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This story is part of a series. It will make much more sense if you read them in order.
Sarah was sitting in the cafeteria with the other teachers. They were so nice and welcoming. She had already gotten three more sub jobs and her excitement level was off the charts. She felt like she had finally cracked through the invisible barrier and was now just sailing through. She felt totally confident she was well on her way to being first in line for the next permanent position that opened up here at Claremont.

Mr. Thompson was standing near the cafeteria door, watching over his domain. The students were relatively calm today and all was well. He was so glad he was in this school; these white kids were so easy. This place was cake compared to the schools he had taught in and a different world than the ones he attended. The biggest problem he had to deal with was the occasional fight, over a girl usually. He was still smiling when he saw Kaylie Smith walk in front of him. He was pretty sure she was a freshman, she was a mess, her blonde hair was wild, her shirt was all dirty and her knees had big blue bruises on them.

“Miss Smith, what happened, are you all right?” He asked, genuinely concerned.

“Oh, I am fine, Mr. Thompson. A stupid kid knocked me over in the hall.” Kaylie said and walked out of the cafeteria.

Thompson watched the young girl walk out, her ass wrapped tight in the little denim skirt. Wow, they didn’t make them like that when he was in school. Thompson turned to look back at the cafeteria in time to see Miss Johnson getting up and walking her tray over to the trash can. He caught her eye and she lit up, dropped off her tray and headed right for him.

“Mr. Thompson, I wanted to thank you for giving me a chance today and having confidence in me. It is going great.” She said, her voice bubbly and excited.

“You are welcome, Miss Johnson.” Thompson said.

“Please, Mr. Thompson, call me Sarah.” She said.

“Ok, Sarah. I am glad it is working out. Stop by after your last period and we’ll talk.” He responded.

“No problem.” Sarah said and bounced away towards her classroom, again her tight ass drawing his attention as she left.

The afternoon dragged on as usual until a phone rang in Mr. Thompson’s office near the end of the last period. Hank Jackson’s plan had begun.

“Hello, Thompson” Mr. Thompson said.

“Jack, this is Ted. An emergency just came up and I have to leave immediately. I can’t work detention today.” Ted Jones said.

“Ted, is everything alright?” Thompson asked.

“I think so but I have to get home right away. Can you cover my detention for me?” Ted asked.

“Sure Ted, don’t worry about it.” Thompson said.

“Thanks, I owe you one.” Ted said and hung up.

Jack Thompson hung up the phone and then immediately realized he had promised his wife he would take her out to dinner and then shopping for her birthday. If he covered detention he would be late and she would kill him. What would he do? He rubbed his temples again, trying to force an answer out. Suddenly, it came to him and he rushed out of his office.

Sarah was picking up her materials, exhausted after a long day, getting ready to head home when Mr. Thompson walked into her room.

“Miss Johnson, good, you’re not gone yet. I need another huge favor.” He said, obviously out of breath.

“Sure, sir, what is it?” Sarah asked.

“Ted Jones had to leave and I can’t cover his detention today because it is my wife’s birthday. Can you possibly cover detention for me? I can authorize additional pay for you.” Thompson said, a little pleading in his voice.

Sarah hesitated but only for a split second until she could process more money and another favor she could do for Mr. Thompson. This day was turning out to be too good to be true.

“Absolutely, sir, what do I have to do?” she responded.

Jack Thompson let out a huge sigh of relief and started to explain the procedure to her as he led her out of the door and towards the detention room.

Kaylie Smith sat in the detention room and could not believe she had to spend an hour of her Friday afternoon staring at the wall in this room. This was so stupid. She was not in a good mood and her mood got even worse when Tyshawn and Jesse strolled in the door. Oh great, I have to be in here with those assholes, she thought.

Tyshawn and Jesse walked into the room and saw Kaylie sitting alone in the back row. They took their seats across the room, but not before noticing her icy stare. Jesse began to show Tyshawn the video of his destruction of Kaylie in the hallway.

