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This is the first story I've ever written. I'm in desperate need for criticism. So please, leave a comment and don't hold back. The story is more of a Action, Thriller, Crime, with a hot and heavy sex scene in the final few chapters. If you're only looking for the sex part, i recommend starting from chapter 14. But if you read the story from the beginning to the end, i promise you won't regret. Thanks.
Chapter 1 - Arrival

Loud footsteps echoed amidst the quiet late evening...

A person walking... and dragging a luggage...

Footwear? Sandals... thin, with flat soles...

Pace? relaxed but hurrying...

Jiggling sound... must be bracelets...

A woman...

Without taking his fingers off the computer keyboard, Tamers averted his eyes towards the glass front doors waiting to confirm his guess. Three seconds later, she appeared out of the corner. The woman was Caucasian. Her long dark hair was tied into a bun with a yellow ribbon. By comparing her to the stool by the door, Tamers estimated that she was approximately 5 feet 10 inches tall. She was slightly built, athletic, thin but not overly so. Using her right hand, she dragged a heavy red luggage through the door. A brown purse hung by her left shoulder, a green passport partially sticking out of it.

"meaty thighs and firm butt... 160 pound... NO... more like 165" he continued his assessment.

She wore a pair of mid thigh shorts and a white shirt with long sleeves. A pair of sunglasses rested above her forehead. Aside from the bracelets on her right wrist, she wore no watch, no necklace, and no ring on her fingers that he could see.

"smart girl" he thought to himself.

She kept on walking straight ahead without noticing him sitting behind the reception desk in the corner to her left, 5 meters away. Without slowing down, she continued her carefree stride across the lounge area towards the hallway that led to the back of the hotel. Although he could only see the left side of her face, Tamers could clearly make out an expression of puzzlement and curiosity. She stopped for a moment, then peeked slightly to her right as if searching for something, no doubt the reception area. Finding none she continued to walk straight ahead, neglecting to look to her left. He wouldn't blame her, very few guests could spot the front desk upon first arrival. His gaze followed her until she disappeared around the corner out of his view.

By comparing his assessment to the reservation on the hotel computer, Tamers came to a conclusion.

"Katrina Landt, a German national, room 101, 3 nights stay, single bed, breakfast included, the total is $91.27... hopefully she'll pay with a credit card"

The evening was quiet. The traffic outside was almost non-existence. Most of the neighboring population had already begun to settle down for a peaceful slumber. But somehow it still felt a bit early, at least for a night shift receptionist. Tamers never got used to the feeling. The oversize clock on the wall to his right said 11:16 pm. There were still 6 more rooms to be checked in. 2 would be locals, 4 would be foreigners, based on the names of their bookings. Of the 4, only 1 had a female name.

Her ethnicity checked the box and she was carrying a luggage, so she had to be a newly arrival guest. It didn't take a genius.

He remained silent and continued to listen to the sound of her sandals slapping the tile floor as she curiously wandered through the hallway garden toward the back of the hotel.

"Not the first one today. She'll be back in a moment" he thought to himself and continued typing on the computer. Suddenly, the loud footsteps stopped. 3 seconds later it started again, getting louder and closer with each step, more hurrying this time.

When she finally appeared around the corner, he got a full glimpse of her face for the first time. She was pretty, her eyes bright and impossibly blue. She had slightly sunken cheeks and a pair of high cheekbones. Her beauty was accentuated even further by her pouty lips.

"Hello" she said cheerfully when she reached his desk.

He detected a thick German accent in her English.

"Hi, can i help?" he said his line and held eye contact.

"I didn't see the reception desk, i thought it was at the back... i almost went up the stair to the roof " she said and pointed over her shoulder and smile. He returned the smile and tried his best not to cause her to question its authenticity.

"we've actually been thinking of moving it there" he joked and she laughed revealing her perfect white teeth.

He gave her another friendly smile then asked "Do you have a reservation?" though he knew quite well that she did.

"yes, i have a reservation... under Katrina Landt..." she said struggling a little with her English.

"Ms. Landt... yes, we've been looking forward to seeing you. May i see your passport, please?" He said with his friendliest of fake smiles.

"of course" she retrieved her passport from her purse and handed it to him.

It was a green German passport. It was bare. It had no plastic case on. The cover was all battered from repeated use. He turned through the pages looking for the one that contained her photo and the details of her date of birth and height. His estimation was off by an inch.

He placed the pages onto a scanner to make a black and white copy. A hotel policy, strictly ordered by the management but one that Tamers deemed unnecessary. With 3 CCTV cameras covering just the lounge area alone, he thought a one page black and white copy made very little different. But it's a policy nonetheless.

While he was opening her reservation profile on the computer he took a quiet sniff of the air.

"Jasmine. Excellent choice, suits you" he kept the thought to himself despite wanting to compliment her choice of perfume.

With almost 4 months of experience working as a hotel receptionist, he firmly believed that small talks, though often necessary in strengthening the bond between the hotel and the guests, was not something that always be met with the same level of mutual courtesy. It is always better to just smile, nod and say only what is absolutely necessary, which often isn't very much.

When the printer finished copying, he handed the passport back to her and said

"we have a room for you on the first floor for three nights. The total is $91.27. Would you like to pay with cash or credit?"

"credit, bitte"

Chapter 2 - Voyeur

12:55 PM

It was 5 minutes until he would normally clear his desk and settle down on one of the comfortable chairs in the lounge area. Working as a night shift receptionist had its perks. It was almost 1 o'clock and all the guests had already checked in. He wasn't expecting any more guests because all the rooms were occupied and even If there would be any walk-in guests, he would just simply tell them to piss off, though politely.

At exactly 1 o'clock, he turned off the computer and got out of his chair. Making no sound he casually walked through the hallway garden towards the staircase. The night was peaceful and quiet. The hotel restaurant had closed since 9 o'clock and the kitchen did so way before that. Aside from one security guard posting outside, there was only him standing by as the night shift receptionist.

