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Chapter 2 - Jen, Katie, And Lisa
My Story – the High School Years (Chapter 2)

There went my baseball career. I didn’t even get a look from a scout. John knowing my career was over and kind of took sympathy for me. We started to hang out more. I even became friendly with Jen. She often told me that I was funny and smart. In my head, it was “Jen, how bout a blowie” but the only thing that ever came out of my mouth was “Thanks.” I was a fucking loser.

I started to go out more. John and Jen dragged me around everywhere. I was there 3rd fucking wheel. One Saturday, after a day at the mall, turned into dinner with John and Jen, and then a movie.

We got our tickets and headed to the snack counter. I can’t go to a movie without popcorn. John and Jen headed to our seats. I’m not really paying attention but 2 people in front of me on the line were Rob and Katie. Fucking great I thought. My dream girl with the biggest douchebag ever. At this point with my baseball career now over, and Katie with Rob, I had just become emotionally numb. Katie and Rob didn’t matter, and my fear of rejection didn’t matter anymore either. Nothing mattered. I was good with it.

Rob and Katie and turned around and Katie looked right at me. Katie had a smile so wide… and she let go of Rob’s hand and came up to me and give me a long hug. Her tits pressed so firmly against me, the smell of her hair as I leaned in for the warm embrace was such an aphrodisiac that I instantly became rock hard. I freaked out. Katie was hugging me so tightly; I knew she could feel my rod pressing up against her. When Katie released, her right hand slid down my back so softly rubbing me in a way that I had never felt before. Katie proclaimed “I heard about your knee, how are you feeling?” I pushed my crutches to one side, and I remember specifically saying “Its all good, I’ve still got one good knee.” Katie laughed. Rob stood still, holding his breath wondering if I was going to blab to Katie what he did to me on New Year’s. I was a man, no more rage, and I was resigned to the fact that my agenda of getting laid in high school was never going to happen. It was April, and my high school experience was in a word, pathetic. Katie and Rob walked off. I got my popcorn and coke and headed into the theatre to meet John and Jen. There were 3 seats empty next to John and Jen. John was on the end and Jen was in the 2nd seat. I handed the crutches to John and took my seat next to Jen. The previews started and I welcomed the distraction as I didn’t want to start obsessing over the smell of Katie’s hair and the feeling of her big fucking tits pressed against my chest. All of a sudden, from the other end of the isle, I see Katie and Rob moving down my row. I mumbled “Fucking Great. Just what I needed.” I looked at Katie as she sat next to me with the fucking douchebag on the other side of her. Jen whispered in my ear… “I heard you.” I turned to her and glanced her way. Our lips were a half inch away from each other. “Holy fuck, it’s going to be Jen. My first kiss was going to be JEN… what the fuck??!!!!????” Jen quickly whispered “I can’t Steve. I just can’t.” All of a sudden, the sexual tension between Jen and I rose to Defcon 5. John and I were getting to be good buds, and I didn’t want to cross the line. I knew all about his side pieces, after all I was teammates for 3.5 years. I felt bad for Jen, but I am a vault when it comes to secrets. Every so often, I’d get a quick lusting glance at Katie and then turn in the other direction and give equal time to Jen. Talk about sexual frustration, I was fucking rock hard with the 2 focuses of my sexual energy on either side of me. Life wasn’t fair, and this was just further testimony to my failures.

The movie ended and we all left the theatre together. Rob and John were always close buddies, but I never ever really saw them hang out. John and Rob headed to the mens room and I was left with the 2 loves of my life. Katie and Jen made small talk, and I just stood there, silently, with a 7 inch cock ready to burst out. I had nothing to lose at this point, so I just blabbed out in the middle of Jen and Katie’s conversation. “Hey Katie, I screamed. I am sorry I missed your New Year’s Eve Party, but your boyfriend forgot to pick me up.” I didn’t realize I was screaming, as emotionally, I just let loose. Katie turned to me and said… “Steve, why the fuck would you bring up New Year’s Eve, 5 months later. What the fuck.” I was startled I couldn’t believe I just blurted it out. I whispered “just ask him.” I hobbled on my crutches away from the 2 of them and sat down in the lobby alone. My head in my lap, I just waited for John and Jen to come out. I just wanted to go home. John and Jen came into the lobby and said nothing. I waited with Jen as John went to get the car. John pulled up, we all hopped in, and not a word was spoken. John dropped me off and I literally hobbled as fast as I could. All I wanted to do was pretend today never happened.

