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They near home when his phone rings. Connected to the hands free bluetooth it rings through the cars speakers. Not accustom to ignoring unfamiliar numbers, he answers with the touch of a button on the steering wheel. “Hello, this is Philip”
The Way it is Now


As Philip drives through the area only semi familiar to Sarah. She takes the time to explore the functions of her new phone. She picks his up and dials herself from the number left on the paperwork. Saving his as she puts his phone back in its holder and then takes several selfies. She takes a couple of just him. Then cuddles in close to get the both of them. Saving her favorite as her home screen then one of just him to add to the contact caller info.

They near home when his phone rings. Connected to the hands free bluetooth it rings through the cars speakers. Not accustom to ignoring unfamiliar numbers, he answers with the touch of a button on the steering wheel. “Hello, this is Philip”

The sweet shrill voice of a nervous girl is on the line

“Umm HI! Sarah gave me your card today when you left Ihop. My name is Rachael. I was your server. Can I talk to her?”

Sarah and Philip exchange glances, she preens as she smooths out her dress. Philip can see for the first time they met, Sarah appears nervous then she speaks.

“HI!! I didn’t think you would call. But I’m glad you did”

“Ummm, I thought you were English, what happened to your accent”

Sarah turns crimson forgetting her play acting. Glad that Rachael wasn’t in front of her to see. Using the Victoria accent

“IS this better” she says before continuing

“I’m Not really English. I chose my favorite cosplay dress for our shopping today, so I was play acting” then slips into her normal sing song tone. “I’m sorry if I confused you.”

Rachael laughs nervously and pauses before she replys.

“Umm no. it’s okay. I’m just glad that”

Sarah cuts her off.

”Hey this is my dad’s phone. Can I call you right back from mine. We can talk more privately that way.”

“Umm Yeah that’s okay my number is 555”

Sarah dials it in as Rachael speaks then says

“Got it! Call you in ten seconds” then hangs up. She gleefully hits Philip in her excitement before pressing send on her phone.

The line connects. Philip tries to not look disappointed at only being able hear one side of the conversation.

“HI! Yeah! Me Again. Hold on. I’ll send you a picture so I can prove it’s the real me”

she snaps another selfie and sends it text message.

“No. can’t facetime, It’s an LG. Daddy bought it for me today”

“I’m so happy you called! I thought I freaked you out when you caught me in the bathroom.”

“Oh! Because it’s my favorite. And since you caught me I thought maybe you would want to have a turn.”

Sarah giggles at the response. “NO Silly. Wash it with dish soap. Just make sure you rinse it off real well, and let it air dry”

She hits Philip in the shoulder. Then covers her phone before mouthing “She’s a virgin!”

“No, Yeah I’m still here. It’s just you’re so pretty and I never expected”

“Don’t say that! You’re gorgeous! Daddy thinks so too”

“No, he can’t hear us”

she smirks and pokes Philip with her finger then moving it to her lips indicating for him to stay quiet.

“He’s in the other room. what’s up”

“Well, no. I mean. I know what it tastes like

I lick my fingers clean after I….”

“Yeah that too. I love the taste of them mixed together”

“You what?” pause “Really?” pause “Don’t joke with me”

“No, I home school. I don’t know where that is. We just finished moving in”

“Yeah, that’s why I’ve never seen you before”

“let me ask him, when did you want to”

“Daddy? Can Rachael come over after school tomorrow?”

She covers the phone again before saying to Philip. “OhMyGod!! she wants me to help her with the egg. This is SO HOT!” she holds the phone out to where He can say so and be heard. Wide eyed, Trance like expression on his face Philip says he has to work but if she wants to come over after school, and she can find her way over. Then he can drive her home. Both the girls cheer as Sarah puts the phone back to her own ear.

“This is gonna be perfect! We can have dinner together. You gotta help me cook then Daddy can do the dishes. I’ll just send an Uber for you. Do you want to get picked up at school or your house?”

“Okay, I’ll send it. What time?

