WARNING! My story is intended for adults 18 years or older this story contains sexual content. I have tried to recreate events, locales, and conversations from my memories of them. The story you are about to read is true. In order to maintain their anonymity of the innocent in some instances. I have changed the names of the individuals, any resemblance between the characters in this story and any other persons, living, dead, or undead is a miracle. This story "The price of my son's of Silence" is copyright ©2019, by VampirTARA.
My Bio:
Hello I'm Tara, First I'm going to tell you a little bit about myself in case you haven't read any of my stories before and also to help you understand the story a little better, so sit back and prop your feet up... I'm a 43-year-old mortician/funeral director who operates our family's mortuary and cemetery. I'm 5 feet 7 inches; approximately 120 pounds with long raven-black hair and glasses with natural abnormally long top incisors ( K9's or fangs). I'm in a polygamist marriage (not Mormon, we are Druid/Christian). I have four children, two teenagers 18 & 19 years old, a two-year-old to my husband, and just recently gave birth in September 2018 to a beautiful interracial (black) 6 pounds 3 oz old baby boy to another man who is an 80-year-old dark black man that works on our cemetery grounds crew...
Now also, I have 2 Sister-Wives. Toni, that's a couple of years younger than me, she is also my biological sister with 4 children of our husband. Then there's my sister-wife, Kathy that is a good bit younger than us, she's 24 years old with 1 child to our husband.
"The price for my son's silence"
Well, this mess all started on Tuesday, January, 29th, 2019 a little after 10 a.m. after finally getting tired of waiting for my son to get off his big lazy butt and go down to our cemetery maintenance garage and tell his dad what crypt to open is the mausoleum as I couldn't get him on the phone. So I quickly grabbed my blazer threw it on and strolled down in the cold to do it myself, Well when I walked into the garage, I didn't see anyone at first. I thought, "Oh great; I'm going to have to hunt the cemetery for him." And just as I was turning to walk out the door to go on the hunt for where's Waldo.
"Tara, you need something?" Jimmy Joe yelled.
I heard the one maintenance guy Jimmy Joe, call my name. I turned and looked; I know I heard Jimmy Joe's voice, then it dawned on me; he's in the office. Now if you haven't read my bio above, Jimmy Joe. He is an 80-year-old dark black man that works for us on our Cemetery grounds crew. Well, I cheated on my husband with Jimmy Joe to get even. when I found out he was cheating on us with some little 18-year-old college girl that is a waitress down at our local Eat'n Park restaurant. I knew it would not only piss my husband off that I cheated on him, but mega piss him off, that I had sex with a black man. However, in my pissed-off hurry to get even, I forgot it was my fertile time of the month. And Jimmy Joe ended up getting me pregnant that day, and 9 months later I gave birth to his child. well me and our husband patched things up, I agreed to have no more sexual contact with Jimmy Joe and to stay away from him. Unless it was concerning the cemetery/Mortuary or the baby and he agreed to stay away from that little 18-year-old blond bitch.
Anywho, I went over and peeked into the office, I said, "Yeah, Jimmy Joe, I'm looking for our husband because I need him to open this crypt in the mausoleum for tomorrow." I then walked over to where he was sitting in the office chair leaning back against the desk and handed him a paper with the section and plot number on it.
"Your old man just left; he went to go get a hydraulic hose for the backhoe, "Jimmy Joe replied. "And the crew is on the far end of the cemetery over in section 45 working."
As I stood to the side of Jimmy Joe, in my little tight black business dress pants. while glancing at the paper, he slowly reached up behind me with his left hand and started rubbing my little round ass. I yelled as I pushed his hand away, "QUIT THAT JIMMY JOE! I told you it was over and I promised my husband that it was over!"
Jimmy Joe set the paper on the desk, he then quickly wrapped his left arm around my waist and pulled to him. He held me firmly around the waist up against him, as his right hand slid down and grabbing my ass.
He said to me, "You're my baby's mama, baby girl, it ain't over. Your sister Toni tried to say the same; until, I asked her, how many people know about that tattoo down by her little sweet honey pot. And if your husband knew that I was hittin her little white pussy also, next thing you know. she changed her mind and I was tearing that tight little white pussy of hers up the other night. Now I haven't seen you in a minute. You've been hiding on me? Baby girl, come on, that smoking hot ass in the tight black pants, you got my dick hard. Let me hit that ass?"
