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Imagine the surprise Carl felt when he arrived home early from work and heard his 16-year-old son and two teen girls sexually experimenting in his basement. Although it isn't mandatory, you might want to read Episode I to better enjoy this one.
Imagine the surprise Carl felt when he arrived home early from work and heard the moans and groans of his 16-year-old son and two teen girls sexually experimenting in his basement. Having fantasized about girls this age for years, his son may have provided the opportunity to gain some first hand . . . or even “tongue” experience with these budding bodies.

Once he realized what was going on, he tip-toed over to the basement stairs and listened carefully to what was being said and the moaning of sexual relief. Almost instantly he heard a young girl's voice say, "Spray my titties with your sticky cream Cory!" which was all the motivation he needed to sport a full-length woody. A big smile spread across his face, as he knew a plan could be hatched . . . to have these young girls share their services his way as well.

Carl went to his room and quickly changed into a muscle T-shirt and a pair of shorts, quickly eliminating his boxers. He was proud of his 38-year-old body, enjoying the daily workout he received as a foreman construction worker. As he quickly applied on a new layer of cologne, his mind raced through a mischievous plan to involve his son and the preteen girls. Once he was satisfied, he retraced his steps, leaned forward and yelled downstairs.

"Cory get your ass up here this minute!" he bellowed. Meanwhile in the basement, the previous glances of sexual gratification . . . was soon transformed into instant terror.

"Quick . . . you guys go clean-up in the bathroom right now," he said yanking on his shorts and finding his shirt and wiping some of the slimy cum off of his hairless chest, "I'll go make things right with my dad." He looked down and his cock was nearly flaccid as a result of the sudden interruption. As he turned to go upstairs, he still marveled at the sight of the naked female bodies that were still displayed in front of him.

Selfishly he thought . . . maybe he would still get his 7" cock into one of their wet pussies before the day was through. He moved towards the steps, took a deep breath and headed upstairs towards uncertainty. His dad met him at the top of the steps.

"We need to talk young man," he said deliberately loud enough, for the frantic girls to hear in the basement as they gathered their clothes and headed for the bathroom. Cory followed his dad into the den, which still had the computer monitor showing two naked girls licking a man's cock with twinkles in their eyes.

"So who are the girls?" he asked as he sat next to his son on the couch.

"Two girls from school . . . Julie and Aimee . . . they followed me home."

"Don't they live up the street?" asked Carl quickly fantasizing . . . having seen one of the girls laying out in their skimpy bathing suits a week or so ago.

"Uh, huh . . .and we've been kinda playing some games and stuff," he said.

"Don't bullshit me boy . . . you got them to strip down naked and you've been playing with their bodies, haven't you?" he asked.

"Uh . . .yeah," he said turning red.

"Well, I'm proud of you son, and you are going to help me join in on the fun and get my long pecker into the act," he said rubbing his hand lewdly over his erect COCK hidden only by a thin layer of nylon cloth."But you must play along with my plan, understand?" he asked with a shit-faced grin on his face.

"Sure, dad . . . no problem" said Cory relieved at what he heard.

"Alright, this is what we are going to do . . ." he began, quickly outlining what would follow. After a few minutes the two went downstairs.

Making the Girls Beg for Cock

"Girls . . . come on out . . .we gotta talk things out with my dad," announced Cory as he stood outside the basement bathroom. The door immediately opened and Aimee's shiny red hair was what first gained Carl's attention. Her shoulder length hair was just a prelude to her pretty face and developing body. Both girls had put back on their bikinis and were bare footed.

"Is he really mad . . .oh shit?" said Aimee suddenly realizing Carl was standing next to his son who had shed his shirt.

"Dad . . . this is Aimee and Julie," he said pointing to the young girls. Carl quickly scanned their developing bodies and the bikinis that hid their young treasures. He couldn't wait to ram his cock up both pussies.

"Sit down girls . . . I need your phone numbers to call your parents!" said Carl rather sternly. The girls looked bewildered after hearing his request.

"Why?" asked Julie obviously upset.

"Because you both came over to MY house and obviously were doing the "nasty" about ten minutes ago."

"No we weren't . . . I mean . . . we might have been . . . kissing but Cory didn't . . . you know . . ." said a worried Aimee.

"Have his big cock in your wet pussy?" said Carl anticipating the look on the young girl's faces when he so blatantly described the act. He loved the instant reaction of humiliation on both 12-year-old girls.

"No way . . ." they both said in unison.

