This is a new story. I don't mean to jump around so much and never finish a full one but i had an idea you all might like.
House arrest was never so interesting before mom got it
I left home like so many boys did to enlist in the military at 18. I knew from a young age that I would enlist just like my father had. Part of me was doing it in his honor of sorts. He was killed in action in Iraq in 2004 when I was a boy. Life adjusted and continued as best it could for a few years after that until my 18th birthday approached. My poor mother was a wreck after dad died and became a house hermit for the rest of my time there. We weren’t very close but she always did what was necessary to be a parent. She was broken inside and was developing a deeper state of depression and closet alcoholism. I tried to get her to seek help before leaving for the military but she was in denial for sure. She made it clear she didn’t want me to enlist because it cost my dad’s life but I felt it my duty to follow in his footsteps. The week before I was shipping out, she sold the house and said she was going to buy a motor home and spend time traveling. I assumed I wouldn’t see much of her moving further and I still regret not doing more for her during this transition. She was my only family and it was a less than stellar bond. She was 40, a little chubby, didn’t care much about her appearance, and she had no motivation to better her situation with counseling or therapy. I wish I could have done more for her, but she was stubborn and sad.
I didn’t hear from my mother for a few years after that. I unfortunately almost met my father’s same fate a little over a year after joining the military. I was a gunner in a small convoy in ifuckgoats-istan when the driver hit an IED that wrecked our vehicle. I got pretty messed up from the blast and was in the hospital for a few months. I broke my back, got shrapnel in my legs and pretty bad burns to my feet. The other two guys in the vehicle unfortunately didn’t survive the blast. I don’t remember much of it because I was concust, but that’s probably a memory I wouldn’t want to remember anyhow.
During recovery I was sent back stateside and was ultimately medically discharged from service. My back didn’t recover like they expected so I’m only the shell of a badass freedom fighter I once was. At least I’m mobile and I have all of my limbs.
With no real obligations in life any longer and a pretty decent disability pension I scanned around to find a place to settle down. By accident, I found a small Midwestern farm that I decided to buy and spent most of my time working on and shooting firearms. Life really wasn’t that bad. I had a lot of freedom and the local towns had a decent supply of loose women with a sensitive spot for soldiers. I spent my days getting fat and having fun. The real American dream I do believe.
My new lifestyle was cut short when I got a call from a counselor in a neighboring state who wanted to talk to me about my mother. I was relieved to hear about my mother after such a long time and I briefly thought she finally decided to get some help through a counselor. Unfortunately those thoughts were cut short when I learned my mother was in jail and the counselor was appointed to her from the court. I couldn’t believe what I was told. Apparently mom had quite the life of booze, partying, and sex while I was gone. I learned my mother was arrested for the 3rd time for solicitation and the counselor told me stories of my mother trying to bribe the police with oral sex to avoid arrest. Apparently she’s a real mess and she has been in jail for the last couple of months. I learned she has a chance of release but the condition is six months of house arrest. Mom doesn’t really have a house other than a mobile home so she would need a place to stay if the judge would grant her release. Apparently mom told this lady to call me to see if she could stay with me for that timeframe. I imagine I was her last and only resort.
I probably should have thought about it longer, but I agreed to let her move in with me. Part of me knew this was trouble, but she was the only thing I had for family even if she was in a bad way. Perhaps I could help her. I was only 24 years old and thought I could be Dr Phil and get her straightened out.
The next day I spoke to my mom on the phone. She cried a lot and profusely apologized to me. I knew she was embarrassed and ashamed of herself. I believed she wouldn’t have contacted me under the circumstances if she had other options. We spoke for about an hour. This collect call would cost me. We talked about my time in the service and my injuries. She burst into a bawling mess several times and kept apologizing for not staying in contact and being a failure as a mother. I consoled her the best I could over the phone but ultimately I knew my words would not make her feel any better. Before wegot off the phone I told my mother that I loved her. I hadn’t said that to anyone in over 10 years before my dad died. She meekly whispered “I love you Clint” before the call ended.
I spoke to the judge later this afternoon. The judge agreed to release mom on house arrest if she complied with a variety of restrictions. She was basically confined to the home and a 100 meter perimeter around it. She was not allowed to drink or use drugs. Lastly, she had to report to her probation officer once a week by phone. This seemed like an exceptionally easy set of tasks that anyone could do. The judge was a prior service member and tasked me for my mother’s moral rehabilitation. I don’t think living in a house full of guns in the middle of nowhere that’s occasionally visited by farm sluts is the ideal place for moral rehab… but we will do the best we can.
Two days later I found myself sitting in the waiting room of the jail 200 miles from my home. I was surprisingly not that nervous to see my mother after all this time given the new information I learned. Something put me at ease knowing I could talk to someone who has known me more than a couple years. A guard from the jail called me up to the front desk and had me sign for my mother and her property. My first emotion I felt during this process was extreme embarrassment. The guard handed me bags of labeled property that she had when she was first arrested. The bags were opened before I took possession to ensure I received what i was signing for. The emotionless guard (who was a man in his 60’s) read off the property as it was handed to me. I was so thankful I was alone at that desk with him and nobody else could hear the hilarity of the contents.
“One black leather purse containing various make up products, identification, financial cards and $844 in cash.” He said as he slid the contents across to me.
“One white skirt size medium” he said as he slid a tiny miniskirt across the counter to be placed in a bag. I couldn’t believe my mother would wear something so slutty and revealing.
“One tank top style shirt in women’s medium.” This shirt was definitely thin and would definitely be “snug” on what I remember of her.
