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Chapter two of Eggs Over Easy takes place ten years in the past when Jem and Fallon are still teenagers and realise that they have fallen for each other
Dismissing these thoughts forcibly from his mind, for now at least, Jem took his coffee outside, set it on the table by the pool and peeled off his shorts. He dove cleanly into the pool, swimming hard for a good half an hour, the cool water finally having the effect of reducing his hard-on. Although now soft, his cock hadn’t reduced that much in size – all the men in his family were ‘show-ers’ rather than ‘grow-ers’. He hauled himself out of the water his 9” of thick uncircumcised cock meat dripping pool water and flopped onto the sun lounger to drink his now-cold coffee. He lay there in the hot sun, pearls of water glistening on his dark sun-tanned skin, his eyes closed. His thoughts drifted back to his wife.

His and Fallon’s parents owned one of the biggest trucking companies in LA together and had been able to acquire a tract of property in the foothills where they had built their family homes. Growing up together had been nothing short of a magical experience, both children spending lots of time outdoors, often travelling abroad, across the US or simply running with their parents around the pool at home. When he was 5, Jem’s mom, Celia, gave birth to the twins, the same year that Daisy, Fallon’s mom had Dean. Two years later, Leila came along and all the kids had then just grown up together as one big family. Both families were very open, relaxed and affectionate with one another and in the privacy of their own homes would cook out, clothing always seemed to be optional for the parents and kids alike.

As they became teenagers however, both Fallon and Jem had gone through a shy phase and although their parents still often went naked with the other kids they had started covering up more as Jem was conscious about the size of his burgeoning manhood which seemed to be longer and thicker than his friends’ on the soccer team at school. Fallon too felt uncomfortable that, as all the other girls in class started sprouting large racks, the rounded handfuls of her A cup tits only just grew perkier.

As they matured into young adults and started having relationships at school, Fallon and Jem realised that they were more comfortable in each other’s company than with either their current boy or girl friend or even their peer group at school. Both started to confide in the other whenever they went out on dates - comparing notes and generally finding that their experiences weren’t great or that particularly fulfilling for either of them. Neither of them had really thought that the other had any interest in them sexually.

That all changed when they had just turned 15. One afternoon after school. Jem had sought Fallon out on the way home from and noticed she had been crying. “What’s up Cookie?” he asked putting his arm gently around her shoulders, for once not really caring if anyone else saw or commented. ”Nothing,” she sniffed giving him a weak smile. “That does not sound like ‘nothing’ to me,” he replied taking her hand and walking alongside her. “Well, I just dumped Johnny at school, he was showing off in front of his mates and tried to feel up my pussy in front of them…so I slapped his face hard and told him to ‘piss off!’” Jem couldn’t help smiling, Fallon generally knew what she wanted and was not above taking care of herself when she had to. He felt sad for her as this seemed to be the latest in a line of boys that had tried to take liberties with her.

“It’s not that bad” she continued “he’s just a jerk - it’s that, for some reason, all you guys have just one thing on your minds!” “Uhumm that’s probably true,” replied Jem, grinning at her. “But we aren’t all douchebags you know. Some of us do actually know how to show you ladies a good time!” She smiled again at that, her blue eyes blazing in the sunshine. Jem suddenly felt like he wanted to dive into them and never come out again. Fallon stopped dead, Jem nearly crashing into her and grabbed both his wrists, standing on tip toe to whisper in his ear “Well, do you reckon at you are ‘man-enough’ to show me a good time?” She giggled as Jem’s jaw dropped about six feet. “S…s…sure” he stammered trying to get his mind around what the girl who he had thought as ‘just like’ his sister was proposing to him.

“Great…well that’s settled then” she said putting her arms around him and planting a kiss on his lips just as the late lamentable Johnny happened by with a bunch of his mates. There were several cat-calls from the boys but not from Johnny who was still sporting a bright red mark on his face where Fallon had slapped him earlier in the day. Hand in hand the teens wandered home together. “Jem can you get a blanket and something to drink? – I want to go up to the creek. We’ll be alone up there and the others won’t be home from school yet so we won’t be missed.” “No problem, let me meet you behind the house in five minutes” he said.

