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Holly, continues her journey by the name Sammi Shepherd, with more horrific nightmares of the degradation and humiliation by Roger her mom's boyfriend and his 'friends' as they continue with more cruelty and sexual torture. The other chapters to this story and my other stories are here:
Holly lay completely run down on the pool table amazed by how physically exhausting and draining sex could be. She took for granted it was over until Hector and Vincent grabbed hold of her picked her up and laid her in the center of the pool table.

Viktor walked over by her head and said softly by her ear, "You see Holly, men can be entertained by women in many ways, dancing, stripping, serving, submission, pain, sex and many more ways. Typically sex is the end goal but there are a variety of things that stimulate men sexually. If you want, you can entertain us more now by milking more cum from our cocks. What do you think, Holly, do you want to use your body to milk more cum now?"

Feeling so overwhelmingly used Holly shook her head no, not wanting more sex.

Hey eyes opened wide when that seemed to make Viktor smile a frightening smile.

He stepped away from the pool table over to the rack where there were several pool cue sticks and lifted two down walking back over to the table, "Like I said Holly there are many other ways men can be entertained." As he said this he laid one cue stick across the base of her chest and a second across the top of her chest.

He then gave a nod to Vincent who walked to the opposite side of the table from Viktor and placed his hands on the top end of the queue sticks while Viktor held the handles. The two men slowly moved the two cue sticks towards one another sliding them along her flesh until they started pressing against her breast flesh. Viktor then looked at Hector who understood what he wanted and walked over taking the handles of the pool cue sticks from Viktor.

Viktor then placed his hands first on one breast and firmly pulled the breast flesh up making sure the cue sticks were at the base of the breast, he then did the same with the other breast then said, "Tighten." Hector and Vincent moved the cue sticks closer together. The three men repeated the process until her breasts were getting very red and she let out a groan.

"Ahhhh Holly, it's starting to hurt, isn't it, but it's entertaining us too. Look at your breasts Holly your nipples are already hard and we've not touched them, I was careful not to. But your mind, it knows that your beautiful small tits are sexually stimulating so even though you didn't want us to do this, they still experience the sexual sensations." Viktor whispered by her ear.

She foolishly did what he asked and looked at her breasts, they were very red and irritated but the nipples were standing up hard, even the areolas were puffy.

"Now Holly, I know you didn't like Vincent, here. This fat ass Italian man, older then your daddy would be more like a dirty grandpa but look at that gross hair on his chest sticking out of his buttoned up shirt, his beer gut stretching the buttons, he's gross and disgusting isn't he Holly" he asked watching her eyes.

She didn't want to answer his question and he knew it.

"You don't want him to kiss you Holly do you" he asked and looked over at Roger and then to Vincent. Roger hesitated a moment but after thinking and Viktor looking at him and then at Vincent again he finally understood and moved over to where Vincent was and took hold of the pool cues.

"Say No Holly, say you don't want Vincent to kiss you" he told her.

Looking down she said softly afraid he was setting her up, "No, please I don't want Vincent to kiss me."

"He's going to kiss you despite your objections and you'll let him or be hurt more" Viktor responded, looked at Vincent and Vincent moved to kiss Holly.

It was gross when the fat hairy Italian pushed his mouth against hers. But like she had learned to do she still opened her mouth for him and let him push his tongue into her mouth. He French kissed her for several minutes.

When he finally broke the kiss Viktor started in again, "Now Holly I know probably the last thing in the would you would like is Vincent's disgusting mouth on your nipples and I want you to ask him not to suck your nipples."

She quickly looked at Vincent and said, "Please don't. Please don't put your mouth on my nipples!"

But as soon as she finished Vincent moved his mouth to one of her nipples and encircled it with his lips sucking it into his mouth. Viktor watched her other nipple and its texture changed slightly and he knew what Vincent was doing felt good.

The room stayed quiet several minutes other then the sound of Vincent sucking her nipple and the sound of her breathing growing more intense.

"You see Holly even though he disgusts you his mouth on your nipple still feels good doesn't it Holly. It's because who you are. You don't need a job Holly this is your career, using your body to please men, Vincent is loving the feel of your nipple in his mouth and even though you begged him not to suck it, you accepted letting him do it because you know it pleases us" Viktor said.

He then said to Hector and Roger, "Tighter." The two men moved the two cue sticks tighter together and Holly let out a groan.

Viktor moved his hand down between Holly's legs and began rubbing her sex, "See Holly even though your breasts hurt and Vincent disgusts you his mouth sucking your nipples still has you soaking wet.