“One pink bra size 34D and one pair of women’s underwear size medium” … My eyes were bulging as I quickly swept the push up bra and tiny pink g-string into the bag with the rest of the stuff. I knew I was turning red with embarrassment. Thankfully the seasoned guard didn’t seem to mind any of this. I assume he’s seen this many times. But I was shocked with these contents that belonged to my mother. I was thankful to see that the clothing appeared to have been washed and freshly clean.
“Three private piercing jewelry and one silver and red bottom jewelry.” I was confused as to what the hell he was saying until he slid a small clear bag across the table. The contents were unmistakable. In the bag were two small bars with diamond balls at the end. I knew they were nipple rings. The other was similar but a bit shorter. I presumed it was a clit ring. And the other item was definitely a metal butt plug with a red heart shaped jewel at the base of the bulb. Oh mercy… Like, what the actual fuck. I closed my eyes and slid the small baggy into the large bag with the rest of the interesting outfit. I could no longer look directly at the guard. I had my embarrassment limit for the day.
“One cell phone, one impoundment receipt for a motorhome, one pair of black stockings, and one pair or women’s heels size seven.” he finally finished with the property inventory. It didn’t go unnoticed by me that the fishnet stocking and hooker heels were thrown in with more moderate property.
I signed the property and without making eye contact I asked the guard how to get the motorhome out of impound. He gave me a phone number to call and I returned to the waiting room after he assured me my mother would be out shortly.
I called the tow company who had the motorhome. Unfortunately the owner was out of town for the day so we could not have access to the motorhome today or get it returned. I was told that the motorhome was towed after it had been left unattended for a couple weeks. They said it had been vandalized and the wheels and tires had been stolen before they towed it but they did not believe anyone got into it. Reluctantly I agreed to let them tow it all the way to my house 200 miles away. With the original tow bill, storage fees, and getting the motorhome to my house was very expensive. I sighed and gave them my credit card number. I wasn’t wealthy but I had decent savings and it was worth it for my mother to keep what little she had. Hopefully the vandalism wasn’t too bad. I was told they would bring the motorhome to my house in a few days.
I sat patiently in the waiting room before I finally heard my mother coming down the hall. I heard her familiar yet distant voice. She was politely thanking the guards escorting her for their kindness. I heard someone tell my mother about the conditions of her release and that her property had been signed over to “your son.” I heard my mother almost yelp “oh dear” when she was told I was in possession of her hooker outfit. After more barely audible mumble the door to the waiting room opened and my mother stepped out. She was a bit thinner than I remember and her hair was much lighter than before but it was certainly her. She was wearing some loose fitting and unflattering sweats and a t-shirt. She saw me and a huge smile flashed across her face. I hadn’t seen her smile since before dad died. Without warning she ran to me and embraced me in a hug. She immediately started weeping and turned into mush in my arms. This was a long overdue moment.
After several minutes of inaudible crying, mom slowly composed herself and wiped her tears free. The first thig I said to her was “let’s get you out of here.” She nodded and we walked out of the jail. When we got to my truck, I put her bag of belongings in the back seat of my truck and we hopped in. I explained to mom the situation with her motorhome and she didn’t seem to care about it. She thanked me profusely for paying for the tow and ensured me she had money to repay me. I wasn’t sure if she did or not but I didn’t really care if she did. As I drove out of the jail and 200 miles to my house my mother and I talked about everything except her situation. We talked a lot, but didn’t really talk about anything. Small talk was actually really refreshing. It eased some of the awkward tension of the situation.
Before we made it home, we stopped at a mall a few miles from my home. Mom needed clothing and whatnot for the few days her motorhome was out. Mom said she had money in her property which I told her was in the bag in the back seat. I told her I’d give her some money for clothing and she scoffed at the idea. She said I already invested too much into her. She reached back into the bag and started shuffling through her belongings. I heard her giggle quietly as she sorted through the contents. “YES” she said in a far too quiet truck. I didn’t dare ask what she was so excited about.
I looked over and saw her pull out the bag with her “jewelry” which she not so secretly tried to hide on her other side. She also pulled out her purse and rifled through her funds and cards. Neither of us spoke of the bag. When we pulled up to the mall mom agreed that she would go do her own shopping and meet me at the food court in an hour. We didn’t have to report to my house for her house arrest to begin for a few more hours. She was already wearing the ankle bracelet and the monitoring box that we were ordered to install before nightfall.
Since it was her last freedom for a while I didn’t put up any protest letting her go on her own. Her phone was charged during the trip so she was able to contact me if needed. I went to the food court after some brief shoe shopping to waste some time. I watched the clock and the hour came to a close. After a few more minutes I got worried and tried calling my mom. No answer. The panic set in and I had a bad feeling in my stomach. She’s supposed to be in my “custody” and I fucked that up within a couple hours after her release. Why would she do this to me? I got up and started marching around the mall trying to find her. Thankfully my phone binged and it was a text from my mom. “Sorry I am running late. Trying things on at the department store. Will be there as soon as I can.” Although I felt relief that she responded, I was still a bit concerned. I figured I would head to the department store and wait for her there or at least hurry her along.
I walked up to the women’s clothing section and didn’t see my mom anywhere. I walked over to what appeared to be the dressing rooms and no one was around. No employees or anything. I wondered around the rest of the clothing until I was upon the men’s clothing section. Nobody was working there either. Just before I walked away I heard a faint feminine noise from the dressing room area. I wasn’t quite sure what it was, but I inched closer and heard more specific noises. “You are a kinky bitch” I heard a man say in more than a whisper. I then heard my mother’s unmistakable voice reply “Yes I am… thanks for letting me suck your cock. I really needed it.”