Fallon ran indoors, found her Mom and kissed her lovingly on the cheek before dashing upstairs with her book bag. Alone in her room, she shimmied off her school pants and panties, her pussy already felt damp. She scratched at her trimmed blond pubic fuzz absent mindedly as she sorted through her drawer looking for her new bikini. She slipped into the two tiny triangles making up the bottom and pulled on a tiny white mini skirt to cover her modesty. She peeled off her t-shirt and threw it onto the pile of discarded clothing along with her sports bra. A white blouse, tied under her breasts left her midriff bare but hiked up her already perky breasts, the powder blue of her bikini top clearly visible beneath it – she kept her white ankle socks on and grabbed her walking shoes , they were going to have to do some climbing. “See you later Mom,” she yelled as she ran down the stairs, “Where are you off to Hun?” her Mom called after her. “Up to the creek with Jem for a swim,” she replied.

Behind their homes the grounds extended back for several acres, up into the foothills where the creek ran down from the hill. It was possible to hike all the way along the creek, climbing up into the wooded valley where there was a deep pool fed by a stream with a small sandy beach. Often Fallon and Jem would come up here on their own to talk without being overheard or just to get away from the other kids.

Jem, meanwhile, had gone into his house and dug out a blanket, a large beach towel and a small cooler into which he put some soda cans from the fridge. Everything apart from the cooler he stuffed into his hiking pack. Upstairs, he stripped and then pulled on his red speedos, they were a size too small for him really and his cock barely managed to fit into them but today he was sure neither he nor Fallon were going to mind that much. He reached for a t-shirt and pulled on his ankle socks and walking shoes. As he came out of the front door, Fallon was coming along from her house and together they headed off to the back of the garden by the pool and tennis courts.

Insects hummed contentedly in the afternoon sunshine. Fallon slipped her hand into his (she’d been doing more of that recently he realised) as they trekked alongside the bubbling creek and started climbing up into the hills. Thirty minutes later, both of them were hot and glowing with perspiration as they emerged from the trees into the flat open space where the pool was. In several places, Fallon had given Jem some cock hardening glimpses of her bikini stretched across her lithe bottom as she reached to climb up a difficult part of the slope. On one occasion, after helping her at a particularly tricky spot he would have sworn she had deliberately stepped back allowing his face to collide briefly with her gorgeous ass. The scent of her aroused pussy made Jem’s cock rock hard in his tight speedos, something that was obviously not lost on Fallon given the number of glances his crotch was getting as they walked along.

Jem pulled out the blanket and unrolled it on the sand. They flopped down next to each other and cracked open a soda. In the glade the air was hot and still. Silence. The insects buzzed. Finally Fallon said “Jemmy, I meant what I said earlier. I’m fed up of being groped and roughed up by guys that have no idea how to even kiss properly. I’m not ready to go all the way yet but when I am, I want you to be the first.” Jem was dumbfounded, here was his childhood friend asking him if he would one day take her virginity. “Let’s take it one step at a time Cookie,” he smiled and leant over to kiss her gently on the lips. She returned his kiss, tentatively at first but then with more passion her hand coming up behind his head to pull him closer. After a while, they broke for air.

“I want your tongue Jemmy,” she said breathlessly, nibbling the lobe of his ear. Gathering her into his arms despite the heat and perspiration soaking their shirts, Jem slowly slipped his tongue between her unresisting lips, finding hers in response and gently swirling it around as he kissed her deeply. For what seemed a long time, the two teenagers lost themselves in each other, kissing each other harder as their passion mounted. Fallon could feel her excitement grow as her pussy started to leak girl juice into her bikini pants.

Finally they broke apart, both of them breathing heavily. Fallon noticed Jem’s eyes sparkling like emeralds as she ran her fingers through his short damp red hair. “You are the loveliest girl I have ever seen” he told her looking deeply into her crystal blue eyes. Her hand dropped to his t-shirt. “Take it off” she said as she untied her blouse shucking it off her shoulders and standing up to unzip her mini. Jem thought she looked so good just standing there in her tiny bikini, white ankle socks and chunky walking shoes. “What are you smiling at?” she demanded as he sat up and peeled the sticky shirt over his head. “Nothing Cookie…you just look so good in those boots!” she aimed a mock slap at him as he reached down to unzip his shorts struggling a bit to pull them over his engorged cock before kicking off his shoes and socks. He lay there panting for a moment in the heat, his bright red speedos doing very little to hide his cock from Fallon’s gaze.

