I guess the best way to begin this story is to start at the very beginning. I was born in Illinois – just kidding, I'll at least fast forward to when I first met Linda. During my senior year in college, I was a Residence Assistant which required me to be on campus a few weeks prior to classes beginning for training and to assist during the orientation of the new students.
Linda was transferring in as a junior and was a real head turner. One of the best parts about being a Residence Assistance, besides getting your own room and being paid, was the fact that you needed to be at the orientation sessions, so it gave you a great opportunity to check out the new talent before the other students returned to campus.
As I mentioned, Linda was definitely one of the new young ladies that was getting the most attention. She was a stunning brunette, with beautiful blue eyes and sensuous lips. The first time I saw her, she was wearing jeans and I have never seen an ass that looked so good in denim. Over the next couple of days of orientation week, I was also blessed to see her in shorts and was amazed at how long and sexy her legs were. Her breasts appeared to be "B" cups, which were actually perfectly proportionate to her tight little body.
She was far and above the girl I most wanted to get into her pants in terms of the new students, so I set out to meet her quickly during the orientation week. Over the next few days, I did get a few chances to talk with her a bit and we really hit it off.
Although I started out on a quest to quickly get into her pants, I soon found out that she was a very prim and proper girl that was still a virgin. By the time I was able to break her virginity, over 2 months later, I was falling in love with her and we were inseparable from then on. We got married after she graduated and began what has been an incredible marriage and partnership.
Over the years, I think she has gotten even more beautiful. She still has those long sexy dancer legs and her face has gotten even more stunning as she has matured into a woman. Her incredible ass still looks amazing – it's filled out some, but now gives her a perfect hour glass figure. I've saved the best for last. After having four children, her breasts plumped up a bit to where they are now a perfect size C/D. They have a slight upward curve and the most incredibly sexy areolas and nipples I have ever seen.
Linda has continued to be very prim and proper, always wearing age appropriate clothing and what looked respectable for a mother. Our sex life was great, but pretty standard when we were first married, as I had only had one other sexual partner and as I mentioned I was the first and only for Linda. A few years after being married, we watched some porn we had found at my brother's house while we were house-sitting and that led to reading erotic stories through the web or in Penthouse Letters.
That led us into exploring different positions, including oral sex. Over time we introduced some role playing or fantasies into our love making, but it was always just between us. During one of our role playing sessions, we pretended she was doing a sexy photo shoot for me and I played the part of the photographer. Linda began by wearing a sexy two piece lace teddy.
She has modeled professionally, so she definitely knew how to strike a pose which would harden any guy's cock. As we really got into our roles, she eventually removed her top exposing her perfect breasts. As she laid on our bed in only her pink panties, I snapped a few pictures of her incredible body. I could not get her to drop her panties, so I eventually dove in between her legs and went to work licking out her pussy. After an incredible love-making session, we went about our normal day with the key being that she did not ask me to delete the pictures.
A few days later, as I looked at one of Linda's full body shots, showing off her long tan legs, pink panties and amazing breasts, I had remembered a website that I had seen previously that showed pictures of women's breasts and allowed the viewers to rate and write comments. For the first time, I suddenly had the urge to let someone else see her breasts, even if it was only online with her faced blurred out. So, I posted one of her pictures and monitored the reaction over the next few days.
Obviously, I know I am biased about how amazing she looks, but I was not surprised at all with the results her picture was generating. She was easily the highest new ranked picture and had dozens of comments ranging from complimenting her for her perfect body to what they would like to do to her. As I read the comments each night over the next few weeks, my cock was throbbing just seeing how other guys were reacting to Linda's picture. So, I decided to take a big chance and show her what I did and also the comments that were being left on her picture.
To my surprise, although she was a little upset when I first showed her the picture on the website, I could tell that she was getting aroused reading the comments. The bigger thing though was since she continued to have one of the highest rated pictures on the site, I think for the first time that she realized how sexy her body was and how incredible her breasts were. Even though I always told her she looked amazing, she always commented that I had to say that since I was her husband. The next few times we role played or fantasized, it involved her wearing sexier clothing while we were out of town and how other guys would be checking her out.
After that, she would bring more revealing clothes whenever we traveled, as long as there was no chance that we'd run into someone we knew, as she was still very prim and proper. On one of our next yearly getaways for just the two of us, we went to an all-inclusive resort in Jamaica. We spent most of our time sunbathing by the pool, but when we used the beach we had noticed that a few women were topless. On our second to last day we were there, I begged her to go topless on the beach.
She finally agreed under the condition that we would sit down at the end of the beach where there were less people. My cock felt like it was going to explode when she first uncovered her perfect breasts for all to see, although unfortunately we were at least 50 feet away from anybody else. During the course of the next few hours, a few people walked by and although I was a bit jealous having other guys check out her tits, I was turned on more than enough to make up for any feelings of jealousy.
In bed that night, although she said it was no big deal and did not admit to knowing that she was being checked out, I could tell that she was aroused more than usual. So, I was only mildly surprised on our final full day when she said she'd like sunbathe on the beach again and that she would take off her top again if I wanted her to. The bigger surprise came when she led the way right to the area right in front of the resort that was most crowded and set up our chairs there.
She quickly removed her top, applied sunscreen and laid back for all to see. And let me tell you, dozens of guys were able to get a close up view of her perfect breasts as we sunned the next few hours. I found that if I pretended to be napping myself, with a ball cap and sunglasses on, the guys would get much more courageous and obvious that they were checking her out. Needless to say, we fucked like crazy that night, even though Linda again claimed not to have noticed anybody checking her out more than any of the other topless woman out there.
From there, over the next few years, I would plan whenever possible for our trips to include at least some opportunities for her to go topless. When cruise ships had a topless optional deck, we did a few of those, along with several other topless optional beach locations or resorts in the Caribbean. Over the years, Linda eventually became comfortable enough that she would walk around topless while on the beaches or resorts that allowed it.
Even though she was in her late-30's, she still turned the most heads. I would frequently wait until she fell asleep laying out and then walk to the bar or the water and just watch how much more bold the guys checking her out would become. From guys taking pictures of her to a guying tying his shoe just inches from her bare breast were just a few of the things I was able to witness. And the turn-on it would create knowing that these guys would be fucking their average looking wives later on while fantasizing it was Linda underneath them, would always lead to very passionate fuck sessions later that day.
While in Cancun a few years later, we went to a topless-optional club that is now called Temptation Resort. This resort was by far the most risqué we had been to and even had "R" rated pool games. Although Linda and I just watched most of the pool games, we still had a lot of fun. I also noticed that she had no hesitation to walk around the pool deck or the beach with her top off. Just watching guys checking her out had my cock rock hard for most of that trip.
On one occasion, I was in the pool as she walked past to go to the restroom and I overheard two guys commenting about her when she was out of range to hear them. They commented on how incredible she looked and that they would pay big money for a chance to fuck her or even work on her tits. That was probably a turning point for me on wanting to take this a little further, as I begin to fantasize more about other guys getting to maul her tits while I watched. For Linda though, going topless was still where the firm line was.
Over the next couple of years, we went to a few more beaches or resorts that would allow some level of topless sunbathing, so I'd at least get my fix for a few days each year. When we fantasized or role-played those type scenarios Linda would always get very turned on, but afterward she would always insist that it was just a fantasy and would never happen. It was leading up to one of my birthdays that I decided to ask for something a little different.
I told Linda that for my present, I would like the two of us to go to a resort of my choosing for 5 days. She immediately wanted to know what kind of resort and where and I simply replied that it was of my choosing. She finally agreed to it, but reminded me that going topless is as far as she would go, so I should not expect anything more. I agreed and even told her I would share the resort information once I figured it out.
Over the next few weeks, I was doing a lot of research online. I really wanted something similar to the resort we had gone to in Cancun from an entertainment perspective, but hopefully a little more upscale and classy. After consulting with a few different travel agencies that specialize in adult vacations, I settled on Desire Pearl Resort which also happened to be in Cancun. From what I was told, it was a little more upscale, but still had the "R" or "X" rated entertainment.