I think I was angry. I’m not really sure. I don’t know if I was pissed off, concerned, aggravated, or maybe even jealous… but I couldn’t exactly explain my reaction. I briskly grabbed the door knob to the dressing room and tried to yank it open. Unfortunately it was locked. I don’t know why that was surprising. I yanked real hard on the door knob and it ripped open. Apparently they don’t build them with very strong locking mechanisms. When the door opened my mother yelped and backed into a corner. A younger man in his early 30’s was in there with her in a dress shirt and slacks. He was fondling his belt when I barged in on them. He looked terrified as I squared up in the doorway. His shirt had the department stores name embroidered on it’s chest. He must be an employee. I turned to my mother who was using her shirt to cover her breasts. She must not have been wearing it when she was blowing this weasel. I looked at her sternly as she had tried to hide the shame in her face. I as calmly as possible said to her “I believe it’s time to go.” She nodded and as quickly as she could she found the opening of her shirt and pulled it on while turning away from me. As she did, I had the briefest glimpse of her tits. They were pretty damn big and jiggly. I also noticed that she had re-installed the piercings that were in the bag just an hour ago. Despite the obvious awkwardness of this scenario, I felt very calm yet protective of her. When her shirt was on, she picked up her purse, and stepped out of the small room. I gave one last glare at the guy in there who was scared shitless. I stared him down as I stepped away and I don’t think he left that room until we were out of the store. Mom collected the 25 bags she had in a cart from all the shopping she did before coming here and we trotted out to the truck.
With her bags in the back seat mom walked around to the driver’s door before I got inside. She put her head down and embraced me with a hug. I could tell she was on the verge of crying. “I’m so sorry you saw that.” She said with her forehead buried in my chest. “It’s alright mom. We just need to get home before dark.” I said. I wasn’t sure if I meant that, but it was true. She was less sobby and said “It had been so long. I just needed a small fix. I was in jail for months.” I replied “It’s okay mom. You aren’t drinking or using drugs. I understand how you feel. It’s no big deal.” She then looked up at me with teary eyes and gave me a small smile.
It was then I noticed the unmistakable sight of cum on my mother’s chin. I wasn’t sure how to respond. She was inches from my face and looking to me for acceptance but… really? I barged in on her before she got it completely cleaned off apparently. Instead of sugar coating it, I just looked her directly in the eyes and told her. “Mom, it’s not a big deal, but you have cum on your chin still.” She turned beat red and her eyes grew wide. She instantly released me, turned around and wiped her face with her hand. She looked at her hand to confirm that I was indeed correct. She not so discreetly licked the cum from her hand and walked around the truck. “Well we better get going” is all she said. I was in mild shock, but I played it cool. I got in the truck and we hit the road. We finally made it “home.”
The first night at the house was very eventful. The first thing mom did was take a long (and I mean long) bath. She said beforehand that she hadn’t had a quality bath in forever and wanted to decompress. She put all of her belongings in the spare room right next to mine and I left her for what was easily an hour.
I had the opportunity to set up the ankle monitor box and confirm that it was successfully linked to comply with the judge’s orders. I then ordered a pizza and relaxed on the couch. I knew mom would like pizza after a couple months of jail food.
When mom finally came out of her room the uncomfortableness started over again. She was wearing clothing she had just bought. A reasonably tight white tank top and clearly she was not wearing a bra. Her nipples and rings clearly poking through the thin fabric screaming for attention. Six distinct bumps across her chest. I admit I stared much longer than I should have. I love tits. I love big tits, small tits, saggy tits, lopsided tits, or any combination of tits. Unfortunately those jiggly spectacles belong to my mother. I also noticed she was wearing a very short pair of cotton shorts. They were black but had the word pink written on the bottom. I do not understand that at all. Either way, they were short enough by mothers cheeks just barely hung out the back and jiggles as she stepped. Ideally this would be an outfit for the sluts I like to entertain, not one for my mother. I thought for a moment and I don’t think I ever saw her legs before other than in a traditional once piece bathing suites when I was young. They weren’t bad.
As she walked into the living room she had a towel on her head and she was drying her hair. She saw me and greeted me with a smile that tells me she appreciated a bath for the first time in a long time. I told mom that I ordered pizza and she jumped and cheered at the idea. All I could do was watch her tits bounce.
My mother walked over to the couch and sat next to me while looking the other way. She said “I can’t look at you right now… but we should probably have a serious talk about what I have become. I want to tell you the truth but It is not going to be easy.” I assured her that it would be okay but she shushed me. She continued “My counselor said I should be completely honest with you. And I will be. But I can’t just tell you.” After a long silent pause she said “I have written everything down. Some of it is very weird and it will tell you how I’m not a good person anymore. But you can read it if you want. I promised my counselor that I wouldn’t keep secrets from you.” I replied “That’s very brave of you. Thank you for trusting me like this. I promise that I will be honest with you as well.” I couldn’t think of anything more appropriate to say to her. She finally looked at me with a shy smile and said “You promise?” I truthfully said to her sincerely “I promise.”
Right then we both jumped as the doorbell rang. I greeted the deliver guy and paid him. We sat and ate the pizza in mostly silence. Mom moaned some as it was the best food she’d had in months. As we were finished she looked me directly in the eyes with a serious face. She said “I’m sorry, I already kind of lied to you. The letter I wrote you is a very simplified and politically correct. That’s not as honest as I can be. So, I’m going to let you read what I wrote my counselor. It’s horrible and I say a bunch of nasty horrible things but it’s the real me.” I responded “Well, I can’t wait to meet the real you.” I said with a wink. I tried to lighten the situation some. She did not crack even the smallest smile and she said “We will see about that. I hope I do not regret this. Also, I know it’s a lot to ask… but I struggle to be forward and honest face to face. Could you text me if you want to know something personal instead? I feel more comfortable being honest and truthful when I do not have to speak the words or look at faces. “ I certainly agreed with a simple request like that. After dinner mom wanted to go to bed and sleep on a real mattress. She said she might sleep for a full day. She leaned over to me, gave me a hug. Whispered “Thank you for everything” before heading off to her room.
