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“You best be naked in my chambers Daddy” He chuckled nervously and said “Yes Darling” He could see Sarah’s blond head through the semi smoked glass half wall and steam it captured but nothing of her new companion Rachael.
Author's note: Sarah Rachael and Philip are real. Names locations and a lot of the plot lines have been enhanced for your enjoyment but the basic concept happened. Philip and Sarah are married now. they have kids, too The house and his toys are pretty close to real. although at the time the SUV was a jeep. not the Tesla they have now Please read and enjoy. vote when you are done. and COMMENT!!! I want to know what you think "more please" Doesn't count. Leave some thought lol

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Further Adventures from Sarah and Philip


Philip entered the Japanese style Bath cautiously. Not at all able to comprehend what he would find. Sarah was able to hear him step from the Tiles to the teak wood planks dead panned. “You best be naked in my chambers Daddy” He chuckled nervously and said “Yes Darling” He could see Sarah’s blond head through the semi smoked glass half wall and steam it captured but nothing of her new companion Rachael. Impressed at how Sarah had mastered the controls so quickly keeping the steam in the four foot by six foot area while the sinks and commode stayed completely cloud free.

Having left his boots in the mud bin by the garage door, He stripped his bare and entered the swirling mist. Without having spoken previously, he fully transitioned from master to servant for today’s game.

“Who is first Mistress” he inquired. Bringing an unfamiliar giggle from the space.

“Wash our new pet first. Then attend Me Philip.”

“As you wish Mistress” he grabbed a fresh loofa ball from the rack then added some of Sarah’s soap and pawed his way in till he found her.

Rachael giggled and said “Hello” as his hands pressed into her back.

“Miss” was all he said as he started to rub her flesh.

Standing so close, He could see the majority of her body now. Thin. Compared to Sarah’s womanly curves. But tall for her age. Almost matching his own 5’9. Her back to him. He moved her hair, bunching the usually curly mop, balled it up and placed it on her head. He started on her neck. The soapy synthetic sponge first, then his hand to massage the skin and wipe the Froth and dirt away.

She responded with a growl, much like a panther “mmmmm, Sarah he’s good at this. I may have to take advantage of him. A Lot!”

He merely kept to his business. Soap scrub, squeegee, massage. Sarah responded with words to her but meant for him.

“Backs first. You then me. Then we’ll turn around. He better not take too long on you. He doesn’t want to sleep on the sofa tonight.” He said Nothing, Rachael only giggled.

Once down her spine. He started on her ass cheeks. Thinner than his lover. But still pert and shapely. Needing the flesh as he rubbed in the soap. Her pink pucker winking at him every time her crack undulated. Getting on his knees. He made sure the area was clean then he moved in with his face.

“Hey! that’s my… Oh God!”

Sarah turned to see Philip licking her new friends puckered hole like she herself would have, iced cream when she were a little girl. Several swipes then a dig into the opening like it were the half eaten waffle cone for the drops. Philip kept this up while he washed her legs. Rachael continued to pant and gasp. It took less than two minutes for Rachael to scream. She had had her first male induced orgasm. Not only that. But she never knew it were possible for her to cum from Butt Play. She squirted against the wall and collapsed. Philip caught her and lowered her to the planks gently. Rachael was still twitching as he retrieved a new loofa from the rack and started to wash Sarah.

“what did you do to her” Sarah hissed, while observing her friend who was balled up into herself, twitching, and trance like repeating “Oh My God” over and over. Not having to do much for Sarah’s pixie cut he shrugged. Then whispered. “It’s 2019,I thought all you Millennial’s ate ass.” into her ear..

Sarah’s turn to giggle, then; “why haven’t you done that to ME yet, Philip”

“Not the right time I guess” was all he said. He continued to wash her back arms the ass. Repeating his tongue lashings for his lover till she also became rapt with pleasure.

By this time Rachael had recovered her body well enough to stand and wait for her turn again. She basked in the steamy soft spray from the bank of water jets embedded in the wall. Watching as her friend received a deeper, more sensual tongue lashing. Although she didn’t know there was a difference between his clinical lust filled administrations to her own body. He was gentle, more involved with giving Sarah a lasting pleasure than driving to get her off. Philip had finished washing Sarah’s legs and feet completely before he started to gently tickle and caress her inner thighs and pubic mound. Teasing and enticing the bump, rather than explore her insides. Thus driving Sarah insane with need.

She was biting back the begging and crying, only letting moans and groans escape her lips when her equally intense orgasm finally overpowered her ability and senses. Sarah folded into his arms like a warn out and soggy towel. He caught her gently. Lay her out on the wood slat flooring and returned his attention to Rachael, who was smirking. Challenging Philip with her lust filled eyes for him to get creative.

