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A college girl finds a guide on how to become a bimbo (guide + story)

So you’ve decided to take your first step to become the best version of yourself. No, this isn’t a self-help book. It’s more of a guide to your own sexual awakening. If you follow these steps, you will feel happier and more confident. And, of course, you will be turning heads when you walk down the street.

Being a bimbo is not just changing how you dress and act. It is a frame of mind - one that will lead to your sexualization and ultimate happiness. It will not be easy. There will be times that you feel like you would be better off quitting and having a more traditional life. But as you continue, those will be fewer and far between. The only truly happy people - those completely content with their lives - have been bimbos.

This book is split into chapters, each of which represents a day in your training. Each day will build on the training and requirements from the previous one, adding an additional task or rule, or expanding on a previous one. In order to fully become a bimbo, you must follow these instructions DAILY and ON SCHEDULE. You must be obedient.


Kate turned her head, looking left and right in the now empty bookstore. The title had caught her eye when she was in there earlier with friends. And she hadn’t been able to get it out of her mind the entire day.

Who the fuck would want to be a bimbo, she had thought to herself. Kate was studying engineering in university - she knew how mentally capable she was. Why would she - why would anyone - want to give that up?

But, more and more she thought about it, Kate began to realize that her education and her career goals were not something that excited her. She was beginning to dread her eventual graduation and the current trajectory of her life. And that wasn’t even mentioning the stresses and the self-doubts she had about finishing her second year coursework.

And this damned book. Telling her that all her stresses would just fucking disappear.

But it seemed to make sense. Perhaps it was the growing wetness between her legs that made this initial decision. But, one thought would not leave her mind: I would be happier as a sex object for men.

Looking again up and down the aisle, making sure there was no one between her and the checkout counter, she rushed over. Kate blushed as the middle aged woman working saw the book she was buying. But she had made her decision.

Kate was going to be a bimbo.


Chapter 1: Your First Day

The philosophy of this book is quite simple: small steps every day toward your goal, and the transition from your past life to your new, better one will be successful and drive your future happiness.

The first day is the most important on your bimbo transformation. It is the one that moves you from “I want to do this” to “I can do this”. Building off this, the tasks for today focus on visible steps toward your bimbo goals. They will help you capture some part of the ‘bimbo aesthetic’ without devoting yourself completely to the look, yet.

Now, your tasks for the first day are rather simple:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up and before bed. You may not cum in the morning to keep yourself horny and thinking about sex all day.

Enjoy your first day of bimbo training.


Kate walked between classes, her stilettos clicking with each step. It had taken a surprising amount of self-motivation to go through with the bimbo training tasks for the day. She had never worn stilettos to class, and the makeup was more than she would typically put on for the day.

But, as she started playing with herself that morning, she was reminded of the blissful feeling of arousal and self-sexualization. And she made a resolution to herself: I will follow the guide for the first three days. If I don’t want to go through it then, I will quit.

Kate smiled to herself as she entered the engineering building. It seemed like every guy there was checking her out. And this was just the beginning.


Chapter 2: Your Second Day

Now that you have completed your first day, we will begin adding additional tasks and rules and changing previous ones. This will expand the level of effort required each day. But it will be accomplished in manageable increments until you are sufficiently prepared to embark on your transformation journey alone.

Now, your tasks for the second day are:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up and before bed. You may not cum in the morning to keep yourself horny and thinking about sex all day.

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home


Kate smiled at herself when she looked in the mirror. She looked good. As she turned, admiring her body, she thought about all the guys who saw her walking around campus today. Her already wet pussy started throbbing, and she couldn't help but give it a little rub.

She was dressed in a short sundress with a pair of nude stilettos. Underneath, she had chosen her favorite push up bra and her sluttiest lace thong.

I'm starting to like looking like a bimbo. And I love it.


Chapter 3: The Bimbo Body

It is of critical importance that a bimbo takes care of her body. Therefore, the next addition to our required daily tasks is a workout.

The details of the workout will develop as your body becomes more fit IN THE PROPER WAYS. It is the author's opinion that proper bimbos should be physically fit, focusing on cardio and their ass, with enhanced breasts to emphasize her sexuality.

