This is the first edit of my first story, please be kind.
I’m Danny, six years after I was born my parents had Lily. I think it was an attempt to save their relationship and thankfully for me having a new baby around the house worked for a little while but I left home, then for the military as soon as I could. My little sister would call me and send me letters. We were always close. She had gray eyes and was so caring. She would sit on my lap and I wouldn’t be able to see her face through her long brown curly hair, it was beautiful. I was always tall and skinny with red ratty hair, although now it’s buzzed off. When she was mad at me she would stick her tong out, push her belly out and I’d melt. I moved in with an uncle when I was 16 in another state so last time I saw her she was 10, now she’s 17 and I’m 23. Her and I had a plan, as soon as I could get a house outside of base I’d have her spend a summer with me and offer to keep her when it’s time to go back to school.
The day I called my sister was the day that she got on the greyhound and that night she was in my arms. I sighed the papers for the house and on my way home, I called her. I’ve never heard her so excited, it sounded like she was going to start crying. She passed the phone to my mom, Mom quickly agreed and even seemed relieved. Every city she went through I got a text and one by one my heart started going faster. What if she was so different we didn’t get along?
That night at 1:46am I was at the greyhound station. I watched the people get off the bus one by one. The last person got off and I looked at my phone. Lily: “I’m here! The last bus to the south” I looked around at the busses. Where is she? I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see a young woman. The woman smiled like she was waiting for me to come to some kind of conclusion. She had gray blue hair hanging out of an oversized knit hat in a side ponytail, she was probably a D cup if not DD and she was curvy as hell. I took my hat off and asked “What can I do for you miss?” She laughed. I smiled back confused and continued to check her out. She had cowgirl boots on with knee socks and a short plaid skirt. She had an oversized flannel on and a blue hard suitcase with an army sticker on it. Her ass was so round. I snapped out of it.
“If there is anything I can do for you miss? Maybe I can give you my number but I need to find my sister”
The girl laughed and turned her suitcase around to show me “Lily” painted across the side. She laughed again, “You were totally checking me out.”
I had to be completely red, not just my hair and... well hair. “Let’s go brat.”
She hugged me. “I missed you Danny, I’m so happy”
“Come on my truck is over here.”
I helped her into my truck. There was some time spent just watching the lightning coming from the clouds that seemed like they were waiting for us to rain on ahead. Eventually she started talking. She told me about school and Mom and Dad and how they kept cheating, knowing completely that they all knew. She talked about one of Moms guys who tried to hit on her and about a girl Dad was seeing that she went to school with who just turned 18, “everybody said she was a stripper and she always smelled like pineapples so bad. I don’t think I can ever eat pineapples again!” On and on. I listened and responded when I could but all that I could think of how I eye fucked my own baby sister. We got home and I showed her her room, then mine, and the living room. The whole house had two military cots and some blankets but she didn’t seem to mind. I made sure to let her know furniture shopping would happen first thing in the morning. We talked a little more. I told her about the base and the town and small details about deployment. She held on every word.
That night when we split up into our respective rooms the second I shut the door a bulge started to grow in my PT shorts. I sat down with my phone and tried to watch some porn where a taxi driver would seduce woman in his cab but found nothing but my sister crossing my mind. I found some brother-sister porn where the sister caught the brother masterbating so she snuck in on him. The sister leaned in and wrapped her lips around her brothers cock. I couldn’t help seeing Lily’s soft lips a wrapped around my 8 inches. Her little head bobbing trying to take it all. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and started to stroke it at the same time. I softly whispered “Oh god, yes Lily, just like that.” Guiding her head with my hand in her soft hair I released and filled her little mouth with a huge load of my cum. I snapped out of it and touched the cum mixing with the hair on my chest. “Wow, why is there so much?”
I cleaned it off with a towel and turned over. What’s wrong with me. The storm lulled me to sleep.
