditing location up in Montana, where the weather lousy half the year or more. I'm going to transfer it to the Hawk here in LA. I want to offer anyone who would like to transfer to LA, which they may need your assistance in finding a home here. Do you think you have time to help or should we hire another realtor to help with this?" I ask.
“Hire someone. Since you have me on the big project of finding multi-story office buildings, I don’t think I have the time. How about your friend who found the Commune for you? Maybe he’s a good candidate,” she says to me.
“That's a great idea, thank you, darling, I'll look forward to seeing you Friday night," I say before I hang up.
I put in a call to Mark Newberg.
“Hey Mark, it’s David Greene, do you have a couple minutes to talk?” I ask.
“For you sir, anything,” he says.
“Do you like the new place you’re at?”
“Its….um……its…. fine,” He says obviously trying to be politically correct.
“What would it take for you to find someplace that you didn't have to depend on commission. How much did you make last year, if I may ask," I say hoping he didn’t make all that much.
“Well, last year I was in the hospital for about three weeks and lost some traction and it took nearly another 6 weeks to begin to make money again." He told me.
“Hmm, let me think. How about you come to work for me?” I ask.
“David, I’m not sure you can afford me. Two years ago I made just a little over $100,000,” he tells me.
“WOW, really that much, eh?” I tell him.
“Yeah, see I know you that it probably is out of your reach,” He says trying to be humble.
“Well, fuck…how about I offer you $150,000 guaranteed per year for 5 years. You’ll need to sign a contract, of course. You would be working out of the Hawk, our new Highrise downtown. It used to be called the Kraft building,” I tell him.
The phone is silent.
“Mark, Mark are you still there?” I ask.
“Um, yeah I’m still here. You’re kidding me, right?” He says.
"No, I'm not kidding you. There are two things that I never kid about, sex and business," I tell him.
“Here’s my thought. I’m closing a plant in Montana and several members of that location might transfer to LA. I’m offering anyone assistance who chooses to transfer. This is only the tip of the iceberg. I’m going to probably close everything in crappy weather climate states. Now, to replace the commission that you would be losing, I’ll pay you a flat $5,000 fee for everyone who transfers and buys a house here. Hopefully, you’ll work out some referral fee for yourself with a realtor in Montana and wherever else house sales may need to be done. How does it sound so far?” I ask.
“Um, what’s the word I’m looking for……oh yeah, awesome!” He says in a very happy voice.
“Hey, I don’t remember, you’re divorced right?” I ask.
“Yeah, been divorced a couple of years now, why do you ask?”
“Well, I’m throwing a party Friday night. Lots of single women will be attending. Now, before you get all wound up, I’m not trying to set you up with anyone. I was just thinking that since you’re going to come work for me, you might enjoy one of my parties,” I tell him.
“David, what kind of party is this?”
“It’s casual. I’ll be providing the food and the booze. We have two pools here at the Commune so you might need your swimsuit…. or not," I tell him.
There is a pause on the other end.
“You mean like skinny dipping?” He asks surprised.
“Well, um…. yeah, that could happen. Mark, do you know what a swinger party is?" I finally decided to ask him.
"Hell yeah, my wife and I became swingers for a while. The best fucking time I've ever had in my life. I'll tell you the story some time about my wife's twin sister," he says with enthusiasm.
“Well, let’s call my party a swinger-type party. The event should start Friday night, run through all day Saturday and into Saturday night. Everyone must go home Sunday morning to at least get one day off to rest before going back to work on Monday. Hey, give me your fax number and I'll have my
attorney fax you a contract," I tell him.
He gives me his fax number to his house before we end the call. I dial up the attorney and have them fax Mark Newberg one of our standard 5-year contracts with a guaranteed salary of $150,000 plus a straight $5,000 per home he helps people find that are transferring to LA. The legal secretary says it will be faxed to him before 5pm tonight.
I text Mark telling him to go get a large can of pineapple juice and to drink a glass every 8 hours until party time. He texts back: K.
The four tenants come home.
They look exhausted. I stop them before they head out to their pool home.
“Ladies, I’m hosting a play party Friday night, that will run through Saturday and into Saturday night. Everyone will go home Sunday morning. Would you four be interested?” I say even though I know that Allison has already committed.
"Um, yes. I thought you already knew that. Allison told us on the way to work this morning," Belinda tells me.
“No, I wasn’t aware you even knew about the party. I mean, I told Allison, but I wasn’t sure if she would tell you or not,” I explain.
“We’re in. And I think that Allison has invited a couple of guys to join the party, if that’s alright with you,” Corey says to me.
“Allison, did you contact the guys you told me about?” I ask.
“Yes, I call three guys, not just the two I already told you about. Carol reminded me of another guy. I called him and he is excited and is waiting for you to call him,” she says.
“Text me the contact info for guy number 3, so I can call him,” I reply.
She picks up her phone and sends me the information. Each lady kisses me and heads out to the pool home, all except Allison who heads down the hallway to her bedroom.
I sit down and start calling the guys. Each one of the three agrees to come to the party Friday night. They were unaware that the party would last into Saturday and into Saturday night, with everyone going home on Sunday morning.
I gave each one the address of the Commune and told them that the party would start about 6 but the door would be locked by 8pm and no one else would be allowed in. Each one agreed to be there. They all asked what the rules were.
I explained alcohol would be available, but moderation is the key. Drunks and hateful people would be escorted out and never invited again. No, means no. Everyone is to be treated with respect, including my home.
They all agreed to the rules and each one asked if they should bring anything, such as a bottle of wine. I declined. Telling them that I have a brand of wine I would like them to sample called Cierra, and my assistant is the spitting image of the portrait on the label. Each one was very interested in seeing the label and the gal that I'm referring to.
I did tell them each that we have a couple of ladies that will be playing who are pregnant and need to be treated gently. Each one committed to doing so.
In my head, the balance was now guys 13 ladies 16. Close enough.
I felt that we didn’t need to ask anyone else.
When I woke up Friday morning, my mind kept thinking that I should hire a chef to relieve Amy of all the cooking. She’s got so much to do today, having to handle the food for the weekend would only multiply her duties and would it allow her to relax and play?
I asked Dakota to find a chef from the local culinary school to hire to cater all the meals this weekend. I would prefer someone middle-aged or older, by meaning middle aged being 45 or older. I also wanted someone that had experience making breakfast, lunch, dinner, and various snacks. We will provide all the food and even have additional food delivered by the grocery store. However, no sushi or other temperamental food. She said she would take care of it for me.
I was very happy with the way things were heading into this weekend's
My life is good. I am happy that I took that job as a Chauffeur.
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