Jill, Dakota, John, Mom and I all got up about 4 am. We showered and dressed. Everyone had packed before going to bed. It always amazed me that for less than 48 hours all the ladies had at least two pieces of luggage.
Fred was ready for all of us with a stretch limo. He stood there stoically holding the rear door open for us and having the trunk open and waiting.
Sammy and Bobby were also up and made each of us an egg sandwich. They had coffee ready for Dakota, Mom, and Jill. John poured me and himself a glass of pineapple juice.
Once we were all in the limo, the drive to the airport was rather quick as there was little to no traffic on the road. Everyone looked tired as we had played rather hard the past couple of days. Mom, John, and Jill all sat next to each other and of course, my darling Dakota sat next to me. I did notice that she was beginning to look a bit plumper. The pregnancy was obviously beginning to show. Dakota put her head on my shoulder and just dozed off.
Jill, Mom, and John were all chatting away. They were excited to be going to NYC. Mom said she knew of a couple of delightful pizza places in Little Italy. Of course, John was excited that he would be getting ‘real’ pizza. I just smiled listening to him chatter on and on about good pizza.
The flight was uneventful. The four hours passed quickly. When we landed in NYC our limo was waiting for us. The weather was delightful, spring-like. The jet was parked, and we all got off. The co-pilot removed all our luggage and the limo driver put it in the trunk of the limo.
The driver took us to the Plaza as Dakota had scheduled. She booked three suites. One for Jill and me, one for Mom, and one for John and Dakota, although they had separate beds to sleep on.
I noticed that John had bought himself an assistant’s notebook that resembled Dakota’s. So far, he was listening and taking notes, which made me proud of him.
When we arrived at the Plaza, the bellman retrieved our luggage as we all went to the check-in desk. The staff member gave us all the plastic keys to get into our suites. I noticed the time and made my way to the limo again to head towards the studio where Mad Money was taped.
We ran into some slow traffic; however, the chauffeur was good at his job and got us to the studio about 15 minutes before I was due. I was met by the producer who went over how the taping works. Jim asks questions, I answer them, often he has a rebuttal. We discuss important topics regarding what is happening with the company.
I asked the producer when the taping would air, she said that it would air Wednesday evening, which I was happy about.
Jim Cramer was his usual self, he was all over the studio asking questions, waiting for answers, and then hitting me with follow up questions. All in all, we had a nice session, right at the very end, I announced the horse tracks being sold. I gave him a figure of 2 Billion dollars. He smiled and told me that the deal of selling the horse tracks was a mark of genius. I thanked him for the compliment. After the taping, I asked him if he had any time to attend our board of director’s meeting at 9 am, he told me that he’s working Squawk Box at that hour and he thanked me for the invite. We shook hands and I left, however, before I left, I gave his producer a check for his charity. I didn’t make any type of big deal out of it, I just left it for him. She thanked me.
I took the limo back to the Plaza. Mom had already made us dinner reservations at an Italian restaurant in Little Italy. John was salivating at the thought of getting a true New York pizza. In fact, I thought that maybe we might have to get a spare one for him to bring back to the Plaza and eat later.
As we get to the restaurant, it smells delicious. We all go inside. I see baskets of garlic bread on the tables. I see a couple of extra-large cheese pizzas on tables and they look and smell delicious. We order three extra large pizzas and two baskets of garlic bread. I order a bottle of Chianti for the ladies and John to have with dinner.
I sit between Mom and Jill. John sits between Mom and Dakota. We’re all having a great time. When the pizza comes, John practically takes three slices and shoves them all in his mouth. We all just laugh at the silliness of John. I ask the waitress if we could also order another extra-large cheese to take with us back to the hotel. I see John’s eyes light up hearing the to go order.
We sit, we eat, we discuss the game plan for the board meeting tomorrow. Mom wants to make it a blood-bath, but I talk her down from the ledge. I have a plan and I would like to execute it and make Polly squirm.
As we head back inside the Plaza, we send John and Dakota up to their room. Mom wants to have a drink in the hotel bar, so Jill and I follow her into the bar and take a seat. The bar itself might just be the nicest hotel bar that I have ever been in. The seats are all cushioned leather, they are overstuffed cushioned leather. The waitress is a delightful young lady that takes our order and Mom’s room number.
Jill decides to have a drink of wine, Mom decides on an old fashioned with top shelf liquor. Me? I just have a bottle of water. I didn’t want to get to the point of not enjoying the show that Polly is intending on putting on for us.
I suggest to Mom that John, Dakota, Jill and myself go to the board meeting without Mom at first. About an hour into the meeting, Mom would show up. When Polly decides that she wants to call for a vote, that would be when Mom stands up and heads to the podium that I’m sure they will have set up.
Mom would discuss what Bob wanted and why he hired both Jill and me to run Jaxson Inc. She would point out that he never was a fan of the board since they all stuck their hands out wanting money but rarely offering anything of worth to the corporation.
Mom thought it was a delightful idea, but she decided that she would arrive with us, but sit in the back. She wanted to watch the whole show from the first moment that Polly tries to armchair quarterback all of my decisions.
Mom warned that Polly will have a long list of my decisions, such as hiring Roger Johnson and paying him a top salary AND buying him a condo and paying the HOA fees for two years.
Or hiring Jennifer, John’s Mom as the director of Real Estate and paying her a top wage. Or having Paula run Happy, Happee limo even though she doesn’t have any managerial experience. Or having Sharon run things at the Hawk. Or spending $165 million to purchase 5 multistory office buildings across the US and one in Toronto.
In addition, she’ll probably bring up Tina, who was under a 5-year contract with Jaxson Inc. but now is in Arizona with her Mother, she’ll most likely point out what a bad investment that was.
She’ll also bring up the purchasing of two BMWs, one for Dakota and one for Tina, who isn’t with the company any longer. Buying two Mercedes, one for Jill and one for Sharon. And now, buying a new Impala for Jennifer. 5 cars in just a few months.
In addition, she will most likely want to boot you our of the Chateau, but she probably doesn’t know the new name for the residence and will most likely still call it ‘the Commune’ and make an issue about your tenants.
