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A childless woman goes on a journey with husband.
Deepak Mehta a flourishing business man was under stress as he was c***dless. His vast empire grew by day. As he stepped into 40th year he was a worried man as he had no c***d to take care of his business. Constantly he took advice from eminent personalities but failed. He could not marry another woman as the business he handled belonged to his wife. His wife, Kaveri a charming lady in her thirties was constantly looked down by her in-laws. This affected both of them and it had reached such a peak, that they were willing to sacrifice anything for it.

One day Deepak and his wife were introduced to an elderly couple, who a few years ago were c***dless. Hearing their advice both of them were pleased but it had many hurdles. First they had to travel a long distance to meet a person by name of Daniel Gonzoppa, an expert tracker, who could guide them to the sacred spot. Secondly it would take 8 to 10 days to reach the spot by foot from Daniel's place.

Third and most important factor was Kaveri had to have a lady companion as she would be the only female in the long journey. As they pondered about it, it came as a pleasant surprise to find Kaveri's aunt Mala, younger sister of Kaveri's mother to come forward to help them out.

When all was settled the three of them boarded a train and headed to the east. After chugging along for four days they reached a remote village. From there they had to travel by cart for another 3 hours before they reached a small hamlet.

To find Daniel in the small place had no difficulty. He came out of a small cabin as k**s started screaming his name on seeing the visitors. Daniel was aged around 35 years. He had a dark complexion. He was solidly built like a fighter and a fighter he was. His passion was to tame the wilderness. When he was a young k** his parents had lost him when they were on a trekking expedition.

He had survived in the wastelands and after wandering for years he had finally come to settle in this region. He knew every shrub, tree, pond, caverns and water holes located in the area.

Since a few years many couples visited him as they wanted to reach the shrine which was thought to be sacred. He was the only person who could guide them and he took pleasure in doing his work.

Today, after seeing the tourists he was glad as his earnings had started to dwindle and he looked forward to recoup his pockets. Seeing the young and rich couple he was more than delighted. He had a sudden liking towards Mala whose eyes starting roaming over him.

Once the deal was struck and the three were settled in a thatched hut, Daniel came in to brief them. He lectured them on all factors concerning the journey. How much luggage they could carry, what they would be eating, where they would spend the night and all. Finally as he moved out he said "we will traverse only at nights and rest in daytime. We will start the day after tomorrow when the moon light will be just right for the forward journey and back It will take us fifteen or sixteen days to return"

Daniel took care of the guests, supplied them with food and refreshments. The problem started when it started getting dark. The three of them had difficultly adjusting to the darkness with a small kerosene lamp burning and when it came to changing of clothes all of them looked at each other for consolation.

It was Mala who solved it by asking Deepak to step out and as he went she turned towards Kaveri and said "now it is okay but I am wondering what will happen when he are out in the open"

"I think you have to get used to it" saying this Kaveri smiled at her as she started to change her clothes.

"For you it is okay, what about me" asked Mala as she stood looking at Kaveri who after discarding her sari pulled a night gown over her.

"We will think about it when the time comes" saying this she moved towards Mala who was more of a friend than an aunt. Both of them were pals and there was not much age difference between the two.

"You seem to be enjoying this excursion" said Mala.

"This is a wonderful land and I hope the trip would be a successful one" replied Kaveri placing her hands on Mala's shoulders.

"It will be a successful one, don't worry' saying this Mala hugged Kaveri.

"Thanks" said Kaveri and after changing their attires they went out in the open.

As the weather was pleasant and there was fading moonlight both of them strolled around till Deepak changed his attire.

Back inside, they again had problems as the mattresses laid on the floor could hardly accommodate the three of them. Deepak opted to sleep at the far end with Kaveri and Mala nuzzled close by.

The three were cramped with Kaveri sandwiched between the two. Mala's eyes started roaming. First she saw Dinesh who was lying with his back to them and then as her eyes fell upon Kaveri lying close by, she was surprised to feel warm sensations pass through her body. She felt it odd as never before had she felt such sensations on looking at her.

As she was contemplating the reason, Kaveri turned and that made her back to brush her bare arms. This prompted Mala to shift her elbow and as it felt the warmth of Kaveri's body it had a pleasing effect.

The warmness made Mala to raise her head and look at Kaveri who was shifting her body to acquire a comfortable position on the mattress. Seeing her writhe Mala placed a hand on her shoulders and soothed her.

As Mala placed a hand over her, Kaveri leaned back and nudged closer to her. This action made her posterior curve towards Mala's lower body. Mala was delighted when she felt Kaveri's soft back brush her body before settling down and this prompted her to squeeze Kaveri's shoulder lightly.

The action soothed Kaveri and soon sleep took over her tired body. Mala silently watched Kaveri who started snoring. Her eyes roamed over her back and on reaching upon her rear, a current passed through her body. Leaning on her she went to sleep.

Next morning as Deepak got up he saw both the women cuddled closely. This made him stare at them and when he saw his wife stir, he went out. When Kaveri tired to get up she found Mala's hand holding her shoulder and as she turned, Mala's hand slid down over her chest. This jolted Kaveri and pushing Mala's hand away she got up.

Mala too felt her hand had braced Kaveri's bosom and feeling thrilled she smiled as she got up.

Both women were directed to a pond by the other womenfolk of the hamlet and when they saw the place they were thrilled to see the beauty of the pond surrounded by a cool mist. It invigorated their strength. Taking a stroll around the pond and after having a wash they returned back to the hut.

The day passed with chatting and preparing for the excursion. When the sun finally started to go down and a quarter moon appeared out of its hiding and started to peep out from behind the trees, Daniel asked them to retire to bed early as the next evening they had to start the journey.

Mala entered the hut first and as she started to pull out her sari, Deepak strolled in quietly and seeing him, Mala without any hesitation discarded her sari and put on her night dress leisurely. Deepak smiled at her and said "I think we should get used to it"

"Yes" replied Mala setting her night dress straight as Kaveri came in.

Deepak moving to one corner pulled his shirt out and as both women watched he unzipped his pants and removing them, pulled on his pajama suit.

"Shame, shame" cried Kaveri in lighter vein and started removing her sari to put on her night dress.

As the three settled on the mattress both the women heard Deepak snoring. This prompted Mala to say "think about tomorrow"

"About what" asked Kaveri?

"'From tomorrow we will not have any privacy" she replied softly.

"'Yes, everything will be in the open" she replied.

"And we will have two men with us" Mala said.

"Two men" asked Kaveri?

"Don't forget Daniel. He will with us all the time" she said.

"I had totally forgotten him. Yes he too will be with us" replied Kaveri thoughtfully.

"And we may have to dress and undress in front of him" she replied.

"Yes, what we should do about it" Kaveri asked.

"'We have to, there is no other go" replied Mala as she brushed aside Kaveri's hair from her face.

"And what about him? Will he change before us" Kaveri asked.

"'Yes, he is a real solid guy and that is what bothering me" replied Mala.

"Why should it bother you" asked Kaveri.

"You don't understand it. You have other thoughts in mind" she said while brushing her hair.

Hearing it Kaveri remained silent. She was contemplating the circumstances and she knew it was hard for Mala to be alone as she was a divorcee. She pushed aside these thoughts from her mind and said "we both are very grateful to you for joining us."

"'Now don't be silly. I came as I needed a change" she replied.

"But you are facing lots of problems" said Kaveri.

"I am enjoying it" she said and looked deeply into Kaveri's eyes.

Kaveri blushed as her aunt spoke and said "if you are happy then I am relieved"

"I am happy to be in your company"' she said drawing her head closer.

"It's our privilege to have you with us" saying this Kaveri placed her head on Mala's shoulder.

Mala encircled her head with her hand and drawing her closer said "I hope everything will be fine"

"Yes, I hope so" saying this, Kaveri nuzzled closer to her deriving comfort from her words.

As Kaveri moved closer Mala tightened her grip over her and pulled her. Kaveri felt Mala's bosom on her cheeks and without any hesitation she pressed them upon it.

Mala held Kaveri for a few moments and when the sensations creeping inside her body increased she brought her face down and kissing her forehead said "you are too good"

Kaveri blushed on hearing those words.

As Kaveri blushed Mala took the opportunity and sliding her arms on her back she embraced Kaveri, which in turn made Kaveri's face to be wedged in between her breasts.

As Kaveri felt her face lodged between Mala's bosoms, she too felt a hot wave take over her body. Without showing a hint of it she let Mala fondle her.

Mala embracing Kaveri started caressing her back and when she saw Deepak turning in his sleep she released Kaveri from her hold and pushed her away from her. She felt she was lucky as Deepak was asleep.

In reality it was not so. Deepak was awake all the time. Though he could not hear their conversation he could hear the rustling of their clothes and movements of their bodies which was a give away. And when he had turned he had seen Mala releasing Kaveri and pushing her back. Though it aroused him he thought he should have given them more time.