Monday came and I feared going to school. Fear of rejection and fear of school… what a horrible combination. I walked into class and Katie was waiting for me. Rob was no where to be found. I felt a little better, more relaxed. Katie smiled and whispered to me…”We need to talk. I had a long talk with Rob after the movie Saturday night. He confessed to everything. I called him a fucking douchebag.” I giggled as she said that, what a coincidence, we had the same nickname for that fucker. To this day, when someone states “fucking douchebag” I giggle back to that Saturday. Class started before Katie and I could apologize. I sat through class feeling like a Rockstar. As usual, I couldn’t stop staring at Katie. The obsession was overwhelming. All I wanted to do was suck on her titties. Kiss those beautiful soft pink lips, and fuck the living shit out of her. The only problem was, I didn’t know how. The only research I had was late night movies on Showtime or HBO… and I always felt that was just really bad acting. Class ended in what felt like 5 minutes. I got up and started walking out. Katie grabbed my arm and “whispered… Rob and I broke up” as she squeezed my arm. I freaked out and hobbled out of class onto my next class.

After that fateful Saturday night, John, Jen, and I stopped hanging out. We barely spoke during the school days, and I resorted back to my loser status. The rest of the school year, I spent my weekends either studying or sleeping. My senior year was coming to an end and my plan was an utter failure. It was time for Senior Prom and I was conflicted about whether to go. I was off my crutches at this point, and I basically faked through physical therapy as the gym brought back bad memories of the baseball player I used to be. The locker next to mine was Lisa’s. Lisa had big tits, but other than that plain jane. I think in 4 years of high school I spoke 10 words to her. Lisa was like me, a homebody with few friends. She was pleasant enough. Lisa had straight brown hair, wore little makeup, and didn’t dress very girly. I don’t think Lisa owned a dress. She was a jeans and t shirt kind of girl.

The first 10 words were nothing more than a “Hello” or a “goodbye.” In a brief moment, I went numb, deaf, and blind. I blurted out, “Lisa, would you go to prom with me?” All I heard was yes and suddenly Lisa planted a kiss on me. My first kiss, and my eyes were closed, I couldn’t see or hear a thing. When I opened my eyes, she smiled and gave me a big hug. It’s amazing what 1 kiss can do. Lisa became suddenly attractive. I guess she said yes. I spent the rest of the day wondering what I did. As school came to a close, Lisa comes back to her locker and offers to drive me home. I’m like “sure, why not.” Lisa and I talked so easily, and I have to admit, I really started to like her. We pulled up to my driveway and there were no cars in the driveway. I suddenly had a plan. It was going to happen. Lisa kind of figured it out to as we parked in the driveway. I invited her in, and before I even heard her answer. She was out of the car and at the front door of my house.

We entered my house to an empty home. I turned to close the door and Lisa already had taken her t shirt off. She had on a simple beige bra, but her beautiful breasts were bursting out of her bra. I was rock hard. All 7 inches were aching to break free. I smiled widely and as I shut the door, Lisa pressed her body up against mine and went in for the kiss. She opened her mouth and I was taken aback as she tried to stick her tongue in my mouth. In my head, I had flashbacks to late night television and all the books I could find on sex. I opened my mouth so wide, like I was trying to swallow her whole head. It was a sloppy wet kiss… and it was clear that I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing. Lisa pulled away and giggled. “It’s ok Steve, you can relax. I will show you how to kiss.” With a huge sigh of relief, Lisa and I went down to the basement. I had fears of someone coming home and bursting in on Lisa and I. This was my one shot, and I wasn’t going to miss it. It was a fastball down the middle of the plate and I planned on hitting it over the wall.

In the basement, there was an old couch and it was dimly lit. Lisa held my hand tightly as we walked down the stairs and sat on the couch. I kept my cool knowing no one comes down here. Lisa sat next to me and before I knew it, she had her left hand on my crotch. As soon as she grabbed my crotch she whispered, “my god Steve, I didn’t ever expect you to have a big dick.” Now don’t get me wrong. I didn’t know a big dick from a small dick. I just knew I had a dick and I was dying to have someone else get me off. Dying.

Lisa began to lean into me, and she said “I’m going to kiss you now. I want you to open your mouth slowly and not so wide. I am going to lean in and our tongues are going to touch. Don’t freak out. You’ll probably think its kind of weird. Give it a few seconds and you’ll start to instinctively reply in kind with equal tongue action.” Lisa darted at me, and at first, I was stunned but in what felt like a millisecond, our tongues touched, and the wetness of her tongue and the warmth of her breath made me start to orgasm. It was an amazing feeling. We spent the next 15 minutes kissing non-stop. Eventually, I took my hands from around her back and squeezed her D cup breasts. Lisa let out the softest moan. I never heard such a sweet sound. It was hypnotizing. She moaned several times, and I became hooked on the continuing moaning sounds. At this point, I dared to reach around her back to undo her bra. I had a big problem, as I didn’t know how to. Talk about a puzzle. She had a large bra strap. After all, something had to hold those fucking tits in place. I spent literally 10 minutes trying to undo the bra. Lisa almost became bored and she started to laugh. “Steve, let me help.” Within 5 seconds her hands were behind her back, and the bra fell to the cushions of the couch.