I hugged Mom, she knew the shady tactics of the board all too well. She spent a couple of hours regaling Jill and I with stories about how much they made Bob’s life miserable. I will, of course, make a point to ‘thank them’ for all showing up to Bob’s funeral…. oh wait, not a single one of them could be concerned that the founder of the company passed away. No, they couldn’t be bothered to spend just one day showing their respects for the man that worked his ass off to make this company something special.
As we sat there discussing the game plan, I noticed a couple of people paying attention to our conversation. One couple, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson came over to us and introduced themselves. First the offered condolences on Bob’s passing. Second, they informed us that they were in town because of the special meeting that Polly had set up. They were supposed to be heading to the Bahama’s to enjoy a couple weeks of R n R, but this meeting changed their plans. I was wary of them. Were they plants of Polly’s? Did they actually change their plans to come to this meeting, I wasn’t sure, but since I didn’t know them I didn’t invite them to join us.
They thanked us and walked away, leaving the bar entirely. After a couple of hours, our boy John came down and found us. He wanted to know if it was alright for him to order another pizza and have it UBER to the hotel. Jill and I just laughed, he really is a bottomless pit for foot, but I liked that he just didn’t assume it was alright to use the company card, he asked first.
That brought Mom to another issue, company cards. Mom was sure she would have a list of whom has been issued a corporate card and probably a list of all the expenditures spent on each card.
I was very happy with all this thought Mom had put into the board meeting. I noticed that John sat close by listening and watching. I looked around and saw that we were the only ones left in the bar, everyone else had left. I was still a bit uneasy about the Davidson couple, but it was too late to worry about it now.
To John’s surprise, the Uber lady showed up with not one, but two cheese pizzas. I pulled out my card to pay for them, but John had already taken care of that as well as paying for the Uber-eats’ delivery. Jill, Mom, and I all chuckled at John, but he was nice enough to leave one pizza for the three of us and he took the other one up to his room with Dakota.
The bartender came over to us asking if we wanted any further drinks as it was “last call”. Mom asked for another old fashioned, Jill had another glass of wine, me, I stuck to my bottled water which made Mom giggle.
Since we were alone in the bar, I tipped my hand a bit knowing that no one was around to listen, except for the bartender.
I let Mom know that one of the producers from Jim Cramer’s shows Mad Money and Squawk Box would be in the crowd watching and taping quietly. She would upload the whole meeting to her boss back at the studio each time we break for whatever reason. Mom loved the idea that we could if needed put little Miss Polly and her useless daughter on display on national TV, but I wasn’t done. I told Mom that they would be running the taped segment I had with Jim Cramer later that day and announcing on national TV the sale of the horse tracks.
Mom picked up her phone and dialed her stockbroker, which she got at home in San Francisco, she told him to buy 10,000 shares at 9:01 am New York time, the moment the stock market opens and to buy another 10,000 shares for Jill and me and put it on her account. A groggy stockbroker agreed and hung up. Mom thought that having the horse track sale announced on Jim Cramer’s show would move the stock by as much as $5 a share, I told her that might just be a bit low, but none the less it would set the board back on its heels.
As we finished our pizza, and Mom and Jill finished their drinks, we all got up. We hugged, we kissed, and we agreed to meet in the Plazas restaurant at 6:30 to have breakfast and prep again for the meeting. Of course, having John eat breakfast with us here at the Plaza might cost us quite a bit. This made all three of us laugh.
Jill and I walked hand in hand to our suite. Mom walked on the other side of me. When we got into the elevator, Mom squeezed my butt, which made me smile.
When we each reached our suite, Mom kissed both Jill and I and headed into her room. Jill and I went into our suite, which I was sure that our friend Polly will ask why we didn’t stay at the local Pinetree. I asked Jill to investigate our Pinetree records and check to see if any of the board members use the Pinetree or do they stay elsewhere. Jill logged into the administration portal and found the information I wanted. I just smiled, leaned over and kissed my gorgeous wife.
We headed off to sleep, all snuggled into one another.
When we got up, Jill called the other two suites making sure that John and Dakota were up and getting ready and checking on Mom. Of course, because of the importance of the day, everyone was up and in various state of getting ready.
We all decided to just meet at the restaurant. Jill only took a few more minutes, since she had begun an hour earlier.
I put on my best suit, but in my head, I thought about wearing a pair of shorts and a Cuban style shirt, but I decided not to get fired before I had a chance to state my case.
When Jill was ready, we headed out to the elevators. It was nice staying on the 17th floor, one floor short of the top. At least we were enough ‘somebodies’ to rate a high-end room here, but then again, they are more about showing up for a reservation and paying the money they requested.
When Jill and I reached the bottom floor, John and Dakota were already waiting for us. In my head, I was glad to see that John was not challenging anything that Dakota said, he listened, he made notes, and he stayed silent.
Jill kissed John, I kissed Dakota and we headed into the restaurant. The hostess sat us in a nice table, but she said she would bring Mom over when she came down. Jill texted her that we were all in the restaurant waiting for her. Mom texted back that she would be down in about a half hour and to order without her. That sparked John, who told us that he slept like a baby with all that pizza in his belly. All three of us just laughed.
When the waiter arrived, he began to explain the daily chef specials. None of them really sounded that interesting. We all agreed that we missed Bobby and Sammy.
Mom arrived just an expected a half an hour later. John stood, pulled out a chair for her and pushed it into the table. I get more and more proud of him as he continues to mature.
I look around the table, everyone is wearing their best outfit. John has his black pinstriped suit on with a maroon shirt and a black and maroon tie. Dakota is wearing a black dress and black Patten leather shoes with only about a 2” heel.
Jill was wearing a black dress as well, only she had a beautiful cobalt blue belt and matching blue dress heels.
I wore my black suit as well, however, I wore a deep blue dress shirt and a black and white swirled tie.