“Good, See you then Hon, Bye!”

Philip looks at her inquisitively, after pulling into the grocery store parking lot.

Sarah is glad he chose an Aldi. The smaller store means they won’t be inside long. As they fill the cart, She says. “Rachael is a virgin! She’s already tried to use the egg but she's scared to inside all the way by herself. So she wants me to help show her. She’s been on dates with boys. And she’s done a couple blowjobs. She thinks she’s Bi because she looks at the girls in her school. She gets turned on looking them after soccer practice. She's too scared to ask any out”

“She just told you all this stuff?”

“Yeah I mean she did catch me rocking out with the egg in the ladies room and watched without freaking out. I was kinda busy flooding the stall with cum. But I thought I watched her rubbing her tits. That’s why I gave her the egg.”

“And you said you never been with a girl. Why did you lie to her?”

Sarah’s face turned sad. Then angry

“I didn’t lie!” She whispered harshly. I’ve been in my mother’s twat. Yes. But I was either getting fucked at the time. Or I was putting on a show to get her stooge hard again so I could be fucked. I was forced to do that for money. I didn’t like it. I’ve never been with a girl I like. I’m going to do stuff with a pretty girl my own age by choice. SO NO!! I didn’t lie.”

It was Philips turn to be Sad. He hurt her feelings. He took her in his arms and hugged her tight while explaining how sorry he was. That he didn’t mean to hurt her. He knew that he had. He will try to do better from now on.

She hugged him back. Then stood away. Standing on her toes and gently pulling him to her for a gentle kiss. She then asked for the keys so she could be alone for a bit while he finished the shopping. She was crying by the time she passed the register clerk

At check out, the woman he has been flirting with playfully for months now said “I didn’t know you were married." accusingly the continued

" Was that you’re daughter?

Still feeling like a jerk, He looked at “Kelly” the attractive mid 20’s pixie cut brunette sadly.

“Yeah. No. I mean. I’m not married. Her mother just dumped her on my doorstep and left to go find herself.”

“I watched you guys in the isles. She wants you to eat better.” Holding up the bunch of bananas.

“No more frozen dinners for you. I don’t know what you said to piss her off. But you better make it right. If her mom took off and left she’s gonna need you a lot more now. Don’t you dare Say her mom Dumped her on you again. That’s cruel. You should feel lucky. She’s smart and beautiful. How old? 15, 16? Also doesn’t dress like trailer trash. That girl has class.” All he could manage after that was a half mumbled I know and thanks.

Having left the grocery, they made one more stop at the drug mart. He wanted to make sure she had the things she needed. Feminine products, any other whatnots. That didn’t take long. He also got her a reuseable credit card with $200 prepay balance. So she could order her new friends ride the next day. She also had something so she could do whatever until he could get her her own account and card.

After they got home. She changed into some old sweats and a frumpy tee. hiding herself. She helped put the groceries away, more to help her learn his kitchen. She said very little. They had ordered pizza the way she liked and had finished eating. He changed into comfortable clothes and was watching something mindless in the big room when She came in and sat beside him. The current atmosphere was thick with tension and sadness..

She didn’t look at him as she began to speak. “I don’t appriciate being called a liar Philip. You really hurt my feelings the way you brought my mother into the conversation. The way I started having sex was not by choice. I’ve done some pretty messed up things in the time since I started fucking people. Some I learned to like. Most I wish I never knew existed. If you don’t think I should be here I’ll just go. She paused. Weather it was by design or she needed to collect her thoughts wasn’t important.

“All I can say is I’m sorry, Darling. I wish I could take what I said back” That he called her Darling didn’t go unnoticed. She turned to him. In the glow from the kitchen lighting contrasted with that of the TV. He could see her cheeks stained with tears. He continued. “I was confused. I only heard your half of the conversation. So what came out was said out of context. That’s not an excuse. I should have been wiser with my words. I want you to be here. You need something. A place to be safe and explore your life and your body as you see fit”

Her cheeks red and damp. But she was looking at him fully now. Her attention hyper focused. He continued to speak. “You need Something. More importantly, I need you here. I want you to stay and make my house a home. Our home. I want you to be here. As long as you want.”