The workout itself will start off as 30 minutes of daily exercises. The cardio portion can be completed outside. However, the 'ass' portion should be completed in a gym or with personal weights. There are sample workouts below for the two portions:

30 minute 'ass':

Lunges - 10 reps, 3x

Jump squats - 10 reps, 3x

Donkey kicks - 10 reps each leg, 3x

Squats with weights (either holding or using a bar) - 10 reps, 3x

Hip bridge pulses - 10 reps, 3x

30 minute 'cardio':

A thirty minute run

For a bimbo workout outfit: Sports bra and tight shorts, no exceptions.

There are additional workout expectations around makeup. A bimbo should wear makeup at all times she will be in contact with men - this includes the gym. While working out, she should at a minimum have on mascara, foundation, and lipstick. She must always look fuckable.

Now, your tasks for the day are:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up and before bed. You may not cum in the morning to keep yourself horny and thinking about sex all day

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home

5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout


Kate had never worked out in just a sports bra and shorts. She had on a pair of her spandex from her volleyball days in high school, which left very little to the imagination.

She exhaled sharply as she began her final round of squats. Kate knew she would be sore in the morning. But she could feel the exercises working her ass well, and she knew the results of her hard work would be apparent. Particularly to anyone walking behind her.

As she completed her last reps, she turned to return the weights. She caught a couple guys staring at her.

And Kate winked at them.


Chapter 4: Dressing for Success

Now that you have gotten accustomed to some of the bimbo basics, it is time for a quick lesson in bimbo attire. This book splits bimbo outfits into categories based on intent of wear. The first category will become your daily bimbo attire - we will call this category 'Sexy'.

We will break down this category based on outerwear, footwear, underwear, and makeup.

Outerwear - Dresses (mid thigh or higher), skirts (mid thigh or higher), tight shorts (mid thigh or higher), rompers (1/3 thigh or higher), tight pants (while not preferred, they are allowed with a shirt that does not cover your ass). Acceptable shirts are tight tanks, crop tops, tight but thin sweaters (no undershirt), and tight bodysuits.

An important note is that long (knee or thigh high) stockings are allowed for wear with skirts.

Footwear - 3 inch or higher heels. Stilettos are preferred, but block heels can be used if needed.

Underwear - Push up bras or padded bras. Thongs or g-strings.

Makeup - When out: Full makeup, including foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and red or pink lipstick

When in or working out: Minimum of mascara, foundation, and red or pink lipstick, except when sleeping.

Now, your tasks for the day are:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up and before bed. You may not cum in the morning to keep yourself horny and thinking about sex all day

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home

5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout

6. When away from home and not working out, you will wear a 'Sexy' outfit consisting of a tight top and a skirt, along with the other required parts


Kate's legs ached as she walked around campus, wearing a tight bodysuit and skirt. Her legs and ass felt sore in the morning after her workout at the gym, and the morning run did little to help.

But that was the biggest of her problems. Even with an upcoming engineering test, Kate found it difficult to focus on and get stressed about schoolwork. It was a lower priority for her, given her new goals in life. And she found that this decreased stress and her new looks had drastically improved her self confidence and overall happiness.

A sexy bimbo is a happy bimbo


Chapter 5: Flirt, Flirt, Flirt

A good bimbo knows how to talk to men, and how to arouse them with the art of conversation. A laugh here, a touch on the arm there.

Your new task for today will be to flirt with male strangers, and to get their phone numbers.

Now, your tasks for the day are:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up and before bed. You may not cum in the morning to keep yourself horny and thinking about sex all day

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home

5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout

6. When away from home and not working out, you will wear a 'Sexy' outfit

7. You will flirt with 3+ men and get at least 3 phone numbers


Kate giggled as she touched one of Jake’s muscular arms.

“You’re so funny!” she said, smiling up at him.

Kate took the chance to brush some of the hair out of her face. “Do you think we could chat more? Perhaps somewhere outside of class?”

“Of course,” he said, giving his cell number.

Kate blew him a kiss. “Talk soon!”

As she walked away, she felt...different. She had never been that forward with a guy before. And he had totally responded to it. If you would have asked her a week ago, she would have said that Jake was out of her league.

Maybe this bimbo thing really will make me happy, she thought, smiling as she walked away.


Chapter 6: Now You’re Getting the Hang of It

Today will serve as a preparation day for tomorrow. In order to properly prepare, we are adjusting how much you will play with yourself. Additionally, from here on, you are forbidden from cumming at all. This will be changed slightly tomorrow.

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, before bed, and once during the day. You may not cum.

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home

5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘cardio’ workout

6. When away from home and not working out, you will wear a 'Sexy' outfit

7. You will flirt with 3+ men and get at least 3 phone numbers


“Fuck,” Kate moaned, moving her fingers off of her throbbing pussy. “Fuck me I need to cum.”