Mom decided to throw up a middle finger to the board and wore a bright red dress with a black belt and black shiny shoes with only about a 1” heel. She also wore a beautiful diamond and ruby neckless that hung in the low-cut V-neck of the dress. While Mom was a stunner, today she was beautiful. Joh and Dakota both remarked about how gorgeous she looked.
Although I didn’t know any of the people who came to our table, Mom seemed to know all of them. After each one left, she had a comment about them. Mom asked John if he would escort her inside the board meeting room which he smiled and agreed to do so.
As the litany of people slowed down, Mom decided that we needed to go over whom on the board was a friend, who was an enemy, and whom was neutral. To Mom, the neutral ones were the keys to this meeting.
Mom pointed out that Polly Nestor, Darius Fishman, Jim Danley, and D’Nata Black were not friends.
She went on to say that Sam Michaelson, Donna Plaster, Anita Blackman, and Ronald Smitty were all friends.
The keys, according to Mom were the four neutral members: Virginia Pogue, Julie Shades, Mark McKenzie, and John Richardson.
Mom told us that the four neutral ones were a bit gun-shy and wouldn’t take on Polly directly, but they would listen to reason and we could persuade them to think more rationally and not allow Polly to bully them into her way of thinking.
John out of the blue suggested that I ask them what they are expecting of a CEO. This was a terrific idea I felt. I pulled out a small piece of paper to write it down, but Dakota spun her assistant’s book around to me. She already had it written down in her book.
Mom also pointed out that Polly will try to divide and conquer, meaning that Jill and I will be questioned separately. I suggested that Jill not take a seat anywhere except right next to me, this would be a sign of unity. Mom agreed.
We all ate a nice hearty breakfast, although I think that John wanted more food, but he was showing concern for Dakota and Mom, which made Jill and I smile.
As we finished our breakfast, several people wished up ‘good luck’ at the board meeting. John seemed surprised, Dakota seemed to just dislike these people.
We walked to our limo. We had an older gentleman, who reminded me of Fred. Tall, stoic, polite and had everything ready for us.
John and I waited for the ladies to get in the limo, then we entered. The chauffeur closed the door behind us and off we went towards Jaxson, Inc.
When we arrived, there were several new agencies all set up waiting for us. We all smiled and walked right past them. We were greeted by the lead security man who greeted Mom with courtesy and professionalism. Mom gave him a quick hug and off we went to the 13th floor where the conference room was located.
I expected that the board would not be watching our entrance and thus may or may not know that Mom was with us. We knew immediately which room held the meeting, the one that had several reporters and a couple of cameramen waiting for us.
Mom, Jill, Dakota, and John all walked right by the press. I stopped for a couple of moments to answer a couple of questions.
“Mister Greene, Mister Greene, what are you intending to say to the board today?” was the first question, from Fox News.
“Well, come inside and find out for yourselves,” I replied.
The next one was from MSNBC, “Mr. Greene, do you expect to be employed by lunchtime, one board member claims you will be ‘out on your ass by lunchtime’.
“Well, I guess at 12:01 pm we’ll all find out, won’t we?”
“Last question,” I say.
“Mr. Greene, what will you do if you are let go by lunchtime?” coming from the NY Times.
“Well, I guess I’ll go have lunch, does anyone know a good restaurant around here?” I ask eliciting a few chuckles. I thank everyone for their time and offer for them to come into the meeting, they all decline.
Once inside the meeting room, I see one of the producers from Jim Cramer’s show as well as a couple of cameras set up in the back corner of the room. I nod to her and keep walking towards Jill. John and Dakota have taken up seats behind Jill and me. Although I walked right past her, John whispered in my ear that Mom was all the way in the back row of the room and in the middle of a row to not be seen quite as quickly.
The board members file in and take their seats in front of their own nameplates. They sit down. Polly tries to bring the meeting to order, but she was cut off by Sam Michaelson, the head of the board. Polly had to apologize to him.
“That’s one mistake,” I say to Jill. She just smiles.
Mr. Michaelson begins, “Members of the board, this special meeting was called by board member Polly Nestor to discuss the performance of the company’s CEO David Greene. Mr. Greene, would you like to make an opening remark to the board?”
“Um, yes I would. Thanks to Elizabeth, this is a complete waste of the board’s time. But, let’s get on with this charade,” I say. I see Polly just fuming.
“Mr. Greene, my name is Polly, not Elizabeth,” she fumes.
“Oh, I don’t know about that Elizabeth, it says here on the paper that I have your name is Elizabeth Polly Nestor, or are you lying to the board?” I say.
“Give me THAT, you have no right to that information,” Polly says.
“Oh, but I do have that right. You see, under the corporate laws of New York, every board member is considered a public figure and thus subject to investigation, or didn’t you know that Elizabeth?” I say just mocking her and making her even madder.
“Mr. Greene, why don’t you call her by her name, Polly?” Mr. Michaelson asks.
“Because it’s not her name. Her name is Elizabeth and THAT is what I’m choosing to call her,” I say to him. He chuckles to himself. I remember what Mom had told me, that he was a friend on the board.
“Well the name aside, what is it you would like to say to the board?”
“Mr. Davidson, I have nothing further to say to the board at this time,” I tell him.
“Other than Polly, is any board member wishing to make a statement at this time?” Mr. Davidson asks.
Mr. Fishman, a non-friend chooses to make a statement, “Thank you Mr. Chairman. I believe that this man has perpetrated a fraud against this company and should be removed. He has spent money like it was water. He has no regard for any of the members of the board and he shows his arrogance by showing up without an attorney,” He says. Jill leans into me and whispers, “Not a very good opening statement, guess that’s why Mom called him ‘fish head’ she says smiling.
“Um, Miss Greene, would you like to make an opening statement as well?” Mr. Davidson asks.
“Well, yes. My name is Jill Morgan-Greene, not Miss Greene. I’m not trying to mislead any of the board members as to my name, right Elizabeth?” My wife pokes the bear once again.
I whisper in her ear to remember that Mr. Davidson is a friend but in a precarious position being Chairman of the board. She just smiles.
