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This is a short story for my friend Faras. He asked if I would do a fanfic erotic story using the Mask concept. He just asked for the mother/son and that the rest would be up to me. I hope you enjoy the story. I had a lot of fun remembering that great movie while writing my own.

Please leave a comment to let me know what you like and don't like about it.
The piles of odds and ends had been scattered arbitrarily along the rows of tables at the Antique mall. Stephen makes is way down the rows hoping to find something that he could buy for his mom’s birthday. Stephen was never thrilled of his mother’s birthday, as it always fell at the end of the school year and distracted her from every really letting him enjoy the end of school.

As the junk spans on for miles in this cramped warehouse of a store, a sudden tingle on the back of Stephen’s neck had him spin around. Along the back wall near the furthest corner set a bunch of what looks to be some old-time items from northlands or something. As Stephen moved close to the table it was the wooden looking mask that captured his attention.

The dull jade color wood had a metal worn nose guard centered between the eye slits. As if drawn by an unknown voice Stephen lifts it from the table to his face. Unnoticed by Stephen an elderly lady moves up behind him. “Finding everything Sir,” she asked. Stephen nearly drops the mask before turning to look at her. “I think I found what I’m looking for”, he answers back.

Stephen had for the past 12 years, from when he was six years old, been getting his mother odd gifts for her birthday. This would be one of the oddest gifts he thought while paying the three dollars and nine cents. The cashier was a large looking man, with the intricate details of a tribal tattoo of some type painted over his face blending into a full beard. Stephen thought little of all of this as he made his way home.

The time went by with no further thoughts of the mask. Stephen put the mask into a box and wrapped it in a bright pink wrapping paper. Hiding the object in his closet until his mother’s birthday. The day approached along with the end of Stephen’s high school days. A time he knew was going to cause his mother to be more needy and a little obtuse with what Stephen wanted to do.

Stephen was sitting at the kitchen table when his mother walked in. Margaret stepped into the kitchen with a smile. Her frame was about five foot two, short red hair that did not match due to the fact it was dyed. Her nose did have a little cute turn up and eyes almost a shade of dull green that was on the cusp of being pretty. Her petite body would probably have reached 110 pounds on a rainy day.

The small pink box that set on the table caught her eye instantly. “Stephen you remembered,” Margaret mumbled. Her birthday would mean the start of summer break. That time where she and Stephen would be able to laze around the house more often and spend some quality time together. Ever since Stephen’s father passed away from a work-related accident, she felt like it was her duty to be both a fun-loving father, and a nurturing mother. One was far easier to do then the other.

Margaret let her hands quickly unwrap the box and when she pulled the top off stared in disbelief at what was before her. Margaret was a fan of antiques and odd items, but was blown away by how interesting this mask appeared. Its color reminded her of a Vikings boat or along that line. “Where did you get this Stephen”, she said lifting it up in her hands and looking it over. Stephen just shrugged and seemed more interested in finishing his breakfast. Slowly Margaret lifted the mask to her face. As it caressed her skin her eyes blink slowly and then pulls the mask away. “I love it”, she finally exclaims.

As Stephen nodded, she leaned over the table and kissed her son on the cheek. Something Stephen felt was a little too personal and had to lean away to avoid the kiss lasting longer. The rest of the day was spent cleaning and finishing laundry while Stephen was at school. Margaret found a place right next to her bed that seemed to let the mask sit comfortably. “I'll leave you here for a little while”, Margaret mused while she finished making her bed.

Night time had just fallen on their little sleepy town and Margaret was worried about Stephen. He was known to hang out a few times with his friends, but on her birthday. She slowly laid on her bed and was starting to feel lonely. It was so long ago that she was with her husband and had yet to even start dating. Her eyes closed and images of somebody that looked like him started to fill her mind. She decided it would be alright as she was alone.

One hand slid down her body and came to rest along her belly. Rubbing a small circle around her belly button before traveling further. Her night pants waist band provided no resistance to her hand as it moved down and she felt the familiar tingle of touching her womanhood. She giggled to herself at how she found it kind of exhilarating to imagine different scenarios with that special somebody. Margaret opened her eyes once and saw the mask, wondering how it would look on her while she lay in bed.

The weight of the mask felt heavier as Margaret lifted it up and brought it to her face. Her other hand still down on herself slowly moving in slight circles. When the wood touched her skin, a sudden power seemed to flow over her body and down to her toes. The room felt like it was spinning and spinning. Instead it was Margaret that spun so fast the air in the room was blown about as if a tornado was crashing through the recently cleaned bedroom.

When the spinning had stopped the door-mirror reflected what Margaret had become. Her body was taller, growing an extra five inches. The night clothes had combined into the most scantily clad blue night dress she could ever imagine. The small breast which hardly had need for a bra where pressing to the limits of the dress. Killer double D’s that leaning over even a bit let the tops of larger areolas peek out. Her hands ran down her thighs and back to her ass which pushed out to provide the buns of a goddess.