Viktor then walked away for a few minutes and came back with a case like a briefcase. He opened the case and took out a nice looking cue stick. He took the two separate pieces and screwed them together where she could see.

"You don't like being hurt or raped do you Holly" he asked?

She shook her head no but then decided to answer verbally too, "No." This time she answered with a much stronger voice.

He then continued, "Holly I'm going to push this special cue inside you because it will entertain these men and me as well, but if you do as I ask you can keep it from hurting more. Okay?"

He then lifted the cue stick and put it to her vaginal lips and slowly began to insert it, "Holly even though you already had a couple of my friends inside you and you're already sore down here you got wet with us playing with your boobs. Feel how nicely its sliding inside you?"

She nodded yes not wanting to make them hurt her. He continued, "Holly it's getting harder to push it deeper inside because your legs are down and straight, if you want, you can help it go deeper and not hurt as much. I know you know how." As he said this he pushed a bit harder on the cue.

She lifted her legs and pulled her knees up towards her chest.

He began stroking the skin on her leg, "That's right Holly that makes us happy and you can feel the smooth cue stick touch deeper inside you. Very good."

He started moving the cue stick in and out slowly on each in stroke putting a bit more pressure trying to work the perfectly straight and stiff cue stick inside her, "Arch your back Holly just a little and I bet it will touch you even deeper inside."

She hesitated to do so at first but when she didn't roll her hips to arch her back like he told her he pushed faster and harder on the cue. Feeling it jab at her tender flesh inside a few times she tried what he suggested and rolled her hips arching her back. The minute she did he slowed the strokes down again but he didn't reduce the pressure but he was right as she arched her back it allowed the cue to penetrate deeper.

After doing that a few minutes he stopped stroking in and out and just held it deep keeping pressure on the cue. The pain from the steady pressure started hurting more so instinctually she lifted her knees a bit more and then turned them out some.

Viktor smiled as she did and he felt the cue inch a bit deeper, "That's it naughty slut, if you work to help entertain us it can hurt less. He pushed a bit more firmly on the cue and she let out a hard groan and jerked, "Now Holly, sometimes I like to change the entertainment and we are going to do that. You see my special cue has reached your cervix. I could push very hard and force it through your cervix but that would hurt lots but I don't want to do that right now but Hector's cock is very hard and his balls full and he'd like to have his cum milked by a dirty nasty slut's mouth. It would be lots of fun to insert my cue through your cervix and see if it can touch your uterus and everyone would be entertained to watch that or we could watch your mouth milk Hector's cum. If you keep your mouth closed I'm going to touch your uterus with my cue but if you open your mouth wide we'll know you want to milk Hector's cum from his cock.

Despite not wanting to, she opened her mouth knowing she was terrified at the thought of him penetrating her cervix. Dwayne stepped in for Hector and took over holding the cue stick and Hector got up on the pool table over her head and lowered his cock into her mouth.

He began to move his hips up and down working it deeper into her mouth. Holly once again felt the cue stick stroking in and out of her sex as Hector worked deeper into her mouth. Not too long after Hector stared fucking her mouth Viktor worked to match Hector's strokes and noticed her legs and feet moving more as the cock and cue stroked in and out of her body.

He pointed it out to the others. Roger watched with amazement .

Hector continued to fuck her face hard but since he had already cum earlier he was lasting longer and enjoying that. She gagged and coughed off and on as he did.

While he continued she felt the cue pull out from between her legs but just a few seconds later she felt pressure against her pussy again. The men watched as Viktor pushed the handle end of his custom cue stick at her sex.

He was delighted how wet she was because he knew it would not penetrate her easily. It was not as large as the girth of Dwayne but it also was not human flesh like Dwayne either. He knew the stretch would hurt and be intense but he loved the shape of the round metal end as it for a moment allowed relief before once again stretching what it penetrated.

He intentionally worked to keep steady but slow pressure on the cue and as it began to penetrate they all heard her groan on Hector's cock. Because of the heightened pain she pulled her knees higher and curled her feet. "Try to open Holly, do your best not to tighten your muscles and it won't hurt so much. Okay"

He kept the pressure steady until the metal ball at the end of the cue disappeared inside her and her vaginal lips closed at the base of the ball. He stopped the pressure and just held it there letting her adjust.

Suddenly Hector erupted into her mouth squirting his fluids deep into her mouth and throat.

Holly had all but forgotten Vincent was sucking on her nipples and she didn't notice when Viktor let go of the cue and stepped away a moment.

As Hector finished his last squirts into her mouth Viktor tapped Vincent on the shoulder and he moved away from her breasts. Viktor quickly attached one nipple clamp to one nipple and then a second to the other. She let out a loud groan as the teeth of the nipple clamps bit into the tender flesh of her nipples.