"I can't Jimmy Joe, I said. "Now let go of me, I got to get back up to the mortuary."
"Baby girl, now you wouldn't want it to get around, that I'm still hittin it. Jimmy Joe said, "Come to think of it baby girl, how's my baby boy doin. I think maybe my baby boy
should spend more time with me or come to live with me. Ya know the daddy got rights."
"You're an asshole! Ok, I'll suck your penis off real quick, but that's it. I said in a smart ass Tone, I've got to get back up to the mortuary before someone comes looking for me. Tomorrow afternoon I'll come down, and I'll spend the night and try cleaning up that apartment of yours upstairs. At least clean the bed off and put a clean sheet on it."Jimmy Joe, let go of me, and I got down on my knees between his legs in front of him sitting in the office chair. I unbuckled his pants and unzipped them. I then pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles. I wrapped my fingers around his big old dark black penis, I said to him, "You're a fucking asshole, I oughta bite the fucker her off!" I then leaned down and slid my soft pink lips over the head of his penis.
"Don't be fucking around like that, and be sinking those fangs of yours in my dick either, you god damn crazy vampire bitch; I'll fuck your Dracula's daughter's ass up," Jimmy Joe blurted out.
I quickly started bobbing up and down and swirling my tongue around the head of it.
"Ahhh, nothing like seeing a white girl suck your dick," Jimmy Joe blurted out.
As my soft pink lips slid up and down the shaft of his old dark black penis. It took a little over a minute for Jimmy Joe, to lose it. He ejaculated a large stream of warm semen onto the roof of my mouth.
"Hey, Mom! Oh, shit never mind," my 19 year old son Jason said.
When I heard my son's voice, I pulled my mouth off of, Jimmy Joe's penis and looked up. To see my son turning around and walking out of the office, while Jimmy Joe's, warm semen flowed out the head of his penis and down over my fingers. I thought to myself, "Oh shit if he runs into his dad, he might tell him! I then turned back and looked at Jimmy Joe, he was holding his cell phone up towards me. "What are you doing with your cell phone? I said, "You better not be taking pictures, Jimmy Joe!"
"Don't worry about it baby girl, he said that to me.
I didn't have time to argue, I wanted to catch my son. So I started to quickly get up and chase after my son when Jimmy Joe grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"You can't leave yet! Get back to sucking my dick," he said that to me.
As he pushed my head down to his penis, I parted my lips and slid them over the head of his penis. I bobbed up and down on it a couple of times, then I sunk my teeth into his penis. Jimmy Joe grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up. His penis slipped out of my mouth, then Jimmy Joe slapped me across the face as hard as he could. I pulled away and quickly got up, I ran out of the office into the garage and out the door. In a panic, I raced through the cemetery, while wiping Jimmy Joe's semen off of my mouth and chin to the mortuary. Wondering what my son was going to do or say because my husband thinks that I stopped having sex with Jimmy Joe. If he finds out that I'm still having sex with Jimmy Joe, my marriage is over. And I have so much to lose if that happens. As I got up to the mortuary, I saw my husband's pickup truck, he was home. my nose was running and my eyes were watery from being slapped, as I walked into the house. My sister Toni was coming out of the game room. I said to her, "Toni, where is Jason?"
"He just left with his friend Dan; he was going over his house for a few days to play some new video game. My sister said, "Oh and he said that he was going down to deliver the message at the garage before he left.' where did you go? And what happened to you, Tara? Your nose is bleeding, your left eye is all red and puffy?
Motioning for my sister to keep it down, I whispered to her, "Where's our husband?"
"He's in the kitchen with Kathy getting some coffee before he goes back to the cemetery. My sister whispered back, "Why?"
"Toni, just tell everyone that you accidentally elbowed me in the face. It was Jimmy Joe, I'll tell you what happened later. Anywho, I got tired of waiting for Jason to go down to the garage. so I went and did it myself."
"Gotcha! Tara, let's go and get some ice on that eye and a towel for your nose. It's still bleeding pretty good, damn you're gonna have a major shiner!
