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Twelfth chapter of James and the gang having fun
I woke on Friday with Jill straddling my hips, my cock deep inside her. She worked her hips in a slow elliptical motion, a dreamy look on her face. She stopped for a moment as her whole body shuddered.

“That's three,” she announced as she climbed off me, “and I'll bet you need into the bath.”

She was right. As I came out, she was dressing. I dug out clothes and dressed. She had disappeared down the hall. I followed, finding her in the kitchen digging for breakfast stuff while the coffee pot gurgled and hissed.

Over second cups of coffee, Jill told me a lot about how women feel and and what they want. I realized just how shallow my understanding had been. We took our coffee out to the shed. With her advice, we reworked the routines I'd developed, we changed them to ramp up to the full sensation, rather than come on all at once. They needed testing and after some thoughtful consideration, Jill agreed to be my test subject.

“Okay, first test,” I said, “Sleep and wake.”

She yawned hugely, composed herself, and was asleep. A few seconds later, her eyes reopened as she stretched.

“Perfect,” she said, “I felt sleepy and had a little time to settle in and the waking was much gentler.”

“Second test,” I said, “Jabberwocky.”

“Hmm,” she mussed, when she came out of it with a complete knowledge of C++, “doesn't seem to make much difference.”

“I didn't think it would,” I said, “I recall it was a lot like day dreaming when I used it on myself, not asleep, but just disinterested in what might be going on around me.”

“You're right,” she said, “that's a good description of how I felt too.”

Third test,” I announced, “orgasm. We need to think up a better name. Ready”

“Hit me,” she said, “Aaaahh! AAAaaahhh! AAAAAAaIIIEEEE!!”

Jill was panting, recovering from her induced orgasm.

“Nice crescendo effect,” I observed.

“Much better,” she panted out, “I knew it was coming, no pun intended, and was ready for it. A little longer 'ramp' might be good, but it's much better than last night.”

“Can you explain that?” I asked her.

“Last night, each one hit like a sledge hammer,” she said, “this is more like a strong push.”

“We'll leave it at that for now.” I told her.

We talked about other reactions that we might trigger, such as hunger, thirst, laughter, and crying. I didn't see much real use for any of them at the moment, but made notes anyway. Claudia ran in, grabbed some things from her desk and ran out yelling 'appointments'. Jill and I looked at each other and burst into laughter. Conner and Lisa sauntered in got coffee for themselves and found seats.

I explained, briefly what we'd been doing. Lisa thought the changes were a good idea, Jill enthusiastically agreed. Conner thought a toned down version of the 'afterglow' might be useful if we started using outsiders as scan or test subjects. I made a note of that too.

Soon, Conner and Lisa were deep into creating longer little movies with better backgrounds and other effects. Jill, with a little coaching, was running bits of the scans on herself, making notes. I worked on a less obtrusive headset and the tablet interface for portable use, as well as a better graphical interface for the tablet.

The phone rang, Jill being closest at the moment answered it, made brief remarks and let out a happy squeal. She handed the phone to me. It was Jennifer. Her mother had agreed to the transfer! Part of the reason was the 'friend' she could stay with at a rent lower than what the dormitory cost. She would be ready to go after her last class next Friday. I shared the news and everyone thought it was great.

Claudia breezed in, waving a slip of paper.

“I did it!” she crowed, “I sold one of your games!”

“What?” said Conner, “Witch one?”

“That thing with the dragons and flying sailing ships.” Claudia said, presenting the paper, a check, to Conner.

Conner's eyes opened wide. “You sold Skyworld for a hundred thousand pounds?”

“They were looking for something in the genre to go against a competitor, and they liked your graphics.” Claudia explained, “I had to sell the full rights to them, so they can make changes without asking you, but there is a small royalty involved.”

“Royalty?” said Conner in a daze.

When sales, after their production and marketing costs exceed the hundred K,” Claudia said, “you will get some small amount for every copy sold. I have a contract for you to sign that I'll take back on Monday, and I'll need a couple more copies of the game.”