But she obediently stopped playing with herself. A bimbo always obeys her rules.


Chapter 7: The Touch of a Man

When you get to the evening in your bimbo training process, you will have not orgasmed in two days, while playing with yourself six times. You should be worked up, and waiting for release.

We must then look into what is your responsibility as a bimbo. It is the opinion of the author that a bimbo's goal should be twofold - her own sexualization and the pleasure of men. Up until now, we have primarily worked on your own sexualization (though you likely pleased many men by the way you look). We will now explore your pleasuring of men in the physical sense.

During this process, it is important for you, as a bimbo, to associate your own pleasure with his. So, like a good bimbo, you may only get sexual release from a man. Your task for today is to take one of the 9 phone numbers and to get one of the guys to fuck you. You will pleasure him like a good bimbo. And in return, you will be allowed to orgasm by him alone, whether through fucking or by him playing with you how he pleases.

This also lets us discuss another two categories of bimbo outfits: 'Slutty' and 'Fuck Me'. Slutty outfits are intended for clubs, parties, or other places where you want to show off your bimbo body. Fuck me outfits are intended to be worn at home, or under a coat on your way to pleasure a man. As the name suggests, they are meant to emphasize your body and are intended to be worn when you are fucked.


Outerwear - Skirts or dresses at or above 1/4 thigh. Dresses must show additional skin on the front or the back. Shirts must not cover much more skin than a sports bra.

Footwear - 4 inch heels or higher. These must be stilettos.

Underwear - Push up bra, as your tops/dresses should be emphasizing your cleavage. Thongs, other sexy panties, or no panties are acceptable.

Makeup - [At all times] Full makeup, including foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and red or pink lipstick. Fake lashes are also a great touch.

Fuck Me: (Outfits to be worn inside, or under a coat to a man's house to pleasure him.)

Outerwear - A sheer robe, or something similar that covers little.

Footwear - 4 inch heels or higher. These must be stilettos.

Underwear - Wear what the man you are about to pleasure enjoys. If unsure: a lacy bra. One that emphasizes your breast. Stockings with garter, or similar lingerie.

Makeup - [At all times] Full makeup, including foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, mascara, and red or pink lipstick. If going to bed with a man, you are expected to let him fall asleep before getting up to take your makeup off. Additionally, you are expected to wake up early to re-apply lipstick, foundation, and mascara at a minimum before he wakes.

Now, your tasks for the day are:

1. You will wear a pair of 3+ inch stiletto heels the entire time you are away from home

2. You will wear pink or red lipstick, mascara, and eye shadow the entire time you are away from home

3. You will play with yourself for fifteen minutes after you wake up, once during the day, and before meeting any sexual partners. You may not cum.

4. You will wear a push up or a padded bra and a thong anytime you are away from home

5. You will complete the 30 minute ‘ass’ workout

6. When away from home and not working out, you will wear a 'Sexy' outfit

7. You will flirt with 3+ men and get at least 3 phone numbers

8. You will use one of the numbers you received from your flirting to schedule a meetup for tonight. You are expected to wear a ‘Fuck Me’ outfit.


Kate stood inside her apartment, taking a couple deep breaths. She was nervous, but her pussy was throbbing and she knew there was no way her libido would let her back out. She knew she needed to be fucked and needed to cum.

There was a sharp knock on the door, and Kate jumped. That must be Jake. She hurried to the door as fast as her 4 inch heels would allow.

“Hey, it’s…” Jake said as she opened the door, trailing off when he saw what she was wearing.

Kate was dressed in a black lacy bra and panties, with a matching garter and stocking set. Her black heels emphasized her ass, making her stand up with proper bimbo posture.

“Well, are you going to come in and fuck me, or just stand there in the hallway?” Kate asked, giggling as she moved to let him inside.

Kate had cleaned up her apartment in anticipation. She had even set out a couple glasses filled with red wine on the coffee table. She grabbed Jake’s hand and led him over to the couch. They both sat down, and as they did, Kate could already see the outline of Jake’s erect cock.

She reached forward, grabbing her own glass of wine. Her hand trembled slightly, and she gingerly took a sip, taking care to not leave much of a mark from her lipstick.

After setting her glass back down, she reached out with one of her other hands and placed it on Jake’s leg. “Feel free to have a drink. Or would you prefer to just get down to it?”