Needless to say, I didn't get a chance to get my sister alone to tell her about what had happened a few days ago. And I spent the next few days worrying, of what may come. It was now Saturday; about 9 a.m., I had just got done taking a shower it was standing in front of the dresser mirror drying my hair with a towel. When I heard my son's voice coming from downstairs, he must have come home late last night. So I quickly slipped on my skimpy little pair of shiny yellow satin bikini panties and brushed my hair. I then threw my short purple satin robe and headed downstairs. As I entered the kitchen, to my surprise was dad's enormous Great Dane Jake. He was sprawled out in the middle of the kitchen floor at my sister's feet. While she stood there at the kitchen island in her short black satin robe making tea. I said, "I thought I heard Jason and what's Jake, doing here?"
She replied, "You did; he grabbed a sandwich and a couple of Twinkies, then headed to the living room. And while you were taking a shower, dad stopped by. He asked me if we would babysit Jake, for the weekend. While he takes our bitch of a mother, go see her sister in Carlisle, I told him no problem. Hubby, sister-wife Kathy, and the kids, they just left about a half hour ago on their way to her parents, so you're up to date. Oh, our hubby didn't want to take the chance on the dogs fighting, so they took Jasper with them."
It was single digits out with snow for the third straight day and with the wind chill, it felt like mine is 22 degrees, I said to my sister, "It's bitter cold out there again, let's close the Mortuary."
"I already did that Tara; my sister replied, as she went into the laundry room. I called everyone and told them not to come in. We can spend the day lounging around in our robes and panties, and relaxing for a change."
Now my sister Toni, she has the same color hair, height, weight, but she doesn't wear glasses and she has larger breasts than I do. Well, our two oldest daughters had fled the scene last night to go skiing with their college girlfriends, for the weekend at Seven Springs. So, it was just me, my sister and my oldest son, for the day. I got myself a cup of tea and parked myself at the kitchen table, no sooner I did that. The Great Dane got up and came over and sat down beside me, just as I turned and looked down at him. I saw his red lipstick slowly coming out of his fur, in a low voice, I said to the dog, "Don't even think about it, you better put your penis back in your fur doggy. If you think me and you were getting it on again, not going to happen. You're way too rough. I will say this; you do have a very nice of balls, now go lay down somewhere." I went back to drinking my tea and a few minutes later; my sister came back out of the laundry room. we bullshitted for a little over an hour, I told her what happened down at the garage with Jimmy Joe and what my son had seen.
After making fresh cups of tea, me and my sister headed into the living room where my son was. As we entered the living room, my son was sitting on the far end of the sofa watching TV. We set our tea down on the coffee table and curled up together on the other end of the sofa. As we started watching, "The X-Files movie: I want to believe," my son didn't say a word of what happened, so I didn't bring up the subject and open that can of worms. After watching that movie, and "Star Trek: First Contact," it was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. Well me and my sister had gone out to the kitchen and gotten some sodas, as we came back into the living room.
My son had moved and was now sitting in the middle of the sofa, changing the batteries on the remote. The Great Dane ran over and plopped all over the love seat, as he was following me and my sister around. I went over and sat down beside my son; while my sister set her Pepsi down on the coffee table. Then knelt down on the carpet yoga-style on the other side of the coffee table across from me. Well, my son started playing channel surfing, so me and my sister started bullshiting. It was about an hour later, when my son suddenly said, "Mom does dad know you're still messing with Jimmy Joe, and Aunt Toni is messing with him also.
Me and my sister looked at each other, my sister with a nervous sound in her voice said, "Umm, what do you mean; I'm not messing with Jimmy Joe, and your mother isn't doing that anymore.
"Come on, a couple of days ago, I saw my mom down in the maintenance garage. She was blowing Jimmy Joe's big black dick," my son blurted out laughing.
Then a couple of nights before that Aunt Toni, I saw you lying down in the front seat of Jimmy Joe's pickup truck with your little light blue bikini panties on the dash. Jimmy Joe, was between your legs fucking you like crazy with that black dick of his, Aunt Toni. That pickup truck was bouncing, and you were moaning like crazy. And Mom, I didn't know you had sex with dogs. It was a few weeks before this last Halloween, I took Jasper out to take a shit one night. And I saw you down in the cemetery and the neighbor's mean German Shepherd Max, he was fucking you. This is some good shit, why are you both looking at me like that? Umm....I'm not going to tell anyone."
"I'm going to the kitchen to get another Pepsi," I said.
"Yeah, you want anything Jason, my sister said. As she got up to follow me, "we'll be back!"