Vincent now got up on the pool table kneeling over her face.

As Vincent started pushing his cock to her mouth she debated opening for it but was afraid of what might happen if she didn't. So after his cock poked at her face a couple times she opened her mouth and even moved her face to get his cock into her mouth.

Viktor watched with delight as she moved her face to take his cock. He waited till Vincent worked it deeper before he went back to his custom pool cue that was still inside her the length of the cue resting on the bumper and edge of the pool table.

He picked it up again and began to put pressure on the cue to work it deeper. It took much more effort and pressure to work it deeper. He heard her groan on Vincent's cock.

Holly was really struggling her nipples ached like crazy the cock in her mouth gagging and choking her and the hard rough cue pushing into her sex was stretching her and felt like so much pressure. The metal ball was slowly working deeper but not only did Holly feel that but she felt rough frictions from the carving on the wood handle of the pool cue as it inched past her tender flesh.

The intense stretch and pressure from the metal ball at the end of the handle had her constantly moving her feet, ankles, knees and thighs trying to ease the ache. Viktor noticing her reactions motioned for Hector to come over and hold the cue stick. Once he was holding it, Viktor went back to the side of the pool table and carefully made little adjustments on the nipple clamps causing them to tighten more, digging the metal teeth more into the sensitive nipple flesh increasing the pain there.

Once he finished adjusting the clamps he went back to the pool cue. As soon as he had firm hold of it he increased the pressure forcing it deeper. Once again she let out a loud groan the pain in her nipples and inside her sex fighting her for her attention.

Viktor reached down with his left hand and used his thumb to softly rub her clit. With his hand still on the cue stick he twisted it causing the grooves in the carved wooden handle to rub across the sensitive inner flesh.

He really focussed on giving gentle attention to her clit while keeping steady pressure on the cue stick. He loved watching her struggle he could tell as she continued to move her feet, knees, thighs and even her back.

Finally Vincent began to cum in her mouth. He thrust really hard and deep cutting off her air for a couple minutes. Viktor watched close to make sure she wouldn't pass out or go without air too long but he enjoyed watching her struggle.

Once Vincent got off her he released the cue stick leaving it inside her and went up by her head whispering in her ear, "Holly we can keep this up having you entertain all of us and milk all of our cum if you want or I can give you an alternative. Do you want to hear it?"

She nodded.

"Well like I said we can keep doing what you're doing, because you are doing amazing or you can use your dirty filthy body to milk cum from our friend Dwayne. But I need you to understand the effort we expect from you. We expect to see you use your entire body to milk the cum out of Dwayne's cock, your arms, hands, mouth, back, legs and most important your pussy. If you do a good job Roger can take you home so you can get some rest. But if you don't do a good job of using your entire being to milk Dwayne's cum I'll put my cue back inside you and you'll keep milking cum with your mouth. What do you think? Tell me what you want!"

Holly felt drained and exhausted and like she had been in the most physical fight of her life. While she wasn't sure she could really trust Viktor she was exhausted and the thought of the pool cue continuing inside her, the nipple clips biting into her nipples and men fucking her mouth terrified her. But of course she remembered how hung Dwayne was so the idea of having sex with him again was terrifying. But at least it seemed to have an end, unless she was being lied to, "I'd like to milk Dwayne's cum" she said.

Viktor smiled and pulled the cue stick out from inside her, removed the nipple clamps from her breasts and then lifted the two pool cue sticks that had been trapping her breasts between them for quite a while now. He helped her sit up and then picked her up and carried her over to the sofa and set her down. He went to the bar and made her a fresh cosmopolitan and brought it back to her handing it to her, "Drink."

"You see Holly, little girls grow up dreaming of romance and Prince Charming, falling in love, and fairy tales but the divorce rate alone is fifty percent. Many woman have the expensive fantasy wedding with the white dress, spend lots of money, make baby's and then their husbands cheat on them with other women, leave them with nothing other then lots of debt and children to take care of. There are a few special girls who figure out the game early on and learn that the most valuable asset a girl owns and controls is her body and she can use that to please men and get what she needs from them. I really believe you are such a women" he said looking in her eyes.

He continued, "Everyone of us are excited by you. We all want nothing more in this room, not the alcohol, not the food, not the sports on TV, not even the fun games of darts or pool. All of us just want to put our dicks into your body and to cum. This I want you to understand."

He took a sip on his own drink, Vodka on the rocks then continued, "Roger, standing over there is and idiot. But I have to give him some credit. He got with your mom so he could have you. He is an uncoordinated dope but he is right about a couple things."