As Tyshawn watched himself run into the back of Kaylie, Mr. Thompson and the new sub teacher walked into the room. Tyshawn and Jesse stopped looking at the video and watched the principal and the sub walk to the front of the room.

“Kids, this is Miss Johnson, she will be running detention today. You give her any problems and you have to deal with me. Understand?” Thompson said in his best principal voice.

All three of the students nodded, some more obviously than others. Mr. Thompson thanked Sarah again and left. Sarah went behind the desk and sat down, wondering what she was going to do for an hour.

Jesse started the video again and Tyshawn watched himself step right on poor Kaylie’s hand and then slam her to the ground. He felt sorry for her again after seeing it, forgetting the way she snapped at him.

“I feel bad.” Tyshawn said to Jesse.

“Maybe you should go over and try to apologize again. I am sure she has settled down a bit since this morning. Who knows, lover, maybe this will be your ticket into those cute pink panties.” Jesse said and punched Tyshawn in the arm.

Tyshawn looked over at Kaylie and saw her reading a book. She did look bad and her right hand still looked swollen. He stood up and started across the room. Jesse started up his camera, not believing that Hank’s plan was actually working.

Tyshawn sat down in the desk in front of Kaylie. She looked up at him, not believing he had the balls to come over here and talk to her.

“I wanted to apologize again for this morning.” Tyshawn said.

Kaylie felt her anger grow and bubble to the top. It exploded out of her as she spoke.

“You should really get away from me, my daddy warned me about your kind and obviously it is true.” Kaylie said, venom in her voice.

“Our kind?” Tyshawn said as he felt his own rage building.

“Yes, your kind, (Kaylie’s voice lowered as she spit out her last word of the day)…..Niggers!”

Tyshawn felt a white hot fire rush to his temples. He looked at this girl and couldn’t believe he had heard what came out of her lips. That was the last rational thought that crossed his mind before all of his control left him and he fell victim to his temper, fueled by all of his building frustration and rage.

Tyshawn stood up quickly, towering over her. He reached out and grabbed a handful of her tank top and yanked her to her feet. Jesse focused in from his nearby position, concentrating on Kaylie’s full breasts which were now partially visible beneath her shirt as Tyshawn pulled her to her feet. Kaylie felt her top pull up harshly into her armpits as Tyshawn powered her up out of her chair. She felt her feet leave the ground slightly and Jesse saw what he was waiting for, her breasts popped out from under her stretched shirt. The first money shot, thought Jesse. This was great.

Sarah looked up from her papers to see a large black boy pulling Kaylie up out of her chair. The boy towered over Kaylie and Sarah jumped out of her seat and started towards them.

“Stop that, what are you doing?” Sarah screamed at the boy. She saw Kaylie’s breasts fall out of her shirt as the boy held her off the ground, her stretched shirt near her ear.

Tyshawn was not coherent, he heard a sound from behind him and sensed a presence to his right. He saw his stepmother’s face in his mind and his right arm shot out and hit Sarah right in the middle of the chest, his fingers closing and gathering sweater, shirt, and the front of Sarah’s bra in his large grip. Jesse marveled at what he saw through his camera. Tyshawn grabbed the teacher without even looking back. He had both women totally immobilized.

Sarah fought to free herself but the boy had her shirt firmly in his grasp and she couldn’t budge him. She felt him lift her up and her shirt pull out of her skirt, exposing her stomach. Her mind was in a panic. What could she do? She couldn’t let Kaylie get hurt again but now she was concerned about herself. She looked over and saw a boy with a camera. She thought she remembered the boy’s name was Jesse.

“Jesse, go get help!” Sarah screamed.

She saw Jesse look right at her and shake his head slowly back and forth. Sarah looked around and saw no one else. Sarah focused back on the boy holding her.