Next morning when he was awake and his eyes got accustomed to the surroundings he saw both the women were fast asleep. As last nights episode came into his vision he got aroused and felt hot desire to pull his wife to him. Controlling his urge he slid his hand inside the spread covering his wife and placed his hand on her warm thighs.

As his hand continued to invade deeper between his wife's thighs, Kaveri feeling the pressure of it opened her eyes. She was shocked to feel her husband's hand amidst her inner thighs and when he tried to put his hand up she pushed it mildly and looked at him with apprehension.

Deepak smiled on looking at her concerned face and when her eyes sent the signal of Mala lying by their side, he withdrew his hand and got up.

This little foreplay was also observed by Mala and as Deepak got up and went out she said "poor little guy"

Hearing this Kaveri blushed and said "I feel sorry for him"

"You will find some free time, don't feel sad" saying this Mala got up.

The day's proceedings were the same as the previous days. They were busy listening to Daniel for his final comments. It was 6 pm when it was time to depart. Dressed up in Jeans and a shirt, carrying a shoulder bag each, they started out for the journey. All three were enthusiastic. Kaveri was pleased that her wish was going to be materialized. Deepak was happy as he was sure this journey would be adventurous in many ways and Mala was delighted to be the part and parcel of the company.

As they trudged along the plain area looking at the beautiful skyline, the vast green fields, and feeling the cool breeze, soon it was 8 pm when Daniel gave them a break. After having light snacks they were up again on their feet. It was Daniel who had led the pack so far and as the stretch before them was straight he gave way to Deepak who was enthusiastic to lead. This gave Mala and Kaveri the opportunity to have a chat with Daniel.

Very soon they became social and were seen laughing at each other's jokes. Kaveri from time to time saw her aunt taking more interest in keeping him jovial. From the corner of her eye she saw her taking a close look at him who was wearing tight shorts and a T shirt. His masculine body was well proportioned and he looked like a modern day Rambo. His arms were heavy and his thigh muscles were jutting out of his short shorts.

Mala was enchanted with this view and it kept her dreaming about it. Once when they had to climb a small hillock, Mala caught hold of Daniel's hand for support. Thus they journeyed till Kaveri felt her knees buckling down.

"Can we stop for sometime" she asked Daniel.

"Another 10 minutes and we will camp for the night" replied Daniel.

It was midnight and the moonlight had dimmed when Daniel asked them to stop at the bottom of the hillock. Moving towards a huge rock he said "we shall camp here"

All the three were glad that the first day's journey had come to an end. Removing their shoulder bags all slumped down beside the huge rock while Daniel went out and came back carrying firewood. After he lit a fire they ate what they had carried form the village and as soon as it was over, Kaveri who was tired went behind the rock and after changing her clothes came back and lay down on the ground pulling a sheet to cover her legs and used her shoulder bag as a pillow. Mala too followed suit and lay beside her. Both women on resting their feet looked up at the men enquiring as to where they were going to rest.

It was Daniel who answered their questions. Turning towards Deepak he said "we have to sleep by the side of each woman as we have to guard them"

"Guard them from what" asked Mala.

"Nothing to panic but sometimes wild boars do pass this stretch" saying this he stretched himself by the side of Mala giving her ample of room to move around.

As Daniel stretched himself a bit far from her, Mala hoped he was close by.

Kaveri being his wife, Deepak was fortunate to lay close beside her.

As they stretched themselves and when their feet regained the lost strength both Mala and Kaveri were happy to have camped out in the wild. This was new experience and both of them enjoyed it.

Deepak feigned sleepy and started to snore. On the other side Daniel was lost to the world.

Mala facing Kaveri smiled at her and asked "are you still feeling sorry"

"What for" asked Kaveri puzzled.

"Feeling sorry for him, want to be with him" she asked looking at Deepak who had turned the other way.

"You must be crazy" she replied.

"No, I am not crazy but trying to help you out" she replied.

"'No thanks" she replied shyly.

"You look desperate" she said.

"How can you say so" she asked.

"By looking at your body language" she replied.

"What does it speak of" she asked softly.

"It speaks a lot" she said eying at her rising bosom. "Look at them swelling up" she said boldly.

"They may be but this is not the right time and right place" she said looking at Daniel.

"He is lost to the world" Mala replied as she saw Kaveri looking at Daniel.

"No, not today, may be sometime later" she replied.

"I pity those" she replied looking straight at her rising bosom.

Kaveri giggled at her reply.

Seeing her smile Mala said "You are well endowed inside"

"How can you be sure" asked Kaveri.

"I can make out from their impressions" Mala put the words in her ear.

Discussing her body made Kaveri excited and looking at her aunt's chest she said "you too possess a good figure"

"Yes, but I am not as fortunate as you are" she replied.

"How come" she asked?

"I don't have a companion" she replied.

"Oh! I am sorry. I should not have asked you" replied Kaveri.

"Don't feel sorry. I am glad you are with me" she replied looking straight at her.

"And I will always be with you" replied Kaveri feeling her deep stare.

"You are lovely" she said.

This had two meanings and Kaveri could not grasp what she meant by it. Was she trying to say she was charming or did she meant anything else, she could not understand it. She just smiled back at her.

"You have a beautiful smile" said Mala as her finger touched her cheek and caressed it lightly.

This was a sure sign. This made Kaveri's heart beat rapidly. She could not reply back to her aunt, she kept silent.

"And your lips are so rosy" she said as her finger moved slightly over them.

Kaveri was getting aroused. Her body was inclining towards her aunt. She opened her mouth in awe.

Mala continued caressing her lips.

Kaveri opened her mouth wider and a moan slipped out of it.

Seeing her getting aroused Mala dipped her finger inside her mouth.

Kaveri at once closed her lips on it and as the temptation grew inside her body she turned her face and hid it.

Mala knew that she had her. She let go of Kaveri and turning back she went to sleep.

Deepak though he had not seen their actions was sure that both were up to something. He was glad that he had not disturbed them. Thinking about them he got aroused and instinctively his hands went to his swollen penis. As he was fondling it he slid his hand over his wife's and held it.

Kaveri who was still awake was stunned as her husband held her hand. She started sweating thinking her husband might have watched her actions. She was worried as he held her hand immobile for a few moments. She felt as though she was caught in a trap and when her husband pulled her hand over his swollen penis she was reassured and let her hand do the work.

Next morning Mala got up first to see both Kaveri and Deepak curled up and as she was looking at them Daniel got up and coming closer he smiled at her.

Mala blushed when he smiled at her and to distract his attention she asked "where can I have a wash."

"Follow me" replied Daniel before moving out.

Mala followed him into the dense foliage carrying her toiletries and a towel and when they came out in the open, it looked like as if she was in paradise. Before her she saw water gushing out from between the cliffs and fall on the smooth rocks. She stood admiring the sight and turning she saw Daniel smiling at her.

"This is beautiful" she said.

"You will find more beautiful ones" he replied.

"'I am so glad I came here" she said.

"Me too" he shot back.

At this Mala looked at him and said "now if you would excuse me I would like to have a wash"

"No, I cannot leave you alone" and as Mala looked at him smiling he said "remember wild boars" he said.

"And you are one of them" saying this she went towards the falls as Daniel squatted down, his eyes ogling at her moving figure.

Mala was so obsessed with the glory of the sight that she straightaway went and stood under the falls. She was so delighted to feel the pure water gush over her that she lifted her hands and tried to divert the fall all over her body.

Daniel sitting some distance away looked at Mala jumping with joy and happiness. He saw her turn around in circles letting the water fall all over her.

As he felt he should give her some privacy, took a u turned and went towards the camp.

As Mala saw him leaving she pulled her night gown out and standing in her bra and panties she took a leisure bath.

As Daniel came back he saw both Kaveri and Deepak were awake.

Wishing him good morning Deepak looked at him, his eyes enquiring about Mala.

Daniel addressing Kaveri said "if you want a bath follow me"

Hearing this Kaveri got up and when she saw the falls she too was thrilled with its beauty and as her eyes got accustomed she saw the figure of Mala clad in a towel drying her self and brushing her hair.

Seeing Mala, Kaveri rushed to her and when her aunt said "it's wonderful, have a bath" she pulled out her nightgown and in her bra and panties she rushed towards the falls.

Daniel watched Kaveri pull her nightgown out and as his eyes wandered over her body clad in a bra and panties he was delighted and before his eyes could feast upon her body, Kaveri had moved below the falls and the gushing water shielded his sight.

Daniel then turned and returned to the camp carrying a head load of fire wood and some roots which he had duged out.

Meanwhile Mala stood watching Kaveri have her bath and when she stepped out to pick her towel she was captivated to see the almost naked figure of Kaveri. Mala's eyes stormed over her body and as she stood taking stock of her features. Kaveri wrapped the towel around her, hiding her charms.

As Kaveri was dr****g the towel she saw Mala staring at her with lewd eyes. This made her body to shiver with excitement and when Mala came forward she stood rooted to the spot.