I add, “Mr. Davidson since this is Elizabeth’s show, why don’t we let her go first. I’m sure she has lots to say and ask me about,” I tell him. Mr. Davidson agrees and turns the questioning over to Polly.
“David, do you understand why you are here?” Polly begins.
“Um, Elizabeth, my name is Mr. Greene to you, we’re not friends and only my friends call me David,” I say to her poking the bear once again. I see Mr. Davidson smile and chuckle to himself.
“Whatever, MISTER GREENE, do you understand why you are even here today?” Polly asks.
“Yeah, I believe that I do. A ridiculous board member, who believes that her unqualified daughter should have my position, even though she has no business acumen, no history of successful work, and no ability to run a multi-national corporation. Hell, she’s not even a lawyer,” I say to the board.
“She is too a lawyer, you need to get your facts straight,” Polly spews at me.
I hand some papers to the clerk who in turn, hands them to Mr. Davidson. “Mr. Greene, what is this that you’re handing the board?” He asks.
“This is a print out from all 50 states in the country showing that Alicia Nestor does not have a license to practice law in any of the 50 states. Oh, she graduated from law school, but she does not have a license at this moment. Care to argue with me Elizabeth?” I say once again poking the bear.
“No, Polly, this is a legal document that says your daughter has no current license to practice law,” He tells Polly and the board as he hands the stack of papers around the board with each one looking through the papers.
“Also, Elizabeth, I am here today because I flew on a jet to get here yesterday. I didn’t want to miss the ridiculous show that you’re trying to put on here,” I say once again poking the bear.
I hear some grumbling and whispers in the audience.
“Polly, please continue,” Mr. Davidson says.
“Mr. Greene, do you admit that you spent this company’s money willy-nilly?” Polly asks.
“No, I don’t admit anything of the such. Care to show everyone proof of your accusation?” I ask.
“Here, right here. I have it on good authority that you spend this company’s money as if it was your own. Care to deny that?” Polly says.
“Other than you Elizabeth, how many board members are fans of baseball, either the Yankees (which gets some cheers from the crowd) or the Mets (not quite as much cheering)?” I ask the board in general.
I see about 8 who acknowledge what I have said.
“Let’s start with the Yankees,” I say hearing a few smatterings of cheers.
“Why do you think that the Bronx Bombers pay Giancarlo Stanton $25 million a year over 13 years?” I ask.
Oddly, Mr. Fishman is the first to answer, “Because they want to win. To be the best, and thus they pay for the best,” he tells the board.
“Exactly,” I say agreeing with him.
“Now, let's move on to the Mets. Why do they pay $24 million a year to Robinson Cano?” I ask.
Again, Mr. Fishman uses the same answer to answer my question.
“Again, Mr. Fishman you are correct,” I say seeing him puff his chest out in pride.
“Both of the New York baseball teams pay top dollar to key free agents to put together a winning team,” I tell the board.
Polly interjects, “Yes, that’s nice, but we’re talking business not baseball,” she says.
“Elizabeth, do you even understand what I’m saying? I pay top dollar to people that I’ve hired to get the best people out there. People that I can count on to work hard at improving our company, isn’t that what we want Elizabeth?” Clearly, she is silent because she is beginning to look like a fool.
“Elizabeth, I see that you have a Gucci Tiger bag on your arm when walked into the board room. Why do you have that?” I asked, knowing the answer before I asked the question.
“Because it is one of the best out there,” Elizabeth says to me.
“So, you would tell this board that you pay top dollar for a handbag when you feel it’s worth it?” I ask.
“Of course,” she replies.
“Then you just validated why I pay top dollar for the people that I’ve brought on to this company,” I tell her. She’s still fuming but score one for me.
“It’s NOT the same thing,” she says with venom in her voice.
“Then please, enlighten us how it’s different,” I say to her.
She sits silent.
“It’s just not the same,” she says again.
“Let’s move on,” Mr. Davidson says.
“How about all these cars you bought on company money?” Elizabeth asks.
“Oh, you mean the two BMWs that were promised but never delivered to Tina and Dakota, or maybe you mean that my wife, the Director of Financial Affairs is to be driving what? A mid-80’s Chevy? Not really the proper car for a woman of her stature. Or maybe you believe that Jennifer, our director of Real Estate should also be driving around in an old hooptie-mobile?” I ask.
“What’s a hooptie-mobile?” Elizabeth asks.
“It’s an old piece of junk car that you keep together with duct tape and chewing gum,” I say to her smiling.
“Who authorized the purchase of her 2019 Chevy Impala?” Elizabeth asked.
“Me, David Greene, CEO of Jaxson Incorporated,” I say to her smiling.
I hear a smattering of chuckling in the audience.
“And you believe that you have the authority to do such a thing,” Elizabeth asks.
“Until I’m either fired or no longer working here, YES!” I say with authority.
Polly asks the board to cast a vote on my continued employment.
I feel a hand on my shoulder. It’s Mom.
“Um, Mrs. Jaxson, we weren’t notified that you would be attending this meeting,” Mr. Davidson says.
“As the largest single stock-holder, I wasn’t aware that I had to notify anyone of my actions,” She tells the board with venom in her voice and a smile on her face.
I lean over to Jill and whisper, “GAME ON1”
Mom decides to take on Elizabeth’s ridiculous reason for calling this meeting.
“Um, Polly my dear, why again did you waste everyone’s time for this meeting? Could it be so you could get another payment for being a board member, but really not doing anything?” Mom asks Polly directly.
Polly doesn’t say a word.
John leans over to me and writes on my tablet that Mr. Fishman is leaning our way. He liked the baseball reference. I smile an nod my head. I was happy that John saw Dakota wrote that D’Nata Black had taken a defensive posture with her arms crossed on her chest. Mom leaned down and wrote on the pad ‘cunt’ which made us all chuckle.
I asked Mr. Davidson for a bathroom break as Dakota was pregnant. Before he even had time to grant the break, Dakota had already gotten up and just walked out of the boardroom.
The remaining four of us all walked out together. I subtly signaled for the producer from Jim Cramer’s show to follow us outside. Surprising to me, when we got into the hallway, there were no reporters at all. The producer met us out in the hallway.
