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Dan is resentful of his little sister for getting so much attention...but he's giving her attention for very different reasons.
The bright morning sun was high in the sky that hot summer morning. Dan was sitting on the back porch, a lit cigarette between his index and middle finger. He had his phone open in front of him, scrolling aimlessly through pages and pages of useless social media.

Dan could hear the commotion in the kitchen already, his dad must be home. He had to admit he was a bit resentful. Everyone had seemed so overly excited for his sister's return from college for the summer...his, not so much.

He got it, this was her first year in college...he didn't remember anyone being this excited for his first year either. It wasn't as if she hadn't been home for Christmas break. He was the one who'd gone on a ski trip with friends. They should be this excited to see him.

He heard the back door open, and he quickly tossed his cigarette to the pavement and stepped on it.

“Hey, Danny,” his sister said.

He rolled his eyes, and spun himself around. “Hey.”

His sister Lori was standing there with this big smile on her face. He had to at least act happy to see her. He put on his best smile, and stood to face her.

Lori had always been pretty short, about their mother's height, somewhere around five foot two. Dan on the other hand was six foot tall like their father.

“What are you doing out here?” Lori asked.

“Nothing,” he lied. He had waited until his parents left to get Lori from the airport to come out for a cigarette...he didn't want them to know he was smoking.

“It's good to see you,” Lori said, walking forward to embrace him.

He hated hugs, but he returned the gesture non the less. Her auburn hair was pulled up into a bun, and it brushed his chin as he hugged her.

“You too,” he lied. He wasn't sure why he was so bitter about this...he just hadn't really been looking forward to seeing his baby sister.

All he'd seen of Lori the past year was what she'd post on social media. Pictures upon pictures of her and her friends at the beach, partying, out to made him a big jealous. A lot of the pictures bothered him a brother shouldn't be seeing of his baby sister.

Dan had read all the comments on her pictures, he saw all the thirsty guys telling Lori how hot she was...he couldn't help but feel like she'd probably fucked all of them by now.

“We're gonna go to Tony's Pizza for dinner,” Lori said, releasing him from the awkward hug, and bouncing back towards the house. “You coming?”

“Yeah,” he grumbled.

Lori was wearing a short pair of beige shorts, her perfect little ass was just barely covered. These were the sorts of things Dan had to see in her pictures too. At least her shirt wasn't anything too revealing.

Lori bounced back into the house, and Dan glanced down at his own boring basketball shorts. He should probably change if they were going to dinner. His mom would complain.

Dan ran a hand through his brown hair, and followed his sister into the house. Inside, his mother and father were already fawning over Lori...helping her with her bags, asking her how the flight was...annoying.

He got ready to go, and they packed into the car to head to dinner.

The entire meal went as he'd expected. Lori talked nonstop about everything from her time at school to her flight home. She was showing their mother all the pictures from the places she'd gone in California with her friends. Dan was certain that she wasn't showing their mother the pictures from her instagram.

He ate his pizza feeling annoyed. At one point his father asked if he was alright...he wasn't hiding it well, apparently. He lied about having a headache, and they left him alone.

When they got back home, Dan went up to his room, and locked the door. He plopped himself onto his bed, and began scrolling through instagram on his phone again. He pulled up Lori's profile, looking through her pictures with an annoyance.

The pictures of her at a cafe with friends, her big cheesy smile and that stupid peace sign they were doing. Her friend looked like a slut too, big lips covered in bright red lipstick, her hair was obviously dyed an extra dark shade of brown, drawn on eyebrows...was this who his sister wanted to spend her time with?

The next picture Lori was on a boat. Obviously she wanted people to think she'd posted the picture because she was standing there holding a if she'd caught it or something. Dan knew it was to show of her cute little ass in that red and white stripped bathing suit. The life vest covered most of her tits, but her pussy was so perfectly out lined by the bathing suit bottoms.

Dan scrolled down to the comments, all these guys saying, You look so cute! Great photo! Love it! He rolled his eyes. Dan knew exactly what those guys were thinking...

He eventually tossed his phone aside, and went to take a shower. It was weird being back in his old bedroom again. This had been his third year in college, but it always was an adjustment for him. He really needed to focus this next year on getting himself a place when he graduated...he couldn't stomach having to come home again.

