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This story is part 5 of an ongoing story. It will make much more sense if you read them in order.
Here I stood in the middle of a Christmas party at my plumber’s house. Well I thought he was my plumber when he came to my house and fucked me after he fixed the sink. He fucked me again the next day and I just let it happen. I didn’t really understand what was happening to me. I was only 16 and not only did I let two strangers fuck me on my kitchen table but I was fucked on the deck here at this party only about an hour ago. Then I was brought to orgasm orally by the board of directors of Tony’s company.

Yes, he was not just a plumber, he was the CEO of a company and this was his company party. He also had been fucking my Mom for the last 20 years and made her suck my pussy in the back room a little while ago. I orgasmed with my Mom’s face between my legs as the board of directors all fucked my Mom along with Tony. My little mind was reeling as I watched my parents leave the party without me. I guess I was “helping” Tony with something and my parents seemed to be very pleased about it. As I watched the door close behind them I thought the something I was helping with may turn out to be a little different than what my parents had in mind.

“There you are. Come with me.” Tony was there and pulling me behind him.

He led me over to a group of guys. I recognized the five “board” members from before and there were about 6 or 7 others standing around.

“Nate, I would like you to meet Cassie. She is a member of our Marketing department.” Tony said and I turned to see the huge black guy holding out his hand.

I instinctively put my hand in his and my little hand looked freakishly small and white. His hand was huge and as black as I have ever seen.

“Pleased to meet you sweet Cassie.” He said in an incredibly deep voice and kissed the back of my hand.

I just about fainted as my entire body shivered from the touch of his lips. I stood there like an idiot just looking at him. Everything was big on him, his head was big, his features were big and his smile was humongous, I felt like it lit up the room.

“Pleased to meet you too.” I said with a squeak.

The guys were snickering about the Marketing comment as I turned to look at them.

“Cassie, this is Nate Bertrand, he is head of the First Choice Hotel chain and our special guest tonight.” Tony said and my heart skipped a little.

The Bertrand account? Tony’s comments came back to me. Nail down the Bertrand account, how did he expect me to do that? I am not even sure what Marketing really is. Tony started talking and Nate dropped my hand but not before his eyes obviously moved slowly down my young body. I felt like I was naked the way he looked at me. He smiled at me and then turned back to the group. I stood there for a few minutes.

“Sweetheart, would you do me a huge favor? Can you go grab some drinks for us?” Tony said.

I nodded and then he handed me a napkin and a pencil. I got the message and quickly took orders. I scampered over to the bar and Mandy was back. I leaned over the bar.

“He is fucking huge!” I said.

“Well, I could see that.” She said.

“No, you don’t understand. He is even bigger than he looks from here. His hand is as big as my head.” I said.

“Yes, and he is staring at you and licking his lips.” She whispered.

I could not turn and look, I was too nervous. I handed the napkin to Mandy.

“They need drinks.” I said.

“What are you, a sexy little waitress now?” She said.

“I guess so, Tony asked me…” I started.

“And you feel like you have to do what Tony says.” She finished.

I looked at her.

“I know exactly how you feel. He is like that with everyone.” She said.

She walked over and got a bunch of glasses. I turned slowly and the black man was not looking at me. They were all laughing and joking. Mandy came back with a tray. She made all the drinks and put them on the tray. There were 12 drinks on the tray.

“Here you go.” She said.

“What? I can’t carry that. I will spill those all over the place.” I said.

“No, baby girl. If Tony sent you for drinks he intends for you to bring them back. You can do it, just walk slow and hold on with both hands.

I picked up the tray and it weighed a ton. I balanced it the best I could and walked slowly towards the group. I held the tray against my chest, my boobs almost spilling onto the tray. I guess they were helping to balance. Multi-use boobs. I chuckled a little under my breath. I got to the group and walked to the middle.

“Thank you sweetheart.” Tony said and grabbed a drink.

