Adam tries to help his sister's insomnia, ended up much more devious than he had expected.
“Sarah! Get up. We’re gonna be late” I yelled into the other room.
Every morning, just as late. I opened my younger sister’s door to find her still in bed, hand draped over one edge, covers askew. I pull the rest of the covers off and begin to shake her awake. As any guy my age would, I don’t skip the chance to admire her sleeping form. Her normal PJs are an oversized t-shirt and cute cotton underwear. Today is no different. She is above average for sure, related or not.
She groaned in protest, covering her face with a pillow from the early morning light. Not a morning person.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late if you don’t hurry up”.
With what appeared to be herculean effort, she pulled herself up and stretched. She stumbled to the bathroom and turned on the shower. We were definitely late for school again.
My name is Adam. Since dad left and mom works crazy long hours, I take care of the house. This means getting my sisters ready and to school, dinner, and everything else here. Sarah’s inability to get up in time is a constant source of stress. Enough so that I had been working on a solution.
“We’re gonna be late, huh?” My sister Clara asked.
Clara was the opposite of Sarah in so many ways. Usually up and ready before I was, she was a tremendous help around the house. She did well in school, but was a bit of a loner. She was pretty enough, but more in an awkward way.
“Yep. I think we should just leave her” I responded exasperatedly.
“And you never do” She smiled at me.
This was part of our daily banter. She couldn’t do anything to fix Sarah’s sleeping issue, but she was always great and keeping me smiling. Not about this anything in particular, but her optimism was one of her best qualities.
After Sarah finally got ready we all head to school. After dropping off Clara at her school as the bell rings, we head to our high school, knowing we’ll be late.
“You know you could just stop acting like my dad and let me skip school” Sarah mutters.
This is the first coherent thing she’s said to me all morning. As I mentioned, not a morning person.
“And you could just get up on time like Clara”.
She started to prep for another fight, but I cut her off.
“Listen, I’m sorry. I know you have problems sleeping. But I have an idea. I’ve been doing some reading, and I have a plan. I’ll show you after school”.
With that, she rolled her eyes and stormed off to the office to sign in late. I followed right behind.
Another difference between Clara and Sarah was their fashion sense. While Clara didn’t spend much time on her appearance, Sarah dressed to impress. She wore a tight jean skirt and a plaid button up over an equally tight top. No teenage guy would mind the opportunity to walk behind her as she climbed the steps to the office.
For me, school was always a breeze. I never paid a ton of attention, and aced all my tests. It was boring and I was good at it. Last semester, my perspective changed. Our school offered a very unique program for a few students each year. For a half dozen of us, we we enlisted in Dr Sonya’s personal advancement course. While we still spent half the day doing the normal boring English/math/history classes, half the day was dedicated to our personal studies. The class was completely self driven. As long as you impressed Dr Sonya, you got to work on whatever interested you.
Early in the year, Dr Sonya challenged each of us to find a problem and engineer a solution. My problem was easy - Sarah. The solution on the other hand had eluded me for months. After a bunch of research around sleeping patterns and brain waves, I hit on what I thought would fix all of my problems with Sarah.
I had taken a bluetooth speaker, and modified it to emit delta and theta waves to encourage restful sleep. But that wasn’t the innovative part. If my research was correct, I had figured out how to translate speech to theta waves. My theory was that I could use this to encourage positive behavior through intrinsic motivation. Basically, making a sleeping listener have their own ideas.
I needed to put the finishing touches on the device and test it before showing it to Dr Sonya.
Other than Dr Sonya’s class, school was predictably boring. As the last bell rang, I went to Dr Sony’s lab to pick up my device.
“Are you going to share your project idea with me yet?” Dr Sonya asked without looking up from her work.
Dr Sonya was an amazing woman. Sharply dressed, with a sharper attitude, I was convinced there was no one in the world with more raw intellect. She saw through things amazing quickly and was always two steps ahead. The fact I hadn’t shared what I was working on yet made her more than a little curious. I had been putting her off with a promise of something great to show. If I was being honest, I was putting her off to keep from embarrassing myself if this didn’t work.
“I have one more set of tests through the weekend. I’ll show you Monday.” I answered, walking quickly out of the room.
I picked up the girls and we headed home. Feeling particularly upbeat due to my plan, I headed to my room and hooked the device up to my home computer. I made sure all the settings were correct, made sure to keep an open link with the computer and device and went to Sarah’s room.
I knocked on the door, and heard a muffled ‘hold on’.
“What do you want?” She asked, clearly impatient with me. Her hair was uncharacteristically frazzled, her face flushed.
“I wanted to show you my project. The thing that should help you sleep.” I said, getting a bit uncomfortable for some reason.
“Uh, can you do it later?”
“It’ll just take a moment. Let me plug it in.” I walked into her room and plugged it in on her nightstand.