It was also clothing optional, but only by the pool and beach. I presented my selection to Linda and she was not crazy about it, but agreed since that is what I wanted. And she also made it a point that her swimsuit bottoms and probably mine too would remain on. I was fine with that and figured she may change her mind, but even if she did not, I'd get to see her parading around with her tits on display for 5 straight days.
I booked the vacation and anxiously counted down the days until we'd be flying out. The flight was uneventful, other than the fact that we were upgraded to first class due to my frequent flier status. There was another couple in first class that although she was not in the same league as Linda in terms of looks or body, I was secretly hoping that they would be staying at our resort, but my hopes were dashed when they shared with Linda where they would be staying.
We arrived at the resort and from the outside, it looked very nice. They had someone sit down with us and ask us questions about why we chose that resort and tell us some things to expect since it was our first time there. They tried to offer us a time share review, but Linda was very quick, yet polite, to respond that she doubted we'd be back. They walked us to the building with our room in it and we unpacked our bags. The room was fine with a balcony looking out over the ocean. I took a quick glance to see if I could see any bare breasts, pussies or slongs out there, but there was no sign of anyone roaming around naked.
We put our swimsuits on and decided to head for lunch. So far, so good I thought to myself as everything seemed quite nice. That changed as we walked past the pool towards the main restaurant. I could tell that Linda was not impressed with the amount of nudity. I don't recall seeing any women wearing tops and I'd say at least fifty percent of the guests were completely naked.
While we sat down having our buffet lunch overlooking the pool, Linda reminded me that she was not removing her swimsuit bottoms and preferred I did the same. Having noticed one guy in particular whose cock was soft and still bigger than mine when I'm fully erect, I was ok with that idea as well. My cock is definitely not tiny with it being just under six inches long with good thickness, but this guy had to be at least eight inches long soft. So, I was fine keeping covered up to at least keep some people guessing at what I was packing.
After lunch, we went to the far end of the pool, as the chairs around the activity area were already taken. It was probably not a bad thing though as it would allow us to ease into it a bit. We got into our chairs and Linda immediately removed her top and applied sunscreen. They had a few drinking games going on, so Linda and I just decided to relax a bit and recover from our flight earlier in the day. After an hour or so, I asked if she wanted to walk down by the beach to check it out and she agreed.
The problem with a resort like this is that most of the women that are willing to go naked, you have no desire to see them naked. I mean they are beautiful in their own way, many of them having tattoos and carrying a lot of extra weight, but they just don't do anything for me. Instead, watching other guys check out my wife's tight body, even though she still had her bikini bottoms on was the huge turn on. As we were passing two couples on the way to the beach, I noticed in particular how the guys checked out Linda. The couples were just standing up down by the water for all to see.
The women were having a conversation themselves, while the guys seemed to be checking out all of the ladies. When they saw Linda coming, their eyes were glued on her and one of them even offered up a "well hello beautiful" as we walked by. Linda ignored it and I just gave them a head nod.
I would later find out that these guys were named Buck, who happened to be the guy with at least eight inches of soft cock and TJ. Unlike their overweight spouses, each of these guys were in great shape and seemed to have egos to match since they were just standing there as if on display. Linda and I walked along the shore line and noticed that a couple was having a private photo session on a locked off pier.
Linda commented that if I still would like her to do a sexy photo shoot for me, that she'd consider doing it here and on the dock as it had a great view out to the open water or with the palm trees lining the beach. I told her that I'd definitely ask at the front desk about arranging one. After we left the beach, we decided to head back to our room and get cleaned up and prepared for dinner. As we prepared for dinner, we looked at the evening activities and noticed that the main activity this evening was an Erotic Circus.
We had a real pleasant dinner in the main dining room. It was refreshing to see that everyone was fully clothed, although the clothing was definitely more erotic than you'd see in most restaurants. Linda looked amazing in a deep plunge top that showed off her amazing cleavage and a nice mini-skirt.
After dinner, we went to the beach bar and had a couple of pre-show drinks. The Erotic Circus was not bad. Definitely not Cirque-du-Soleil, but still entertaining. The erotic part was definitely the outfits they wore which left little, if anything, to the imagination. On the way back to the room, we came upon the "party" hot tub. We stopped in our tracks when we got to within about 30 feet from it as it looked like a mini-orgy was going on. The hot tub itself could probably seat at least 20 people and very few of the people in the hot tub were just sitting. There were at least 6 couples engaged in very heavy make-out sessions or in two cases full out sex.
As we quickly glanced across the intertwined bodies, I noticed two women really going at it and they appeared to be the ladies that were with Buck and TJ based on the numerous tattoos that their bodies sported. I commented that we should move on, but that later in the week, we could come back to the hot tub on another night since it really seems to heat up. Linda laughed and told me that I would need to enjoy that myself as she had no intent to return to watch or participate in the orgy.
When we returned to the room, we decided to sit out on our balcony for a bit, as the temperature was perfect and it was very romantic as you could hear the waves hitting the shore. While we were out there, it was easy to forget we were at a clothing optional resort, but that changed when I asked Linda to assess our first day. She commented that the resort was actually pretty nice, but that she was just not into people being fully nude.
I told her that she must have been checking out other guys' cocks and that she had to admit that she liked at least some of what she saw. She started by saying that she just thinks it is kind of disgusting for people to be walking around without pants and to be sitting on chairs that we all use. When I pressed her on it a bit more, she finally acknowledged that sure there were some guys with very nice bodies and impressive looking cocks. She even mentioned the "Fabio-looking" guy on the beach that we walked past that had a huge cock. It dawned on me that she was referring to Buck, so I asked her if she'd like to see what his cock looked like when it was erect. Linda said the cock she wants to see erect is mine and thought we should get into our bed.
When we walked back into our room, I suggested that we role play a scenario with this Fabio guy and she agreed. I told her she needed to strip down to just her panties and lay on our bed imagining it was one of the chairs on the beach and she was getting some sun. I would ask her if she wanted a drink and head to the bar. At that time, Fabio would be walking by and notice her laying on her stomach there by herself, so he'd offer to rub some sunscreen on her as it appeared she was getting a bit red.
She was mesmerized by his chiseled looks and horse-sized cock and was barely able to say "ok". He grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and started on her back while using his strong hands to massage her as he was applying the lotion. As he finished her back and long legs he asked that she roll over. Just as I was about to continue, Linda interrupted me and said that she needed my cock now as she removed her panties. I tried to drop my head between her legs, but she grabbed it and said "just fuck me now". I obliged her as I slid right into her extremely wet pussy. She said she wanted to be on top, so we switched positions and she lowered herself onto my waiting cock.
Linda immediately began thrashing around as she rode my cock ultimately placing her hands on my knees while arching her back and giving me an incredible view of her perfect tits. She continued to grind her pussy into me until she climaxed in a powerful orgasm. Her body was still quivering a bit as she climbed off me and dropped her head to my still throbbing cock. Within minutes I was shooting my load down my very sexy wife's throat and she collapsed on to my chest and just said "wow".
As I was still recovering and Linda was in the bathroom cleaning up, I was wondering if there was something in particular that led to how much Linda was turned on. Was it all of the cocks that were on display earlier in the day, was it her thinking about Fabio, was it the erotic circus, or a combination of all of the above. I wasn't sure, but I did sense that it was possible that before this trip ended that she might willingly expand on the sexual boundaries that she had previously held.
While thinking about it, I noticed the resort's spa treatments guide on the table in our room. While looking it over, they had a few items listed under the "Couples Massage" section. The first was a traditional side-by-side couples' massage. The second was called the "Ecstasy Massage" which based on the how it was described in the pamphlet, your masseur / masseuse would get each of you aroused through various techniques and then they leave the two of you alone to complete the massage. I knew that Linda would expect me to suggest we get the "Ecstasy Massage" and then she would be absolutely against it, so I decided to take a different approach.
When she came out of the bathroom, I handed her the pamphlet and asked her to look at the options in the couples massage section. As she was reading it, I said I thought the traditional side-by-side sounded nice and that it would give us a short break from the sun and nudity if I scheduled it for the middle of the next day. She said that she thought that would be nice and was surprised that I chose that massage. I just told her that I knew that she would not be comfortable with the other one, so I figured why bother even asking.