Having been working here for 4 months Tamers now knew the layout of every inch of the hotel like the back of his hand. He had figured out which room was the smallest, which was the biggest, where to turn off the water supply, where the main power supply was located, and where to stand so he could see through the blinds of each room however it was adjusted. The innocence of the guests had always amazed him and it never made him understand why everyone had to be naked when they were alone in their rooms. Whatever the explanation, he hoped she wouldn't be an exception.

Her room was conveniently on the first floor, but a considerable walking distance away from the stair. He could have put her in the nearest room to the stair just to be chivalrous but the room in which she was staying had 3 windows instead of the typical 2, thus providing him with more options of angles to see through.

Standing casually behind a wall of bushes 10 meters away and positioning himself so he could see through the blinds of her windows without having the security camera recording him doing so, he could clearly see straight into her room. Tamers had made sure to turn off the light in the garden so that even if she knew where to look, she still wouldn't be able to spot him in the shadow of darkness. The light in her room was still on. She was lying on her stomach on the bed reading a book with her back to him. Her feet stood up and intertwined. They rose and fell in a playful way. She wore no cloth and no bra. Only a thin black pantie covered her butt. Her hair was still tied up in a bun with the yellow ribbon. Her skin was tanned and smooth. Her thighs and legs were strong, slim and long. Laying there, she was a thing of beauty. Even though it wasn't the first time he had seen a naked woman through one of these blinds, she was the first that gave him a raging boner. He resisted the urge to pull his cock out and start masturbating. He could pull his phone out and snapped a couple of pictures and go to spend some time in toilet, but he was better than that. If given a chance he'd fuck her senseless, but he wasn't a desperate pervert. He had standards. He decided instead to lean his shoulder against the wall and savor a beautiful site while it last. He loved his job.

After about 10 minutes, she put the book away, sat up, turned around facing his direction, and gracefully got off the bed. They were beautiful, her pair of perky breasts. They stood up straight pointing up with rage. They were a handful. Even though partly blocked by the blind, he could still clearly see her pink and puffy nipples. He couldn't help but imagining himself sucking on them. It must taste like heaven, he thought. Her breasts bounced proudly on her chest as she walked across the room to retrieve a towel from the wardrobe.

"she's going to the shower" he thought.

She turned around and headed towards the bathroom. Her tight ass swung from side to side as if it had life of its own. She stopped at the foot of the bed and with her back toward him, she lifted one leg up and took off her black pantie then throw it on the bed.

Her pussy was clean shaven. The labia was pink and looked deliciously savory. Tamers expected nothing less. Standing there, he couldn't help but to imagine how heavenly it would feel to pin her down on her back and to just devour her pussy like a mad dog. All the sudden, as if knowing that she was being watched, she covered her herself up with the towel and walked briskly into the bathroom then shut the door.

To his disappointment, the bathroom had no window. In fact, no bathroom in the hotel had a window, let alone a space between the blinds to leer into. He could wait out until she had finished and come back out again so he could enjoy a couple more minutes of the show. But patience had never been his strong suit and "beside" he said "once you see her naked, you've seen it all. And it's not like I get to fuck her if I wait". He adjusted his cock in his pants and returned back to his desk. It had been entertaining.

Chapter 3 - Him

The reception area was brightly lid, illuminated by three different light sources, one dimmed ceiling light and two bright light bulbs. At exactly 2 o'clock he went to the power supply and turned off 2 of them leaving the lounge and the reception area dimly lit. It was still a bit too early for him. His shift started 4 hours ago and there were still 4 hours left until it would be someone else's shift. With all the time remained, there was no more work left to do. That was what he loved about his job. Just work for 2 or 3 hours, check in some guests, then spend the rest of the night sitting around using the internet on his phone. It was easy money, although he had wished that it paid more.

Tamers went to the lounge area and pulled up a chair to a corner next to the windows then sat down in the shadow. He sat facing the reception area 10 meters away so if anyone was to come in, he would see them long before they could see him. He turned his head and looked outside through the windows to his right seeing that the street was quiet. 2 cars and a van were parked outside. There was no traffic nor people except for the lone security guard who was fast asleep on a chair. Tamers loved the peace and quiet of the night. A light breeze blew through the windows, the air was cool and refreshing. He took a lung full. Looking up, he saw dark clouds were beginning cover the night sky and the moon.

"Heavy rain" he thought to himself and nodded his approval.

Chapter 4 - Breaching

02:30 AM

Heavy rain began to fall. Everyone was deep in a peaceful slumber, except a few. There were four of them. They sat quietly in a van, tensed up with adrenaline and readied for actions. They had been waiting for almost 3 hours now. Every second of it spent on observing the activities inside the hotel. They had parked their van just across the street 20 meters in front of the hotel. The engine was turned off to keep a complete level of anonymity. All the side windows were slightly lowered to let in fresh air. They didn't want to pass out from their own body odor. This was the night that they finally decided to rob this place. Being career criminals, they had done this kind of job plenty of times before. Each successful robbery increased their confidence in their ability to get away with it. This time felt different though, albeit easier, because the hotel was situated in a secluded part of town. The nearest police station was 4 miles away. This would be a perfect target they thought. For 3 days, they had parked outside the hotel and studied the schedule of the receptionist and the guard, the only 2 staff members working during the night. They had found out that the guard usually fall asleep by 1 o'clock and the receptionist always leaves his desk and turns off the light by 2. About half an hour ago they saw the him settled into his useful spot in the lounge area. Days of planning had finally led them to this moment.