Rachael’s senses were set on pleasure not fear or mis-trust. She watched how tenderly and completely, Philip drove their both lover into complete bliss. She dropped any pretext of reservation now. She entered this house after school a nearly total virgin. Her experiences that of exploration. A couple blowjobs. Some Mutual petting. But never having been given pleasure. She had only given it out. And, only to boys. Knowing all day she wanted something to happen. Yet scared about how far she would really go. She knew she would leave with knowledge of herself that exceeded most, if not all her friends at school about what sex was supposed to feel like.

Philip was more than up for the challenge. He came to his Newest prize swiftly. He picked her slightly heavier form up and brought her eye level. His manhood pronounced like the spike of a turn style. He started to lower her onto his tip. Sarah was lucid enough to chastise him. “NO! Not till we are in bed. Wash her. Not Fuck” He smirked apologetically, kept her smashed into the wall and kissed Rachael for the first time.

She accepted with a cringe, but was surprised to find his tongue tasted a little soapy-bitter. Lavender and vanilla. Mixed with something greasy, thick but not foul, had coated his tongue. They kissed for several moments he took the time to explore his new lover eye to eye his hands slipped over her body, before putting her down and continuing her soaping. Washing her just as tactfully. Cheeks, neck, chest. He stopped to lather rinse and marvel over her tender breasts.

Surprisingly larger than Sarah’s three layer points. He guessed in his head B’s maybe a smallish C.. As he got the soap clear he took one of her stiff points in his mouth. Playing with the hard rubbery thing. Rolling and gently tugging the other between his thumb and forfinger. She squeaked in pleasure as his free hand continued washing her ribs and tummy. His manhood caressing and teasing her slippery folds. It pokes. Rubs and pulls away. Driving her insane with passion. Almost mad now that she has to wait to feel a mans fleshy pole inside her depths.

As Philip drops to his knees, he washes and stares in wonder at the protruding lips from Rachael’s sex gash. Not really sure he should he decides to ignore the aromas of fresh begging cunt. He just keeps washing. Just as he completes one leg. She surprises not just him. But Sarah too by showing off how flexable she is.

Her foot rises out to the side and just keeps going. It finally stops. Her thigh pressing her ribs. Her knee at her nipple. Calf at her cheek. That closed crease is now open for the world on display. Both labia are thick and seem to vibrate with her heart rate. Her inner hole winking. Her clit protruding from it’s hood almost a full half inch, is thick and a deep rose red color. Everything is coated with the thick secretions of female honey. Philip looses himself and buries his face inside her now wide open gape.

Sarah watched, a mix of emotions blazed through her psyche. Lust, she could not avoid that. Her hand immediately digging into her own sex like an angry snake chasing a rat down a hole. Envy, why can’t I do that? Sadness, she really likes how Philip touches her more than she likes doing it herself now. Jealousy, he better love me better than he seems to like her.

It took just over a minute. Both girls reached peak at the same time.

Both squirted. Rachael flooding Philip’s mouth. Coating his face. Sarah in position just so that she launched a frothy stream that actually hit him in the thigh and part of his ass cheek. Philip sex charged to the point he only saw red let Rachael fall into the corner. He rolled sideways, captured Sarah and stuffed her full of staff. She screamed at the invasion. Eyes shut tight, limbs wrapping around him.

She just let him hammer into her. Her orgasm didn’t end. It just kept washing through her body. Her cum flowing openly. Crotches slapping together, sounding like school chalk board erasers. Slapping while being cleaned, even in the thick, rain soaked air of the shower stall. Just as she had the night before; she blacked out trying to hold on to him with her arms and legs. Feet locked, hooked together, fingers curling into each other.

Rachael could only watch from the corner she barely managed to stay propped up in. She was grateful for the cooling effects that the corner jets were sending a water mist rather than the near steam from the rows hidden in the side walls.

It was several moments before Philip could gain control of his own senses. He gently unfurled himself from his love. Then one he knew would be his forever. He let her lay on the wood slats. Standing, he turned off the water and handed Rachael a huge bath towel from the rack on the outside the stall rack. He took another and gently wrapped Sarah in it. She was tiny in the near single bed sheet sized terry. Picking her up, he asked Rachael to stay put. Gingerly he carried Sarah out and put her on the big sofa. Where she would be comfortable. She never woke. He left to attend the New girl.

Finding Rachael still holding the towel. She looked at him questioningly. Not in fear. But very concerned for her friend.

“what? Is she? you didn’t hurt her did you?” was all she could Manage. Philip chuckled as he took the other giant towel and began to caress the water from Rachael’s body and hair.

Philip was almost a full third done with her by the time he spoke.