“So, this will basically play really quiet music that puts your brain into a very restful state. It should help - “
“Thanks, I’ll turn it on later. Bye” she shooed my out of her room and shut the door.
Not at all the thanks I was hoping for improving her sleeping and general quality of life tenfold, but whatever. I’ve stopped expecting things like that from her.
I go back to my room, and login to the device. In addition to having a remote speaker system, I also installed a microphone to monitor the person’s breathing patterns. Glancing at the status window, I see there’s a non standard pattern. I plug in my headphones to see what the anomaly was. What I heard made everything click.
A soft thrum in the background confused me for a moment, until I heard my sister’s moans. That… that was the sound of a vibrator. My sister was masturbating across the hallway. I listened while her moans got closer together and louder. Isolating the sounds, I could hear the wet sound of her pleasuring herself. I was stunned.
After a few minutes, the sounds stopped. A few more minutes, and I get a bright green icon indicating that the person in the room had fallen asleep. I wasn’t sure what I should do at this point. I never intended the microphone to spy on her like that, but in hindsight was pretty obvious. I was sporting quite the tent from listening to my sister touch herself when Clara barged in.
“What did I tell you about knocking!?” I asked, a bit more forcefully than I intended.
“S… Sorry Adam. I forgot”. Clara never liked being yelled at and I immediately felt guilty for it.
“Sorry, its ok. I’m just finishing up a project for Dr. Sonya’s and getting some unexpected results” I told her.
“It fine” she said meekly. “I was just wondering what the dinner plan was.”
“I’ll be downstairs in a little bit and we’ll order Chinese”.
“Great” she said with a bubbly smile and twirl out of the room.
‘What am I going to do with this’ I thought to myself, turning back to the computer screen. The open connection allowed me to record my voice and transmit words through the Theta Modulator, and out through the speaker in Sarah’s room. Initially, I had intended on ‘Sleep deeply. You want to wake in 5 hours’ or maybe “You want to help with more chores”.
Listening to her touching herself, my brain went into overdrive digging into all the possibilities. Lots of dirty thoughts to sort through. After a few minutes thought, I turned my side’s microphone on and spoke.
“You hate underwear. There’s no reason to ever wear it.”
“You want to sleep naked. You don’t need clothes to sleep”.
I turned off the microphone and sat back eyes wide in surprise at my own boldness. One more thought crossed my mind, and I turned it back on.
“It doesn’t matter if Adam sees you naked. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before as kids anyways.”
This would hopefully keep from any weirdness if I went to wake her up and she wasn’t dressed.
I messed around with some different projects for another hour or so, and decided it was time to figure out dinner. I gently knocked on Sarah’s door and heard a sleepy “come in”. I opened the door and walked in.
“I’m gonna order Ch-“ I began. Like always when I woke her up she sat crossed legged and stretched, arms way above her head. Except this time, she was completely naked. Her breasts rose with her arms, beautiful perky Bs with equally perky nipples. Eyes wide, I stared. Between the shock of seeing my sister’s incredibly sexy naked body and my device actually working, I was stunned. As she tilted her head back and yawned and glanced at her thighs. Sitting the was she was, I saw every inch of her soft shaven pussy lips. I was enraptured, but knew I needed to get back on track.
“Chinese” I continued in a rush. “Do you want anything?”
“Yeah, I’m not picky though. Whatever’s fine” she said shaking her head, causing her breasts to sway. “I just had the most fantastic nap. Did that speaker thing turn on?”
“Uh, maybe.” I stammered. “I’m gonna to ask Clara what she wants.”
The sight of my naked sister was more than I was expecting to see. The possibilities with this device were so much more than I had planned. My mind raced with all the possibilities. I could convince Sarah to do… well… anything I suppose. How far can I push that, I wonder.
In autopilot, I breezed through dinner and back upstairs, waiting for my sister to fall asleep, and trying to figure out where I wanted to take this. It felt like an eternity, but it wasn’t actually very long before I saw the display give me the anomaly notification again. Fully expecting to hear my sister’s moans didn’t prepare me for what I heard next.
The vibrator was on again, but quieter. I also heard her talking.
“… purple one inside me, deep inside. It’s vibrating my clit right now. Oohhh yeah. I can’t wait for you to come over here again. I need your tongue… I want to feel your hands pressing inside me… Ohhh…. I need my lips on yours…. Ohhhh…. Ohhhhh…”
I heard my sister come for the second time today, apparently talking.
“That was great… yeah… I’ll see you Friday. Bye Jenny”.
That was my sister having phone sex. With her best friend Jenny.
While the mechanism is simplistic, the story seems to moving along in a straight forward manner. I can see the potential for all kinds of plot twists. keep it up
Big Bob DReport
Doozy woof HunterReport