You’re sure? She asked. He only said Yes.

Then He moved to her. He got off the sofa, then picked her up in his arms. Bringing her to the kitchen sink He was able to get the damp dish towel into her lap. She picked it up and blotted her salt streaked cheeks. Throwing the towel into the sink. She wrapped her arms around his neck to embrace him.

He traveled down the hall now. Stopping to command the lights and TV off with his voice he took her into the bedroom. Once on the plush carpet he let her legs go gently dipping till her feet were square and she had her balance. He kissed her.

She smiled. He kissed her harder. The passion increasing mouths opening, tongues wrapping and lapping at each other. His hands started to traverse her form. Hips ass thighs tummy breasts. Needing, caressing, groping. Her body responding. Her pantie crotch getting wetter. Nipples getting harder and growing long.

Sarah let him roam her body. Reveling in the new sensations she’s feeling. This wasn’t rough. She was not being exploited. Thinking to herself. He is touching me for my pleasure. Not just his, and she Loves it!

By the time he got her tee over her head Her breasts were tingling all over. Her nipples were harder than they have ever been. So hard that they tingled. Even his breath moving air over them was causing her clit to throb with jealousy.

She became dizzy. Her legs started to collapse, but somehow she managed to stay upright. Her first orgasm crashed over her with his mouth latched onto her left tit. He was pinching her right between two of his fingers cupping the entire globe and tugging it while his teeth were scraping the areola in his mouth. His tongue battling the nipple as if it were his enemy. He caught her wavering form and picked her up again easily. Laying her out on the bed as he continued to tease, tickle and caress her exposed skin.

Her heart pounding in her ears, Her eyes glossy with passion she started to cry again. This time from euphoria. She couldn’t move. Her arms and legs unresponsive. Rubbery. Completely unable to stop him if she could.

He peeled her pants off slowly the cool air rushing to her most intimate place.

The gap between her thighs at the apes was partially filled with her pussy mound. The swollen labia normally inside her flush an angry pink begging to be manipulated. He massaged her legs now spreading them allowing the fans rotation above her body to kiss her skin, bringing her needs to higher levels.

His fingers finally brushing the fat petals of her pussy. The pounding in her ears becoming a roar as his mouth closed over them. His tongue sliding through the valley and touching all the ridges at once. She screamed, flooding his mouth with her second orgasm when his teeth brushed her clit. He almost felt robbed of time because he had only been licking her for about five seconds.

But at the same time he was proud of himself.

She’s cum twice now. And all hes done is touch her.

She caught her breath as he dropped his clothes on the floor. Moving over his tiny lover’s body. His own organ hard and bobbing around like it was fighting itself to get where it was going. Somehow, Sarah managed to get her legs wide enough and he slid inside her. She was tight. Clenching his member hard. But he slid in easily. As he bottomed out finally. taking his time to get there. Filling her slowly. Only taking a few reverse strokes to build the heat between them

His heavy sack brushing her anal star a couple times as he got more comfortable she came again. Screaming, her arms finally working to some degree she pulled him to her. Clawing, scratching his back and leaving welts. Drawing a couple thin lines deep enough to draw blood. She came again, hard, and blacked out.

Sarah finally woke. The sun had come up and was licking her face through the french doors leading onto the deck. Philip was gone. But he left her a note

Darling Sarah,

I hope I was able to show you

what your being with me now means

How important you are.

Pleas stay.

The yeti tumbler holding the note up was still hot with her Lemongrass green tea. The little squeezable jar of honey shaped as a plastic bear they bought yesterday. And a clean spoon so she could add and stir as she needed


2019-05-14 11:17:43
A thousand reads in 24 hours? Aww. Thanks guys!! That's amazing. And thank you for the votes. More votes more comments please!!!

Can someone tell me why check 7 seems to be the bastard step child lol

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