The dashboard clock beeped and they went into action. The 3 of them got out of the van and ran briskly across the street toward the sleeping guard. They planned to catch him off guard before he even wakes up. The one with a syringe came up from behind the guard, while the other 2 got in position ready to restrain and tie his mouth and arms and legs. At the count of three, they sedated the poor bastard and tied him up then dragged him to a nearby car and hid him under it. When the guard would wake up he wouldn't even know what had happened. He would surely lose his job, but worse could happen. They could slit his throat just to make sure that he wouldn't interrupt them or cry for help. But they felt that they didn't need to, unless they had no choice.

The 3 men then proceeded to the hotel door. Their hearts were pumping hard and fast, muscle tensed for actions. They were sweating already despite the rain. So far everything had gone according to plan. And they were proud of that. They looked at each other, they were all thinking the same thing.

"One guard down, just one receptionist left to go. Sedate him, the same way with the guard, then we're riding hand free. Free to rob as much as we want. Easy money"

At the count of three they burst in, one followed the others fast. Two went to the right towards the lounge, another to the left towards the reception desk.

The two moved fast. They pulled out their knives and a syringe, hoping to catch the sleeping receptionist off guard. They wanted him too stunted to have time to scream or even put up a fight.

"The receptionist was a small guy, he wouldn't put up much of a fight. He probably even piss himself at the sight of us carrying knives" their leader had told them back in the van.

In the dark, the two men saw the chair they thought the receptionist would be sitting in. They both crept slowly towards it, they would grab him as planned except...

He wasn't there.

The chair was empty. Their mind silently echoed the same questions "When did he leave? Where did he go?"

They never saw him left when they looked through the window less than a minute ago.

They looked at each other, confused. The one with the syringe said "He must have gone to the toilet"

They turned around and quietly ran across the lounge to where their leader was searching unsuccessfully for the master key in the reception desk.

The leader shook with desperation his head. "It's not here. He must have had the key with him. Search his pocket." He ordered the two men when he saw them.

The 2 men looked confused and one of them said.

"He's not there. His chair is empty. He must have gone to the toilet"

The leader was getting angry now. Things are not going according to plan. He took a heavy sigh and said:

"alright, here's what we're gonna do. I search in the office. You both, find him and sedate him fast. Kill him if you have to, but hide his body. And when you get the key, start with the first room on the first floor, i'll meet you there. GO!"

A thunder roared amidst the heavy rain. The two men reached the toilet's entrance in less than 5 seconds, having ran across the rain at their full speed because of their boss's tone. Their clothes are all wet but they didn't care. They were too pumped up for that. They were angry and can't wait to release their fury on the small receptionist guy. Inside one of the cubicles, the light was on. They could still hear water in the sink running despite the heavy rain. They looked at each other, knowing exactly that their prey was surely in there. They pulled out their razor sharp knives, kicked the door open, and went in.

Chapter 5 - In The Dark

02:33 AM

"where the fuck is it?" the leader hissed to himself.

He opened cabinet after cabinet, still searching for the master key. He was getting very agitated. The reception area was too dimly lid to see anything. It pissed him off enough finding all cabinet doors locked. It pissed him off even more having to locate each one in the dim light. Finally giving up, he walked across the lounge and peered around the corner through the garden towards the back of the hotel where the toilet was. He saw his 2 henchmen at the door pulling out their knives, ready to burst in. He relaxed slightly. "They found him. The key must be in there too" He thought. He turned around and made his way back towards the reception desk to retrieve his bag. Just as he was about to reach his desk, he heard a sharp click, then the ceiling light went out.

The world went completely dark. He could see nothing. It was as if his eyes have spontaneously decided to stop working. He remained motionless trying to figure out what had just happened when all the sudden, SMACK!!!!

Something felt like a heavy fist size rock smacked into him square in the face. It knocked him off his feet. It felt like being hit in the face with baseball bat wrapped around by a razor wire. He fell back and hit his head on the tile floor but not hard enough to knock himself out. Confused and dazed, he laid on the floor, groaning. His face was simultaneously numb and in pain. With one hand he touched his face. His nose was dangling off his face, it was painful to the touch. He tried to scream but he could barely make any sound. He tried harder but the heavy rain and the thunder drown him out. With all his strength he got on his knees and elbows then crawled painfully across the lounge, hoping to reach the door and get back to the car. Suddenly he heard another sharp click and the light came back on.

The world looked blurry and foggy red. There was blood all over the floor. In the puddle of blood, he saw a tape dispenser covered with his blood and 3 bits of teeth, which no doubt were his. He could not see nor hear very well. His vision seemed narrowed as if something cover his right eye. Terrified, he reached with one hand and tried to wipe it away. But there was nothing there. He looked at his palm. It was a bloody mess. He knew then that he had lost one eye and immediately went into panic. He screamed for help but unable to make even a tiny squeak. He was no longer the aggressor, but a mere victim wanting desperately to be rescued. He wanted nothing more than to live. He looked around. The tape dispenser he saw a moment ago was no longer there. With shaky hand and heavy breath, he reached around and tried to retrieved the pistol from the back of his waistband. He was going to fire a few shots so his stupid henchmen would come back and rescue him. Before he could reach for it, the ceiling light went out again.

Chapter 6 - One Down

Tamers lowered himself down to a squat next to the dead body and picked up the bloody tape dispenser, careful not to get any blood on his fingers. There were bits of flesh on its teeth. He wiped it thoroughly clean with a thick paper towel. The knife and the gun received the same treatment. Carrying around an item laced with bodily flood simply wasn't his style. He wasn't planning on using the gun either. Firing a gun, although in a heavy rain, someone might still hear it. He didn't want to have to answer any phone call from a disturbed guest regarding noise complaint. The gun he took from the dead man was a Type 54 automatic pistol, a cheap Chinese copy of the famous Russian TT-30 pistol. He was familiar with the pistol, having seen it dozen of times before. He wasn't afraid or despise firearms. But in a country with a strict gun law such as his, the only people who had access to firearms are either cops and soldiers, or otherwise criminals. Despite his lack of training, Tamers knew how to handle it. The slide was rusty and the grip was duct taped. He expected no better. These were low life criminals, they wouldn't be able to afford anything better, even if their lives depended upon it. Tamers pulled the slide half way back checking to see if there's a round in the chamber. There was none. He unloaded the gun of its magazine, seeing that there were only six rounds as suppose to a fully loaded eight.