I dreamt that I was in the shower when she came and got in with me. I tried to kick her out but she wouldn’t have it. She didn’t know it was wrong. Teen me couldn’t help it, the water running down her body. Suddenly she had that wonderful set of D cups, she had that round ass and thin waist. My hard cock slipped between her legs. Her beautiful thighs stroked it softly. She was young and so was I and lust and teen hormones took over. She leaned over and whispered that she wanted to feel me. I took the head of my cock and rubbed it through the lips of her pussy, of corse they were wet but they were gummy wet and not shower water wet. She flinched as the head of my cock stretched the very entrance of her hole. I didn’t even get an inch and a half in before I felt my balls twitch. I pulled her head back and whispered, “Lily, I’m going to cum.” I kissed her neck and looked down over her chest. Two streams of water flowed over the lumps and joined in the center. She smiled and I felt her neck move with her words. “Danny, deeper, fill me.” I lost it as I pushed in a few inches more. She still whimpered in pain but I could feel the walls of her pussy twitch around my cock as I released the first stream of cum into her virgin pussy. We moaned together and I felt her tap on my shoulder and say, “Wake up, Danny.”
I opened my eyes and swung my pillow over her hitting her and hiding my stark erection that I could feel twitching and leaking cum onto my blanket and not into her pussy. She looked at me like she was sorry.
“Sorry, Danny, I’ll remember not to scare you when your sleeping again.”
I sat up still covering my fading erection for my one and only sister, what a monster I am. I sigh, “No I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you, are you okay?”
She smiles, “just hungry.”
I laugh, “Give me 5 and I’ll be out”
That day stared with a trip to the diner and then furniture shopping. It turned out Lily, despite her name was growing up to be quite a tom boy. By that night the home had a few more dark wood things and it felt many times more like home. I told Lily I wanted to take her to dinner and she demanded I help her shop for a new dress. I couldn’t help but picture seeing the top of her ass crack as I zipped dresses up her back over and over. By the tingling in my pants I decided to get the woman at the counter to help. When we got home I gave her an hour to great ready. I sat down on the new couch and flipped on the tv.
A few minutes later Lily came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel she sat down by me as close as possible. This time was the first time I saw her without a hat from the back. She had a long braid that twisted across the back of her head three times. She handed me a pair of toe nail clippers, “It was for cousin Jenny’s wedding, there is a stitch and I can’t get it out on my own, it’s keeping my hair up like this. Please help?” I agreed and reached up and fingered through her hair. “Lily where is it?” She lifted her hand and the towel fell a little showing one of her breasts. I felt my pants began to grow as she pulled it up. She tucked it under her armpit and pointed behind her about smacking me in the face. Her hand had little white speckles and smelled like... no. I took a deep breath. No way. I tried to ignore the sweet and slightly sour smell coming from her finger and found the stitch. The first row fell and she grabbed it, running off with a “Thank you!”
I looked down at my pants, “Damn it.”
This time I didn’t think I’d get away with anything so I just tried to focus on the tv show and soon it was no longer a problem. Lily stepped out of the bathroom again as a woman I didn’t know as my sister, even after a day with her. She wasn’t a dork with an over sized hat and dirty flannel that I think was mine in high school, she looked like she was almost 6 foot with 4 inch heals. Her hair brushed the top of her ass and the dark blue dress dipped down over her breasts showing a black lace bra. It went down to her feet with a long slit, I had flashbacks and suddenly found myself crushing on Jessica Rabbit. That’s who I was looking at right? Not my little sister? Her purple lipstick made her gray eyes look blue.
She smiled at me, “So what do you think, could I pass as your date?”
Awestruck I replied, “What?”
She looked sad, “I’m sorry was that creepy? I didn’t mean it that way, I just wanted to be seen as an adult tonight, and treated like it. I was thinking maybe you could pretend I’m your date?”
I thought about this for a second, no doubt my cock would love to treat her as my date but my head held on to the last little bit of morals my cock hadn’t yet hidden from me. I laughed awkwardly, “You know what? Okay, just for tonight.” I held out my arm and she took it.