We awoke later than normal the next morning, probably the result of recovering from the long flight the previous day. We decided we would put our swimsuits on and have some breakfast. After breakfast, we grabbed a couple of poolside chairs that were closer to where the pool activities would be in the afternoon. As Linda was taking off her cover-up, I was pleasantly surprised that she had switched bikini bottoms from the previous day and had not even bothered to put on her bikini top.
The bottom was a rio cut, so I was happy to see that a bit more of her great ass would be on display. As she settled into her chair, I went to the spa to make reservations for our afternoon couples' massage. While I was making the reservation for the traditional side-by-side massage, they asked if we had a preference in terms of massage therapists. I requested that I have a female and that my wife would prefer a male. As we were booking it, the masseur that would be giving Linda the massage just happened to be walking by so they introduced him to me. His name was Philippe and he asked if I had any questions.
Philippe and I talked for a few minutes and he mentioned that they also had an "Ecstasy Massage" available, but I told him that was a bit much for my wife's comfort level. When I asked him what areas of the body they will be massaging in our traditional massage, he responded that we would start on our stomachs and they would massage our necks, backs and legs before we flipped over. From there he said they would do a light scalp massage, our arms and our feet. He must have sensed that I was hoping for something else, so he asked if that was ok.
I mentioned that even though Linda comes across as very prim and proper, I was sure she would enjoy some mild activities on her breasts. He said that he was willing lightly rub up against her breasts and possibly nipples as part of the front massage, but that it would not be extensive unless we wanted to do the other massage. I was fine with some light touching just to see what kind of response it would get from Linda. So, we shook hands and I headed back to pool.
I shared with Linda that we had our massage reservation made and that I figured she would prefer a male therapist as she tends to like a deep tissue massage. She said that sounded good and wanted to know what areas they would massage. I told her what Philippe had told me and she was at first uncomfortable that she would only be wearing her swimsuit bottoms and her boobs would be on display. When I reminded her where we were, she laughed and agreed that it would not be such a big deal.
I had noticed that Buck was sitting at the pool bar and decided to at least meet him. I asked Linda what she wanted to drink and headed to the pool bar to get our drinks. I introduced myself to him and he told me that his name was Buck, which was actually short for Buchanan. He said he had noticed how attractive my wife was the previous day and was interested what we were into. I shared that we had never been to a resort like this and that it was honestly a bit too much. He was very down to earth and shared that he and his wife were here with his wife's friend and her husband TJ.
Buck shared that he would never have imagined coming to a resort like this either, but a surprise pregnancy resulting from what he was expecting to be a one night stand, led to what was now a "so-so" ten year marriage with three wonderful kids. He shared that he and his wife have very little in common and even shared that his wife is bi-sexual so she would be spending most of her time at the resort with her best friend.
Since he was opening up a bit, I too shared the circumstances that led my very prim and proper wife and I to this resort and that I was secretly hoping for a little something different to happen. He laughed and told me good luck with that and that he'd be glad to help in any way he can, since he was pretty much going to be wifeless for the next several days. Since they had been to the resort before, he shared a few activities that would be occurring over the next few days that might be opportunities for some innocent fun to happen, including the Pool Foam Party that would be the following day. He wished me luck and I returned to Linda with our drinks in hand. Linda was really into a book that she was reading, so she had not even noticed that I had just been talking with her Fabio look-alike the last 15 minutes.
After enjoying a few hours in the sun, it was time to head to our massages. When we arrived, we were greeted with Mimosas and led to our massage room. They told us that we should keep our swimsuit bottoms on and lay face down on the massage tables. A few minutes later, Philippe and Emma came into the room. The tables were arranged side to side, but with our heads at opposite ends, which would make it easier for me watch Philippe give Linda her massage. After some small chat they began our massages.
The massage felt great and I was having a hard time staying awake while waiting for them to finish our backs and asking us to roll over. When they finally did, I caught the reaction on Philippe's face when he first saw Linda's amazing breasts. Linda was biting her lower lip a bit, as I could tell she was a little uncomfortable. But within minutes, she seemed very relaxed again as Philippe was giving her a light scalp massage before moving down to her feet. I was thankful that my swimsuit was a little baggie, as I was sporting a hard-on just thinking about Philippe getting a close-up view of her tits and then possibly brushing against them when he returned to massage her arms.
As he finished with Linda's feet, Philippe moved up to her side to begin to work on her right arm. Although my eyes were nearly completely closed, I could still see what Philippe was doing. I did not want Linda to catch me with my eyes open and watching, or she would know that I arranged what I was hoping Philippe was about to do. I watched as he moved her arm around in various positions while massaging her hand and shoulder. He then bent her arm in a 90 degree angle so her arm was directly over her breasts. As he slowly worked across her arm towards her elbow his hands rubbed across the top and bottom of her of her right breast.
He worked his way back out to her wrist and as he gently straightened out her arm, he gently brushed the backside of his hand across her very erect right nipple. I thought that I heard a slight sigh from Linda when he did that and it looked to me as if her breathing had picked up a bit, but her eyes remained closed. Philippe then moved above Linda's head to give him easier access to her left arm. He repeated the same series of maneuvers as he worked on her left arm including the light brushes across her left breast and nipple.
Philippe then moved Linda's arms to her side and reached down to give her a gentle belly rub. Emma indicated that our time was up and that they hoped we enjoyed our massages. Philippe moved his hands to Linda's waist and then gradually moved his hands up her sides until he got just below where her breasts were and then angled his hands in to go directly over her breasts and up to her shoulders. Since he did not stop his movement at any time, it looked natural and I definitely heard a soft moan from Linda. We thanked them both for the very relaxing massages and they left the room so we could put our cover-ups on.
As we got ourselves ready, I resisted the urge to ask if she enjoyed her massage as I was sure my face would reveal that I knew what happened. Instead, I acted as if I was barely awake to give the impression that I had received a very relaxing massage and may have even dozed off a bit. We decided to return to the pool to see what activities may be occurring. On the way to the pool, Linda asked me if I enjoyed the massage and I told her I thought it was very relaxing and seemed to go by very fast as I dozed off a bit. I asked her what she thought and if her masseur pressed hard enough as she likes a deep tissue massage. She responded that he could have pushed a little harder while working on her back, but that she really enjoyed it. She did not mention Philippe's hands brushing against her breasts and I was not going to ask.
As we returned to our chairs by the pool, they were asking for female volunteers for their body shots contest. I told Linda that she should do it and to my surprise she did not immediately say no way, but eventually said that she'd rather watch to at least see what it was about before she volunteered. I was shocked to see that it might be something she'd consider and figured the massage with Philippe had gotten her into an aroused state. After getting three women volunteers, they then asked for the first 9 male volunteers that could line up at the pool bar. TJ was one of the first guys in line.
Once they had their volunteers, they explained that each of the ladies would lay on their backs on top of the pool bar with three guys lined up by each one. The bartenders had prepared three sets of glasses each containing a concoction of booze, pieces of fruit and colored syrup. It was a race to see which team could completely clean off their female first. The bartenders would pour the contents of the first glass over the female's torso and the first guy in line for each would have to clean it off using only his mouth. Once he was done, they would move to the second guy and he'd have to do the same.
TJ took advantage of the situation by nudging some of the fruit that came from his concoction down to his female contestant's pussy and then proceeded to eat her out, without caring about winning the contest. It was fun to watch it, but I think both of us were glad we were just observers.
With the contest ending, each of us settled into our chairs and began reading our books. After about 30 minutes, Linda had fallen asleep. About the same time, I saw Buck in the pool, so I decided it was a good time to cool off a bit and talk with him some more about upcoming activities. He told me that if Linda enjoyed dancing, that we should go to the Animal Prints Party that evening.
He said that the dance floor becomes wall to wall people, so it would be pretty easy to do some light groping if I had Linda out there in the middle floor during the slow songs. Buck also said that if I wanted someone to feel up her bare tits, that the Foam Pool Party the following day would be a perfect opportunity and that he would be willing to feel her up and that he's sure TJ would be willing as well. I agreed that both activities sounded great and that it would be a way to push the envelope a bit and she how she reacts. I returned to my chair just as Linda was waking up.
