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This is a story of rape. Do not read it if you do not like the subject.
I used to care, I really did. I had a bright future ahead of me. I still think I am pretty and smart, I am just having trouble figuring out what that is really worth in the real world. My name is Taylor, I am a sophomore in high school and I used to be excited to go to school. Now it seems all worthless, I can’t figure out what I will ever do with some of the stuff I am “learning”. I am still a cheerleader and I still participate but I find it hard to smile. I can do the routines because they are burnt into my muscle memory and the lack of emotion actually helps me execute. My coach says I am doing better than ever. Figures. I am a waitress at a diner and I used to love my job. I still like the money but the fire is not there. The people I work with are great and the customers are a lot of fun. I used to be sarcastic and funny, the perfect greasy spoon waitress. But, that was before it happened.

“Honey, do you want to go shopping for a cute dress for your spring dance?” My Mom said.

I look up from my cereal to see her concerned face. She is trying so hard. I used to love shopping with my Mom. I do remember that and our trips to the mall were loads of fun. I want to have that again, but I just can’t seem to connect.

“Sure. I get off work at 4:00, we can go then.” I said, trying hard to sound excited.

I could tell she saw right through me and was disappointed. Her cute, bubbly little girl had been replaced by this apathetic shell. I tried to smile at her but it came off as a little smirk. I took another bite of cereal.

It was my birthday weekend when it all changed. I was turning 15 and it seemed like my entire family was in town. I remember meeting cousins I didn’t even know existed. We must have had 30 people at the house that day. My birthday was actually on Friday but the big party was Saturday. We had a BBQ in the backyard and played a lot of games. My family is very well off so we have a beautiful in-ground pool. There was a lot of swimming that day. I wore my black bikini all day with my little jean shorts and a small t-shirt as cover-ups. I know the whole thing was my fault. I’m sure the bikini didn’t help. He must have seen somehow.

The party lasted until well into the evening and we ended up playing cards with my young cousins and uncles until almost 10:00. People started leaving and eventually it was just the three of us left. My mom and dad were exhausted as was I. We had been going since 7:00 that morning. We looked around at the mess and decided it would be there tomorrow and we would clean it up then. I wanted to take a shower before bed, so I kissed them good night and went into my room.

My cereal was done. Well, I was done with it. I felt full even though I had only eaten a small amount. My Mom is worried about that. I am sort of worried too but I am just not hungry most of the time. I only weigh 95 now, I have lost 10 lbs in the two weeks since it happened. My cheerleading coach doesn’t mind, we are getting way more air now. I guess that’s a good thing. I dump my bowl in the sink and go upstairs to dress. I look down at my sponge bob pajama pants and the memories flood back.

I remember the shower that night felt wonderful and I felt more awake. I knew the feeling wouldn’t last though as my little body would collapse from exhaustion very soon. My body is small and tight, I am 5’2” tall and used to weigh 105 lbs on a good day. My hair is blonde and is about 4 or 5 inches past my shoulders. I usually straighten it, it’s a little wavy when I leave it alone. My boobs are small, but they look good on my tiny frame. I can fill out a t-shirt nicely without looking flat. My nipples were very sensitive though so I had to be careful to wear a bra or a thick shirt. My hips were starting to get rounded and I did like the way I looked in a pair of jeans or shorts. My legs were and still are my best feature, they are tan and looked long, especially under a cheerleading skirt. I used to get compliments on them all the time. I got out of the shower and slipped on a t-shirt, panties, and these very same sponge bob pants. I left my hair wet and it was already starting to curl up a little. I did always like the way it looked wet.

My room is a mess. I can’t seem to get motivated to clean it. Sort of like my life now. No motivation to do anything. He took that from me, the bastard. I get so angry when I think of that night and what he did to me. How dare he? How dare he take my future, crush all my dreams in one night? I have had visions of what I would do to him if I ever find him. They are not pretty. I strip my clothes off and step into the shower. I close my eyes and remember more.

I remember thinking I was thirsty and went downstairs to get a drink of water. That was, and still is, a pretty much nightly thing, I always like a fresh glass of water before I go to bed. That hasn’t changed but now the fear comes with it. The lights were off downstairs but there was enough light in the kitchen for me to see where I was going and I used to like the dark, it was soothing. I guess he counted on that because I didn’t notice anything until I felt a hand over my mouth as I opened the cupboard to get a glass. I screamed but there was no sound as his hand was completely over my mouth. I should have bit him, but hey, hindsight is 20/20. I would be way more vicious now, at least I think I would. I struggled but his other hand grabbed my left arm and pulled it hard behind my back. I got the message and stopped moving.