“Please, stop, before you hurt someone.” Sarah screamed at him but she could tell that he was either not listening to her or was unable to hear her.

Tyshawn looked deep into Kaylie’s eyes and saw pure terror. He was able to think of one thing only, he wanted to hurt this girl and hurt her as deep as he was hurting now. He looked down on her struggling body and saw her breasts bouncing free as she wiggled under his grip. He felt a little surge hit his crotch watching her tits. His mind now registered lust and he was now torn between lust and anger, each fighting for resolution.

Tyshawn turned and started up the aisle toward the front of the room, dragging Kaylie and Sarah behind him. He made it to the front of the room and slammed each girl into the blackboard. Kaylie felt her feet dangle and her shirt rip as Tyshawn pinned her to the board. Sarah felt her shirt pull out of her skirt more as the boy lifted her and pinned her back to the board. Jesse was now standing close behind Tyshawn and saw Kaylie’s beautiful tits bouncing free and the teacher’s tight stomach exposed by her shirt that had pulled up and out of her skirt.

Sarah felt her back forced against the blackboard, the breath knocked out of her momentarily. She fought for her breath and then started to plead with Tyshawn again. She saw a glimpse of movement to her left and saw the black janitor enter the room. Her hopes rose, he would save them.

Tyshawn held the women to the board, the girl who had called him a nigger was crying incoherently and the woman, his stepmother, was pleading for mercy. Oh now, you beg me, you bitch. He needed to hurt them both, make them pay. As Tyshawn was trying to process how he was going to handle both he felt a strong hand touch his right arm and heard a calm voice in his ear.

“I’ll help you with the bitch son, while you take care of the little blonde whore.” Hank Jackson whispered into Tyshawn’s ear.

Tyshawn looked to his right and into the face of Hank Jackson. He felt Hank pull his right arm away from the bitch. Hank pulled her away quickly and Tyshawn was now looking into the eyes of the blonde girl and now with a free right hand. He grabbed a handful of hair and let go of her shirt. She screamed as her hair was pulled and her arms shot up to grab Tyshawn’s powerful right arm. Tyshawn looked at her, her shirt gathered over her breasts and her legs wiggling out from under her skirt. His mind raced, punishment and lust fighting for an answer. Tyshawn’s cock reached its full length and sent the solution directly to Tyshawn’s brain.

Sarah was in a panic as the black janitor grabbed her and pulled her over towards the student desks. Hank pulled out a chair and sat down, facing Tyshawn. He pulled Sarah onto his lap and faced her also to Tyshawn. He wrapped his left hand around her waist and held her snug. She continued to wiggle but could not free herself from his strong grip. Hank grabbed her right thigh and pulled it towards him, spreading her legs across his lap. He continued to hold her thigh over her stocking as he watched Tyshawn.

Tyshawn pulled Kaylie over to the teacher’s desk and bent her face down over the desk. He looked down at her tight little ass in her tight denim skirt. He put his hand in the middle of her back to hold her in place and jerked her skirt up onto her back. Her pretty pink panties were now squarely in Jesse’s viewfinder. Tyshawn grabbed the waistband of her panties and tugged them quickly down to her knees. He heard the girl scream and try to fight to get up. Tyshawn reached up in between her legs and felt her pussy. He rubbed a finger inside the lips and felt moisture. He felt her lurch under his touch. He found her little clit and felt her jump again.

Sarah felt the janitor’s left arm around her waist and his right hand resting on her thigh. She tried to push herself up but he was too powerful. She watched Kaylie’s panties get ripped down and saw the boy putting his hand between her legs. Sarah felt the janitor’s hand move on her thigh. She felt it move up her leg and touch the bare skin over her stocking. She flinched and tried to move again.

“Please don’t do this. Please stop before anyone gets hurt.” Sarah pleaded to the man behind her. She could not turn her head enough to look into his face.