The sun was just setting and I helped this beautiful woman in my truck. She scooted over and sat in the center. She crossed her legs and the slit of her dress fell over her freshly shaven legs and I could see 70% of her thighs. She looked at me with a sweet smile. I looked at the road, does she know? Is she just playing with me?
“Danny, do you have a girlfriend?”
“No, why do you ask?”
“Just curious, I wondered if you had the company of a woman in you life.”
“Lily, that’s inappropriate.”
“Oh, don’t act like I don’t know about sex. Hey, it’s almost your job to teach me now”
“Teach you?” I didn’t know where this was going.
“Ya, you know, tell me about how it’s done and add in some dumb speech about the risks and how I really shouldn’t be having sex and condoms and what not.”
“Are you having sex?” She broke my stare at the rainy road and I turned to her with a concerned look.
“Yes, I’m waiting for someone really special, someone who I love, someone who I can fully trust. I know I don’t want to get hurt. I want to look back on my first time and smile, you know?”
“Ya, I understand.”
We were both quiet for a while.
When we got to the restaurant I walked around the truck and helped her out, she took my arm just like she was my date. As we walked up she leaned into me. I was kinda thankful because the men as we walked in all had eyes on her. I felt her hair brush my lower back as we swayed in the light rain. We were walked to our table and I pulled out her chair. We sat down and right away I felt her leg softly rubbing mine. What was she doing? She just smiled as my cheeks got hot.
“Your so cute, Danny”
I shot her a look. I knew she had me, I couldn’t say anything, the tablecloth was short and she had already made it look like she was much more then my sister. If I said anything we would go from a normal couple to... just not good.
She smiled, “Danny, do you think we could get some wine.”
I shot her a look and she laughed.
The waiter asked if we wanted wine and she told him she doesn’t drink but would like some sparkling grape juice. We sipped juice from long stemmed glasses and talked about what we needed to do next to the house. We ate slowly and laughed slowly she started to feel less like my sister and more like my date. The steak was wonderful and she said her fish was the best she had ever had. As we left the restaurant the rain went from a downpour to completely stopped. She begged me not to take her home just yet so we walked across the street to a park. The trees had small buds on them and it looked like it was a water color painting with the light fog coming off the damp warm sidewalks.
She took her shoes off and danced around under the light as I walked slowly behind her. Her dress glittered and her hair flew behind her. Her breasts bounced just a little. I watched her with the eyes of a lust filled lover. I tried to shake it off but it felt painfully right. She found a metal bench and wiped the water off it then sat down. I joined her and she scooted closer. She crossed her leg over mine and leaned into my chest. She sat still like she was waiting for me to push her away but I just couldn’t.
She took a deep breath, “Danny?”
I put my arm around her, “Yes?”
“Are you mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“I... I have been having feelings.”
“What do you mean?” I gently rubbed her back.
She looked up at me and leaned in and kissed me on the lips.
“I’m sorry Danny... I...”
I realized my stupid mistake and kissed her again. I was falling for her and my heart wanted this with my full being. This time the kiss was long and passionate. Her tongue danced with mine. This was not my just sister anymore and we both knew it. I ran my fingers through her hair. When the kiss broke she looked up at me with fear in her face.
“You know little girl, you could get me in a whole lot of trouble.”
She started to cry, she was speechless.
“Lily, look at me. I love you.”
“I know but...”
“Lily, no, I love you.”
She looked at me for a second, I put my hand on her cheek and she put hers on mine. She looked at me with a small smile.
“Lily, lets go home.”
We walked even closer and in the truck she held onto me like I was a part of her.
“Can I sleep in your bed?” She broke the the soft noises of the road. I didn’t say anything as I passed the idea around in my head, trying to figure out where it was going.
“Please? ...You probably think I’m going to try something, I don’t know if I am. I can’t say I haven’t been thinking about it and I know you have.” I looked at her a little shocked and she went on. “Danny, I love you and if we did I could never regret it and...”
“Lily, you don’t know that.”
“I do know that.” We were both quiet. She looked down at the floor. “I’d never tell anyone, I’d take it to my grave... If anything even happens”
We drove a while just listening to the road. I pulled into the drive and looked down at her.