“Calm down, baby girl.” I remember him whispering in my ear, his hot breath on my neck.

I stayed still, trying to slow down my breathing and not panic. He was not moving either, just holding his hand over my mouth and my arm far enough up in the back to be on the edge of pain. I knew if he pushed it any farther up it would really hurt.

“We are going to walk into the living room very slowly.” He whispered.

He turned me and led me into the living room. My bare feet felt the carpet as we moved out of the kitchen. The living room, while attached to the bright kitchen, was very dark. The shades were drawn so no light got in from the outside. He moved me to the middle of the floor and whispered in my ear again. I felt his hot breath on my neck again and I shivered. A slight whiff of cinnamon swept across me.

I step out of the shower and stand there dripping. I remember the feeling of helplessness and the apathy hits me hard again. I have to work really hard to reach out for the towel. I wrap it around myself and go into my room. My waitress uniform is on the bed, pressed and clean. I feel tears well up, my Mom is so wonderful. I wish I could be wonderful back to her. I sit down and cry, I do that a lot nowadays.

“Here is how this is going to work, sweetie. I know Mommy and Daddy are sleeping upstairs. If you are nice and quiet they will not get hurt. If you are not nice and quiet you will get to watch them get hurt pretty bad and then you my little one will not live to see 16. Do you understand?” He said very slowly.

I remember my breathing stopping and my heart skipping a beat. That was when I started crying that night. I felt my eyes well up and the tears started to flow. It was the fear that did it, I was terrified. I stayed perfectly still and nodded my head.

“Ok, I am going to take my hand off your mouth. Here is your first test. Not a peep, right?” he whispered.

I nodded again and then he moved his hand off slowly. I heard a ripping sound and then felt a thick piece of tape over my mouth. It felt and smelled like duct tape. I shuddered with fear again as my tears continued to flow. I heard the tape again and he pulled my arms behind me and taped them together at the wrists. I stood there shaking.

I slip on a white pair of panties and a white bra. I laugh a little through my tears at my patheticness. I hardly ever wore white underwear before, I always thought it was boring and lame. I guess I am boring and lame now. I slide the panties up over my hips, I tuck a few stray blonde hairs in. That is different now too, I haven’t shaved since that night. I can’t bring myself to do that anymore. I push my boobs into my bra and snap it shut. I step into my uniform and button it up the front. I used to open two buttons but now just one. I grab my phone and head downstairs. I really don’t want to see her before I leave, I will just start crying again and then she will be sad. I yell goodbye and scoot out the door. It is a 10 minute drive to work. I need the time to gather myself, but the memory plays on in my head.

“Alright baby girl, now we can talk. You see, I am going to fuck you senseless and you are going to stay nice and calm while I enjoy this pretty little body.” He whispered and I felt him run his hand down my right arm.

I started to cry harder. I let out a whimper through the tape and he grabbed my arm hard. I whimpered louder at the pain.

“No sounds cunt!” He said in my ear and I froze.

I felt something cold on my arm and looked down. He was holding a very large knife against my skin. My eyes got wide and a fresh wave of panic hit me. I heard another whimper/scream leave my mouth. He pushed the knife under my right breast and lifted it.

“Sweetie, if you don’t settle down quick I will have to go get Mommy and Daddy. It will not be nice to watch what I have planned for them and then you will not enjoy what I have in store for you. You are getting fucked either way. Your choice is if your parents die or not and whether you get cut up in the process.” He whispered.

I sucked in my breath and tried to calm down. I was trying to come to terms with the fact that my precious virginity that I had protected for so long was going to get taken by this monster. I tried to think straight and accept that, I did not want to die and I didn’t want to watch my parents die. I think now I should have thought of how to escape but at the time I was just thinking of how to survive.

“That’s better.” I heard him say and another smell hit me for the first time. At first, I couldn’t tell what it was.