“Sarah’s fine. I’ve heard rumors, but I’ve never seen it till recently, with her actually. People can experience a sexual experience so massive that they pass out. she’s asleep. that’s all.” Rachael sighed. Her tone felt elated. She had taken up the other end of the towel and was mopping leftover water from him as she spoke.

“Oh, Ok good. Im glad she’s not hurt.” then the worry started to creep in. “You aren’t going to hurt me, are you Philip?” his turn to be confused. Also a little worried by her question.

“Sweetheart. I would never put you, either of you in any danger. And I swear I will never touch you in any way that you aren’t ready or don’t ask for.” He then added. “It’s probably not a good Idea for you and I to be sexual unless Sarah is with us, and awake to supervise” They both laughed at that.

His member growing to length again, because he was touching a beautiful young woman. Who was equally touching him.

Rachael dropped the towel. She turned and spread her feet wide. Leaning against the wall, she started to roll her hips. Looking over her shoulder at him she licked her lips, then said “Maybe just this once?”

One of her hands dropping to run in through her cunny flaps. Philip could only watch from behind as she fingered herself with one, two, then three fingers. She turned half sideways at this point. Lifted her hand to her mouth and sucked one of the digits loudly. Then offered the sticky ones to him, saying. “Please Daddy” with an impish grin

He didn’t hesitate. He dropped the other end of the towel and kicked it out of the shower. Taking the sticky fingers into his mouth, He lined up behind her. Pushing forward, his length entered her tight slot easily. She was primed and ready for him. He already knew that. The journey was slow and not easy. This girl was a fully intact virgin less than two hours ago. She was tight. Tighter than he thought manageable. But it fit. He bottomed out. Balls brushing the tender skin of her thighs.

They stood like that for several moments. He let her body get used to the invasion. She languidly tickled her clit as she bit her own shoulder. His thrusting while mechanically labored, was slow and easy. Her vaginal canal expanding and responding perfectly. Allowing both of them equal pleasure.

She started to buck her hips and roll her spine to match his thrusting. He started to grunt into her back.

His hands circling her torso to cup, then squeeze her breasts in sync. Rub on the out stroke. Squeeze tight when his sack hit her legs. They did this for several moments. Her experiencing several mini orgasms to coat his invading length. She finally let out a guttural roar and flooded his thighs with joy juice. This causing him to empty the last of his ropy supply deep in her guts. She liked that part best. But didn’t tell him

He turned the shower back on. They used the water wand to quickly rinse any leftovers from each other. She bent and kissed his semi- filled meat. She whispered to it. ‘One day soon I’m gonna suck you” and stepped around him to get the towel and start to dry.

It was just over an hour later. Philip and Rachael were both dry and dressed when Sarah rose. She looked groggy but felt completely awake. Hearing voices, she turned to the sounds. First, she saw sun dipping below the tree line at the back of the yard. Then her lovers, fully dressed sitting on the deck chairs talking quietly. She was embarrassed and a little mad at herself for passing out mid sex AGAIN. Composing herself, she stood. Unwrapped, then walked out onto the deck naked.

Rachael saw her first and jumped with a gleeful yelp. Catching Sarah on the run, they hugged and Rachael then kissed her first, deeply.


kissing her again and half giggling. They were both getting excited again. Not sexually. Just youthful energy. It was Philip who then spoke.

“You are welcome in our home always Rachael. Once everyone is comfortable. I’ll give you a pass code for the garage. But it’s getting late.

I should probably take you home soon.”

Sighs of acceptance from both girls. Sarah’s turn to speak.

“So it’s okay if she’s my girlfriend?? You don’t mind sharing?”

“Not as long as were all in it together Darling” he said with a wink.

They half ran into the house to find Sarah something quick to wear for the ride

Rex AllenReport 

2022-05-05 14:43:40
You definately have to finish this story. What happens next? Does Philip marry Sarah and Rachael? Do they continue to have threesomes?

Rex AllenReport 

2019-06-02 22:49:20
I read all of the saga and I hope there is more to come. You mrntioned about them being married. I would hope that all 3 of them stayed together in a polygamy situation and are swingers. THANKS.


2019-05-30 20:31:58
First off, I really enjoyed the series and I'm glad that you are continuing the saga. There is a bit of confusion created in the pretext for the story. You state that Sara and Phillip are married now creating the illusion that this story happens some time in the future, but it picks up right where the last saga left off.

I really enjoy your writing and how fast you post the stories, though I would say you may want to consider posting more parts due to the length of the stories. I feel we are missing a bit of a back story of Phillip and it would be nice to know a bit more about him. Would also be nice to know what eventually happens with the grocery store lady he had eyes for.

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