Mala on getting closer to her whispered "'can I help you"

Kaveri nodded her head.

Taking hold of a towel she moved closer to her and as Kaveri turned her back to her she started drying her hair while her eyes were glued on her bare shoulders which were glistening from the pearl like droplets of water on her back.

Mala after drying her hair rolled the towel into a ball and placing it over her shoulders started to dab the droplets slowly. This made Kaveri to tremble with delight and as her body shook, she again heard Mala say "you are beautiful"

A trembling Kaveri stood her ground till Mala finished dabbing and as Mala handed her the towel, accepting it she moved out of her reach.

Mala watched as Kaveri took a few steps forward and removed her wet bra and panties from under the towel. Then tying the towel back again she stepped forward to wash the discarded linen.

Mala stood watching as Kaveri put on fresh pair of underwear, a knee length skirt and a loose top. Seeing her dressed up smartly in skirt and top she felt sad as she did not carry a pair. Pulling on her jeans and shirt they both left the place.

When they reached the camp they saw Daniel and Deepak busy cooking. As the women approached both of them left to take bath.

They returned an hour later and when Daniel called them they stormed in as all were hungry. Daniel served them boiled roots which tasted like sweet potatoes. They devoured it and enjoyed it as hunger was the best sauce. As Daniel saw them enjoying their meals he said "this is what we are going to have for another 3 days" They accepted it as it was relishing.

After having their food Daniel escorted them deeper into the woods and when they came to a shady area he asked them to rest.

Deepak and Kaveri sat down besides a huge tree while Daniel and Mala squatted apposite them resting their backs on the boulder.

As they had nothing to do they chatted for sometime and gradually all four of them started spreading their feet to rest their aching bodies.

Kaveri made no move to hide her exposed legs wearing a skirt. Mala saw Daniel stealing a glance whenever the opportunity arised. He kept all the three engrossed in his adventures and when Kaveri slid her feet further down and lay on the ground her skirt hiked up an inch exposing her thighs well above her knees. This not only made Daniel horny but it had the same effect on Mala.

Deepak saw both of them eying his wife. This sent hot waves up his spine. Turning so that he could see both of them from the corner of his eye he feigned as if he was asleep.

This emboldened both Mala and Daniel whose stares at the sleeping Kaveri intensified. They were watching Kaveri and whenever she moved her feet, her thighs were further exposed.

Seeing Kaveri wriggling her body over the green grass exposing her thighs, Mala felt a rush of blood through her body and as she looked at Daniel she could make out his hardened cock imprisoned in his shorts. This invigorated her and impulsively she spread her jean clad legs wider giving Deepak a look at her well endowed legs and thighs.

This sight made Deepak aroused and throwing all caution to the wind he let his stare wander over Mala's voluptuous body. As his eyes devoured her body he saw Mala was endowed with long legs, heavy thighs and a fine rounded bosom.

Mala saw him looking at her. This prompted her to widen her legs a little to give Deepak a better picture and Daniel taking a cue from it slid flat on the ground which gave his eyes more access to see Kaveri's thighs further up.

When all three were busy focusing their attention it suddenly started to drizzle. Kaveri was awakened by the drizzle and when she got up it started to come down heavily. In a matter of minutes all four were drenched and it was of no use looking for a safe place. They wandered in the open enjoying the rainfall.

It stopped raining after 10 minutes and as Kaveri looked down on her top she saw it had struck to her body like a second skin showing off her bosom and thighs prominently. This attracted the attention of Mala, Daniel and Deepak and it did not bother her. Taking it in her stride she enjoyed their fleeting glances.

She was the centre of attraction until Daniel removed his wet shirt and exposed his masculine chest. When the three pairs of eyes saw his body they were stunned. His heavy arms, his biceps, his shoulders, his chest and his waist were just muscles and they felt as if he was made out of steel.

While Mala could not stop herself from letting out a moan Deepak exclaimed "Oh! My God"

Kaveri was perplexed looking at him.

Seeing all three stare at him Daniel smiled at them.

It was Deepak who said "I wish I would possess such a body"

"Why" asked his wife trying to tease him?

"Coz I could have impressed all people around me" he replied.

"Men or women" asked Mala joining Kaveri?

"Well if you put it like that, I would say women" he replied winking at her.

"Only women" she asked looking at Kaveri who was blushing.

"Yes, only women" he replied back.

"Yes," he has a very impressive physique said Mala looking at Daniel and when Deepak looked at her she asked "I don't know what would have happened to poor Kaveri."

This brought him back to reality and looking at Kaveri he said "she would still be my wife"

"How lucky you are" Mala replied looking at Kaveri.

"I am not so lucky" replied Kaveri smilingly.

"Why not" asked Mala.

"Because he does not possess such a body" she shot back which made them all laugh.

"Thank God he does not" replied Mala.

"Why" asked Deepak curiously?

"Because you are married and he is not" she replied candidly.

This conversation eased them all. Mala had jokingly struck the iron while it was hot. Kaveri and Deepak had responded well and Daniel had enjoyed it as he was the centre of attraction.

Thus all four relaxed to some extent. As the sun began to set, they were up on their feet, their bags packed. Ever enthusiastic Daniel led the group. He was followed by Kaveri, then Mala and the last was Deepak. They trudged in a line.

Deepak got the opportunity of looking at Mala's back. He saw her buttocks ensconced in her tight jeans. They were stimulating him. Many a times he closed the gap between them and when ever an opportunity arised he tried either to graze her back or touch her. Mala liked his ministrations and did not complain. This prompted Deepak to be more daring. He started to touch her more frequently.

One time when his hand slipped and touched her buttocks, Mala turned back at him and smiled. This encouraged him to move to her side.

Seeing him walking by his side Mala moved closer to him. Many a times their thighs brushed each others and when once Mala tripped Deepak caught her by her waist and supported her.

This made Mala to hold his hand. Deepak was delighted when Mala held his hand for support. He held her soft hand in his and as they took a few steps he entwined his fingers with hers.

Mala snuggled closer to him. Now their bodies braced each others whenever they encountered bumps. Many a times Deepak's knuckles felt her thighs. He could feel the warmness of her body through the rough material of her jeans. He wished she was wearing a skirt like his wife.

As they continued the journey, "are you comfortable" Deepak asked.

"Why" asked Mala.

"I mean comfortable wearing the Jeans" he asked again?

"No, they are a bit heavy" she replied.

"You should have worn a skirt" he said.

"I have not brought any" she replied.

"Don't you have anything light" he asked?

"I can wear shorts if you would permit" she said.

"Why do you want my permission for it" he asked.

"They are too short and would expose my legs" she replied.

"So what" he asked smilingly?

"I felt you may not like me to wear them" she said.

"I would rather like you to put them on" he replied softly.

"But I would feel ashamed wearing them in front of you" she said.

"Wear them when it is dark and we start trekking" he replied.

"What about your wife, has she brought one" she asked.

"Yes, she is fond of wearing them" he replied.

"Then you will be only one with pants on" she said.

"I will remove them if you want" he said.

"What" asked Mala?

"I mean I will wear shorts too" replied Deepak smiling at her.

"You are getting mischievous" she said.

"Not mischievous but I am enjoying your company" he replied squeezing her hand.

"Oh! It pains" she said as he gripped her hand hard.

Bringing her hand up he kissed it softly and asked "is it okay now"

"Yes, it is and you are definitely getting naughty" she replied.

"You have made me naughty" he said as he kissed her hand again.

"Kaveri may see us" saying this she pulled her hand down.

"Let her" replied Deepak as he took hold of her hand again.

'So you don't mind her seeing' she asked.

"No. Moreover I am a very liberal person" he said.


"Meaning, I don't mind if she sees us and I am sure she will understand" he replied.

"So sure of your wife" she asked entwining her fingers with his.

"Yes I am" he said as his knuckles started caressing her thighs.

Feeling his knuckles brace her thighs Mala moved still closer to him.

Taking advantage of it Deepak released her hand and sliding it across her waist he held her.

Mala likewise slid her hand on his waist. Both holding each other's waist moved at a brisk space and as they came in line with Kaveri, Kaveri smiled at them seeing them holding each other's waists.

Deepak then let go of Mala and looking at Daniel said "can we have a break."

"Yes" said Daniel and looking for a suitable place he guided them over.

Deepak at once sat on the ground and Kaveri placed herself beside him.

Daniel and Mala sat close by. Daniel looked at Kaveri who was looking chic and her face was gleaming with pleasure. Daniel could not remove his eyes from her and when Kaveri looked at him she smiled at him which made him happy.

Daniel's gaze slid down and when Kaveri saw him looking at her bosom she lifted her hands up providing him a better view. Daniel at that instance knew that she was shoving off deliberately. This prompted him to smile back at her.