I pull up in the parking lot of the diner. Not too many cars today. Good, maybe we won’t be too crazy. Although it is kinda nice when we get crazy busy, my mind can’t wander as much. I slide out of the car. My uniform skirt got caught on the seat belt and pulled way up my legs. I sit there for a minute struggling with it as my legs were out there. I feel the bright sun on my thighs. It feels good. I unhook the skirt and stand up. A man is sitting on a motorcycle and staring at me. He is smiling.

“Nice legs, sweetie.” He said.

I give him a smirk and turn to walk into the diner. Just what I need today, biker trash. Lovely. I get in and Max waves hello with a big smile. It is my first day back since the event. What a great boss, he has been so wonderful to me. He doesn’t know the details, he just knows I am going through a rough time and he has been very supportive. It is refreshing to have someone help you without needing to know everything. I smile at him and get my apron, smoothing it over my hips and the memory returns.

I felt his hands touch my upper arms and start to move down. They reached my hips and he held them softly and then moved his hands down my legs over my pajama pants.

“So pretty and so young. A perfect body.” I heard him say.

His hands touched my bare feet and then ran back up my legs. I felt myself shiver in fear. His touch was nice and gentle but it made me feel dirty and scared. He moved to my waist and wrapped his arms around me, touching my belly under my shirt.

“So nice and soft.” I heard him mumble and moan.

He rubbed my stomach and ran his fingers along the waistband of my pants. I shivered again. He ran his hands up almost to my breasts and then around to my back. He rubbed all over my back.

“Such perfect skin. No bra, little one. Those perky little boobs don’t need one, I guess.” He whispered.

I was trying to listen to him and didn’t feel him move. I felt my pajama pants move and then they were ripped down my legs. I tensed up and they were gathered at my feet. His hands wrapped around my ankles. He rubbed slowly all the way up my calves to my knees. I felt tingles racing up my legs. I was so scared I felt myself shaking. He moved past my knees and then was rubbing my thighs. His fingers touched my sensitive inner thighs and I tensed up again, but I didn’t make a sound.

Two of my tables have customers, all regulars. That is nice, routine is good. I take their orders without incident. They are nice, and I give them a real smile, it doesn’t hurt too bad. I grab the drinks and see the biker walk through the door with two other guys. They don’t look like normal bikers, they are relatively clean but they do have lots of leather. They sit at one of my tables. Great, oh well, whatever.

I walk over to them and put the water glasses down. He is sitting on one side of the booth and his buddies on the other. I lean over to give the farthest one his water and I feel a touch on my left thigh. I tense up slightly but I refuse to react to him. I don’t care if he wants to be touchy, what does it matter now? It does bring the memory rushing back to me. I stand back up and turn away to go back to the kitchen before he sees the tears.

“These legs are wonderful. So powerful, yet so smooth and soft.” He said and squeezed my thighs.

I tried to concentrate on my breathing and not his horrible hands touching me. I had been touched before by boys but not much. I didn’t have a boyfriend. My girlfriends said it was because I was too intimidating. They said I was too pretty, the boys were scared of me. That sort of sucked but I was ok with it. There was plenty of time for that. I remember sobbing a little when that thought crossed my mind. I was going to lose my virginity and I didn’t even know who it was. A cruel stranger was going to rip away my innocence. That made me very sad. He pulled my panties down.

I was standing in my living room with my panties and pajamas around my ankles. His hands were rubbing my thighs and I knew it was only a matter of time before someone other than me or my doctor was going to touch me between my legs. I didn’t have to wait long before fingers traced across my smooth virginal pussy lips.

“So smooth. I knew you were shaved, I just knew it. A pretty little cunt like this just begs to be smooth.“ He said and I recognized the new smell, coffee.

I pour more coffee for the old couple near the door. They are so cute. They have been coming here for pretty much forever and they still look so in love. I feel a little touch of sadness as I realize no man will ever love me like that. I am ruined, trash, I will only be able to attract trash now. I walk back to the counter and take a deep breath before I go to take their order.

“What will you have?” I ask, avoiding eye contact.

His buddies order their drinks and food, but he says nothing. I write down their orders and look at him. He smiles at me and I smirk. C’mon asshole, just order, I think.

“I will have a diet soda, a cheeseburger and your panties.” He says with a straight face.

I let out a deep breath and try to ignore him. I write down his order.

“How much are they, I couldn’t find them on the menu.” He says.

I look at him, frustrated. Please, can we just give it a rest? He is staring at me and I just blurt out a number.

“Fuck, for that much I should get what’s in them too.” He says.