"at least, you know how to treat a magazine spring" he said to the blood covered body on the floor. He nodded his approval.

Tamers stood up and looked around the corner seeing that the two thugs at the toilet still hadn't got out of there yet.

"Check each cubicle thoroughly, boys. Don't want to come back to your dead boss empty handed, do you?" He said to himself and suddenly felt he could relate.

Tamer lifted up body and dragged him by the armpits to the lounge area and dropped him on to a comfortable chair in the shadow. He then slid the oversize welcome mat across the floor to cover the blood puddle.

"forgive me, housekeeping" he said quietly to himself.

Tamer guessed that when the two guys were done searching the toilet, they would continue to the kitchen or somewhere else rather than coming back to their boss. By the time they had plucked up some courage to finally come back, that should give him at least 5 minutes. He only needed 2.

He put on a rain jacket, climbed out a window, and walked into the rain.

Chapter 7 - Taken

She was breathless after having finger fucked herself for 15 minutes straight. Despite the rain outside and the air condition turning to max, she was still sweating like a pig. The bed sheet beneath her was soaking wet and smelled of sex. She wanted a cigarette, these days she always did. Katrina opened her bag, searching unsuccessfully for a lighter then suddenly remembered that the jerk TSA guy had confiscated it at the airport. She made a big sigh and put on her jacket and slippers.

The air outside was cold and she regretted wearing hot pants instead of a thicker jeans. She hugged herself tightly, trying to avoid the rain as she made her way downstairs to the reception desk, hoping to purchase or borrow a lighter. The cool breeze made her squeal, but her addiction motivated her to push on. She didn't want to entertain the thought that the receptionist didn't have a lighter.

"I'd suck a dick for a lighter right now." she mumbled and giggled to herself. It helped her coping with the chill air.

When she reached the bottom of the stair she heard heavy footsteps, despite the rain and the thunder. She looked around, hoping to ask the first person she see if she can borrow a lighter. Before she could see anyone, a hand reached out over her shoulder and covered her mouth.

Chapter 8 - Easy Money

The driver switched on the windshield wiper.

"fuck this rain, man" he cursed then took a big gulp from his flask.

"at least, i don't have to do the heavy lifting"

He thought about what he had planned to do with his share. The last job, he made almost $500. That was more money than he had ever had his entire life. He felt rich and spent every dime of it on whores and whiskey. It was heaven. Life was great. He was looking forwards to reliving it.

"what took these bastards so long?" he continued his cursing and looked though the foggy windows towards the hotel.

"hurry the fuck up"

Suddenly, he heard a knock on the windows to his right on the passenger side.

He turned in surprise but to his confusion, saw no one. He remained motionless, listening and waiting for another knock.

Nothing. He laughed to himself.

"dreaming on the job, eh?" he said and took another big gulp from his flask.

And then he heard another knock on the window, this time twice to his left just inches away from his ear. Now the driver was sure he wasn't dreaming. Driven by anger and confusion, he retrieved a knife from his waistband and slowly opened the van door then stepped outside. He didn't mind the rain. Standing with his back to the van, he looked around scanning for anything that could justify the knocks.

He was confused. The street was empty, he can still see the knocked out security guard tied up and hidden from sight under a car. It was too early for his men to be back yet.

"so who just knocked the windows?" he wondered. He was absolutely sure, it was a real knock. It was as real as the rain wetting his hair.

A quick lightning flashes the sky illuminating the world like it was a bright Sunday afternoon. A second later, a loud thunder erupted, all the sudden a hand reached out from behind his left ear. It squeezed his mouth shut and pulled his head back, exposing his neck. A sharp knife slit his throat just below his Adam's apple. The pain was excruciating, but he couldn't scream. He tried to claw at the hand grabbing his mouth, but he felt himself growing weak and choking in his own blood. The last thing he heard was the thunder.

Chapter 9 - 62 Dalmore

Tamers released the body letting it drop down onto the wet asphalt. He then jumped down from the roof of the van and crouched down next to the body. With both hand he lifted the man back into the car, got inside, then closed the door. It was surprisingly warm in the van. Using the flashlight on his phone, he the studied the interior. The car keys were left hanging below steering wheel. The car seats were years old, if not a decade. The back of the van had a dirty old mattress. Used condoms littered the floor. He understood its significance right away. These guys weren't just simple robbers, they also kidnapped women or probably even children as well.

The glove box had nothing inside except for a pair of sunglasses, a few chewing gums, and some pornographic magazines. Tamers wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. He turned his attention back to the driver. He was a short, stocky man with a mean face, albeit dead. His eyes were still open, unblinking. Tamers searched the dead man's pockets. It was the same as the dead leader he left inside, except this guy has a golden flask in one of his inside jacket pocket. It was half full. Tamers unscrewed the cap and took a sniff.

"Cheap. Is it not enough of an occasion for 62 Dalmore? " Tamers said to the dead guy and put the flask back into his pocket, out of politeness.

The gun the driver had was the same model as the one he retrieved earlier, except this one was newer and in silver color. It looked brand new and felt lighter. Tamers wasn't surprised to find the magazine empty and no round in the chamber. Of course, the gun was for show. His job was to drive. But it wouldn't hurt to have something just to wave around.

Before Tamers left the van, he took a moment to have one last look at the man he had murdered without words or conscience. In the dimmed light, he sat quietly and reflected. Up until 5 minutes ago he'd never killed a man ever in his life, now the driver was already his second victim. He felt that It all happened way too fast and too easy. In a mere period of less of 10 minutes he had officially now become a man who has taken other men's life. What surprised him even more is that he didn't feel any panic, his heart doesn't fast nor did he have any regret, let alone mercy. In other words, he felt nothing. And he wondered if other cold blooded murderers throughout history felt the same way when they crossed this milestone.