He rubbed her tattoo, "He found you do respond to pain. Not everyone does like you do but your body does respond. He is right, this tattoo that will be with you for the rest of your life is right. You are a Dirty, Filthy, Pain Slut, but that's not a bad thing. It just means you can please men and milk their cum in multiple ways. Woman are sexual beings too Holly that's why you're body responds like it does. There's nothing wrong with that, sex feels amazing. You are becoming better and better at it.

So a few minutes ago you made a decision and if you keep your word, I will keep mine. When you are finished milking Dwayne's cum if he says you put in a good effort you can go home. Is that still your choice or do you want to entertain everyone again.

Holly didn't have to think long. She was relieved she had the time for their conversation to rest some. "I'll milk Dwayne's cum."

"Finish your drink and then do your best to use your entire body to please Dwayne" he said and gave her a few minutes to drink her drink.

It felt strange to sit there on the sofa naked with the older tall, tan, balding man who spoke with an accent. There seemed to be two people looking out from his eyes, an almost tender sympathetic man and a man that seemed dangerous. The type of man no one would likely want to cross.

When she took the last few sips of her drink he motioned for Dwayne to come over to the sofa. Before getting up from the sofa Viktor said, "Do your best Holly, pretend like he is the man of your dreams. Use every ounce of your femininity to help him cum inside you. I know you can do it and I know you don't want to milk the cum from Hector, Vince and especially Roger again so do your best." He put his hand on hers and then got up off the sofa and walked away.

Dwayne sat down next to her and immediately leaned in to kiss her putting his hand around the back of her head.

Holly had a rush of thoughts and feelings, shame, fear, humiliation and others she couldn't even describe. Could she do what Viktor described?

For the first few moments Dwayne kissed Holly she mostly sat limp other then letting him do what he wanted. But after pulling herself together she timidly lifted her hands to his shoulders and then even slid one hand behind his head. She slowly started moving her face and tried to return the kiss more and move with the kiss. Dwayne could definitely tell the difference.

It wasn't very long before he laid her back on the sofa and shifted his body on top of hers. While she was definitely not experienced in consensual sex she realized with how she was lying on the sofa she needed to lift her knee by the back of the sofa and did so. That was all the opening Dwayne needed with his monstrously long cock and she felt it touch her sex. She winced and tensed as she felt it begin to enter her and all the men watching were also pretty sure what was about to happen. There was no doubt when she let out an uncontrollable groan of discomfort.

But Viktor's words stayed in her mind and she lifted her other knee slightly helping the pull and stretch of her sex but also helping the cock to more easily penetrate her.

As she felt his cock stretch her very sore flesh as it moved each millimeter deeper she again thought of Viktor's lecture so she slid her arms around Dwayne's back and rubbed and scratched his skin. He rewarded her by pushing his cock hard deeper. As a reaction to the pain that caused she pulled her other knee up more and that eased the pain some.

She couldn't help wonder if and at what point in her life might she have chosen to have sex with a random stranger. So far all of her sexual partners had all raped her, she had to believe that. Roger had definitely changed her life. Thinking about that made her start to cry. But then she remembered Viktor's threat, she had to respond to the sex. If she just laid there and let him fuck her crying and didn't participate in the sex he would make her milk the cum from all of them again. So she tried to push those thoughts out of her mind.

Once again she tried to focus on moving her body and moving with him. She started moving her hips. She tried not to tighten her vaginal muscles. Doing both those things helped her relax more.

It was strange looking into the older black man's face. All of these men, except Roger, were men she had never met before today yet they had all seen her the most vulnerable anyone could see another person naked. For a moment she looked at the face of the man fucking her and couldn't help wonder, how old was he? Was he married? Did he have kids? Might he even have a daughter around her age? How many women had he been with sexually at least as a girl friend? And how many woman like her had he just randomly fucked. She was beginning to understand the difference.

Dwayne continued to kiss her mouth, cheek, neck, collar bones and even her breasts. He sucked on her earlobes and eventually her nipples which were extremely sensitive. All of his attention helped her relax a little more. And then she made a decision that changed things even more, she closed her eyes. Not watching the person using her body helped it seem less of an assault. It allowed her to experience the physical sensations without feeling so much like a violation.

Dwayne was incredibly skilled at intercourse and before long when Holly stopped thinking so much about what she should do and just let her body react she realized that she was instinctually responding to his actions and her feelings.

It scared her how sensitive her nipples felt and how good his soft warm lips felt sucking on them after having the pointy teeth of the clamps on them earlier. His sucking sent sensations throughout her body and even between her legs where his huge cock continued to stroke.

