Dan (Daniella) starts at university and discovers that she is both an exhibitionist and a submissive.
My Boyfriend Tells Me to Get Naked in Public
by Vanessa Evans
Author’s Note
This story is a continuation of my story ‘What would it be like’, obviously it would be beneficial for you to read that story first but this story can also be read as a standalone story.
I really love my boyfriend but he does get me to do the most embarrassing and humiliating things in public.
You see, shortly after I realised that I was really, really, totally, madly in love with him I promised him that I would always do whatever he asked me to do, and I’m one of those girls who always keeps a promise. I was, still am, so far into him that I would walk barefoot over red hot coals for him – if he told me to. He’s a wonderful man who really looks after me, he buys me almost anything that I want, and some things that I would rather that he didn’t buy for me, like see-through clothes, really, really short skirts and dresses and remote controlled vibrators that he can control from his mobile phone.
Maybe I should describe myself before I go any further. My name is Jenna and I am 20 years old, 4 foot 10 inches tall with long, blonde hair. I’m skinny and have a 32AA-23-30 figure with my little tits high up on my chest.
I met my boyfriend, Mason, just over a year ago.
Okay, my tits are small and I sometimes wish that they were bigger and Mason says that if I really want to get implants he will pay for them but he tells me that he likes them the way they are with their big nipples, that always seem to be hard, and small, dark areolas.
Mason says that he loves me the way that I am and doesn’t want me to change any part of my body now that my labia minora have been reduced to nearly nothing. We both agreed that they were way too big and a couple of months ago he took me to a cosmetic surgeon to get them reduced to a nice, nearly non-existent size so that my pussy looks like just a slit until I open my legs. Mason says that I look about 10 years younger now that I’ve had that done. I was scared that it would hurt but it didn’t, the worst part was the healing, we couldn’t fuck for 2 whole weeks, but we’ve made up for it since.
So how does Mason embarrass me I hear you asking? Well it’s in all sorts of ways. I suppose that it started when he started buying me very short skirts and dresses and asked me to wear them all the time. I haven’t worn trousers or shorts since shortly after I met him. Knickers and bras were the next major thing to go. Although I always used to wear a thong, or go commando, having my pussy uncovered 24 x 7 was a big thing for me. It was shortly after I made the promise that he got me to stop wearing them all the time.
I hardly ever wore a bra because my little tits don’t need any support. Mason says that that was one of the ways that he first noticed me, my hard nipples were poking at the front of my silk cami top that I was wearing to the pub with a couple of my girlfriends. Ella said that my poky nipples would get me laid that night, and they did, and Mason has been fucking me just about every day since that night.
I had to move out of my parents home when I got my first job in a different city and I was living in a little apartment with a couple of flat mates when I met Mason. It’s a good job that I don’t live at home anymore because my mum would go crazy if she saw what I was wearing, or not wearing, all the time these days.
The next thing that Mason got me to get rid of was my little landing strip. He prefers girls who are bald below the neck and I quickly promised to keep myself that way. He also paid for me to get rid of all my pubic hair permanently so that I never have to shave my pubic region again.
After all of the above, Mason’s next thing that he told me to do was to stop crossing my legs when I sit down. Well this was a really big thing for me. It was bad enough wearing really short skirts without knickers but I could just about always manage to keep my modesty by crossing my legs and when Mason got me to stop doing that I really found it hard. My mother always drilled it in to me that a girl has to cross her legs when sitting and after going on for 10 years of doing it, it was really hard to break the habit. And that’s even before I mention the embarrassment of my bare pussy being on display whenever I sit down. Okay it was usually just the front of my slit but I still shouldn’t be displaying it for all the world to see.
When I asked Mason why he wanted my slit to be on display every time that I sit down he said that I have a beautiful pussy, one that I should be proud of, and that I should not be afraid or embarrassed to let the world see it. Well I like my pussy and I am proud that I have such a nice one, but to show it to the world every time that I sit down is something else, something that I’m still getting used to, and it doesn’t help when someone stares at it or says something about it.
We go to the pub every Friday night with his mates and at first they stared at my slit a lot and the rest of my pussy when Mason told me to spread my legs so that they could get a better look. I’d soon got used to them staring at my nipples when I wore a tight top.
Then I had to get used to them staring at my tits that were only covered by see-through tops.
I remember one Friday night when they were staring at my bald pussy and I shuddered when I had a horrible thought that Mason might make me masturbate in front of them. Little did I know back then.
On another Friday night, when the pub was very busy and we were all stood in one corner, Mason told me to take my dress off and let his mates see me totally naked. Well, a promise has to be honoured, so I just did it. After about a minute of being totally naked I was happy when Mason told me to put my dress back on.
Having said all the above, yes it is embarrassing, and humiliating, but it does turn me on. I went from thinking about the embarrassment of them seeing my pussy to the embarrassment of them seeing my wet pussy and I was getting turned on thinking about Mason telling me to masturbate for his mates long before he actually did.
I remember the first time that Mason told me to masturbate for them and to actually cum for them while we were in the pub. At the time it was a wonderful feeling but straight afterwards I was soo humiliated that I just wanted to crawl into a corner and die.
One other thing that was been really hard for me to get used to is going to work dressed like I do now. You see I work in a large office and, although the only dress code that they have is that workers must be clean, body and clothes. Apparently, they brought that in when one of the girls there never washed and both her clothes and her body stank. Now I often get mistaken for a slut until I start talking then people soon realise that I just look like a slut.
When Mason left university he got a job in the city of London working in the financial markets and he made a shed load of money. The bad thing was that he had to work 16 hour days and most weekends. After 6 or 7 years he decided to go it alone as a money markets consultant. Now he works the hours and days that he wants.
After Mason and I had been an item for about 4 months he asked me to move in with him. He’s 10 years older than me and lives in a big house all on his own. I’d been to his house quite a few times and observed that it was obvious that a woman had never lived with him.
The other big change around the same time was that Mason asked me if I wanted to quit my job and work for him. When I told him that I knew nothing about the money markets and hadn’t even been to university, he told me that it didn’t matter because all I would be doing was making the occasional cup of tea and keeping him happy.
I was a bit confused until he told me that employing me was a way for him to pay a lot less tax. I’d be his employee in name only. That sort of appealed to me and I left my job with the minimum of notice.
When I did move in Mason told me that it was pointless me wearing any clothes in his house and he told me to strip off every time that I arrived there. As there was only the 2 of us I was quite happy to go along with this. He’d seen me naked so many times that it just seemed natural.
What I hadn’t thought about was all the delivery people, the gardener, the pool man and Mason’s friends that pop round every few days. After running and hiding the first couple of times Mason told me to just act as if I had a burka on, which was easier said than done. It wasn’t so bad with his mates because they’d seen my tits and pussy numerous times in the pub but it was the men that I’d never seen before that embarrassed me.
I mean opening the front door to a delivery guy whilst totally naked is so embarrassing. So is sunbathing naked by the pool when the gardener or pool man arrives to do their job. All Mason said when I mentioned that it was embarrassing was that it was no big deal and that I should be proud of my body.
Well I am proud of my body and I like the way that I look. What’s more, I was starting to get aroused whenever men saw me naked which is also humiliating. Each time that it happens and I tell Mason he just grabs me and fucks me wherever we are at the time.
One time I was still lying on the sunbed by the pool with the pool man nearby. That was the first time that Mason fucked me with someone watching us and I have to admit that it was supper sexy. My orgasm was a really strong and loud one.
Afterwards Mason told me that he knew that I’d love the experience; and on reflection, I did.
After that Mason told me that if he wasn’t there when the gardener or the pool man arrived I was to masturbate for them, either on a sunbed or in front of the nearest widow to them. I did / do, and yes it is a turn-on for me. I have great orgasms.
Mason has also got me to start taking tea and biscuits out to those men, naked of course, and I do it after they have watched me masturbate through a window.
