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This is part 2 of my first story ever so please give me constructive feedback so i can improve my writing in the future :)
He woke up early and started preparing every thing for the day. First he untied her from the bed and put her in a dog bed that he had just put near the bed. He put a dog collar around her neck and tied it to the floor. Of course she was still naked. He then grabbed a bottle of lube and put a bit on her ass and on the butt plug tail which he then put inside her ass. After he went in the kitchen and started preparing her breakfast but instead of putting it in a normal plate he put it in a dog bowl. He also prepared a bowl with water in it that he put on the floor near his chair of the kitchen table. That way she’d eat at his feet when she’d wake up.

Once he had made himself his own breakfast he put in on his side of the table and went to wake her up. 

She was surprised to not be in the bed when she woke up. She also felt something inside her ass and reached one of her hands there to see what was inside her. She felt a fluffy thing hanging out from her butt and looked at her master in search of answers.

« As you probably remember you’ve been a bad girl yesterday. So as a punishment you’ll spend this whole day as my dog. As a dog you’re not allowed to speak unless i tell you to, you’re not allowed to walk normally so you’ll have to walk on all 4s. You’ll also have to eat and drink from a dog bowl without using your hands. And you’re not allowed to use the bathroom either. If nature calls you, you’re going to have to go outside but don’t worry i’ll take you on walks outside regularly. If you disobey any of those rules i’ll put you in the cage under the other bed for 30 minutes do you understand? » 

She didn’t know if she was allowed to talk so she just nodded her head. « Good girl » He answered while petting her hair. He detached her from the chain in the room and attached a leash to her collar.

« Now follow me your breakfast is ready » He said while walking out of the door with the leash in his hands. 

She followed him on all 4s making sure to not get too far behind in order to avoid pulling on the leash too much. Going down the stairs on all 4s was a bit tricky for her she was scared and hesitated a bit. Seeing that she was scared he went a few steps down told her to go slowly and he’d catch her if she lost her balance. He also put his hands on her body to help her a bit. Trusting him she went one step at a time until she finally arrived on the last step. She thought to herself that she wouldn’t have been able to do it on her own. They went to the kitchen where he tied the leash to his chair before sitting at the table. He then showed her the 2 dog bowls at his feet and told her to eat. In the morning she would usually eat a slice of toasted bread with butter and some fruits and he had made that but in small chunks easy to eat without hands.

She thought how humiliating it was to go through this. Being treated as a dog. She felt like she wasn’t even a human being to him. Just a sex toy or in this case an animal.

He interrupted her thoughts when he got up and took the leash to walk her to the couch in the living room. He sat and asked her to sit at his feet.

« I want you to understand that this punishment is because you ran away last night. Luckily i implanted a tracker in you so i easily found you but you’re mine and you need to accept that i own you. I own all of you. Your body, your mind and your soul. And if i have to humiliate you in order for you to accept your new life then so be it. Today i’m treating you as a dog so you understand your place in this house. I own you i’m your master and you need to obey me. And trust me you’re lucky i’m the one who bought you. Some guys aren’t as nice with their slaves. I know a guy, he’s a real sadist. You’re lucky i bought you before he did. In a way i saved you from a really painful life. »

When she heard the last part she looked at him in disbelief.

« Oh yeah. Trust me that guy is awful. And he doesn’t care about any of his girls. When i told him i bought you he told me he wished he’d found you before. So you should be thankful that you’re mine instead of his. At least with me you’re going to be loved and cared for. His slaves don’t even get that privilege. »

Part of her started feeling grateful. The other guy seemed awful in comparison. But she hated that feeling because it meant a part of her was starting to accept her master. And she didn’t wanted to accept him. She didn’t wanted to give him what he wanted. But she kept thinking of how much worse it could have been with an other guy and she felt grateful to be owned by a nice and loving guy instead.

Then he took her outside for a walk. She felt really embarrassed to have to pee and poo in front of him. She was hoping he’d at least turn away to give her a bit of privacy but he didn’t. Seeing her hesitation he told her « Hurry up either you do it now or we go back inside and you’ll have to wait for an other 2-3 hours. » She really needed to pee so she ended up doing it despite how she felt.

Once she was done he walked her a bit more around the garden. When the dogs saw them they ran to see their master. Considering she was on all 4s they started turning around her smelling her and licking her. They were really happy so they were going all around and she almost lost her balance a couple of times. Then she felt one of the dogs smelling her ass which made her feel really embarrassed. She tried to move away but the dog kept following her and even licked her pussy. She immediately turned red and sat down to avoid them from doing anything more. He laughed a bit seeing how embarrassed the dogs where making her feel and decided he would push it a bit more later on today.

He started walking back towards the house pulling on the leash a bit. She was so focused on the dogs that she wasn’t paying attention to her master anymore. She was caught by surprised when she felt the collar pulling a bit. She turned around and walked as fast as she could on all 4s to catch up with him.

Once they were back inside he told her to lay in the dog bed near the couch and turned on the tv to watch a movie. He started petting her while watching the movie.

He had left the door opened so the dogs came in and layed down next to her. She felt a bit awkward to be naked near them but she kept watching the movie. The sight of his slave near the dogs gave him an idea but it would have to wait a bit.