“Mr. Greene, what are your plans when you return to the board meeting?” She asked.
“Time to make them squirm,” I tell her.
She smiles and heads down the hallway to the ladies’ room. Thankfully, Dakota was on her way back so there was no chance of her getting trapped in the restroom.
When Dakota got back to us, she told us that Donna Plaster was in the ladies room as well and told Dakota that she thought that I was making Polly look silly and that she loved me calling her Elizabeth and not Polly.
The board room clerk came out to the hall and summoned everyone back into the room.
Once we were all seated, Polly tried to bully herself into opening the meeting. Again Mr. Davidson had to knock her back down a peg for which she apologized.
“That’s twice,” I say. Mom smiles. Jill smiles.
“Mr. Davidson, may I give a state of the company update?” I ask.
“Of course, Mr. Greene. You may have the floor,” he tells me.
I decide to get up and walk around. I know that I think better when I’m on my feet. John is just smiling, he has an idea of what’s coming.
“Members of the board, I want to take a few moments of your time and update you on the state of the company, all of the company,” I say to the board.
“A few months ago, Jaxson Inc. bought a company called Happy, Happee Limo. This purchase leads to other acquisitions. Happy, Happee Limo was created by a woman named Sasha. However, Sasha was a shady character. She bought other companies and hid them under the license of Happy, Happee Limo. She had several horse tracks, a recording studio, a pharmacy group, and a trucking company. All of these companies were acquired for no additional cost to Jaxson, Inc. Oh, and we also acquired Tulip Productions, a porn studio,” I tell them.
This, of course, outrages Elizabeth.
“MISTER GREENE, are you telling this board that Jaxson, Inc. owns a pornographic studio?” She barks.
“No, not at all. Within a week of finding out that we had acquired a porn studio, I phone Bob who instructed me to find a new owner, which I did. I found a college student named Allison. She was working hard, very hard to make Tulip Productions work. Per Bob’s request, I sold Tulip Productions to Allison for a zero-interest loan. Bob felt that we needed to get this company off our books, which I agreed with him. Allison has already made her first payment, just this past Sunday. She gave me a money order in an envelope for me to deposit, which my other assistant, Amy has done for us,” I tell the board members.
“Go on Mr. Greene,” Mr. Davidson says.
“Thank you, Mr. Davidson,” I say.
“Now, it is easy to second guess the deal, but followed Bob Jaxson’s direction and sold off Tulip Productions and now have an income into Jaxson Inc. From there, I moved on to the trucking company. We merged it with our own trucking and logistics company. One of the things that occurred right away was the price of truck tires went up dramatically and the quality of the tires dropped dramatically. I contact several tire manufacturing companies. One company was willing to work with us, BF GOODRICH. We purchase nearly 1000 tires and had them shipped to our top 15 trucking locations. We increased the sale price of the tires only a little bit. Within 9 days we had sold out of the 1000 tires, so I ordered more tires, twice the amount and had them shipped to the same 15 locations, again we sold out, this time in 8 days. There was no mistaking this, we had a waiting list from each of our 15 locations. Again, we ordered another double the number of tires bringing us to a total of 4,000 tires. Once again, we have sold out of all 4,000 tires in 11 days. Now, on the side, we were keeping all the used truck tires that needed to be sent for retreading to BF GOODRICH’S retread location just outside of Dallas, Texas. We ship them to the location, they retread them, and they pay to ship them to the 15 locations, which in turn we sell at a deeply discounted price for trailers, cheaper price than any other tire distributor in the US,” I tell them. I see all of the heads nodding, even Elizabeth.
I move on to the recording studio. “From the trucking company, we move onto the recording studio. So far, we have only made minimal advances, but steam is beginning to roll,” I tell them.
“After the recording studio, we look at the pharmacy company. We hired a president, who unfortunately passed away a couple of weeks ago. We are currently interviewing replacement candidates,” I tell them.
“Now, onto the horse tracks. There are lots of governmental regulations, each one different by state. I took a good hard look, along with my wife at the horse tracks. We made the decision to sell them. We were contacted by an investment group led by one of the largest stockholders of Churchill Downs. They made us an offer, we countered and voila we have a deal,” I say to the board.
“Just how little did you get for these wonderful horse tracks? I’m sure you didn’t get enough,” Elizabeth says to me.
“Oh, I got enough,” I tell her and the board.
“Well, how much is ‘enough’?” Elizabeth says again.
“I’m not sure you’re ready to hear that number,” I say to them.
“Mr. Greene, the board would like to know what amount of money you received for the horse tracks. Did it exceed 100 million?” Mark McKenzie asks.
“Yes, just a bit more than that amount,” I say to him smiling.
I lean back to John and ask him to write out the sale amount. He picks up a thick black sharpie and writes the amount $2,000,000,000.oo.
He stands up and holds the sign up for the board members to read. No one speaks, nor do they make a sound. John turns around the sign so the people in the audience can see the price. I hear John’s favorite word come from the audience, “Fuck,”. This causes John to laugh out loud. I just chuckle, Dakota laughs out loud as well. Jill and Mom just smile.
“Um, Mr. Greene, are you telling us that you sold all the horse tracks for 2 Billion dollars?” Mr. Davidson asked.
“Yes, of course, oh, and did I mention that there was no cost in acquiring the horse tracks, so the money is pure profit. Isn’t that what you pay me to do, make this company an insane amount of money?” I ask of them.
“Shall we talk about the Pinetree and the restaurant group?” I ask.
“The Pinetree is undergoing massive revisions to upgrade the whole brand. We are going to position the brand in the Marriott Courtyard level. We’re going to have a national contest to rename the brand to something that we all like. As for the restaurant group, we have a unit in Tampa, Florida that has a manager who has added something to make the restaurant become more interesting. He has added to the menu by including the Cuban food that is popular in Tampa. I’m adding this to our brand across the country, adding cultural menu options for the restaurant patrons to enjoy,” I say to them.