"Yeah, if we got any more Dr. Pepper, I'll take one of those," my son replied.
When we got into the kitchen, I turned to my sister and said, "OH SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK Toni, What are we going to do Toni, even though he says he won't tell. I don't know; our husband hears that he'll blow a gasket again, and divorce the both of us! I'm going back in there and tell him what the consequences are going to be if he goes running his mouth."
My sister Toni said, "No Tara, "I know, he'll blow a gasket. However, you going in there and threatening your son Jason, not a good idea. Because then he's going to squeal to his dad, and what are we going to do? Take his money away, threw him out of the house, no one is going to win. Just a lot of heartbreak and bad feelings are going to come out of it. I don't think we have much of a choice; we're going to have to buy his silence."
"Like what?" I said, "He has practically everything."
My sister replied, "Noooo, what do 19-year-old boys constantly have on their mind and want? Which is more persuasive, than anything we can buy, Tara....SEX!"
"I thought; he was getting some off of you already, and you just weren't saying anything. I said to my sister, "Because I haven't done anything with him since the day I called his bluff and it backfired, and that was over a year ago."
"The same!" I haven't done anything with him since that day, you saw him doing me in the laundry room and later that night I sucked his dick. My sister Toni said, "Our husband is going to be home tomorrow, that means we have tonight to allure him. Then we're going to have to keep him under our thumb, by making offerings."
Raising my eyebrows, I said, "Offerings!"
My sister replied, "So, we're going to have to go in that living room and allure him, give him some eye candy at first. And then, show him a good time, get him under our spell. We're going to have to at least, give him a hand job or a blowjob. And possibly let him get his Winnie wet, so tomorrow. Snitching on us is the farthest thing from his mind. Now we're going to have to start giving him offerings, what I mean by that is. We're going to have to start leaving him a pair of our panties under his pillow, you know like the fucking tooth fairy. And occasionally suck his dick or let him get his weenie wet, If we want to keep his silence, Tara.
With a sigh, I replied back to my sister, "I see your point, and I agree. So let's get the sodas and do what we got to do." We went back into the living room, with the dog following and jumping on us; I handed my son his Dr. Pepper. To be on the safe side, I then tiptoed over into the foyer and slid the Sliding bolt over on the front door, so no one could use the key to get in. As I went back into the living room, my sister Toni. She was standing on the other side of the coffee table across from my son sitting on the sofa with her hands on her hips.
My sister reached down and started slowly untying the sash to her robe. She said, "Jason, we hope you mean it, when you said, 'that you wouldn't tell anyone about what you had seen.' Because, me and your mom would like to keep that, just between the three of us. Silence can be rewarding, you get my drift, Jason?"
My sister then slowly opened her robe, as I was walking over to where my sister was standing. She let her robe slide off her shoulders and drop to the carpet. My sister stood in front of my son in only her little pair of shiny green satin bikini panties.
"Oh, I didn't see shit Aunt Toni," my son blurted out.
My sister gave me a look, as to say well take off your robe. I then reached down and untied the sash to my robe. Slowly I opened my robe, my son's eyes were glued to me, as my bare breasts and my skimpy little pair of shiny yellow, satin bikini panties were exposed. I let my robe slide off my shoulders and fall to the living room carpet. I pushed the dog away, then went over and sat down beside my son on the sofa.
My sister knelt down on the carpet yoga style in front of the coffee table across from son. She was getting pissed, as the dog kept sniffing and jumping on her. My sister Toni, she never did like the dog.
While pushing the dog away, she said to my son, "Now Jason, this is how it's going to go. Me and your mother are going to give you some sex suck your dick whatever toots your flute, whatever you want we will do, up till midnight. Then starting next weekend, you'll have a choice of either me or your mother that will pay you a visit to suck your dick off. And the way you'll let us know which one of us it is, on Friday's you will when no one's around or very discreetly slip to one of us a pair of our panties. Then be patient and wait for whichever one it is to decide if the moment is right and it's safe to pay you a visit. Now if you start being an asshole! By pestering us, throwing us hints, pouting, any of that crap and it won't happen."
"Aunt Toni, will you or my mother do it will you do it in the nude," my son asked.