The back yard is also overlooked by another house which has a couple of teenage boys living there. Their rooms are at the back of their house and I’ve spotted them watching me a few times. When I told Mason he just told me to ignore them, to imagine that his house was the only one for miles. Easier said than done and whenever I’m naked out the back I keep looking over towards their house. Mason’s seen me doing this and he says that I want to see the teenagers watching me, that it will be a bit of a turn-on for me. He might just be right.
As well as Mason getting me to be naked at home all the time, he’s started taking me out in his car without letting me put any clothes on. I was really scared the first few times and I nearly freaked out the first time we stopped at a stop light and a wagon pulled up alongside. The driver looked down and saw that I was naked and started taking photographs of me.
That gave Mason the idea of taking lots of photographs and videos of me while I was / am naked. I have to admit that I enjoyed modeling for him. It brought back memories of the time that I did some nude art modeling.
I enjoyed it right up until he said that he was going to put the photos and videos on the internet for the whole world to see. That almost freaked me out but at the same time I jumped on Mason and we fucked on the sunbed while the gardener watched, and I discovered that I like people watching me get fucked.
He did, and still does, put the photos and videos on the internet and he’s shown me dozens of photos and videos of other girls doing similar things to what he makes me do so I’m no longer upset about him putting them there. In fact we sometimes watch similar videos so that Mason can get some fresh ideas as to what he can get me to do.
When he takes me out shopping or to dinner or to a pub I feel almost naked. He has me wear the shortest skirts and tops that are so thin that I can hardly feel them, and some of them are see-through so I really do feel like I’m walking around naked in public.
Where has Mason taken me when I’m totally naked? Well, the first few times were to the fast food restaurants drive-through. I was soo nervous when we pulled up alongside the little windows to pay or collect the food. The first window that we went to had a girl collecting the money and she stared passed Mason at me, but didn’t say anything, not even a smile; but the next window had a young man and he really did stare at me. I was soo embarrassed.
After those first few times I had to get into Mason’s car naked every time we went out. Thankfully, he lets me take a dress or skirt and top and I could put them on when we get to wherever, either when I got out of the car, if there was very few people about, or if it was a busy place, then I can put them on whilst still in the car.
This didn’t always apply. You see Mason is into the outdoor life and early one Spring morning he told me to put on the hiking boots that he’d bought me and he drove us out onto the hills, to a very remote place with no sign of life anywhere. Then we set off on a hike up into the hills with me naked apart from my boots.
Mason promised me that we were going on a route that he’s done before and never seen anyone else but I was as nervous as hell. We’d been walking for about an hour, and not seen another person, when all of a sudden there were 3 young men walking in the opposite direction. My heart started pounding and I begged Mason to give me his shirt but he wouldn’t. He said that I was perfect the way that I was. Nice to hear, but it didn’t help one little bit.
As the 3 young men got closer they realised what was walking towards them and out came their phones. I have no idea how many photos or videos they took of me before we actually reached them. When we got within hearing distance Mason said ‘good morning’ to them and they said the same back.
Then Mason stopped and asked them what the weather was like on the top of the hill that they’d just come down from. I had no choice other than to just stand there and let them stare at my naked body. I could have put my hands in the strategic places but Mason had already told me not to.
The thing was, whilst we were all stood there I felt my pussy get wet and by the time we parted, I could feel my juices leaking out of me. I was soo pleased that I could keep my legs together. The strange thing was that none of the 3 young men asked why I was naked.
When we were out of hearing distance I told Mason about my pussy and he stopped and put 2 fingers in me. When he pulled them out he held them in front of my face and said,
“So you are, open wide.”
I opened my mouth and he put his finger in for me to taste myself and lick his fingers dry.
When we got to the top of the hill we had a short rest, well short enough for Mason to fuck me. Thankfully with no one else there to witness our copulation.
The hike back to the car was peaceful and I slowly realised that I liked naked hiking, just so long as we were on our own. Unfortunately, we weren’t on our own when we got back to the car. There were 2 other cars there with people getting ready to go, of having finished, hiking. I wanted to hang back and hide until they’d gone but Mason took my hand and led me back to the car with all of the people watching me.
Mason has taken me on 3 more naked hikes since that first one, and on each one there are more and more people walking the same route as us. All in all I must have been seen naked by 30 + people, none of whom had anything derogatory to say about me being naked and I have had quite a few complimentary comments.
Mason always finds some place that he can fuck me out in the open and on 2 occasions we had an audience - of sheep.
Hiking isn’t the only sporting activity that Mason likes. When the weather isn’t good he takes me to a leisure centre in a nearby city to swim, play squash or badminton. He has bought me a bikini for when he takes me swimming. The bikini is made of very soft, thin, unlined, mesh material that is see-through. It clings to my body and you can easily see every little bulge and crevice, Mason loves my camel toe. The bikini is yellow so that at a distance you can’t tell that it’s see-through, which I like, but close up, and when it’s wet, I may as well be naked.
Yes I know that Mason has a pool and that I swim naked there but he likes to take me somewhere where I can be seen by lots of people. The changing rooms at the pool he takes me to are unisex with lots of cubicles and Mason always leaves the door to the cubicle open so that anyone passing by can see me changing; and he insists that I stand around totally naked while I sort everything out.
The pool has slides and a wave machine and we have great fun. Mason keeps me busy so that I don’t have time to get self-conscious or embarrassed but I have noticed people looking at me, especially as Mason doesn’t fasten the strings tightly and it’s not uncommon for the water to push the material to one side, uncovering one of my tits or my pussy lips. Mason usually takes me at a busy time so that the staff have a lot more to do than look at swimsuits to see if they are see-through or not covering what they should cover.
The showers at the pool are mixed as well but everyone wears their swimming costume to get showered. Because my bikini is see-through when close up or wet, I often have men showering near me and looking at me.
I’m starting to realise that I like that and I’ve often pleaded with Mason to fuck me when we’ve got back to our cubicle, even though he leaves the door open.
For the badminton and squash Mason has me wear a T-shirt tank top that is long enough to wear as a dress. Well Mason says that it is but I don’t like it because it only just covers my butt and pussy – when I’m stood still. Of course both those games involve moving about a lot and both my butt and pussy are on full display quite a lot when we’re playing.
The squash courts have a glass wall at the back with tiered rows of seats for people to watch the games and I’m sure that I must be giving the audience a great view of my butt and pussy, but Mason keeps things moving fast and I don’t get much time to think about what I’m showing.
The badminton courts are in a big hall and the 4 courts are’s usually occupied. There’s seats all around the sides of the hall and there is usually a few people sat on them and the people near where we are playing get a great view as I always seem to have to reach up to get the high shots.
We usually have to wait for a court to become free and we spend that time in the little cafe. Mason has me sit the same as I always have to and I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve blushed when I’ve caught the eye of someone looking at my exposed pussy.
One Saturday a couple of months ago Mason took me to a football game. It was an away game and we went there by train. As usual, Mason told me to wear just a very short dress so I was pleased that it was an unusually warm day for the time of the year. Apart from all the comments about my legs and bulging nipples all the time, the train journey back was really embarrassing. Well it was when I woke up, you see I was sat next to the window with Mason sat opposite me, and there was no table for that group of 4 seats.
I was happy that Mason was opposite me because it meant that he was the only one who could see up my dress when I was just sat there, legs not crossed as normal. I even sat perched on the front of the seat with my knees apart just to tease Mason, but that backfired on me when he lifted my window side leg up and rested my foot on his leg.
That wasn’t the problem, what was the problem was that I got bored and fell asleep. Mason realised that I was asleep and lifted my leg so that my foot was flat on his knee and my knee was up in the air. This meant that my dress was pushed up and all of my pussy was on display to the man sat next to Mason, and anyone walking down the aisle, and once 1 football fan knew, all of them knew, and lots of them walked up and down the aisle to see the pussy belonging to the sleeping girl.
Needless to say that Mason was enjoying it, and when the comments from the football fans finally woke me up Mason told me to stay like that until it got to the time to get off.
Even with my eyes shut I could feel the eyes of the football fans staring at my pussy and hear them commenting on what they could see. Fortunately, all the comments were favourable, and those, in a strange way, felt nice, even turning me on a bit.