“You can’t afford that.” I shoot back.

“Honey, everything is for sale for people like us. It is just a matter of figuring out how much.” He says.

I shrug and turn away. Max looks at me, worried. I smile at him and whisper that I am fine. He nods and goes back to the grill. I pour the drinks and head back to that table. I place the drinks in front of the two buddies and then turn to him. I am lowering his drink and he slides a $100 dollar bill over to the edge of the table. I stare down at it. My mind is racing, it is a lot of money. I know it really isn’t compared to what my family has access to but my sense of value is warped now and it looks like a lot of money. I scoop it up and go to check on my other tables. Yep, trash.

His fingers slid between my pussy lips. I shuddered and my legs tingled. He ran the finger up and down and I felt my pussy starting to heat up with the attention. I was in turmoil, this was a monster but I was responding to him. What was wrong with me? I felt him stand up and wrap his arms around me again. He rubbed my stomach again, then my hips, across my upper thighs, and between my legs. He ran his hands straight up and under my t-shirt. He grabbed my breasts and squeezed.

“Sweet little tits. A nice handful. I knew your little body would be solid.” He said and his breath was on my neck again.

He pinched my nipples and I whimpered a little. He pushed my shirt up over my head and pulled it back on my taped arms. I felt so exposed, standing in my own living room basically naked. I saw the stove light go on and I froze. So did he.

“Remember, no noise.” He whispered and scurried over to hide behind the door.

I stood there in the dark and saw my Daddy move into the kitchen. He would not be able to see me, it was too dark. The man was next to the door and I looked at him. He was wearing a ski mask and black clothes. I saw the gleam of the knife as he turned it slowly so I could see it. My tears were flowing again. I fought back the urge to sob. My thoughts were so screwed up. I wanted my Daddy to see me and save me but I didn’t want him to get hurt. He would not see the man if he came in here. Please Daddy, save me. Please Daddy, don’t look in here. I was a mess, tears moving down my cheeks.

I walk past Max on my way to the bathroom.

“You okay, kitten?” Max asks.

“Yeah, they are harmless.” I say and give him a fake smile.

“Ok, but you let me know if you need me.” He says sternly. I smile at him and go into the bathroom.

I wash my hands good and leave the bathroom. I grab the coffee pot and head back to the floor. The old couple barely notices me as they are deep in conversation. I avoid the biker until I take care of all the other tables. I walk by slowly and drop the small pile of cotton next to his soda. I hear his friends snicker as I check for food orders.

Daddy got a cup from the cupboard and moved to the refrigerator. I saw his eyes as he turned, he looked right at me but did not see his baby girl, tied up and naked only 20 feet from him. I sobbed but stayed silent. My heart was breaking, he would never love me the same way again after this horrible man ruined me. My Daddy would know, he would see it in my eyes, he would know. I would be damaged. I sobbed hard as Daddy pulled ice cubes out. I felt tears hitting my breasts and the dirtiness of it struck me. I was naked. Please Daddy, don’t look in here, I couldn’t handle the disappointment in your face if you saw me standing perfectly still, waiting to be raped.

Daddy walked back up the stairs slowly and I lowered my head. My spirit was broken. I think that was the moment. I didn’t care now what he did to me. It didn’t matter anymore, I would never be the same again. His warm breath was on my thighs and then I felt his hands on my thighs. He spread them a little and I felt a warm wet tongue hit my pussy. I whimpered again. He licked up my slit, sliding inside. I shuddered, it felt really good. I was embarrassed and scared but I couldn’t fight the physical reaction.

He licked my clit and I felt a surge hit my crotch. My legs shook and I fought to stand still. He was licking furiously now and I was fighting to not feel it. I lost the battle pretty easily and came hard on his tongue. He squeezed my firm ass, holding his face against me as I convulsed. My humiliation took another leap as I had my first orgasm with a man and he was my rapist. I could feel my self-worth taking another shot in the stomach. Daddy would know.

The food is ready, and I gather it up. I am getting pretty good at carrying a lot of trays. I bring the food to everyone before I get theirs. He looks like he owns the world when I walk up. My panties are still on the table. I put his plate down without making eye contact. His buddies snicker. I slide the far plate over and feel his hand touch my thigh again. I don’t react. I don’t care. Whatever, I think as I stand back up. His hand stays there, sliding a little farther up under my skirt. I turn a little so Max can’t see. I don’t want the scene.

