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Sorry, english isn't my first language, but here we go!
My alarm rang at 5:30am, the loud ringing hurt both my head and ears. Barely opening my eyes I reached for my phone and turned off the alarm, even if I wanted to stay in bed at least five more hours i knew i couldn’t. I stayed up late last night packing for the long trip me and my brother was going on today, a roadtrip to our family owned cabin. The trip was supposed to take two days and we planned to stay at a motel during the night, since we weren’t in a rush. We had decided to spend an extra week at the cabin before our parents would come, we had been doing this every summer since Eric, my older brother, turned 21. He was 23 now so this would be the third year we did this. We usually brought friends but this time it was only him and me.

I sat up in my bed and opened the curtains to the window above my bed, the sun had already gone up and lit up my room. I sat in my bed looking out the window for a while, everything outside was covered in dew and a light fog painted the horizon. I threw a quick look at the my floor, it was scattered with bags and clothes. I never knew what to bring on trips, packing and unpacking my bags at least five times before feeling satisfied with what i brought with me, how ever, i always brought too much clothes.

I decided to get in a quick shower before loading the car with our bags, I pulled out a fresh pair of underwear from my dresser and went to the bathroom that me and Eric shared. The bathroom separated our two rooms, so it had two doors, one from my room and one from his. We had been sharing the bathroom since we were kids so it wasn’t that bad. I turned the shower on and started brushing my teeth to let the shower heat up. I took of my underwear and looked down at my dick sporting a semi at around 5 inches. I wondered if I would have time to jerk off quick in the shower. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to get off the two days we were going to be on the road I determined I did. The water was just the right temperature and just soaping up my body got my dick hard to its full 7 inches. I came pretty quick because I didn’t want to take too much time before getting on the road. Just when i was stepping out of the shower Eric came in to the bathroom wearing only his boxers.

“Dude, I’m in here!” I informed him while covering my dick with my towel.

“Alex, I just really need to piss, my bladder is gonna fucking explode” He exclaimed while racing to the toilet. “Plus, I have seen your dick before so it’s not like it matters” He sighed when he let the stream flow and looked up at the ceiling in relief. His buff body was something I’ve always admired, I was pretty muscular myself but he was bigger and had always been. Since we started working out together he has taught me some tips to growing my body so I’ve gotten more built in the last year.

“Whatever, when are ready to go? I wanna get going early so we can do most of the driving today.” I asked him and stopped caring about him seeing me naked so I started rubbing my hair dry with my towel.

He was right, we had seen each other naked several times, so I don’t know why i reacted in that way. He flushed and threw his underwear in our shared laundry basket, walking towards the shower. I glanced at his dick, it was soft and fully shaved, his balls hanging low below his cock. I could never bother to shaved everything completely, i shaved my balls but kept my pubic hair short and trimmed. I could feel my dick chubbing up after seeing his, but I turned around to start walking out of the bathroom so he wouldn’t see.

“You wanna get rid of me already?” He laughed. “Just let me shower first then I’m ready!” He yelled over the now again running shower.

Packing up the car and saying goodbye to our parents didn’t take long, we decided to stop at a drive-thru for some breakfast for the road. Eric wanted to drive first so I sat in the passenger seat. We talked about nothing and everything, me turning 21 in a month, his ex girlfriend and work.

“So wait, you left her? I was like a hundred percent sure it was the other way around” I teased him, chuckling at the latter part of my question. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

“You don’t think i can keep a girl? But yeah I dumped her, I don’t think I want a relationship right now.” I nodded, understanding. “What about you, any luck with the guys?” I came out to Eric when I was 15, he was 17 and kept really cool about it. He said he didn’t care who i slept with and that he had a friend who was bi.

“Well, you know, sex here and there but nothing serious.” I answered truthfully. I have never been in a committed relationship but I was cool with that, I liked the freedom.

“Yeah? Gays have it so much easier getting laid, I haven’t been near a girl in a month.” He laughed again. “Like, when did you last get laid?” He looked over at me.

“Seriously Eric? Isn’t it weird that you wanna know when i last got dick?” I met his eyes with a grin on my face.

“Why is that weird? If you were straight, would it be weird then? No, so tell me” He was right.

“Two days ago, before that, five days.” I told him in defeat.

“See i told you! Gays have it so much easier.” He took a sip of his drink.

“Yeah, maybe you should try it” I mocked him. He pushed me and laughed.

After three hours in the car we stopped to pee, stretch and swap driver. We had seven hours left of driving today and counting in lunch and breaks we should be at the motel by 8pm. The rest of the drive was pretty uneventful, stopping for lunch and dinner and taking turns driving.

