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A new colleague for a grumpy physics researcher, until a elegant evening conference...
Elizabeth is 29 years old and could be a wonderful girl, but it seems she doesn't care: always dressed up as tomboy, no make up and always pissed off at the world. She works in the physic department at the local university -she won a Ph. D- and she was assigned a colleague whom she will meet this morning.

"Let's hope she's not a dumb blonde".

But upon reaching the laboratory his hopes seem disappointed. In front of her is a 24 year old girl who seems to have come out of a Vogue cover: brown, smooth hair, softly lying on her bare shoulders and surrounding a face with vaguely Asian features, a short and low-cut dress to show two endless legs and a perfectly tanned skin. But above all, the girl is surrounded by three boys literally hanging by her lips.

Elizabeth kicks them out badly, lock the laboratory door and faces her new colleague:

"Now listen to me, baby. We do scientific research here. Do the hunting of males somewhere else. Do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes, I'm sorry. I am Marian, today we should work together"

"Well, I am Elizabeth. Tomorrow I want to see you dressed not as a cubist. Ok?"

"Sure boss"

"And don't call me boss. Call me Betty."

"Sure, Betty."

The following days are always the same. Betty carries out her project with Marian assisting her, also trying to find a way through the defenses of her colleague. The opportunity occurs towards the end of October, when the president calls the two girls into his office to announce that they will have to attend a conference next Friday evening. For Betty is a tragedy, she never wore an evening dress, never in her whole life.

It's the perfect moment for Marian, she must seize the opportunity on the fly.

"Are you worried? I'll help you, if you wish. Trust me."

Betty obviously has no choice, she must accept her proposal.

That afternoon the two girls quit earlier than usual from work and Marian accompanies Betty first to the hairdresser, then to her trusted tailor, and finally to her favourite shoe store.

The final result is both comic and surprising. Comic because obviously Betty was not used to walk on heels, and surprising because the haircut, the dress and the heels stand out her sweet face and her sculpted and slender body, modeled after years of swimming.

"You see? You are beautiful!" repeats Marian.

"Ok, but I don't trust this heels. Promise me you'll stay close to me all evening long"

"Relax. No one will detach me from your side."

Then Friday arrives.

At the conference, all eyes devour Marian and her cubist dress. Betty reaches the assigned seats with difficulty, always leaning on Marian. Once seated, Marian begins to caress Betty's legs, which Marian had cleverly suggested to keep free from stockings, and whisper in her ear:

"So, darling, all right?"

"Yes, but hand in place."

Marian pretends not to hear

"I told you hands in place."

Marian continues undaunted and her hands continue to rise along Betty's legs.

"Relax, nobody will notice us." (Marian had chosen that dress very well)

.....Now she has almost reached her goal and begins to caress the thin flap of skin next to her panties. Immediately two fingers slip under the panties, reach the clitoris and start to titillate hit.

Betty is turning bright red, she doesn't know what to do, she wriggles in the chair.

"Relax darling and let me do it. You will thank me later."

Betty was completely lost: a room full of university barons who talked about quantum physics and she was with a girl who is fingering her as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

When Marian senses that Betty is close to orgasm stops, hugs her and whispers: "Hold on and let's go to the bathroom."

Betty nods without a word. She know that if she opens her mouth, she would scream for pleasure. She follow Marian up to the bathroom.

"What the hell's the matter with you?"

Marian does not respond, but rushes to kiss Betty in the mouth.

Betty, taken by surprise, tries to break free. Marian hugs her, not letting her to break free. After a few moments the kiss begins to take effect, and slowly Betty gives up by accepting the inviting tongue of her fellow.

Marian drops the dress that falls to the floor. (as said, Marian had chosen that dress very well)

She takes off her panties and resuming the interrupted fingering whispers:

"So, you are human too!"

Betty does not respond, she pants and wriggles like never before. Marian adds one, two fingers in Betty pussy. She is going to add the fourth finger, she's practically fucking Betty with her hand, when she reaches her orgasm. She cums and scream her pleasure in Marian's mouth, who, in order to avoid suspicion, put her tongue back in her colleague's mouth. It's the best orgasm ever for Betty, and she takes a few minutes to recover.

"Marian, thank you. But I don't understand..."

"Honey, I go with men only for interest. For pleasure I prefer women, I want women much more. And better if beautiful like you. Now it is better to return, but don't believe that the evening is over here..."
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