The more she allowed her body to experience the powerful feelings of what he was doing the less it felt like such a violation. On occasion she found herself thinking about how to move and respond and she slid her hands and arms up his back and held onto his shoulders. That seemed to help her move more with him. With her eyes closed she realized she heard his breathing, grunts and groans much more. He seemed like such a strong and physical man to her yet she could hear his sounds of exertion and effort and she could feel her body absorbing that physical effort too.

Closing her eyes helped take away the fact she was being assaulted and by doing what Viktor asked, using her body seemed to also help make it feel less of an assault and even though his enormous cock hurt with how much it stretched her the more she moved and reacted to his movements the more natural things felt. She even tried to image she was doing this with an actor from her favorite television program. She realized her perception of what sex was before Roger moved into their home was nothing like what it really was.

It was humiliating and frightening that regardless of how horrified she was by what Dwayne was doing with her it was feeling more natural and more arousing then she ever would have imagined. Against her own will she worked to push any thoughts from her mind and just tried to let her body respond instinctually. The more she let go the more her body responded including her physical movements, her breathing and her audible sounds.

Viktor sat there with a smug look on his face as the other men, including Roger, looked on with amazement, Holly was fucking Dwayne back. Viktor let out a sarcastic laugh as Roger got up and walked away in a huff heading to the bar to get himself another drink. Under his breath Viktor said любительский, the Russian word for amateur.

Dwayne was amazed by this young woman knowing everything she had been through that day yet she was still responding to him. He carefully varied his pace knowing how to delay his orgasm and extend his love making. Not often had he taken a Viagra to extend how long he could maintain an erection and he felt guilty for doing so today on Viktor's direction yet he was very much enjoying this tight young woman. Viktor had correctly realized that Dwayne was bottoming out at Holly's cervix and had instructed him to pound it with the head of his cock so she would never forget this fuck. But Dwayne was feeling a bit of sympathy for the pretty young woman and seemed to be doing her best to fuck him back so at least for the moment he had no desire to cause her unnecessary pain.

Dwayne was close to ready to shoot his load so he wanted to find a way to keep it going. Then catching everyone off guard Dwayne did something that caught everyone unexpected he rolled almost to the edge of the sofa flipping her on top of him. He then quickly squirmed back towards the back of the sofa so they wouldn't roll off. Now she was on top and for a moment she seemed clueless what to do but he gave her bottom a quick smack and suddenly she began to move her hips again.

At first she moved apprehensive and timidly but when he started thrusting up from under her she slowly figured it out more and started moving better. Now she was able to push her knees, shin and feet down on the sofa and use her legs to move her hips up and down. Viktor was watching intently to determine if she would figure out how to use her body. He was impressed by Dwayne having the idea to do this.

It was different then all the times before with the guy on top of her. In face it was easier to move her body and she could breath so much easier but she also knew Viktor was watching and the prospect of having to milk the cum from all of them again was daunting.

So she moved her hips more figuring out how to ride him and used her arms and hands too to brace her upper body up. To her it felt like it took forever to figure it out but Viktor was delighted how quickly she was riding Dwayne's cock.

Dwayne was delighted how quickly the she started riding his cock better and better. Normally he very much enjoying pounding girls with his huge cock but he found it fun to feel this petite girl riding on his body.

In the background she could hear the men commenting and laughing and she knew it was about her but the idea of being forced to do more with them all rather then just finishing with Dwayne kept her motivated to keep trying and she also quickly realized that by being on top she had more control of the pace and depth his cock penetrated her. She even amazed them all by bending down and kissing him while still moving her hips up and down. She just hoped that all this effort wasn't for nothing and Viktor wouldn't break his word.

She did her best to ignore what they were saying and their laughing and mostly kept her eyes closed and focused on pleasing the black man under her and it wasn't too much later that her efforts paid off and Dwayne shot his load inside her. Everyone knew based on his grunts and moans. She started to stop but he softly said, "Not quite yet baby milk it all just a few more strokes."

She immediately did as she was told moving her hips up and down milking out his last bit of cum. He then grabbed hold of her pulling her down to him kissing her deeply. Even though she wanted to she didn't resist and kissed him back. She tried to push the fact that it was the same day she met him, that she only knew his first name and he was significantly older then her out of her mind. She tried to pretend she knew him and liked him as she kissed him. She could tell his kisses were different then while they were fucking but now they were far more gentle and appreciative.



2019-04-22 07:48:12
It appears that all you write is about the debasement of women; why this fixation? Have you suffered from similar circumstances? Whatever, please leave your rage and guilt feelings in the treatment room.. If you are not getting treatment, please seek help and try to see some happiness in the world.

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