“Honey, you are going to learn that you have to pay sometimes for your high and mighty attitude. I was not very pleased with the way you disrespected me this morning.” She heard Hank whisper in her ear.

“I am so sorry if I did anything to make you angry. I didn’t mean to. Please stop this.” Sarah pleaded again.

“I’m not angry baby. I stopped being angry at white folks long ago. I just make them pay now and your ticket is past due. But for now let’s just enjoy the show, what d’ya say?” Hank whispered.

Sarah looked back at the desk and saw Tyshawn had dropped his pants and a large black cock was bobbing in front of him. She had never seen one that big and menacing as she watched him lay it across Kaylie’s firm ass. It seemed to even look blacker against Kaylie’s white skin. She watched him pull back slightly and aim it between Kaylie’s flailing legs. Sarah thought she heard Kaylie screaming but all sound seemed blurred now as she saw Tyshawn sink his cock into the poor white girl. Hank’s hand slid up her thigh and touched the edge of her panties.

Hank looked on as Tyshawn buried himself into the small white girl. He loved the look of black cock sliding into white pussy, he would never get tired of watching that. Something else he loved was the feel of soft white thighs and this teacher on his lap had wonderful thighs. He also loved the fact that she wore stockings, he thought that was incredibly hot. He slid his fingers up and touched the edge of her panties. He felt her flinch a little on his lap but she was staring at the scene on the desk and he sensed that she was slowly coming to terms with her situation.

Tyshawn felt the incredible warmth as he slammed his cock deep into the girl in front of him. She was screaming and wiggling around but now with his meat buried deep within her and his hands on her small hips she wasn’t going anywhere. He saw her lift her upper body up by pushing on the desk. He put his hand in the middle of her back and shoved her back down onto the desk. He saw her breasts smash against the top as she settled back down. He pulled out and saw her juices and a small amount of blood shining on his cock. He smiled and slid back into what he now knew was once a virgin pussy and it swallowed him. The girl groaned again in pain. He lifted his head to the ceiling and began to saw in and out of the tightest and sweetest pussies he had felt in quite a while.

Sarah felt like she was floating as she watched the poor girl in front of her taking the large black cock. Kaylie seemed to have lost her fight as she was now lying face down on the desk, her small body lurching forward as the boy pounded against her. Sarah seemed to feel something warm on her legs and then realized the janitor had a hand on each of her thighs and was rubbing up and down. She felt a warmth run through her and she did not understand what was happening to her. Her mind continued to try and process her dilemma as the janitor ran his finger across the front of her panties. She felt the warm feeling flow through her again.

Hank smiled as he knew he had the teacher now. He was running his hand across the front of her panties and she had stopped pleading with him. He felt her heat through her panties and he knew she was now on her way. He had felt this same acceptance in many a white girl when confronted with a powerful black man. Some fought more than others but most settled down rather quickly and this fancy young teacher on his lap was no different. He looked up and saw Tyshawn holding himself tight against the girl and Hank could tell her little pussy was getting filled with black seed.

Tyshawn felt his orgasm subside and felt the last spurt leave his cock and land deep in the girl. He pulled his cock out and saw it coated with their combined juices. He pulled his pants up, walked over to a desk and sat down. He had regained his senses and now was even more overcome with guilt. He put his head in his hands while Kaylie lay still across the desk, his cum and her virgin blood running in a small line down her left thigh.

Hank knew this was the moment of truth with his teacher. How would she react? He whispered in her ear.

“Honey, I am going to need to fuck something. Now I could get up and do that little girl there across the desk or you could talk me into something else. It’s your choice, teach.” He said.

Sarah heard a whisper in her ear and she saw Kaylie laying across the desk. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing very slow. Sarah felt so sorry for her and wanted to get up and help her. She tried to get up but the janitor held her down, his hands still on her thighs.

“No baby girl, you’re not going anywhere yet. You have to decide on the next step. Do I fuck this young girl or not?” Hank whispered in her ear.