Sometimes, if it is a pleasant evening, Mason will take me for a walk to a local park. There’s a kids playground there that’s always kid free when we get there and we sometimes stop and I have a go on the swings or other equipment and my skirt or dress lets him see my pussy a lot. There’s one of those dome shaped climbing frames there and Mason gets me to hang upside down on it at times. My skirt or dress always inverts and sometimes my dress will actually fall right off me.
One time that we were walking near the play area there was a group of teenage boys hanging around the climbing frame just talking and fooling around. Mason told me to go and hang upside down on the frame.
“But there’s all those teenagers sat on it.” I protested.
“Go on Jenna, do it, give them a lesson in female anatomy.” Mason replied.
I looked at him and realised that he was serious, so I did. The young men just stared at me as I climbed into the middle then swung my legs up, my butt and pussy immediately becoming visible to them. When I was upside down they got an unrestricted view down to my wet upturned pussy. Then when my dress slithered down over my head and fell on the floor they could see my little tits as well.
After their initial shock that a girl should do such a thing, they started coming out with some comments. Mason was stood quite close so the comments weren’t too rude but it was obvious that they liked what they saw.
Thankfully, I could blame my red face on the blood running to my face rather than the actual cause which was my embarrassment.
Mason left me there for ages before he told me to get off the frame and put my dress back on. The comments about my ‘nice’ pussy were still coming as we walked away.
“Enjoy that Jenna?” Mason asked when the young men couldn’t hear us.
“No, you know that I don’t like exposing myself like that.” I replied.
“Like that? You’ve never done that before, but you can be sure that you’ll do that again if there’s any teenagers there the next time that we come here. Besides, I bet that you did enjoy it. Stop, I’ll finger you and see if you actually did enjoy it.”
We stopped and he fingered me then put his wet fingers to my mouth saying,
“Told you.”
How can a girl argue that she didn’t get aroused by something when it causes her pussy to get so wet?
As well as Mason getting me to get changed with the changing cubicle door open at the swimming pool, he does it when I’m trying on new clothes. Most of the changing cubicles in clothes shops have just curtains across the entrance, and most of the changing areas are separated into men’s and women’s areas so other girls seeing me naked isn’t a problem, although I do have to go and show Mason everything that I try on and sometimes there are other men standing at the entrance. That’s not a problem until Mason tells me to bend over or something. Then it gets embarrassing.
The unisex, or gender neutral changing rooms are the most embarrassing as there always seems to be men coming in and out as I get changed, and, as expected, Mason tells me not to close the curtains. I’ve lost count of the number of men who have seen me naked whilst getting changed.
Shoe shopping is the same. Most shoe shops are self-service but there is always someone who will help you if you ask them, and Mason always finds a young man to help me, even though I can manage on my own. The young men always seem to be happy to help me and get down on their knees in front of me. Then I just can’t avoid giving them a great view of my pussy.
I remember one young man who kept going back to the store room to get a different pair of the same shoes saying that he wasn’t happy with the way that they fit my feet, even though they felt okay to me.
When he went to the store room the third time Mason told me to lean back on the chair and spread my legs more than was necessary. My face went red as I did what I was told to do and when the young man got back to me a wet patch quickly appeared on the front of his trousers.
As we walked out with a new pair of 4 inch heels Mason told me that I’d enjoyed flashing the young man. I denied it then stayed silent when Mason asked me if he needed to finger me to prove it.
Of course it was wet, what girl’s wouldn’t be.
Parties – with Mason still seeing a lot of his mates, and most of them still being single, there is usually a party of some sorts every 2 or 3 months, and Mason started taking me to them. He told me that they were a sort of extension of Friday nights at the pub but with some more guys, and a few girls that are partnered with one of the guys.
Mason told me that the parties usually got quite lively but wouldn’t expand on what he meant by ‘lively’.
Mason had me wear just an ultra short, spaghetti strapped summer dress and heels for the first party that he took me to and I was surprised by the number of people there. Mason had told me that there would only be a few more people than go to the pub on a Friday night but there must have been about 20 people there, about 13 or 14 guys and 6 girls, all in their late teens or mid twenties.
Mason soon introduced me to everyone that he knew but there was one girl there who he hadn’t seen before. The party started just like the ones that I’d been to when I was at school, but with a lot more booze.
I got talking to the ‘new’ girl and she asked me if I’d been to one of the parties before. When I said that I hadn’t she asked me if it was true that all the girls stripped naked at midnight.
I was a little surprised at that comment and said that I didn’t know but Mason would probably get me to strip off anyway. I told her that he likes me to be naked when his mates are around.
“Oh good, Terry told me that I’d have to strip and I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. I’ve been getting all horny anticipating being naked with all these men looking at me.” The girl said.
Again, I was a little surprised but her comments made me feel a little comfortable knowing that another girl got aroused by being naked with men around.
Another girl came to join us and we both asked her if it was true.
“Oh yes, didn’t Terry and Mason tell you, come the stroke of midnight the stripper tune is played and all of us girls do a striptease. That’s why I keep coming to these parties. The boozing to start off with is boring but after midnight we play games where us girls are dared to do sexy things.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I don’t think that there’s a guy here that I haven’t given a blowjob to and they’ve all seen me pissing. I’ve eaten the pussies of 3 of the girls as well.”
“Wow,” I said, “I wasn’t expecting anything like that. I guessed that Mason would tell me to strip naked but I thought that I would just have to dance naked or something like that.”
“You’re not going to chicken out are you Jenna? Mason told us that you do everything that he tells you.”
“No, I’m not going to chicken out, if Mason wants me to give another guy a blowjob or for me to eat another girl’s pussy then I’ll do it.”
“What about fucking yourself with a beer bottle? I’ve had to do that a few times.”
“I could do that.”
“So could I,” the other new girl said.
“What about actual fucking another guy? I’ve had to do that a few times.”
“If that’s what Mason wants.”
“Ooh goody, an orgy, I’ve always wanted to take part in one of those,” the other new girl said.
Mason came over then and told us that it was getting near the magic hour.
“Why didn’t you tell me that these parties are actually orgies?” I asked.
“I didn’t want to risk upsetting you.”
“So you waited until I’d had a few drinks?”
“Mason, you know that I’ll do anything, absolutely anything for you. I’ve promised that hundreds of times and I keep my word.”
“I know, but I wondered if this was just a bit too much for you.”
“No Mason, it isn’t. If you really want everyone of your mates to fuck me right here and now I will do it for you. If you want me to walk home naked I will do it.”
Mason put his arm around me and grabbed one of my tits and squeezed.
“I love you Jenna.”
“And I love you too Mason, now where do we strip?”
“In the lounge lover.”
We 3 girls went to the lounge where the guys were all around the outside walls and the other girls were in the middle of the room. When the stripper tune started 6 girls started stripping. It didn’t take long, none of the 6 were wearing underwear and within a minute the guys were cheering at the 6 naked girls. I noticed that all 6 of us have totally bald pubes and I started to wonder if Mason was introducing me into some sort of naked girls club that him and his mates ran, not that I was complaining, I’ll do anything for Mason.
When the noise level got lower I heard one guy say,
“I didn’t know that you were dating a 10 year old girl Mason, Jenna looks just like my kid sister.”
Of course, the other guys started on him, asking him when he’s seen his 10 year old sister naked. Someone called him a pedophile.
After all the guys had had a good look at the 6 naked girls one of the guys said,
“Right then, who’s got the playing cards?”
They appeared and one guy held them fanned out and face down while us girls picked a card.
When the girls had all got one we held them up. The girl with the lowest card had a big grin on her face as one of the guys said,
“Okay, most of you know how this works but for the couple of new girls, the girl with the lowest card has to do a forfeit from a list that is shuffled before each party. The list is numbered and all the numbers are on little pieces of paper in this bowl. Would the lucky girl come and pick a number.”
The girl walked over, picked one of the pieces of paper and shouted the number 5.
“Good, you won’t regret this young lady, your forfeit is to give a blowjob, here in this room, right now, to any man here other than the one who you came with. Your choice.”