On the way back to the room, we stopped by the front desk and Linda asked about the photo shoots that they offered. They told her what the options were and she asked me what I thought. I again did not want to come off as trying to push her, so I just said yeah it might be nice to get a few shots of us walking on the pier or beach, with the sunset background and being fully clothed.
Naturally, what I was really thinking is that I'd love to see the photographer take some pictures of her incredible nude body laid out on the pier, but I kept those thoughts to myself. When we returned to the room and looked over the activities for the evening, Linda initially asked if I would rather just skip the Animal Prints Party and have fun in the room. I told her that since she had brought with her a leopard skin print top and short skirt that we should at least go to it for a little bit and we could still have fun in the room after that. She agreed and decided that the leopard skin print outfit was a bit too risqué for the dining room, so she wore a sundress over the top of that outfit that she could remove at the party.
Based on what Buck had shared with me, the dance floor gets the most crowded later in the evening, so I took my time reviewing the menu, to ensure we would be there when the floor was packed. As luck would have it, Linda needed to use the restroom, so she told me what she would like for diner to tell the waiter. I told the waiter that we really wanted to enjoy a slow dinner, so if he could delay things a bit that would be great and also ordered a bottle of wine. Dinner was again great and by the time we had finished our dessert, it was about the time that Buck had suggested and when he indicated he'd be at the party.
When we arrived at the party, it was just as Buck said - a mass of bodies, mostly in scantily clad clothing swaying from side to side as a slow song was playing. Linda said maybe we should just go back to our room and could dance there in privacy, but I convinced her to at least dance one dance here and then we can say we did it.
As we walked to the packed dance floor when the next slow song started, I made eye contact with Buck and watched as he asked a woman to dance with him. We started out dancing on the outside edge, but I slowly maneuvered us towards the middle, while Buck was doing the same with his dance partner. The floor was so packed that you could hardly move and were constantly being rubbed up against, so it's possible that she would not even know if she was being groped. I had finally gotten us to the position that Linda and Buck's dance partner were back to back.
I watched as Buck moved his hand from his partner's back and placed it gently against Linda's ass. She did not react, so Buck started rubbing her ass as we gently swayed back and forth. I sensed that she was trying to see who was doing it, but I controlled our movements so Buck was always behind her. As he continued his rubbing and groping of her ass I noticed that she seemed to sway her hips a bit more. When the song finally came to an end, I gave her a passionate kiss allowing Buck to move away. Both of us were hot and sweaty, so I asked Linda if she'd like to leave or get a drink and stay a bit longer. She responded that she would like to get back to our room for some fun.
When we got back to the room, we opened our balcony door so we could get the fresh breeze and hear the waves. As we were looking out over the railing, Linda said that she needed to confess something. She proceeded to tell me that when we were dancing, she thought I had placed one of my hands on her ass, as I frequently do. She said she did not mind and was even getting aroused when the hand began to gently rub her ass. It was about that time that I adjusted my arms and hands a bit and she realized that it was not my hand on her ass.
I did my best to keep from smiling and said that I just had my arms around her waist and I thought I even had my hands clasped together, so it definitely was not me. She said she knows, but that she was enjoying dancing together so she just let whoever it was continue rubbing her ass. Linda also said that at some point, he had moved her skirt up so he was rubbing her thong covered bare ass. She looked at me as if I would be disappointed and I told her I certainly can't blame a guy or girl for wanting to grab her rear and that it was actually a bit of a turn-on.
With that, she wrapped her arms around my neck and we began a very passionate kiss right there on the balcony. During the kiss, I did reach down, pull up her skirt and placed my hands right where Buck had been rubbing just minutes earlier. Linda slowly dropped to her knees and removed my pants. She slowly licked the length of my hard cock while caressing my balls with her hand. Linda looked up at me and asked if I wanted to fuck her there on the balcony, since I had always said I wanted to fuck her someplace that we could be seen. I did not even respond as I pulled her back up to me and removed her animal print outfit.
There before me on our second floor balcony was my incredibly sexy wife naked and ready to be fucked. I thought about laying down a few towels and dropping to the ground, but had a better idea. I decided to fuck her from behind while she is bent over and holding onto the railing. As I positioned her, I reached down to her pussy and easily slid three fingers right in, so I knew she was ready. I lined up my cock and buried it deep in her in one plunge. I moved in and out slowly as I alternated between rubbing her nipples and fingering her pussy with my hands. Although she generally does not like to get fucked from behind, she was really getting into it and pushing back into every one of my thrusts.
As she was getting close to an orgasm, she started getting very vocal which was a surprise because anyone walking by our balcony could easily see her. She did not care as she screamed out to keep fucking her and that she was about to cum. To my delight and probably theirs too, a few couples did walk by and got to see me fucking my hot wife from behind. After each of us came, we cleaned up and went to bed.
We awoke to a knocking at our door. As I was walking to the door, it dawned on me that I had booked a special breakfast in bed when I initially made the vacation reservations and that this was probably the day I selected. I opened the door and the bus boy followed me with our food on a rolling cart. I smiled to myself as I remembered that Linda had fallen asleep with only a thong on and since the temperature was so perfect that neither of us were using any blankets.
As the bus boy turned the corner allowing him to see my incredible wife laying on her side with her beautiful ass on display in just a thong, I could see a smile breaking through his serious face. He positioned the cart at the end of the bed and flipped up the sides to give it a larger surface and spread the food out. It was at that point that Linda rolled onto her back and slowly began to wake up. The bus boy kept his eyes glued on her perfect breasts and even mouthed "wow" to me. I thanked him and led him to the door. When I returned to the bed, Linda asked where the food came from and I told her the bus boy had just brought it in. She started to ask if I allowed him to see her almost completely nude and then she rolled her eyes and answered herself saying everyone else has, so why not the bus boy too.
The breakfast was wonderful and we looked at the activities scheduled for the day. The day had a lot of activities scheduled, including a special booze cruise in the morning, the Foam Pool Party and Casino Night for the evening entertainment. We called the activities number to get more information about the booze cruise. They indicated that it was a three hour ride on a large pontoon boat that would go up and down the coast to allow you to see the other resorts as well as some of the large homes.
A rum punch was included and they also mentioned that since it would me off their property, that shorts were required for men & women, but topless was still fine. That last statement is what I'm sure made the decision easy for Linda to choose. We booked the tour and were told to be down at the locked pier in 45 minutes. Linda selected one of her string bikinis and a cover-up as we got our swimsuits on and packed our beach bag.
When we arrived at the pier, there were 7 other couples waiting to board. The boat captain and his assistant arrived and tied the boat to the dock. All of the other women were wearing some type of cover-up. As we boarded the boat, a few of the ladies immediately took off their cover-ups and their bikini tops to put their breasts on display for all to see. Two other ladies removed their cover-ups, but kept their bikini tops on. I was unsure as to what Linda was going to do, as the other three women seemed intent on keeping their cover-ups on for the breezy ride. I was watching Linda out of the corner of my eye as she removed her cover-up and then untied her bikini top as well. I tried to act natural as I felt an incredible rush on how proud I was of Linda for taking off her top without me pushing her to do so, even though the majority of women on the tour kept their breasts covered.
The tour was wonderful as it was a beautiful day and there were very few waves. Our resort was much smaller than some of the mega resorts we passed and it was also great going by some of the huge homes that were along the coast. It was fun to watch the guys all checking out Linda's tits as much as possible without making it obvious to their wives. I'm pretty sure one guy snapped a picture too as he was trying to take pictures of some dolphins that were swimming alongside the boat. Linda seemed very relaxed, even though I'm sure she had to notice that she was constantly being checked out. When we arrived back at the dock, Linda slipped her cover-up back on and we decided to get some lunch.
After lunch we found a few chairs that were fairly close to the activity section and we settled in for the afternoon's pool activities. Both Linda and I had dozed off a bit while laying out. When I woke up, they were starting to set up for the Foam Pool Party. As bubbles flowed from the two bubble making machines, the surface of the pool at the party end began to get covered. I woke up Linda, so she could see what was going on.