“You guys need anything else?” I ask.

“Not yet sweetie, but don’t go too far.” He says and gives my bare ass a little squeeze.

Where can I go asshole, I think. I am stuck here literally. I will be here for the rest of my sad life, waiting on schmucks like you and letting you grab my ass. I turn away and walk slowly back to the counter. I sit on a stool and put my head in my hands. My life sucks. For the first time I feel the question cross my mind, what am I living for, what does it matter?

I felt him stand up and move behind me. He grabbed my shirt and moved me. I shuffled over and he pushed me to my knees next to the coffee table. He pushed me over and I felt my breasts hit the cool glass. His hands were on my ass, rubbing and squeezing.

“What a perfect little ass. So firm and smooth. You really are quite a treat sweetheart.” He said.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of happy things. I thought of my cute little cousins and the way they played in the pool. He spread my ass cheeks apart. I thought of my uncles and how they teased me. They had been teasing me for a few years. My Mom had three younger brothers. They were all nice, two of them married now with little kids. I felt something warm hit my ass and I realized his cock was now resting between my ass cheeks. I shuddered again and the happy thoughts left me in a rush. My despair and sadness returned as the tool that was going to rip away my virginity was lying on my young ass.

He slid it up and down my ass a few times. I could tell it was rock hard and I felt his balls touch me as he pushed up. My breasts were hurting a little as they were squashed on the table. That took my mind off of the cock for a second and then I felt it touch my pussy. He was rubbing it around my hole. I could feel the moisture from my body as he moved it around. He pushed a little and the head nestled just inside me. I wiggled a little out of instinct.

“Be patient, little one. You will get it soon. This little cunt was built for cock.” He said and slapped my ass.

He thought I wiggled out of excitement. I felt myself sink a little deeper. Did I move for that reason? Did I want him to rape me? Was I built for cock? Was that my only purpose? He pushed a little more in. I felt my body opening to him, there was no pain, only fullness.

“This is the sweetest pussy I have ever felt. You should be proud little one. You are prime meat.” He said.

Meat, that was good. I was meat, just here for his pleasure and use. He pushed in a little more. It was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. It felt huge, I had no idea how big it was, but it felt like a fucking telephone pole. I grunted as he slid a little more in. I tried to slow my breathing to prepare for the pain. I thought there would be pain, everyone said there was. Cindy lost her virginity last month to Tommy after the prom. She said it hurt like a mother fucker but then it felt a little good at the end. Somehow, I doubted this was going to feel good at the end.

“Honey, are you ok?” I hear a soothing voice and look up to see Sally.

Sally has been working at the diner for a long time and she is sort of like our den mother. She is always very nice to me and I smile at her. She is a little out of focus and I realize I have been crying. My cheeks feel wet and I try to wipe them with my hands.

“Oh, baby girl. What’s wrong?” Sally says and pulls my hands away from my face. She has a tissue and wipes my cheeks while she holds my hands.

“I’ll be ok.” I say and sit up a little, trying to put on a brave face.

“Sure you will.” She says and looks at me with a sarcastic smile.

I smile back at her, she can see though me easily. I guess I am pretty easy to read nowadays. I stand up and straighten my apron. I grab the coffee pot.

“Thank you Sally. Really, I will be ok.” I say, lying through my teeth.

She has a sad look on her face as I turn with the coffee pot. I go to the old couple first and they also look concerned. Great, now we have a pity party. I give them a quick smile and move on. I get to the biker’s table and they are almost done.

“You guys want dessert?” I ask, reaching for my pad.

The other two order pie and then I turn to him. He looks at me and smiles. Here it comes.

“Yes, I do. But I am trying to figure out how much it costs.” He says and leans back, crossing his arms.

I put my pad back in my apron and walk away.

He grabbed my wet hair and wrenched my head up. I whimpered in pain. He put his other hand on my right hip. I was nervous, my life was about to change drastically.

“Say goodbye to your precious little cherry, sweetheart.” He whispered in my ear and pushed hard.

I screamed into the tape as the pain shot through me. I had never felt anything like that. My insides felt like they were on fire and the ache was incredible. I felt his skin touch my ass as he buried himself in me. I was crying hard and squirming, trying to get him out of me as the burning pain wracked my young body. I felt like I had been stabbed, I guess I had. I tried to struggle but I couldn’t move. He was pulling my hair harder now, like he was in a rodeo. He started pulling out and I screamed again. It hurt as bad coming out as it did going in. His cock felt like it was made of sandpaper as it ripped out of me.

