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My relationship develops with Andrea but my mother still needs my attention.
Chapter 12 Never a Dull Moment

The rest of the year was fantastic. For one thing, mother was employed by a fellow worker of Mr. Logan's at a very good wage and there was no longer a need to cut off the heat to my room. There was no mention of me moving to mother's bed. She was pleased with her job and no longer experienced the mood swings she had before. In fact, she was so stable that I no longer worried about her. She avoided going for drinks after work by insisting I take the car each day and thus she could say as an excuse, "I'm being picked up after work by my son." This gave me the chance to spend more alone time with Andrea. Hardly a day passed without her giving me a hand or blow job as well as me eating out her pussy. Except of course that one week each month that Nature has set aside for cleansing of her womb.

Mother no longer insisted I tell her what my girlfriend and I did. It was as if she had decided to let me have some privacy or maybe to grow up. She did, on a few occasions, when Andrea had her own family obligations that kept us apart, insist I come to bed with her. I know she felt a need for sexual satisfaction because she would explain that it was her needs that we were now satisfying.

The first time this happened was at Thanksgiving. The company where mother and Mr. Logan worked closed for the week, so Andrea's father took his family to a distant city to spend the holiday with his family. Mr. Logan had arranged for Andrea to miss school, but I had to attend. On Monday when I came home after school, I found mother drinking hard liquor straight from a bottle. She was just drunk enough to lose her inhibitions. She greeted me with, "Thank god you are finally home. I need you so bad."

"I came straight from school," I said.

"I know but I need you."

"Why? What happened?"

"As you know, I've been a good girl. I haven't gone to bed with anyone but you in years now and as you know you haven't been with me in months."

"I thought we were doing good," I said as I gently pried her fingers from the half empty bottle.

"We were, but I had that hid away. After I found you had taken the car, and I was stuck here alone, I dug it out and..." She dissolved into tears. I should not have but, I could not resist comforting her. Before I knew it, we were in her bed fucking. I had not had my dick in a pussy since I last screwed mother in September. She assured me it was safe, saying, "I just got off the rag."

It was so pleasurable having my dick in her pussy that when she said I should skip school the next day so we could spend the day screwing, I almost did; however, I did go to school after a morning fuck. I had to wake her to do it but I still made it to school on time. I came home immediately after school. I found mother drunk again. She had finished off the bottle of liquor from the day before. Too late I told myself, I should have poured it out. But it made little difference to me since she was a good fuck, drunk or sober. She was only in her old raggedy house coat so I dropped my pants, bent her over the kitchen counter, flip up the house coat and sunk my dick into her. In five minutes, I had emptied a load of cum into her pussy and she had stopped crying.

She was not interested in food, but I made her sit at the table while I warmed some leftovers. She did eat but only after I promised to take her to bed after we ate. I fucked her twice that evening and we both slept the night away like the contented fuckers we were.

On Wednesday she gave me a quick wake-up blow job and then insisted I leave her the car because she wanted to shop for our Thanksgiving dinner. I extracted a promise from her that she would not have a drink. School let out a couple of hours early. I was home before mother. When she arrived, she was sober, and she had me unload the groceries. There was to be only the two of us for dinner, but she had enough food for ten. She began almost immediately preparing pumpkin pie and carrot cake. She said we would abstain from sex that day because she had so much to do. She insisted I sleep in my own bed. I must have been tired because I slept like a log, not waking until well after my usual time the next day. It was Thanksgiving Day and mother was already in the kitchen, too busy to give me any attention. She told me to have an eggnog for breakfast and then go away and leave her alone.

When I tasted the eggnog I had to ask, "Is there alcohol in this?"

"Only a little rum for flavor," she said. I tried to talk with her about not drinking and she insisted a splash of rum was required in eggnog. Unaccustomed to alcohol, I noted its influence before I filled my glass the third time. After the third glass, I went to sleep. Mother woke me at two in the afternoon saying, "Here's another eggnog. Dinner will be ready in an hour."

I had what I thought of as a hunger headache. The eggnog tasted a little stronger, but it quickly took my headache away. I ate until I was stuffed. Mother had poured her heart into that meal. It was not until after I had slept off the effects of the eggnog and turkey that mother was in receipt of both praise and an exhausting fuck. It was late so we just stayed in bed and when one of us awoke we would wake the other for another fuck.

Friday was almost entirely spent in mother's bed, either sleeping or fucking. We did eat cold leftovers in bed several times. The sleeping was by my choice. The fucking was by mother's direction.