“We need to celebrate!” I said, “What's your favorite restaurant, Conner?”

“We need to cash that check first,” said Claudia, “or put it in the bank. Does Wallace and Billings even have a bank account?”

“We will by Monday noon,” said Conner

“I can cover dinner,” I said, “the company can pay me back.”

We all piled into the land rover for an early dinner. Our celebration closed the restaurant, closed the local pub, and eliminated every drop of beer in the house. We, or I at least, learned a valuable lesson; falling down drunk and sex do not mix well. I also found out about hangovers.

I had made my way to the kitchen to sit at the table, holding my head when Jill breezed in, I was wondering if I wanted to live. She set a grocery sack on the counter and grew a glass of water then sprinkled a tiny amount of salt into the glass.

“Drink this,” she said brightly, “it will help.”

I took the glass and gulped it down. Seconds later my stomach told me that I shouldn't have done that. I barely made it to the sink.

Jill wiped my face with a cool,wet washcloth. She gave me another glass of water instructing me to rinse and spit. She guided me to a chair at the kitchen table and placed a small glass of some odd looking juice and a slice of dry toast before me

“Take small bites of the toast,and only as much of the juice as you need to get it down,” she instructed, “don't worry, you wont be sick again.

I glared at her, as she sat there, humming a merry tune through her bright smile, reading the morning paper. She made little shoving motions toward the toast and juice. I nibbled off a tiny bite of toast and took an equally tiny sip of the juice, waiting for stomach to prove her wrong. I'd eaten about half of the slice of toast when she lay a pair of Aspirin on the table and refilled the juice glass. I grunted my thanks.

“One at a time,” she said, “and finish the toast before you take the second one.”

I got the first one down, and returned to nibbling at the toast. I was vaguely aware that she had started coffee brewing and put bread in the toaster. I finished the toast and gulped down the second pill. I was looking around for the juice bottle when I realized I was hungry. Jill handed me a second slice of toast, and refilled the gass.

“Eggs will be ready soon,” she said, “beginning to feel better?”

“Yeah, my head doesn't feel like it will fall off,” I replied, “and I think I'm past being afraid I'll live part. Hand me the butter.”

“No butter,” she said, “but here's a pot of jam.”

“What happened last night?” I asked, “The last thing I remember is walking into The Battered Boar.”

“Here are your eggs.” she said, placing a small plate of scrambled eggs on the table, “First time getting really drunk?”

“Yeah,” I answered, “I can't recall ever having more than one small glass of beer or wine with a meal. And, speaking of meals, can I have some more eggs?”

“Wait an hour or two,” she said, “then we'll see how you're doing.”

“Okay, you're the doctor,” I agreed, “Do I smell coffee?”

“Me? The doctor?” she said grinning, “Do you see a blue box around here?”

I grinned back, as she served me half of a cup of coffee, cautioning me to sip it slowly.

Conner and Lisa burst through the front door in high spirits

“So,” called out Conner, “he's going to live?”

“Seems so.” answered Jill.

“You were something else last night.” said Lisa.

“Oh, God,” what did I do?” I asked, feeling the headache coming back.

“Let's see,” said Conner, “Claimed, loudly, that you could make any girl beg for mercy, that you could teach anybody anything, and challenged everyone to recite Jabberwocky . . .”

“Don't forget the table dancing.” Lisa added

“Oh, God.” I repeated. “There must be a monastery, somewhere far away, where I can hide.”

“Based on the crowd's reaction,” said Jill, “you have a promising career in comedy.”