Everyone started taking drinks off the tray and it was getting easier to handle. I saw Mr. Bertrand’s huge hand wrap around the drink closest to me. He picked it up and brushed my cleavage with the back of his hand as he did. It felt like my entire body had goosebumps. I did not look up but Jimmy was staring right at me and smiling. I could feel myself blushing and quickly scampered back to the bar with the empty tray.

I grabbed my drink and downed half of it. Mandy was laughing at me.

“What?” I said.

“You are so funny, you look like an innocent little high school girl with your long blonde hair and your pretty blue eyes but you are a horny little slut deep down, aren’t you?” She whispered to me and I felt my face flush.

“C,mon, admit it. You want to fuck that black guy so bad you can taste it.” She whispered.

I turned to look at him and he was staring at me. He smiled a big smile and turned back to the group. I felt my little body get even hotter. I felt like I wanted so bad to shove my hand up my dress. What was happening to me? I was not a slut. I really was an innocent schoolgirl, up until last Monday I was a virgin. Now I was thinking about masturbating in public and having sex with a humongous black man. I took another drink and looked back at Mandy.

“It’s ok sweetie. These are natural feelings. Let them happen and just enjoy yourself. I am so sorry if I scared you.” She said in a soft voice.

I did feel myself getting a little scared, not because of what I was thinking of doing but more of the fact that I was actually thinking it. I felt like I was losing control a little and my thoughts were driving me to think things I would never have even considered a week ago. That was scary. I sipped a little more of the wonderful drink and looked at Mandy. She had a worried look on her face and she smiled sweetly. That sparkle again and I felt myself calm down a bit.

“Cassie, how are you feeling?” I heard Tony’s voice.

I turned to see him standing next to me. I felt his hand on my hip as he hugged me gently.

“Ok.” I said.

“Good, good. Mandy, can you whip up a fresh drink for Cassie, sweetie?” He said and I looked at the half full one on the counter in front of me.

“Go ahead baby, finish off that one for me.” Tony said and nodded to my drink.

I picked up the drink and took a sip. He looked at me and nodded again. I knew what he wanted. I slowly downed the rest of the drink. It felt warm and smooth and I felt a calming effect through my whole body. Mandy took my empty glass and replaced it with a fresh glass full of the wonderful pink concoction.

“Grab your drink baby girl and follow me.” Tony said.

I picked up my drink and he turned to walk away. I glanced at Mandy and then followed Tony like a puppy. He walked around the corner and down a hallway I hadn’t been down before. We came to a staircase and he started climbing. I followed and we were now on a balcony of sorts, I could see the entire room below but I didn’t get a chance to look too closely as Tony quickly turned around another corner.

We walked into a big bedroom. It was not as big as the bedroom downstairs but it was still large and quite extravagant. I looked around the beautiful room and wondered how many rooms he had like this in this incredible house.

“Ok, baby girl. Here is what is going to happen. You are going to help me to land the biggest account my company has ever seen. Mr. Bertrand owns a franchise of hotels around the area and he is going to give us the landscaping contract for all of them for the next five years. He is on the verge of signing and you are going to be the last incentive that pushes him over the edge.” Tony said and I guess I looked really confused.

“It will be very simple. You are going to finish that drink in your hand before I leave. You see, that is a special drink I designed, it has a little something in it to relax you and a little something in it to make you a little excited, if you know what I mean. Your inhibitions are a little repressed right now so you should have no problem doing what you need to do.” Tony continued.

“What do you want me to do?” I stammered, trying to process everything.

“It is very simple darling, all you have to do is go to sleep. You see, Bertrand has a thing for young blonde girls and especially helpless young blonde girls and he likes you. I kinda figured he would and that is why you have been drinking the drink all night. I thought about just knocking you out but then I thought how cool it would be to just have you pretend to be asleep. Yes, that has me fucking rock hard just thinking about it, we will take care of that a little later. So, you will finish the last of your drink and then you will “pass out” on this bed. You will not open your eyes or move on your own until morning.” He said.

“But, my parents are expecting me home.” I whimpered.