Once the movie ended he took the dogs and his slave back outside. She was still a bit shy but less than earlier. After a while he kneeled down and whispered to her

« Now i’m going to let the dog fuck you and you’re going to let them! »

Her heart starting beating up faster she took a few steps back from him and forgetting all the rules she started begging him not to do so.

« No please please don’t do this i’ll do anything you want but not this please… »

« Not only will I, but then you’ll spend 30 minutes in cage for speaking to me. Remember you’re a dog today. Dogs don’t speak. I didn’t ask for your opinion!! » he shouted angrily

She lowered her head staying silent. She understood that it was best to let him do what he wanted without protesting because whatever he planned was probably better than what he would do if she protested.

« Good girl » He said seeing that she wasn’t trying to answer. He attached the leash to a hook in the ground and put some lubrifiant in her pussy.

« Now tell me which dog you prefer please »

Hesitant to say something she simply pointed one of the dogs. He called that dog and pointed to her pussy so he’d go there. The dog started smelling her intimate parts and licking her pussy which made her turn as red as a tomato. He then jumped on her searching to put his dick in her vagina. After a while she felt something filling her. She felt so ashamed. In less than 2 days she was turned into a slave and had been raped by a stranger and was now being forced to have sex with a dog. And it was only the 2nd day of her life with him. If he could do that to her so soon she could only fear what would happen after a while with him.

The dog was going back and forth really fast it wasn’t like anything she had felt before. She started feeling horny and felt so ashamed by it. How could she like something like this?! She quickly looked up to see what her master was doing and noticed he was standing there with a big smile on his face observing the dog and her.

After a while she felt the dog cumming inside of her and knew that this part was almost over. Part of her felt relieved but she remembered her punishment and started worrying a bit.

The dog got away from her and she collapsed on the floor. She was exhausted. Mentally as much as physically. He detached the leash from the hook and picked her up to carry her in the house to the kitchen. As for lunch he gave her her food in a dog bowl on the floor at his feet while he ate at the table. Once they were done he took her to his office room locked her there while he went to get the cage. He put the cage near his desk and told her to go inside. Knowing better than to resist him she complied and walked inside the cage. It was just big enough for her to lay down in a not too uncomfortable position. She quickly fell asleep while he started working. Since she was still asleep by the end of the 30 minutes. He went to get a more comfortable dog bed and carefully lifted her from the cage to the dog bed.

She woke up a few hours later. The whole afternoon was gone and it was already dinner time. Once again she had to eat in the dog bowl which didn’t really please her but she had no choice. After they were both done eating he attached her leach to her collar and took her outside. When she saw the dogs in the garden she was hoping her master wouldn’t be cruel enough to make her go through that a second time that day.

She couldn’t prevent a moan of relief escape from her mouth when she saw him going in the opposite direction. They walked a bit around the property and noticed there was a natural pool and a fruit and vegetable garden. She emptied her bladder even tho she was still ashamed of having to pee in front of someone else.

After they went back inside to the living room where he put a movie. He told her to go lay down on the dog bed. She wasn’t really focused on the movie tho. She was thinking of how her life would look like if she couldn’t get out of her. How could she be happy in a situation like this. She also wondered what the people knowing her would think. If they were worrying at all. She though surely someone will have noticed something is wrong. She wished she had never went to that damn party.

She was so much lost in her thoughts that she got surprised when he got up and pulled on her leash to go to bed. He laughed and said:

« Lets go to bed my little dog. Thinking can wait to tomorrow!…. »

She turned red and followed him on all 4s. In the bedroom he opened some curtains on the sides of the bed which revealed a cage with a slim mattress in it. He told her she was going to sleep here for the night. There was a dog bowl on the side with water inside and a pee pad in case there was an emergency. She got really disappointed. She was hoping to have a good night sleep in the bed cause she really felt the need for it but obviously that wasn’t going to happen tonight.

He got down and took her to hug her and kiss her before getting her in the caged bed and going himself to sleep.

Surprisingly the bed wasn’t that uncomfortable so she fell asleep quite quickly.

He on the other hand was already missing sleeping with her. He was still turning around at midnight so seeing that the day was technically over, he decided to get her out of the cage and put her in the real bed. He took her into his arms and fell asleep like a baby.


2019-03-09 18:51:11
Thank you both.
Hellcat: i completely agree with you. I think I'll need to go back to write it and give it a bit more details whenever the story is a bit too rushed. I think my problem is i have main points/ideas i want to put in the story and i've forgotten to make transitions from one idea to an other. Thank you for that advice i'll definitely work on that.

Charmbrights: Yeah it is constructive indeed. Oh really. I thought it was clear because i've made the dialogue separated from the rest of the story with those: « » but i can add stuff in italics next time for sure.
Haha oops i didn't noticed that one when i read my story again. I guess next time i'll pass it through an online corrector to be sure ^^ Thank you for your advices, i'll keep that in mind for sure!!


2019-03-08 09:22:37
For the most part the story idea is alright. Yet the way the story flows seams rushed. You could take some extra time to get from on part of the story to the next.


2019-03-05 16:25:36
I hope this is construtive.

I like the story so far. My main suggestion is to make the character's thoughts clearly distinguished from their comments, which I tend to do by using italics. Reading your own story aloud will help you to spot the typos like the one in this sentence "Once he had made himself his own breakfast he put in on his side of the table and went to wake her up."
My 18 novels are still for sale but also on a free site elsewhere.

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