He pulled out of me. I took a deep breath and the pain started to recede. Just as I relaxed I felt him touch me again and then he pulled hard on my hair and jammed himself into me again. He grunted when he banged against my ass and I screamed again. The pain was worse this time. It was like he was tearing open a fresh wound. My tears were pooling up on the table and my body hurt so much I started to feel dizzy. He pulled out again and I felt his warm breath on my neck.

“How does that feel, you little slut? Parading around in your little shorts and tops, flaunting that pussy and those tits around. How does it feel to get what you deserve?” He said and I felt his spit hit my neck.

He rammed his cock into me again and started to hump me. He pumped about five times hard and then pulled out again. He slapped my ass and I heard him laugh. I felt him slide his cock up and down between my legs, it felt wet. He lined up again and jammed it home. He held it deep in me and adjusted his grip on my hair. He pulled back hard and my neck wrenched up again. It hurt but it didn’t faze me compared to the burning torture I was feeling between my legs. He pulled out and began fucking me hard again. I grunted as he pounded me deep and hard. He was slamming into my ass with every stroke. I did feel like meat then now that I think of it.

I bring the pie to the table and set it down. I look down and see five $100 dollar bills sitting on the table. I was about fed up with this guy. I grab the money and shove it into my apron.

“Fine.” I say and grab his arm.

I pull him out of the booth and I see he has on a stupid grin as I drag him across the floor. I am glad Max and Sally are not in the kitchen as we go through. I take him out the back door and slam him against the back wall. I grab the waist of his pants and open his belt. I rip the snap open and pull down the zipper. I reach in and yank out his cock. It is still a little soft. I kneel down and suck it all the way into my mouth. I feel his hands on my head. I suck him for a minute and I feel him get hard in my mouth. I pull off and lean against the wall. I pull up my skirt and lift my right leg. I grab his hand and put it behind my right knee.

“C’mon asshole, fuck me. You paid for it.” I scream at him.

He buries his cock in me immediately and starts ripping into me. I close my eyes.

My neck was getting sore as he continued to yank on my hair with each thrust. My pussy was numb now. He was still savagely pounding it but the pain had gotten to the point where I couldn’t process it anymore. I wondered how long he could go. I had no idea, no one had ever told me. Cindy said Tommy only lasted about 30 seconds but we had passed 30 seconds a long time ago. I felt a new pain as he hammered in deep again and held himself there. My thighs were pressed against the edge of the table and they hurt now. He was pushing hard and moving around, trying to get deeper.

“Get ready cunt, I am going to fill your little pussy with enough seed to make three babies. You ready for that you little bitch?” He said and pulled back hard on my hair again.

He pulled out a little and then rammed it back in. I heard him moan and I felt him shake a little. I didn’t feel anything but a warmth deep within me. He was cumming in me and I had no protection. I wondered if I was going to have a lifetime reminder of this? I prayed that didn’t happen. Praying while you were being raped, that was a good touch. How could I love a child that came out of this? How could I not love a child? Again, my sadness overwhelmed me and I started to sob again. He let go of my hair and I laid my head on the cool table. He pulled out slowly and I felt him move away. I lay across my glass coffee table and cried.

The biker rips my young pussy for about 5 minutes and cums hard. He pulls out and I lower my leg, smooth my skirt and go back into the diner. I grab the coffee pot on my way by and go to my tables. The old couple wants their check so I pull it out. She pulls out her little change purse and starts counting coins. So cute. I look at the two friends and they are done with their pie. I grab their empty plates and take them to the kitchen without even making eye contact. I slam the check down on the table and they jump. I walk away with no expression.

Who am I mad at? Not him, he is only doing what he normally does. I am mad at myself. Have I become a whore, a slut who will fuck at the drop of a hat? When did I go from virgin cheerleader to alley slut? I stop and put down the pot of coffee. I know the answer to that one. Duh. I just don’t know when or where it will stop. How far will I fall? He walks past me to his table. I don’t look back on purpose. I go behind the counter and get a fresh rag. When I look up they are gone.