About five minutes later I got a text from her that read “The note to my counselor is on the counter in the hallway bathroom. I hope you aren’t disgusted by me afterwards but I will completely understand if you are. I love you”
I was so intrigued with the seriousness of this note that I wasted no time in getting it and shut myself in my room to get to the bottom of this major scandal. I opened the note and started reading away It said:
Dear Sheila (That would be mom’s counselor appointed by the court.)
For probably the first time in my life I will give you some complete honesty. I mean, real, honest, fucked up truth. I loved my husband. I really truly did. When he died, I died inside. I will never been that same loving wife and mother I once was. I know I can’t bring him back and I know I had to move on. I didn’t even talk to a man for years after he died. Clint left me for ARMY and I was completely alone. So, I sold the house and decided to travel to wherever I wanted. I first went to Oregon and smoked a bunch of legal weed. While I was there I met a guy at a mobile home park that was friendly. I was horny and decided I was going to fuck him. So I did. But it was terrible. It was sweet, sensual, pleasant… and I hated it. My Husband made love to me. No man will ever do that to me again. I just like being fucked like a useless piece of meat. So, I traveled to Detroit next and met a family at a mobile home park there. I got drunk and let this fat pig fuck me. He was gross but I fucking loved it. He was very forceful and called me foul names. He made me suck his dick before he bent me over and fucked me over the dining table in my camper. Then, he made me suck his dick clean before he went back to his own camper where his wife was cooking dinner. The truth is, I really really really liked it. Next, I went to Nebraska. I was in a mobile home park there for less than an hour before I was on my knees sucking off the owner of the park at the office. I had already paid for the lot rent. I just did it because I like feeling like a slut. I like… no, I LOVE sucking cock. I fucking love it. I was a less ambitious wife who rarely blew her husband. So I suck every dick I want to suck because it makes me feel good. It makes me feel good to have a huge load of cum dumped into my mouth. It feels good to swallow a pungent nut and know my effort was successful. I let men fuck me anyway they want except missionary. That was for my husband. Also, I never have nor will I ever kiss another man. I will suck their cock before our lips meet.
I was so stunned by the language in this letter that I couldn’t help but enjoy it. I’m reading someone’s deepest and darkest secret and I was enjoying myself. My dick had started to swell and despite knowing these were my mother’s words, I couldn’t help but feel aroused. I read on.
When I went through Oklahoma I unintentionally met an old man who was a real freaky mother fucker. He and I got high then he pierced my nipples and my clit. I never knew how much I’d love it. It’s wonderful. I stayed with him in Oklahoma for about two weeks. He had a real fat dick and I was really into the kinky stuff he wanted to do. He dressed me up like a slut then made me suck and fuck him in public places where we would get caught. The thrill was spectacular. Dressing like a slut and watching men stare really fuels my confidence. I don’t want their respect; I want them to lust for me. That is what makes me feel good. I reluctantly left Oklahoma with a new purpose and new outfits for more adventure. Then I met Tim in Louisiana. Tim was my favorite. He was only 22 years old and had the youthful stamina that could keep up with me. Tim taught me to be overly submissive. He trained me to need at least one mouthful of cum every single day. He taught me to enjoy anal and to wear butt plugs regularly. He was a sweet boy but he started to catch feelings so I bolted. I don’t want love, I want lust. Lastly I ended up in Missouri where I was arrested more than once for what you call prostitution. Yes, I offered to suck that cop’s dick. Yes I offered to suck that judge’s dick. I love sucking dick. I am not a hooker, as you know I have plenty of money. My husband’s life insurance will get me a long ways. I do it for the thrill and the cum. I do not do it for the money. That’s the truth Sheila. I’m just a big fucking slut. In fact, I’ve been incarcerated here for only two weeks but I’m starving for cock. I ate my first pussy yesterday because I’m so horny. I actually loved it. But it will not replace a thick meaty cock full of warm savory goo. I’m horny and going crazy in here. Please get me out by any means necessary please.
I didn't realize how painfully hard my cock had gotten until I completed the letter. I had to free it. I released my fly and I really wanted to stroke it but I couldn’t. It felt wrong but I was dying for relief. I am not sure why I needed to talk to my mom at that very moment but I just needed to. I texted her “I read it. It was brave to tell me this. Thank you for being so honest. You can always be honest with me.”
Only a minute went by before she responded “Do you truly understand my problem or just being kind?”
I answered honestly “I truly understand. Everyone has desires. Everyone has needs that needs. Everyone has an itch that needs scratched.”
I wasn’t expecting her to be so straight forward when she replied “I’m not sorry that I sucked that guys cock at the mall. I really love doing it and my tummy was happy for the treat. But I am worried I will go crazy on house arrest unless I get some visitors to help with my problem.”
I really don’t want random dudes coming to my house to fuck my mom. That seems like a terrible idea. Fuck that. I responded “What about like adult toys? Would that help?”
Apparently mom was committed to being as honest as she promised. She said “I’m using one right now. Yes it helps. But it’s not full of cum either. I hope you don’t mind. I washed it first. It was in the top drawer of the dresser in here.”