Dan hadn't jerked off in a while, being home and in not in his usual routine, so as the hot water started to hit his back, he felt himself getting hard.

Why not? He thought. The shower was the best place to do it anyway, no mess.

Dan began to stroke his cock, and despite his best intentions he found his mind going back to those pictures. He found himself to be thinking of Lori's tight little ass, the way her thighs curved around that bathing suit, the barely visible outline of her cunt through the semi-wet fabric. Dan knew it was wrong, but he'd cum before he could even process it.

Immediately after he'd finished he felt disgusting and wrong, and he started to wash himself up. He scrubbed extra hard to get the disgust off his body.

He got dressed into some casual clothes, and went to lay in bed and watch some TV. Eventually, Dan fell asleep, the sound of a Netflix true crime drama humming in the distance.

When Dan woke up it was the middle of the night. He felt a bit groggy, he hadn't meant to fall asleep. He was still fully dressed, the lights on, the TV had switched to some weird kids show.

Dan switched the TV off, and climbed out of bed. He shrugged off his clothes, and switched off the lights. He climbed back into bed, and reached over for a bottle of water.

Damn, he thought. He'd forgotten to grab a bottle before he went to bed. He was so annoyed, already comfortable in bed now, and half asleep. He was really thirsty though, so he shrugged the blankets off and walked out of his room.

The whole house was asleep, all the lights off. He walked down the stairs in the dark, and towards the kitchen. In the distance, he could see the stove light was on. His dad was usually better about making sure no lights were on, Dan was surprised. When he walked into the kitchen he could see why.

The fridge was open, and all Dan could see behind the door were two bare ankles.

Lori turned to face him, and jumped nearly falling directly into the counter behind her.

“God,” she exclaimed, “you scared me.”

“Sorry,” Dan muttered.

Lori had a hand clasped to her heart, and Dan instantly noticed how the fabric of her nightgown was somewhat translucent and her rather large tits were almost visible. Dan could even see the outline of her nipples. She was wearing a pair of underwear under the nightgown, but it was just short enough where the bottom of her ass was visible under the frilly white lace.

“I'm making a sandwich...I'm starving. You want one?” Lori asked.

Without waiting for an answer, his sister turned back to the fridge. He watched her lean forward to get something off one of the shelves, her nightgown riding up her back, and her ass fully exposed to him. He could see her pussy there too just under the pink fabric of her underwear.

“Danny?” Lori asked.

Dan shook his head, trying to get himself together, “ just came for a drink.”

He realized, for the first time, that his dick was rock hard again. Here he was in the kitchen in his boxers face to face with his baby sister, and his dick was hard and trying to poke itself out at her. He felt himself panic.

“Oh, okay,” she said.

Lori stood back up, and Dan quickly moved so that the dining room table would be blocking him from her view. He didn't want Lori to see he was hard...

“Sorry,” she said, “am I in your way?”

Lori quickly bounced along the counter with her armful of food. Dan moved quickly to get the water he'd come for. It'd even weirder if he left without any sort of drink...right?”

“No, it's cool,” he lied.

Dan grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Using the door to shield himself, and once he noticed she wasn't looking, he closed the fridge and ran from the room.

Just outside the door, Dan paused to watch his sister from the doorway. She was so content with making her sandwich, humming to herself, so had no idea.

He kept looking down at her ass sticking out under the bottom of her nightgown. She turned around, and dropped something. Leaning forward, Dan could see entirely down the top of her shirt. Lori must have at least D cups, her tits were pretty big. Lori wasn't necessarily super thin, but she wasn't fat either...just the prefect amount of curvy.

Dan could feel his dick throbbing, aching for him to touch it while he stared at those big tits. Dan wanted to grab those so badly...

He ran back upstairs before Lori could catch him spying on her. He immediately got into bed, and pulled his phone back to his person. He opened instagram, and feverishly scrolled until he found a picture of Lori in a bikini at the beach. He began to stroke his cock, feeling immediate relief.

He focused on her big tits, glistening in the sun, barely held back by the black fabric of her bikini. He didn't want to look at her big smiling face...just her body. He came, letting a soft moan escape his lips.