Saturday morning when I woke in mother’s arms with a tit in my mouth. I began suckling like a baby. I froze, thinking, that I was not a baby nor was I getting any food. If I was ever going to be a man, I told myself, I would have to stop giving in to my mother. I would have to stop fucking her when she expressed a need. I managed to get out of bed without waking her. I dressed, grabbed a piece of carrot cake, and went out to sit in the car with nowhere to go.

My mind was awash with random thoughts. It had been a week since I had seen Andrea. To be with Andrea was much more satisfying than being with mother. Fucking mother was not as satisfying as getting a blow job from Andrea. Andrea's pussy tasted sweeter than mother's. Talking with Andrea was far superior to talking with mother. I do not know when I started the car, but I found myself parking it in front of the Logan house on Indian Hill Road. She was not due home until late that day. I asked myself if I was waiting there all day. Was there anything else I could do? I started the engine and drove home. Before mother woke, I had crawled back into bed with her.

As she awakened, her hand found my dick. It was as limp as a dead chicken neck. She asked if I was awake and I told her I was. She asked, "Is my little boy tired of fucking his mother?" I did not answer but my dick grew hard in her hand. "Guess you will never be too tired. Johnny, fuck me until I'm too tired to think." I began by finding her pussy with the fingers of my right hand. Much of the previous night's cum that I had deposited in her pussy had leaked out and had dried in a crust around her pussy but inside it was a liquid, juicy, inviting pussy; begging to be fucked. After strumming her clit long enough to give her first orgasm, I rammed my dick into her. I felt anger. My thoughts were not clear, but I wanted to take my anger out on her pussy. It seemed to take forever for me to reach my release. I pushed hard into her, attempting to deposit my sperm into her womb. Her pussy spasmed as if it was attempting to milk every last drop. Soon I was in a deep, dreamless sleep.

As soon as I knew Andrea was home, I rushed to her. I had spent many hours getting blow jobs from Andrea and just as many hours eating her pussy. Wanting the adventure and the excitement of possibly getting caught, she insisted we do it in various places where there was a chance of getting caught. Being afraid of getting caught, I did what I could to not be caught. We did not do it right out in the open but in many of the places where we did it, people could walk in or walk by. For instance, there was the time we were in a locked stall in the boy's restroom, Andrea had my dick in her mouth, and a male classmate called out, "Hey guys, you got to be quieter when you're getting a blow job." On two other occasions in locked stalls in girl's restrooms there were girls who wanted to join us. I think they thought we were a couple of lesbians. Another time Andrea had my dick in her mouth, in a dark corner, next to a dumpster, behind a restaurant, when a worker carrying a bag of garbage came out and walked past us to toss the bag in the dumpster. On the way back he said, "Sorry buddy."

On several occasions she blew me, or I ate her behind an upright piano in a rehearsal room at school during lunch. One day a student came in to practice. I had just started eating her. Soon she found she could not keep quiet. She pulled me off and went down on me as the pianist practiced. As the bell rang to end our lunch period my cum filled her mouth. The pianist rushed off to class. We did also but we both ended up getting tardy reports. Since these were not our first tardy reports, we had to spend an hour in after school detention. We sat beside each other. I whisper to her about how fun it would be if we could use that hour to do what had caused us to be late to class.

She began to giggle. When the monitor came over to her and asked her to be quiet, she said, "John Smith caused me to laugh."

He tuned to me and asked what I had done to her to cause her to laugh. I said, "I reminded her of what caused us to be here." This caused her to begin giggling again.

"And what was that?" he asked.

I shrugged, barely able to keep from laughing myself, thinking of what his expression would be if I had said, "I ate her pussy." Since I refused to say, he moved us to far corners of the room. We both spent the rest of the hour doing our homework and not looking at each other for fear of giggling.

As soon as we were in the car headed to my house, I asked, "Wouldn't it be nice if there was a class where they taught pussy licking and blow jobs."

"That would be a fun school," she giggled.

"Only if we can choose our partners," I said.

"No, we would have to do the teachers," she said before she fell into a fit of giggling.

"Well, would you mind me doing Miss Creamer?" I asked. Miss Creamer was no more than 21 years old and quite well built.

"Not if I could do Mr. Hamilton," she said as she giggled some more. Hamilton was the only young attractive man on the staff.

"We've got to stop this," I said.

She giggled some more and said, "Oh, you would be jealous. No, wait! I just had a vision of your face buried below fat old Mrs. Klein's belly."

"Oh, that is awful. I think I'm taking you home instead of my place."

"I'm so horny right now, if you take me home, I might wind up jumping my little brother."