I couldn’t breathe. My mom just said she was using an adult toy on herself that was in my spare room. What on earth is she talking about? I don’t know of anything that would be in there. I’ve allowed sluts and a few friends to crash there after a party but I couldn’t think of what the hell she was talking about. I asked her honestly “What toy are you talking about?”
Mom didn’t respond with a description like I anticipated. She responded with a picture. I opened the message and saw more than I ever expected to see. It was my mom’s pussy on display with a tan rubber dick in her hand that was partially in her. Her pussy was completely bare of hair and I saw a little red jewel at the edge of the photo where her ass would be.
“HOLYYYYY FUCK” I blurted out louder than I expected. I knew right away what that toy was. When I first moved in here I met this cute little farm girl that was home for spring break from college. When she had to go back, she insisted I clone my dick with this kit that made an exact rubber copy of my own penis. it was an interesting process but she really wanted to return to school with my exact cock to play with while she was away. A few weeks later she mailed it to me after she met a guy at college. She said that she couldn’t use it anymore and didn’t want to throw it away. I had totally forgotten that I tossed it in that dresser. My mother was fucking herself with a clone I made of my actual dick.
What the fuck could I say to her at this point? I stood up and started pacing around my room trying to think. My hard cock was bobbing in front of me. It was dying for release. Desperate for me to give it some attention. I was going to ignore her message and wait for her to finish and I would talk to her tomorrow. But, I was committed to our new commitment to honesty. I responded “I’m sorry I forgot about that. It’s actually a clone of me. I’m sorry I totally forgot.” I swallowed hard and braced for a response. I ran to the neighboring wall to the room my mom was staying in. I heard soft moans and I heard her phone chirp. The moaning went silent. I assumed she opened the message. The silence was followed by lots of movement. Then, I heard her door open. I think she’s going to go throw up in the bathroom. I was wrong.
My bedroom door burst open. My mother was only wearing that tight shirt and no pants or panties. She came right at me. I thought she was angry and going to hit me so I put my arms up to protect my face. Instead, mom dropped to her knees and her mouth found my cock in one move. I froze. I had forgotten my cock was out and now my mother had her mouth on it. I was a stunned deer in headlights. I needed to stop this I needed to…..Ahhhhh… Mom expertly deepthroated my cock like the seasoned pro she was. It was bliss. I am not sure when my brain stopped caring how wrong it was, but I think it was about the time l looked down to see my mom’s front lip resting on my pelvis with my whole cock in her throat while she look straight into my eyes.
If I go to hell for this, it would have been worth it. Mom only took half my cock out before bottoming it out again. And again. And again. I watched in amazement. I didn’t realize she had the dildo clone in her hand still. Without breaking eye contact she reached behind her and inserted the clone into her pussy. For only a short period of time I was theoretically spit roasting my own mother. My cock was in her mouth and her pussy at the same time. I absolutely could not take anymore. I didn’t warn her in any way other than a loud moan. I emptied. I mean I really emptied. The cum eject from my dick faster than the speed of sound. I heard the unmistakable sound of mom gulp before she pulled her mouth back just to keep the tip in her mouth. She used her free hand to grab and pump my shaft as the longest and most intense orgasm rippled through me. I didn’t see or measure the amount of nut I just shot into her, but I feel I could have filled a coffee mug. When I thought I was finally finished she squeezed from base to tip to drain every little drop from within. Gulp, gulp, moan, moan, tremble… mom finally pulled her mouth from my cock to scream. She was cumming. She was hammering her pussy with the dildo and screaming a loud audible orgasm. I heard the unmistakable sloppy sound of liquid splashing. I smiled and observed as she finally calmed. She had closed her eyes during her orgasm; she realized I was staring when she reopened them. She didn’t say anything or make any face. She stood up and walked out. I heard her door shut and all of a sudden we had silence in the house again.
I stumbled over to my bed. I stepped on wet carpet. Mom must have really soaked it. This was definitely the last way I expected to learn my mom was a squirter. I collapsed on my bed and sleep was getting the best of me. I heard my phone chirp just in time. I looked at a message from mom. It read “I’m so sorry son that was terrible of me. Please don’t be upset. If you are, I will volunteer to go back to jail to spare you my wickedness.”
I responded truthfully “Your wickedness is fun. I enjoyed it. Thank you for the release.”
She responded immediately “It was fun and you giant load was delicious. But I shouldn’t have done that. I was just so horny and knowing I was fucking myself with a clone of your cock made me go crazy.”
I chuckled and I had a bit of proudness in myself at that moment. I also wanted to have a little fun with her. I replied “Since I have the only cum in the house, maybe I can give you some from time to time if you’re good. What do you say?”
Mom must have thought about that more than I expected. She responded bluntly “I will do all the cooking and cleaning here plus any other tasks you have for the next six months if you let me suck you awake every morning.”
Wow… what an offer. I mean, has anyone ever heard a better offer ever? I replied “That sounds like a good idea.”
Mom clearly wasn’t kidding when she replied immediately “Is that a deal? You have the most delicious and filling cum I’ve ever had. If you let me suck your cock for a cum breakfast in the morning I will do whatever you want for the rest of the day I promise.”
I thought about this for longer than expected. Instead of making a deal I messaged mom that I would sleep on it and decide tomorrow. I stumbled into the shower and cleaned myself. I also decided I was way overdue for a pubes trim. As I was trimming I got carried away and now I was completely shaven all over. I don’t do that often but I felt like being bare at the moment. I crawled back in bed with only my boxers on and found it surprisingly easy to fall asleep.