Again, he felt immediate disgust. He'd just masturbated a second time to his own sister's body. He cleaned himself up, and laid there thinking about his life. How can I not when she walks around like that? He thought.

As he fell asleep, he still had her image in his brain.


The next few days went by as normal. Dan tried his hardest to avoid Lori. She'd gone out a few times with friends, that made it a bit easier. He had work some days...that helped. He'd gone back to his old job as a life guard...that gave him an excuse to check out other girls and try to get Lori out of his head. There were tons of hot girls on the beach...he didn't have to jerk off to his own sister.

Today was his day off, and he'd spent most of it lounged downstairs watching TV. His parents were both at work...Lori was home.

He hadn't seen much of his sister all day, which he was glad for. He wasn't sure what she was doing, but he didn't care. As long as Lori was far away from him.

He thought maybe he had a chance to just put that whole day behind him. He hadn't done it again...there was hope.

He looked down at his phone...battery was at five percent. He rolled his eyes, looking to the was a commercial anyway.

Dan quickly jogged upstairs to find his charger. He'd have to remember to put one downstairs so this wouldn't happen again.

As he walked down the hall he heard something...odd. He stopped to listen closer. He wasn't imagining it, was he? He could hear a sort whimpering sort of noise coming from Lori's room.

Dan hesitated. He'd been trying to avoid Lori, after all...but he felt compelled to go investigate. Was she crying? He would just take a quick look.

Dan could see that Lori's bedroom door wasn't fully shut. He very gently pushed it enough to peer inside. He was going to simply turn and walk away, or if she noticed quickly ask if she was okay...but he didn't do either.

Lori was on her bed, naked from the waist down, her legs spread wide open facing right towards the door. Dan watched in absolute shock as Lori pushed a large flesh colored dildo into her dripped wet pussy. Her head was back, as if she was looking up at the ceiling...there was no way she could see her brother standing there.

Lori was moaning, pumping the dildo in a slow steady rhythm in and out of her pussy. Dan couldn't believe what he was seeing. He watched her pussy lips stretching to accommodate the plastic toy. Her fingers were rubbing against her clit in small circles.

Dan's cock was harder than it had ever been before. He couldn't help himself, he reached into his pants and started to stroke himself. How could he resist? He knew it was wrong...but there she was. Her cunt was taking that dildo so well, juices flowing out around the fleshy plastic shaft. Dan wanted so badly for that to be him penetrating her.

She moaned loader, bucking her hips in a way which made him think she was close to getting herself off.

A little bit longer, he mentally pleaded. He wanted this to last as long as he could. He was kicking himself to think he'd been watching TV downstairs when he might have been watching this...

“Yes...” she breathed, her voice as soft as a whisper.

He could hear it in her moans as she came, this deep animalistic sound came from his baby sister's mouth. He felt himself close to cumming. He watched her vigorously pumping that cock in her tight pussy, and he exploded all over the inside of his pants.

She was coming down from the orgasm now, her thrusting of the dildo got slower, her moans less strong. Dan quickly ran down the hall before he could get caught.

He went into the bathroom to wash himself up, tossing his pants into the hamper. This wasn't good...he'd just started to get Lori out of his mind.

Why would she be fucking herself with the door unlocked like that? He thought. Did she want someone to walk in on her? What was she thinking?

He stayed in his room the rest of the day...afraid to face his sister. What would he say to her now? She had no idea he'd seen her masturbating...or that he'd masturbated to the sight of her. All of this was getting way too convoluted for him. He couldn't stand this anymore. how could they live in the same house? how long could he keep this up?


It was a few days before he felt safe to emerge from his room for anything other than work. He knew the house was empty today. Lori went out with friends, his parents were at work. Finally, he was free.

Dan went down to the pool, cooling himself off in the cold water. He swam for quite some time, before he lounged back on a deck chair.

He may have fallen asleep, he wasn't sure, but when he woke up Lori was there.

“Hey,” she said, her sweet little voice.

“Huh...ah...I thought you went out,” he stammered.

“Yeah, I got back early.”

Lori pulled off a shirt, and then her jean shorts. