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Back at school after a little morning delite.
All my stories take place on an alternate earth with an orbit 3X that of our earth, making ages 1/3 what they would be on earth, and thus the age of consent is 6.

Michael eventually came home about 11:30, I was asleep as far as he knew and let that illusion hold. He went to bed and was softly snooring in a few minutes, I had let Mary have control of herself for a while and her mind was spinning. I can tell when it's just me enjoying what I do, and I can tell when my host is enjoying it, and Mary was enjoying it to the fullest. I don't know if she ever had these thoughts before, I didn't see any in the memories I looked through, but she was in to it now. Her thoughts were running fast; should she do it again, she wanted to, but it was wrong, but it was so very good, he liked it, she liked it, how could that be wrong? Would he tell someone? she could be in a lot of trouble. He wouldn't tell, he said so. It was so naughty, so nasty, so much fun.

2:30 rolled around and she was still thinking about what we had done, when the door opened and Tommy came quietly in to the room. He walked to her side of the bed and whispered "Mom."

"What Baby?" she asked.

"My report card is on the table, I need it signed before I go to school in the morning." he said in a quiet hush. Why he needed to mention this now seemed like more of a pretense to me.

"OK, Ill do it first thing." Mary told him, I was just observing right now.

"Thanks" and he started to walk away.

Mary reached out and grabbed the front of his briefs and stopped him. Her hand quickly went to the shaft that made a bulge in the front, and stroke it up and down several times. He was hard when he walked in, and harder now. When she felt how firm his cock was, she wasted no time, she pulled the briefs down and pulled him toward her, while scooting to the edge of the bed. Her husband, his father, lay sleeping 3 feet away as she swallowed his cock to the hilt.

I could feel the wetness growing between her legs, I could sense how excited she was, but I was not in control.

Mary bobbed up and down, taking it all in, then pulling out until just the head remained in her warm mouth. Back and forth with a quick, but not frantic motion, she was in full control. As young men are prone to do, after 3 or 4 minutes, he shot his load in to her mouth, and Mary greedily swallowed every drop, and sucked hard to make sure none remained behind. When she was done, she tucked him back inside his underware.

"Anything else Baby?" she asked with a whisper.

Thompson just shook his head and went back to his room, his head in a daze.

The morning came and Michael was up and gone to work by 7:00. Mary woke right after, showered, and dressed. Tommy would be up soon, and I thought he should get a show. I found a pink garter belt, pale pink stockings, and lovely pink lace bra, pink worked exceptionally well with her tan skin. White leather pumps finished it off, and her makeup was pure sexy milf. A silk robe with a pale pink flower print covered Mary's shoulders, but little else, we didn't bother even trying to close it.

Tommy was down stairs eating breakfast when I came down, and he snapped around when I entered the kitchen.

"Hey Baby" I said as I walked in.

"You look great mom." he said. I liked it when he stared.

"Thanks, ready for school?" I asked leaning over the counter. I'm not entirly sure who was in charge now.

"Yep, with time to spare." he said.

"Want to give it to mommy one more time before school?" I asked with a little lick of my lips.

A big grin and a nod was all the answer I needed. I took his hand and we went to the front room. I opened the blinds so I could see outside, took off my robe and got on the couch, on my hands and knees. He knew what to do this time, and he got on the couch behind me. I looked back and smiled at him, naked from the waist down, and said "Be a good boy and fuck mommy hard like last night, ok?"

He nodded again, and found the right hole first time. he was getting better, starting slow and stady, and getting faster as he went. I watched out the window, neighbors walked by, none bothering to look up at the window to see a mother getting drilled hard by her son. Me head was diverted from the window with a sudden jerk of my ponytail, he yanked it hard and my head snapped back. I moaned loudly.

"That's it Baby, fuck your mommy good and hard." I managed to get out between a gasp and a groan.

He yanked my head back again, and it felt like heaven. he brought his small hand down hard on my ass and I started to shake, moments later I felt him start to cum and I screamed out loud, and long, my pussy felt like it was on fire, and when he started to slow, I pushed back harder and kept the orgasm going. When it was over, I stood up, boy cum ran down my leg, and I let it. It ran over my stockings and half way to my knee.

"You better get going if your going to catch you bus." I told him. I touched his hand, and went in to him, my work here was done.

"Right!" and he scrambeled to get dressed, grabbed his book bag, and was out the door.

Mary stood in the open door, bra, garter, stockings and heels, and her sons cum running down her leg as she waved goodbye to him. We got on the bus.

So what should my next play things be? I wasn't sure, I rarely am, so I just went person to person at school, looking for something interesting.

I went to the office receptionist, they useually know everything that goes on in a school, they know everything and everyone. Penny the receptionist was 42, cute, slightly chubby but in a pleasent way. She was also a freak, and that was cool. She was a sub, she longed to be dominated and controled. She was also very shy, which ment she was unable to let anyone know about what she really wanted. She was decidedly Bi, but this was more because she longed to be dominated, that was the thrill, she didn't care who it was, the submission was the goal. That is not to say she didn't have likes, she just liked anyone she thought would take control of her. I could use this.

The principle was a tall redhead with large breasts, and she liked to show them off, at least as much as reasonable in an elementary school. She wore dresses to show off her long legs, and was herself very sexually frustrated. Being 5'11" made most guys afraid of her, and she had trouble getting dates, being named Veronica didn't help. She was a firm hetero, for now.

When I went to Veronica, I decided to give her and penny what they needed.

"Penny, in here please."I said from the office doorway. and went to my desk and sat. Penny entered. "Shut the door please."