"Well, you were still unsupervised and your parents should be called right now. What are your numbers?" he asked.

"Please don't tell them sir . . ." begged Aimee.

"No please don't. We will be grounded for the summer!"

"You should have thought about that ahead of time," he said picking up the phone next to him.

"You don't understand! They can't know about us being here!" said Julie, visibly upset.

"PLEASE SIR, DON'T CALL . . .WE'LL DO ANYTHING TO KEEP THEM FROM FINDING OUT!" said Aimee beginning to cry. Carl watched the red head's tears begin to trickle down her cheeks and he knew he had won.

"Can't we do some chores for you, or something extra to help you out?" added Julie with added urgency in her voice.

"Hmmm . . . maybe. . . Alright . . .I'm willing to be reasonable, but you must do exactly what I ask, without ANY objections. Do I have your word, girls?" he asked waving the phone in the air.

"YES!" they both said in unison. "You name it and we'll do it . . . and that's a promise," said Julie.

"Fine . . . but Cory must still receive his punishment for you two being over without my permission or supervision."

"Dad . . . how come?" said a surprised Cory.

"Because I said so. And what type of punishment do I usually give you . . . young man?"

"I get spanked . . ." he said slowly with his head down. The girls both looked at the man with surprise on their faces.

"Alright . . . pull down your pants and bend over," said Carl attempting to keep a straight face.

"Maybe we should go Cory?" asked Aimee.

"No way girls . . . you will watch and then receive punishments of your own . . . in fact . . . Julie lie down on this couch RIGHT NOW!" It was an order and she wasted no time, and laid down with her back on the cushions and her two bare feet sticking upwards.

"Good . . . now Aimee it's your turn. Kneel in front of Cory here and pull down his pants . . . and I don't want any lip," he barked. Aimee immediately knelt down just to the right of Cory and raised her hands up to his waist.

"Sorry Cory . . ." she whispered, as she gently began to pull down his shorts. Her face was turning scarlet since she knew he would not have any underwear on since they were on the floor in the bathroom with his cum all over them. Also since he lacked a shirt, she was about to make him totally naked in front of his father and both girls. Soon his wilted 4" cock appeared as the shorts were whisked to his knees. Aimee tried not to stare at his cock but since she had never seen it flaccid before she couldn't help herself. Carl took note of her curious eyes, and couldn't wait for her to make his son's cock grow back to full size.

"Step out of the shorts Cory . . . Alright . . . now I want you to lay on top of Julie as I give you your licks. Go on . . .lay on your friend while I smack your ass!" Cory was surprised at this request, but went along. He deliberately knelt in between her legs, taking advantage of the situation. He stared at the bikini bottoms and marveled at how her pussy lips were almost visible through the thin fabric.

He leaned down, and made sure that his growing cock was placed right over her tight little pussy. Her skin suddenly felt incredible against his own as he opened his arms and placed them on either side of her face, trying not to crush her. Julie found this all rather odd, but her pussy twitched with excitement when she felt the 16-year-old boy's cock up against her crotch.

"Aimee . . . I want you to keep count and stay kneeling alongside them, but turn around slightly this way." Aimee followed his request as Carl smiled to himself because he knew what she was going to see. He loved giving spankings like this one, and was certain his COCK would be fully erect by the time he finished. He raised his hand about two feet off of Cory's tight ass . . . and then "Smack!" was heard as he landed his hand on the boy's ass cheeks.

Cory was surprised at the force of the blow, as he pushed his hips forward almost pushing his organ into the girl. Two things happened . . .his flaccid cock began to grow and Julie's pussy twitched again causing a shiver to run down her spine. It was remarkable how that slap went through Cory's body and jolted her own twat. Again . . .a slap was heard . . . as Cory's rod was now almost at half-mast.

"How many licks so far Aimee?" teased Carl, as he looked downwards observing his big cock tenting out the front of his thin shorts. Aimee couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes, as the grown man's cock pushed against his shorts . . . obviously increasing in size with each slap.

"Uh . . . two sir . . ." she said, again continuing to stare at his thick organ. This was the second guy's cock she had seen in less than a half-hour and it already was beginning to control her.

"From now on Aimee . . .you will call me Daddy . . . and you will too Julie . . . you both understand?" Julie turned her face to the side and said "Yes Daddy", which seemed strange, but if it would keep her from getting into more trouble she would call him anything.