Because I don’t really have a job per say, I don’t really set an alarm to wake up. I wake up between 8-9 most mornings. Whenever my body tells me it’s time. I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock on the wall. It was only 7:15… As I gained my wits I felt the most wonderful feeling of my morning wood sinking into a warm wet hole. I looked to see that my mother, dressed in a tight pink tank top and grey yoga pants was bent over my bed from the side. Her hair was covering my dick but she was no doubt bobbing on my knob.
I let out a pleasant moan and said softly. “Good fucking morning.” Mom giggled at my statement with my cock in her mouth she released my dick and stood up. She smiled and held out her hand to me. “Sit up sleepyhead.” She said sweet and motherly. I sat up on the edge of the bed as she dropped to her knees. I noticed her hair was in pigtails. She found my cock with her mouth again and started bobbing. She reached out and grabbed the waistband of my boxers and started tugging on them. I lifted my butt slightly so she could pull them down. She released my dick from her mouth only long enough to get my boxers to my ankles. She made a happy/surprised moan to see I was now hairless. She aggressively bobbed and started hitting her throat with the tip. Like she could read my mind, She looked right into my eyes and eased her throat open to slide my hard morning wood into her throat. No gagging, no effort, just perfection from a cocksucking master. Again and again she would pull half my shaft out then slide it all the way back in. The noise a throat makes as it accepts and lets go of a cock is intoxicating. I knew I wouldn’t last long with this incredible display. She must have sensed it and wanted to prolong it because she completely removed her mouth from my cock and started stroking it slowly with her hand. Mom lifted my shaft and inhaled my right nut into her mouth. She started moaning while alternating from sucking to licking. It was too much. I take that back, it was just the right amount of amazing. The sensation was wonderful as she alternated from my left to right nut. I loved it. I wish it could have lasted all day. Mom must have been ready for her breakfast because she went back to my cock with motivation. She grabbed for my hands and brought them to her head. One hand for each pigtail. She smiled around my cock and nodded when I grabbed them. She moaned in approval as I pulled them causing her mouth to go deeper on my cock. I started slowly pumping in and out. I gradually sped up and was pulling her down harder and faster until she was going from the tip all the way to the base. She moaned in approval the faster and rougher I got.
I felt it coming. It was a long slow build up and it was destined to be a big load. I started yanking her hair harder and harder. I was slamming into her throat harder and harder with every pull. She moaned and appeared to love the rough throat treatment. When I felt my cum begin to shoot, I pulled her down hard so my cock could shoot straight into her tummy. It was big. It was almost painful with the quantity and force I released it. Mom never gagged. She never pulled away. She let me dump all the cum into her thirsty throat like a champ. I finally released her hair and collapsed back down. For more than a minute mom sucked any remaining residue of cum from my softening cock. Eventually she got up and kindly said to me “breakfast is on the stove sweetie.” Before walking out. I slowly dressed and went to the bathroom. I was in an excellent mood all of a sudden.
Before I went to the kitchen I noticed I had a message on my phone from mom. I was excited to read it but it made me a little sad. It said “sweetie, I really do love it when you face fuck me with your fat cock. But when you cum down my throat I don’t get to taste any. Would it be too much to ask if I wanted you to cum in my mouth instead of my throat next time?”
If anyone ever got that message from their mother it would be shocking. I wasn’t shocked. I felt bad for taking away something she was looking forward to.
When I got to the kitchen mom was sipping coffee at the table. She greeted me with a great big smile and said good morning. I sat and ate the prepared bacon, eggs, and toast. It was a delight. We talked about nothing as I ate. It was nice to have her here to talk to. Even if I knew she her stomach was full of my cum, I was still glad she was there just to talk. Mom eventually asked me less than enthusiastically if I had a girlfriend. I’m surprised it took until now to talk about that. I told mom I have a few female friends that visit from time to time. She smiled but didn’t have anything to say. She grabbed her phone and sent a text. She looked flushed as she set her phone on the table and I heard mine chirp. Before I could pick it up she told me it wasn’t important and that I could read it later. I noticed her nipples were hard as stone right then. All six distinct dots poking through the fabric. Something she just thought about aroused her I suspected.
Mom insisted on clearing my plate and doing the dishes. I protested for a moment until she said “It’s the least I can do for you making breakfast.” She had a little smirk and turned away. She got me. I didn’t have a whitty response. As she stood at the sink I was able to admire moms ass some more. The yoga pants were tight and really displayed her aged yet attractive rear. I was pretty close and I could see a bright red thong visible through the thin grey pants. One of my greatest kinks is sexy underwear. I could feel my dick starting to swell again.
I asked mom if she wanted to shoot a few guns today at some targets I have on the backside of the house. She thought about it for a moment then agreed that would be fun. As I walked away from the kitchen I read mom’s text from earlier. It said “I understand you like to bring girls over. Please don’t stop. I don’t want to be a cock block. But I still want to suck you awake for my breakfast if they don’t stay. If your dick tastes like some skanks pussy I will get over it for my tasty treat.” That was enough to get me fully hard. I walked into my office and removed my pants. I sat in my chair with my hard dick in hand and slowly pumped it. I needed to cum again. I got a wicked idea and snapped a pick of me stroking my dick and sent it to mom. I sent it with the caption “I’m sorry about breakfast. But I have brunch for you in the office. Your sexy little thong got my attention.” I only stroked for about 10 more seconds before I heard mom running down the hall. She turned into the office and stared at my cock like a starving lion. She stepped up to me, reached into her waistband and pulled the red thong high and tight before kneeling in front of her addiction. She closed her eyes and sensually slobbered and licked all over my cock while working my balls with her hand. After minutes of softly and gently sucking and licking she held up her phone to my chest. She posed with my cock tip in her mouth and took a selfie of herself. She was barely sucking at my tip as she texted and sent a message. She looked at me and winked. She smiled when my phone chirped and smiled. I opened the picture she just took and I read the caption “Anytime I ‘get your attention’ im willing to do this. I really love your cock baby.” As I looked back at her she completely throated my cock. I fucking love the sensation of the first full throat penetration. She was aggressively sucking. She was cum thirsty.