“No worries, dear, I will give your Mom and Dad a call and tell them that you are working hard and I will have a car bring you over as soon as you are done and not to wait up, you are perfectly safe and will be home soon.” He said with a devious smile.

My poor mind was reeling but my pussy was throbbing and now I knew why. It all started to make sense, this drink was causing me to lose my inhibitions slowly. It was like I was drunk without being impaired. I felt a little scared but also a little excited about what was about to happen.

“What is going to happen?” I asked.

“Not really sure sweetheart but I have a feeling Mr. Bertrand does not just enjoy sitting and looking at passed out young girls. My guess is you are going to get fucked pretty good but you should enjoy it even more than you did when Hank and I reamed you out. You didn’t have anything to relax you then and you did pretty good, I can only imagine how much you are going to enjoy this. Unless of course you want me to really knock you out.” He said.

I shook my head no. No way was I going to miss this.

“Good girl, now down the rest of that drink.” He said.

I lifted the glass and gulped down the rest. My body shivered a bit as it went into my stomach. I handed him the glass and he placed it on the dresser.

“Now stand next to the end of the bed. I want you to completely relax and I am going to push you back on the bed. Just fall and let your body do what it wants. Then you will stay perfectly still until Mr. Bertrand decides to move you. Do you understand?” Tony said.

I nodded and moved to the end of the bed, the backs of my legs against the bed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Tony stepped up and pushed me gently on the chest. I allowed my body to relax completely and I landed on the bed and bounced slightly. My legs hung over the edge, my right arm ended up over my head and my left straight out. My hair was spread on the bed. I looked up at Tony.

“That’s a good girl. Now you just close your eyes and relax and I will talk to you in the morning.” He said and I nodded.

He reached down and closed my eyes with his fingers. I stayed perfectly still and tried to breathe really slow. I felt my body relaxing and I wondered if I could do this. What was he going to do to me? What if I reacted and moved? Would Tony get angry? I shuddered to think how angry he would be if I cost him this huge account. I tried to push that out of my mind and let myself just float. My mind reacted and did exactly that. After a couple of minutes I felt like I was floating and looking down at an unconscious blonde girl on a bed. I felt totally at ease and I thought maybe I could do this. My mind shut down.

“So, what do you think?” A voice in my head, a dream?

“God Damn, Tony, you have outdone yourself?” A deep voice.

I felt myself listening more. Had I fallen asleep? I stayed perfectly still. There were two voices, one was definitely Tony.

“What happened to her?” The deep voice and now I recognize it as Bertrand.

“Just had a little too much to drink and then that little pill in the last one really did the trick.” Tony said and Bertrand laughed.

I felt a hand on my knee and it ran up my thigh. It stopped before it went under my dress and squeezed my thigh.

“How old is she?” Bertrand asked.

“How old do you want her to be?” Tony said.

“Well, I probably should want her to be legal. You can never take those kind of chances.” Bertrand responded and Tony laughed.

“Nate, you and I both know how you feel. Let’s just say she is legal somewhere but here and now she is just a cute little high school girl that is not even close to graduating.” Tony said.

“Son of a bitch, she is adorable.” Bertrand said and ran his hand over my dress up my side.

I felt his hand wander over my stomach and then lightly over my chest. He touched my cleavage and then up to my neck. He grabbed my chin gently and turned my head towards him. I felt my hair hang over my face. He pushed the hair out of my face and then I felt his fingers on my cheek.

“She is so soft.” Bertrand said.

“I thought you would be pleased and you will like the rest of the story.” Tony said.

“What is the rest?” Bertrand asked in an excited voice.

“Well, she is not on any kind of birth control so you did remember the condoms right?” Tony said.

A deep laugh echoed off the walls of the room and then Tony’s laugh followed.

“Oh yes, sure, I remembered those.” Bertrand said and then chuckled.

I sort of panicked when I thought about the fact that I was indeed not on birth control and from the sounds of the conversation there wouldn’t be any condoms in play. My foggy mind tried to calculate my cycle but I had trouble focusing.

“Well, that’s good because she is smack dab in the fertile part of her cycle. It would be a real shame if you knocked this poor girl up.” Tony said.

“Yes, a real shame.” Bertrand said and moved his hand quickly down to my thigh.

I felt him run his hand up my thigh and slide up under my dress. He touched the top of my stockings and then lifted my dress up.

“Son of a bitch, look at that. Have you ever seen anything so pretty?” Bertrand said and pulled my dress up to my waist.

“No Nate, that is special.” Tony said.

I felt a hand slide up my thigh all the way past my stocking to my bare skin. It took all my concentration to stay still. My pussy was starting to throb again. The hand went up my thigh and then lightly across my panties.

“So, is she cherry?” Bertrand said.

“Almost. She has only had a couple of cocks in there but I am pretty sure the ass is cherry.” Tony said.

“That is nice. Yes, yes, this is really nice.” Bertrand said and ran his hand up to my stomach and then back down to my thigh.

I felt pressure and he flipped me over on my stomach. I let my arms flop freely and then I felt a hand on my ass. It squeezed and then ran down to my thigh.

“That is a nice ass, Tony, you have a very special one here.” Bertrand said.

“All for you, Nate. I was hoping you would like her.” Tony said.

“She is precious. You know when I first got here and saw your bartender I thought I was in love but then this creature walked around the corner and it was all over. And now you deliver her to me. You are the man, Tony.” Bertrand said.

“Ok, Nate. I will leave you now. As we discussed, you can stay here tonight and I will have a car pick you up in the morning and bring you to the airport. You have the full use of anything in the house, including my Marketing department.” Tony said and laughed.

Bertrand let out a deep laugh that echoed again. I heard skin slap and I could only assume they were shaking hands. I heard the door open and close and the room was silent. I tried to stay relaxed as I lay face down with a huge black man hovering over me. I felt his presence and then I felt his hand caressing my ass again. He pulled my panties down below my cheeks and ran his hand over my bare ass. I heard him making small noises as he ran his hands over me.

He flipped me back over and my arms flopped across the bed. I felt him grab my dress and pull it upwards. He pulled it over my chest and then over my head. He pulled my arms straight over my head and pulled my dress completely off. My arms were straight up and I lay in front of this stranger in only my bra, panties, stockings and heels. His hands touched my flat stomach and rubbed all over it. He ran his hands up to my chest and squeezed my boobs over my bra. He ran his hands down to my sides and then down to my waist. I felt my panties move and then slide down to my thighs.

His hands were then on my thighs and moved over to my pussy. I felt a finger run between my thigh and pussy and it took everything I had not to cry out. I swear my pussy was throbbing so much it was moving. He touched my pussy and then ran his finger between to the moisture beneath. I was trying to breathe slowly as this man played with my young body. My panties then moved again and I felt them slide down my legs and off. He grabbed my knees and spread them wide. I felt myself open up as he spread me almost totally. His hands left me but I felt his presence between my legs. I knew he was just looking at the young blonde teenager spread open in front of him. From what Tony described this was his ultimate fantasy. I sort of took pride in that I was a man’s ultimate fantasy, that was quite an accomplishment for a little girl.

I felt him move and then I felt a hand on my cheek. He pushed the hair off my face again. He touched my cheek softly and then ran his finger across my lips. He pushed between my lips and slipped a big finger into my mouth. It felt like a small cock and it touched my teeth and tongue. He slipped it out slowly and then I felt something else warm touch my lips. I felt pressure and then a cock slid between my lips. It was already rock hard and it filled my mouth immediately. I had no idea how big it was because I did not dare open my eyes. I tried to figure out if it was larger than Hank’s but I couldn’t tell. He slid it to the back of my throat and then out again slowly. He slid it slowly back in and then out again, he was fucking my face. I wondered if he would cum in my mouth. Could I swallow his load or should I just let it sit there in my mouth? My worries disappeared when his cock left my mouth.