The girl’s face was beaming as she looked around the room then pointed to one of Mason’s friends who walked to the middle of the room. With everyone watching she got down on her knees in front of the guy, unzipped his trousers, pulled his cock out and started sucking.
About 3 minutes later he pulled her head off his cock and she looked up at his face with her mouth wide open as blobs of his jism shot out and landed all over her face. To cheers from everyone she licked as much off her face then used her fingers to move the rest into her mouth. After showing her mouth full of his jism to everyone she gulped it down then showed her empty mouth to everyone, again to more cheers.
The the cards were shuffled and all the girls picked another card. I was the one with the lowest card this time and I stepped forward and picked a piece of paper out of the bowl.
“Number 6.” I announced.
There were cheers as the guy announced that I was to be fucked doggy style by the man of my choice, other than the man I arrived with. I looked around and after looking at the smiling Mason, I selected a man called Dan, then I got on my hands and knees with my butt facing most of the people there.
Ten seconds later I felt the tip of a hard cock pressing against my very wet vaginal entrance. I grunted as the cock rammed right into me in one fast thrust then settled into a normal fucking rhythm.
About a minute later the cock stopped going in and out and pressed into me as hard as he could then I felt his warm jism get ejaculated into me. That action triggered my orgasm and I shouted out as the waves rolled over me.
When I started to get my senses back I could hear lots of cheering. I blushed, got a little embarrassed and looked over to Mason, who was cheering and smiling. I was thankful that he didn’t look upset by what I had just done.
Dan’s cock was soft by then and he withdrew it and got to his feet leaving me to stay there for a few seconds recovering before getting to my feet.
The next 3 or 4 hours were taken up with the game, all of the girls performing at least two items from the list below which every item was performed at least once. I had to perform a 69 with one of the girls, and run 100 meters down the road totally naked. I also had to promise to masturbate whenever one of the guys at the party saw me for the next 4 weeks which meant that I had to masturbate in the pub the next 4 Friday’s. Fortunately, the pub was as busy as it normally is and I managed to do it without anyone, other than our group, noticing or hearing.
• Sit on a guy’s face for 5 full minutes.
• Masturbate on the coffee table to orgasm for everyone to see.
• Fuck yourself with a half full beer bottle of 3 minutes.
• Let every man at the party finger fuck you for 2 minutes.
• Urinate outside whilst stood up, with everyone watching.
• Perform a 69 with another girl of your choice, in the middle of the room.
• Perform a 69 with the man of your choice (not the one who you came with), in the middle of the room.
• Let the man of your choice, but not the one who you came with, fuck you doggy style in the middle of the room.
• Run 100 meters down the road, and back, totally naked.
• Flash your bare pussy, on the demand of any guy at the party, for the next 4 weeks.
• Masturbate on the demand of any guy at the party, for the next 4 weeks.
• Do not wear a bra or knicker until after the next party.
• Expose your pussy to 6 different unknown men before the next party and have 1 of the guys here witness each flash and take a photograph to prove that you have done it.
• Send nude selfies to each of the guys at the party. A different photo each day for a week.
• Get your male partner to make a sex video of you masturbating, fucking yourself with a large dildo and riding him reverse cowboy style, post the video on a well known website and email the link to everyone at the party.
As dawn started to break people were getting tired and the party ended. I found my dress and carried it out to Mason’s car for the journey home.
On the way Mason asked me why I picked Dan, and if he had anything to worry about, I told him that I picked him because he looked like he needed a good fuck and I remembered Mason telling me that he didn’t have a girlfriend. Also that Mason had absolutely nothing to be worried about.
Mason also told me that the guy who was holding the playing cards was a card sharp and had things rigged so that each girl got the card that he wanted, and that the newbie girls got at least 3 lowest cards.
We slept until noon that day and I woke to the feeling of Mason fucking me to wake me. Then I asked him when the next party was.
It was that morning that I told Mason about my mental bucket list and which items I had already completed, and how.
It was tea time when we finally got out of bed after my giving him the details got interrupted by more fucking.
Mason also got me to write down all the items on my bucket list that I hadn’t yet completed. He promised that I would complete them all.
This last summer Mason caught the teenage boys next door watching me as I sunbathed nude by the pool. Instead of bollocking them and telling them not to perv on my body again, he invited them to come round and use our pool. When I asked Mason why he’d done that he said that I’d love to have them staring at my body and that I’d really enjoy masturbating for them.
My jaw dropped when he said that last bit but I knew that I’d do it, after all, a promise is a promise.
The following day they came round when they saw me go out to the pool and jump in. When I got out of the water I lay on the sun lounger and watched them mess about with a ball in the pool. When they got out I spread my legs and rubbed my pussy until I orgasmed. They sat at the foot of the lounger and watched me.
After a nervous start I discovered that Mason was right, I did enjoy doing it with them watching.
That happened about twice a week until the early September when they went off to university.
One weekend in the August, Mason took me to a big seaside resort for a couple of days and we had a fun time. We stopped in a little hotel and went out each day. We spent a few hours on the beach each day and Mason had me wear just some ‘strings only’ thong bikini bottoms. With them looking just like any thong bikini bottoms from the rear, most people didn’t realise that my pussy was on display.
The few men that did realise all stared at me and a couple of them followed us as we walked along the beach. We stopped at a ‘kids free’ area and spread our towels to relax and sunbathe. Whenever Mason saw a man looking at my exposed pussy he told me to spread my legs to give the man a better view.
By then I was sort of getting used to Mason telling me to let men look at my spread pussy and the embarrassment is not as great as it used to be but I still feet humiliated by the fact that my pussy gets all wet even though I’m not really thinking about having sex.
Each evening that we were there we started by going to the funfair, and each time, before we left the hotel, Mason had me put my Ohmibod remote controlled vibrator in my pussy so that he could embarrass and humiliate me wherever he wanted. And he did. Each evening he had me wear an ultra short, thin summer dress, one that the skirt part is sort of inverted ‘V’ shape. The breeze blew it around and up quite often and quite a few people saw that I had nothing on under it, and they saw the little pink tail of the vibrator sticking out of my vagina.
Mason kept switching the vibrator on, fortunately not on full power, but enough for my shaking to give a few people the impression that I was having some sort of fit.
We went on a few different rides and Mason seemed to zero-in on the rides where we had to be strapped into our seats. This meant that a young man had to come and check that our seat belts were properly fastened and every time that a young man came to check mine he got an eyeful of my bare pussy with the little pink tail sticking out. Of course, each time that I got my seat belt checked, Mason had to use his phone to tell the vibrator to give me a blast of full power whist my belt was being checked.
After the funfair it was a nice restaurant then a few drinks in a local pub. Although I had the thin cotton summer dress on I felt naked all evening, and Mason used the remote control to give me orgasms all evening. I’d never tried to eat whilst a remote controlled vibrator kept my body shaking and having multiple orgasms and, as expected, it was very difficult. I got asked if I was okay lots of times and Mason had to answer for me most of the time. I just hope that none of the waiters knew what was happening to me.
The local pubs were embarrassing and humiliating as well as; Mason chose stools for us to sit on both times and in my struggles to stay on the stools the people around me must have thought that I was some sort of weird exhibitionist.
Another big thing that happened a few months after I moved in with Mason was that he got the whole house decorated. As I mentioned before, a woman had never lived in that house with Mason before, and Mason is a very tidy person so most of the place looked very minimalist. When I said that the place need to look ‘lived in’, he agreed and let me choose a colour scheme that would liven the place up a bit instead of everything being the default magnolia colour.
Anyway, he got a man in and we agreed the colour scheme for each room and a week or so later 3 men arrived to start the job. When the original man had been there I’d just got back from the supermarket and was still wearing a dress but Mason told me that when the men arrived to do the job I was to be my usual naked all the time.
“You want me to be naked here with 2 or 3 unknown men painting the house with you locked away in your study working.” I said, “Aren’t you afraid that they’ll rape me or something?”
“They won’t rape you Jenna. And why shouldn’t you be naked, you live here?”
“Well if that’s what you want Mason then okay.”
“And you won’t be able to hide in the rooms that they aren’t working in, you’ll have to keep checking on them to make sure that they are doing what was agreed, and provide them with umpteen cups of tea.”
