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This chapter was fun to rewrite. Once again, I didn't diverge too much from the original plot here, but I did reword almost the entire thing. Leave comments and feedback if you enjoyed it!
Part Three: Long Live the Queen

Chapter Seven


She looked so much like Yavara, but it wasn’t quite her. Her skin was tan, her hair black, her eyes were green, and her ears were rounded. She also was doing things that Yavara would never do. Yavara was adventurous, yes, but she wasn’t this adventurous. I watched as the woman who called herself ‘Trisha’ showed off her new pet: Prestira Rasloraca. She couldn’t be Yavara. The Yavara I knew was saving herself for a good man. The Yavara I knew spent her days practicing the bow and riding her horse. This human was just a cruel joke created by god to torment me in my failure. I got up in disgust and opened the door. Something stopped me. A familiar voice rang out, announcing the price of Prestira’s body. I’d know that voice anywhere. I walked back into the bar, shouldering past an enormous orc who bolted the door shut behind me. Brock Terdini, I presumed. Goddamn he was huge, but a well-placed Nadi arrow would fell even the mightiest of beasts. I sat in the back of the room and concealed my face with my hood, nursing a drink to ease my nerves. I hoped it wasn’t true. I hoped I was wrong.

What came next was something I didn’t expect. Trisha disrobed herself in front of the entire bar. The old consulate captain was right, Trisha was beautiful. The most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. I watched in horror as both man and beast took her and Prestira in every-which way. Never in my darkest dreams had I imagined such acts could be undertaken, and more incredibly still, that one could enjoy them. I wasn’t averse to sex despite being a virgin myself, but this… this could hardly be called sex. “Demonic gangrape” might’ve been a good term, but Prestira and Trisha were far from being forced. If anything, Trisha seemed to be orchestrating the whole thing, and indeed, she commanded the room with such charisma that even I applauded from time to time. Yes, the things she did where disgusting and abhorrent, but there was a terrible beauty to it all. Was I aroused by it? It was difficult not to be, though I tried desperately to deny it. I could no longer when I watched Trisha make passionate love to a human girl no older than I. The way she moved… oh god, I almost got in line myself! When I asked a dwarf who she was, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said, “A whore, I guess. And the best damn one in the city!” A whore. That’s all she was. Just a whore who looked and sounded so much like the woman I loved. I sat and watched the whore. I watched as she moaned and screamed until her voice was hoarse. I watched as her body bent and writhed with inhuman grace, as though she’d been born for no other purpose. I watched as man after man finished inside of her until she was outturned and overflowing. When the last customers left, and the sun had long since set, I waited. Waited for someone to screw up, to crack the façade. Then I heard it from the witch’s lips: Yavara. A bolt of rage shot through me, and I drew my bow, unthinking, uncaring. Yavara. I fired a Nadi arrow right at Prestira’s eye. Zander stopped it in the air, and the orc crashed into me. Dazed and near to vomiting with pain, my head was wrenched upright, and my eyes were filled with her.

“Elena?” Yavara whispered, her eyes wide with shock.

“You know this ranger, my queen?” Brock grunted as his weight compressed my ribcage.

Yavara stuttered for a second, lost for words. I could feel my ribs cracking under the pressure of the orc, the air pushed mercilessly from my lungs. He suddenly jumped off me. Blood filled my mouth as my diaphragm re-pressurized, and I choked on desperate breaths. Brock’s hands came down on my shoulders and pressed gently. He lifted me up, cradled me in his arms, then began walking me up the stairs. I was going to be raped. I was going to be raped and tortured, and turned into a mindless slave just like Yavara. I thrashed against him, biting into his fingers until I drew blood, but he didn’t react. He opened the door and sat me on a chair, his hands still firmly subduing me. Prestira, Zander and Yavara walked in behind him, Prestira now wearing a silver cloak, Yavara wearing nothing but the leather boots she had on before. She regarded me with something akin to fear, and washed the filth from her body with a wet cloth as though to make herself presentable.

“Elena, I’m going to make Brock let go of you. Can I trust you not to try to run away or attack my friends?”

My eyes clouded to hear her speak my name. I nodded. Brock walked to the opposite side of the room and collapsed in a heap. His eyes fluttered open, writhed around the sockets, then focused to stare threateningly into my own.

“We should just kill her. If we let her go, she’ll run to her masters and tell them of us. We can’t keep her as a prisoner in this city; a missing ranger will attract attention. I say we-”

“Brock, shut the fuck up or leave the room!” Yavara shouted back at the orc. Brock’s jaw hung open for a second before closing obediently. The entire interaction bewildered me beyond comprehension. Why was Yavara ordering her captors? For that matter, why had Brock collapsed as though he were a puppet whose strings were cut? But all those questions were blown to the wind when Yavara turned back to me, her eyes full of love, tears brimming on her lids.

“I thought I’d never see you again!” She cried, and threw her arms around me. My own arms hung meekly at my sides. It wasn’t just confusion or fear that stayed my affection, but the expression of the emotion itself. Being a ranger didn’t lend many tender moments, and it felt awkward to be given such an open display of love. But then I remembered. Yavara; this was Yavara! I returned the embrace with all my strength, crying into her shoulder. We vented within each other’s arms for a minute before Yavara finally pulled herself from me, her face wet with both our tears.

“What did they do to you?” I asked, looking her up and down.

Yavara laughed, wiping a tear from her eye. “They didn’t do anything. Well Brock raped me-IN A GOOD WAY SIT DOWN ELENA.” Yavara’s hands pushed me with a strength I didn’t know she had. My body flew into the chair as the dagger in my hand clattered on the floor. Yavara pulled me up into the chair, my body lifting off the floor with ease. She brushed a strand of black hair past her flustered cheek, and spoke. “OK Elena, we’re going to let that one slide. Take your dagger back if it makes you feel safe, but trust me when I say you do not want to draw it again.”

I slipped the dagger back in its sheath and sat upright in the chair. Yavara must’ve been under a spell, but she didn’t act like she was. A possessed Yavara wouldn’t know who I was. Still, it was Prestira Rasloraca and Zander Fredeon we were talking about; it wouldn’t surprise me if they had coerced Yavara’s entire life from her lips. I looked at the witch and the wizard, anger rising in my chest. “I don’t know what kind of spell you fuckers put on her, but you better take it off! No bullshit! Let me speak to the real Yavara!”

Zander and Prestira exchanged a look with each other, then Yavara. Yavara turned back to me, her lips inches from my face. “I am the real Yavara, and I have no spell on me. Actually, that’s not exactly true. Zander, can you take off my disguise?”

The wizard lifted his finger and touched Yavara’s cheek. Yavara’s ears narrowed to points, her eyes turned from green to orange, but her hair and skin remained the same. I gaped at her, a pit of despair forming in my stomach. No, no, no! NO! Yavara took the satchel from my hip and withdrew a pinch of powder. She opened her mouth and consumed the magic-revealing substance, her body remaining unchanged as she did so. She smiled down at my shocked face, apparently quite amused by my reaction.

“Oh, how rude of me, I forgot to introduce you all.” She said cheerily, “Elena this Zander, wizard of the Great Forest; this is Prestira, Zander’s ex-wife and witch of Ardeni; and this is Brock, leader of the Terdini orc tribe. Everyone this is Elena, my best friend, and ranger of the Highlands. Everyone say ‘hi’ to Elena.”

“Hi Elena.” Prestira and Zander said in unison. Brock continued to stare me down, and I remained silent.

“Soooo, Elena.” Yavara said uncomfortably, twiddling her fingers, “I bet you’re confused as fuck right now.” She laughed nervously, an insecure hunch to her shoulders.

“Yeah…” My pulse was beating against my temples.

“Do you know what all this…” Yavara gestured to her eyes and bronze skin, “…means?”

“I know what it’s supposed to mean, Yavara. It just can’t be true.” My palms were slick and clammy.

“It’s all true, Elena. This is who I always was, I just didn’t know it until a few days ago.”

“Yavara, if you are who you say you are… I’m a ranger, Yavara. Do you know what that means?” My vision was blurred.

“That you have to kill me?” Yavara laughed.

“Yes.” My throat was so dry.

Yavara stooped over me, a crooked smile on her lips. She spread her legs and straddled my lap, her large breasts hanging in front of my face, her eyes gazing into my own. Her flesh radiated its heat against me, her hair grazed my cheeks, her scent wafted into my nose. I was gripped by the senses she enticed, stuck in a paralysis of horrible indecision. She made the decision for me. Yavara’s gently grabbed my hand and guided it to my dagger. She guided my hand and the dagger to her throat, her orange eyes staring into me as she pressed the blade against her neck.

“Are you going to do your duty, Elena?” Yavara whispered, leaning her face next to mine, “Are you going to kill the Dark Queen?”

Two years of ranger school screamed to push the knife in. This woman was the greatest threat to my homeland, the evil of all evils, the forerunner of the apocalypse. The sixteen years of friendship pleaded to let her go, to return to her father and bear the shame of my failure, to tell the lies she wanted me to tell so that she could remain safe. But Yavara was more than safe. She had acquired the alliance of two of the most powerful beings on earth and an orc tribe leader all in a few days. A few months and she could have an army. A few years, and she could have an empire. I pressed the blade harder, her skin pushing inward. Yavara’s face remained confident, unaware that I was making up my mind. A drop of blood fell from the blade. Yavara’s blood. I was going to kill my best friend. I was going to kill the person I loved most in the world. Memories flashed into my mind. Yavara and I were skipping school to go hunting. Yavara and I were racing each other on horseback. We were lying together in her bed, Yavara’s eyes were wide as she told me about her ideal man. I looked back and pretended she was talking about me. Yavara kissed me on the cheek as I left for ranger school. I kissed her cheek and held her close. We were never going to be together like we were before; I would become a ranger, and she would marry a lord. The division in our lives would grow with each passing day until we were nothing but acquaintances, shedding memories of a friendship that had died long ago. But that was not to be the case. Yavara wasn’t destined for a life of royal subservience. She was doing things I’d never thought she’d do. She kissed another woman right before my eyes; she didn’t even think twice about it. She looked like she loved it. So many years I’d wanted her to kiss me like that, but I was always too afraid to initiate. And now here she was, naked and straddled across my lap, daring me to initiate. The blade fell from my hand and onto the floor. I stared up longingly into Yavara’s eyes, baring everything in that one desperate look. Yavara smiled down at me, her fingers reaching upward to trace my lips.

“I always knew you wanted me Elena; did you think I was stupid?” Yavara giggled. My face fell, my gaze lowering to the floor in shame. Yavara pulled my face up, her eyes brimming with love.

“I wanted you too.” Yavara’s sweet breath was in my nostrils, “Maybe I didn’t know it then, but I know it now; I know it with all my heart. How many years did we waste in mutual fear of the unknown, when we could have just reached out and taken what we wanted? When I transformed, all the pretense left me. That apprehensive girl who held out on so many good things is gone, Elena. You must have so many questions for me, but I just have one question for you, dearest friend: will you share my bed tonight?”

Yavara’s fingers traced fire across my cheek. My heart beat frantically in my chest as she closed her eyes and lowered her lips to my own. Our mouths touched. I inhaled sharply through my nose, staring wide-eyed at her. I felt her tongue push from between her closed kiss and trace my sealed mouth. I was frozen in place, exhilarated and terrified of looking the fool. Even with her lips to mine, I was still a coward, still terrified of taking what I wanted. Yavara withdrew from me, her mouth smiling affectionately.

“Is this your first kiss?”

“Yes.” I gasped.

“It’s ok. My first kiss was just a few days ago. There’s no shame in it. I can teach you.”

Prestira, Brock and Zander slowly walked out of the room, closing the door behind them. Yavara locked her fingers with my own and guided me to Prestira’s bed. I sat awkwardly on the edge as Yavara began taking off my armor. Every time my flesh was revealed, she kissed it, and I shuddered. Soon I was in nothing but my robe. She began to unbutton the front of my robe, the tops of my breasts slowly being uncovered.

“Wait.” I gasped, my hand shooting up to stop hers.

Yavara smiled and brought her face to my own. Her lips pressed against mine and opened, then her tongue slid after. I couldn’t breathe. Her tongue was gentle and wet, an invasion that tickled my gums, electrifying the nerves. She gently prodded my own tongue, encouraging me to play with her, her lips creasing in an open smile. My bulging eyes began to close, the shock fading, and the desire rising. I shyly moved my tongue to hers, not entirely sure what to do. She took control of the kiss, her lips and tongue guiding me, teaching me until I could confidently kiss her back. I placed a hand on the back of her head, my fingers running through her soft hair as she unbuttoned the rest of my robe.

Yavara pushed the robe off my shoulders, the cold air forcing a shiver from my body. She pressed her warm flesh to me, so soft, so enticing, and lowered me onto my back. Her hand gently gripped my ass and guided it onto the bed, her elegant fingers sinking into my cheeks, coercing an ache deep within my sex. She played the part of the bigger spoon in our embrace, her stomach pressed against my back, one of her legs wrapped over my own. Her hand moved from my glute, caressing her fingers along my waist before hovering over my womanhood. Her mouth withdrew from my own, and I followed it mindlessly, yearning for her endless kiss. I’d been so lost in her mouth, that I’d hardly noticed the position she’d put me in. I opened my eyes to see her burning irises, their depths wrought with love and desire. She touched me, just a caress, but it was the first touch I’d ever known from another. My state of hyperawareness caused the mere graze to illicit a whimper from me, and I was unsure why. Such a weak sound to come from me, when I thought myself so hardened and calloused. Was it a plea? For what? For her to stop, or for her to keep going?

“Do you want me to feel you down here?” Yavara whispered, drawing a single finger along my slit. Oh god, it was like my entire being was naught but the flesh under her fingertip, prickling with longing beneath her touch.

“I’ve… I’ve never-”

“It’s a yes or no question, Elena.” Yavara teased while she continued to caress me. I felt myself opening, my petals blossoming and reddening to reveal the ovule within. Her finger became wet with my nectar, each pass only compelling more to flow. The aching within my depths intensified, the saturated walls pulsing with readiness. It was unbearable. I could feel the apprehension falling away, my internal armor shedding just as easily as my external shell had. Yavara cocked her head to the side, her other hand running though my hair, a knowing smile creeping across her lips. “Elena?”

“Yes!” I cried in ardent surrender. Yavara laughed, kissed my neck, and sunk two of her fingers into me. A shot of pain arced from my penetration, and I cried out as I felt the warmth of blood leaking from between my legs. I pressed my thighs together, inadvertently trapping her hand between them. Yavara continued prodding into me, gentle whispers of encouragement spilling into my receptive ear.

“The hard part’s over, Elena. It’s only good things from here.”

I tilted my head back and gritted my teeth, waiting for Yavara’s promise to prove true. Her thumb gently played with my clit while her fingers slid along my ceiling, searching for my weak spot. She found it. My skin prickled with gooseflesh even as it flushed, and I shivered even as I felt a wave of heat burn from within. Yavara’s eyes were wild with excitement above mine, her teeth pressed zealously into her lower lip. I knew in that look what she wanted of me. She wanted to explore me, to find my hidden places, and to unlock the secrets within. It was a power game for her, and god help me, I wanted her to have that power over me. She pressed herself closer to me, her juices leaking onto my backside, her flower opening against me. I tentatively parted my legs, and watched her smile broaden. I smiled with her, and from that smile, I uttered my first moan. I did it for her, but I wasn’t faking it. Yavara’s promise had come true.

Yavara gently sucked on my neck, her lips bringing the skin into her mouth. She did this on my collar bone, shoulder and then the tops of my breasts, each kiss a delight of wet sensation. I looked down to see little dark spots marking a trail that stopped at my nipple, where her tongue circled my areola below playful orange eyes. Her eyes shut, her lips closed, and she sucked from my nipple, coercing a shiver up my spine. I moaned freely, the sounds compelled from me in a low, pleading rasp. I knew now what my original whimper had meant. More, give me more! I shifted on the bed, my hips swaying to the compulsion of her invading fingers, my chest rising to press my breast against her face. Her free hand gently held my cheek, and I turned my face to take a finger into my mouth. She looked up from her nursing, an inquisitive glint in her eyes. I grinned mischievously, and sucked that finger. I didn’t know why I did it; I was a novice in the ways of lust, and wanted to express my blossoming sexuality. I felt immediately foolish, and blushed to the roots of my hair.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered.

“Sorry?” Yavara smiled, confused.

“I didn’t know if I was supposed to do that, or…”

“Oh, Elena!” Yavara giggled, drawing herself up to my level. Her black hair drew a curtain around my face, framing her compassionate expression, “You have to let yourself go. No rangers in the bedroom; only beasts here.”

“It’s just…” I chewed on my lip, “you’re a master at all of this, and I don’t know what I’m doing! I don’t want to disappoint-”

“Shh.” Yavara said, placing her finger on my lips, “You could never disappoint me. I want you to experiment on me, to find your true self with my flesh.” She crinkled her nose, “I want you to realize what a little pervert you really are, and I want you to ask me to fulfill all your dirty kinks.” She regarded my lips, then pushed her finger into my mouth, “You see, Elena,” She whispered as I wrapped my mouth around her, “there’s nothing sexier to me than self-discovery. I’m beginning to realize this about myself, ironically enough. Nothing turns me on more than changing someone through sex.” Her expression was steeped in dark desire, “And you, my dearest and oldest friend, the love of my life, are a blank canvas. You don’t understand,” her breath was heavy, “you’re the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen, and I’ve never wanted anything more.”

And with that, Yavara withdrew her hand, took me by the hair, and licked the side of my face. I bowed my neck to her, reveling in her gluttony of me, her intense, perverse desire. She stared possessively down at me, panting with exhilarated breaths, then she moved down. Her tongue lathered my throat, my breasts and my belly, and I pleaded with her all the way, my equanimity lost, my apprehension gone. I didn’t yet know my sexually identity, but I knew that I coveted her carnal hunger, her need to taste me, to own me. Her mouth stopped just above my clit, and she pulled her fingers from me. My lustful nectar webbed her digits, and she grinned up at me before taking each between her lips. I just stared back, unfettered need burning in my eyes and in my breaths, my chest rising and falling. She kept her eyes locked with mine as she descended to my depths, her muzzle disappearing below my pubis. I heard her take a deep whiff of my nethers, and I felt drops of saliva splatter my petals. I shuddered, enraptured with every sense between my legs.

“Do you want me to taste you, Elena?” Yavara asked, her eyes the only feature of her face, her voice a covetous purr, “You have the most delicious looking pussy I’ve ever seen.”

I answered her by locking my legs around her head, and forcing her to me. I felt her smile crease my womanhood when her lips pressed to it, and I felt that smile open to yield a slithering tongue. Oh, sweet god! A moan left my mouth as her tongue ran up my slit, my lewd lips opening for her to test the fruit therein. She dipped her member into my presented depths, her lips pressing to my folds, her nose squishing against my engorged clit. She found the spot on my ceiling once more, and her tongue worked my combination in a way her fingers never could. She drew intricate patterns within me, always constant but never the same, each pass of her tongue only worsening the building tension that grew within. Soon, I was writhing, sucking my own fingers mindlessly and twisting about my abdomen as though I could expel the pleasure from my navel. She kept her motions steady even as my locked legs wrenched her trapped head this way and that, reactions I could not control in my fervent need for release. When I was begging at the precipice, she stopped. But it was not for mercy, for her eyes bore nothing but sardonic hunger. I wanted nothing less.

Yavara’s tongue ran the length of my slit, then curled around my clit. In one motion, she sucked my bead from its hood and into her mouth, her lips closing about the flesh that stretched thereafter. My moans turned to a single scream of pleasure. She grinned as she performed her magic, her tongue lathering my node, her lips drawing about it, sucking, slurping, further engorging it until it was swollen and throbbing in her mouth. I was helpless, lost in the pressure that mounted between my legs and compelled the lecherous dance of my hips. The motions of her tongue grew more frantic, wriggling until I writhed in orgasm, screaming at the top of my lungs. She grabbed a pillow and forced it over my face, and I screeched into it, my body bending with a graceful lechery I did not know I possessed. In my final throes of ecstasy, I heard her muffle a wet exclamation as I exploded, arching from the bed in a bow that bent, and bent, and finally, mercifully, boke. I sprawled out, the pillow still pressed against my face, my chest rising and falling to catch desperate breaths.

“Um, Elena?”

“Yes?” I asked from beneath the pillow.

“Do you feel… different?”

“I’ve never felt anything quite like that.” I laughed.

“That’s not what I mean. I’m going to take the pillow off your face, and I need you to promise me you won’t freak out.” Yavara’s voice was on edge. Had I bled on her? Did I piss myself? Surely it couldn’t be that bad, for I- Yavara removed the pillow from my face, and I screamed. My pale skin was now as bronze as hers, and standing between my legs, was a penis. I gaped at it. It was in place of my clitoris, throbbing and thick, a slightly darker hue than my newly-darkened flesh.

“What did you do to me?!”

Yavara gazed at my new body in wonder. “I don’t know. I didn’t know I could do that!”

“Fix me!”

“I’ll get Zander and Prestira up here! They’ll know what to do!”

Zander and Prestira burst through the door, then stopped dead in their tracks. Prestira gasped and put a hand over her mouth, while Zander simply studied my body as if I was a specimen of his.

“Well Yavara, I guess we found out what that mystery power of yours is.” Zander said.

“Is this a spell?” I asked, trying to keep myself from having a panic attack.

“I don’t think so, Dear.” Prestira said as she wandered over to me, her eyes lingering on my cock, “I can detect when someone is under the influence of magic, and I don’t see any in you.”

“Get me the powder!” I shouted at the witch.

Prestira tossed me my satchel. I took a pinch of powder and put it in my mouth. I swallowed and looked for the tell-tale neon green to surface from my skin. It did not.

“Is this permanent?!” I asked frantically.

“I’ll need a sample of your blood.” Zander said.

“There’s some down here.” Yavara gestured to the bedding between my legs, her eyes seemingly magnetized to my new member. It had since deflated, and now laid flaccidly on my pelvis, pointing directly at my face. I dared not touch it, despite the morbid curiosity that compelled me. Zander took a vial from his robe and extracted the blood of my chastity. He poured it into a potion, and watched it intently. The blood mixed with the clear liquid until it separated into orange and blue layers.

“Fascinating.” Zander muttered.

“What?!” I yelled, losing control of my voice.

“It appears that you are a hybrid, Elena; a mixture of high-elf and dark-elf. Your eyes are still blue, and your hair is still blonde, but your skin is the same as Yavara’s.”

“And what about THIS?!” I screamed, gesturing to my cock. A nice tan hardly seemed like the most important aspect of my change.

“I can’t say…” Zander said, tapping his lips, “Yavara, does Elena still have a vagina?’

“She does,” Yavara said, inspecting between my legs, “and it’s still the prettiest little pussy I’ve ever seen.”


“Is it permanent?” I cried, my eyes welling up with tears.

Zander looked pitiably at me. “Your D.N.A. has changed at a fundamental level, Elena. You are the first of a new species. If it’s any consolation, your new organ should make you quite the bachelorette in lesbian circles. Does she have testicles, Yavara?”

“No.” Yavara said, her inquisitive fingers prodding me.


Is that all you can say?!” I screamed at him, encompassed with my horror. Tears streaked down my face as I realized the permanency of my situation. I was never going home again. I would be outcast as a freak by the elves, damned to live my life as a curiosity of wizards and whores. Yavara snuggled up to me and pulled me into a loving embrace.

“It will be OK, Elena.”

“No, it won’t! I’m a freak!”

“You’re not a freak; you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Yavara cooed into my ear. The desires I’d felt were gone, the hope I’d had was vanished. There was only the soft piece of meat pressing between my thighs, reminding me that I was an abomination. A quick slice of the knife might do the trick, but there was no hiding the color of my flesh. I’d always been an outsider. Now I was a pariah.

“I can’t believe you did this to me! You ruined me!” I cried. I shook Yavara from her embrace and rolled over, resigned to my existential dread. Then I felt Yavara’s hot breath on my neck, her body pressing to my own, her frothing slit wetting my ass.

“Oh, I’m not done ruining you yet, Elena. Not with this thick new cock you have.” Yavara hissed into my ear as she wrapped her fingers around my member. She licked the side of my face once more, only this time there was no affection in it. Only hunger. “I’m going to do things to you that you never could have imagined. When I’m done with you, you’ll thank me for my gift.”

“Don’t fucking touch me!” I growled.

“What are you going to do about it?” Yavara chuckled, low and sultry. I tried to wrench myself away, but her strength was undeniable, subduing me with ease. As defeated as I already was, I didn’t have the will to continue the fight. The despair that had threatened to consume me finally did, and I blubbered pathetically into the pillow.

“Stop!” I whimpered.

“No.” Yavara breathed.

“Yavara, you’re raping me.” I sobbed.

“I know.” Yavara sounded sorrowful, but she didn’t stop, “But I have to, Elena. I have to make you understand. Us high-bloods, we’re stubborn in our pride. It takes a forceful hand to make us accept what we’ve become.” Yavara’s fingers coerced me to engorge, “But trust me, it’s so much better once you’ve fallen.” The alien sensation grew between my legs, the organ hardening and becoming sensitive, “And while I still have the opportunity, while you’re still so innocent,” her voice was shaking with arousal, “I’m going to take great pleasure in raping you.

I cried out in tearful protest, and Yavara muffled it with her other hand. She locked her legs about my hips, and rolled us onto her back, presenting me to the room. I tried to fight, truly I did, but I was not battletested against such foreign pleasures. For the raging cock between my legs was a juxtaposition to the rest of me, and my attention was inevitably drawn to it. Such a brutal organ it was, and yet, so incredibly sensitive. It was a weapon meant for piercing, and it longed for the soft wet heat of someone’s insides. The desire was strange to me, but the otherness of it faded with each passing second. It was becoming normal, and that terrified me. Yavara’s hand placated it for now, every press of her palm and caress of her fingers singing a soprano note across the sensitive flesh. I didn’t want to do it, I tried to fight it with all my remaining will, but I couldn’t stop myself; I moaned again. Yavara giggled in my ear, then nodded to the woman before me. Prestira Rasloraca grinned, pushed the robe off her slender body, and crouched on the bed between my legs.

I tore my mouth from Yavara’s grip. “No, not you!”

“What, you don’t think I’m pretty?” Prestira teased as she looked up from my crotch.

“Of course, she thinks you’re pretty, Prestira.” Yavara sneered, “This little dyke was probably touching herself while she watched you get fucked.”

“Is that right, Elena?” Prestira licked her lips, her white eyes half-lidded with lust, “Did you like watching Yavara and I get fucked?” She brought her face to mine, curly black hair tickling my cheeks, red, generous lips set in a shrewd pale face, “Did you like watching your best friend get fucked in the ass?”

I shook my head fiercely, my eyes wide with terror. Yavara’s grip on my cock tightened, her hand moving up and down the length of me. Without warning, a surge of pressure lanced up my rod, and a shot of precum squirted on to her hand as I let out another shameful moan.

“Mmmm, your body is so responsive.” Yavara moaned with me, “I think you liked watching Prestira and I get fucked in the ass. Have you ever been curious?” Yavara’s hand moved from my cock, slid down my slit, and rested against my anus. I froze in abject horror.

“You know, Elena, this is my favorite place to get fucked.” Yavara whispered, “Ever since Brock raped my ass, I’ve been addicted to it. Maybe I can get you hooked too. Prestira, why don’t you find out if Elena has a prostate?”

Yavara’s hand moved back to my penis as Prestira’s breath caressed my taint.

“Don’t!” I whimpered pathetically. My ranger stoicism was thrown to the wind, my pride and bravery following suit. I’d been trained for torture, I’d even been trained for rape, but nothing could train me for this. I was broken.

To her credit, Prestira glanced up at me with uncertainty in her eyes. She’d never done anything like this before. I pleaded with her silently, and saw her gaze soften. Then she looked at Yavara, and something akin to reverence flashed across her lenses, and when the witch next regarded me, it was with an expression full of merciless hunger. There was no mistake; Yavara was the queen, and the others were her subjects. And I was her prisoner. Prestira lowered her face.

“What a delicious-looking asshole you have, Elena.” Prestira’s voice rose from my depths, “I’m going to taste it.” I felt something warm and wet slither along my rim, then press to my center. I clenched in revulsion, and inadvertently coiled my puckered exit around her prodding tongue. Her oral member pressed into every fold and crease of my tender sphincter, alighting the bunched nerves there. Such a strange, vile feeling, but not unpleasant. Very far from unpleasant. Oh no… Prestira’s gentle pressure coerced me to relax, and my clenched pelvic floor eased back into place, presenting my lewd rim.

“I think she likes it.” Yavara giggled as my hips shifted involuntarily. There was no use denying it. My painstakingly built defenses had been shattered by the trauma of my transformation, and Yavara was right, my new body was so responsive. It wasn’t just my new cock that sang with nerves, for I felt everything with a heightened sense; every touch, every lick, every press of flesh on flesh. I recalled with horror the stories of the dark-elves, of how they’d reveled shamelessly in debauchery, often with their own kin. For they were born to lust, and shackled with the heritage of the succubi; a heritage I now shared. Prestira drew her fingers up my taint, and sunk three into my slit. As she did, her tongue pushed through the coiled resistance of my anus, and burrowed into my grotesque nethers. I cried out in pure delight, tears of shame, tears of horror, tears of betrayal and hatred, and tears of euphoria all blurring my vision. Her lush lips pressed around my rim, and sucked, turning the breached sphincter into a swollen ring of sensation. Oh god… oh GOD!

“Her mouth is heaven, isn’t it? Is it as good as mine? Better?” Yavara turned my head until our eyes connected. God, she was beautiful, made even more so by her terribleness.

“I should have killed you.” I hissed at her, though I could not keep the tremulous moans from slipping through.

Yavara’s grin broadened. “I guess I’ll let you be the judge.” She unclenched her hand, and trailed her fingers lower, “Tell me, Elena; do you want me to suck you?” She penetrated me alongside Prestira, evoking a pathetic whine from me, “Do you want me to put my warm, slutty lips around your fat cock?”

Prestira’s tongue pressed against a foreign spot within me, shooting an intense heat of pleasure deep into my filthy depths. I caught my breath on it, my entire being hinging on the exploratory tip of her tongue.

“I fooound it.” Prestira sung open-mouthed, and Yavara giggled into my eyes.

“You lucky girl.” She grinned, then kissed my nose, and descended. Before I could begin to form another ceremonial objection, Yavara wrapped her lush lips around my new head, and took me all the way to the base. I gawked at her for a moment, my mind burned with the image of her beautiful face marred with my grotesque meat. Then I felt it; the wet warmth encasing me, the soft, pliable surface of her throat so generously swallowing as her lips drew me in. Oh, god! Her tongue curled tenderly against my underside, a lecherous kiss to her consumption like a signature to her art. My head fell back against the pillow, my mind lost in a haze of hedonistic transience. Two sets of mouths; one invading, the other taking, both so gentle, both so wonderful. And their fingers, how they complimented their oral pleasures, how they moved with expert precision within me, finding secrets unknown even to myself. What could I do? What could I possibly do against the onslaught of such terrible ecstasies?!

I plastered the pillow over my face, trying to shut out the world, trying to mute my frenzy. I panted my muffled exaltation as the two women made me feel things I’d never imagined. The slow suction of Yavara’s lips as she drew up my length, the relentless massage of Prestira’s tongue as it tortured my prostate, and the comingling of their fingers writhing inside me. A great throbbing sensation ballooned from my loins. It began in my anal organ, and boiled up my shaft. It was heaven. It grew and grew until I was thrashing and screaming my delight with wild abandon, wetting the pillow with my tears and spit. The alien pleasure precluded a familiar one, one that ached from the center of my feminine nethers and blossomed, causing my legs to quiver. The pressure was suddenly released, and a stream of ecstasy lanced through my pelvis, up my pulsating cock, and burst from the tip. Yavara pushed her head all the way down as I unloaded myself into her, a humming moan emanating from her occupied mouth.

“Yes!” I screamed, unknowing why, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” In my fervor, I threw the pillow from me, revealing the rolled-back eyes of Yavara as she slurped every last drop of me. She withdrew with a sensuous retreat, cleaning my shaft with suction that pulled her lips from her mouth. Then she grabbed Prestira’s hair, brought the witch’s face to her own, and passed my milky seed between them as they both watched me from half-lidded eyes. Had I ever seen anything so beautiful?

“Wow,” Prestira gasped, “Elena, I think there’s something in your cum!”

Yavara’s pupils were dilated. “Mmmm, it tastes so good, Elena! It must be an aphrodisiac; it’s making me so wet.”

“And she’s still so hard.” Prestira muttered covetously as she ran her fingers down the underside of my throbbing cock.

“Ready to give me more!” Yavara gasped, and climbed atop of me, her legs straddling my pelvis, her beautiful, dripping slit hovering inches above my tip. I vainly pressed my hands into her belly, trying to stop her. To my shock, she did.

“How long have you wanted this, Elena?” Yavara whispered, “You can have it right now.” Her eyes pleaded with me. I looked away. She could take everything from me, but I would not give it to her. She leaned atop of me, my palms sinking into her soft abdomen, her breasts pressing against my own, her face inches away from mine. “Your virginity is something very special, Elena. Mine was taken from me. I enjoyed it, to be honest, but I would rather have given it away. I will not take it from you if you don’t want me to. Prestira and I will leave you alone, and you can return to The Highlands as you are. Father might even allow you back into the rangers if you tell him of my fate, though you must know the Highlands will never accept you. But I,” Yavara’s hands gently framed my face and lifted me toward her, our foreheads touching as we stared into each other’s eyes, “I will never leave you, Elena. Circumstance tore us apart when we were younger, but now we can be together -forever, if you like. I know I would.”

Yavara’s words etched their way into my heart. I had resigned myself to the life of a ranger. I had requested to work alone because I could not stand the company of others; my very nature had been carved by my relationship with this woman. And now she spoke the words I’d wanted to hear from her for so long: together, forever. There was just one phrase that was missing from her mouth, those three words… Would I wait for her to say them? Would my pride hold me back? Would I lie in prone vanity while the moment passed? No… No! Never again!

“I love you.” I choked out. Yavara’s eyes glimmered, then leaked from the corners. She brought her lips to mine, her gaze burning.

“I love you too.” She whispered hoarsely. My heart leapt from my chest, and I pulled Yavara to me, opening our mouths in a joyous kiss. She lowered her hips and engulfed my member. Her warm, wet insides welcomed me, her walls embracing me as she descended to my base, her outer lips gripping me there, oozing fluid onto my pelvis. She pressed her mouth heatedly as I began to thrust my hips, unthinking in my actions, letting new instincts take over. She formed around my advance like I was made just for her, and that was undoubtedly the case. For when her eyes opened above our kiss, they were wrought with wonderous pleasure, and when she moved, I moved in kind, knowing what to do without knowing why. My hands wandered from my sides and slid down her waist, down the alluring curve of her jiggling domes, and then between them. I knew what she wanted, and I knew where she wanted it. What might’ve once been repulsive to me was now horribly arousing. I spread her cheeks with one hand, and placed my index finger against her coiled exit with the other. God it was tight, and pulsing with her heart, the center of it dilating to beckon my penetration. I pressed in, savoring the smooth bore of her filth, the way her heinous channel sucked my finger deeper on its own accord. She released me from the kiss and let out a weak cry, her eyes staring back with perverse approval.

“That was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!” Prestira sobbed. I looked over Yavara’s shoulder to see the witch kneeling on the bed, shoulder’s slouched, her eyes glimmering.

“I don’t remember you being the sentimental type.” Zander chuckled.

“That’s because you have the emotional capacity of a brick.” Prestira sniffled.

Zander framed his body around the witch, nestling his muzzle into her neck. “You know, you look so fucking sexy when you’re crying.”

“I hate you.” Prestira mumbled, melting into his embrace.

“Did I ruin the moment?”

“Yes Zander, yes you fucking did.”

“Sorry Honey, emotional intimacy makes me uncomfortable. I’ll make it up to you.” Zander said, then unceremoniously picked the woman up like a bowling ball, and carried her squealing out of the room.

Yavara returned her attention to me, mouth gaping in a smile, her face flushed. “They’re good people when you get to know them.”

I slipped another finger into her ass, causing another delighted moan to escape from her mouth. “Prestira certainly made an interesting first impression.”

“She’s a wild one.” Yavara giggled through her gasps, “She taught me indoctrination by letting me eat her pussy.”

“Indoctrination?” I asked, my voice full of breath.

Yavara leaned forward, her black hair curtaining our faces. Let me show you. Her voice whispered in my mind, full, and rich, and impossibly seductive. I was suddenly not of one mind, but of two. One, I controlled, but the other, I observed from. Her mind. Oh, what perversions lay in Yavara’s thoughts, what limitless depravities she bore. How I loved them. What disgusted before me now aroused me beyond description. I was like her now, and the succubus blood that surged in our veins knew no bottom. But it was not her thoughts that enraptured me, but the sensations of her body. For I felt what she felt, and she felt what I did, and the comingling of our minds reflected perfectly the entanglement of our bodies.

So, Yavara gasped mentally, this is what it feels like on the other end. God, I’m good.

You always were so full of yourself. I sniggered, bringing our mouths together.

Now I’m full of you. Yavara’s smile curved about our soft exchange of tongues, Can you feel how much pleasure you give me?

I guess I’m not so bad myself. And I wasn’t. I felt the way my cock pierced Yavara, parting her depths and rubbing against every nerve-swathed surface of her. I felt the heat of me inside of her, felt the relentless piston of my hips push her into violent delights, coercing aching pleasures from deep within her desecrated sanctity.

You always were too modest. Yavara’s tones were becoming urgent, rising in pitch with every thrust, You’re fucking ruining me, Elena.

You were already damaged goods. I tried to smile against her mouth, but my expression was slackening to yield my possessed moans.

And now so are you. A whore like me, a filthy little dyke who knows no depths. Yavara’s mind was melting with ecstasy, A beautiful angel of my own making, a scion of my flesh, the love of my life. My dark jewel. Such a transformation. Such a stunning butterfly to emerge from your cocoon of fear and pride.

Oh Yavara, take me! Make your angel come! Our bodies were slick and writhing, our hair was plastered in strings against our faces, our nethers quaked in unison, the sensations surging dually in our minds. Yavara wrapped her legs around me, locking our movements, pulling me deep into her starving depths. Our breasts squished together, bronze globes deforming in the wetness of our flesh, our hearts thundering together. I added another finger to her anus, then another, then another; each one a delight of pain and pleasure for us both to enjoy, each one only begetting the need for another. She wasn’t satisfied until I’d buried four from each hand, and even then, she needed me to pry my hands apart for her to reach her destination. Oh, such an exquisite violation it was, for I felt it in my own mind, burning through my synapses, making me weak in the knees. Her pussy gripped me in gratitude, the lewd muscles within rolling up my length, her womb ravenous for me. It was too much, far too much. Our mouths parted to yield breathless gasps, our eyes stared rapturously into each other, our bodies heaved in long, deep motions, each one bringing us higher! Oh god, oh god, OH FUCK! Yavara’s voice accompanied my own in a soprano duet, and with one last powerful push, I emptied myself into her. Our bodies stayed locked in a tense struggle, our mouths sucking for breaths that would not come, our eyes seeing naught but the faces before us, opened wide with mindless ecstasy. We stayed there for a perfect eternity, then the tension snapped. Yavara collapsed atop me, her juices flooding my pelvis and running down my crack, my cum oozing from her pummeled petals. I splayed on the bed in a strengthless sprawl, my mind still reeling from the intensity of it.

We laid there for minutes, our slick forms radiating satisfaction into each other, our consciousnesses separating as the connection faded. I enjoyed the weight of her atop me, the delicate frame of her body, the suppleness of her curves. She nestled herself into the crook of me, parting pelvises to let the fluids pool between us. I didn’t care; I liked how it felt. Our eyes met in mutual love as we gazed into each other. Yavara pushed a strand of white-blonde hair past my face, and smiled.

“I bet you have so many questions right now.” She whispered.

“They can wait until the morning.” I smiled back.

We lay there until I drifted off, my eyes closing to the perfect image of Yavara laying blissfully by my side.

I woke up to a familiar craving in my lungs. I gently slipped from Yavara’s arms and walked over to my clothes. I searched my pockets until I found my pipe. I searched for the tobacco only to find the bag had been crushed and the contents scattered all over my clothes. I sighed as I walked over to Prestira’s table. She wouldn’t mind me stealing a pinch. I stopped searching through her drawers when the familiar burning smell met my nose. I walked over to the balcony to find Zander contemplatively puffing on his own pipe.

“Need some?” He asked, holding out his pipe. I gratefully accepted it, the sweet burning sensation satisfying my hungry lungs. Below me, the bustling nightlife of Ardeni Dreus continued without interruption. The brisk air alerted me to my nudity, and though the nearby street lamp illuminated me, I felt strangely at ease. Maybe even a little excited. I leaned on the railing, letting my bare breasts show to the intoxicated pedestrians below. I was greeted with jeers and whistles, and I waved back in kind, basking in the attention. God, I really did change. I handed Zander back his pipe, and withered a little at his glare.

“Sorry.” I said bashfully, covering my pointed ears with my hair. That had been uncharacteristically careless of me.

Zander retrieved his pipe from his hand, and regarded me studiously. “What are you going to do now?” He asked as he puffed.

“I guess I’m joining up with you guys.” I responded, turning my naked body toward him.

“Do you know what that means?”

“To be honest, I have no idea,” I laughed as I reached for his pipe, “but I don’t have much of a choice.”

Zander handed me his pipe, “You always have a choice, Elena.” He looked at me gravely, “Yavara does not plan to sit idly. She has ambition, and that ambition will make her an enemy of your people.”

“They’re her people too. Yavara would never harm her own.”

“No?” Zander inquired as he leaned back, “Yavara plans to resurrect the kingdom of Alkandra, and reclaim the Great Forest in the process. Do you believe that she can do it bloodlessly?”

“She doesn’t have to do it.”

“But she will, Elena. You know she will.” Zander inclined his head, “Will you try to stop her?”

I stared implacably back, wondering if Zander could touch my mind as readily as Yavara could. For I wasn’t sure if I could wage war on my own people, even in Yavara’s name. The Highlands claim on the Great Forest was tenuous at best, and were it not for the ranger corps that patrolled it, the Highlands couldn’t even claim vassalage of its wild territory. Would it make any difference to my homeland if we finally cut the fraying cord between us and the Great Forest? No. Not immediately, anyway. Whether I liked it or not, the real reason for the ranger corps wasn’t governance, but suppression. We kept the orc clans divided so that they couldn’t coalesce into a force strong enough to oppose us. Maybe Yavara could create an Alkandra that was peaceful with her western neighbor, but could she keep it that way? For the hatred between beasts and elves was a thousand years old, and it had only deepened with time.

Faith, Elena. I thought to myself, You have to have faith in her. You know firsthand her ability to change someone’s nature, and you know firsthand her indominable spirit. If anyone can finally create peace between the beasts and the elves, it is her. A royal daughter of the Highlands turned matriarch of the beasts. It’s a political marriage of one soul.

“No.” I responded, “For as long as no foreign boot steps on Highland soil, I will not stand in her way.”

“But there are foreign boots in Alkandran soil even as we speak.” Zander’s eyes shown red in the embers of his pipe, “And your expertise may be called upon to rid those lands of those you once called ‘comrade.’ Will you kill your fellow rangers for her?”

“She would never ask me to do that!” I hissed.

Zander smiled grimly. “Maybe, Ranger Straltaira.”

I thought of Head-ranger Adarian, the patriarch of all the bastardized children of the ranger corp. Imagining the look of betrayal in his eyes was nearly unbearable. “Head-ranger Adarian holds you in high regard, Zander Fredeon. He says you are the greatest ally the Highlands has known.”

“No,” Zander said, shaking his head, “No, I was never your ally.” Zander looked intensely at me, “I am a traitor, Elena Straltaira, but not of your nation. I loved Alkandi more than anything, but I was just one of many to her. Jealousy begets hatred, and hatred begets death, and now here we are.”

“And you think I will be just like you; a jealous lover who can’t stand the idea of Yavara fucking someone else?” I growled.

“I don’t know you, Elena. That means I don’t trust you.”

“And how can I earn the trust of the great Zander Fredeon?” I hissed.

“With time, mostly, but you can earn a little bit of it right now.” Zander leaned forward, “How long until your disappearance goes noticed?”

“I sent two eagles once I got on your trail; one to the consulate at Ardeni, and one to Bentius. I mentioned both you and Brock in my messages. The eagle will have arrived at Bentius already. I suspect you have until tomorrow evening at the latest before Adarian comes knocking at your door. He’ll make me swallow powder to ensure you haven’t put me under a spell. He will have other rangers with him.”

“I suppose your last known whereabouts are right here, aren’t they? We can’t pretend we didn’t see you, and half of Ardeni just saw ‘Trisha’ get fucked, so they’ll question Yavara too, make her swallow powder.” Zander hunched, the posture betraying the age he hid beneath his eternal youth. “We need to raise coin before we can raise an army. Not all the tribes of the Great Forest are as keen to serve the Dark Queen as the Terdini; loyalty alone will not secure a force. It’s why we came here. Ardeni is the only place where large sums of money can be gained without a single traceable note. Discretion is paramount now, for we are still so weak. We cannot afford a confrontation with your head-ranger, and if we flee with you missing, it will alert Bentius of our guilt. Shit!”

“Well, what’s the plan then?”

“We need to buy time.” Zander said, tapping his chin, “We can’t stop Adarian from coming here, but we can throw him off the trail. Pen a note to the consulate for Head-ranger Adarian; tell him your venture here was fruitless, and that you are returning to Castle Thorum. We can’t stay in Ardeni. We will pack to leave for the Great Forest in the morning. Goddamn it, Brock might just die of smugness.” Zander dropped his head, rubbing his temples, “Go back to bed, Elena. We wake early tomorrow.”

I turned away from the wizard to make my way back in the room, when his voice caught me. “Elena, you may be the best thing that happened to Yavara, or you may be the worst thing. Her success or failure rides on your shoulders now. You must be her rock, and you must not crack under the weight of things to come.”

I walked back to the bed. Yavara snuggled drowsily against me as I shifted beneath the sheets. Though she snored with contentment, I stared wide-eyed into the dark room, Zander’s words ringing in my ear.
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