I didn’t know where he was and then I felt his cock touch my pussy and slide up and down through my wetness. I braced myself the best I could and then I felt it press into me. He easily slid the first few inches in. How wet do I have to be to let this monster cock just slide right into me? I felt him push a little harder and then my pussy started fighting to keep the monster out. I felt him pull out and I thought I had won the battle but then it slid back into me a little harder and a little farther. My pussy opened for him but then tightened on him again. He pulled back and I braced for the next attack.

It took Bertrand three times but then he was buried deep in my little body, his pubic hair resting against my smooth crotch. How much cock did I have inside me? It definitely felt bigger than Hank’s now but it didn’t hurt at all. Was it the drink causing me to not feel pain or did it allow me to relax enough so there wasn’t any pain? I was thinking about that when Nate Bertrand grabbed my legs and started to fuck me viciously. I kept my eyes slammed shut as he punished my little pussy. He was making more noise now.

“Fuck yeah, take it you little cunt, take it deep.” He moaned.

I kept silent and tried to just let my body go. I could feel my boobs bouncing in my bra. I could feel my legs and feet flying around as he kept up his pace. My pussy felt a little numb as the monster black cock destroyed it. It didn’t hurt but I knew I was being stretched farther than ever. He pounded me for another couple of minutes and then he pressed down hard and shoved his cock deep inside me. I felt the pressure on my crotch as he pressed into me.

“Ok, little one, now your cunt gets a bath.” He moaned and I felt his cock spasm.

I felt a warmth deep within me and I knew my unprotected womb was now soaked in a black man’s cum. His cock spasmed again.

“That’s it my little blonde beauty, take that cum up your cunt. Let’s see if we get a little surprise package out of this. I will enjoy fucking this body again when you have a cute little bulging belly.” He said.

His cock spasmed again and he collapsed on top of me. My legs were trapped beneath him, bending me in two. I felt my feet near my face as he laid on me, breathing slow. I felt the pressure release and then he got off of me. I felt his hands hold my legs up.

“That’s it, let’s let that cum seep deep into your little belly.” He said and held my legs up, my pussy pointing to the ceiling as his baby-making seed sat in my womb.

He held me in that position for another minute or so and then he let go of my legs and propped them up wide open, my heels on the bed. I didn’t feel his presence but then I heard a jingling and I figured he was taking off his clothes. I felt him close to me again and then his cock against my lips again. He opened my mouth with his fingers and slid his cock in. I could taste myself on him. His cock was soft now so it just sat in my open mouth. I felt his hands caress my cheek and then down my neck to my cleavage. He ran his finger along my bra to the center and then I felt him pull up and open the clasp easily. My young boobs popped out as my bra loosened and fell to the side. His hand was immediately on my left breast, squeezing it and then pinching my nipple.

“Such nice tits for a little girl.” He said as he ran his hand from one breast to the other.

I felt his cock hardening as he played with my boobs. My nipples were hard now due to the attention and he was rolling them between his fingers. His cock was stiffening quickly and filling my mouth. He continued to squeeze and pinch my boobs until his cock was pressing the back of my throat. I felt him push hard against my face and his cock tried to enter my throat. His angle was bad so he could not shove it down my throat. I was glad about that, I was afraid it would get stuck and then I would suffocate on a black cock, that would look good on the death certificate.

He pulled out of my mouth and I felt him move to the edge of the bed. This man was insatiable, was he going to fuck me again? I felt him grab my hips and flip me over. I tried to let my arms just flop around, they ended up a little over my head with my face turned to the side. He propped me up so my ass was sticking up in the air. His hands were on my hips and I felt his cock sliding between my ass cheeks. I had only done doggy style once before and that had been Monday with Tony and Hank. It had felt really good then but I wondered what this huge man was going to do to my little body from behind.

I felt his cock slide between my thighs and then touch my soaked pussy. He pushed and it slid in rather easily. I was worried my pussy would never recover if I am now able to take this huge cock now without issue. He stroked a couple of times and I felt a shiver as this position caused a different sensation inside me. He stopped and then withdrew slowly. My pussy felt like it was struggling to hold onto the cock but he slipped out. I felt the cock land between my ass cheeks and then slide down to my asshole.