I walk over and clear their table. I wipe it perfectly clean and then move to the old people’s table. There is a little pile of money. They have counted out the exact change for their small bill. It is under $10. There is a $20 bill sitting there with a little note. I pick it up and read it –

“Sweetheart, Don’t give up.”

I sit down in their booth and cry. I feel hands grab my hands and Sally is sitting across from me. I look at her through my tears.

“Baby girl, do you want to talk?” She says in a sweet calm voice.

“No, not right now. Maybe later.” I say, secretly praying she won’t take no for an answer.

“Ok, when you are ready.” She says and puts a tissue in my hands.

I wipe my eyes and cheeks and take a deep breath. I stuff the $20 and the note in my apron. I feel the $500 dollars as I slide the note in. Another feeling of despair runs over me. Am I officially a whore now? I did just fuck for money. That is pretty much a no-brainer. At least I am expensive. I slide out of the booth and check my other tables.

I felt him grab my hair and pull me to my feet. I screamed a little into the tape. It hurt as he yanked my hair hard. I stood and my legs were a little wobbly. My crotch hurt bad. I could feel something warm and wet running down my inner thighs. I couldn’t imagine what that was. I felt his breath again on my neck.

“Ok, little one, I am going to take the tape off your mouth. No sound, right?” I heard his cruel voice and I nodded.

He pulled the tape off slowly and I worked hard to not make a noise as the pain ripped across my skin. Fresh tears ran down my cheeks.

“Good girl, that must have really hurt, and you were nice and quiet.” He laughed in my ear.

He pushed me down and I fell to my knees. He pulled my hair to get me to look up at him. He still had on the ski mask but his eyes were cruel.

“Now, sweet thing, you are going to suck me hard, so I can fuck you again.” He said with a chuckle.

He let go of my hair and I saw his soft cock swaying in front of my face. He grabbed it with his hand and lifted it to my lips. He rubbed it across my lips and face.

“Open up sweetheart.” He said in a soft voice.

I opened my young mouth and he placed the soft cock on my tongue. I didn’t know what to do.

“Suck it in baby. Don’t tell me you haven’t sucked a cock. A little prick tease like you. You have probably sucked off the entire school to keep them out of your pants.” He said.

I closed my mouth around his cock. I sucked a little and pulled more into my mouth. It tasted strange and then I realized I was tasting myself. This cock has just taken my precious virginity. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something else.

“Oh God, that mouth is sweet. I knew it would be. I bet all of your holes are sweet. That pretty face looks even better with a cock sticking out of it.” He continued to abuse me as I sucked him.

I could feel him getting harder and filling my mouth. He was pushing it into my face. It moved to the back of my throat and I gagged. He slapped my face hard.

“Open up your throat cunt.” He said and jammed his entire length down my throat.

I felt his pubic hair on my face as he held me against him. I realized I couldn’t breathe and I started to panic. I tried to pull away from him but he held me tight. I was suffocating on a cock. That would be about right. I felt the air rush back into my lungs as he let go of me and moved away. I fell face first onto the carpet and struggled to get my breath back.

The rest of my shift is non-eventful and I look up to see it is 4:10. I clear off my last table and go behind the counter. I pull off my apron and hang it on the hook.

“Max, I am going to go.” I say in a small voice through the window and see his head pop up.

“Ok, baby girl. Nice work today. You wanna come in tomorrow?” He asks.

“Sure, Max, what time?” I ask.

“We do need help with the breakfast rush if you can make it in.” He says.

“Sure, I will be here by 8:00.” I say.

“Great, sweetie. Good to have you back.” He says and smiles big.

I feel a little sense of self-worth as I hit the door. I actually feel myself smile a little as the fresh air hits me in the face. I am almost to the car when I hear the roar of an engine and the motorcycle pulls between me and my car. He is looking at me with a weird expression on his face.

“Get on.” He says.


2019-05-22 08:40:35
Hot fucking damn, man! I love it when a bald pussied girl seriously doesn’t like it at all throughout the rape. I know it’s wrong, but it gets me so fucking turned on! I call dibs on her deflowered pussy after the biker gives her round two (or three, as this little one took two cock her first time).


2019-05-18 00:08:08
Hey man, i love your stories! Great stuff. Keep it up!
Real rape stories are just the best. No "i like it" bullshit at the end. Just plain, painful, humiliating rape and she hates it all the way through. Perfect!
I hope to see more of it, maybe with some crucial backdoor action?

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