We got to the motel and checked in to our room. A simple, pretty low quality room with two beds, a chair and desk and small bathroom. We had stopped on the way for Eric to pick up some beer for the both of us so we opened up one each pretty much as soon as we set down our bags. We both chilled in our own beds, me in my underwear and a shirt and he had shorts on. We sat with our phones and drank a couple beers each.

“Hey, it’s late, I’m tired but I won’t be able to sleep if i don’t jack off…” He trailed off. “I mean i could do it in the bathroom but…” He looked at me, waiting for my answer.

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind, if I can as well” Was i about to see my brother jack off? I got a semi only thinking about it. I had always listened to him fuck girls in his rooms at night and fantasized about his hard dick. Many night i had gotten myself off to the sound of him getting off but now i had a chance of a front row view.

“It’s only fair. Covers on though.” He stated as he covered himself with his duvet. Fuck, well i guess being in the same room as him jacking off had to do. I was already under my duvet so I began looking at some porn. I was rock hard, the porn was really just a cover to make it seem i didn’t think this situation was super hot. I could hear the moans from his porn playing from his phone and I looked over at him. It seemed like he was already jerking himself, I hadn’t even taken my cock out of my shorts yet. I took my eyes back to my phone screen with my other hand palming my dick.

“Fuck, I need some kind of lube.” I heard him groan.

“I have some in my bag, wait let me get it” I got up from the bed and walked over to where my bag sat in between our beds. My dick was rock hard and my underwear did nothing to hide it.

“Always ready huh?” He grinned at me, making me blush a bit. I walked over to him and squirted some lube into his hand. “Damn, that looks big” He said and pointed at my bulge. “I’m bigger though.” This was going in the right direction for me. I took a leap of faith.

“Won’t believe it until i see it” I half-joked still standing by his bed. He looked as though he thought about it.

“Fuck it” He threw the covers off and revealed his dick, fully hard. I was in heaven, it was everything i could imagine and more. “See? I’m bigger.” He clearly was bigger than mine, both in length and girth.

“Nah, you’re not.” I said to see how far he would go. My knees was pretty much shaking from arousal.

“Let me see yours then, let get to the bottom of this” He stroked his cock a few times and I slowly pulled my underwear down revealing my dick. He examined my dick, just a few inches from him.

“Well you are pretty big, but here.” He patted the bed next to him, gesturing for me to sit down. “Let’s compare.” We both stood on our knees with our dicks next to each other. Mine stood pretty much straight up, so it was kind off hard to see. Eric grabbed my dick and pulled it down so they were leveled to each other, i thought i would cum right there. My own brothers hand on my dick felt so fucking good.

“See? Im easily one inch bigger, and my girth is almost double!” He put his cock over mine so my dick disappeared under his and laughed.

“Yeah, yeah, you win” I admitted defeat, but in my head, I had won. Getting to see Erics cock and him touching mine was enough of a win for me.

“You still have a huge dick though, just,” He paused “mine is bigger.” He grinned and we sat down in his bed and kept stroking. I had left my phone in my bed so we shared his screen. He was watching some girl getting fucked really hard by this guy with a huge cock. I kept glancing over at Erics cock and how he was stroking it. His cockhead was huge, I had never seen a cock that big before. Erics breathing was getting heavier and his hand stroked his cock faster. I would give anything to feel it.

“I’m gonna nut” Eric put the phone down and stroked his cock faster and faster before holding his cock at the base and finally shooting six ropes of cum on his chest. The cum painted his abs and chest and was so thick. His groaning echoed in the otherwise pretty quiet room and i couldn’t peel my eyes of his cock. He kept stroking even after he came was breathing heavily, basking in the post cum glory. The sight of my brother cumming was enough for me to go over the edge as well.

“Me too, oh my god!” The scent of Eric and his cum filled my senses and i started shooting. My whole body went stiff and I almost saw black. My dick pumped out rope after rope of cum, I didn’t even care where it landed at this point.

When I opened my eyes again I could see I was covered in my own cum. “Well, at least now we know who nuts more” Eric laughed and got up to get a towel. His semi soft cock swayed as he came back with the towel.

“Fuck, that was good” I sighed and took the towel to wipe myself off.

“Yeah, it was. It’s cool that we’ve gotten it over with, now we can jack off whenever we want without hiding it.” Eric said as he threw himself back in his bed, still naked. I Got up and walked over to my bed, laying down as well.

“That’s true, how often do you jack off?” I asked.

“At least twice a day, depends if I’m having sex or not. You?”

“Same here. Was a bit nervous about how i was going to jack off this trip but here we are” I laughed.

Hopefully the rest of this trip is just as good as this, or even better.


2019-07-15 03:24:35
Can't wait for the next part! Good story so far!!


2019-05-31 10:16:04
Can't wait for the next one

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