“No, please, leave her alone. She has been through enough.” Sarah responded.

“I agree, sweetie. She looks a little worn out. Are you willing to help her out?” Hank said.

“Yes, please let me help her.” Sarah said and tried to get up again but the strong hands kept her locked on his lap.

“Ok, honey, I will let you help her. You do everything I tell you and I will not touch her. You ok with that?” Hank spoke softly.

Sarah processed what he said and tried to figure out what he was trying to say. She wanted to help Kaylie so bad, she felt a little responsible, she was the teacher after all. How had she let this happen? She heard a “yes” leave her lips.

“Good, now you stand up and turn to face me.” She heard Hank in her ear.

Sarah stood up slowly, her skirt falling back to cover her thighs. She turned to face the janitor. She looked into his face, it was calm and his eyes seemed to look right into her. She smoothed her skirt over with her hands as she nervously waited for him.

“Ok, darling, now unbutton that pretty blouse real slow like.” Hank said.

Sarah froze and now it hit her, he was going to rape her instead of Kaylie. She felt fear fly through her, she fought off the urge to just run away. She knew she had to stay and try to help Kaylie. Maybe she could think of something. She unbuttoned her top button.

Jesse was now focused on the young teacher. She was actually unbuttoning her shirt right there in front of Hank. Jesses saw a little glimpse of yellow lace as her shirt fell open from the second button. He could not believe this was happening, he had just filmed Tyshawn fucking the shit out of the little blonde girl across the teacher’s desk and now he was watching this hot teacher do a slow striptease. He felt a little touch of fear for what could happen to them from all this but he decided to trust Hank. He had known the janitor a long time and he knew that his best chance out of this was to put his faith in Hank. He adjusted the camera as the teacher’s shirt opened completely, displaying her yellow lace bra and her tight stomach.

“Now, sweetheart, unzip that little skirt and show me those beautiful legs.” Hank said.

Sarah was nervous. She wasn’t sure what to do. She could not think of anything other than to cooperate with this man and hope she could figure a way to get them out of the situation. Her mind was flying through her options quickly as her fingers pulled the zipper down. She felt the skirt loosen and then slide down her legs, gathering around her ankles. She stepped out of the skirt, focusing on the man’s face, trying hard to come up with an answer.

Hank stared at her yellow panties and the way her smooth white skin surrounded the material. He thought it was one of the prettiest things he had ever seen. He looked over and saw Jesse was focusing directly on her crotch, capturing this for later. He reached out and placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close.

Sarah was now frantic. She was standing in front of the janitor in her bra and panties. She needed to think of something quick or she knew her virginity would be in trouble. She was so worried about Kaylie that this had not crossed her mind until this minute and this was sure not how she wanted to lose it. She felt him grab her hips and pull her close to him. She looked down and saw him put his face close to her panties and take a deep breath. She felt his breath across the front of her pussy and she felt that warm feeling run through her again.

Hank breathed deep, inhaling her scent. It was wonderful and he moved his hands up to cup her smooth ass. This was going to be great fun. He pushed the teacher back a little and looked into her eyes.

“Now hand me those pretty little panties.” He said in a soft voice.

Sarah looked around quickly, the one boy was still sitting in a chair, his head in his hands and the other was busy pointing his video camera right at her. She felt a flush of embarrassment as it hit her for the first time that they were filming this whole thing. She felt her hopes diminish as she struggled with what to do next. If she didn’t follow his directions she knew he would hurt Kaylie again but she knew where she was headed and she was scared. She slipped her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and pulled them slowly down her long legs.

Hank watched the pretty teacher put her panties in his outstretched hands. He put them to his nose and inhaled again. Her scent again washed over him. He stuck the panties in his pocket. He looked at Sarah and focused on her pussy. He saw she was shaven and he was again surprised by the little tart. He smiled and reached out and touched the soft skin above her pussy. He heard her gasp as he slid his finger down between her lips. He felt a touch of moisture as he traced down her slit.