After resting for 15 minutes when Daniel said time is up, Mala excused herself and moved some distance away from them. Then removing a pair of shorts and a shirt she changed her dress and when she approached them she said "Jeans are a bit heavy"

Deepak was delighted when he saw Mala wearing the shorts and a loose shirt. It was feast for his eyes as Mala was looking young and cherubic. She had tied her shirt above her waist which left her belly button exposed. Her shorts were glued to her body showing off her features prominently. Her rich creamy thighs were glistening in the moonlight.

Daniel and Kaveri too had a close look at her. As the four were ready to move Deepak stretched his hand towards Mala and held her hand. Kaveri followed suit and held Daniel's hand for support.

Holding their respective hands the four started to move. Kaveri was thrilled when Daniel entwined his fingers with hers. This made her knuckles to brush his bare thighs as they moved forward. Without minding her husband who was behind them Kaveri moved closer to Daniel and brushing her thighs with his they continued trekking.

Mala and Deepak had watched Kaveri's actions. This emboldened them and without a flicker they placed each others arms around their waist and holding tightly they followed the leading couple.

Deepak holding Mala's waist pulled her close and said "you look divine"

She smiled at him and said "you seem to be more than happy"

"Yes, I am delighted" replied Deepak.

"Why are you so" asked Mala.

"You look young and chic" said Deepak.

"So you like chicks" she said.

"Not chicks, but this dress has changed your appearance" he replied.

"And you like it, why" she asked?

"Because you look attractive" he said looking at her thighs.

"Or is it because my legs are bare" she asked.

"It is more so because of it" he replied.

"And you are enjoying the show" she asked.

"I am enjoying your company" he replied.

"Without bothering that your wife is along with you" she asked.

"Yes, without bothering about her" saying this he slid his hand down from her waist and let it rest on the upper part of her buttocks.

"You are taking advantage of the circumstances" said she.

"No I am giving you support" he replied as he held her back firmly.

"Then it is fine" she replied.

"Come closer" whispered Deepak.

"Why' cooed Mala.

"Just like that" he replied.

Seeing him hesitate to speak Mala moved closer to him and moving her hand up from his waist and placing it on his rib cage said "happy."

"Yes," he said as his hand slid further down over her buttocks and gripped them.

Mala moaned as she felt his hand over her buttocks and when he squeezed them intentionally she said "you are not supposed to do that."

"What am I doing" he asked.

"You are fondling them" she said.

"What am I fondling" he asked.

"What you are not supposed to fondle" she replied.

"What am I not supposed to fondle" he asked again.

"My hind" she said getting aroused by this.

"What's wrong in fondling your hind" he asked.

"Ask your wife and she will tell you" she replied softly.

"But she is not near by" he spoke the words softly.

"Is that why you are taking advantage of me" she asked.

"No, I am trying to give you some comfort" he replied.

"Comfort from what" asked Mala.

"Form getting exhausted by the long journey" he replied.

"How would your fondling me help me in my journey" she asked.

'It will make you forget the long trek" he replied.


"And it will be a pleasant one" he replied.

"And what would you gain" she asked teasing him.

"I would have the pleasure of fondling these" he said as he cupped her buttocks prominently.

Mala squirmed in delight as he cupped her buttocks. Hot waves ran through her body and slowing down her strides she said "its okay as far as your hand stays there but no further invasions"

"Not until you say so" he replied.

"Fine" she said laughingly.

"Is this permissible" asked Deepak as he caressed her buttocks.

Mala nodded her head in acceptance.

Saying 'thanks' Deepak caressed both her mounds and when he looked up he saw Daniel had stopped and was conversing with Kaveri.

As they approached them, 'Kaveri needs a rest' he said.

They again rested for 20 minutes and when they got up Kaveri held her husband's hand. This move made Mala happy and when Daniel presented his hand she lovingly accepted it and when they started the trek she slid her arm over his waist for support.

Daniel was pleased by this move and happily he trudged forward.

Kaveri on seeing Mala slip her hand over Daniel's waist said "I feel sorry for her"

"Why" asked her husband.

"She is bearing so much pain for our sake" she said.

"Yes, I pity her" replied Deepak.

"And she is so lonely after her divorce" she said.

"Yes and I am trying to bring some cheer in her life" replied Deepak.

"She needs all the care and love" she replied.

"I will try my best to keep her lively" he said.

"Please do it" said Kaveri and turning she kissed him on his cheeks.

This was music to his ears and as he gripped his wife's hand acknowledging her words, Kaveri too felt at ease, as she had conveyed the message to him.

By this time they had covered much distance and as they approached a heap of hay Daniel asked them to stop and rest for the day.

Both women were so tired that without bothering to change their clothes they lay side by side on the hay while the two men stood watching them. Kaveri was livelier as she started to romp on the hay which made her dress lift up exposing her thighs. Both Daniel and Deepak stood staring at her exposed features whenever she turned her body and at last when she lay still Deepak moved by her side and Daniel got on the other side of Mala. As the space was cramped Daniel lay much closer to Mala than the previous night.

All four did not bother to cover themselves with sheets and lay on the hay. Deepak who was excited by watching his wife romp on the hay, moved closer to her and when he felt the desire to touch her he dug his hand inside the hay and bringing it up under her buttocks he squeezed them.

Kaveri could not complain about it as his hand was well hidden under the hay and as he continued caressing her buttocks she got aroused.

Wriggling her ass in pleasure as she widened her legs she felt her thighs touch Mala's. This recharged her desires and as she turned her face towards her, she saw Mala ogling at her breasts which were rising up and down due to her heavy breathing.

As the light was dim and to her benefit Mala did not hesitate in placing her hand on Kaveri's chest and held her shirt collar and as Kaveri moaned due to her husband's hand fondling her buttocks, Mala tugged at her shirt which made Kaveri turn a little to her side.

This move gave Deepak the leverage which he was hoping for. Sliding closer to his wife he started to pull her skirt up.

Kaveri was squirming with pleasure as both Mala and her husband were playing with her. Mala on hearing her moan started to unbutton the top of her shirt and as she moved the flaps apart she saw the upheaval of her breasts. It was the most alluring sight she had seen.

Mala moved closer for a deeper look and as her eyes got accustomed to the light she released another button which exposed Kaveri's breasts hidden behind her lacy bra. On seeing them she slid her hand inside her shirt and feeling the warmness of her body she started to caress the top of her breasts.

Meanwhile Deepak after having pulled up his wife's skirt had slipped his hand between her warm thighs and as his hand started to dig deeper between them, Kaveri opened her legs wide and slumped her head on Mala's shoulders.

Mala undid yet another button which made her chest to be fully exposed and seeing her breasts settled behind her lacy bra, Mala slid her hand over them and started circling her fingers.

As Kaveri felt one soft hand caressing her breasts and a rough one digging deeper between her thighs she started to quiver with pleasure.

Mala on feeling Kaveri's body tremble with passion cupped her breast in her hand. This was the ultimate move Kaveri was waiting for and as soon as Mala held her breast and Deepak penetrated his hand up her front she started to wet her panties.

Deepak felt her moisten panties and knowing well that Kaveri had discharged he felt her cunt before pulling out his hand from it.

Mala too felt Kaveri had climaxed and when Kaveri shied away Mala felt pleased.

As Mala lay thinking of the things to come by, Deepak on seeing his wife turn to his side held her hand in his.

This prompted Kaveri to look upon him and when he pulled her hand down, she instinctively placed her hand over his jeans on to his swollen cock. Deepak let out a moan as his wife placed his hand on his cock.

Pushing her hand he quickly unzipped his pants and again taking hold his wife's hand he placed it upon his briefs.

Kaveri knowing that their actions could not seen brought her other hand into play and pushing his underwear she held her husband's naked cock in her hand.

Deepak moaned as his wife held his naked cock. His moans were heard by Mala and she in turn placed her hand over Kaveri's back and caressed it while Kaveri complied by jacking her husband.

Deepak was on the threshold of shooting. He was aroused not on the face of his wife holding his cock but for the presence of Mala beside her. His cock was pulsating and as Kaveri continued pumping he shot his cum, letting out a deep moan.

Mala too heard him moan and knowing very well that he had cum she hugged Kaveri from behind and held her soft breasts in both her hands. Thus she slept holding her niece's breasts.

Daniel was the first to be awake the next morning. The sun was up shining and when he saw the two women sleeping he was thrilled to see Kaveri's shirt opened and Mala's hand on her breasts. He sat watching the scene and when Deepak turned he was shocked to see his pants open baring his limp cock.

This made him get up in a hurry and as he stood up he saw Deepak coming out of his sleep. When Deepak was fully awake his eyes were rewarded with the sight of his wife's opened shirt and Mala's hand inside it. Witnessing it he suddenly got a hard on and when his eyes wandered over his body and saw his cock out of his shorts, he suddenly got up and leaving the two women to sleep peacefully he went in search of water.

Both Kaveri and Mala were awakened when the sun shined brightly on their faces and when they saw the position in which they were sleeping and the men not present, they realized that they had been seen. It shocked them at first but on realizing neither of the men had complained they took it for granted.