When I had talked with Buck about this activity on the previous day, he indicated that the key was to wait until there was at least 4-5 feet of bubbles on top of the water. He shared that most people tend to stay along the outside edge of the bubbles, which could allow some accidental touching, but that if I wanted the chance for full out groping, to go into the area directly below the bubble makers against the pool wall, as that would be wall-to-wall bodies with hands grabbing everything. Of course I had not shared that piece of information with Linda.
As we watched a few couples get in, they would just disappear into the bubbles. If they were by the outside edge of the bubble-covered area, you could occasionally see their legs through the water, but basically from their waist and above, it was all bubbles. I grabbed Linda's hand as we decided to journey into the bubbles. I made eye contact with Buck and I noticed that he pointed us out to TJ as well as we walked in the pool towards the mass of bubbles.
As we were walking toward the bubbles I mentioned that we should make our way to the far side, because I speculated that it might be less crowded, even though I knew that was not going to be the case. Linda said she agreed and that it might be fun to make out under the bubbles if we can find a more secluded spot. We also decided that we better hold hands to ensure we did not get separated as once you were in it, you would not be able to see more than a few inches in front of your face.
We walked in and right away you felt closed in. Fortunately, neither Linda nor I are really claustrophobic, but the bubbles covering your face still made it a little uncomfortable. We would use our free hands to act as windshield wipers right in front of our faces to clear a small path to see and be able to breathe in without inhaling a mouth full of bubbles. If you did not continue to clear a path with your hand, the bubbles would quickly fill any opening once you moved. The arrangement that I made with Buck was that once we were in the bubbles, that he and TJ would follow us in.
He suggested that I keep talking to Linda as we walked, so they would be able to keep track of where we were at. As we made our way to the far side, I kept asking Linda how she was or make comments regarding how I may have had bubbles go into my nose. You could barely hear other people talking, but it was tough to understand what they were saying over the music that was being played.
As we were getting closer to the far wall, Linda at one point did comment that someone had lightly brushed up against her free arm as she was clearing the path for her face. Then all of a sudden, it was like a mass of people. You could not move without bumping into someone or stepping on someone else's feet. Even if you were constantly clearing a path with your hand in front of your face, the foam would just fill in right away, so you had no way of knowing who was right next to you, in front of you or behind you.
Linda commented that maybe we need to move to another spot to find our seclusion. I agreed but there were bodies everywhere and since you could not see more than 6 inches in front of your face, it was not easy to determine a path to take. I told Linda she could lead the way figuring she would then be in control of how fast or maybe how slow she wanted us to get out of the groping hands. This was the exact position that I wanted to get us into, where strangers (Buck and TJ) could grope Linda and she have a hard time stopping it. So, I was hoping that in her mind she would be ok with it, as she had no control over it nor did she decide to let it happen.
As we slowly made our way into more open space, I myself had someone grab my swimsuit covered crotch. I have no idea who it was, but I like to believe it was one of the other women in the pool.
There were multiple times that I had hands brush up against by arms and chest as well – some of which were probably innocent while others I'm sure were feeling for women's breasts. Linda and I eventually made our way out of the mass of bodies to the point where you could take a normal stride without bumping into someone. She led the way for about another ten feet and she stopped. She then turned towards me and our bodies met and we locked in a passionate kiss once we have cleared the bubbles from the front of our faces. As we kissed, I moved by hand down her back on onto her ass. I was surprised to find that her bikini bottom was missing. She realized I had found that and ended our kiss saying that some creepo had pulled down her bikini bottoms and even tried to feel up her bare pussy. She commented that her bikini bottom was around one of her ankles and that as soon as we get out of the bubbles, she would put it back on.
She started to turn to head out of the bubbles, but I grabbed her and slid my hand down her stomach right onto her totally shaven pussy. I easily inserted a few fingers into her magnificent pussy, so I decided to see if I could insert something else. I quickly dropped my trunks and lifted her up by her thighs and lowered her onto my cock. Linda used her hands to again clear away the bubbles in front of our faces and we returned to a kiss while we were fucking in the middle of those bubbles. Both of us must have been in a very aroused state, as within minutes we were both cumming.
I pulled up my swimsuit and Linda did the same with her bikini bottoms. We made our way out of the mass of bubbles and back to our chairs. I saw Buck sitting on the edge of the pool outside the bubble zone and he kind of gave me a slight head nod as he got up and went to the bar. I told Linda that I was going to get us a couple of drinks and excused myself as well and followed closely behind Buck.
At the bar, Buck said that Linda has incredible tits. He said that he started by lightly feeling up her ass and she was not pulling away, so he slowly rose his hands up her sides and then around the front to her breasts. He said she seemed to be enjoying it and even reached around at one point and brushed up against his cock with her hand. He said about that time the "asshole TJ" cut in between and pulled Linda's bikini bottoms down and then tried to grab her pussy at which point she broke away and that's when the two of us made our way out.
He apologized for TJs inappropriate actions and said he hoped that it does not scare Linda off. I told him I'd see what she was willing to tell me and that maybe we'd see him later that night at the casino night.
When I returned with the drinks to our chairs, I asked Linda what she thought of the bubbles. She smiled and said that the ending was great, when we were able to make love in there and nobody knew. And she said it was mostly good except the creep that took off her bikini bottoms. I asked her how it happened and she went on to say almost the exact same thing that Buck had, other than she indicated that her boobs were groped a few times during the whole ordeal that probably were not Buck from what she described.
She told me that when a hand first settled on her ass that we were pretty much pinned in, so there was not a lot she could do. Linda said that she sensed it might even be the same hand from the previous night on the dance floor, as it was firm but gentle as it lightly went from side to side. She asked if I was ok with it and the fact that she did nothing and I said of course and that it was my speculation that led us to the mass of people in the bubbles and it was not her fault. She continued to say that at one point, the hands moved up her sides and grabbed onto her breasts. Linda said that she felt guilty that she did not immediately move, but figured since we were so pinned in that waiting a little longer should be ok.
She said at that point that suddenly someone seemed to bump right into her and immediately grab for her bottoms and that he pulled one of the ties, so it easily fell to her ankle when he pushed down. She then said it felt like he reached around the front with one hand and from behind with the other reaching for her pussy. That's when she said she quickly turned her hips hoping to break the creep's fingers and even kicked up her heal behind her hoping to crush his balls. She said as soon as she did that, all hands were off of her and we made our way out with just a few accidental brushes.
She asked if I were mad at her or upset that a guy was able to feel her up. I laughed and said not at all since it was my choice to come here, my idea to go to that area in the bubbles and there was not much more that she could have done and most importantly that she did react when the guy crossed the line. I then asked her if it bothered her that someone grabbed my crotch while we were in there. I told her that it bothered me a lot more, especially since I feared it had been a guy that grabbed me. She just laughed and said that now I know how it feels.
The Casino Night was a lot of fun. When you arrived, they gave each person 50 chips. They had several types of tables open, allowing you to play poker, craps, roulette, black jack and a few other games. The goal was to win as many chips as you could during the couple of hours that the tables were open. At the end of the evening, they had two prizes for the two people with the most chips. The first was a private boat tour, similar to the one that we had earlier, but it was just for a couple and included a romantic lunch.
The second was for a couples' massage that could be done at the spa, on the beach or in your room, whichever the winner preferred. Linda was said either of those prizes would be great and that we should really try to win. The twist to this Casino Night was that the only way you can get more chips if you run out is to do something at the request of the dealers. It did not take long to see examples of what those requests might be as one woman bet all of her chips on the first bet and lost. The dealer told her if she took her breasts out for the next few turns, then he would give her 10 chips.
We were doing fairly well playing black jack and even had Buck join our table at one point, so it at least gave us a chance to pretend we were just meeting and for him to formally meet Linda. It was while Buck was at the table that Linda lost the last of her chips. I was about to hand her some of mine when the dealer said if she displayed one of her breasts for the next hand that he'd give her 10 chips. Since most of the women had already shown their breasts for more chips, Linda said ok and lowered the tube top she was wearing below her right breast. As soon as the next hand was done, the dealer gave her the 10 chips.