“If you say so Mason.”
“Yes I do, and the man told me that they’ll start on our bedroom first and there’s something that I want you to do for me?”
“And what is that?”
“I’ll tell you just before they arrive.”
“Another little surprise eh? I like surprises.”
“You’ll like this one.”
The start day arrived and Mason woke me early by fucking me until I woke up, and some more afterwards. I love it when he does that.
Anyway, after breakfast he told me to go back to bed and just partially cover myself with the sheet.
“But didn’t you say that they were doing the bedroom first?”
“Yes they are, and I want them to see you fast asleep on the bed. Oh, and I want you to be a restless sleeper, tossing and turning so that you end up with the sheet on the floor with your legs wide open.”
“You want me to display ALL of my naked body to them?”
“Yes, and I want you to play with your pussy in your ‘sleep’”
“Yes, and I want you to do the job properly and make yourself cum.”
“In my sleep?”
“Yes, you’ve done that before, I’ve watched you.”
“Have I? I don’t remember.”
“You wouldn’t, you were asleep.”
“Yeah, okay. I really made myself cum while I was asleep?”
“Yes Jenna, you did; I guess that you were having a wet dream because your pussy was dripping.”
“And you watched all this and didn’t tell me the next morning?”
“No, you looked happy.”
“I guess that I was. I wonder what I was dreaming about?”
“Probably about you being naked in some busy, public place and I guess that you were jilling off while people watched you.”
“Are you trying to embarrass me?”
“You don’t get embarrassed Jenna.”
“Oh yes I do, and you are usually the cause.”
“Back to the decorators, I’ll give you about 30 minutes then come and wake you up so make sure that you put on a good show for them.”
“If I must.”
“Yes Jenna, you must, I want you to.”
“In that case I will.”
I did go back to bed and pulled the sheet over just my torso then I actually went back to sleep. The next thing that I knew was that I could hear unknown, male voices and Mason telling them to just ignore me and warning them that I was a restless sleeper.
Then I heard Mason tell them that he’d be in his study if they needed him. I guessed that that was my cue to start the show that Mason wanted. I waited for a few minutes as I heard them moving about and moving some of the furniture.
“Shall I move the bed to the middle of the room?” A younger sounding voice asked.
“No, leave it for now, we don’t want to wake her, if she’s as restless as the man says she might just put a show on for us without even realising it.”
“I hope so, I’ve got my phone with me so I’ll take some pictures.”
“You’d better put it in silent mode, you don’t want it waking her.”
“Already done that mate.”
They talked decorating stuff for a few minutes then I decided to get restless and turned onto my side, pulling the sheet up my body a bit. As I brought my body into the fetal position I wondered if they could see my butt and pussy.
“Hey Pete, come round this side and look at that.” I heard the younger man say.
“Get your phone out son, it’s photo time.” The older man said.
Over the next 10 or 15 minutes I tossed and turned laying in various positions with the sheet covering less and less of me.
I waited for yet another minute then rolled over onto my side again, bringing my legs up and feeling none of the sheet over me.
“Get that phone over this side son.” The older man said.
Again I gave them a minute or so before rolling onto my stomach and spreading my legs.
“Fucking hell, this will make a great photo.” The older man said from what sounded like the foot of the bed.
I gave them a minute or so then slid my right hand under me, pushing my fingers over my mons and to my pussy where they started to slowly rub and delve between my lips.
“Fucking hell mate, are you sure that she’s still asleep. I’ve never seen a girl do that in her sleep before.”
“Just how many sleeping girls have you watched?”
“Okay, this is my first but I didn’t know that girls play with themselves when they’re asleep.”
“And I guess that you believe that you don’t play with your cock when you are asleep.”
“You may well be right.”
“Jeez, she’s all wet.”
“Hardly surprising.”
I got myself quite aroused then rolled over onto my back, spread my legs wide and my right hand got busy again. By that time the sheet had fallen right off me and I was totally naked for them, and I have to say that it felt nice.
“Kin ‘ell mate, have you got a video mode on the phone of yours?”
“Already in it mate, I can’t wait to show it to my mates in the pub tonight.”
I brought myself to an orgasm then lay there, still with my eyes shut, and within a couple of minutes I actually did fall asleep.
When I woke up I was still naked and still had me legs wide open. I opened my eyes and looked around. The 2 men were busy painting the walls.
“Oh good morning gentlemen. Sorry, I meant to get up earlier so that I could get out of your way.”
“That’s okay luv, we managed to work around you but we will need to move the bed soon.”
“Sorry, I’ll get out of your way.”
“No rush, a cup of tea in about half an hour would be great if it’s not too much trouble.”
“Sure, I’ll just have a shower then I’ll get right on it.”
I got off the bed, and made no attempt to cover up as I walked out of the room. I went to Mason’s ‘office’ and started to tell him what had happened.
“I know, I watched it all on the monitor. You did good girl. Give me a quick blowjob then go and get that shower.”
I’ve just realised that I forgot to tell you that Mason has webcams in each room, all linked to some of the many monitors that he has in his office.
I used the main bathroom to shower then went and put the kettle on, still totally naked.
“Not getting dressed today then?” The younger man said as I carried the tray into the bedroom.
“Pete, I’ve told you before, the older man said, “you shouldn’t talk about personal things with the customers.”
Before Pete could reply I said,
“That’s okay, I don’t mind, and no, I won’t be putting any clothes on today, or any other day, unless I’m going out somewhere and will have to get out of the car. I hope that it isn’t going to be a problem with you?”
Pete got his spoke in first,
“Hell no lady, you wear whatever you like.”
“Please, my name is Jenna, not ‘lady’.”
“Sorry la… Jenna.”
“Good, if there’s anything else that I can get you just give me a shout, otherwise, since it’s a nice day, I will be out by the pool.”
I went and told Mason that I was going to top up my all-over tan by the pool then went outside and did just that. I spent the next 2 or 3 hours tanning, swimming and listening to my mp3 player before I was disturbed by the decorators who came out and asked if it was okay to take their lunch break out by the pool.
“Sure,” I said, “I’ll got and put the kettle on.”
“Thanks luv.” One of them said.
Whilst the kettle was boiling I went to see Mason and he told me that he wanted me to masturbate for the decorators. My stomach and pussy fluttered as I went and mashed the tea then poured it. When I took a cup to Mason I asked him if he really wanted me to masturbate for the workmen.
“Sure, it will make them happy and a happy workman is a productive worker. Besides, you’ll enjoy it as well.”
I gulped down the saliva in my mouth then turned and carried the tray outside.
The guys thanked me then I went back to the sun lounger, put my sunglasses on and plugged my earbuds in before moving the sun lounger so that my feet were facing the sun, which also happened to be the direction that the guys were sat. I wondered if they’d sat there deliberately, knowing that most people like their feet to point to the sun.
I looked towards the window that I knew Mason was behind then lay on the lounger with my feet at the side edges of the lounger. Through my sunglasses I saw that 3 men were all staring up my legs to my bare pussy. Feeling it get wet and tingly, I, very slowly, moved my left hand to my right tit and my right hand to my pussy.
I just rested them there for a while before slowly starting to caress myself. Through the sunglasses I watched the 3 guys watching me and wondered if they knew that I was watching them watching me. All those thoughts made me horny, very horny. My arousal was going through the roof as my hands got more and more active.
I’d closed my eyes for a while and when I opened them I saw that 2 of the guys had got their phones out and were videoing me. Thinking about who, and how many men would see those videos pushed me over the top and I got a bit vocal and physical as the waves of pleasure crashed down on me.
When I was able, I sat up, took my sunglasses off, looked at the 3 guys, smiled and said,
“Shouldn’t you guys be getting back to work?”
The older of the 3 guys continued staring for a few seconds then replied,
“Err yes, come on guys, lost time is lost money. See you later luv.”
I watched as the older guy tapped the other 2 on the arm to bring them back to reality then the 3 of them went back inside leaving me to take their tea mugs back to the kitchen. But before I did that I decided that I needed a quick dip to cool down and I stood up then dived in.