As they sat straightening their dress they saw Daniel coming. Quickly both women got up and as Daniel directed them they went in the direction until they came upon a small stream. As they sat after down to have a wash Kaveri was the first to speak.

"I think they saw us" she said.

"Yes, I feel the same" replied Mala.

"I am worried" said Kaveri.

"What for" asked Mala.

"My husband might have seen your hand inside my shirt" she said.

"So what" asked Mala?

"He may find it objectionable" she replied.

"Why would he find it objectionable? My hand could have slipped while I was sleeping. He will understand" she replied.

"What if he doesn't" asked Kaveri.

"We did nothing wrong which could upset him" replied Mala.

"But still what if he gets angry" she asked.

"He won't get angry, I know him" replied Mala.

"How can you be sure" she asked.

"Because I did not feel angry when his hand touched me" she said.

"Where did he touch you" she asked getting a little relieved.

"His hand felt my buttocks when he slid it from my waist" she replied.

"Was it intentional" asked Kaveri.

"Go and ask him" she said smiling at her.

"So you two have been enjoying" replied Kaveri smiling back at her.

"I told you, ask him if you want" she repeated the words as she got up.

This was news for Kaveri and it also excited her to some extent. Being relieved of the tension she joined Mala and both of them went back to the camp.

Both men had finished cooking and after having it, it was fiesta time again. All of them decided to go wading in the water and this time Daniel took them to a fresh water pond.

As usual Kaveri was the first to invade and as she moved into knee deep water her skirt blew up exposing her thighs. Daniel removing his shorts dived into water and Deepak followed him. While both men swam a distance and when they returned back they saw Mala and Kaveri splashing water at each other. Their shirts were drenched and their brassieres were visible.

Seeing both women in semi nude form Deepak got stimulated. Hiding his erection he approached Mala from behind and pushed her into water. When he pulled her up, Mala saw Kaveri clapping her hands screaming with joy which made her frown at her. The next moment when she saw Daniel approach Kaveri from behind and pull her into the water, it was Mala's turn to scream with joy when Kaveri came up for air.

Both women were pushed and hurled into the water by the men and when they were enjoying it Daniel dragged Kaveri into deeper water. This scared her and she hugged him Daniel was delighted. When Daniel looked at her worried face he said "relax, its okay."

Those words reassured her and when he asked her whether she wanted to learn swimming, she nodded her head.

"Why don't you remove these" he said holding her skirt and shirt.

"I can't" she said pointing to her husband who was busy with Mala.

"I understand" said Daniel as he gathered Kaveri in his arms and wading into deep water he asked her to move her legs.

As Daniel held her in his arms Kaveri got stimulated and as he waded into deep water she started thrashing her legs.

Carrying Kaveri, Daniel turned sideways so that he could hide Kaveri's body from the others and when Kaveri started thrashing her legs his eyes were glued at her upper thighs which were left bare as her skirt had drifted up. Holding Kaveri in his hands and having a look at her naked upper thighs Daniel started to get aroused.

After taking a look at the other couple over his shoulders and seeing them busy, Daniel released Kaveri's hands which he had gripped and when she started stroking them he slid his free hand under her shoulders and held her.

Kaveri was thrilled when he slid his hand under her shoulders. She started stroking and thrashing her arms and feet. Gradually Daniel stepped into deeper water and when the water reached his chest and covered Kaveri's body he slid his free hand over her bosom and feeling the soft flesh of her body he continued fondling the upper part of her breasts.

Kaveri was getting excited by this and when his hand felt the top part of her breasts she moaned and turning to his side she slid her arms around his neck and hugged him. Daniel was thrilled by this move and as he had Kaveri well covered, his other hand started to roam over her back and on reaching her buttocks he gripped them hard.

Kaveri moaned as his hands held her buttocks. Hugging him hard she pushed her breasts on to his chest. This encouraged Daniel and in a flash he swept Kaveri in his arms and when her body was glued to his he thrust his swollen cock upwards and jammed it upon her waist.

Kaveri creamed in her panties as she felt his swollen cock jam against her waist and when Daniel started thrusting his lower body she reciprocated his moves and as Daniel's cock slid out of his underwear and felt the soft flesh of Kaveri's waistline he started to moan.

Kaveri manipulated her body in such a way that his cock got wedged between the curve of her waistline and as he continued to pound it, she felt him on the verge of shooting and sensing him about to shoot she hugged him tightly which made her breasts be plastered against his chest.

Daniel moaned louder and grasping the lithe body of Kaveri he shot his cum upon her waist.

Kaveri felt him shooting his cum. She dislodged herself from his body and turning around she started stroking her arms and legs as if she was learning swimming and when Daniel realized this, adjusting his underwear he turned Kaveri back.

Both Mala and Deepak had watched them. Though they felt they were up to something they had not seen the real action. Daniel had outsmarted them and when he approached them, all four came out of the water.

Mala was thrilled when she saw Daniel only in his briefs. His body was glistening in sun light. His upper thighs were well muscled. She had the sudden urge to touch them. She felt she would be content with just touching his body. Though she thought of asking him to teach her swimming, she felt it was not the correct time.

As they scampered to the camp none of them changed their clothes. They remained with wet clothes on and allowed the others to eye each others features generously.

Soon it started to get cooler and Daniel after taking care of their food asked them to pack up. All three got up enthusiastically. While Daniel started moving everyone followed him bundled in a group.

Soon the Sun set and the moon appeared over the horizon. The party entered thick foliage of Elephant grass. Here they had to move in a line. With Daniel leading Kaveri followed him with Mala and Deepak at the rear end. As they traversed some distance through the grass it had effects on them.

Mala was thrilled as the smooth grass brushed her arms, face and cheeks. She was delighted by it and also by the fact it hid them from the front movers. She could not see them but only felt the grass move in front of them. This thrilled her. Suddenly she was aroused and she slowed down her strides.

Deepak came at her side and seeing her slow down he slid his arm over her waist and pulled her to him.

Mala tamely put her hand upon his waist and leaned her face on his shoulders. Deepak sliding his hand from her waist on to her buttocks and feeling her damp shorts he was excited. He started to caress the mounds of her buttocks.

Mala felt his hand caressing her buttocks. This invigorated her and enjoying his actions she said "what are you doing?"

"I am trying to bring some warmth into them" he replied.

"Why" she asked.

"Because they are damp and I am worried that you may catch cold" he replied as his hand slipped down a little.

"How very sweet of you" she replied.

"Can we remove this" he asked holding the edge of her shorts in his hands.

"Is it necessary" she asked getting excited with his option.

"Yes it may dry soon once it is exposed to the air" he replied.

"Is it necessary" she said.

"Yes" he replied holding the hem of her shorts.

"Okay, remove them" she hissed.

Deepak was thrilled to hear her words. Bringing his hand to the front he struggled to find the tiny button holding it. This made Mala to smile at them and when at last he found it he took hold of the tiny zip and zipped it down.

Mala's heart beat faster as he placed his hand over her shorts fumbling for the button and when he pulled the zip and slid her shorts down she felt ecstatic.

Deepak pushed her shorts down and removing them from her body he put them on his shoulders. Mala's body sizzled as he pulled her shorts away and as she let her shirt down to cover her hind Deepak slid his hand underneath it and again started caressing her buttocks over her panties. This made a hot wave shot through her body.

"Now what" asked Mala?

"I think you ought to remove this too" he replied taking hold of her panties.

"No don't" said Mala.

"Then at least let me help you to dry them" saying this he placed his hands over her panties and started squeezing her buttocks while twirling the panties in his fingers.

This had a wild effect on Mala as the thin material of her panties ripped into cunt and caressed her cunt lips.

Deepak felt his actions had stimulated her and moving closer to her he let his thigh brush hers while he slipped his hand inside her panties.

Mala was squirming and wriggling with pleasure as she felt his warm hand caress her bare buttocks.

Seeing her enjoying it he slowly started to push his hand deeper between the cracks of her buttocks.

Mala did not object to this and when she felt his hand digging deeper she let her hand which was holding his waist dropped down to his buttocks and gripped them.

Deepak was elated when he felt her hand grip his buttocks. He moved closer and coming almost behind her he let his erect cock brace her back.

Mala felt his cock jab at her waist and this made them slow down the pace and did not bother to see where the other couple was.

As Mala did not object to his moves Deepak became more adventurous and slid his hand deeper from the cleavage of her buttocks to her moist opening.

"Oh! What are you doing" Mala moaned as she felt his fingers invade her private part.

"It is also wet" he said moving his hand up.

"No don't" she said half heartedly.

Deepak did not heed to her words. His hand crept up and cupped her sex. This move brought his body close to hers and pushing his swollen cock up on her back he started to push it.

Mala was aroused. Her body started convulsing as he cupped her sex and when Deepak started nudging his erect cock over her bare back her body trembled and she creamed in her panties.

Deepak felt her body shuddering in delight and knowing that she had climaxed he brought his hands on her shoulders and put pressure on them. This made Mala to stop in her tracks and as she did so, Deepak whose cock was embedded on her back, bent down a little and manipulating it to be wedged between her buttocks he rammed it in.