"Perfect . . ." he said raising his hand somewhat higher and firmly placing it on his son's bare ass with a "smack". Again Cory jolted forward, feeling the sting once again, but also he began to rub his cock along the "V" between her legs. Julie closed her eyes as his naked shaft moved slightly forward and then backward driving her clit crazy with just the thin fabric in between.

"Slap" again was heard and Cory accidentally got his cock head caught up in between the pant legs of her bikini bottoms. "Slap" quickly followed and before he could manipulate his cock out of the crevice of material it had suddenly slipped under her bikini bottom and was moistly rubbing along her hairless pussy. He looked down and watched the girl’s eyes open in terror.

He whispered in her ear, "I'm sorry Julie . . .I didn't do it on purpose, I'll try to pull it out". "No . . . leave it there!" she whispered back never feeling more aroused in her young life. She began to move her own hips to accommodate the boy's long cock rubbing against her crotch. "Slap" was heard again as the underside of Cory's 7" rod glided along the moist path of the preteen's twat. His cock was on fire with passion and he knew that if he kept it up, he would certainly empty his load all over her.

Meanwhile, Aimee kept staring at Carl's COCK which by now was lewdly forcing the nylon fabric several inches out from his groin. She couldn't believe anyone could have a cock that LONG and she resisted the temptation to just pull down the shorts and see his cock first hand.

"How many slaps so far Aimee?" he asked pausing for a second and smiling a huge shit-faced grin as the girl's eyes stared at his 10" cock.

" Six or seven I think," she said absentmindedly.

"Losing track huh . . . well I think maybe we've given him enough for now. It's YOUR turn!" he said.

"WHAT?" she asked.

"I told you that ahead of time . . . you and Julie would get your licks too." Cory quickly unsheathed his weapon from under Julie's drenched bikini shorts leaving tell-tale strings of his precum on the outside of her light blue suit. Cory reached for his shorts, but was quickly dissuaded by his dad.

"Part of your punishment will be to remain naked this afternoon . . . and don't give me any lip. I want you to lay back down on the couch, but this time on your back. Julie, it's your turn to kneel down in front of your friend and pull down Aimee's bottoms so that I can administer her spankings. It will be your turn to count. All right let's go . . . you girls have lots of chores to finish this afternoon and we certainly don't want to call up your parents at work now do we?"

"No!" said Julie kneeling in front of Aimee and looking at her old pink bikini on the girl’s hips. Cory laid down, but he was still so aroused his 7" cock stood straight up for everyone to see. Julie untied the strings that kept Aimee's bikini bottoms up and pealed the fabric off her hips. She was suddenly looking at her friend's hairless pussy, and noted the moisture around her lips. I guess watching Carl's cock must have been pretty arousing mused Julie.

She pulled the bottoms down past her ankles . . . almost losing her balance and just missed placing her mouth on her friend's wet pussy. Carl watched the girls and decided it was time to take off his muscle shirt baring his chest for the girl's benefit. At the same time, he adjusted his stiff rod so that it was standing straight up. He knew in seconds the dark purple head would ease out of the top, but for now, he would remain presentable.

"Ok Aimee, you know the routine . . . lay on top of Cory and get ready to receive your swats," he said wickedly.

"But sir . . . he doesn't have any clothes on!" she protested

"Eannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt," said Carl . . . sounding like a buzzer.

"You just made two mistakes which will cost you. I didn't hear DADDY and you promised to do what I asked. Julie . . .take off her top and you will lay on Carl totally nude while you receive your licks!" Julie couldn't believe Aimee's bad luck, but was happy she hadn't made the mistake.

She looked up at her friend's nervous face, winked at her and unclasped the hook that was holding the tiny top in place. Slowly her naked titties spilled into view and both father and son ogled at her apple-shaped breasts. The sudden basement breeze excited her nipples and within seconds they were long stiff buds. Cory opened his legs as an invitation as the 14-year-old knelt in between them and laid her body on his. Instantly Aimee and Cory felt the heat of their bodies against each other as their passion began to increase.

Aimee wanted to be either above or below his cock, but as she was lying down, she felt Cory's arms around her waist . . . as he nestled his throbbing cock up against her wet twat. Because of this positioning, Aimee's bare breasts were directly above Cory's face and he hoped he would get a chance to suck those titties once again.

"Fine . . .I'm sure that will work just perfect for you both," said Carl as he watched his son's long shaft exit just past her pussy. "Uh one more chore Julie . . .both of us are still way over dressed. I want you to pull down my shorts and take off your top for me. While you are counting, I want you to rub that wet pussy of yours and pinch your nipples at the same time. Can you do that?" he asked waiting for the correct response.