Jesse could hardly hold the camera still as he watched Hank finger the teacher. His cock was rock hard in his pants as he looked at her smooth pussy. He loved it when girls shaved, it was easier to watch his cock slide into them. He zoomed in on Hank’s finger as it disappeared between her lips.

Sarah gasped again as she felt the large black finger touch the soft insides of her pussy. She felt her moisture coat his finger and she was again embarrassed. How could she be this wet when she was obviously getting taken against her will. She felt his finger slide into her pussy. She grabbed his shoulders to steady herself as a shiver ripped through her.

Hank smiled as he pushed his finger deeper into the teacher. She was obviously starting to enjoy this as he felt her little body convulse slightly. He could hear her breathing getting faster and her hands were digging into his shoulders. She was just about ready to take his cock. He slid his finger out and touched her swollen clit. She was racked again with a vicious shiver.

Hank opened his pants and pulled out his hard cock. He rubbed it up and down and it felt harder than it had been in a long time. This girl was driving him a little crazy. He fought hard to maintain control. He pulled her closer, forcing her legs to open around him. She was now poised directly over him.

“Put it in sweetheart.” Hank whispered into her ear.

Sarah was shocked as she heard the latest command. He was going to make her put the massive black cock into her own virgin pussy. She paused for a second and then remembered Kaylie laying across her desk right behind her. She grabbed the cock and placed it at the entrance to her pure pussy. She felt her lips open slightly as the head broke through. He was now poised to take her purity that she had fought so long for, the prize she was planning to give to her husband on their wedding night. This man was going to rip it from her and she felt a tear leave her eye and run down her cheek.

“Now sit down slowly, baby girl.” She heard him say in her ear.

Hank watched as the young girl slowly lowered herself on him. He felt the soft warm lips open up to him. He watched 4 or 5 inches slide up into her until he felt something stop him.

“Holy Jesus, baby, are you a virgin?” He said.

He watched her shake her head slowly. His dick even got a little harder as he realized he was sitting at the edge of her maidenhead. He was going to get him another virgin. He had taken plenty but they were still special and especially when they were not expected.

“Jesse, you make sure and get her expression as I take her cherry.” Hank ordered.

Jesse had just focused on the teacher’s face when he saw her mouth open wide in a silent scream as Hank drove her down onto his lap. He watched Hank hold her against his lap as she fought for breath. She let out a painful groan and lowered her head on Hank’s shoulder. Hank held her for a minute, letting her body get used to the large invader now embedded deep inside.

Hank was amazed as her tight pussy squeezed his cock. He was used to tight pussy from the students but here was a full grown woman wrapped around his dick. She took him all but she was obviously in pain as he felt her sobbing against his shoulder. He could wait a minute for her, he had plenty of time and you never wanted to rush virgins. It was much better to take your time and let them get used to a cock in their pussy before you began to hammer them.

Sarah had never felt so much pain before in her young life. It felt as if someone had shoved a hot poker up inside her. She felt her pussy lips stretched painfully around the large thing in her and she felt a dull ache deep within her as it slammed against her womb. She tried to breath slow and deep. She felt him sit her up and felt the cock drive up deeper into her. She let out a shriek with the new pain.

Hank held her up on his lap. He could feel her warm thighs covering his and he loved the softness of her hips as he held her in his lap. He ran his hands up her sides. He moved his hands around the front and cupped her breasts. He could feel the hard nipples through the material of her bra. He moved to the front clasp and opened the bra to free her pretty little breasts. He saw the hard brown nipples sitting high on each one as he squeezed them together. He tweaked the nipples and he felt her flinch. He rolled the nipples softly between his fingers.

Sarah closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Her body was being tortured now as the pain in her pussy was being dulled by the pleasure of the janitor squeezing her sensitive nipples. She was having trouble controlling herself and felt a moan escape her lips.