"We will take off our clothes if you like, Jason. Except for our panties unless we're going to let you fuck us. my sister said, And just every once in a while instead of sucking your dick off we will let you get your weenie wet. Also, Jason, if we go to suck your dick and you start asking or begging to let you fuck us. We will get up and just leave and nothing's going to happen. Remember resistance is futile!" she said with a giggle and she continued to say, "And, you quit stealing our panties; we will leave you a pair of our panties under your pillow once a week. Got it?"
"Yeah," my son answered back.
"Now if you start like an asshole, it will come to an end, just like that!" Clicking her fingers my sister said, "So big boy, what toots your flute, come on what do you want? Remember you only have till midnight."
"Aunt Toni, can I have those panties you're wearing? My son said, "I'll give them back."
My sister pushed the dog away, as got up to take her panties off. She reached to her hips with both hands and hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my panties. She then slowly slid her panties down exposing her smoothly waxed pussy to my son.
"Stop that, you mutt!" My sister Toni yelled at the dog, as he tried to jump on her again, while she was trying to slip her panties off.
She shoved the dog away and slid her panties down to her thighs, then let them fall to her feet. She stepped out of them, then knelt down and picked her panties up off the carpet. My sister tossed her little pair of bikini panties to my son. And my perverted son put her panties to his nose and sniffed them, me and my sister looked at each other and just roll their eyes.
Standing there hands on her hips my sister said to my son, "OK, Jason! Anything else?"
I turned and looked at my son as he said, "Umm,----."
"DAMMIT! GET OFF ME JAKE, YOU FUCKING MUTT! My sister yelled, at the dog.
I glanced back over at my sister Toni; she was struggling to get free. The dog had his paws around her waist from behind her; he almost had her to the floor, but she slipped loose from the dog's grip. She stood up and as she turned around to push the dog away. The dog stood up on his hind legs and placing his front paws against her chest. He backed to her into the entertainment center, my sister tried to push him away. But she unable to do it because the Great Dane was just too big the dog was up against her with his big red lipstick poking out.
"SOMEBODY HELP ME, TARA! My sister screamed.
My son yelled, "Aunt Toni, let Jake fuck you."
"You can't be serious!" My sister yelled to my son.
"You said whatever toots my flute you'll do it. I want to see Jake, fuck you, Aunt Toni," my son said back to her.
My sister looked over at me, I said to her, "You did say whatever he wants, Toni." She then lowered her hands from pushing the dog away. My sister then slowly turned around and let the dog wrap his paws around her waist. She then let the dog take her down to the carpet on her hands and knees. The dog's nails scratched her sides, as he adjusted himself and mounted her. Once he mounted her, my sister Toni, held perfectly still, as the dog's penis started poking wildly trying to find the opening to her pussy. it took less than a minute for the dog could find her pussy, she let out a loud cry, "OOH MY GOD, TARA!" My sister dug her nails into the carpet, as our dad's Great Dane started fucking her smoothly waxed pussy. The dog was fucking her fast and furiously, like a jackhammer; she repeatedly cried loudly "UGGH, UGGH, UGGH!" As he thrust his penis in her little pussy.
My sister had her head up; her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were wide open with her jaw dropped open in shock and dismay that she was getting fucked by a dog. I turned to see my son intensely watching the dog, savagely fuck his aunt. I thought to myself, "Before he gets any ideas for me to suck his penis or he wants to fuck me. I'll jerk him off." I looked down and saw the enormous erection my son had in his basketball shorts. So with my right hand, I reached over and slowly slid my hand into my son's basketball shorts. I started rubbing his young thick rock hard penis. After a few minutes, I pulled his penis out of his shorts. I paused for a second to look at his penis. I had seen my son's penis once before and I still can't believe for him being 5 foot 8 and quite overweight, 344 lbs. That he has approximately a 6-inch long penis or close to it. But a very thick penis, it looks to be as round as the size of one of those 8 OZ cans of Redbull.
I let go of my son's penis, and I got up off the sofa. I then knelt down beside him on the sofa, Then I wrapped my hand around his young thick rock hard penis. I then leaned down and started gently and slowly sliding my hand up and down the shaft of my son's penis, as he watched his aunt getting fucked by the dog. after a few minutes of me stroking his penis, he still hadn't gotten off yet. So I started jerking my hand up and down it quickly, trying to get him off. After three or four minutes of me quickly stroking his penis; my arm was getting tired and I thought to myself, "My son must have jerked off earlier that's why he's not getting off quickly."