We all went out to the shed. I still wasn't at my best, but getting some work done seemed a better choice than moping around the house alone. Conner and Lisa were soon deep into the creative process of game design. I was working at synthesizing routines to create specific sensations. Using a modified, 32 channel sound mixer, I could select a specific location and apply a tailored stimulus. Jill was my subject for this, reporting location and quality in a running commentary. I had the computer record both the settings and audio to help with future experiments. Jill had been disgustingly cheerful all morning, and that irritated me. I set out to recreate the feeling of my hangover, to get 'even' with her. I programmed a dull headache, minor nausea, itchy eyes, and a general low level muscle pain. I was double checking the settings, making sure the intensity was low, when Claudia walked in, even cheerier than the rest of them had been. I Jerked around to glare at her and a pile of reference books, loose papers, and notebooks cascaded across the board, scrambling my careful settings. With a sigh, I started to clean up the mess, asking Jill to help to straighten up the avalanche of papers and things, muttering about the need to keep things neat. She stepped up to my workbench and started stacking papers and books into neat piles. I noticed her movements seemed mechanical and stiff. I glanced up, her face was blank, showing none of her usual animation. I grabbed her wrist, she kept on straining one handed.

“Jill, stop.” I said trying to keep the fear out of my voice.

She dropped her hands to her sides, standing there without moving.

“Jill, are you alright?” I asked.

“Yes.” she said, in a dull, flat monotone.

I told her to sit down. She sat on the floor. I told her to stand. She stood back up. I told her to sit in a chair. She stepped to the nearest empty chair and sat down. By this time everyone was staring at Jill and I. I forced the computer to save a second copy of the settings and video. Everyone started talking at once, asking questions and demanding answers

“Quiet, please,” I said, just loud enough to get their attention. “Let me think.”

I quickly reviewed some psychology texts I'd inadvertently memorized. I Wordlessly signaled everyone to be quiet.

“Jill,” I said, “The next time I say 'wake up' you will awake; refreshed, relaxed, and calm. You will clearly remember everything that happened in the past hour. Do you understand?”

“Yes.” she said in the same monotone.

“Jill,” I said, “wake up.”

“What just happened?” Jill asked amid a group exhale of relief

“I think,” I said, “I hypnotized you.”

“Bullocks!” she snapped, “I've tried to be hypnotized many times, it never works on me.”

“From what I know,” I said, “there are two critical factors in classic hypnotism, a firm trust in the hypnotist and a point of focus. With this direct brain stimulation, neither are a factor.”

“Am I still hypnotized? She asked, “how could I tell?”

“Get me a cup of coffee and pull a used filter out of the trash and lick it.” I said.

“Eww!” she said, “that's nasty, and get your own coffee.”

“I think it is safe to say you are no longer hypnotized.” I said dryly.

We were talking about the potential uses and possible misuses of this latest development when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye, a face peering through a small gap in the curtains. I squelched my immediate reaction and picked up the tablet from my bench and stepped toward Conner and Lisa.

“Time for another test,” I announced loudly, then sotto voice to Conner, “Somebody is peeking in the window, go out through he garage and try to nab him.” then to Lisa, “Announce something really raunchy and start a slow strip to hold their attention.” then loudly again, “Jill, why don't you help Conner get ready.”

“Claudia, give me a hand here.” I said making a show of fitting the headset to Lisa.

Lisa seemed to struggle getting out of her shirt, while I quickly filled in Claudia. Lisa claimed she wanted to try three guys at once, with two of them in her ass. I fumbled with her bra while Claudia played with her tits. We heard a startled cry and a bit of thumping against the wall, then Conner and Jill burst through the door, holding a weaselly little character, our peeper.

“I know this guy,” said Claudia, “He won't give me a tumble because he thinks my tits are too small. His name is Ricky something.”

“You don't dare do anything to me,” he sneered, “I've seen what you guys do and if I rat you out to the dean, you'll all get expelled. But if you let me in on the fun, I'll keep my mouth shut.”

“Well, Crap.” I muttered.

I took the headset from Lisa and fit it over Ricky's head and hit the sleep button. Two seconds later he was sound asleep. It was true that if the dean had to take official notice of our happy games, we could very well be expelled on some sort of morals violation. On the other hand, that same official notice could affect the school's reputation. We needed to neutralize this guy, preferably in a way that wasn't too blatantly illegal. Conner wondered aloud if my hypnotism thing might do the trick.