She was a pro. She knew it would take a little more for me to cum twice within an hour. She eased off her mouth and used a hand to twist and stroke the shaft while she sucked and licked the tip. Her other hand fondled my balls. This display made quick work of my cum. When I knew it was close I actually gave her a verbal notice. When I came, I came hard. I could tell it wasn’t as much as earlier, but it wasn’t bad. As she so expertly does, she milked the last drops from my base to my tip before pulling away. Surprisingly she held up her phone again, opened her mouth, and snapped another selfie. She closed her mouth and made a loud audible swallow. Her eyes immediately flew open and she scurried out of the office. I wasn’t sure what had happened. Did she get sick? I heard her bedroom door slam and I heard stuff being shuffled around. I was actually concerned. I crept up to her bedroom door before I heard her moaning. She didn’t seem to be sick. I cracked the door open a bit. It wasn’t as quiet as I hoped it was. My mom looked over her shoulder at me with a struggling face but did not stop what she was doing.
Mom was bent over her bed with her ass facing me Her pants and panties were at her ankles. She was bent over and rapidly plunging my dildo clone into her pussy violently. She was not being gentle. She was horny as hell and she was fucking herself hard. Although she looked at me, she did not give any indications she didn’t want me to watch. She didn’t have her butt plug in at the moment but I love that she’s into them. Mom’s eyes finally rolled into the back of her head and she started groaning louder and louder. The sight was so amazing. If I had more cum in me at that moment I would have emptied it. Mom hunched over, slammed the toy in her at the speed of a blurr and started bucking. Fluid was leaking down both of her legs as she climaxed. No crazy squirting but it was clearly a hard won battle for her. She eased down flat on the bed and pulled the toy from her pussy. She earned some rest. I closed the door and went out to get some guns ready.
I got the targets set up and I was in the shop for about an hour loading magazines and preparing a few guns before mom messaged me. She said “I’m sorry I ran out after brunch. Cum makes me so horny sometimes…Obviously.” That message was followed by a photo of her mouth full of my cum she took in the office. The caption said “The very best part of my day”
That afternoon We shot guns, had some laughs and ate some BBQ on the deck. It was a wonderful spring day with the woman I care about most in the world. Because mom was court ordered not to drink I did not keep any alcohol in the house. A beer would have been great to top the night off. We eventually called it a night and retired to our bedrooms for the night.
As I was preparing for a night of rest followed by a morning blowjob I heard my phone chirp. It was a message from mom that read “I’m so horny right now. I hope my mobile home gets here soon. I love you cock clone but I have a lot more advanced toys to play with.” I smiled at the thought. I replied “You seemed to enjoy your moment this afternoon. Im surprised you didn’t squirt all over the place again.” Opening this dialogue started an exchange of messages that brought new anticipation to our relationship.
Mom: “I only squirt when I have something in my ass. I usually only wear a toy in my ass every other day to keep my muscles trained. I have a lot of ass toys in my motorhome. Even some you may like.”
Me: “I think I will leave the ass toys to you. That’s really awesome and kinky of you. Your piercings, your clothing, your sex drive… I think it’s amazing.”
Mom: “Thank you for understanding baby… I love it. I love the piercing in my nipples and my clit. I love being really really naughty.”
Me: “How naughty? Tell me a story about how naughty my mother can be…”
Mom: “Ha. Do you think you can handle it? Are you sure?”
Me: “Of Course… I mean, I want to know everything about you.”
Mom: “I will tell you one kinky story after you tell me one. And it has to be a good one.”
Me: “Hmmm… Okay. A few weeks before I left for the military our neighbor Mrs Brando came over to our house to wish me well in my career. She said she always had a thing for military guys. She grabbed me by the hand, brought me to the couch and fucked me on our old couch. That was the first time I ever came in a pussy. She loved it. The next day she told me that her husband got my sloppy seconds that night.”
Mom: “You naughty boy. Mrs Brando was atleast 45 at that time. At least she has good taste in cock.”
Me: “Now it’s your turn.”
Mom: “I know, and a promise to be honest on here is unbreakable remember?”
Me: “Yes of course.”
Mom: “When I was traveling around I met this guy in Arkansas that was really into bondage. His wife was a free spirit and knew I was fucking him but didn’t seem to care. One night, he tied my up on my back in his bed and blindfolded me. He stuffed my panties in my mouth and told me to not speak. When his wife got there he forced her to eat my pussy before he fucked it. Then his brother showed up and he fucked me. Then his cousin showed up and fucked me. After the three of them filled my pussy full of cum he removed the panties from my mouth and told his wife suck the cum out of my pussy and feed it to me. She did so without hesitation. She sucked 3 big loads of cum from my pussy and spit it into my mouth. They didn’t untie me for a while. His wife was very gentle with me while I was bound. Before they let me go he had to fuck my ass. Before I stumbled home I had cum leaking from every hole. The Truth is, It was one of the best nights of my life. Being used, fucked hard, then fed cum… that’s my kink. Anyways, I’m getting wet thinking about it. So I’m gonna try to force some sleep before I’m humping the door knob. Goodnight baby.”
Me: “I love you mom, goodnight you badass.”