"You wouldn't?" I questioned.

"No, but I sure as hell would have to beat off."

"Well then I guess it is my place," I said as I pulled into my drive. We did not have much time, so I laid her back on the kitchen counter and ate out her pussy. When she said she had had enough I caused her to kneel down there in the kitchen and take a load of cum in her mouth. I was still able to get her home and mother picked up by five.

She was extremely thrilled whenever we were nearly caught. Then one cool day in December, we were walking in a forest park when we came to a park bench. We had seen a few people that day, so we knew we were not alone in the park. Still, she wanted me to eat her out there on that bench. I asked her what she would think of young children coming by and seeing us. She said nothing but I could see by her expression I had caused her to think. Then I asked, "What if a couple of thugs came by and one of them held me down while the other one raped you. Then you would not have your cherry to give me on your birthday."

She hugged me. I bent down and kissed her on the lips. We walked on with her quietly thinking. When we sat side by side on the next park bench, just holding hands, a couple with a boy about ten and a girl a little younger passed by. They exchanged a friendly greeting with us. After they went on, Andrea said, "There is something to be said for being responsible. Let's go find a safe place." From that day on, Andrea stopped pushing me to take risks.

Christmas Vacation that year started on December 20th and lasted through Sunday January 6th. The Logans left in the early morning on Saturday the 21st and did not returned until late Friday January 3rd. School had let out a couple hours early on Friday the 20th. Andrea and I had gone straight to my house where we alternated between me giving her a good pussy eating and her giving me the best blow job. We did this for three straight hours. I do not truly remember how many times I emptied my cum. It must have been at least four; I believe, in her mouth, on her body, on her face, and again in her mouth. We had time enough to relax in the tub and wash our sweaty sex smelly bodies. When I gave her back a good scrubbing with a wash cloth she said that was the first time she could remember having her back scrubbed since she was a little girl. I vowed to do it many times in the future.

Mother had invited Andrea and me out to dinner that evening. I had been able to keep them apart, but mother had arranged this through Mr. Logan. Mother had told us to come by about a quarter to five so she could show us where she worked and introduce us to her boss. I was surprised to find mother had a receptionist who showed us into mother's office. Mother was unusually gracious to Andrea and me, giving us each a hug. Before mother finished a statement about Andrea's beauty and small size, her boss arrived, preventing me from reprimanding her. The boss shook our hands and handed mother an envelope, stating it was her year-end bonus. He left and she looked in the envelope. All I could see was there were several bills, one of which was a fifty. Mother said, "Wow, I did not expect this. We eat high on the hog tonight."

Mother insisted she and Andrea sit in the back seat and I was to drive us to an upscale restaurant in a neighboring town. I knew Andrea could hold her own with mother's obsession with her tiny size. She once again explained that it was genetic. That her grandmother and aunt were diminutive and still had normal sized children. I was appalled when mother said, "I can't see how someone your size can take a hard penis let alone give birth."

I was ready to stop the car and take mother to task but Andrea responded beautifully by saying, "I understand your concern, Mrs. Smith, but let me assure you, both my grandmother and my aunt, who are no larger than me, have told me that their vaginas were big enough for what was required of them."

Mother would not stop. "I hope my Johnny has been able to satisfy you without hurting you."

"Please don't worry about something that is not happening for years from now," Andrea said.

"You're saying that you and Johnny are not... I'm so sorry. Johnny always seems so satisfied after being with you, I assumed..."

"As you know, Mrs. Smith, there are many ways to satisfy a man."

"Yes, indeed," is all mother said as I grew hard thinking about sending cum down both their throats.

Dinner went well. Mother insisted we have lobster, which neither Andrea nor I had ever tasted. After tasting, neither of us could imagine anyone not liking lobster. As she said, "It is almost too good for common folk like us." All things considered, mother was impressed with Andrea.

Afterwards mother did say to me, "Your little girlfriend acts too grown up. I will never get over the fact she will always be a little girl." I had decided to not argue with her, so I said nothing. Mother insisted that I had settled her down and sobered her up so well at Thanksgiving, I should do the same for Christmas. I hesitant to even begin to describe what we did during that Winter break.

Mother told me some things about her childhood that helped me understand why she was so different from what I thought a mother should be. On Christmas day, she said, "You know, it was Christmas Eve when I was ten that my mom caught my dad screwing my school teacher. The school teacher was living as a boarder in our house. All I remember of that Christmas was moving to town. Two years later, on New Year Eve I was back living with my dad and the school teacher because I had caught my mom screwing the married church minister when he came to our house. Mom said I could move back with dad as long as I did not tell anyone about her and the minister. I never did tell, until now. I did not even tell dad, when he asked me why mom had let me move back. I said she and I did not get along. That wasn't a lie, just a half truth. Back then families did not air their dirty linen in public, so no one outside the family knew what mom and dad did that caused the family split."