I don’t think I took a breath for the next 60 seconds. I looked down at her beautiful breasts. Completely exposed. I finally had my first touch of a woman’s breasts. I stared at her areolas. For a girl with big breasts, she had small areolas. They were cute. I was in a trance. I leaned in for a long embrace. I wanted to feel her breasts against mine. I wanted to feel the warmth of her chest against mine. Lisa pulled away and lifted my arms up in the air, she reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head. “That’s better” she said. With our chests exposed, I reached in for that embrace. Her chest against mine, the body heat between us felt like my whole body was on fire. As I squeezed that hug, she moaned. Her nipples had hardened and it felt like darts piercing my chest the dartboard. I didn’t want to let go. Lisa arched her back and started to kiss my neck. No one had ever done that, and I screamed “Oh my god, Lisa that’s fucking amazing. Don’t you stop.” In the first 10 minutes of my sexual experience, I found my male g spot. I fucking loved it. She started to suck on my neck and even started to nibble. I was moaning so uncontrollably. It felt amazing. It hurt too… but the warmth of her kisses grossly outweighed the pain of her sucking and biting.

I pulled Lisa’s head back and slowly moved my lips to hers. I planted a slow wet kiss. Our tongues met and suddenly I felt like an expert. We kissed for a minute or two, as my lips fully engaged hers. My hands massaged her huge tits, her nipples slid in between my fingers as I slightly twisted and squeezed. She moaned so uncontrollably, I almost stopped as I didn’t know what to do next. Lisa kept her hands on my crotch almost the whole time. Suddenly, she stopped. She was breathing heavy. She was sweating a little.

I asked “Lisa, are you ok?” Lisa was breathing heavy and she was sweating a little. “Steve, stand up.”

Why would she ask me to stand up, I thought? I was a fucking idiot. Clueless about everything. After all it was my first time for everything. I stood up in front of her. Lisa grabbed me by my belt buckle and pulled me close. With both her hands she undid my belt buckle. With one hand she undid my button and pulled my hands down to my ankle. Lisa started to laugh. I was standing there in front of her with a 7 inch cock pressed up against my underwear. In my head, I was begging her to “pull down my pants bitch!!!!” Lisa was laughing at this point. I asked her what was so funny.

“Who wears tighty whities anymore? Seriously, throw them all out. Wear boxers. If you want this to happen again, wear fucking boxers!!!!!” I laughed along with her. Lisa may be the coolest chick I knew. As we laughed, with her hands on my hips she slid my underwear to ankles.

FINALLY, my cock finally exposed in front of the most beautiful woman I ever saw (it’s amazing how you feel the first time you touch a woman’s breasts for the first time.)

Lisa looked up at me. With her deep brown eyes glued up at me, she leaned into my rock hard dick. She opened her mouth and engulfed the head of my penis “Oh my god I screamed. This is amazing!!!” She swallowed every inch of my dick and began to suck in and out. I was moaning so loudly, I think the neighbors heard me. About a minute later, I felt my penis tighten, my cum was making its way to freedom. “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum as Lisa’s saliva was coating my dick.” “Oh my god, I’m cumming!!! I’m cumming!”

Only God knows how much cum I spewed into Lisa’s mouth. I want to tell you that it was a gallon of cum, and it shot to the back of her throat. I can’t. What I can tell you is that to this day… I starve for that very same feeling. I imagine it being like being a drug addict. Always chasing your very first high. No man ever forgets the details of receiving your very first blow job.


2019-06-20 09:47:31
Not the greatest writing, but certainly not the worst I've read on this site. The best way to learn to write is to read good writing and pay attention. Your problem is NOT how long it takes you to "get somewhere" as tonvrains says. Good writing requires backstory and a build-up. It also requires good spelling, grammar, and syntax. You can get (and you may already have a spelling and grammar checker. I suggest Grammarly. Syntax you learn by reading. Please don't take my suggestions as discouraging. I don't mean them that way.


2019-06-17 06:11:13
You have shown some improvement over the first chapter. My suggestion is to break up some of your paragraphs to allow it to be a better read. Keep improving!


2019-06-17 05:13:03
Don't listen to the other guy, you have a great writing style! I look forward to the next chapters!


2019-06-17 02:29:54
You take way too long to get anywhere. Two stories about what a loser you are and you haven't even seen a pussy. Either get on with it or stop writing.

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