“It's not some magic bullet like you see on the telly or movies.” I said, “according to the textbooks, it's more like quitting cigarettes, takes constant repetition and repetition.”

“What about the memory thing, Jabberwocky?” Asked Lisa, “Can't you just erase his memories of spying on us?”

“I'm not sure,” I said, “Think of it like a computer hard drive. New information is written as a single file, but natural memories are more like a badly fragmented drive, little parts scattered all over the place.”

“And you would need to find all the parts to erase it.” Conner concluded.

We kicked ideas around for over an hour and decided to try some, more or less, simple aversion therapy. Conner and Lisa generated some movies of giant spiders crawling all over the house and shed. Jill found some creepy music loaded with subsonic frequencies that would produce deep anxiety. Claudia still wanted what she called 'revenge sex'. In the end, we brought Ricky up to consciousness under the hypnotism program and Claudia after placing a condom, rode him like a horse at the downs while I triggered him to eight orgasms, leaving him gasping like fish left on the riverbank. Conner took a short video of Claudia laughing like a maniac and added in more giant spiders. I played all these into his brain at the highest power I dared use, making them all into clear sharp memories that should overshadow his real memories. I did that about ten times in all.

In the end, it seemed to work. We released him on the sidewalk out front. He took a look around and, once he saw the house, he took off running like all the demons of hell were after him. Claudia, with Lisa for backup were waiting two blocks away under a street lamp so Claudia would be clearly visible. When he got close enough to identify Claudia, he screamed and took off in another direction. We never saw Ricky again, but a few rumors surfaced. He'd been seen babbling about the girl who had tried to fuck him to death and almost succeeded. Another rumor said he'd left the country for northern Canada where there were few spiders.

Lisa, claiming that getting her tits played with had 'flipped her switch', drug Conner behind the privacy curtains I'd made. Claudia insisted I do something about the 'bad taste' Ricky had left behind and Jill offered to help.

In the house, the girls shed there clothes and were quickly hard at it, licking and sucking at each other's pussies and clits as they lay across the bed. Claudia was on top at the moment. I applied lube to her pussy and my cock and while Jill backed off to just licking Claudia's clit, I drove my cock deep into Claudia with one smooth stroke. I gave her several strokes and moved to the other side. Jill rolled them over, to get on top. I slammed my cock into her giving her several hard stokes. She gasped and growled deep in her throat. Back to Claudia, I grabbed the lube and put a generous amount on my finger, working it gently into her ass while I stroked into her pussy. She gasped as well moaning with pleasure at the gentle double penetration. I gave Jill the same treatment, but with two fingers and considerably rougher. Jill stopped me when I went to shift sides again. She positioned herself, leaning back against the headboard, pulling Claudia into he lap and hooked Claudia's legs over her own. I didn't need any coaching, seeing the two pussies one above the other. I slammed into Jill, then a little more slowly into Claudia. Jill reached around and began pinching and twisting Claudia's tiny nipples. With a gasp, Claudia held Jill's hand to a tit and began to violently rub her own clit. I began to slam into them, one after the other. Their moaning got louder and their breath was coming in huge gasps. Their climax came one, quickly after the other, Jill growling deep in her throat, Claudia hissing through clenched teeth. I only managed a few more strokes before I softened. We untangled ourselves, and stretched out on the bed together catching our breath. Claudia hitched herself up to look more directly into my eyes. I placed a hand on her ass to help.

“Do you want to fuck my ass?” she asked in a neutral voice not quite asking me to, but not rejecting the idea either.

“I'd love to,” I said, “when you want to and after some careful preparation.”

She accepted that, while she wiggled her ass against my palm. After a time I heard the Volvo start and drive off. Jill pulled blankets up and we eventually drifted off to sleep. The last thing I remembered was Claudia giving me a soft kiss while she said 'thank you'.

Rex AllenReport 

2019-07-25 07:25:03
Love the story so far. Great use of characters.

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