A couple days later, after an exhausting fuck, mother and I were resting and she began talking again, "When my grandfather died, my dad had to go to Grand Island for the funeral and reading of the will, leaving me and my brother Charles, who was 16 and me at 14, with the school teacher who he would have married if mother would have given him a divorce. Charles asked her to teach us about sex. She told us all about it and showed us how to safely play as long as we promised not to fuck. Two years later we broke that promise and I wound up pregnant. She got me an abortion without anyone else knowing. But I really learned a lesson." Mother may have craved sex with me, but she was always careful to know what days were safe and to be sure I had a rubber on when it was not safe.

On another rest period she said, "I may have cheated on your dad many times, but I bet he is out there screwing every bar maid he meets." This was the first time she had mentioned dad in years. However, this began one of our lengthy fucks. She started it by blowing me until I unloaded in her mouth, then she came up so we could kiss a while. She whispered, "Eat me."

I began by kissing her on the neck below the ear. I kissed along a trail that led me first to a tit which I paused to suck until it was a hard nub in my mouth. Continuing across the valley to the other tit, I tarried there for a while. From there I kissed every square inch of her flat belly while running fingers through her thick curly blond muff. Like she had years before taught me, I did not attack her pussy but saved it like a tasty delict desert intended to only be eaten after a big meal that must first be enjoyed. I continued to save her pussy for later by going to a knee and slowly kissing up her inner thigh to the very threshold of her pussy. From there I delayed even further by going to the other knee and slowly kissing up the other inner thigh. Inhaling the warm irresistible fragrance emanating from her pussy compelled me to dive in. Her tasty juices filled my mouth. I had the wish that I could insert both my tongue and my dick. Instead I followed mother's teachings by going to her clit with my tongue and inserting fingers. While circling and flicking her clit with my tongue, I fucked my fingers deep in and out of her pussy.

For some time, she had shown signs that she was enjoying what I was doing but suddenly she grabbed my hair. I moved with her guidance and soon found my dick being guided by her expert hand into that inviting pussy of hers. I pounded deep into her as she locked her ankles behind my back. By flexing her legs, she seemed to be encouraging me to drive my dick harder and deeper. Because I was so spent by our previous fuck sessions that day, I lasted much longer than usual. When I did empty what seemed to be the last drops of cum my balls would ever produce, I rolled off to discover I was ringing wet with sweat. I thought, I am too tired to bathe. I went to sleep and slept the sleep of the dead.

It was about the 30th of December that I looked in the mirror. There staring back an me was a guy I hardly recognized. I looked exhausted, with sunken cheeks and dark bags under my eyes. There was no luster to my eyes and the whites were more red than white. mother and I were fucking too much. We were fucking when we should have been sleeping. We were fucking when we should have been eating. I did not want to look like this when Andrea returned. I asked mother to look at me. I told her I had to eat and sleep more. She agreed, so for the next few days I did just that. Although we still fucked two or three times a day It amazed me how quickly sufficient food and sleep improved my appearance.

Chapter 13

On Saturday January 4th I arrived at the Logan's just after nine in the morning. Andrea's 12-year-old sister greeted me at the door with a hug. She was as tall as Andrea, but her body had yet to fill out like her sister's. My dick did not recognize the difference, but I was able to keep her from knowing his excitement. Part of her appeal was she was only in a night shirt. She said that she and her mother had just now come from their beds. She led me to the kitchen where Mary Logan was making coffee. She greeted her younger daughter with, "You get upstairs, young lady, and get dressed." She greeted me with, "It is nice to see you John. Please pardon the way I am dressed. I should have realized you'd be by. Mr. Logan had business. Won't be back for several hours. How was your Christmas?" As far as I could see she was dressed in a fine house coat that covered her well. She hardly gave me a chance to answer her question before she said, "Andrea missed you terribly." I replied I had missed Andrea, while she filled three coffee cups, placing two on a tray. "Take these up to Andrea's room and wake her. Second door on the right."

To the reader: Open Chapter 13 for the rest of the story.


2019-03-28 16:44:45
I really enjoyed this story. Is is very well-written and the descriptions are really good. It flows easily for the reader and ... well ... I love anything having to do with blow jobs.

~~~ neonchameleon

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