"AAARGH!" My sister screamed.
I looked over at my sister Toni to see that the dog had wedged the big ball at the base of his penis into her pussy. They were stuck together, she wasn't going anywhere. Then the dog stopped fucking her and went motionless. She was holding perfectly still with the look on her face of total shock, as the dog rested on top of her ejaculating his semen into her. I was stroking my son's penis as quickly as I could, my son reached over and started rubbing and grabbing my ass for a couple of seconds. Then his hand moved to my hip and grabbed the waistband of my panties.
He started to pull them down, I thought to myself, "Ok; my son must want me to jerk him off naked." So I let go of his penis and leaned back up, I grabbed his hand and said Softly, "Wait a minute." I stood up and reached to my hips, hooking my thumbs in the waistband of my panties. Then I slowly slid my skimpy little pair of shiny yellow satin bikini panties down off of my hips and over my little round ass to my thighs. Then I let them fall to the carpet and stepped out of them; I reach down and picked them up off the carpet and tossed them on the coffee table.
My son looked at me and said, "I want to put my wand in your chamber of secrets; I want to give your little hairless kitty some milk, mom!"
I thought to myself, "Damn; I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this! Oh well, I might as well start trying to enjoy this, because I'm going to have to start sucking his penis off anyways, and God occasionally like him fuck me. So I sat down on the sofa then turned around and laid back, I then spread my legs exposing my smoothly waxed little pink pussy. I said out loud, "OH THIS IS SOOOOO WRONG!" As my son got up on the sofa between my legs and slid his basketball shorts down. He then leaned down over me, while reaching down between us and was fiddling around trying to find my pussy opening,
After a few seconds, he found my opening and placed the head of it between my pussy lips. The head of his penis slowly parted my pussy lips, as my son pushed it into me. I could feel the head of my son's penis oozing precum and lubricated my vagina, as it spread open its walls. My pussy gave no resistance; it willingly opened up to accept his penis.
Within seconds, my son was balls deep into my pussy; he paused for a second then started fucking me. My son's penis slide in and out of my smoothly wax pussy, it was feeling good. I was a bit horny from watching my sister getting fucked by the dog and jerking my son's penis. I moved my little round ass, grinding my pussy in a circular motion against my son, as his fat belly slapping against my pelvis. I feel a warm rush; my blood is rushing through my veins to my pelvis area. My juices started to flow and were coating my son's penis. I am becoming more turned on by the second; my nipples are as hard as diamonds.
I'm ready to go off; my vagina muscles are contracting and gripping my son's penis; I can't focus on anything. I'm losing myself, as my son's penis is sliding in and out of my smoothly waxed pussy. Whole-body stops moving, my nerves and muscles are tensing up in my pelvis and pussy area. I am overcome with an overwhelming feeling of tingles throughout your body. I feel light headed. My eyes are blurry, and all you can feel is an instant lightness of your body and amazing sensation in my pussy.
A rising wave coursing through my body like a runaway freight train. I feel like I'm in a catatonic trance, I can't focus on anything else except my son's young thick rock hard penis in my pussy. I feel like I'm on a roller coaster, my son's penis continues to slide in and out of my little pussy. Me and my son are both breathing heavily; sweat is pouring off his head on to me. I look up at my son, as he's fucking me. The expression on his face, strangely enough, is as if he was in heaven.
I started to moan loudly, for I was on the verge of exploding. Then my son started to ejaculate his semen inside of me; he shoved his penis as far as he could get it into me. I could feel every squirt of my son's warm seed being deposited inside of me, and it running down into the opening of my cervix and into my uterus. I was almost over the edge.....After just a few seconds, my son was finished inseminating me with his seed. I could feel his semen flowing down into the opening of my cervix and into my uterus. Like his dad my son pulls his penis out of me and climbed up off; I closed my legs, as he puts his penis back in his basketball shorts. He then takes off towards the kitchen, so left frustrated.
I got up and slipped my panties back on and put my robe back on also, then I sat back down on the sofa. I reached over on the coffee table and grabbed my cigarettes, just then the Great Dane gets off my sister, and the ball at the end of his penis pops out of her, and then his penis slowly slides out of her dripping all over the carpet. the dogs long thick penis hang down between his legs the shaft of it was a purplish color with a dark red tip. a dog slowly walked over to the corner of the room with his balls that were the size of two large plums swinging back and forth. My pussy was twitching and thumping, as I lit my cigarettes and the only two penises around were spent.