When I went back inside I went to see Mason and he stood up and pushed me back against the wall. While he was trying to tickle my tonsils with his tongue his hands were unfastening his trousers and pushing them down.
I had another orgasm within 2 minutes.
The rest of the day went with me teasing the guys by wandering around where they were and trying on some of my short skirts and dresses where they could see me.
That evening Mason took me out for a meal with me wearing just a top as a dress and having to keep straight up as much as possible to avoid flashing my butt and pussy too much. On the way home Mason parked in a car park that, he says, is frequented by voyeurs and couples willing to put on a show for anyone who cared to look.
Mason fucked me over the front of the car and I saw a couple of men watching, but neither of them came for a closer look.
The second decorating day Mason got me to open the door for them when they arrived, naked of course. The younger guy, Pete, asked me if I ever put any clothes on.
“Only when I have to.” I replied, “Why, is that a problem for you?”
“Hell no, you can put on a show, like yesterday, anytime that you want luv.”
I felt my face go all red and hot, and my pussy get wet. I turned and followed the guys in then I went back to stand next to Mason who had started discussing the painting job with the older guy. When they went to get started Mason turned to me and said,
“Now, what sort of a show can you put on for them today?”
I got another attack of the same feelings then replied,
“Do I have to?”
“Yes Jenna, I want you to.”
“Okay then. What do I have to do?”
“Well lover, I think that your Ohmibod is going to be quite busy today. Go and get it and I’ll put it inside you, then all you have to do is let it happen.”
“So you’re going to turn it on as and whenever you want?”
“You enjoy the surprise of it bursting in to life don’t you?”
“Yes and no. It can be very embarrassing if there are people around.”
“But that’s the best part, them looking at you and trying to work out what’s going on with you. Those that know about those vibrators will wonder if you are being manipulated, and just how much you are enjoying it. And you will be enjoying it won’t you Jenna?”
“I guess so.”
“Good, now go and put the kettle on, I’m sure that those 3 will appreciate a nice cup of tea along with some really nice eye candy.”
Mason knows how to compliment me but he does it at some weird times. I went and put the kettle on and when I took the tray of drinks to the decorators I said to the youngest,
“So ‘Pete’ isn’t it, did you share the photos and videos, that you took of me masturbating yesterday, with your mates in the pub last night?” I asked.
Pete’s face went bright red then he replied,
“I didn’t take ……..”
I interrupted him saying,
“Yes you did Pete, I watched you. It’s okay, Mason likes people to see me naked and playing with myself; it turns him on.”
“Well err yes I did, I hope that you don’t mind.”
“No I don’t, as I just said, Mason likes me like this.”
“And do you like being like that?” The slightly older man asked.
“Well it’s embarrassing and it can be really humiliating at times but I guess that it does sort of turn me on.”
“And what about that thing, that pink thing hanging out of your pussy? Does that turn you on?” Pete asked, “and can I take some photos of it like that?”
“Yes it does turn me on a little bit, and a bit more when men look at it, and I guess that it’s okay to photograph it, but when Mason turns it on it drives me crazy and if he puts it on full blast it can make me cum.”
“This I gotta see.” Pete replied.
I think that Mason must have been listening to our conversation and it was a good job that I’d put the tray of mugs down because all of a sudden the Ohmibod burst into life, I let out a shriek and really wanted to hold my slightly wobbling tits and vibrating pussy, but Mason has told me never to do that when the Ohmibod comes to life. He says that he wants everyone to see everything that it’s doing to me.
I just stood there saying “Ooow, arghhh, oooohhh” and few choice words as I transferred my weight from one foot to the other and back. I vaguely heard the older man telling the younger man to get his phone out and vaguely remember seeing Pete holding the phone in front of different parts of my body and face before the intensity of the vibrations triggered a quite intense orgasm.
I felt my knees buckle and I dropped to my knees as the waves of pleasure forced my body to submit to them.
Just as the started to regain a little control the vibrations reduced to a gently, pleasant level. Then I heard the older man ask,
“So what triggered that Miss?”
“Jenna, please; Mason must have, the thing is remotely controlled by an app on his phone.”
“I gotta get one of those,” the not so youngest man said, “my Beth will love that.”
“So will you be sunbathing again today?” Pete asked.
“If the sun stays out and it warms up, why do you ask?”
“Well I was hoping to take some more photographs and videos; that’s if you don’t mind.”
“I told you, Mason wants you to take some so go ahead, anytime that you like.”
“Thanks missus.”
I wasn’t too keen on the ‘missus’ but I let it go and replied,
“Right, I’m sure that you’ve got lots of work to be getting on with and I haven’t had a shower yet. I’ll make some tea later.”
I left them to get on and went back to see Mason.
“Are you going to drive me crazy with my Ohmibod all day?” I asked.
“Probably, but I may get you to take it out so that I can fuck you sometime, or maybe you’d like it up your ass while that thing is torturing you Jenna.”
“Whatever you want lover, you know that my body is yours to do with as you wish.”
Mason pulled me to him and gave me a long, tonsil tickling kiss whilst rubbing my clit at the same time. Just as an orgasm was starting to build he backed off and told me to go and shower, and leave the door open so that anyone passing could see me.
I was showered then rubbed lotion onto my legs when the older man came to the door and asked me how long I was going to be, explaining that he wanted to paint the ceiling. I hurried up then let him in.
In the bedroom one of the guys told me not to touch the door or its frame.
“That’s us done in here.” One of the guys said.
“You won’t be able to watch me sleeping then.” I replied.
“You could always have a nap on one of the sun loungers luv.”
“I may just do that, if this thing lets me.” I replied pointing down to my pussy.
The guy just smiled and I went and put the kettle on.
The 3 guys followed me outside when I told them that the tray of tea was for them and we sat on the grass drinking the tea. I had just put my mug down when Mason switched my Ohmibod on to full blast. I shrieked and within seconds I was flat on my back, legs spread wide and my fingers clawing at the grass as the vibrations started to drive me crazy.
I just about managed to see the young decorator videoing my orgasm as I totally lost it and screamed with pleasure.
“Did you get that okay?” I asked, smiling as I regained my composure.
“I sure did, mind if I share it with my mates?”
“Go ahead, it’s not like I’ll ever meet them. Oh, hang on, which pub do you go to?”
“The Red Lion.”
“Shit, Mason sometimes takes me there. Oh well, too late now, and I’m sure that Mason will enjoy my embarrassment if one of your mates comes up to me the next time that we’re there and asks if I am the girl you videoed.”
Just then the Ohmibod burst into life again, I shrieked, and then it stopped.
“Oh,” I said, I thought that I was about to put on another little show for you. I guess not. Maybe you should get back to work if you’re going to get the job finished tomorrow.”
“She’s right lads,” the older man said, “come on, lets go.”
I was left outside sat on the grass and decided to enjoy the sun for a while so I moved to a sun lounger. I’d just settled when the Ohmibod kicked in again. Again just a short burst. Over the next hour or so I got zapped 5 more times at irregular intervals, and for variable lengths of time. I wondered if Mason was just toying with me or if he’d discovered some more features of the Ohmibod.
Then Mason came out to see me and he was sat on the side of the sun lounger fondling one of me tits and asking me how I enjoyed having the decorators here when the Ohmibod burst in to life again.
“How did you do that?” I asked, “you didn’t bring your phone out here.”
“It’s a feature that I’ve found on the app. If I leave it like that the vibrator will continue with the random blasts until the battery goes flat.”
“Oh my gawd, don’t do that, it will drive me crazy.”
“Maybe that’s what I want.”
“So I’m not going to have a relaxing day then?”
“I doubt it, but you do want to show off for the decorators don’t you?”
“I guess so, it is so cool when I cum with them watching me.”
“Roll on lunchtime time then; but I think that I’ll keep your arousal topped up all the time until then.”
Mason tweaked both my nipples then rubbed my clit a bit before he got up to go back to doing some work. As he walked away he stopped, turned, then said,
“Just remembered, I’ll be talking to Ricky Jones later and I’m sure that he will want to say hello to you again. I’ll give you a shout.”