Deepak continued ramming his cock between the cracks of her buttocks. Mala slid back giving him more leverage and as it made his cock to be lodged deep inside her buttocks, Deepak spurted his cum in his shorts.

Meanwhile Daniel and Kaveri had moved well ahead. Daniel was listening hard to judge how far behind the other two were. His sharp ears did not catch any sound and he knew they were well behind.

This prompted him to squeeze Kaveri's hand hard.

Kaveri was delighted by it and she reciprocated his actions.

Entwining her fingers with his hand Daniel moved it on her thighs.

Kaveri released her hand from his grip and slid it on his waist and Daniel slid his free hand over her thighs.

Kaveri feeling his hand on her thighs turned and looked back over her shoulders to see whether Mala and Deepak were close by.

Daniel seeing her looking back said "they are quite far and I can't hear them."

This brought cheer to her face and looking at him asked "are you so sure?"

"Yes, they are well over 100 mts behind us and I could have heard them if they were within that range" he said as his hand moved inside her skirt.

"Oh! Is it so" she said as his hand started to crawl above her bare thighs.

"Yes, you need not worry" he replied.

"Why should I" she spoke softly.

"Because I see you want to slow down a bit" he replied.

"Have you read my mind" she said slowing down her strides.

"Yes, I have and I know what you want" he said as his hand gripped her inner thigh.

Kaveri moaned as his warm hand held her inner thigh and getting aroused by it she said "and what is it that I need."

"Your legs are tired and you need a good massage" he said as he started squeezing her thighs.

"Yes, my legs are very tired" she said as she pushed her body closer to his.

"Yes, I know" he said as his hand continued caressing her thighs.

"Oh! Now I am feeling a little better" she said.

"You will feel more comfortable soon" he said as his hand reached up her thighs.

"Mmmm" moaned Kaveri.

"Do you feel better" he asked as his hand moved up her thighs.

"Yes" she replied softly.

"Now" he said as his hand slid over her petite buttocks.

"Yes, yes" she hissed.

Cupping her buttocks and squeezing her panties in his hand he asked "shall I remove this."

"Why" she asked?

"It will give you more relief" he said.

By this time Kaveri's body was on fire and hearing those words she felt ecstatic and said 'if you think so, then yeeessss" she stammered.

As soon as she let out those words Daniel ripped her panties out from her body and turning her to face him he took her in his arms.

Kaveri who was ecstatic hugged her body to his and Daniel lifting her skirt and positioning himself right in front of her exposed pussy started to jab his cock at her opening.

Kaveri moaned harder and started to caress his back, prompting him to slide his free hands between her buttocks and grasp her cunt.

Kaveri let out a cry as she felt his rough hand cup her moist cunt.

Daniel whose cock was throbbing in his shorts unbuttoned it and before he could enter her moist cunt, he heard the other party come nearer. This made him go in frenzy. Without pulling his shorts he pushed Kaveri down and lying above her he started to pound his cock on her delicate waist

Kaveri whose body was on the verge on creaming was delighted by his harshness and as Daniel started to jab his hot naked cock on her soft waist she came in streams.

Daniel heard the party getting nearer and nearer. He felt he did not have sufficient time to enter her. Ramming his hot lips over hers and embracing her tightly in his arms he started to thrash his cock on her waist and feeling her soft warm flesh underneath, he started to spurt his cum.

Kaveri held him in his arms tightly and as his cum started spraying on her body she started to kiss his lips passionately.

Daniel after emptying his cum on her waist got up in nick of time and adjusting his shorts he pulled Kaveri up before Mala and Deepak appeared.

When Mala and Deepak appeared in front of them they did not see the real action but were thrilled to see Kaveri's shredded panties lying on the grass and when both of them bent down to pick it up, Kaveri felt as if the earth had shattered. She was so scared that she stood trembling. Seeing her in a state of fear Mala came to her help and spoke softly "don't worry everything is fine."

Mala's words brought much relief to Kaveri and as she looked at her and saw her clad in her panties and a top, it surprised her and before she could react to it she felt her husband come forward and hug her. When she looked up at him, he smiled at her and kissed her on her lips. This move made her forget everything and embrace her husband.

Daniel was a silent observer to all this and when he saw Deepak and Kaveri embrace each other he felt relieved. Thus everything was solved and as they continued with forward journey they came to a cave which was their resting place for the night.

As all four were exhausted they slept soundly and when they got up it was quite late in the afternoon and by the time they cooked and had their meals it started to get dark. Refreshed with the rest they started moving again in pairs. As they were in open land there actions were restrained and soon when they neared a big hill, Daniel made them stop.

When Deepak approached him, Daniel looking at the two paths each going round the hill but in different directions asked "which path shall we take."

"Where do they lead" asked Deepak enthusiastically?

"They lead to the cave where we will rest tonight" he replied smilingly.

Deepak looking at the two women said "shall we make groups and have a race."

"Yes" replied his wife eagerly, looking up at Daniel.

"Then will you join me" asked Deepak looking at Mala as Kaveri had made her intentions clear.

"Of course I will join you. If Kaveri is going with Daniel then you don't have any choice" she replied.

"Then it is settled" he said.

"Yes, it is settled but what is the price for the winner" asked Kaveri.

"Whatever the winner wants" replied Deepak.

"Done" uttering it Kaveri holding Daniel's hand started to walk briskly.

Mala and Deepak stood looking at the pair moving away from them and when they had covered some distance Mala facing him said "shall we go?"

"What's the hurry" asked Deepak.

"Don't forget it is a race" she replied.

"Do you think we can beat them" he said looking at the other couple who were out of their sight.

"Then why did you agree for it" she asked.

"Who wants to compete in the race? I wanted to be with you" he replied.

"But you are with me, Isn't it" she said with a naughty smile on her face.

"Yes, but far from their eyes" he replied moving closer to her.

"Why? Why is it so" she asked putting her arms over his shoulders?

"Because I want to have a closer look at you" he replied brushing aside her loose hair from her face.

"Have you not seen me before" she asked stepping closer.

"Yes, but not from this angle" he said lifting her face up.

"Do you see anything different now" she asked looking into his eyes.

"Yes, you look very different" he replied placing his hand on her face and circling her lips with his fingers.

"Now that you have taken a look, shall we go" she asked bringing her face closer to his ears.

"No, not yet" he replied moving his fingers down on to her chest and unbuttoning her top.

"Why are you unbuttoning my top? I am not drenched today" she said.

"You are not drenched, but are sweating profusely" he replied undoing all her buttons.

"What if I am sweating" she asked.

"I want to wipe it from your body" he replied pulling out the top from her body.

"Is it necessary to remove my garments to wipe the sweat? Can you not do it with my clothes on" she said as he removed her top.

"No, I want to remove all your clothes" he said.

"And denude me" she asked?

"Yes have you totally nude'" he replied.

"Do you want to see me nude? Is that the reason why you sent away Kaveri and Daniel?" she asked.

"That was the foremost thought in my mind" he replied.

"Why did you send them? Were you scared of denuding me before your wife" she asked nibbling his ears.

"No, I was not scared of her but I wanted to have the pleasure of seeing you nude when we were alone" he replied.

"What sort of pleasure do you obtain by seeing me nude" she said.

"Carnal pleasure" he replied placing his hand inside her shorts and undoing its buttons pushed it down her legs.

"So it is not just you want to see me nude but also want to obtain carnal pleasure out of it" she asked.

"Yes" he replied.

"Do you know, I am your aunt not your wife" she said.

"Yes, that is why I am crazy about you" he replied.

"Think what would happen if I tell your wife about it" she asked getting excited.

"It will help me a lot" he replied.

"And how is that" she asked?

"Coz if she comes to know then I can have you in front of her" he replied.

"Right in front of her, what if she gets some crazy ideas too" she asked.

"Like" he asked?

"Like if she wants to be with Daniel" she asked?

"What do you think she is doing right now" he asked while he made her step out of her shorts.

"How should I know what she is doing? I only know what you are doing to me" she replied cupping his face in her hands.

"And you like what I am doing to you" he asked?

"More than anything else," saying this she smacked her lips on his and kissed him hard.

As Mala pulled her lips back, Deepak caught her face in his hands and drawing it closer to his said "Mala you are so good."

"I know why I am so good. Is it just because I kissed you on your lips" she said.

"Yes, I have never been kissed by any women other than my wife" he replied.

"And you enjoyed being kissed by her aunt" she asked leaning forward again.

"Yes I enjoyed it and now I want to see you nude" he replied.

"Is it. You want to see me nude and enjoy it too" she asked embracing him.

"Yes, I want to have you nude" saying this he unclasped her bra and removed it.

"What do you see now" asked Mala as her bosom was bared.

"Your breasts" he replied as his gaze fell upon her brownish breasts with dark nipples.

"Do you like them" she asked wriggling her body.