My sister gets up off her hands and knees and sits back yoga style.
She said to me. "Oh God Tara, I can't believe I was fucked by a dog."
"I know what you mean Toni, Jake raped me at daddy's house last month. And right in front of daddy," I said to my sister.
My sister said oh, you never told me that Tara. I got to hear this later, after the fucking that dog gave me. my sister got up and came over and snuggled up to me on the sofa. a few minutes later, my son came in the living room hauling this big sandwich and a bag of Cheetos. Well, I quickly grabbed the TV button and put on a movie, as my son sat down on the other end of the sofa eating his meal.
Well during the movie I dozed off, and that was about a little after 7 p.m. it was quarter to 10 when I woke up to the sound of my sunglass thing the TV watching some X-Men movie. I looked over at my sister, she was laying naked on the loveseat watching the movie. I was still frustrated, I figured maybe I would go relax in a nice warm bath. So I said that I was going up to soak in the tub for a bit and I would be back down.
Then just as I started up the stairs the Great Dane came racing into the foyer I stopped for a second, as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs. I was horny beyond belief and I needed some penis. I walked up the stairs undoing the sash to my robe as the dog sat at the bottom stairs. once I got to the top of the stairs I glanced over my shoulder to check to see if the dog was still there. The dog was looking up at me so I opened my robe and let it slide over my shoulders and drop to the carpeting behind me at the top of the stairs to entice the dog. I turned and started very slowly to walk down the hall, as I did that The dog came racing up the stairs. I turned and looked over my shoulder at the dog once again. I then turned back and started shaking my small little round pale white ass In my tiny little pair of shiny yellow satin bikini panties.
Once I got to my bedroom door, I stopped and hope that sounds in the waistband of my panties and slid them down to my thighs that I left and dropped my feet and stepped out of them. I knelt down and picked them up I tossed them at the dog offering myself to him. My panties landed a few feet on the carpet in front of him. The dog walked over and sniffed them; I opened my bedroom door, I then turned and said to the dog, "OK you big motherfucker, you want to fuck me! Come and get it!" Then walked into my bedroom, I heard the dog come racing down the hall. He came racing into my bedroom and tackled me from behind; I flew forward onto the bed. The dog had me pinned down bent over the bed with his paws tightly around my waist. That humongous Great Dane found my pussy opening on the first poke of his penis.
I cried out, "OH GOD YES!" as the dog's penis slid inside of me. I had never been taken like this before, the dog started fucking my smoothly waxed pussy and whimpering loudly. His penis started swelling, I could feel it getting longer going and thicker, going deeper inside of me. The Great Dane was fucking me quickly like a jackhammer I cried out repeatedly with every thrust, "UGGH, UGGH, UGGH!" while the dog's very semen was squirting in me. He was fucking my smoothly wax pussy with no mercy. The Great Danes penis was forcing my pussy to stretch to accommodate its enormous size.
I dug my nails into the mattress of the bed, while the dog had his way with me. Then like the waves of the ocean rolling into the seashore my vagina muscles started contracting and gripping the dog's penis, I felt it building like a runaway freight train, I'm losing myself, as the dog's penis is sliding in and out of my smoothly waxed pussy. I couldn't focus on anything else except the dog's enormous penis in my pussy. My nerves and muscles were tensing up in my pelvis and pussy area. I was overcome with an overwhelming feeling of tingles throughout your body. I felt light headed my eyes were blurry. All I could feel is an instant lightness of your body and amazing sensation in my pussy. Breathing heavily I cried, "Please don't stop doggy!" I moaned out, "AAHHHH!" And threw my head back, my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Like a tsunami, overwhelming me, my body started to shake and quiver, as I exploded and started to orgasm.
I screamed out to the heavens, "OH YES DOGGY, THAT'S IT FUCK ME!" I couldn't focus on anything, except the dog's penis that was violating my pussy. The dog had been violating my pussy for good 10-15 minutes, I felt like I was in a catatonic trance. Just then I felt some pressure at the entrance of my pussy. It was the big ball at the base his penis and he was trying to get it in me. The dog kept thrusting, trying to push it into me. He gave another couple of thrusts, then my pussy parted open wider and it entered me, locking us together. Then he went motionless, he just rested on top of me and he panted heavily in my ear. I could feel his large balls throbbing against the inside of my thighs, as he continued to ejaculate his very warm semen inside of me to try and get me pregnant. I could feel the dog's semen running down into the opening of my cervix.