The mask itself was pulled smooth and tight along her skin over her face. Margaret could see her hair was sticking out the back in a lush long ponytail that had the tips dyed green. A smile creeps over her face before she lifts up each breast in her hands and lets them fall with a bounce. “Haaaaat and spicy-eeeee”, says Margaret with long drawn out voice. As the sight in the mirror was pleasing to her eyes the sound of the front door opening had her sliding up to the hallway and then down to the kitchen.

Stephen was home late and had a bum night. His buds had ended up ditching him for some girl that didn’t show one ounce of interest in him. Stepping into the kitchen Stephen filled up a glass of water and started to take a long deep drink. Stepping away from the sink and turning to head to the living room let Stephen see the most gorgeous woman he had ever imagined standing at the door way.

With a loud spitting sound, Stephen let the water fly out of his mouth and dropped the glass in surprise. Before it hit the ground, Margaret slid up and let the cup touch her foot, flicked it up with a slight kick and grasped the falling cup. Quickly she placed it on the counter and with a wicked smile put a finger to Stephen’s mouth to silence any attempt to speak. “Hey there cutie, your mom sent me over tonight to give you a high school graduation gift”, Margaret said. “The names Megan, my friends call me Meg, and please don’t make me beg”, Margaret was now calling herself Meg. Stephen was left in utter bewilderment.

Finally, Stephen spoke after taking in the sight of this goddess of a girl filling his eyes. “Mom sent you for a gift, what kind of… I mean where is mom”, Stephen was taking the information but had trouble processing it all. Meg simply shook her finger in a tisk-tisk motion. “Not for you to worry about, when a woman sets her mind to a task let her do as she ask”, Meg then put both hands on her son’s chest and then slowly lowered herself down to her knees. “Let me guess, never been with a woman have you”, Meg said.

It was true and Stephen felt his cheeks flush. The only time he got close was about three years ago with his best friend’s sister. Only when it came down to the moment, Stephen’s nerves wavered and he chickened out. Later the sister said thank you for not going all the way, it still hurt that he was never man enough to truly do what he wanted. Yet as Stephen watches the way this mystery woman seemed to be in full control. It gave Stephen a slight nausea feeling in his stomach. “I…just don’t think I am ready for this”, he mumbled.

Meg was only spired on more to ensure her son was taken care of. Meg’s hands worked the button on his pants open and his zipper down. The sight of her sons half erect cock had Meg’s eyes do a double take when the pants and boxers slide down to the ground. Meg was hungry and wanting this, she was unsure why it felt so good to be with her son. The desire seeming to push her over the edge, a way to fill a missing thrill in her life. The tip of Stephen’s cock was at same level as her mouth, she opened her lips and let the head slide in.

Stephen was overtaken by the intense pleasure. It was as if the most heavenly feeling was wrapping his cock with the mix of warmth and wetness. Her saliva providing the deep sensation and allowed himself to slide unfathomable within her mouth. He watched his cock disappear beyond her green lips and was hardly aware of the skin-tight mask she wore. “Meg, that is incredible”, he groaned.

Meg only smiled and then her tongue decided to let itself go wild. It started to wrap around his entire shaft and squeeze and rub all over. Then she gave a little tap on her head as if hitting a button and her throat began to vibrate with a deep hum. The look on Stephen’s face changed from enjoyment to pure bliss. Meg could feel his body tighten up and the muscles on his ass jam together. “I’m cumming”, Stephen moans out.

Meg pushes herself down on her sons cock all the way. Letting it nuzzle where the tip was directing his hot thick cum down to her belly. Like a hungry wolf she guzzles it all in big gulps. Her tongue starts to slide from the bottom base up to the tip, helping to milk out every drop. When the last bit fills her stomach, she lets her sons dick glided pass her lips. “Don’t go limp on me yet big boy, your mom said the whole night.” Stephen just stood there shocked and nodded. Meg jumps up and lands into Stephen’s arms like a princess. “To the bedroom my knight”, and as Stephen looks down it appeared, he was dressed as a white knight clad in armor. The only explanation was a mild hallucination from cumming like a wild animal.

Meg felt like a feather in his arms with her breast snuggled up against his chest while he made his way to his bedroom. “No no, to your mother’s bedroom. Its bigger”, and Stephen complied to her request. Moving into the room it had changed quite a bit as if set up to be a queen’s quarters. Stephen set Meg on the bed. His eyes were amazed at how the silk blue dress she had been wearing was now looking like a thin lacy silk night shirt and nothing else. Her breast visible under the transparent fabric. The tips of her nipples had a pair of piercings that looked a bit odd to Stephen. A dull silver looking hammer in one, a tarnished gold looking wolf head and tail for the other.

