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I’ve written sex stories for years. This is one I wrote in December of 2018. If it rates well I will pick up where I left off. I hope you all enjoy a little something from the vault.
She sat on the bus. It was a chilly December day in the middle of nowhere Illinois, the wind whipped at the windows. Just one more stop and I can relax she thought to herself. Chrysanthemum hated her name and never told anyone what it really was and right now especially she was dreading hearing it again. His soft voice drifting through her ears with the sickening tone of true kindness, ugh, it was the worst. All her friends called her Chrysty and questioned endlessly why she insisted on spelling it that way.

She sat and listened to people around her talk and she adjusted herself on the itchy blue seats, the bus was dimly lit but she could pick out light conversations as they all mixed together. ”When we get there we are going to, well of course stop at the bathroom... and then she yelled to everyone that they had already slept... so it's about a cowboy... I'll have to try it when I get back to Ohio...” she started to drift ”I'm looking for a woman... how long do you think to tell Indianapolis... yes Chrysanthemum.” She looked up and there he was, tall, not so dark, and handsome... fuck, she put her head down and tried to hide but the driver pointed at her and Nick walked down the lane and grabbed her by the arm. A few watched and a few looked away, she gave them all a stink eye.

He put her in the front seat of his cruiser and took off. ”You seriously think you can take off? How stupid are you? That thing on your leg, yea it keeps an eye on you, it can always tell me where you are!” He was angry she looked at her ankle bracelet, and he went on. ”What I'm I going to tell your parole officer, oh we went for ice cream 100 miles away, it was a good time!” The sarcasm in his voice was as deep as the turmoil she felt from just being in his car. ”I don't know what to do with you Chrysanthemum.” He trailed off ”It’s not my name.” ”It is and it is beautiful.” They were both quiet for a long time.

”I only do this because I care about you, 20 years ago I was in your shoes, it sucks to lose someone...” ”two people...” She corrected him. ”...Yes, two people. I know you're not a violent person. I see how you treat people, you're a good person. I just want the best for you.” ”Yeah, okay.” ”Fine Chrysanthemum, have it your way after tonight I’ll let you self-destruct.” She drifted off to sleep, Nick knew she had taken pills and let her sleep it off. He carried her inside and brushed the hair from her face and kissed her forehead before he even realized what he was doing. He put a blanket over her and sat down in the armchair and got an old bill envelope and a pin.

Dearest Chrysanthemum,

You have known all my life, from the day I saw you and Daisy play together I loved you. When I lost Daisy and her mother when you were both just 8 I was devastated. I promised myself I'd do anything for you, I know to lose your father and husband was devastating, but this is not what they would want for you. I should really tell you something, over these past few months I thought I was falling in love with you, but now I don't even know who you are. Please keep this letter and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask.

With love, Nick

He put it on the coffee table beside her and slowly got up. He looked at her and for the first time truly released what a hole she was going to leave in his life. He locked the door and slipped the key through the mail slot. He got back in his car and drove away.

She opened her eyes to the sun beating in on her. She saw the note on the table and picked it up to read it. She got to Daisy’s name and tears started to swell up in her eyes. She opens the side table drawer and threw it inside then slammed it shut. She picked up the vase of flowers Nick had gotten her, threw it at the wallpaper and it shattered. She started crying now. She reached down and flipped the coffee table. ”Stupid Nick!” She sat down and cried for a while. She had a small one bedroom house but slept on the couch. She would never go into the bedroom again. It was their bedroom, it was full of his stuff. Although now the daisy wallpaper she had picked to honor her childhood best friend just mocked her.

Her doorbell rang and she walked to the door, tears still in her eyes. She opened the door. ”Oh, it's you... I thought you were done with me?”

A thin man with dark hair and a rough beard walks in behind her, and shuts the door.

”you smell drunk.” She says with a hiss and sits down on the couch.

”I always have a beer in the morning, babe, this place is a mess.” he comes over and puts an arm around her and with sour vodka on his lips plants a kiss.

She started to go through the motions like she always had. She stood up and pulled her shirt off, her plain black bra lose on her body. She continued to remove her pants and got down on her knees. “Anything to make him leave” she thought to herself. She looked up at him with a sly smile and undid the button on his dirty jeans. She fiddled with the gold zipper and slowly pulled them down.

”oh baby girl, put those sweet lips on my dick”

No underwear, figures. His cock was semi-hard and smelled sour, she licked a drop of salty liquid off the tip and gripped the shaft. She slipped the head into her mouth and sucked softly. He tilted his head back in pleasure. She stroked the base and took the shaft into her mouth little by little, bobbing her head on his cock. Letting him feel every inch. He let out a loud moan and cum exploded into her mouth. She swallowed and looked at him.

”Your a good one, babe, I don't know why I left you. Are you glad to have me back?”

”We’re not getting back together.”

”Sure we are, babe” he got up and walked over to the bedroom door and grabbed the knob. ”We can do it in your beautiful bed, girl.”

”Don’t go in there!”

He opened the door and stepped in. She jumped up off the floor and cold-cocked him in the back of the head he stumbled and pushed a lamp of the dresser.

”You bitch!” He stood up straight and punched her right back. She fell onto the floor in the pile of red glass. He kicked her hard and she drifted into darkness. He walked over and opened the drawer by the couch and started going through her things. He took the cash and her handgun her father had given her for her 21st birthday. He took the note from Nick and read it slowly. ”Bitch was cheating on me this whole time.” He took out his liter and lit it on fire and watched it burn to the last edge with no writing. He looked in the fridge and all that was left was a single beer and he took it out, opened it and spit it out. He looked at the label. It had gone bad three years ago. He threw the bottle on the floor and walked out leaving the door open.

She woke up and looked around. She looked over to his side of the bed and saw he wasn't there. She took his pillow and held it to her face, and breathed in deep taking in the smell of him. She heard him speaking to the dogs in the kitchen, and slowly got out of bed. She walked into the room and Jessy turned around and smiled.

”Hello, my beautiful woman.” She giggled and ran up and hugged him. He put his arms around her and kissed her forehead. ”What do you want to do today?”

She giggled and replied: ”Anything with you my love.”

He held her even tighter ”Well I'm going on a trip with your dad, then I will be home by 3, and I was thinking Chinese takeout and a movie, but first you need to wake up.” He kissed her hard.

”What do you mean wake up?”

He kissed her hard again. ”Please, Chrysanthemum! Wake up” Jessy yelled.

She stepped back and looked at him. ”What are you talking about I am awake, your acting crazy you have to stop!”

He started yelling and crying. ”Chrysanthemum, Please, Please wake up!”

The room turned to light and she disappeared along with Jessy and there lovely life. She felt a pain sweep through her and started to cough. She oped her eyes to see Nick wipe the blood from his own mouth. Tears were running down his face. She lifted her hand and put it to her face and flinched in pain, then looked at her hand, completely covered.

”It's okay it's just from your nose, it may be broken. I'm taking you to the hospital.”

”But I don't have the money for that.”

He laughed. ”That's what you're worried about? Maybe your still in there after all.”

She looked at him funny and disregard the statement as he lifted her and pain went ripping through her chest. He frowned. ”Maybe a broken rib or two.”

He put her in the car and turned the lights on and rushed her to the hospital, he sat quietly in the reception until the doctor said he could go see her. She looked at him, the doctor had wrapped her up around the waist and a split was taped to her nose.

She laughed. ”So the doctor said you may have broken my ribs doing CPR”

He looked very upset. ”I'm so sorry”

She laughed again and held her stomach in pain. ”It’s okay”

He took a long heavy breath. ”Who did this to you, we need to file a report and he needs to pay for...”

She cut him off. ”Please don't go all cop on me.” he nodded and she paused. ”He tried to go into mine and Jessy’s room, be walked in and I punched him and he broke my lamp. It's not the same anymore. I haven't touched it since he died.”

”You know there comes a time for everything”

”They wanted to give me pain meds, I told them no.” She looked at him with pain in her face. ”Nick, will you come to stay with me for a while?” She asked with hesitation.

He kissed her hand. ”Was it what I said in the note?”

She looked at him funny. ”I never got to read it”

His look was one of enlightenment and only confused her further. Before she could ask, the doctor came in and asked Nick to leave, and told Chrysanthemum to get some sleep. He stayed at the hospital with her for the three nights she was there and when she was released he took her home to a clean house. She looked at him in panic. ”I didn't. I just shut the door, the blood, the lamp, its all yours to process however you need to.” She threw her arms around her and hugged him tight, he held his arms out as not to hurt her but slowly put them softly on her shoulders. For the next few days Nick cared for her, they slowly started to cook together and she would wait happily for him to get home from work. They would watch movies and play board games. A week later she had her ankle bracelet removed, life for once felt normal.

She sat there and read her book, he watched the news. It was a cool March day and the snow had just melted, they were on the cusp of spring. She looked up from her book and he met her eyes and smiled. She hid behind her book with a big smile, peaking over he was still looking with a big smile on his face, they both laughed.

His love only grew stronger for the beautiful woman. She was healthier than ever and was getting her curves back. Her cheat was filling out and so were her sweatpants on the back side, he couldn't help but look at her beautiful body. He knew he had to hide it from her but at times like this, he wondered if she felt it too. He felt compelled to break the funny little hiding game. ”Chrysanthemum, what's going on in that head of yours.”

She laughed. ”Little to nothing.”

That made him smile, the fact that she could joke again, and with him none the less. The morning was something new to him. Filled with coffee and light flirting. Suddenly she shifted in her chair, like a boy in high school he looked at what he had dreamed about, her legs parted just enough, her toes were at the edge of the brown leather chair clinging to the edge with light blue polish on the nails, one leg was tipped to the side and her robe fell just short enough. Sweet tan lips with just a touch of hair. He could only see the bottom half but he could tell they were moist, he reached down and adjusted himself in his pants. She wiggled her leg and with each sway, her lips rubbed together ever so slightly. He got up and made a b line to the bathroom. He had to do something. As he passed behind her chair she grabbed his arm. ”Where are you going?” Her lips, the ones on her face, dirty ideas rushed through his mind, his cock was only inches away pressed on the back of her chair, 8 inches of rock hard cock, just begging to be touched. She looked at him sad and for the first time since the night before she was hurt he leaned down and kissed her forehead and just inches away from her face he whispered. ”I promise, ill be right back.”

He stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. He ripped his pants off and slowly started to stroke his cock. It was harder then he could ever remember. He felt like he was a teen again. He thought of her soft breasts when he was giving her CPR. He thought of her smooth lips, then her pussy in that chair. He could just see the darker pink of the inside, and she was wet! He knew for sure she was. What was in that book! Was it him? Was it the flirting? Was she into him? Could he go through with fucking... no it wasn't fucking, he deeply loved her. He stroked his cock harder and faster thinking of taking two fingers and slowly parting her pussy lips, leaning in and taking a deep breath of the sweet aroma, taking his other hand and tracing in around the dark red, moist skin, slowly pushing a finger into her. He leaned back as he felt the pressure build. He thought of her hands, both small hands wrapped around his shaft. At that moment he forgot they were his and blew a thick hot load of cum all over himself. He looked down and all he could think is I never want to cum for anyone else in my life except Chrysanthemum. He started to clean himself up and listed the places in his head he would rather have his cum be but decided to push it out of his head, telling himself it may never happen. He put himself back together and headed back to the living room.

The room had been hunting her for a few days now, the mess she knew was there, she felt as it disrespected the memory. She decided she would try, just try, that's all she could do. She gathered a bucket of water and an old rag and a hand broom and walked to the door. She thought of slowly opening the door and sneaking in after Jessy had been asleep for a while. She turned the knob. She had gotten the red lamp at a flea market when she was in college, Jessy hated it, but the red glow from the bottom glass section was one that had filled the room in many a romantic evening, and the upper half was perfect for an oversized bulb. She slowly pushed the door open and stepped in.