She did.

"Your work has been sloppy lately, you don't show up on time, you don't get your work done on time, and you even dress sloppy." I said with firm distance.

"I'm sorry Veronica.." She started, confused as this had never been her style.

"Miss Tribadoux. It's Miss Tribadoux." I stated. This caught her off guard.

"Miss, Tribadoux, yes. I'm sorry." She ended, unsure of where to go now.

"Your sorry what?" I paused and she said nothing. "I'm sorry Miss Tribadoux, is that what you mean?"

"Yes, I'm sorry Miss Tribadoux." she stammered, scared.

I stood, and walked around my desk. Just look at the way you are dressed." I scolded. "You dress like a frumpy old spinster. Ever considered a dress that didn't go to your ankles?" I paused. "How about a bra that keeps those girls up somewhere north of the equator?" I paused again. "You work sloppy, you dress sloppy." I stopped. She stared stright ahead whil I stood slightly behind her.

"I'll do better. I promise." she said, and I was sensing a slight bit of excitement coming from her.

"Promise? You need to be punished." I said as she started to panic. "Put your hands on the desk."

She started to step forward.

"I didn't tell you to walk, just put your hands on the desk." and she did it, reaching out with one hand, then the other. She stood bent over, head down, shame and fear all over her. I pulled a ruler off the desk, and it made a thwack when it hit her ass.

She yelped before swallowing her voice.

"You will do better, wont you."

"Yes Veroni..."

Thwack, the ruler cam down harder on her ass again. "It's Miss Tribadoux"

"Yes Miss Tribadoux." she stammered.

"Good, we'll have daily sessions to make sure you stay on task, understand?"

"Yes Ver.. I mean Miss Tribadoux." She corrected herself.

"Your learning. that is good." I told her, I ran the ruler softly up and down her thighs. "You are kind of cute, in a plain sort of way." I went on. "Stand, and come to this side of the desk." and she did.

I pulled the chair away from the desk, and she stood centered.

"I have work to do. But I also have a lot of stress. I need to relieve my stress, but I can't stop working. do you understand?" I asked.

"Not really." she said.

"Not really what?" I scolded again.

"Not really Miss Tribadoux" she said.

"Ill show you. Get on your hands and knees." She hesitated. "DO IT NOW." I said with some force.

She did as instructed.

"Now scoot back under the desk." She did until her ass met wood. "Good."

I pulled the chair up and sat down, pulling my skirt up as I did, exposing the nude colored pantyhose to the waist. I brought the chair as close as I could, opened the center drawer, Penny ducked her head as I did. I pulled out a pair of scissors and carefully trimmed the cotton panel out of the hose. Panic was the predominate expression on Penny's face as she stared through the new hole. Scissors away, I put first my right foot then my left on the desk, catching my heels on the edge.

"OK Penny, your going to make me cum to help with my stress, do you understand?" She stayed frozen. I reached under her chin, tilting her face up to me, "Do you understand? You are going to lick my pussy until I cum, now get to it." and with that I reached behind her head, and jammed her face in to my pussy. It was a mass of curly red hair, and I moved her head around until her lips were on mine.

""EAT." I commanded.

She did. Slowly at first, her tongue running up through the hair, then a little firmer, eventually her tongue touched my labia and it made me shiver. I pulled her face hard in to me.

"I have work to do, I can't be helping you eat my pussy, so get to work." I scolded her again.

She started working more in earnest, and soon she was doing a good job. I was getting close when a knock came at the door.

"Yes?" I said as I brought my legs down and scooted in to the desk, the large desk provided enough space fit Penny, and my legs. "Come in."

Mrs. Greene, third grade teacher, and local tell all came in. she rambled on for a few minutes, and after a couple I reached under the table and put penny back to work on me. Using her hand this time. what seemed like hours later...

"Alright, I will take care of that for you, yes, yes, goodbye Mrs. Greene," and she left.

I scooted my hips off the chair and pulled Penny's face back in to me, this time she went right to work. I held her against me as I pulled back, and put my feet back up on the edge of the desk. I started working my hips up and down on her face.

"Thats a good sub bitch. That's what you are, you are MY sub bitch now." I told her, and she seemed to like it, and started working harder. "Eat my pussy little bitch, eat you masters pussy good." this really got her going. I squeeled as I pulled her hard in to my cunt, I did everything I could to not be loud, but I came hard, and I don't know how quiet I was.

When I was done, I pushed her away. "You are all wet, your makeup is a mess, get cleaned up. She climbed out and stood, smoothed her dress and started to leave.

"Wait, come here bitch." and she returned. "Lift your dress." she did past her knees. "Higher, all the way." She pulled it up until I couldn't see he face. Tan panty hose, white granny panties, and a bush that was escaping even from them was before me.

"OK, drop it." I told her. "In the future, stockings or thigh highs, no more pantyhose. No underware unless I give you permission, dresses and skirts just above the knee, not below, heels, minimum 4 inches, get some bras that push those girls up. Do you understand? You have all weekend to go shopping, text me for approval of anytihng you buy. And get that nasty bush waxed, you don't get to keep any hair, none, do you understand?"

She nodded, a look of contentment and fullfillment was hard to hide.

"Go, I have work to do." and I waved her away and pretended to work at my desk as she left.

I stayed with Veronica throughout the day, and went home with her, she was at least interesting and I thought I could spend a few days with her, I at least had to stay to see how Penny followed orders.


2020-03-28 08:19:26
Want to know more and learn to be a good sub. Fg.

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