Mom stands up again to address the board, “I would like to offer a suggestion to the board. We need to remove the caps on Jill’s and David’s bonus structure. Let me call for a vote, all those in favor say aye,” Mom says. Since she is the largest stockholder and along with our stock, she now has more than 53% available to her, including what we bought this morning. “Motion stands and is passed,” Mom tells the board. Elizabeth is now madder than before. She reels backward realizing that she is powerless to overcome Mom’s proposals.
“Elizabeth, this one is for you, I nominate that Elizabeth Polly Nestor be let go from the board of directors and that all board members not be allowed to hold a position longer than 20 years. Also, that to receive any compensation for being a board member, you must attend all 4 board meetings otherwise you receive less money from your appointment to the board. In addition, I nominate David Greene as CEO of Jaxson Inc. and will now have a contract for not 5 years but 10 years, along with his wife our Director of Financial Affairs,” Mom nominates.
“All those in favor, say AYE, Good, motion passed,” Mom says to the board.
“Um, Elizabeth, did you just realize that you just got fired from the board?” I say to her.
“No, wait. You can’t do that?” She says.
“Oh, but we can. Mrs. Jaxson has total control of the voting shares of the stock,” I lean in and kiss her on the cheek. The security comes and escorts Elizabeth out of the board room. The five of us just wave goodbye to her, she is fuming and not happy at all. I’m smiling, Jill’s smiling, Mom’s smiling, and of course John and Dakota are smiling.
We get up and head out of the board room, saying our goodbyes to the board members.
As we head into the hallway, I see our friend from Jim Cramer’s show on the phone talking a mile a minute. We thank everyone and head to the limo. Our luggage is already in the limo as the Plaza held it for us and then loaded it into the limo for us.
“Um, Mom, who paid for the Plaza?” I asked her even though I knew she did.
Mom remained silent. “David, I want to sell my home in the Hamptons. I understand from my realtor friend that that Jobs kid wants my house and is offering 11 million for it, which I think I’ll take,” Mom tells me. I just give her a hug.
“Do you need any help packing?” I ask.
“No, not really. I think I’ll probably keep about a room full of stuff and sell the rest. Too many bad memories,” Mom tells me.
“OK, you decide, it’s your home,” I tell her.
The limo stops in front of Mom’s jet. We all get out and carry our own luggage on to the jet. The co-pilot takes the luggage and stows it away. We all take a seat. The plane heads down the runway and into the air to head back home.
The four-hour flight was uneventful. We were all wired from Polly being escorted out of the boardroom.
I received a text from Roger.
Firearm permits were approved. I overnighted them to your home. I saw the Jim Cramer show, congrats on your sale of the horse tracks. 2 billion for all the tracks is an amazing number. Talk to you soon, Roger.
I suggest to the playgroup that we should go out for dinner tonight to celebrate. I ask John how our stock is doing. “Up, way, way up,” he tells me.
“How far up is way, way up?” I ask.
“It’s up $21.75, and there is still a couple of hours of NYSE time available,” John tells me. I was glad to see John staying abreast of our stock.
“Anyone up for a dinner out tonight?” I ask. Dakota moves over next to me and suggests Longhorn Steakhouse. I love the idea and have John and Dakota tell everyone that I want to take everyone out to dinner, including Bobby, Sammy, the CG boys, and Fred. I get a couple of text messages saying that Longhorn sounds delicious. I ask that everyone is contacted.
Jill, John, and Dakota are texting everyone. So far no one has declined the invite.
I ask everyone in the plane, “Should we invite Elizabeth?” I say laughing out loud. John also laughs and asks me, “Why did you keep calling her Elizabeth?”
“For two reasons, one I knew it pissed her off and two it made her look silly using a name because you don’t like your god given name,” I tell him. He ponders what I have just told him for a moment then adds, “Should I text her and invite her to our celebratory dinner?” John asks smiling the whole time.
I just shake my head no, no need to poke the bear any longer, we won and we don’t need to be bad sports with our win.
I ask Jill if we should stop and purchase some guns since we now had carry-permits. She thought that it would be a good idea. She began texting Fred to let him know that we are all going to Longhorn, but that we wanted to stop and take advantage of our carry permits and purchase a couple of guns. He texted back that he will have a stretch limo at the airport shortly when we arrive.
Mom looks exhausted. I have her sit down next to me. I begin to rub her feet. She tilts her head back and just let me make her feel better by rubbing her feet. I hear some mild moaning as I reach the arches.
It's not long before I hear the landing gear lock into place, and we begin our descent into LAX. As we touch down on the runway, Dakota is squeezing my hand. She still doesn’t like this part of the trip.
I lean over and kiss her. I lean the other way and kiss Mom. As the jet comes to a stop, I see out the window that Fred is waiting with the trunk open and the back door open. The co-pilot begins bringing down the luggage to the foot of the stairs. Fred picks them up and puts them into the trunk. The three ladies seem all wiped out. I pull Fred aside and ask if we could stop at a gun shop. He hands me a FedEx envelope that has our gun carry permits inside of the envelope.
I open the envelope and hand Dakota, John, and Jill their carry permits. Dakota really seems excited. I text Jennifer and Paula that I had their carry permits. I also texted Marcus that I had his carry permit. He texted back that he was excited that they came so soon. I asked Fred to give us the address for the gun shop he was taking up to. I texted it to Jennifer, Paula, and Marcus. All of whom said they would meet us there. I guessed that Jennifer was still driving everyone in her new Impala.
When Fred pulled into the gun shop parking lot, he tried to park away from the front door, but alas he ended up in a corner of the parking lot.
Before we got out of the limo, Jennifer’s new green Impala entered the parking lot. It was nice to see her still smiling over her new car.
We all got out of our respective vehicles and went inside. We were met by a large man who probably tilted the scales in the 375 to 400-pound range. We all showed him our carry permits. He told us to look around and he would answer any questions we might have.
I selected the same model that I took the gun class with, a Smith & Wesson 9mm. John also selected a similar model for himself. Dakota, with the smaller hands, chose a small 9 mm that only held 12 in the magazine. The guns that John and I selected held 17 in the magazine.