I haven’t written much about Mason’s clients, but there’s one thing that you should know, just after Mason got me to be naked at home all of the time, I took him a cup of tea one morning and he was having a video conversation with one of his clients. As I went to put the mug of tea down I accidentally got into the video stream that the client could see and he saw me naked.
As I stood up I heard the client say,
“Bloody hell Mason, I didn’t know that you had a young daughter and that you make her walk around naked. Introduce me please buddy.”
Mason laughed then told him that I wasn’t his daughter but his girlfriend and that I was a nudist.
“But she looks about 12 years old.”
“I can guarantee that she’s 20 years old mate, she may be vertically challenged and have small tits, no pubic hair, and be as skinny as a rake but she is 20, I’ve seen her passport and her birth certificate. Ricky, this is Jenna Coleman, Jenna meet Ricky Jones, my most important client.”
“Hi Ricky, nice to meet you. Do you really think that I look a lot younger than 20?”
“I certainly do, get that ugly boyfriend of yours out of the camera viewing area and let me get a proper look.”
Mason laughed as he pushed back on his chair and it rolled across the room.
“Jenna,” Mason said, “stand where you can see just about all of yourself from head to knees in that little window then slowly turn round so that Ricky can get a good look at you.”
I did, then Mason said,
“Now move a little closer so that just your neck to your thighs is showing in the little window.”
I did, then did another slow twirl so that Rick got a good look at by butt. When I was done Mason pulled his char back to it’s original place then he pulled on my arm so that T was sat on his knee.
“So what do you think of her Ricky?”
“I think that your are one luck son of a bitch Mason and I’m really pleased that you have a hi-res webcam. I assume that she fucks as good as she looks?”
“Oh yes, she certainly does. Tell you what, then next time that I come over to see you I’ll bring her with me and you can sample the goods properly.”
“I’ll look forward to that mate.”
Mason sent me on my way, and since that day he has introduced me to quite a few of his male clients, and a couple of the female ones, and they often ask for me to come and say hello to them. Mason says that it’s because I’m so beautiful but I think that it’s because their wives / girlfriends are not giving them enough.
The Ohmibod had driven me close to cumming when Mason called for me to come and say hello to Ricky and it was a frustrated Jenna that went in to say a video hello. As usual, Ricky wanted to see all of me and when I did the twirl for him he asked us what the pink tail between my legs was.
“I’ll show you Ricky. You stay where you are Jenna.”
Mason picked up his phone and with the app he made me squeal and jump as he got the vibrator to do all sorts of things to me. At one point I was sure that I felt an electric shock but I didn’t think that it could do that.
The net result was that I orgasmed in front of the webcam and Mason’s client, and how I managed to stay on my feet I will never know. When the waves of pleasure started to recede I started to get embarrassed and slightly humiliated that I had cum in front of one of Mason’s business clients. Having said that, Mason was grinning from ear to ear and Ricky wasn’t much better.
Ricky has obviously recognised the orgasm and his first words were,
“Beautiful Jenna, can you do that again please?”
“No, no,” I said, “please Mason stop, turn it off.”
Thankfully, Mason did turn it off and I leaned back against the wall and got my breath back. Then I heard Mason say,
“I think that she needs a rest, we’ll have another go the next time that I call you.”
“Make it soon Mason.” Ricky replied.
Lunchtime soon came and the guys asked me to make them a cup of tea. When it was made I took it to them outside by the pool. They’d arranged themselves around the foot of a sun lounger and as I handed the mugs out, Pete, the youngest, and the cheekiest, said,
“So Jenna, are you going to put a show on for us?”
“And just what sort of a show were you thinking of?”
“Well we were thinking that maybe you could show us how you put that vibrator thing where it is right now, and maybe allow a little audience participation.”
“Wow, that’s a tall order, hang on a minute guys, I just need to go and get some suntan lotion.”
I turned and quickly walked back to the house. I knew that the lotion was in the kitchen but I needed to go and tell Mason what the cheeky guy had said, and if ask if he was okay with it.”
I ran upstairs and into Mason’s office.
“Yes, sure, just as long as no cock goes into your pussy I have no problem with it.” was Mason’s answer.
“Okay guy’s I’ll show you how to put my Ohmibod in, but before I do, will one of you put some of this on me?” I said holding out the bottle of lotion.
“Where do you want it?” Pete asked.
“I would like the lotion putting everywhere, but as for your cock, do not put it in my vagina, that’s off limits, are you clear about that?”
“Yes, we’re not to stick our cocks into your pussy.”
“Good, so who’s going to put this on me?”
The 2 younger guys got up and came over to me. Kneeling one on either side of me, they covered my back, arms, butt and legs. As they moved down to my butt I instinctively spread my legs and they took advantage of that, taking it in turns to rub the suntan lotion into my pussy.
“I don’t think that lotion is actually going to get on your pussy Jenna, there’s way too much of your juices for it to actually reach your skin; but we’ll keep trying.” Pete said.
And they did, with me moaning and cumming a minute or so later. Just as I reached my peak the Ohmibod burst into life and took my orgasm up to another level. When I was able to, I turned over for the guys to be able to do my front. As I did so I looked up to the window of Mason’s office and saw him standing there, video camera in his hand.
I also looked over to the oldest decorator and saw that he too was videoing the proceedings.
“Now my front please guys, and don’t miss even a square millimeter.”
“We won’t.” Pete said, “especially if we get the same results as we did when we did your back.”
I smiled at them and relaxed as I felt their hands all over my front.
My moaning started as soon as they went from my arms and legs to my body. It was amazing having 2 men rubbing lotion all over my front. Needless to say, my tiny tits got a lot of attention and their administrations to my nipples sent little shock waves down to my clit which was still throbbing from my last orgasm.
The anticipation as the 4 male hands moved down to my stomach and pubes was awesome. I could feel my juices oozing out of me as my whole pussy begged for them to touch it.
And they did, as those 2 were the youngest of the trio I was expecting them to just dive straight in but someone must have taught them to take their time and to tease my pussy until it was almost screaming for them to touch my clit and invade my vagina.
When they finally did I’m sure that Mason was able to hear my moaning and not so polite requests for them to make me cum. It didn’t take much clit playing for my next orgasm to arrive and again, as I was up there the Ohmibod kicked in and Mason (I’m sure) took me up to another level again.
It was sheer bliss as my body jerked about and my pussy tried to swallow the part of the Ohmibod that was sticking out, and the fingers that were going in and out of my vagina.
That was one of the most pleasurable orgasms that I have ever had, and the longest. It felt like hours but was probably well less than a minute.
Again, when I was back in the land of the living a phone was hovering above me, obviously recording my pleasure.
Thankfully, the guys gave me a little break to let me recover before Pete said,
“So are you going to show us how you put that vibrator inside you, and let us do it for you?”
“It’s really quite simple, but okay, I’ll show you.” I replied.
And I did, my pussy was so wet that I’m sure that they could have easily pushed a football inside me so the Ohmibod slipped in and out with the greatest of ease.
Pete was the first to say,
“May I.” and he too found it easy.
“But you’re pussy is so wet that I could swim in there; my girlfriend is quite dry.”
“Then it’s up to you to stimulate her until she does get wet enough.” I replied. “Tease her clit like you did mine. Giver her an all-over massage, whatever turns her on. If all that fails use a big tube of lubrication. If you get her one of these I can guarantee that she’ll thank you for it.”
“Can I have a go please?” the other guy who had put lotion on me asked.
He too eased my Ohmibod in and out of me a few times before saying,
“Come on old man, you’re not too old for a bit of pussy fun, you have a go.” Pete said.
“A little less of the old man young Pete or I’ll have you painting all the ceilings on our next job.”
Having said that the oldest man eased my Ohmibod in and out of my pussy a couple of times. Just as it was going in the seconds time it burst into life. He jumped back, the other 2 guys started laughing and my body started jerking.
After about a minute it stopped and I looked up to the window of Mason’s office with a smile on my face. I couldn’t see Mason but it must have been him.
“Okay lads,” the older man said, “time to get back to work.”