"Uh . . . .Ok . . . Da . . . dee" she said moving closer to the horny man.

"You sound unsure of yourself honey. Tell me again what you are going to do so that we can get started," he asked with that same shit-faced grin on his face. Julie knew she couldn't win this one so she took a deep breath and aroused everyone by saying:

"Daddy, I am going to pull down your shorts, like this" she said yanking the sides down past his huge pole and right to the floor. "So that your big fucking cock isn't all cramped in while you give little naughty Aimee her spanking. At the same time, I am going to unhook my top so that you can watch my titties" (and with that, she unsnapped her light blue bikini top in the front, allowing her pear-shaped bare breasts appear as she dropped her shoulders allowing the garment to slip to the floor).

Both father and son stared at her rigid light pink nipples and small dime-like areolas. She was about to drop her bottoms as well, but thought she would wait until Daddy told her to do so . . . probably when she received her spanking.

"And while I count out loud how many licks Aimee's getting, I am going to pinch my titties and rub my pussy . . . just for you guys". She knew she was sounding like a slut, but she was also getting so horny she didn't care. Carl's huge cock was inches away and seemed to be pulling her closer and closer to it. Seeing a boy’s cock was exciting, but having a full grown man’s cock inches away, was more than arousing to the horny girl.

"You deserve a gold star on your head Julie, or maybe something else in a few minutes" he said looking at his huge cock and moving right next to her. As she gathered one nipple in between her finger and thumb she felt Carl's huge naked cock glance across her head and gently rub through her brown hair. The texture of rubbing his cock through her locks almost resulted in an instant belch of hot cum all over her.

Aimee began to get aroused just watching the scene as her friend slipped her fingers into her Lycra bottom, located her clit and in unison pinched and twisted her nipples while rubbing her pussy. She teasingly tilted her head slightly upwards and watched the man's huge hairy balls dance against her forehead as he fucked her hair. Not even while looking in her brother's dirty magazines had she seen a cock like the one up against her forehead. She suddenly watched his calloused left hand circle the base of his cock and watched his legs move a half step backward.

"What am I doing, Julie?" he said as he began to jerk his 10" cock an inch or two away from her face. The girl was mesmerized by the man's suggestive motions.

"You are jacking off . . . right in front of me . . . Daddy."

"Do you like watching me jack off, honey?" he asked moving his curled fingers across the dark purple head and then slowly back down to the bottom of his cock.

"Yes Daddy . . . I do."

"When I spank your friend, I might need help with a little lubrication for my friend here?" he suggested. Julie was now not even slightly embarrassed as she pinched her nipples furiously . . . first the right and then the left and had already inserted her middle finger into her dripping pussy. Cory couldn't believe how horny he was getting as he rubbed his cock along the path between Aimee's love lips.

He heard her moan as he slowly eased the tip of his cock in between her moist pussy lips. He squeezed her tight ass cheeks as he carefully inserted his cock in an inch or so and then slowly removed it. This continued for a few moments as they both watched the shameless scene . . . a foot away from them as Carl's 10" cock dangled within inches of Julie's pink lips and eager tongue.

"Uh huh . . .do you want me to get it all slippery with my spit?" she asked excitedly . . . realizing she was about to touch her tongue against a guy's cock for the first time in her life . . . with her friends watching.

"Oh yes, Julie . . . lick my long cock with your tongue and make it all shiny for me," he instructed as he offered the huge purple tip to her lips. Julie scooted backwards and stood up, surprising everyone. Her pear-shaped titties jiggled slightly as she rose up and slipped her thumbs into the bottoms of her bathing suit.

"I gotta get this off so that I can rub myself better Daddy," she said wiggling from side to side. Instantly three pairs of eyes inspected her bare hairless pussy that was drenched with her juices.

"Much better . . . now let's see if I can help you out before you spank Aimee's little butt." She knelt down again centering herself in front of the man who held his cock out towards her. Julie looked up at the thick vein filled cock and leaning forwards, slid her lips over the velvety head. She loved the feeling of power she had as her new daddy moaned loudly and tried to push more into her sucking mouth.

Her heart pounded rapidly as she realized she was finally sucking a real cock although this one was obviously over sized, expanding her mouth both sideways and upwards. Cory listened to his dad moan as he watched Julie stick out her tongue and paint the underside of his throbbing cock with her saliva. As Cory and Aimee watched their friend lick his dad's cock, Cory continued to push his organ into the little girl's passage.