“Now, my little darling. It is time for you to get your ass fucked for the first time.” He said.

I panicked a little but tried very hard to stay “asleep”. I was afraid this was going to really hurt. Nothing had ever been in my ass much less a humongous black cock. I didn’t know how this was going to work. I tried to relax and let the drink calm me down. I was pretty relaxed already so I concentrated on my breathing.

I felt pressure on my ass but no penetration. He pushed harder but he could not get his cock to go past the opening. I wondered if my ass was indeed too small for this? Was that possible? Was it physically impossible sometimes for two people to have anal sex? He pushed again with no luck.

“Fuck! Baby girl, this is the tightest ass I have ever seen.” He said and I felt him step away.

I stayed in my most impressive position as I felt him move away from me. My mind started to race as I wondered what I looked like. My heels and stockings were still on and I could feel my bra loose around my arms. My ass was sticking up in the air. I wonder what the kids at school would think? I wonder what my parents would think if they could see their little girl with her ass in the air and a huge black man walking around the room.

“Fucking Tony, you are the man.” I heard Bertrand’s voice to the side of me.

I wanted to open my eyes so bad but I kept them closed. I felt him get closer and then I felt my ass cheeks being spread apart.

“What a beautiful sight. A perfect little ass ready to be harvested.” His voice behind me.

I then felt a finger touch my ass and it felt wet. The finger pushed into me and entered my butt with the help of the wetness. Now it didn’t feel just wet, it felt slick. I didn’t know what it was but it was allowing him to shove a fat finger up my ass without too much trouble.

“There we go, I knew that little asshole would loosen up.” His voice again as he shoved the finger deeper.

He pulled it out and then I felt it touch me again with more wetness. He shoved it in again and moved it in circles. It felt really strange, almost like I needed to go to the bathroom but not really. I couldn’t decide if it felt good or not. It didn’t hurt but it sure was different. Did it not hurt because my ass was really loosening up or because my body was full of whatever Tony put in that wonderful pink drink?

I felt the finger slide out and then his hands on my hips again. He pulled my cheeks apart and I felt the cock slide between my cheeks. I tried to take a deep breath without seeming like I was awake. The cock slid down and was now poised at the entrance to my virgin asshole. I had really never even thought about anal sex, how much of a prude was I? Tim had never mentioned it but I thought he was so impressed that I let him touch my boobs and pussy he never had an opportunity to think beyond that. Tony and Hank had never mentioned it either but now that I heard Tony’s comments I realized he was saving it for Bertrand. He wanted a virgin ass to help “nail down” the account.

The cock pushed on my young ass again. This time however I felt it open a bit and the cock slid in slightly. My ass was still fighting but it started to feel like it was a losing battle. I reserved myself that I was going to have a rather large black cock buried in my virgin asshole in a matter of minutes. My cloudy mind wondered what that was going to feel like? The cock pushed again and slid in a little more. I felt my ass open a little more than usual and it did hurt a little. I bit my lip to try and keep from making a noise. Breathe, breathe, I told my poor body.

“God damn, this is a tight ass! Don’t you worry Baby, Nate is gonna be buried in this tight white ass very soon. This is going to be special.” He said.

I realized then that he seemed to talk to himself a lot. He knew I was out so he couldn’t think I was hearing him. Maybe he just liked the way it sounded? Very strange. The cock slid in a little more and I felt my first stab of pain. He stopped pushing and in fact pulled out a little. I felt my ass tighten back up and then he pushed again. The cock slid in a little farther than before but now it felt like he was trying to shove something way too big in a hole that was way too small. I worried that he was going to really hurt me. Could he actually tear my asshole if he pushed too hard? I tried to block out that thought, it was far too gross. He pulled out completely.