Marcus chose a Glock 9 mm. Jennifer and Paula also selected a Glock each. Only Mom chose not to have a firearm, but then again there was no carry permit for her in the envelope.
I asked if we could have three boxes of ammo and a holster for each gun. He gladly offered us shoulder holsters, waist holsters, and even ankle holsters. We all chose a waist holster, but John also selected a shoulder holster. Jill didn’t want a holster, she only wanted it to be stored safely in her purse. Dakota, Jennifer, and Paula all followed suit. The gun shop man also threw in trigger locks to keep anyone from using our guns when we weren’t using them, for example in the Chateau when we are entertaining. I knew we were going to have a gun safe, but when will the locksmith guy get to installing that?
I paid for all the weapons on my corporate credit card. The heavyset man who sold us all our guns smiled when he saw the total. We all walked out of the gun shop with our purchases and with the holsters and with some ammo. In the limo, John, Jill, Dakota and myself all loaded our magazine.
I assumed that the ladies in the green Impala were doing the same thing. Fred took us to Longhorn where Bobby, Sammy, and Diane along with Donna were waiting for us to arrive. For whatever reason, the CG boys did not join us for dinner. BJ and Danni did arrive a few minutes later in Danni’s car.
Dakota leaned over to me and said, “Down Daddy, you’ll get your shot soon enough,” she said smiling at me.
John announced that the market had closed about an hour ago, shares of Jaxson Inc. stock ended up going up a record $37.50 per share, the greatest one day gain in Jaxson Inc history. I did the math quick for Dakota, 10,000 shares up by $37.50 per share equal Dakota’s stock increasing by $375,000. Dakota kissed me and headed into the restaurant. I noticed three Hispanic youths just kind of hanging around outside the main door.
John, Marcus and I walked right by them into the restaurant. Fred parked the limo and joined us inside.
The hostess took us to our table, where the ladies were already laughing and having a good time. I looked around and didn’t see Amy.
“Did anyone remember to invite Amy?” I asked.
I just shook my head. John was already texting Amy telling her to get her cute ass over to Longhorn’s Steakhouse because Daddy wants to see her. She texted back that she would be here shortly.
I smiled hearing that she was on way. Dakota had told her to drive her BMW. A few minutes later, Amy walked into the restaurant. She laughed when she saw John doing his best ‘Polly gets the boot’. Mom was laughing so hard, I thought she was going to snort her drink out through her nose from John’s antics.
I ordered another round of appetizers and of course, I kept the cheesy shrimp when two of them came to the table. I wasn’t about to let one of then go to John and get eaten like a termite eats wood.
Amy came over to me and kissed me. “Thank you, Daddy, I thought that I had done something wrong to not be invited to dinner,” Amy tells me. I just hug her and kiss her.
“You should know by now that I invite everyone, if you didn’t get an invite, then just text Dakota, she knows, she always knows,” I say to Amy.
Amy plunks herself down between Dakota and Jill with everyone just enjoying each other’s company. As the main course arrived, our boy John once again showed signs of maturity again taking care that Diane had everything she needed. Diane had decided to splurge and order a fully loaded baked potato. John didn’t think there was enough butter or sour cream and asked for more for Diane. The server brought more quickly. Diane just smiled and rubbed his thigh.
Again, it seemed obvious to me that Dakota was really showing some size to her belly. I hadn’t announced it yet, so I decided that now was as good a time as any.
“Hey, everyone may I have your attention please,” I ask of the table. I leaned in and kissed Jill, she knew what I was about to tell everyone.
“Jill and I would like to announce that we’re expecting!” I say to the entire group.
Everyone starts hugging Jill. Dakota hugs me as well. Bobby and Sammy begin chatting about some different cooking to appease now three ladies who are pregnant.
Mom is chatting with Jill, Diane, and Dakota telling all three of them how she wished that she and Bob found the time to have children, but alas, Bob was a workaholic and it never seemed to be the right time to have children. She was looking forward to being ‘Grandma’. I just smiled, the day had gone extremely well. Polly was no longer on the board of directors, Mom now controlled the majority of the stock and liked where Jill and I were taking the company.
Kim and Kay sat at the opposite end of the table chatting quietly to themselves. I got up and walked around the table. I took a chair from a table behind them and pulled it up between them asking, “Ladies, are you having a good time? It seemed the other night that you and the porn twins were having a good discussion, anything I should know about?” I asked.
“No, nothing now. We chatted with your lady Allison, she’s really nice. She tried her best to dissuade us from making another porn. We’re considering what she said to us but knowing that you approve of Allison goes a long way with us,” Kay tells me.
“Um, did you tell your Uncle yet about what you two are thinking about?” I asked.
“Oh, of course, he says that since we are adults, we get to make our own decision on what to do with our bodies. However, Allison keeps telling us that a porn career can take a turn for the worse if one isn’t careful,” Kim says.
“She’s right. The porn twins and Belinda have all told me that they want out of the porn industry, which is why they are getting rent so cheaply for my pool house. I want them to be successful at leaving the industry, if that’s what they really want to do,” I say to them.
“Yeah, but porn for twins pays really well,” Kim follows up.
“I’m sure it does, but do I not pay the both of you enough?” I ask.
“No, you pay us just fine. We’re just exploring all our options. You can’t be Daddy forever,” Kay says.
I guess my face showed my disappointment as they changed the conversation to a different topic. I kissed each lady and headed back to my seat.
As we finished up with dinner, I asked for the bill. The server brought the bill over and I used my Jaxson Inc. corporate card. Mom kissed me on the cheek and thanked Jill and I for a delightful day.
We all gathered our things and headed towards the front door.
At first, four of our ladies walked outside. John, Fred, Marcus, and I followed moments later.
When we stepped outside, the three Hispanic youths that we saw when we entered were now holding guns on us. John and Fred both reached for their own guns. They three youths warned them not to ‘try it’.
I stepped forward looking at whom I thought to be the leader of the three.
“Hey guys, there’s no need to pull your guns out at a family restaurant like this one,” I say.