“I - uh - yeah, let me…finish the wine.” Jake took his glass in his hand and drank half in one gulp.

“So,” Kate continued, moving her hand slightly up his thigh. “You told me you’re on the football team?”

“I - yeah, I play safety.” Jake took another drink from his glass. “I really like playing.”

“That is so interesting,” Kate said. “What are you doing now for offseason?”

“Not as much. We have some practices, but it is mostly staying in shape.”

“Well you have an amazing body.” Kate reached her hand up to touch his biceps.

“Thanks,” Jake said, moving one of his hands to her thigh. “You do too.” He finished his wine, setting his glass on the table. “So - I heard mention of fucking?”

Kate giggled. “I think that was record time for finishing a glass of wine.”

“Well, I had good motivation.”

Kate got to her feet, taking Jake by the hand, and leading him into her bedroom. Earlier she had made her bed, setting a condom on the desk nearby. As she neared the bed, she felt Jake put his hand on the small of her back, turning her to face him. In a quick movement, he pushed her down onto the bed, climbing on top.

He leaned down kissing Kate deeply. He moved his kisses down to her neck, reaching his hand down to start rubbing her pussy.

“Someone’s already wet,” Jake said. Kate only moaned in response.

Her hand fumbled toward his belt. “I need you to fuck me now. I’ve been a horny bimbo.”

“Do you like being called that?” he asked, getting off of her to take his pants off.

“I love it. I want to be your slutty bimbo.”

Kate bit her lip as Jake took off his clothes, revealing his muscular body. His cock was fully erect and nearly seven inches long. He grabbed the condom on the desk and walked back to the side of the bed.

“Are you going to leave your heels on?” He asked, climbing on top of her.

“Do you like it?” She smiled up at him.

“It’s very...feminine. I love it.”

“Then I will leave them on. I’m your obedient bimbo.”

Jake reached down and slid the condom on his hard cock. He pushed the tip against her waiting pussy. “Beg me to fuck you,” he said, looking down at her.

“Mmm. Fuck me Jake. Fuck me hard.”

As he began to slide his cock into her, Kate moaned out loudly. Reflexively, she wrapped her legs around him, trying to pull him deeper into her.

Jake began to thrust in and out. One of his hands wrapped itself in her hair, pulling her hair back roughly. “Do you like being fucked rough?” he growled into her ear.

“Oh-oh-oh-YES! Fuck me rough!” Kate cried out.

“You’re my good little bimbo.”

Jake placed his other hand on her hip, pulling her roughly into a different position. He resumed his thrusting, getting his cock even deeper into her pussy.

“Oh GOD!” Kate tried saying more words, but they only came out as moans.

Jake continued thrusting into her. She closed her eyes as he fucked her, loving the feeling of his strong hand in her hair, pulling her head wherever he pleased. Kate could feel her orgasm building. Without warning she felt it come over her, and her body spasmed with waves and waves of pleasure.

“OhyesJakefuckyesyourfuckingcockissoooooogoooooood!” Kate had the single most intense orgasm of her life, nearly completely losing control over her speech and actions. As she lay there, with Jake’s hard cock still in her pussy, Kate felt happy and at peace.

“Mmmmm. Oh Jake that was amazing.” Kate looked up at him, breathing deeply.

“It sure sounded like you enjoyed it. Now, I want my obedient bimbo to get on her knees and suck me off.”

As soon as Jake climbed off her body, Kate pushed herself up, getting off the bed and falling immediately to her knees. She slowly slid the wet condom off his cock. She leaned forward and began to take it into her mouth.

Jake closed his eyes in pleasure as she bobbed up and down on his cock. One of her hands wrapped itself around the base, moving in tandem with her mouth.

Kate continued, moving her mouth faster and deeper on his cock. Jake began moaning.

“Stop sucking. Let me cum on your face and tits.”

Obediently she slowly removed his cock from her mouth. Her hand continued, jerking him off. Again, he closed his eyes in pleasure, saying “Fuck yeah, I’m close.”

Suddenly, Jake came, moaning. He covered Kate’s face and tits in his warm cum.

“Was I a good bimbo?” she asked, cum dripping from her chin?

Jake smiled. “So far.”


If you like the story/guide, please feel free to reach out to me with a PM or on Snap at ModernRomeo24. I also travel for work frequently, currently to LA, if you are in the area.


2019-06-01 16:31:39
It is a bold premise . Hilarious .

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