Chapter 10 - Against Her Will

They threw her on the bed and closed the door. They were ugly, made uglier still by their dirty wet clothes. One was skinny, another was fat. They both smelled as bad as they look. The two thugs have sharp knives in their hands. The skinny of the two searched around the room for something valuable while the other went through her pile of clothes on the bed. He retrieved her red panties from the pile and put it to his face and took a long sniff, all the while glaring at her with salacious eyes. She sat up on the bed, horrified. She knew what was going to happen next. They would took turn raping her and probably killed her too. They would fuck her without condoms, even if she would comply and beg for their mercy. She would pour her guts out if they forced her suck their cocks too. The thought of them molesting her with their disgusting and disease ridden cocks made her trembled with fear. She thought about screaming again, but the door was thick and heavy, the windows were closed. The rain and thunders outside would drown out her scream. It would be useless. Her scream would make them angry. She was left without any options. In other circumstances she would rather fight and die before letting herself get raped by these animals. But the sight of their sharp knives made her feel weak and exhausted. Tears started to flow down her eyes. This surprised even herself. She couldn't remember the last time she cried. She started to beg, forming her words in simple English knowing they might not understand her.

"you want money??? I give you money!!" she said with tear in her eyes. She pointed at her purse on the table.

"take money, NO hurt!! Please!! No hurt"

The fat thug put down her panties and form an evil smile on his face. His teeth were yellow and broken.


The other thug opened the minibar and took out a beer. Something to spice up what was about to happen. They had raped many women before, but never a beautiful white woman. They had started their robbery with only hoping to get away with some money and jewelry, now they got to breed a European whore too, all the while having a cold beer. Talking about pure heaven.

Katrina had never felt so powerless. How did she ever manage to get herself into this position. A simple trip in Asia quickly turned into an undignified death. The fat thug took off his shirt and unzipped his pants and left his cock hanging out. It was a disgusting. It was unshaven and black. He climbed on the bed slowly, laughing with salacious eyes as he slowly crept towards her.

She hugged herself into a ball in the corner of the bed waiting for the inevitable. She had wept herself into hysteria. She was spaced out of her head and stared blankly at the approaching thug. Outside the rain continued to pour, there was no other sound other than that of the heavy rain. Lightning flashed outside the windows, a loud thunder roared as the fat thug head exploded.

Chapter 11 - A Damsel In Distress

The slide was back on his pistol. Somehow it jammed after the first round was fired. Either a rusty slide, or a broken spring. In an instance, Tamers dropped the gun and pulled the knife from the back of his waistband and took 2 quick steps and made a wide angle downward knife thrust at the skinny thug. The thug turned to Tamers in surprise the moment he saw his friend's head exploded. He dodged the Tamers' attack, took a few steps back, dropped his beer, and took out his own knife. It looked razor sharp. He was about the same height as Tamers, though was thinner and his skin was a little darker. The thug was skinny, but not anorexic. This by no mean concluded that he was a weak and easy opponent, if anything, it was the quality that gave the thug extra speed and maneuverability. It was already evident when he dodged Tamers previous thrust. In a knife fight, the thug would be deadly despite his appearance. The skinny man's hair was a mess and his face was filled with expression of viciousness and familiarity.

"been looking for me?" Tamers asked in his native language. The thug didn't respond.

They stared unblinking at each other with knives in hands. They were 5 meters apart. Both of them knew that in a matter of moment knives are going to start piercing flesh. Blood was going to start pouring. The thug lunged forwards.

Chapter 12 - Evolutionary Instinct

The thug thrust low, targeting Tamers' gut to which he dodged. Tamers returned the attack with an ice pick thrust. The thug blocked it by grabbing Tamers' forearm with his empty hand. Now having his opponent's arm and weapon in his grip, the thug pulled back his knife and this time slashed towards Tamers' chest. Tamers ducked low avoiding the blade and rose back up again and landed a left hook to the thug's right jaw. The thug recoiled back, dazed from the hit. Tamers followed him fast, switching his knife back into stabbing grip. He bent one knee dropping low to avoid the thug's defensive slash. He then thrust his knife forward aiming at the thug's heart. The thug dodged like lightning and trapped Tamer's arm under his armpit. The thug then quickly reversed his missed attack, hoping to slash Tamers' face. But Tamers knew what was coming the moment his arm was trapped. He ducked his head below the slash avoiding the blade and tried to yank his arm free. Before he could, the thug reversed his knife and punched Tamers square in the face. Tamers grunted loud and recoiled back leaving his knife dropped next to the thug.

Tamers could taste blood in his mouth. His face stung with pain.

"So this is what it feels like to get hit, huh?" he thought to himself. "There's a first time for everything"