The decorators left, leaving me to enjoy the peace and quiet and that warmth of the sun on my naked body.
During the afternoon, Mason had me say hello to another of his clients, and to demonstrate the effects that the Ohmibod had on my body. I don’t know how many clients Mason has but the percentage of them that have seen me naked must be very high. He keeps telling me that he will take me to meet some of them in person but I’m not sure that I want that. It may just spoil the feeling of personal anonymity that being on the other end of a webcam brings.
That evening Mason took me to the Red Lion pub. We didn’t see Pete but a couple of men there did give me that knowing look and a smile. I actually blushed when one of them did it.
Mason woke me the next morning by ramming his morning woody into my vagina as I slept.
“I still feel a bit guilty waking you like this Jenna,” he said after he’d shot his load inside me and rolled flat on the bed for me to lick him clean. “It feels a bit like I’m raping you.”
“Stop thinking like that Mason.” I replied, “I’ve told you before, my body is yours, you can do whatever you like to it whenever you like, and wherever you want so the word rape just doesn’t come in to it.”
He turned on his side to face me, then got on an elbow and chewed one of my nipples for a minute or so then gave me a long, passionate kiss.”
“Love you Jenna.”
“Love you too Mason.”
I was still in the shower when the decorators arrived and when I walked out of the bathroom I was quite surprised to see a different young man, obviously a decorator, standing in front of me and looking me up and down.
“Hi, I’m Jenna, and you are ……. ?”
“Oh, sorry, Pete was right, sorry, I’m Henry. Pete can’t make it today, college.”
“Right about what?”
“That there was a beautiful, naked young girl at this job.”
“I don’t know about that but I’m sure that you will do just as good as Pete did.”
“No, you are beautiful Jenna, and don’t believe anyone who says anything different.”
“Why thank you Henry. Now would you guys like a cup of tea?”
“That would be wonderful Jenna.” Henry replied, “Not planning on putting any clothes on are you?”
“I wasn’t, why, do you want me to?”
“No, please don’t. It would be a real shame to hide that beauty.”
“A bit of a smooth talker Henry. Do you say that to all the girls?”
“Only the naked ones.”
“And I bet that quite a few have got naked for you.”
“One or two.”
“Well this,” I said swiping my right hand from my neck down to my pussy, “isn’t for you, it’s for me, okay?”
“Whatever you say Jenna the customer is always right.”
Ten minutes later I took the tea to them, each of them looking me up and down as I handed the mugs to them.
“We should be finished by mid afternoon.” the older man said when Mason came and stood next to me.
“Good, this little one isn’t distracting you too much is she?” Mason asked as he put an arm round my shoulder.
“No, not at all, she’s being the perfect host. Just what we need to brighten up the day.”
“Good, we’ll leave to it then.” Mason said then led me off to his office.
When we got there he told me that he was about to make a video call to another of his clients.
“Go and get your Ohmibod Jenna, Jamie has never heard of them.”
I remembered Mason showing me off to a Jamie a few weeks back and assumed that it was the same Jamie, and I was a little surprised to see a thirty something woman’s face of the monitor.
“Wow Mason, you like them young looking don’t you, she’s real cute. You could easily get away with being a father and daughter. Don’t grope her in public, someone may just call you a pedophile.”
“Relax Jamie, she’s 20 and I’ve seen all the certificates to prove it. Now, you really haven’t seen one of these vibrators before?”
“No I haven’t, and you say that you can control it over the internet? I bet that that can be fun when you are away from home.”
“We still have that pleasure to come, I’ve got to visit someone next week so we’ll give it a good workout. I’m about to turn it on, just watch it bounce around in Jenna’s hand.”
The Ohmibod burst into life and I nearly dropped it.
“Kinell Mason, I’ve got to get one of those. What does it feel like inside to Jenna?”
“Weird,” I replied, “I keep thinking of what a pan of scrambled eggs looks like when it’s cooking.”
“Well that thing obviously doesn’t scramble your insides.”
“No but it does send amazing feelings to my nipples and clit.”
“I bet that it does, can you show me it in action?”
Mason nodded, I spread my legs, eased the Ohmibod into my vagina and Mason held his phone in where Jamie could see the screen.
Mason demonstrated the controls and Jamie’s eyes went from Mason’s phone to my body and back. Then Mason turned it up to full blast and my body started jerking about.
“Can she control that?” Jamie asked.
“I can but she can’t, she’s totally lost it, and if it goes on for long enough she cums as well.”
“I vaguely heard Mason and Jamie talking about how the communications worked as Mason left it on full blast and it took me to a very nice orgasm.
“She’s cumming.” Jamie said.
“Yes, she looks real cute when she’s cumming doesn’t she?” Mason replied.
About a minute later Mason switched the Ohmibod off and I started to come down from my high.
“Well Jenna,” Jamie said, “It was really nice to meet you and thank you for the demonstration. Mason has given me the website address and I’m going to order one of those right away.”
“Nice to meet you too Jamie.” I replied just before Mason killed the link.
“Thanks for that Jenna. Come here and let me take that out of you, I have something else that needs to be in there for a while.”
By the time that Mason and I had satisfied our needs and I had done some housework, it was getting towards lunchtime and Mason had told me that I had to go out by the pool and put on another show for the decorators so I grabbed a towel and the suntan lotion and went outside to wait for them.
It wasn’t long before they came out and Henry wasn’t backward in coming forwards to ask me if I was going to put on the same show that I had the day before, almost telling me to do it.
I did, and they did, and Mason did his bit to switch the Ohmibod on to full blast at the appropriate times. By the time the guys lunch break was over they were all happy, and I was knackered.
At 4 o’clock the guys were packing up and loading their gear into their van. Just before they left Henry came and asked me for a favour.
“Will you pose beside our van for a few photos? They’ll look great up on the wall back in the office and on the promotional leaflets that we send out to a few select customers.”
How could I refuse a request like that? I just knew that Mason would approve, and encourage me to do it. He wants my naked body to be out there for the whole world to see. My only concern was that my parents may see me. When I spoke to Mason about it he told me that the decorators were a local firm and that there was virtually no chance that they would use photographs of a naked girl stood by one of their vehicles in any public publication in any city.
That killed-off my concerns and I went out to the van and the 3 men who were all waiting with phones and a proper digital camera in their hands.
Not only did they photograph me standing with their van, with and without the men (they asked Mason to take some of the photos), they took some of me up on the front of the van spread eagle across the windscreen.
Some of the photos were taken from quite low down and I’m sure that they got more of my pussy than of the van.
That night in bed after the post coitus euphoria, Mason told me that a handyman would be there the next day.
“You’re not giving my body to an odd job man are you?”
“Yes and no, I’ve printed and framed quite a few nude photos of you and I want him to put them on the walls all around the house.”
“Is that in readiness for me inviting my parents to come and meet you and see where I now live?” I joked.
“That wasn’t what I was thinking, but if you want to invite them over you are more than welcome. Would you be intending to stay naked when your mummy and daddy are here? No, I thought that it would be a nice touch for the next party, it’s my turn to host one.”
“If I invite my parents you’d better have an ambulance here on standby. One, or maybe both of them would have a heart attack. My brother would be okay, he’s seen me naked a few times. Hey, when’s the party? Do we have to think of thinks for the girls to have to do? I’ve got a few ideas. Can we make it an all weekend party so that all us girls have to do all of the forfeits?”
Well, that’s about it for what has happened to me since I met Mason and I have to say that, even though I get horrendously embarrassed and humiliated quite often, I have never once regretted promising Mason that I would always do whatever he asks of me. His requests / demands have got me soo aroused so many times. And that arousal has led to lots of totally awesome sex that I keep on repeating my promise to him and hoping that he can find new ways to expose, embarrass and humiliate me in public.
I’ll continue my ‘sort of journal’ when some more ‘interesting’ things happen to me, and I find the time to write about them.
Very hot story, it reminds me of a lot of things my hot 5-8, 110lb, 34D-24-35 redhead wife has done over the years. But not only because I like watching but she loves exposing herself as well as being serviced by strangers.