"Yes they are wonderful" he replied as his hands started fondling them.

"Are they any different from your wife's" she asked

"Yes they are brownish while Kaveri's are fair and they are more attractive to look at" he replied.

"If they are so attractive what do you intend to do" she asked.

"I am going to take them in my mouth" saying this he brought his face close to her breasts.

"Yes lick them, suck them" Mala pleaded thrusting her chest forward.

Deepak holding one of her breasts in his hand started to lick around it and when Mala said 'take them inside your mouth' he obliged her by engulfing most of her breast in his mouth and started sucking it.

When Deepak removed his face from her breast to take a breath Mala said "did you like sucking them."

"Yes and I wish they were filled" he replied.

"Filled with what" asked Mala as her body went in raptures.

"Filled with milk" saying this he took her other breast in his mouth.

"For that you have to make me pregnant first" she replied.

Hearing those words Daniel removed his face from her breasts and looking up at her lewd face said "then undress me."

"Why? Can't you do it yourself," saying this she drew his face closer and kissed him again on his lips.

"No I want your delicate hands to do it" he replied.

"And release him" she said as she put her hand down and felt his erect cock over his shorts.

"Yes, I want him out in the open" he replied.

"Why, to make me pregnant" she asked pulling the cords of his shorts.

"Yes I want to make you pregnant," saying this he caught hold of her panties in his hands.

"He seems to be getting impatient," saying this Mala pushed his shorts down and held his naked cock in her hand.

"Yes he is, take a look," saying this he pulled Mala's panties down.

Mala bending her head and looking at his erect cock said "it is beautiful."

"Then hold it in your hands" he commanded.

"I am not just going to hold it my hands but I am going to caress it too" saying this Mala brought her hands down and started caressing his cock.

As Mala held his cock in both her hands, Deepak leaning over her and kissing her pouting lips pushed her down on the grass.

"What did you that for" she asked as she lay on the soft grass.

"I want to see yours" he replied.

"You mean you want to see this" she asked opening and closing her thighs.

"Yes, I want to see your pussy" he replied slipping between her legs.

"Can you see it" she asked her eyes searching for his.

"Spread them a little more" he replied taking hold of her legs.

"Is it okay, can you see my pussy now" she said as she widened the gap between her legs.

"Yes I can see your golden brown pussy" said Deepak as his eyes feasted upon her dark pussy lips covered with darker pubic hair.

"Do you like what you see" she asked?

"Yes it is captivating' he replied.

"Don't you think my body is on the darker side" she asked.

"Yes and that is why it is ravishing to look at" he replied.

"Why, don't you like fair bodies like your wife's" she asked.

"Yours is more tempting to look at" he replied while his eyes were fixed upon her cunt and his fingers brushing aside her pubic hair.

"For how long will you keep looking at it" she asked.

"Until it is embedded in my mind" he replied.

"Don't you think I will show it you again" she asked lifting her legs and placing them on his shoulders.

"Who knows when I will get another chance to see it" he replied gazing at her opening.

"You are welcome to have a look whenever you want" she replied.

"Only to have a look" he asked?

"Have a look and do whatever you want," saying this she pulled him over her.

Deepak lay flat over her and looking into her face asked 'are you aroused."

"Yes, my body is on fire and my pussy is pulsating" she replied.

"And your pussy wants my cock inside" he asked.

"Yes, I have waited a long time for it" she replied.

"Is that why you came along with us" he asked.

"Yes, when I heard about your trip, I felt I might get a chance to have you" she said.

"If you wanted me why were you playing with Kaveri" he asked positioning himself over her body.

"By alluring Kaveri I wanted to reach this'' she replied as her hand held his erect cock and guided to her opening.

"So very cunning," saying this he trust his cock deep into her cunt.

As Mala felt his cock slip deep inside her cunt she screamed and said "Fuck me Deepak, Fuck me."

And when Mala called his name, Deepak went berserk and started pounding his cock inside out her cunt with added zeal.

Mala holding on to him started thrashing her lower body and when Deepak reciprocated her moves by ramming his cock hard in she said "it's been ages since I was fucked like this"

"I know it Mala and from today you can have me anytime you want," saying this he fucked her wildly till he shot his load of cum deep in her cunt.

Meanwhile Mala too had climaxed and feeling his spurt deep inside her cunt she held him tightly in her arms and soothed him.

Deepak lay still on her for a few minutes and when he got up from her and lay on the grass he said "that was wonderful Mala."

"I too enjoyed it Deepak, shall we go now" she asked.

"Yes Mala let's go," saying it when they finished dressing up, holding her hand he led her in the same direction as Daniel and Kaveri had taken earlier.

Seeing him move in that direction Mala was surprised and said "why are we going that way."

"Let's go and see what those two are doing" he replied.

"Do you want to spy on them" asked Mala.

"No, but I want to see what my pretty wife is doing" he replied.

"What if they are . . ." she did not complete the sentence.

"That is exactly what I want to see" he replied.

"You are crazy" said Mala as she moved along with him.

After traversing some distance Daniel placing his hand on Kaveri's waist pulled her. Kaveri cautiously moved closer to him.

As Kaveri slid closer Daniel encircling her waist with his hand drew her body to his which prompted her to slide her hand on his waist.

Feeling the comfort of her body close by, Daniel slowed down his strides and started to glide his hand under her dress.

This made Kaveri to blush and when she felt him slowing down she asked "don't you want to win the race."

"I am more interested in winning you" he replied.

"And how are you going to win me" she asked delighted by his reply.

"By my good deeds" he replied.

"And make I know what those good deeds are" she questioned him.

"One of them is to make you comfortable" he replied.

"How do you propose to do it" she asked.

"I am going to soothe your body muscles like I did yesterday" he replied feeling the soft warm flesh underneath her top.

"But I don't feel that tired today" she replied mischievously.

"I know. You look more vibrant and energetic today" he replied.

"If it is so, then I may not need any soothing from you" she said leaning upon him.

"It will be different today" he replied.

"How? Are they not the same hands which are going to soothe me" she asked?

"Yes, same hands but they are more flexible and free today" he replied as his hand reached up over her ribcage.

"Why is it so" she asked.

"Coz, they have plenty of time at their disposal" he replied.

"Is it because my husband is not here" she asked feeling his hand creeping inside her top?

"Yes" he replied as his hand reached underneath her breasts.

"I think my husband knows about us" she spoke the words into his ears.

"Yes, he knows about it and now he is also a free bird" he replied.

"Meaning" she asked?

"Meaning, he is enjoying being with Mala as I am enjoying being with you" he replied as he cupped one of her breasts.

"You mean feeling her breasts like you are doing mine" she asked?

"Yes and may be more" he replied.

"What more could he do" she asked getting excited.

"He could have undressed her totally" he spoke softly.

"And" she asked?

"And may be he is enjoying looking at her nakedness" he replied.

"Do you think he could do that to my aunt" she asked?

"Yes, he would enjoy it more doing it to your aunt" he replied.

"Why is it so" she asked.

"Because men always crave for something which does not belong to them" he replied.

"Do you follow the same policy" she asked?

"In my case it is different. I am a free bird with no hassles" he replied.

"Do you do this to all women who join you in the expedition" she asked.

"It happens most of the time. Women usually get attracted to my physique" he replied.

"Yes, you do possess such a physique. Let me have a look" saying this Kaveri started to unbutton his jacket.

Hearing it Daniel was aroused. Embracing Kaveri tightly in his arms he ripped out the top from her body.

"Don't you have any patience" said Kaveri as he ripped her top.

"No, I can't wait anymore, I have to see them" saying this he took hold of her face in his hands and kissed her lips fanatically.

Kaveri went wild with passion as Daniel kissed him harshly. Embracing him tightly she reciprocated his kisses and looking up at him said "what do you want to see"

Daniel was ecstatic when she kissed him back; gripping the thin material of her bra he shrugged it out of her body and exposing her petite breasts and looking at them he leaned forward and said "your breasts Kaveri"

"Do you like them" she asked taking a deep breath and pushing her breasts forward.

"Yes, they are small and beautiful," saying this he caressed her breasts with his lips before consuming one full breast in his mouth.

Kaveri felt her knees buckle as he seized one whole breast in his mouth. Writhing in passion she pulled out his jacket from his body and exposing his chest started caressing it with both hands.

Daniel continuing sucking her breast slid his hand down on her back and holding her buttocks he pulled her to him.

Kaveri's body trembled with delight as she felt his hands squeeze her buttocks. Leaning upon him she snaked her hand between their bodies down to his shorts and feeling his hardened cock said "show this"

"Do you want to see it? Do you want to see my cock" asked Daniel feeling her fingers caressing his cock over his shorts.

"Yes, I want to see the black cock" replied Kaveri opening her mouth wide and licking her lips in a vulgar manner.

"Have you ever seen a black cock" he asked squeezing her buttocks and kneading them.

"No I have not seen any other cock than my husband's" she replied as her hand took hold of his cock over his shorts.