She looked up at me, “Really?”
She jumped out and ran into the house with a big smile. What have I done. I walked into the house and got a cup of coffee going. I leaned on the counter and sipped it. I watched the cars go by for a while then went to my room both afraid and excited. I could feel myself growing again. I stepped into my room and she was in my bed with the blankets around her chest all tucked in. I didn’t see bra strap. There’s no way she couldn’t see how hard I was for her now. I walked over to the bed and took off my shirt. I went into my bathroom and changed into my shorts. I turned the lights off and climbed into bed and she flipped her book light on and smiled at me getting closer. I sat up and put my arm out and she quickly moved under it. I felt her hip on my side, still no cloths but she just kept reading as my cock kept getting harder. What a tease. What I’m I saying... this is my sister. She tucked my hand under her armpit and used her arm to push my hand in. I felt the round side of her breast fit into the cup of my hand, I slowly closed my fingers around it. She didn’t move at all. I pinched her nipple between my fingers and she jumped, but kept reading. She crossed a leg over mine. I softly played with her nipple. After a while she bit her lip and looked up at me. I leaned in and kissed her, pinching her nipple now. She moaned softly into my mouth. She pulled away half an inch. “I’m not going to say no to you, bubby. You can do whatever you feel like doing. Teach me.”
I pulled her into me, kissing her hard. Her breasts pressed to my chest and I pulled her onto my lap, pulling the blankets up behind her. I felt the heat from her pussy. Was this really happening. She moved at my suggestion. I put her arms around my neck and my hand found both her breasts getting full handfuls. I leaned down and kissed down her neck, she wanted to feel like a woman I was going to giver her my all. My lips found her nipples and I softly sucked one twisting the other. Her moans got louder. My other hand rubbed down her chest and slowly passed in circles just around the lips of her pussy. She started to wiggle. She was sitting on my fully erect 8 inches and I moaned softly. She was stroking it with her ass.
My fingers pressed between the lips and they parted, I found her clit and softly rubbed it. She clearly wasn’t expecting it to feel like that. I looked up at her. “Haven’t you played with yourself?” She looked at me confused then shook her head no, “I never knew how but I’ve put my finger in it.” I smiled and continued. She went back to moaning. Oh my god I’m about to give my little sister her first orgasom, christ! My finger moved with vigor. She shook under my hands. She was grabbing at my hair and moaning in my ear. She was wiggling on me, I felt like I might explode before she even sees it. I pushed a finger into her slowly rubbing her clit with my thumb. I felt her pussy start to twitch as my little sister had fear first orgasom on my finger. I touched her as she twitched and shook for what felt like ever. She started trying to wiggle away and I felt a little cum leak out of my cock. She fell onto me like a sack of rocks the second I stopped. I pet her long brown curly hair and kissed her head. I felt my cock throb but tonight was hers.
Just when I thought she was asleep she rolled onto the bed next to me.
With a smile she said, “What can I do to you?”
“Lily, tonight is about you, just lay back and enjoy.”
I pull the blankets off her and for the first time see her beautiful pussy. It’s so wet, I long to be inside but not tonight, not yet. I kiss down her belly and trace the soft pubic hair with my tongue. I softly brush it over her slit. I can already taste her wetness and it’s so sweet and delicious. It smells amazing. I dive in, my lips wrap around her clit as I softly suck and nibble. I push two fingers in now and she flinches. I start to fuck her with my fingers. She yells out “Danny, yes!” I suck harder and flick my tongue. Soon she is about to cum again, for the second time in her young life. I fuck her harder with my fingers and softly rub her rose with my pinky finger. She starts to shake again, I nurse her orgasom as long as I can licking up her sweet juices.
Eventually she stops and I scoot up, she lays on my chest and is asleep in a few minutes. I stroke her hair. My erection stays around for what feels like hours but eventually I fall asleep holding my little virgin sister and lover, thinking about what the future has for us, and if we will even get out of bed tomorrow.