I just laid there bent over the bed with the dog on top of me in a haze. My pussy muscles were still contracting, clamping down on to my son's penis; waves of pleasure are flowing from my clitoris, up through my pussy and up my spine. With my eyes glossed over, glowing from my orgasm, I laid there cooing and grinding my pussy against the dog.
It was a good half an hour that the dog climbed off of me and the ball at the base of his penis popped out. Then his purplish-red penis slowly slid out of my pussy. The Great Dane started licking my smoothly waxed clean for a few minutes, he then laid down beside me. I then went and lit some scented candles and soaked in a nice warm bath while the dog laid on the floor beside the tub. An hour later, it was almost midnight and I was finished soaking in the tub. I went and slipped on a little pair of black satin bikini panties. I then headed on downstairs grabbing my robe off the hallway carpet and slipping it on. the dog followed me as I entered the living room to see my sister on the sofa straddling my son's lap and riding him. my sister was breathing, as my son's penis slid in and out of her smoothly waxed pussy, while she rode him slowly. My sister looked up at me Breathing heavily, she had the look on her face that she was getting ready to orgasm. I turned and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of warm tea.
The next morning, after taking a shower and getting dressed up nice and sexy to head down to Jimmy Joe's as I promised. I grabbed the little pair of shiny yellow satin bikini panties that I was wearing yesterday and headed to my son's room. I knocked on the door and he didn't answer so I peeked in. He was gone, so I went in and I lifted up his pillow, I laid out the panties nicely and put the pillow on top of them. I headed downstairs on my way to the kitchen to grab a Pepsi to take with me. My son was sitting in the living room watching TV, I stopped for a second in a playful voice I said to my son, "I left you a present under your pillow."
"Where are you going mom just like that?" my son asked.
I said to him, "I'm going down to Jimmy Joe's and spend the night my son. I have to, or you'll tell your dad that's I'm still having sex with him. And he'll tell your dad that he's had sex with your Aunt Toni also, and he can prove it. so that's why me and Toni are willing to give you sex if you keep your mouth shut and if necessary help cover it up. This is between me, you and your aunt Toni, only. Oh, they're going up to Kathy's parents, for her mother's birthday April 7th. So it'll be just me, you, and Aunt Toni. if it's nice we'll have a little cookout, the pool will be cleaned. And me and Aunt Toni will be swimming in our skippy little shiny metallic Brazilian bikinis. you can put the sunblock lotion on me and your Aunt Toni. Or if it's too chilly for that, me and your aunt trying to go spend the day in nothing but our panties. But whichever one we end up doing, you'll be getting your weenie wet plenty, Jason. Oh since you seem to like to watch dogs giving it to girls, will let you watch Jasper give it to us, okay. I'll tell you what Jason, I'll give you a little extra reward sometime tomorrow. tomorrow sometime in the afternoon I'll come up to your room and suck your penis off. And sometime during the evening when it's safe like after your daddy Kathy went to bed. you come down and me and you going to game room and lock the wooden sliding doors. And let you fuck me what's a sofa, okay. Now I have your silence I'm where I'm going and that I'm spending the night there?"
"I won't say a word I promise Mom," my son replied.
I then decided to be cute, so turned around and lifted the back of my mini skirt up real quick to give him a flash of my panties and ass. Then I headed to the kitchen, I was in a good mood from getting off last night. As I entered the kitchen I heard my sister's voice coming from the pantry/laundry room. But I couldn't make out what she was saying. So I peeked in to tell her I was leaving and I saw my sister down on her hands and knees on the floor with her robe open and the sash to it dangling. and our dad's Great Dane was mounted on the back of her and he was fucking her. my sister did not look like she was pleased, it appeared she was wearing her robe but no panties and he got her. well, I closed the laundry room door, and I wrote on the little Blackboard on the fridge that I left. She knew where I was going and I called her little later and asked her can you do me a favor. I asked her to give my son some sex a couple of times today to help him keep his silence. Show him how rewarding it is if he keeps his mouth shut......The End.
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