There it was again. That warm wonderful feeling. I was waking up from a blissful sleep by the warm wonderful sensation of a mouth on my morning glory. When I finally got my eyes open enough to see I saw my mother bent over my bed sucking my cock to full mast. “Goodmorning sleepy head” she said cheerfully. Like yesterday I sat up on the edge of the bed so she could take her ideal position on her knees. Something shocked me though. Mom was wearing a really small white skirt and a green tank top. Today her big meaty jiggle tits were pulled out the top of her shirt and flopping around. It just dawned on me that I hadn’t seen them bare until now. They were amazing. They flopped about with every small movement as I thought and those beautiful little nipples remained erect with the help of the piercings.
Mom assumed her position and looked at me as if waiting for a command. I looked puzzled. She grabbed my phone and handed it to me. I opened her message that read “I’m extra horny and cum hungry this morning. If you liked watching me yesterday I can maybe give you a good show before I drain your balls.” I think that’s a spectacular idea.
I looked at mom and nodded yes enthusiastically. Mom smiled and crawled onto the bed beside me. She lifted her ass way up in the air and that caused her skirt to bunch up around her waist and expose her big beautiful white ass. She was only wearing a tiny black g-string. Her rear was only inches from my face. I had a front row view to the best show in town. Mom reached between her legs and slid the string to the side revealing the gorgeous red jeweled butt plug she had so kindly presented to me. Next she started toying with her pussy with her fingers. Strumming her pierced clit, and plunging two fingers inside. I was amazed that she still did not have a hair on her at all.
She sat up quickly and faced me. She eased her head down over my hard cock and started sucking. She presents to me my cock clone and holds it up right next to my real cock. Mom finally throated my cock for the first time today. It’s a spectacular feeling. She pulled her head off then she throated the clone right next to my real cock. Then she switched, and again… She alternated until both the real and clone of identical size were sloppy from her generous throat treatment.
Mom sat up, turned her ass towards me again and inserts the clone into her clearly hungry pussy. It slid all the way in with ease. She slowly sped up her plunges until she was slamming the toy into her hard and fast. From a foot away I was in love with the show. It was kinky as hell and my cock was harder than iron. I slowly stroked myself to maintain peak hardness during her presentation. It happened. It happened fast and it was a real. Mom screamed while she was furiously slamming her pussy and she came hard, on my bed, and she squirted all over. I mean all over. Some hit my face, some landed on my exposed cock, but most squired on my chest and bed. It was intoxicating, it was real, and it was fucking hot. I thought mom was done but she wasn’t. Her ass was still up high and trembling from her orgasm. She reached back and pulled the plug from her ass. She was obviously an expert with it. Then she pulled the clone from her sloppy pussy and forced it into her ass without an ounce of hesitation. She slowly started working the clone back and forth moaning. She only stuffed herself with the clone about 10 times before she pulled it out and expertly put the plug back in. I was so turned on by what I saw, I kind of lost my mind. I jumped up, grabbed my moms hips and yanked her to the edge of the bed. I was a dog in heat and I was going to get what I wanted. I lined my cock up with her sloppy pussy and I thrust inward. In one push I slid my whole cock into her. I slammed and slammed and slammed as hard as I could until I felt my mothers hands on my leg and I heard her scream “NO.”
I instantly pulled out and backed away. Mom lay flat on the bed facing away from me. “We cant do that” she said. I could tell she was not happy. I was frozen in fear. I knew what I did without permission is never okay and I thought I really messed up. Mom rolled over. She looked at me as if she was in anguish. Mom finally broke the texting barrier. She finally spoke to me without hiding behind her phone. She looked at my and said “I want nothing more than for you to fuck my brains out right now. But we can’t. It’s too far. I’m so sorry I teased you so much. It’s my fault.”
Needless to say, my cock was deflating rapidly. I was scared. I apologized to my mom and put my head down. I was ashamed of myself. Mom jumped to her feet and with a perky smile and voice said “no baby it’s my fault. Here, sit down.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and mom kneeled to her favorite place to be. She started stroking my cock and began speaking to me like never before. She said “Baby you really need some pussy that’s all. You should have one of your girls come over tonight so you can get what my favorite cock deserves.” With that statement she opened her mouth and started sucking. She stopped momentarily to say “You need a young tight floozy to sit on your fat dick to get your pussy fix.” She sucked more before saying “And this time tomorrow I will be right here sucking this cock and licking off her pussy and your cum… Unless you want me to do it right after you fuck her.” Mom looked at me and throated my dick right then. “Would you like that baby? For mommy to lick her pussy off your cock after you fuck her?” she said between her expert bobbing. All I could do was nod yes. “Maybe she would let mommy clean your cum out of her pussy… Would you like that?” she said so sweetly. Again all I could do was nod yes. I was close. The dirty talk is my weakness. I’m going to cum at any moment. “Okay baby, cum for me now and I will help you fill a slut up later. Is that a deal?” I again nodded enthusiastically.
Mom Pulled her mouth from cock and stroked me furiously from six inches away. “Cum for mommy” she said opening her mouth wide. I did. I came as hard as I ever have. I briefly fucked my mom, then she got me with all the dirty talk. I fucking came a bucket. Jet after powerful jet launched from my cock directly into her mouth and on her chin. When I was finished my moms mouth was full of fresh cum and most of her face was messy. She swallowed the huge load in her mouth then used her finger to scoop up all the cum on her face straight into her mouth. Mom swallowed and Smiled wide.
“Baby that was a delicious breakfast. I’m going to get cleaned up. Your breakfast is on the stove. We have a long day of slut searching to do so we better get started.” Mom said as she walked out of my room.
6 months of house arrest with mom doesn’t seem so bad after all.
Dudley DowrongReport
Seems to me, Ur getting better.
I would like to see additional chapters to some of Ur previous publications.