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The story is now told from Sophie's perspective.
We Never Knew Part 2: Sophie

“Dylan, we need to break up!” I said to my boyfriend after our nine-month relationship.

“Why baby? Did I do something wrong? Please don’t do this. I’ll to whatever it takes to keep this alive.”

“I’m sorry but it’s over. Goodbye Dylan.” I said as I walked out the door and called a taxi home.

I didn’t want my sister to know my secret of why I really broke up with Dylan so I rubbed my eyes to make them red and fake cried with I came home.

“Dylan broke my heart tonight!” I cried in my sister’s arms. Step one complete I thought because she totally bought it.

I should tell you my plan. I broke up with Dylan because I think I’m either bi-sexual or lesbian and I fell in love with someone else… my own sister Chloe.

A little while back, I was let out of school early and came home and I walked upstairs to my room. Before I opened the door, I heard moaning coming from our room. It sounded like my sister and she was saying something.

I opened the door a little bit and there was my sister fully naked spread eagle masturbating. I was about to leave but then she moaned my name.

“Oh Sophie yes please more more more!!!!”

What was even crazier was that I was getting turned on by it and before I knew it my hand was under my skirt touching myself to my masturbating sister.

“Yes Sophie you’re going to make me cum!!!!!!!!!”

Then she had a really powerful orgasm and was literally shaking in her bed. After that I slowly closed the door and went back downstairs.

I couldn’t believe my sister masturbating turned me on. After that, I opened and closed the front door again hoping she would hear it. I waited for a little bit to give her time to get ready. When I went back upstairs to our room, she was dressed lying in her bed reading a book for school.

“Hey sis. Why are you back early?” she asked

“We got let out early today. What have you been doing?”

“Just chilling, doing homework and now reading this super boring book for school so nothing exciting.”

That was the first day I was attracted to my sister, knew I was bisexual, and because of that I broke up with Dylan.

Anyways, she can obviously never know. Then, I planted the seed when she asked what happened. I told her he took my virginity trying my best to warm her up and I could see her twitch and it worked. I knew she was bi too but I know she would NEVER fall in love with her sister unless I made her fall in love with me.

So, I started to slowly drop signals. I would also see her keep peaking looks at me while I was changing and stuff. And there she goes with what I think are her little shows but why would she do that? Was my plan working? Then the night of the breakup, I asked to sleep in the same bed to “feel safe” and I knew that was the nail in the coffin. I had her. She was mine!!!

I woke up the next day alone in my bed and Chloe was sitting in her bed writing in what looked like a brand new journal.

“When did you get that journal?”

“Last night before you came home.”

I didn’t see the journal last night when I came home and I know she has never written in a journal before so I obviously knew something was going on but I just didn’t know what. I thought it was just fun writing or something for school.

A couple of days passed and I came home and of course she was still writing in that journal of hers. I asked her about it one day and she got all defensive.

“What are you writing sis?”

“Oh just my thoughts about stuff.”

“Thoughts about what?”

“Just life and stuff!”

“What type of stuff?”

“Just stuff ok sis? Stop interrogating me!!!”

“Ok ok sorry geez calm down.”

A couple more days passed and I kept thinking why she got so defensive. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to know what she was writing so I decided that I would sneak home early to read her journal. I had the perfect date planned. It was going to be on March 29th and I know she couldn’t beat me home because she had volleyball practice and they had a game next week so I know she couldn’t skip.

So, two weeks later, I snuck home early, went straight to our room and found her journal and began to read. The very first line made me freeze with astonishment as a shiver went up my spine.

“3/11/16- Dear Diary, today I feel in love with my sister.”

Wow. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice sooner. All the shows, the peeking, and her being defensive. It all made sense now. What surprised me even more is that after all this time, she only feel for me a couple weeks ago. Why now? What changed? A question soon answered by her journal entries.

Then, I read the last one. She was going to tell me today. Oh no what have I done! I heard the front door open. Oh no she was home. Before I had time to put the journal back, she was already at our doorway to our room.

“Sophie! Please put that down so I…”

I stopped her by putting a finger over her lips. I wanted to kiss them so badly but I knew I had to wait. She looked so scared and about to cry. My sisterly instincts kicked in and I gave her a hug.

“Calm down sis” I said to ease her nerves. “You want my answer?”

“About that?”

“My feelings.”

“More than anything. Please tell…”

I didn’t let her finish by planting and kiss on her lips. I could feel the love from my sister pouring out of her and she kissed me back. We kissed and embraced for what seemed like hours but was only a couple of minutes.

I broke the kiss and said with love in my voice,

“My answer is yes Chloe. Yes yes yes!”

“I thought it was no” she said as we both laughed.

“I love you, Chloe.

“I love you too Sophie and I’m glad you feel the same way.”

With that, we kissed some more until it was night, spooned, and drifted off to sleep.

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