Within a few hands, Linda was out of chips again. The dealer smiled at her and said that if she took both tits out and let the gentleman sitting next to her fondle her tits for the next two turns that he would give Linda 25 chips and Buck, who was sitting next to her 10 chips. I shrugged my shoulders and she looked towards Buck. He told her that if she did it that he'd let her have the 10 chips that the dealer had promised him also. She thought about it for a few seconds and then said that she was not willing to do that.
We decided to play roulette with my remaining chips figuring at least the payout would be good if we hit our numbers. Unfortunately, it was not long until all of our chips were gone. By this point, the tasks required for you to get more chips had gotten really crude and it became apparent that the individuals that ultimately would win were the ones that would pretty much do anything. So, we decided to head back to our room.
Sensing that Linda was a bit overwhelmed with everything that had happened today and not wanting to make her too uncomfortable, I suggested that maybe we should take a shuttle and do some shopping the next day after breakfast and get a little break from all of the bare skin and craziness. Linda was thrilled with the idea and said we could book a photo shoot for when we returned in the afternoon. When we got back to the room, we cleaned up and I held Linda in my arms as we both fell asleep.
As we had discussed, the next morning we picked up a shuttle to take us to the closest mall that had a good variety of touristy things. While we were waiting for the shuttle, we made an appointment for a private photo shoot later that afternoon. Just walking around the mall with Linda was actually a real nice break from the very sexually-intense environment we had been in the past few days. It was great to be looking for things for our kids and to just be in a normal setting. Prior to heading back to our resort, we each got an ice cream cone and sat to relax by a fountain. I asked Linda what she thought about the trip so far.
She was very quick in saying it was not something that she'd ever want to do again because the nudity part bothered her. She admitted that some of the other things that had happened were kind of nice since we were in that environment and somewhat out of our control, but again they are not things that she'd ever want to do again. Linda asked me if the thrill of having someone touch her breasts was as big a turn-on as I thought it would be in our fantasies and role playing. I told her that our fantasies were to actually see another guy maul her tits and I had not been able to see that since we were in the bubbles.
I did tell her though that making love where we could be seen was definitely a highlight, not to mention the guys all getting to check out her bare tits the last few days. She then reminded me that we'll be doing a photo shoot later today and that maybe there would still be a chance for me to watch someone touch her breasts. Even though my cock had been given a little break for the past few hours while we were shopping, those comments immediately woke him up.
We picked up our shuttle and returned to the resort. Linda worried me a bit when she said we needed to stop by the room on the way to the photo shoot. She worried me even more, when she took out a pair of khakis for me with a golf shirt and she chose a sun dress for herself. As I was about to protest, I figured I would just go along so I don't come across as pushing her and that we would do whatever she wanted to do in the photo shoot. We arrived at the dock and were let in through the locked gate by the photographer. He introduced himself and asked us what we had in mind. Linda said she'd like a few shots of us on the dock walking along, maybe kissing and a few other romantic poses.
After about 15 minutes of different poses, the photographer asked her what's next. She then made my day by saying she wanted to do a few sexy shots for me and she removed her sundress revealing only the sexy thong underneath. For the next 15 minutes I watched as my incredibly sexy looking wife did a variety of tasteful, yet extremely sexy poses. The photographer even commented to me how gorgeous she looked. At one point he approached her to show her the last shot he had taken. He told her that as great as it looked, the panties showing took away from it. To my amazement, he got her to remove her panties and shoot a few more pictures with her hands or other body parts strategically placed to over her pussy. There was nothing in the world that I could imagine that would be hotter than watching the woman of my dreams strike poses on this dock for this photographer. We finished the shoot and he mentioned that we could review the pictures after dinner.
After the photo shoot, we went back to the room to freshen up a bit. The evening's main activity was going on a bar hopping party bus to places like Senor Frogs. Neither of us were really interested in bouncing from bar to bar, so we decided we'd stay at the resort and relax a bit before our final full day on vacation. We went to dinner and then met with the photographer to review our pictures at the time he had provided. He displayed the pictures one at a time on a large screen that was connected to his computer.
We went through the handful of pictures that he took of Linda and me walking or standing on the dock. Linda quickly picked a couple of pictures that she wanted to purchase. When he paged to the first shot of Linda laying on the dock with only her panties on, Linda's immediate response was that's awful. I, on the other hand, thought she looked amazing. Our 25-ish year old photographer was in agreement with me and commented on how she looked stunning and that he had not even touched up any of the shots with her in it as they already looked perfect. Linda said thank you softly, and then added that as long as he likes them (pointing at me), that's all that really matters.
As he paged through the pictures, each seemingly more strikingly beautiful than the previous one, I was just reminded of how lucky I was to have such a goddess as a wife. When he got to the last one with her panties on, he commented that he thought she was gorgeous in all of those, but these next pictures are even hotter and more erotic since there is nothing to distract you from her gorgeous body. He paged to the first nude shot of Linda laying on the dock with one of her hands strategically placed covering her pussy.
I thought I was going to shoot my load right into my pants I was so turned on. As he flipped to the next picture of her sitting up with her back slightly arched, he pointed out the silhouette shadow of her perfect body on the dock right past her. I looked at Linda and although she was blushing a bit in her face, I sensed that she too was turned on having this guy, who was at least 15 years younger than us, go through picture by picture of what he had taken and make comments. As I glanced over at my stunning wife, I noticed that our photographer had an obvious bulge in his shorts as he was commenting on Linda's pictures. I made eye contact with her and nodded for her to check it out, so she was also aware of the effect that she was having on our young photographer. Linda and I each picked our favorite nude shot of her to add to the other two pictures we had already selected of the two of us. The photographer downloaded the four shots to a CD and thanked us for the opportunity.
When we were walking down the path towards our room, I told her that she is "so fucking hot" and that she could not possibly imagine how much of a turn on it was to see him taking the pictures on the dock and then review them one at a time with our young photographer as he made his comments. She quietly said thanks and that she was glad I liked it, but I had to promise that the nude pictures would never be shared with anyone else. I agreed that I would not, but then commented that who knows what the photographer would do with them.
Since we figured a lot of the wild crowd would be on the bar hopping party bus that evening, we decided to put our swimsuits on and relax in the pool or down on the beach. We swam a little bit in the pool which was nice since there were only a few people around. Linda did not even remove her bikini top and I was fine with that. After swimming for a bit, we decided to take a walk along the beach. It was so peaceful with the moon's reflection on the water and the small waves coming ashore.
We laid a few towels onto the sand and sat down just listening to the sounds of nature. It was so peaceful and romantic as Linda snuggled into my chest. It did not take long for us to start sharing a passionate kiss. My cock was straining against the material in my swimsuit to get out, but I resisted the urge to do anything but kiss Linda. That was until she slid her hand across my swimsuit and lightly grabbed my raging hard-on. I gently pushed Linda's back to the ground and dropped my hand to her bikini top. I pushed it up over her incredible breasts and quickly lowered my mouth to one of them. She moaned as I swirled my tongue across her very erect nipple and then whispered for me to take off my shorts. As I slid my swimsuit off, she removed her bikini top and told me to take her.
I knew that what she meant was for me to hold her down, slide her bikini bottom to the side of her pussy and fuck her hard. I immediately climbed between her legs and moved her bikini bottom to reveal a very damp pussy waiting to be fucked. As I plunged my cock into her, I grabbed her two wrists with my hand left hand and held them over her head. That allowed me to use my right hand to maul her tits as I continued pounding my cock into her. She was moaning loudly which made it even hotter since there was a chance that someone could hear or see us. It was not long before my cock was exploding into her pussy as she was shuddering with her own orgasm. I collapsed down into her arms and rolled us over and onto my back, so her head was resting on my chest as we both recovered from our powerful orgasms. As we were laying there, a few couples walked past us. I'm not sure if they heard or saw anything, but it was very erotic thinking that they may have.