Fallon plopped down on her butt and lifted one leg in the air. “If you like my shoes so much, you can take them off for me” she grinned. “At your command my lady” Jem replied with a bow. He took the proffered foot in one hand, loosened the lace and took her shoe off, then he rolled down her sock and pulled it off, at the same time lifting her toned leg a little higher so that he could suckle on her big toe. As his lips closed around her toe Fallon’s tummy fluttered and she felt the first stirrings of an orgasm take her by surprise. She gasped out loud. “What’s the matter?” asked Jem suddenly concerned. “No, no don’t stop…that feels way too nice…keep sucking.” Jem did as he was asked, leaning down with his spare hand to untie the lace of her other shoe. Fallon kicked it off and between them, they got her other sock off - all the time Jem kept ministering to her big toe.

At 5’-0” Fallon was a good seven inches shorter than Jem but even so her legs were still beautifully sculpted from all of her sport. Taking both feet in his big hands, Jem took her big toes into his mouth at the same time sucking deeply and swirling his tongue around them, one hand caressing her calf muscles and gently massaging her soft skin. It was all over in a matter of moments, the combination of their prolonged kissing and Jem’s skilful stimulation of her sensitive toes was too much for Fallon’s young body and she started shaking and trembling as a powerful orgasm tore its way through her “Ah…Ahhh…Ahhhhh…yes, damn, shit, fuck...oh don’t stop!” she moaned in ecstasy as she came, her hands clutching at her tits through her bikini top. Jem slowly stopped sucking and then gently laid her feet on the ground before wrapping her in his arms and holding her still trembling, sweating body as her orgasm subsided.

Staring at one another Fallon said “Jemmy that was like nothing else I’ve ever tried.” “Me neither,” he replied kissing her again deeply, “You’re such a potty mouth when you cum!” he grinned at her. After a while he made to move – “Don’t think I’m done with you yet she said.” “I was hoping you weren’t but shall we swim a bit first?” Grabbing her hand he pulled her gently to her feet and they splashed into the pool and swam. The swimming mostly consisted of cooling Fallon off but involved a lot of grabbing at Jem’s crotch. Standing on the higher sand of the bank she put her arms around Jem and kissed him again, her hand reaching down into his Speedo and pulling at his cock until it stuck out hard and erect. “Make me cum now” he asked hoarsely as her tiny hand circled him slowly moving his foreskin back and forth.

They moved the blanket over to a fallen tree and sat next to each other, their backs against the sweet-smelling, moss-covered wood. Jem pulled his knees up and took his Speedos off draping them over the cooler bag. Fallon’s tongue moistened her lips as she reached for his cock once more. He let his legs fall apart surrendering his manhood to this gorgeous blond angel who was again dragging his foreskin slowly up and down over the purple head of his glans. Fallon leaned forward and, opening her mouth, let a glob of spit drop from her mouth onto the head of his cock before working it into his hot flesh with her thumb. Jem thought he was going to lose his mind as the many sensations he was experiencing at the same time threatened to overwhelm him. Fallon’s hand started to pick up speed, her grip firmly established around his shaft, her thumb caressing his cockhead at the top of each stroke. As she stared dreamy eyed at Jem’s manhood, she noticed a drop of pre-cum emerge from the tip of his cock, her thumb quickly caught it up and added it to the slickness of her spit.

As her tempo increased, Jem’s breath became more and more ragged the closer he got to his own orgasm. Fallon watched raptured as his balls slowly tightened up at the base of his shaft making it appear even thicker and longer than before. “Ahh…ahh…ahh…Fuck it yes…yes…oh Cookie I fucking love you!” he gasped. “Come for me baby potty mouth” she cooed into his ear, her lips tickling his skin.

“Oh…oh…ahh…Yes…no…fuck…fuck…fuck” he ground out breathlessly. Fallon was now sitting on her ankles, her hand flying up and down his shaft. His cock was throbbing uncontrollably in her hand. And then…

Time seemed to stop for Jem. Everything went into suspended animation for a split second and then suddenly he was there. Fallon’s hand yanked his foreskin down as hard as she could as the first blast of his cum shot up and hit her neck, it was followed swiftly by another six powerful blasts that landed between her tits, on her arms and over her ripped tummy. She continued slowly wanking Jem as he came down from his orgasm, more of his creamy fluid leaking from his thick cock over her hand and soaking into his red pubic bush. Curious, Fallon lifted her palm to her nose, smelling Jem’s essence, she tentatively put out her tongue and licked at his cum. She liked what she tasted. She opened her mouth and sucked the remaining jism from her hand. Then she used her fingers to collect up and swallow the remaining dollops from her skin.

Jem lay back trying to gather his wits and get his breath back. This was better than any of the gropes he’d had with the cheerleaders at school or when he had lain in his bed and beaten off at night. As he watched Fallon eating his cum, his cock just seemed to get harder. “Damn” he thought “I think I am in love with this girl!” He peered down at Fallon’s crotch at the dark stain of girl juice that had spread across the front of her bikini, the shape of her pussy lips just pushing against the thin material made his cock twitch again, it was showing no sign of going down. Fallon reached over and loosened the tie on her hip pulling the bottoms off. “Right stud are you ready to give me a proper feeling up?” Her blue eyes were heavy with lust and he wondered how long it was going to take before she came again.

He gently ran his fingers along her flat tummy, marvelling at the firm muscles latticed under her belly before caressing her mons. He became aware that she had shaved most of her pussy hair leaving a rectangular strip slightly wider than the mouth of her pussy running from the bottom of the slit to the top of her mons. “Man that looks awesome” he mumbled feeling lower with two of his fingers. As he lightly brushed her exposed clitoris with the tips of his fingers, Fallon let out a huge sigh “Ohhhh my goodness” she groaned.

Grabbing his hand, she slid first one then two of his willing fingers into her sopping wet pussy. Instinctively Jem started to move them in and out slowly. He let Fallon direct him as he’d never been this far with a girl before. Soon he was moving in and out rhythmically with her breathing, the tightness of her pussy squeezing his fingers as he bent them slightly, massaging her ‘G’ spot. He soon realised that, by swivelling around a little, he could finger fuck her with his first two fingers and use his thumb on her clit at the same time. He rubbed his thumb over her saturated lips eliciting a moan of ecstasy from her and started to lubricate up and down either side of her hard little clit. “Ohh…ahh…ahh…motherfucker…don’t you stop…keep…doing…that!” she yelled. Jem moved until he was kneeling between her opened legs. He could see her nipples like bullets threatening to blow off her bikini top and her tummy starting to spasm.

“Fuck yes…another…finger…for fuck’s sake put another finger in me…” Fallon moaned as Jem carefully slipped a third finger into her tight cunt. His thumb was now making little circle motions over her clit, the little bud of flesh standing proud from its hood, swollen and red as he applied more pressure. Fallon was now squirming around under his hand, moaning and gasping. “Shit…shit…oh fuck yes lover…make me cum…make me…” Fallon’s head fell back and she screamed loudly, a sudden gush of girl juice squirting from her overheated pussy all over his cock and balls as she surrendered to a body wracking orgasm. Fallon mouthed obscenities as she was swept away by the most amazing orgasm that she’d ever had.

Her tiny hand reached out towards his cock as her body heaved in ecstasy. “Cum…can you…cum for me again?” she pleaded. Jem was on his knees between her thighs in an instant. One...two…three… four tugs on his swollen cock was all it took before he dumped another load of cum all over her fabulous belly, his head thrown back as he gave into the orgasm. Moments later Jem collapsed into Fallon’s arms, the pair of them exhausted from the most intense experience they had ever known in their lives.

Covered in each other’s juices they clung together for a long time. Eventually Fallon’s fingers dipped between her thighs over her flat belly collecting cum on her fingers, she lifted them to Jem’s lips and he allowed her to deposit both his and her cum onto his tongue. He swirled his tongue around cleaning off her fingers. He did the same for her, she couldn’t get enough pussy/cum mix and they spent several minutes feeding each other and then kissing deeply sharing their juice together.

“Hell yeah,” they both said at the same time grinning at each other. Jem reached over with his thumb and captured a stray glob of cum from the corner of her mouth before licking it off. “Kinky devil” she said “you bet your gorgeous ass” he shot back. “Swim?” Fallon shucked off her bikini top and the pair climbed into the cooling pool. As they hugged and kissed Fallon said “Jemmy, seriously I think I love you, I’m done with those other guys…I meant what I said – I want you to be my first – that was just fantastic and I want to do it again.” “I really love you too Cookie” he answered, “I would be honoured to be your first, if you will do the same for me?”

Eventually they had to go back home as the families were having a joint BBQ swim at Fallon’s and they were not ready just yet for too many questions to be asked. It was going to take some time to adjust to their new, sexual relationship. They dressed and trekked back down the hill. By the time they got home their Dads had got the food going and this evening when everyone peeled off their clothes to go swimming both Fallon and Jem, who seemed to have suddenly lost all their inhibitions, stripped butt naked and joined in. Their eldest kids’ new found confidence was not missed by either Celia or Daisy who exchanged knowing looks as they watched them touching and exchanging little kisses when they thought nobody was looking…
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