Meg felt Stephen’s eyes staring at her breast and then gave them a little shake. “All yours tonight big boy”, Meg spoke seductively. Stephen discarded the rest of his clothing on the floor. “My word Meg, mom has never done something like this for me. I don’t understand. Why would she offer such a woman for me”, he asked? Meg simply laid back and as she did her legs spread apart wide. “If you want to talk about your mother do it from here.” Her arms reach out towards him and as if extending a bit further then they should be able to, they grab Stephen’s shoulder and pull him on top of her.

Laying upon this woman Stephen felt how his cock was already kissing the outer lips of her pussy. Stephen’s knees were shaking and his hands felt sweaty, a stranger, a stranger was about to take his virginity. Her mouth came up to meet his worried face and her tongue, that not so long ago made his dick dance like a king, was now playfully touching his own. That’s when her legs wrapped around him and without any resistance, he felt his cock slide into her woman hood.

Meg was so wet it felt like a waterfall down there. As her ass lay on the bed, Meg noticed her cheeks had become soaked with her own juices. She was more than ready, and had waited to long for something like this. This feeling was letting her confidence and wild side have full reign and would not stop for anything. As the tip of Meg’s son’s cock buried itself inside her it felt as if this was right and should have happened years ago.

Stephen was feeling like a new man. Touching her depths with the end of his cock had him grinding in full on lust, still wanting more. This woman was perfect, as if made for him, even with her big breast. Maybe if they had leaked milk it would make up for them being a little to big. Stephen had a thing for tiny breast. Then his hips begin to pull back and push forward in rapid thrusts. Locking his lips with her as the kiss seemed to deepen.

Meg’s chest felt tight and as if by some kind of power, her breast suddenly had a wet warm feeling cascade down her sides. The tips of her nipples were pressing up against Stephen’s chest. That did not stop the overflow of burst of milk where the pierced tips start to drip. Stephen seemed to notice and lifted himself up while still pumping away. “Oh baby, would you like some of my wholesome milk”, Meg asked as if it was expected.

Stephen nodded and let his lips glide down to her large breast and sucked the wolf into his lips and felt the warm gush of milk overflow in his mouth. With his own big gulps, the liquid started to fill his belly. Stephen felt his dream woman was more perfect then even in his dreams.

Meg was unable to control herself. As her son pushes in and out of her, it was a constant wave of pleasure building up over and over, driving her even more crazy. Her first orgasm was not only massive in pleasure, it was massive in her release of her liquids. “You are making me cum baby”, she finally screams out and Stephen is able to glance down while sucking on her nipple to watch a flood of pussy juices shoot out like a hose. It felt like a hot tub and was almost as much while he kept fucking the woman below him.

Meg had her first orgasm and wanted more. Without warning and unnatural strength, her body pushed herself up and Stephen is forced to lay down on his back. Meg was still impelled on her son’s cock; her smile was grinning ear to ear. “My turn boy,” she mumbled as her body starts to slide up and down his shaft. Stephen was in a daze of lust from the scent of her woman juices and just the feeling she was causing him.

Stephen watches as the woman above him has her milk almost running down in streams over her body while sliding up and down. Then faster and faster she is moving, almost in a blur her pussy was squeezing his cock and he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Oh Meg, I am close, I am about to cum”, he started to protest. He did not want to cum in a stranger, he knew nothing about her and if she was safe to do that.

Meg looks down at her son and with even more force slide her body down and laid her chest against and gave him one more kiss when she starts to grind her cervix against his cock’s head. Stephen is unable to resist any more and erupts inside. His cum spraying her inner depths and even coating her womb with his hot thick cum. Meg was more than satisfied and had no regrets while feeling her boy let himself orgasm inside.

Stephen had never cum so much nor cum so hard. His body felt like a world of bliss and was unable to do more than just finish cumming and passing out. The exhilaration causing him to keep himself hard for a long time even after falling asleep. Meg stayed on top of her son for a while and then kissed his cheek before falling asleep herself.

When the beams of light started to flow into the window Meg woke up first. Margaret was blinking for a moment and noticed the rough looking mask lying next to her son’s head as he slept. Her body felt lighter than yesterday and noticed her breast where back to normal size and her ass was no longer that sexy bubble butt it had been yesterday.

Although the slight feeling of her body was returning to normal. She had the most intense sensation feeling in her pussy. A few more blinks had her realize her son was below her body and that something soft, yet filling, was wedged inside her pussy. “Oh, oh no”, she had her son’s cock inside her. Slowly she climbs off Stephen and looks at his sleeping body. It was strong and young looking, like his father long ago. Her hands grasp around the mask and quietly she makes her way out of her room to the hallway bathroom to clean up.


2020-06-25 16:37:16
kinky, is there more to this story?

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