We eventually returned to our room and went to bed. I have to admit Linda's willingness to do the photo shoot and then to let me fuck her on the beach were two of my top fantasies and I went to sleep thinking that this trip had met all of my expectations and more. Little did I realize at the time that the fifth and final day at this resort would even be beyond what I even would have imagined was possible. We awoke as we had fallen asleep – still in each other's arms. As we looked over the activities sheet for the day, I asked Linda what she wanted to do. She commented that none of the activities really stood out to her, including the evening's bare as you dare party.
She said just getting one last day of sun would be great and being together. I told her that sounded great to me as well to just get a lot of sun and relax. Linda then started looking over the spa services pamphlet and I asked her if she wanted to do another treatment. She commented that she really enjoyed the couples' massage that we had but did not want to do the same one again. I pointed out the erotic massage and both of us agreed that we certainly did not need their help to get us ready for each other. I suggested she look at the individual treatments, as I was fine just relaxing by the pool if she wanted something else down. As she was looking at the list of massages available, she pointed at the 4 Hands Massage, but said that she wanted my two hands to be part of that.
I told her that I could ask at the spa if it were possible, but she interrupted me and said why don't I just recruit someone else so we would not have to pay. To make sure I heard her correctly, I restated that it sounds like she wanted me to find a volunteer so that the two of us could give her a four hands massage. I then asked her if she had a preference if the other set of hands was male or female and if she had a preference with where or when the massage would be done. She said it was up to me is far as the sex of the volunteer and suggested that we just planned to do it in our room later this evening since neither of us were interested in attending that party. The only rule she added was that her panties would be on and that if I had any trouble finding a volunteer that she would not at all be upset if it were just my two hands giving her the massage.
My head was swirling as we walked to breakfast. Was I dreaming or was this what she had in mind when she had mentioned a day earlier at the mall that I still may be able to watch someone touch her breasts? Who would I ask and how would I even approach someone? I figured that Buck would be easy to approach about it, but would I rather have a woman since Linda opened up that as a possibility. The other thing was that if I were to find someone, they would need to be willing to skip the Bare as you Dare Party, which would be awkward if they were with their spouse. Oh well, I figured I had a few hours to decide. After breakfast we set ourselves up in a few pool side chairs that were close enough to be able to see the activities, but not be right in the middle of it.
For the next few hours my head probably looked like it was on a swivel and I was constantly looking around to see who I could invite to join Linda and I later this evening for the 4 hands massage. It must have been obvious to Linda too as she commented that she would be delighted if it were just my two hands massaging her, so I needed to make sure I relaxed and enjoyed myself on our last day at the resort. As I laid there in the chair, I thought through the possible options. A female would be great, but how would I even approach one to ask about it. Obviously Buck would be an option that I was sure Linda would not mind since she called him Fabio, but I had not seen him, TJ or their wives yet.
The third option might be to go to the spa and talk with Philippe to see if he or someone else from there would be willing to do it. I could even pay them. So, I settled on Buck as my first choice and talking to Philippe as my backup plan. It wasn't long before Linda and I were heading over to the pool-side grill for lunch and I had still not seen any sign of Buck. I thought to myself that I would give it a few more hours and then I'd see if I could talk to Philippe in the spa.
Linda fell asleep while laying a short time later and as luck would have it Buck happened to walk past the pool. I was able to get his attention and we met by the pool bar. I told him about the 4 hands massage for Linda and he said he would love to do it. I explained that she requested that we do it this evening instead of going to the party and he said he was fine with that, as that party was not one he generally looked forward to anyways and he was actually thinking he'd hang out at the resort bar and watch whatever game they had on the television.
I also informed him that she had already said that she would be wearing her panties the entire time, so there was no guarantee that it would even be anything more than a traditional massage, although I suspected she'd let us at least massage her tits. Buck said that was not a problem at all and that he'd respect any and all boundaries that we set. We agreed upon a time and I told him our room number.
I returned to our pool chairs just as Linda was stirring a bit, so it worked out perfectly that I brought a few drinks back with me. The next couple of hours were very relaxing as we walked the beach one last time, swam in the pool and just watched some of the activities they had going on. My mind was racing as I was thinking about what might happen in just a few hours. It was finally time for Linda and I to return to our room to get cleaned up and ready for dinner. Linda had been saving a new sun dress that she had brought with for this last night. When she came out of the bathroom, my jaw almost hit the floor. It had a deep v cut in the front that showed plenty of cleavage.
The back was completely open other than the tie around her neck. The panels that covered her breasts looked like they were painted on her as they hugged the curves of her breasts perfectly. Lastly, there was a slit of the side which gave an incredible view of her long sexy leg. We walked to dinner hand in hand predicting what would be on the main menu this evening. As usual, dinner was pretty good, but the highlight for me was definitely all of the guys checking Linda out in her dress. As we finished up dinner, I commented to Linda that we had about 60 minutes until her massage appointment. She said that she was fine if we started it as soon as we got back to the room. The thought went through my mind that she may be figuring that it was just going to be me, so I played along as I did not want to ruin the surprise when Buck shows up at our door.
I told her that I had a craving for some chocolate, so we stopped by the gift shop, which also allowed us to waste some time while Linda looked for a few last minute touristy gifts for our kids. I glanced at the clock as we left the gift shop and we still had about 30 minutes, so I suggested we swing by the main bar and get a bottle of champagne and some orange juice, so that I could serve her a mimosa. Linda said that was not necessary, but I was persistent, so we went to the main bar.
By the time we had the beverages and had gotten back to our room, we were only 10 minutes from Buck showing up. I told Linda that she should get prepared and I would make us each a mimosa. I had pulled the blankets off the bed, so she could lie directly on the bed for her massage. She emerged from the bathroom with a robe wrapped around her panty covered body. I offered her the mimosa and she sat on the bed as she sipped it. As she was just about to finish her drink, there was a knocking at the door. Linda looked a little stunned as I said the other set of massage hands had arrived and went to the door. She was then shocked when I walked back into the room with Buck following me. I mentioned that Buck was very interested in helping me with the 4 hands massage. Buck reached his hand out to shake Linda's hand and said he was glad he could help with the massage and that it was nice to see us both again since we met at casino night.
I offered Linda another mimosa which she quickly drank before laying down on the bed and sliding the robe down off her shoulders. We made sure she was comfortable and said we would begin the massage and that if she had any areas requiring more attention to just let us know. Buck and I were positioned on each of Linda's sides and began by starting to massage the shoulder that was closest to each of us. Linda has a very sexy back, so neither of us were in any rush as we enjoyed rubbing and massaging her back. I asked at one point how she was doing and she responded that it felt wonderful. Even though Buck was wearing fairly loose fitting shorts with a muscle shirt, the bulge that his limp cock was creating was still very noticeable.
As we were finishing up her back, I asked her if she would like us to massage her rear at all or if she preferred we move directly to her legs. She was wearing a thong, so I was not sure how she'd respond, but she did say a light massage on her rear would be fine. Rather than each taking one of her ass cheeks, I made eye contact with Buck whispered that he could just do it. It was very hot watching his big hands grab and massage her ass. After a few minutes he shifted to the back of her right thigh and I starting doing the same to her other leg. We spent a long time working on her long legs, really paying a lot of attention to her thigh and calf muscles. She commented a few times while we were working on her legs that it felt sooo good. We eventually bent her knees at a right angle allowing us to really work on her feet. As we finished her feet, I asked her if anything needed additional attention on her back. She said no and flipped onto her back.
Even though Buck had seen Linda topless on multiple occasions by the pool and had even felt her tits up during the Bubble Pool Party, he still mouthed the word "wow" at me as she rolled over and her breasts came into view. I asked her if she had a preference to where we began or what areas we focused on and she responded that she had never had a 4 hand massage before, so we should do whatever the normal practice was. Having role played massage fantasies with her many times, I knew that was code for she did not want to give us the approval to massage her bare breasts, but that she'd go along with it if that was normal way these massages were done.