My ass clamped shut when the cock left it. I relaxed and thought for a second that he had given up. Then I felt the wet finger again and it slid in me. He twisted it around and pulled it out. He stuck it back in and it felt even wetter. He moved it around and then pulled it out. The cock returned. It slid in relatively easily to about where it was before and then he pushed again. My ass opened a little more and the huge cock crawled deeper into my young body. This seemed really strange now, was an ass really made to take a cock? I thought not as this still didn’t feel like it was going to work.

He pulled out a little and then pushed back harder. The cock slid deeper and now it was only hurting at the entrance to my ass. I felt my skin stretching but it did not hurt inside. I concentrated on the pain and tried to move it somewhere else. The cock slid in a little more.

“Now, that is better. Get ready baby, here we go.” I heard his voice and almost processed it before I felt the cock start to slide deep into my young ass.

He did not stop this time. He moved slow but he kept a constant pressure and slid his entire cock into me. I felt his pubic hair against my smooth ass cheeks. His whole cock was in my butt. This felt really weird, it must look even weirder. A small white girl with her ass in the air and a humongous black man behind her with his cock stuffed up her butt. If they could only see me now and the song started running through my cloudy brain.

He pulled out and then pushed back. He did it again and increased the length of the stroke. He kept it up, each time pulling out a little farther before pushing the whole thing back in. I tried to go to my happy place, on a beach, the waves lapping up on the soft sand. I felt like I was looking down at my body spread eagle on the beach with the sun shining down. I watched as there seemed to be men appearing, not walking up but just appearing around me. I looked closer and my hands were tied together and to a stake right over my head. My legs were free but I was naked below the waist. My white shirt was still on but wide open and my young breasts were out. I watched the men grab my legs and flip me over. I saw how white my ass looked compared to the dark men around me. I watched one of the men approach me from behind and I saw his cock bouncing. He grabbed my hips and drove his cock into my young ass. I watched myself scream.

“This is one fine ass, baby girl. I believe the finest I have ever had.” My mind snapped back.

The cock was moving with a steady pace now as it opened up my ass. His hands were still on my hips but just holding me in place as he plowed the cock into me. The pain was still there but dull as I got used to the sensation. He was moving faster now. I felt his skin slapping against my butt as he drilled into me. My body was being driven into the bed from the penetration. I took slow deep breaths and tried to concentrate. The cock was moving even faster now. I felt like a ragdoll as he punished my ass.

“Fuck!” was all I heard and he slammed hard into me.

A warm feeling spread inside me and I realized he was filling my young ass with his cum. He held tight onto my hips and flinched a couple more times. He was still for a minute or so and I felt his cock softening inside me. It felt weird now, it was still buried but the pressure was lessening. I felt him pull back and the cock left me. My ass felt wide open and I felt cum dribble out and start to run down my thigh. I felt my ass slowly closing and then a slap on my butt. I fell to my side on the bed.

“Son of a bitch, you are one sweet little girl. Wonderful tight pussy and an incredible ass. Yes, yes, baby, one sweet little girl.” I heard his voice and it seemed to be moving away.

I laid there still and tried to listen. I heard some shuffling and then a door. I heard water and realized he was taking a shower. I relaxed and wondered if it was over. I had been fucked in my pussy and ass by a ridiculously large black man. I felt his cum still inside me. My ass wasn’t hurting anymore, it was just sore. My pussy didn’t hurt at all, it just felt slimy with all the cum and my own juices floating around. I heard the shower stop and then I heard the door again.

Hands touched my legs and ran up to my thighs. They ran down my entire legs and I felt my heels being taken off. The hands caressed my feet for a second and then slid up to my thighs. My stockings were pulled down my legs and off. Hands returned to my back and my bra was pulled off. I was now naked lying on Tony’s bed. Hands went under my arms and pulled me up to the top of the bed. I felt the covers being pulled back and slid under me. The sheets felt cool and soft. I was moved down a little and I felt him climb in behind me. He pulled my body against his and wrapped his huge arm around me. He put his hand over my breast and hugged me. I felt his soft cock nestle against my ass and sleep came easily.


2019-03-18 19:18:57
Keep up the good work. Good pacing to the story. Nicely done.

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