"Is your husband's cock bigger than mine" he asked as his hand slid between the cracks of her buttocks.

"How can I say when I have not seen him" she replied holding his cock firmly in his hands.

"Can you not tell by feeling it? Is it not bigger in size" he asked as his hand invaded deeper.

"It seems to be bigger and I am going to bare it" saying this she pulled his zipper down and pushing her hand inside his shorts she pulled out his naked cock.

As Daniel left her hands on his naked cock, he slipped his hand between her buttocks and cupping her sex in it asked "does this want a black cock."

"Yes, it wants a big black cock" cried out Kaveri baring his huge cock while his coarse hand cupped her cunt.

"Are you not satisfied by your husband's cock" asked Daniel in an aroused state as his fingers invaded her cunt above her skirt.

"No, I want this cock" Kaveri replied in a state of ecstasy, squeezing the black cock in her hand.

'Then let me remove this" saying it Daniel pulled her skirt down denuding her fully.

Kaveri stood naked in front of him. Her body was trembling with passion and she closed her thighs hiding her sex between them.

Daniel going down on his knees held her thighs and widening them he bared her cunt and seeing her pussy for the first time said "Oh! Kaveri, I have never seen such a small and cute pussy." As he said this saliva started dripping from his mouth.

Seeing him drooping saliva she said "Do you enjoy looking at it? Have you not seen any pussy like mine" she shot him the questions.

"No, not so small and so cute" he said uncovering her pubic hair and baring her cunt lips.

"Don't you like small and cute pussies" she said squirming in passion.

"How can I say no to such a beautiful pussy? My cock will be thrilled to invade it" he replied pushing aside her pubic hair and exposing her cunt lips.

"Do you think it is possible? Don't you think your cock will rip it" she asked getting hornier by the second.

"Yes it will be a delight to fuck this cute thing and as it will rip through your cunt lips you will scream for more" he replied pulling her legs wider and gaping at the small opening of her cunt.

"So you have made up your mind to rip apart my cunt" she asked widening her thighs for his eyes to feast upon her pinkish cunt.

"Yes, I have been wanting to fuck you since I saw you" saying this he slowly laid her down on the grass.

"And today you are going to fulfill your dreams. When were you sure that I would let you fuck me" she asked as she her body writhed on the soft grass.

"It was when we were in the pond and I had you in my arms" saying this he leaned his body over hers and cupping her face in his hand kissed her.

"Then why did you not fuck me there? Was it because my aunt and my husband were looking?" she asked?

"Yes, at that time I was not sure of your husband and your aunt" he replied positioning his cock right over her cunt.

"Now you are sure that my aunt and husband would not mind it" she asked?

"Yes now I am under the belief that your husband and your aunt wants to see me fuck you" he replied as a few moments before he had heard them approach silently.

Hearing those words Kaveri was thrilled. Embracing Daniel and pulling his body down over hers she said "fuck me Daniel and I don't bother who watches me."

Kaveri's words were music to his ears. He was doubly aroused as he was sure that her husband and aunt were watching his actions. Taking hold of Kaveri's legs and hoisting them up he maneuvered his cock right in front of her pulsating cunt lips and when Kaveri pulled him down he slid his cock deep into cunt.

As Daniel's cock penetrated her tight cunt, Kaveri felt her cunt lips being bruised. Though at first she felt some pain, but when the thick cock penetrated deep inside her moist cunt it brought her immense satisfaction as it filled her hole completely.

Kaveri went in raptures as Daniel started fucking her. His thrusts gained momentum and with every move he gained more access into her cunt. This made her thrash her body wildly at his and Daniel putting all efforts behind his push fucked her harder and harder.

Kaveri left his cock ravishing her cunt. This made her body convulse. Embracing him tightly in his arms she started lifting her body in line with his thrusts. This made Daniel go crazy. Easing his hold on her body and placing his hands at her side he started pounding his cock inside out her tight cunt till his cock started pulsating and shot his cum inside her cunt.

Kaveri felt his cock drilling her cunt. Her body was in raptures and when she felt Daniel shooting his cum inside her cunt she shivered and let out a scream. She was on the verge of draining out. She started thrashing her feet over his body and when Daniel gave a final push she came. She came so wildly that she screamed "Daniel I am coming, I am coming."

Kaveri's screams were heard by Deepak and Mala. Both were captivated by watching Daniel fuck Kaveri. Deepak who was aroused said "shall we join them"

"No" replied Mala who was keenly watching the scene.

"Why" asked Deepak drawing her closer.

"Let us keep this a secret" she replied.

"Why" asked Deepak again?

"First let us win the race and when it is time to collect the prize, we will ask them for favors" she said.

Deepak was thrilled to hear this. Taking a few steps back and moving away from the exhausted couple he guided Mala to the path leading to the cave.

Deepak was eager to reach the cave. All the time as they both trekked he was visualizing the scene of Daniel fucking his wife. Though he was thrilled to see them from a far distance his heart was aching to see it from a closer range. He felt aroused thinking of it and when they approached the cave he felt as if he was over the moon.

Entering the cave Mala too was delighted by its vastness, by the smooth sand that lay under their feet and by the moon light drifting in from various peepholes illuminating the cave. She stood in awe appreciating the beauty of it and as her mind drifted to what was to take place inside this cave her knees buckled.

They had not to wait long for Daniel and Kaveri as both entered the cave smiling entwining each others hands.

Deepak and Mala who were resting side by side were delighted when they saw them entering the cave. Their eyes brightened, their glares intensified and on seeing them holding each others arms, hot desires rushed through their bodies.

"What took you so long" said Mala eyeing Kaveri who was blushing and looking pretty.

"I had cramps so we rested for a while" replied Kaveri looking at her husband who was smiling at her.

"How are you feeling now" both Mala and Deepak asked in unison.

"I am much better as Daniel helped me" she said looking at Daniel and smiling at him.

"Do you know, you have lost the race" said Deepak as he slid his arm around Mala's waist and pulled her to him.

"Yes we lost the race as she had cramps" replied Daniel while he saw Deepak pulling Mala up and caressing her waist.

"And it was decided that losers have to pay" said Mala leaning on Deepak and looking at Daniel with want in her eyes.

The scene enacted by her husband and her aunt stimulated Kaveri and getting aroused she moved closer to Daniel and encircling her arm over his muscled back replied "yes we have lost and are ready to pay."

This made Deepak to tighten his hold over Mala and drawing her face close to his he kissed her cheeks passionately and said "how shall we make them pay dear."

Mala opened her mouth wide and moving her body over his she kissed Deepak on his lips passionately and said "I want Kaveri to kiss Daniel."

Seeing Mala hover her body over her husbands and kiss him on the lips made her body shiver with lust and when she heard her aunt saying "I want Kaveri to kiss Daniel" her body trembled with passion.

Drawing Daniel and moving forward so that Mala could see her actions, Kaveri pushing her hair aside took hold of Daniel's face in both her hands and pulling it down she locked her wet lips over his and trust her tongue deep inside his mouth and kissed him fervently.

Daniel was excited as Kaveri kissed him on the lips in front of her husband. Instinctively he brought his hands down and placing it over her buttocks he caressed them as he pulled her close to his body.

Deepak was aroused on seeing his wife kiss Daniel so fervently and when his eyes took to Daniel's hand fondling her buttocks he said "undress her Daniel" and pushed his own hand inside Mala's shorts and cupped her cunt.

This was what Daniel was waiting for, pushing Kaveri further down he caught hold of the hem of her top, in a flash ripped it out of her body baring her breasts to their gaze.

Mala's body trembled with delight on seeing Daniel brutally rip open Kaveri's top and Deepak stroking her cunt. At once her hands reached her own breasts and fondling them she said "take her Daniel take her this instant."

Those words charged Daniel. He pushed Kaveri down on the floor and as she withered in ecstasy he pulled his shorts down baring his rigid cock to Mala's gaze.

Mala's knees buckled as her eyes saw the huge cock and Deepak was aghast at looking at its color and size. Both simultaneously got up to get a better view as Daniel lifted Kaveri's skirt up exposing her wet cunt in front of them.

Deepak and Mala moved closer as Daniel hovered his pulsating cock over Kaveri's cunt and when Mala bent down to take a closer look, Daniel lunged forward piercing Kaveri's cunt with his dark rigid cock.

As the dark cock slid inside his wife's cunt and started penetrating her, Deepak pushed Mala down and stripping her clothes out he stormed his cock into her hot cunt fucking her as his wife watched him in pure ecstasy. Both Daniel and Deepak plundered their cocks in their cunt's and when Daniel fucking Kaveri looked at Mala, "she is yours" said Deepak as he shot his load in her cunt.

After a week when the four returned back to the hamlet, Kaveri was overjoyed as she had missed her periods.

The End.


2019-04-12 19:23:46
Yo whats with the *** stuff? It's lije your censorung yourself on a fucking ponrsite lol. Good story thou.

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