He realized that he had never actually fought before. His previous kills were successful based purely on deception. They weren't the result of a fight, but a careful planned and quiet assassination. To compensate for his size and strength, he stacked the odd against his opponent and used surprise and misdirection to complete his kill. But now it all came down to brute strength and cunning speed. He was about to go toe to toe against a skilled assailant who was now equipped with 2 knives, while himself being unarmed. The odds were against him. He knew he had very little chance of surviving this encounter, let alone killing this bastard. He took a moment to look at the German woman. She was still sitting on the bed, trembling, curling herself into a ball and staring blankly at the brainless corpse in front of her. She was lost in hysteria. Her face was covered with blood. She wore the expression of a frighten innocence child. Despite that, she still look beautiful to him. Tamers assessed the situation. This fight is going to end up with either one or both of them being slashed and stabbed to death. The element of surprise, which was his main M.O, was no longer an option. To win, he had to face the thug straight on. The thug was no doubt an experienced killer. Going against such an opponent while being inexperienced, not to mention unarmed, would surely spell his death, a painful one at that. The probability was extremely high, astronomically. However, he also knew that he didn't have to die. He could just run away. He wasn't a tough guy. He reminded himself that a tough man can fight his way out of a deadly situation, but a smart man always backs out of one. Tamers looked at the open door 3 meters to his right. He could dash through it in a split second. The thug might chase after him but it was what Tamers would want anyway. Tamers bet that he could reached the lounge downstairs and locked himself in the office and called the cops before the thug even see his leader's corpse sitting leisurely on a chair. But there was another possibility, the thug just might lock himself in the room alone with the girl and he would surely take his time having all the fun with her. Tamers didn't want that to happen, he didn't want to abandon her or even leave her alone to herself for second until she was safe. But he knew that he get to keep his life by leaving, and nothing by staying. He wasn't a hero. He'd killed three men out of lust for blood. He wasn't trying to save anybody. It was just simply one of his two basic needs, kill and fuck. And it had been a very long time since he felt a woman's warm. As a matter of fact, never. The thought of the thug getting to fuck a beautiful woman while he cowered meekly away like a coward challenged his evolutionary instinct. To the victor belongs the the spoil. The alpha gets to breed. The German woman was the ultimate prize of this fight to the death. She was a damsel in distress. His natural instinct kicked in and he knew what he was fighting for.

The rain was still pouring hard. Thunders roared loud and threatening. The thug had both knives in ice pick combat grips. He wore determination on his face. Immediately, he lunged fast towards Tamers, covering the distance in a split second. Tamers took a step back reached behind himself and grabbed the lamp from the table and smashed it against the thug first knife attack. The glass lamp shattered into dozen pieces. The second knife followed immediately targeting Tamers' face, delivered down like a pickaxe. Seeing it coming, Tamers smashed upwards against it hard with what remain of the broken lamp. Blood misted in the air as the glass shard shredded the thug's hand. His knife flew and ricocheted against the ceiling. The thug grunted loud. Now fueled by anger and adrenaline, he immediately followed his attack with his other knife. The thrust was delivered fast and strong in an arc from the side, targeting Tamers' neck. Tamers dropped the lamp and dodged below the knife and with all the strength he could muster, snapped an elbow at the thug's forearm, thus driving knife right into the thug's eyeball. The thug recoiled back making an ear piercing scream. It was louder than the thunder and the rain. He fell back against the wall, dropping down onto the floor, panicking, feet kicking, one hand clutching his face, the other digging the tile floor with his nails. Blood was pouring out of his eye socket where the knife protruded. Tamers took a deep breath, realizing the fight has reached its final conclusion. He was glad and felt proud to emerge as the victor. He locked eye with the screaming man on the floor. It was a familiar sight, another man on the verge of death. Tamers took a few steps closer, looked down at the thug, then kicked the knife deeper into the his skull.

Chapter 13 - Rescued

She was trembling with fear and hysteria. He could tell just by looking at her. She wasn't moving, nor was she dead. Her eyes were focused on a point far beyond, she was lost in her own head. She sat there on the bed clutching herself tightly looking like a mad person in mental hospital. Tamers knelt down on the bed beside her, trying to catch her attention as he wiped blood off her face with his fingers.

"Katrina. It's me. I'm the receptionist. We met downstairs. I'm not gonna hurt you. You're safe now. Are you alright?" he said softly, like a reassuring adult speaking to a frightened child.

She turned her head slowly to look at him with her teary eyes. With her piercing blue eyes, she stared at his face for a long moment without saying anything. Tamers felt as if she could see through his soul. It was almost half a minute before she nodded her head slowly letting him know that she was alright, all the while never breaking eye contact.

"good. very good." Tamers showed her a comforting smile and nodded along.

"Let's get you out of here, OK? Let me take you to another room. It's cleaner and safer there. Can you walk?"

Tamers waited for her to respond, but she didn't. There was no indication if she heard him or not. All he got from her was her blank stare. Tamers wiped his palm clean with the bed sheet.

He stroked her soft red cheeks and said "It's OK. I'll cradle you. It's cold outside but the room will be warmer. Everything is alright. i'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

He lifted her up, put her arms around his neck, grabbed her legs, and cradled her off the bed.

The air outside was freezing cold, the rain was still pouring, harder in fact. Cold splashes hit their faces as they crossed the balcony. Katrina buried her face into his neck and hugged him tight, not wanting to ever let go. He relished her embrace. He could feel her rock hard nipples pressing against his chest and her warm breath on his neck. He felt her smooth thigh in his grip and her delicate fingers on his shoulder. Tamers returned the favor by holding her closer and tighter to his body. For the time in his life he felt he had something that belongs naturally to him.

Chapter 14 - Leaving

He carefully lowered her down into the bathtub and turned on the faucet and set it to warm. She was fully clothed but he figured she needed to get warmed as fast as possible. Katrina still had her arms tightly around his neck and shoulders. Whether she was too lost to remember to let go or she wanted him to stay, he didn't know. Being a hopeless pessimist, he bet on the former. He waited for the water to slowly fill up the tub. With one finger he parted her blood soaked hair so that it stayed in the water. When the bathtub was half filled, he picked up her forearms and gently put them underwater.

Tamers touched her on the shoulders to catch her attention. She turned to him, again looking deep into his soul. She was waiting to hear him speak. Tamers knew he didn't want to say it. By God, he wanted to stay with her, but he reminded himself that her feeling might not be mutual. And leaving would spare him a broken heart.

So he said: " i'm going to go now. You'll be safe in here. I'll locked the door from the inside so no one can ever get in. Don't open the door to anyone. Don't come out until tomorrow morning when it's completely safe. And don't worry. Your belongings will be taken care of."

He took liberty and stroked her cheek for the last time. He knew this was as close as he ever get to touching a woman and he was probably never going to get this chance ever again.