Hank smiled as he heard the teacher moan. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her up and almost off his cock. He paused as just the head was still inside and then dropped her back down. She squealed again but this time Hank knew it was not such a squeal of pain. He lifted her again and then dropped her back. No squeal this time, just a deep moan. She was now under his control. He put his arms around her, pulled her close to him and stood up, keeping her impaled on his cock. He felt her wrap her long legs around his waist and squeeze him.

Jesse watched through his viewfinder as Hank stood up and walked over to the desk with the teacher’s legs wrapped around him and his cock still buried in her. He saw him lay her down on the desk on her back right next to the young girl. Hank took her legs in his hands and started to move in and out of her. He picked up his rhythm until it looked to Jesse like a blur. He heard their skin slapping together and saw the young teacher’s breasts bounce with every stroke. Her eyes were closed and her mouth open as the janitor pounded into her. Jesse could not believe the speed and power Hank was using to punish her pussy.

Sarah felt her mind shade over with pleasure as the janitor was now moving quickly in and out of her tender pussy. She had never felt such powerful sensations in her young body. She closed her eyes and let the pleasure wash over her. She felt herself lose track of everything except the powerful cock now punishing her insides. Wasn’t there something she was trying to do, someone that needed her? The cock buried itself again, she felt the janitor’s thighs meet her ass and her mind was washed clean again.

Hank was now watching his own cock slide in and out of the young teacher. He loved seeing that, especially when it was his. Her pussy was very wet now and he was moving in and out with ease. She had stopped fighting him and he now knew this girl was his and she would do whatever he wanted her to just to get more of his cock. That is how it always happened. They became almost giddy and he used them until he became bored. This girl may be different he thought as he watched her pretty titties bounce on her chest. It would take him a while to get tired of this one.

Jesse was now struggling to stand as his pants were incredibly uncomfortable. He was almost at the end of his battery on his camera. He saw the display showing 10 more minutes. He hoped Hank would finish in time, he would hate to miss the end of this. He zoomed back out so he could get the teacher’s legs in the picture, still wrapped in the black stockings and sticking straight up in the air as Hank held her ankles.

Hank could feel his balls heating up and he knew he would not last much longer. He smiled as he thought that she was getting ready to enjoy her first cum bath. He planned on making it a good one as he felt his seed start to rumble in his balls. He was hammering her hard now and she was starting to breathe faster. He just realized that she hadn’t cum yet, usually it didn’t take this long for the white ones to have their first orgasm. They usually blew as soon as he started pumping them but this one was still hanging in there. He saw her eyes closed and her mouth opening and closing. He heard a solid moan leave her mouth and her nipples were rock hard. She wouldn’t be much longer. He picked up his pace.

Sarah felt him speed up and she felt an unfamiliar tingle in her legs. It spread up her legs and when it got to her pussy she realized she was about to have her first orgasm with a man. She sucked in her breath as she felt it hit her and then screamed as it ripped through her, her body jerking wildly as the janitor continued banging on her pussy.

Hank felt the girl blow under him and he struggled to keep hold of her. He felt her pussy spasm around his cock and that was enough to push him over the edge. His cum raced up his shaft and powered its way out of the end of his cock, splashing against her womb. Sarah continued in her orgasm as she felt a warmth deep within her and realized he had just cum inside her. A second wave of orgasm spread over her and she felt herself lift up off the desk.

Hank held her tight, emptying his balls in her as she jerked all over the desk. He held her long after he was done filling her until she calmed down enough for him to let go. He let her slump back against the desk and he stepped back away from her. His limp cock slid out of her and he watched as her right leg fell over onto the back of the young blonde and her left one fell over the side of the desk. Her pussy was still wide open and he could see cum dripping out and forming a puddle on the desk. He looked at the scene on the desk and thought it made for a pretty picture.


2019-03-10 12:15:01
Much better writing than previous chapters. Keep up the good work.

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