Since he had never done anything like this before, he was concerned she might bleed if he drove it in too far, but the sensation was incredible. He lifted his head upwards and captured her stiff nipple in between his lips and pressed them together. At the same time, she felt his tongue sneak in between and begin a rapid flickering back and forth. The combination of his cock filling up her pussy and him nibbling on her titties almost brought her over the edge, especially as she watched Julie curl her tongue around the man's huge organ making it drip with her spit.

Carl moved his cock away from Julie's oral assault, knowing he would lose his load if she continued and noticed that his son's organ was just starting to enter Aimee's pussy. It was time to let this young couple FUCK . . . for the first time. He turned slightly, raised his hand and with a great deal of force smacked her cute little ass. Just as he had planned, she pushed feverishly forward driving the boy's cock up past her hymen and into her womb.

"Oooooooooooooooo," moaned Aimee for a brief second, as she saw lightning bolts go through her mind, as Cory's cock began to rapidly drive in and out of her pussy. The brief pain subsided and a rush of passion enveloped her body as she felt a second and third slap from the boy's father. Forgetting the burning sensation of her punishment, she began to thoroughly enjoy her first fuck . . . as she placed her hands alongside Cory's face urging him to keep sucking on her nipples, which had grown to stiff buds with his constant attention. Soon she felt his legs curl around hers, pulling their bodies against each other as they continued to fuck.

Julie had a perfect view of Cory's cock entering Aimee's virgin pussy and she mimicked their lovemaking by driving her finger into her own pussy. The moaning of her friend who was obviously enjoying herself motivated her even more, knowing she wanted this man to do the same thing to her. She watched him run his hand up and down his slippery shaft as the fucking couple next to them aroused him as well.

"Daddy . . . it's my turn," she said seductively reaching out and grasping the huge acorn tipped end of his throbbing cock. He turned towards her and decided he needed this 14-year-olds body, but couldn't help but tease her a few minutes more.

"Sooooo you can't wait to have your spanking either huh? Well, I guess I have no choice but to put you over my knee and spank your little ass." He reached down and circled his arms around her developing body and pulled her over to a chair next to the couch. Julie attempted to protest as he pushed her over his bare legs and began to spank her ass. His cock somehow ended up in between her titties and as he continued to burn her little butt, he rubbed his cock over and over both breasts.

"Daddy stop," she screamed unconvincingly as he continued to briskly hit her ass with his stinging hand. She loved the feel of his frisky cock as it smeared his juices all over each tit. At the same time, her body was beginning to shake with orgasm as the slaps and pain had somehow excited her. He felt her shaking and stopped his assault, marveling at the red outlines of his hand prints on her white butt.

She slipped down and around until she was kneeling in between his legs . . . desperately trying to get her moist lips back around his erect cock. She wanted to taste his sticky cum and knew it wouldn't take too long for him to erupt. Letting her take over, he watched her head descend towards his cock and then moaned loudly as she curled her lips over her teeth and began to bob up and down, milking his sperm. She wasn't proficient just yet, but as she added more suction the man marveled at her amateur expertise.

She felt his balls begin to vibrate and suddenly he reached that point of no return and her mouth was instantly filled with his hot juices. As quickly as she tried to swallow down his cum, he erupted again causing it to drip down her chin. She suddenly grasped the base of his cock, like she watched in a porno movie her brother had rented and announced:

"I want the rest of your sperm inside my PUSSY. Fill me up Daddy!" she screamed, his cum leaking down her chin and over her pear-shaped titties. Still holding onto his cock, and not waiting for permission, she shifted around to where she was standing in front of him. His 10" organ was so long, she had to stand up on her tiptoes and slowly lower the purple head into her pussy.

She was so damp the huge cock began to enter her shaft easily and having busted her hymen weeks earlier she fed the massive organ into her teen body. She suddenly let go of his shaft and began to bounce up and down on his knees, driving the huge cock in and out of her moist twat. Almost like a faucet being turned back on, Carl's balls began to churn as load after load of his hot jism began to empty into her cunt. The friction was incredible for both of them as he began to shove his cock in and out of the eager teen’s pussy. Four sets of moans and groans filled the basement as both girls enjoyed their very first fuck . . . not to mention Cory and Carl who would have these girls over almost daily . . . for the rest of the summer.


2019-11-06 19:26:32
Where's Episode I?


2019-05-10 05:01:51
Next I'd like to see Carl force the girls to suck the cum out of each others pussies in a nice 69.

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