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Young Caucasian homosexual Keven attracts black men as lovers.A restless straight guy happens upon an adult arcade in the ghetto one night, where a young Caucasian homosexual is soliciting men for sex in the preview booths. The man watches as several different men have sex with the faggot, and, while outwardly revulsed by it, finds himself thinking of the queen, and he returns the next night, inexplicably drawn, like a moth to a flame
As you enter the arcade you will notice that it is quite dark, with just dim lighting. What lighting there is only serves to illuminate just how filthy the place is. The stink of piss and semen is pervasive. You have to walk carefully because the floor is slick with semen. Once you get past this assault on your senses, and your eyes begin to adjust to the dim lighting, you notice the men. They are everywhere, lurking in the dark corridors, some on their knees right in the hallway, sucking other men’s cocks, while others, some completely nude, are in the booths sucking cock or being fucked in the ass.

I opened the door to a booth and saw a white naked homosexual being stood up against the wall barefoot by a much larger African American man and being fucked in the ass by him. I watched as the white queer whimpered in pain as the black man worked his very large, very hard cock, up into the queen’s ass. The faggot kept trying to move away but the black man had him in a head lock, and had inserted his knee in between the faggot’s thighs, to prevent the sissy from closing his legs up, thus allowing the black guy unfettered access to the homosexual’s bare anus. I realized that what I was witnessing was, in fact, an act of violence, - violence that the victim had initiated & now wished to disengage from.

But the black man was obviously in no mood to stop, and, like an animal, would complete the sex act no matter what the sissy said or did. I wasn’t the only witness to this, a group of 5 or 6 men - mostly black men - had gathered around the open door to watch the show. Most of them watched silently, a couple of them laughed as the white bitch tried to struggle from the stronger man’s grasp. The black man fucked the queer hard once he was in all the way, and the bitch stopped struggling then, but continued to whine loudly as he was being violated, although it was hard to hear him due to the loud rap music coming from the overhead speakers.

Then the black guy stopped and eased his penis from the faggot’s ass. The bitch got down on his knees and began sucking the black man’s cock. Then the black guy pulled his dick out and began jerking off inches from the Caucasian sissy’s face. Suddenly he tensed and unleashed a huge load of semen all over the naked cracka’s face. The white bitch was lapping and nibbling on the black man’s cock as he finished cumming. Then the black guy pulled his pants up and walked out without a word, leaving the nude faggot on the dirty floor, his face dripping with semen – it was hanging in gooey strands from his nose and chin.

About 20 minutes later I saw the same queer getting fucked by a Latino who looked like a street thug. The Latino was slapping the white guy’s ass hard, just like you’d beat on a woman. He had his arms around the sissy’s body and was fucking him like a jackhammer. Suddenly the gangsta tensed and shouted out in pleasure as he ejaculated into the fairy’s ass hole. As he withdrew his cock from the bitch’s anus, I could see that he hadn’t been wearing a condom. Semen bubbled up out of the gayboy’s anus and ran down his bare legs in thick streams. I saw that same faggot get fucked by at least 8 more guys that night. In fact, some dude was fuckin’ him when I left to go home, sometime after 1 a.m.

I was back at the arcade again last night. I spotted that one white faggot from the night before. For some reason I hadn't been able to get him out of my head. I found myself thinking about him when I was jerking off. When I saw him, he was leaning up against the wall, checking out everyone who entered. He was wearing nothing but a pair of butt baring jeans cutoffs, no shirt, a slave bandana tied Tupac style on his shaved head, and red lipstick. Every time I’ve seen him outside of the booths, he’s wearing the bandana, the cutoffs and barefoot . He nodded to me and I nodded back. He came up to me and asked - maybe a little TOO eagerly,

“You want a hot blow job, sweetie? I’ll make it real good, mister,” he said. “Take care of you straight up, sweet man.” He was damn near begging. I told him maybe later, and he asked me if I was going to cum before I left. I told him that I probably would, and he said, “Just look me up and we’ll go in a booth and you can cum in my mouth - no sense wasting it on the floor… ok, sweet man?” the fairy begged. God, that fucker disgusted me. But I knew I’d be looking him up before I left. Like most of the arcade customers, I hung around the place watching porno for hours, then I’d jerk off just before leaving. If there was a faggot around I’d cum in his mouth….and this bitch was literally begging for it. I hung out there for maybe an hour and a half watching porn. I checked my watch. Time to leave. I wanted to cum. I opened the door and looked out into the arcade. The sissy was out there, trying to hustle up every guy who came in. I snapped my fingers and the bitch came running. “You ready, sweet man?” he said.

I nodded and stepped out of the doorway so that the queen could come inside. He let the cutoffs drop, kicked them aside, and was naked. His pale skin was covered with prison tattoos. There were gang symbols tattooed on his buttocks. I knew this pussy wasn’t no gangsta; he obviously must have belonged to the prison gang that had marked his body. He got down on his knees and I started to jerk off to the movie on the screen. The faggot looked up. “Please…can I suck it?”

I shook my head. I could feel my load getting close. “I’m gonna cum,” I said. “Where do you want it?”

“All over my face,” the queen said. OH FUCK! I stopped, squeezed my dick really hard near the base, and let it go. Sting after gooey string slopped all over the faggot’s face…it was in his eyes, hanging from his nose, half of it went in his mouth. I came until I shuddered and came back to reality. The faggot tried to suck the cum out of the head of my dick but I pulled back.

“Keep your fuckin’ mouth off my dick, faggot!” I barked.

“Can I lick your hand clean at least?” he begged. It disgusted me, but I allowed the fuckin’ weirdo to lick the cum off my hand. I left and walked outside into the crisp night air. The faggot had been right; jerking off on his face HAD been better than using the floor! I walked to my car, feeling dirty, disgusted, but I knew I'd be back.
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