The glass was all over the floor and some was covered with blood. She slowly picked it all up. She felt the tears well up in her eyes. He had learned to love the dumb lamp. The upper part was brass and the lower section too, they were fine, but the red globe was in a hundred shatters. She gathered them and put them into the dustpan and started to wipe up her blood. She looked behind her and Nick was in the doorway.

”Can I help with anything?” She handed him the brass parts and the pan of glass and smiled a half smile. He took it away and she stood up and started to wander around the room.

She had made the bed the day of his death that night she slept on the couch and did so from then on. She ran her finger along the long oak dresser with the glass top, she picked up her finger and looked at the think layer of gray dust. She walked over the bed and picked up a pillow, his pillow. Nick leaned on the door jam and watched her. She held the pillow to her face and took a deep breath in. She took a long sigh and turned around and sat on the bed, just enough dust floated up around her to see it cross the light coming in through the window. “May I come in?” She looked up at him and patted the bed beside her.

“You know this is a big step.” He said.

She looked down at her feet. “It doesn’t even smell like him anymore.”

“That will happen.” He took a long pause. “I remember the day I rolled over and couldn’t smell August.”

She looked up at him. “What did you do?”

He sighed. “Well I figured it was time to wash my sheets, so I did. Then I put them back on. I laid down and remembered I hated yellow, so I went out and bought new bedding.”

“That seams disrespectful.” She looked at him with question in her face.

“You know as I was shopping I wondered that, I was almost mad at her. It wasn’t her fault Daisy got sick, and it’s not her fault she did too. I was mad at myself too, even, for not getting it. As I picked things out I liked and it made me happy, I remembered she would want me to be happy.”

She hugged the dusty pillow, and looked back down at her feet.

He put his arm around her. “Jessy would want you to be happy.”

She got up and grabbed his hands. She pulled him off the bed and started handing him bedding until the bed was just the mattress. “Will you drive me to that charity drop box Jessy took everything to?” From behind the blankets Nick said something she made out to be yes. They loaded the blankets into the back seat of Nick’s car and dropped them off then he took her to the local home decor store and they picked out gray bedding with wild flower patterns and a huge gray blanket. They went home and together made the bed. She jumped on top of the made bed and let out a long sigh. “I forgot how good a bed felt.” She looked up at him with a smile. “What are you waiting for?”

He hesitated but kicked his shoes off and got on top of the bedding with her, he made a sigh too. “Much better than that arm chair.” He put his arms out to the sides like he was floating on water. She wiggled over and put her head on his arm. He looked down at her with surprise. She looked afraid. “Is this okay!”

He laughed softly and pulled her into his chest and kissed her forehead. She looked up at him almost so close to his face he couldn’t see her. She leaned up and put her forehead on his and there noses touched softly. His heart started to hurt with a longing to kiss her, all he would have to do is move a little and her soft lips would be on his. He felt her breath. She let her head fall and the chance was gone, he pulled her even tighter his arms around her waist and back. They drifted off to sleep fully dressed there in the bed, in the room, in the sunlight.

He was the first to wake up and he slowly stroked her hair. He thought of what Jessy and August would say. He pictured them holding hands and talking softly. Laughing like two friends planning a date for a third. She slowly came too and smiled at him. The rest of the night was normal, movies, Nick cooked and they ate side by side playfully taking from each other plates and touching each other. When it was time to go to sleep Chrysanthemum headed for the bedroom for the first time in years. Nick laid down on the couch and got cozy. A few seconds later she stepped into the doorway, her hair was messy because she had just taken it down and shook it out and she just had a t-shirt on... wait, one of Nicks t-shirts on. His jaw dropped a little. ”Nick, I like having you close when I sleep.” He swallowed hard. ”I can bring a chair in there?” Her smile went sly for a second then turned caring. ”No need, its a king bed.” He got up and headed to the bedroom.

Worm CruddReport 

2019-05-13 00:02:13
I liked the story, but it would have benefitted from a spell check. W.C.

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