"i'll see you again tomorrow" he said as he got up to leave, despite wanting to stay, to redeem his prize.

He wanted to stay and comfort her. He yearned to wash blood off her, to cradle her onto the bed, to hold her tightly in his arms under the thick blanket, and to offer her security. But years of rejection was simply telling him that no one ever wants to do anything with him, and never will.

He swallowed down the truth, put determination back on his face, and walked toward the door. Just as he was about to reach it, she called out to him.

Chapter 15 - Breeding

His forearm was thick and veiny. It wrapped around her side belly comfortably. His fingers entwined in hers as if they belong naturally together. She could hear him breath slowly and heavily. She had her back against his chest and her butt against his crotch. She didn't mind his growing erection, in fact she pushed her butt against it to show appreciation. Katrina could feel his heart beating faster and faster. She could feel his warm breath on her neck. It gave her chill. Despite having laid there cuddling on the bed for almost 5 minutes, they hadn't spoken a word to each other. He was deathly quiet. In the dimmed light, she could feel his present with only his arms and by his heavy beating of his heart. Otherwise he was as still as a rock. Had she not been able to feel his heartbeat knocking on her back, she would have thought he was dead. He was shirtless and only had his pants on. She on the other hand had nothing on but a bathrobe since her clothes was soaked with blood. The bathrobe was thin and comfortable. Together they hold on to one another on the warm bed.

As of this moment, she wasn't scared anymore. The terrifying event that had just happened felt like a life time ago. Leaning back against him, she felt as if she was somewhere else, somewhere safer. She was without a care in the world. Laying there within the security of his arms, she had never felt so important to someone ever in her entire life. She felt grateful and she brought his hand to her lips and kissed it long and hard.

Being given all the incentives he needed to make his move, Tamers parted her hair and kissed her on the neck just as long and hard. With one leg wrapped over her, he began to dry hump his erected cock against her ass. She could feel his raging boner humping against her, slow at first but faster and harder with each hump. Although he still had his pants on, his cock felt warm and heavy like a club slapping between her butts. It was a raging beast eager for her ass. With one leg wrapped around her, he humped away fast and furiously like a mad dog. She turned around suddenly, facing him, then kissed him on the lips. She was met with his hungry mouth right away. They kissed each other passionately like a pair of crazed lovers. He reached with both hands up her thigh and pulling her bathrobe up leaving her exposed and naked from the waist down. Rolling her onto her back, he continued to french kiss her relentlessly. With one hand, Tamers caressed her smooth ass and thigh. With his other freehand, he reached down and stroked her pussy lips with his middle finger, edging it along her labia. She moaned and arched her back, exposing her neck. He slowly traced his tongue down her neck along to her collar bones all the while continuing to molest her sex, his middle finger rimming around her pink hole. It was slicked with her juice.

"oh.... fuck yes.... yes... baby... ah...' she moaned sexily with her delicate German accent.

After 2 minutes of relentlessly molesting her, he pulled away from her mouth and sat up between her legs. She sat up following him, her palms cupping his cheeks and stared deep into his eyes.

"i love you" she said with her soft voice.

For all his life, he had always firmly believed that he was unlovable, mostly due to him being somewhat different somehow. Through multiple rejections, he had come to an inevitable conclusion long ago that he would end up alone for the rest of his life, his poor cock would never get to feel a woman's warm and remained unloved until the day of his demise. Now having a beautiful woman confessing her love to him felt almost surreal. He hated himself for doubting her. He raised his fingers to part her hair from her face. At that moment she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and he knew she was all his to have. Tamers untie her bathrobe in a swift motion revealing her luscious body to him. He groped her hips in both hands slowly tracing them up towards her tits. Her perky firm boobs perched towards him. The nipples were swollen. He took a long moment to take in what was in front of him. She studied his reaction with smile.

"first time face to face with a naked woman?" she asked him coyly.

He smiled slightly and nodded. He took both tits in his hands and squeezed them hard.

She let out a quiet yelp at his intrusion to her body. Her tits felt good in his hands, soft and heavy, beautiful and heavenly. Tamers leaned in and took one nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. Katrina let out a deep sigh at his sudden molestation. Her skin tasted as good as he had imagined. He flicked his tongue up and down and around her nipple, savoring her juice. She responded by moaning loud and holding his head and burying his face deep onto her chest. Tamers then moved on to her other tit and gave it an even harder treatment. The experience was indescribably pleasurable, he wanted it to last forever. His natural instinct encouraged him to make it permanent. He had to breed her, making her his.

Tamers leaned in to kiss her on the lips and said breathlessly "i gotta to fuck you now, please"

She nodded between heavy breath. "yes, baby. fuck me, fuck me please"

He pushed her on to her back and undo his belt in front of her. She laid there naked, watching him. Her boobs rise and fall in rhythm with her heavy breath. Her heart was beating fast. Her whole body was starting to shaking uncontrollably in the anticipation of the inevitable.

Tamers took off his pants and throw them away. Where they land, he didn't care. He knelt down in front of her and between her legs. He saw Katrina locked her eyes on his boner in his boxer. He adored the expression on her face. He reached one hand into his boxer and grabbed his cock out and started stroking it for her to see. Katrina swallowed her saliva and stared hungrily at him stroking his swollen cock. It was long and thick. The base was veiny and uncircumcised. She could feel it stretching her pussy just by looking at it. She felt weak and her breath quickened.

Tamers leaned in and and hovered over her with one hand rubbing the head of his cock against her vagina. He faced her, her face was inches away from his. She opened her eyes wide and started to hyperventilate. He rubbed his face in comfort against hers and hugged her tight. He then brought one hand to hold her on the back of her neck. They both locked eye with one another. Without giving her any warnings, he thrust his hip hard driving his long thick cock deep into her pussy. She moaned loud in surprise.