“Give us all your money, Cabrone,” the leader says to me.
John is ready to take them on, but I ask him to back down a little.
“Guys, do you all go to a casino to play poker?” I ask.
“Yes, we go to the one at Hollywood Park. They have our favorite game, Texas Hold’em” their leader says.
“So right now, you are holding a pair jacks in your hand. The river turns up another Jack, so now you have three Jacks,” I say to him.
“Huh? What are you talking about? Give us your money or we will shoot you,” the leader says.
“Shoot me? You don’t even realize that there are two Queens on the table, but you’re only worried about that Jack because it makes your hand better,” I say.
The leader is really confused as to why I’m talking about cards when they are holding guns on us.
“You decide to go ‘all in’ and bet all that you have, much like right now. You’re betting your entire future for what a few measly dollars? Not a smart play gentleman,” I look right into the eye of the leader.
“Give us your money, white boy,” the second one says to me.
“So, you’re holding a pair of Jacks plus one on the river giving you three Jacks, much like you three betting your life for a couple of bucks,” I say.
“I decide to go all in as well, but you’re going to lose and you don’t even know why,” I tell them.
“Give us your money, this is your last warning,” the third one says.
“I turn over my pair of cards to show you that I have a pair of Queens and putting them with the pair on the table give me four Queens, and everyone knows that four Queens ALWAYS beats three Jacks,” I say smiling.
Just as I say that Dakota pulls the slide on her gun back to indicate a gun is behind our three youths. The leader turns around to see Dakota, Jill, Jennifer, and Sharon all holding cocked guns at the three youths. The leader says something in Spanish to the other guys. They all lay their guns on the ground and put their hands in the air.
Only about 30 seconds later, Police showed up and arrested our Hispanic youths. I was so proud of the ladies. They used their firearms wisely and were not afraid one bit. It turns out that Kim and Kay had gotten to the door behind us and saw the three guys with the guns. They went to the hostess stand and dialed 911 giving the emergency operator the address for the holdup.
I hugged each lady. John checked for Diane to make sure she was safe. I went over to Dakota and Jill and teasingly scolded them. “Couldn’t wait to use your guns eh?” I said smiling. The four girls all kissed me, all though Sharon did squeeze my ass during her kiss.
“Let’s go home, it’s much safer there and we can all get naked,” I say to everyone.
We all get into a car or limo and head home.
On the way, Dakota takes charge and unzips me, fishes out my cock and puts it in her mouth. She’s licking the underside, getting my cock all wet and hard from her wonderful oral skills. Jill moves over to the seat next to me in the limo. She places a hand on the back of Dakota’s head pushing her towards my pelvis. Dakota is now gagging a bit as my cock head is touching her uvula. Lots of saliva was escaping her cute little mouth. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride.
Mom slid the privacy screen down a bit and asked Fred if he was up to spending the night, which he gracefully accepted.
I texted Paula that Fred was going to spend the night and thus won’t be bringing the limo back to the cleanup area tonight. She texted back that she was already at the Chateau, but she would let the overnight manager know the situation with the limo.
As I was getting close to cumming, I let Dakota know. She, as usual, just kept on licking and sucking my manhood.
“Damn Dakota, you are so getting better at this,” I say as I shoot all my seed into her accepting mouth. I hear her swallow three times letting none of it escape. I kiss her, tasting myself on her tongue. She hugs me hard and leans her head on my shoulder purring in my ear.
When you are distracted by a beautiful woman sucking on your cock the drive time to get home passes quite quickly.
As Fred pulls into the courtyard, I announce that we are home. Fred holds the door open and the trunk popped. Each of us reaches into the trunk and grab our own luggage. However, Fred won’t let Mom take her own luggage, instead, he offers to carry it into the house for her. I just smile, it’s nice to see Mom happy.
I hear the garage door open. I suspect that Dakota’s BMW is being put away. Jill and I get to our bedroom and just dump the clothes into the hamper. I put my suitcase in the closet and am happy that we are home. I shed my clothes and head in to take a shower. Again, I’m happy that this shower has instant hot water. I shower, I shampoo and just as I was about to exit the shower, Amy stepped in.
She came over to me and began to stroke my cock. “Daddy, I know that you were gone just two days, but I missed you so much,” she said to me looking into my eyes.
I hug her and kiss her. I feel her warm small hands stroking my hard cock. I lift her up by her waist, she wraps her legs around me. I step forward pushing her back against the wall of the shower. I lower her down slowly. Her sweet silky pussy slides down onto my cock. We begin to thrust in unison. It doesn’t take very long before Amy is cumming hard, “OH GAWD DADDY, YOU FEEL SO FUCKING WONDERFUL INSIDE OF MY LITTLE PUSSY,” she says as the first orgasm rolls through her body.
I keep thrusting into her and she keeps cumming, “OH GAWD DADDY, I FEEL YOU SO DEEP IN ME. YOU MAKE ME CUM SO HARD, SO HARD,” she says as another orgasm rolls through her body.
As that wonderful familiar twinge made its appearance in my body, Amy came one more time, “OH GAWD DADDY, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!” She says to me as I begin to shoot into her sweet tight little pussy.
“OH, FUCK ME AMY, YOU FEEL SO GAWD DAMN WONDERFUL,” I say to her. I shoot all I have into her. We look into each other’s eyes and embrace again. She begins to kiss me, and I respond kissing her as well.
As we both settle down, we step out and dry each other off. Once we are all dry, she walks naked into my bedroom. I put on a pair of shorts and a white tee shirt and head out to the hallway. Amy takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen. I see Sammy and Bobby working diligently.
Bobby is making a dish called ‘Bangers and Mashed’. I had to ask what it was. He explained that it is a sausage with a thick mashed potato and a dark brown gravy. He told us that he was introduced to it in England. Sammy had some delightful fresh tuna appetizers on some Ritz crackers ready for us to eat.
I sat at the head of the new dining room table. I see Fred and Mom holding hands. Fred is making her a plate of food which he carries over to the dining room table. I think to myself how becoming the Chauffeur really changed my life for the better.