I looked at Buck and he said that we would start with her arms. Each of use started massaging from her hand up to her shoulder. From there, he moved his hands to her belly, but rather than doing the same, I mouthed the words to him to take over. He continued rubbing her stomach until he sent one of his hands between her breasts, but not touching them. Linda opened her eyes briefly and could see that I was just watching at this point. With the next push up her stomach, he went up over her breasts causing Linda to moan softly. Buck continued to move up and down her torso, but each time he spent more time and paid more attention to her breasts. He finally stopped working her stomach and just began massaging each of her breasts in his big hands. He looked at me and whispered to start working on her legs. I was glad to help as I began rubbing her legs from ankle to her panty line even brushing lightly up against her panty-covered pussy a few times.
I told Linda that we were just about done with her 4 hands massage and asked if she wanted us to focus any extra time on any areas of her body. She said that it was a wonderful massage and thanked us. It was obvious that Linda was in an aroused state, but I did not want to push the limits as I had promised her that it would just be a massage and her panties would stay on. I sensed that she might be willing to do more and I really wanted to see her hold and maybe even suck on Buck's cock, but I was not sure how to make it happen. So, I decided to just ask. I commented to Buck that when we first saw him earlier in the week that Linda had commented that night that he had a great body and very impressive cock.
He said that he appreciated the compliment especially since it was from such a stunning lady. I said since this is our last night, maybe Linda would like to see it one more time, so at least the last cock she saw at this resort, other than mine, was one that she thought was impressive. Buck looked at Linda and asked if she'd be ok if he dropped his shorts. She kind of whispered sure. He hooked his fingers into his waist band and pushed his shorts to the floor. There it was, his magnificent cock that although it was coming to life, it did not appear to be fully erect yet. Linda was just staring at it, so I grabbed her hand and slowly moved it towards his cock. She did not resist, so I set her hand on it. Linda slowly worked the length of his cock, as I told her to just feel it to be able to compare it to mine. She slowly brought up her other hand and continued to gently rub his now fully erect cock. From a length perspective, it was probably about 9 inches, so it was not much bigger than it was in its flaccid state, but the thickness was really impressive.
As Buck sat down on the bed, Linda continued to work on his cock with her hands. I asked her if she thought she could even get that into her mouth. She responded that she was not sure, but she'd like to try if that was ok. I told her absolutely and she quickly dropped her head to his cock and began licking up and down his long, thick shaft. After a few minutes of this she was ready to begin sucking on it, so she inserted the tip of his cock into her mouth as she continued to rub her hands up and down his cock. I asked her what she thought and she said it was wonderful and so big.
As she continued to work on Buck's cock, I moved between her legs and rubbed her panty-covered pussy. She moaned loudly, so I took that as an invitation to move the material aside and probe her pussy with my tongue. Linda's pussy was extremely damp and she slowly grinded her pussy against my mouth. Within a few minutes, she was pushing much harder, so I decided to ask her if she like to see what it feels like to be dry humped by Buck's cock. She hesitated a bit before saying yes, but only if it were ok with me. I just smiled and winked at her as I moved from between her legs and pulled her panties off as well. I moved her up on the bed so she was laying down as Buck removed his shirt to reveal the rest of his perfect body.
Buck climbed between Linda's legs and laid his cock against her pussy lips. He slowly started moving back and forth over her pussy lips, while he dropped his head down to be able to suck on her boobs. Linda seemed to be quickly working towards an orgasm and I really wanted to see him fuck her tight pussy, so I whispered to him to slow down. He continued sucking on her breasts, and you could tell from her hips trying to grind up against his cock that she really wanted her pussy stimulated as well.
I asked her if she was ready for me to fuck her and she impatiently said yes. I paused for a few seconds and then I asked her if she'd like to just see if she could fit Buck's cock into her pussy before I fucked her. She looked me in the eyes and said she really wanted to, but only if I wanted it too. I smiled at her and said only this once. With that Buck grinned as he dropped his cock head to her pussy entrance. Right away he met resistance, so he mentioned that he had some lubricating oil in the pocket of his shorts. I grabbed that and squirted some into Buck's hand. He applied it to his cock and it looked like a glistening anaconda. He again returned it to Linda's pussy entrance and this time was able to pop the head in. Over the next five or ten minutes I watched as he slowly worked his monster cock in and out of Linda's tight pussy each time getting a little deeper. She was able to take in all but about an inch of his cock. He was very gentle and respectful with his movements, as he'd slowly pull his monster cock almost all the way out before slowing sliding it back deep into her pussy. Buck looked at me and commented that Linda not only had an exceptional body, but that her pussy was so nice and tight too.
As I started to drop my shorts, Buck asked if I wanted to fuck her a bit. I thought about it for a second, but said I was having too much fun watching him, so I would be fine just fucking her sexy face. Buck then gently lifted her up with his cock still buried deep in her pussy and repositioned the two of them to place Linda's head right at the edge of the bed. Linda swept the hair out from being caught under her back and lowered her head over the edge of the bed. I stepped forward and she immediately grabbed my hard cock and balls. She gently rubbed it before starting to kiss and suck on the head of my cock. I could tell by her breathing and the flushness in her chest that she was approaching an orgasm, so I whispered to Buck that we needed to slow it down a bit so we could enjoy it more. He smiled nodding his head and shifted to more of a kneeling position keeping about half of his cock entombed in her pussy.
Buck stopped the thrusts and instead starting gently rubbing her tits. Linda sensed what we were doing and begged us to keep fucking her. Since neither of us responded, she decided to take a different approach and began aggressively sucking on my cock. The view I had was incredible. Looking directly down my body, there was Linda deep throating my cock. As I moved down her body, her amazing breasts come into view with Buck's big hangs rubbing them and gently twisting on her nipples. As I looked further down her body, there were her beautiful long legs wrapped around Buck's hips with half of his thick cock buried into her very wet pussy. Linda moved from deep throating me to sucking on my balls, which she knew was really going to push me over the edge. Buck sensed that I was nearing an orgasm, and asked if I wanted to fuck her ass. I smiled and nodded as I pulled away from Linda's incredibly talented mouth.
I watched as Buck again lifted her gently off the bed while rotating their bodies so he could lay down on to his back with Linda on top of him still having his cock buried deep in her. Linda leaned forward giving me access to her ass. Her ass is always very tight, so I placed some of the lubricating oil on a few of my fingers and inserted them in her ass. Linda let out a loud moan as I moved them around trying to loosen her up a bit. After a few minutes, I applied the lube to my cock and positioned it at her ass hole. I grabbed her shoulders and slowly pushed. Linda reached her hand back there to help guide me as I was meeting considerable resistance.
As soon as my cock head popped in, I easily slid in the rest of the way. Linda screamed out that it felt sooo good. Since I was now in position, Buck began to thrust his hips from down below and continued rubbing Linda's tits. This allowed her to control the tempo of us fucking her by being the one in the middle that was moving. She was moving slowly up and down Buck's cock and although my cock was not moving in her ass, the sensation of his cock rubbing up against mine through the linings of Linda's pussy and ass more than made up for it. Linda seemed to enjoy that she was now in control of the movements and teasingly changed speeds to get us to the brink of shooting our loads before slowing back down. I knew that she too was on the verge of cumming, but wanting to enjoy this experience for as long as possible too. After she came to a halt again after working up to a very fast speed, Buck looked at me and asked if I were ready to fill this hot lady up. I nodded and he shifted his hands to her hips so he had more control of her body's movements. He began thrusting upward and I started thrusting in and out of her ass. Linda's reaction was one of pure ecstasy as she threw her head back and started bouncing her body as bed she could to be in synch with our cocks ramming into her.
As I was about to shoot my load, Buck tensed up and grunted as he filled my sexy wife's pussy with his cum. Linda began to shake as she too experienced a powerful orgasm. As I pulled my cock out of her ass, she climbed off Buck, came over to me and gave me a very passionate kiss. She thanked both of us for an incredible one time only experience and she placed special emphasis on the one time.
Buck put his clothes on, thanked us and wished us safe travels. We did the same to him and he left our room. As we cleaned up and packed for our early morning departure, Linda admitted that although she definitely had no interest in ever going to another clothing optional resort, that she definitely was glad we did and that we were able to fulfill some of our fantasies. She added that she was happy keeping the rest of our fantasies as just fantasies and that the cock she still and will always crave the most is mine. I thanked her for an incredible week and some fantastic keepsakes as I held up the CD with her nude pictures on it.