Fucking felt good as he had imagined it would be. Her pussy was tight, it gripped his cock hard and firm. He had jerked off to good porn many times before but none of that can ever compare to the feel of a real pussy. Tamers continued to pound her, deliberately slow at first but he started to quicken his pace as she pulled him to a deep kiss. They locked lips as he continued to abuse her hole like a mad dog. Each thrust was harder and faster than the last. She responded by moaning and yelling like a cheap whore.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH ahhh.... yes... baby fuck me..... FUCK ME HARDER !!!! HARDER !!!!" she screamed in between moans, right into his face.

It was deafening. But her slick tight pussy was intoxicating for him to care. He lowered himself down closer to her, holding her as tight as he could and wrapped his arms around her waist and back. Now driven by extreme lust, he began to pound her again, this time with all his might. He wasn't making love to her, he was angry-fucking her. The sound of his pounding was as loud as her screams. Her pussy juice leaked out around his cock and lubricating his balls. With his face buried onto neck, tongue licking and sucking her smooth skin, he was lost completely in the pleasure of fucking her. He was an animal reduced to a single instinct: breed.

Tamers felt as if his cock was about to explode inside of her, figuratively and literally. Her pussy gripped his cock so tight as if it wanted to keep it. He felt his cock continued to grow beyond it usual erected size, bigger and bigger with each thrust. Katrina had her arms wrapped around his head and her fingers in his hair. She was holding onto him for dear life, accepting her faith that the universe had dictated. Him breeding her.


"TAKE MY CUM!!!! TAKE IT!!!..." Tamers warned her but she was too lost to respond.

Her eyes rolled back, she was possessed by pleasure and his cock. Her body stiffen and her mouth wide open.

"YES BABY !!!! CUM !!!! CUM INSIDE ME!!!" she struggled to get her words out.

Now encouraged, he sticked his tongue into her mouth and they kissed long and hard. Tamers reached one hand to grab her butt then stick his middle finger inside her asshole. He pounded his few final thrusts deep into her as they simultaneously came together. Streams after streams of cum flooded her Germanic pussy. He had never cum this much his entire life, it had to be at least half a cup. They continued to kiss passionately as his cock slowly grew flaccid inside her and finally flopped out. Leaving stream of cum pouring out of her pussy. It was a beautiful sight.

Tamers laid on his back beside her as she sat up to lick his cock and balls clean. He closed his eyes and enjoyed her service.

Chapter 16 - Sheep's Clothing

Tamers guessed it was probably almost 4 o'clock. The rain had finally stopped and the air was cool and refreshing. He closed the door gently and quietly so not to wake her. He went downstairs and reached the lounge area without a sound. The body of the dead leader was still sitting leisurely on the comfort chair where Tamers had left him. Blood collected into a pool under the chair. The van was still parked outside. The driver sat slumped on his seat comfortably. Tamers hoped the two thugs upstairs were also resting soundly, and in peace.

Tamers reached the front desk and opened the hotel's IP camera program on the computer. He bypassed the system security with the password he had hacked weeks before, then deleted all the videos that have been recorded for the past 4 hours. He then disassembled the CPU and pulled out the hard drive and put it into his bag.

Tamers then used the office phone to dial the cops. With his best impersonation of a panicked and frightened employee, he informed them that there had been a robbery and a firefight taken place in the hotel with one assailant got away with hundreds of dollars taken from the cash register and several valuables including a computer drive in order to cover his track. After he had put down the phone, he opened up a cabinet and took out a resignation form and started writing.


2019-06-26 11:09:13
Regarding what the person in the precedent comment said:Microsoft Word as well as other software HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with "word misuse" and with "tense"!That's only an author's job,to write correctly!But,in this story,word misuse IT'S NOT "HIGH" AT ALL and NEITHER IS TENSE!
Also,someone who has GOOD ABIILITIES WOULDN'T "get cut to ribbons against an armed criminal in no time flat",NO MATTER if he wouldn't have been in a fight until then!THERE ARE THE ABILITIES,NOT THE EXPERIENCE that matter in such a moment!If a person has such good abilities in a fight,THERE IS NO REASON TO PRODUCE A "BACK STORY" about how he has such abilities!He SIMPLY HAS THEM and THAT'S IT!
Some people SHOULD REALLY LEARN TO THINK at what they tell before correcting other people!


2019-06-26 11:08:26
Regarding what the person in the precedent comment said:Microsoft Word as well as other software HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO with "word misuse" and with "tense"!That's only an author's job,to write correctly!But,in this story,word misuse IT'S NOT "HIGH" AT ALL and NEITHER IS TENSE!
Also,someone who has GOOD ABIILITIES WOULDN'T "get cut to ribbons against an armed criminal in no time flat",NO MATTER if he wouldn't have been in a fight until then!THERE ARE THE ABILITIES,NOT THE EXPERIENCE that matter in such a moment!If a person has such good abilities in a fight,THERE IS NO REASON TO PRODUCE A "BACK STORY" about how he has such abilities!He SIMPLY HAS THEM and THAT'S IT!
Some people SHOULD REALLY LEARN TO THINK at what they tell before correcting other people!


2019-05-26 20:21:58
Where to begin...

Well, first off, I enjoyed the concept and the style, your main issues is this:

1) Take time to read and reread your work several times to pick out the usage and grammatical errors. If you have trouble finding them, find someone to edit it for you. There were honestly some parts where I scratched my head and said, "WTF is he talking about?"

2) Word misuse is high in your story as well as tense. Microsoft Word and other processing software will only do so much, you also have to pay attention to what you're writing.

3) Take some time to do some research and develop your character more fully. There is absolutely no back story on how he has the ability to "assassinate" as you put it, several well armed thugs or how he was able to not die during the fight with the last guy. Typically, someone that's never been in a fight would get cut to ribbons against an armed criminal in no time flat.


2019-05-24 12:12:35
Very different style . I liked it .

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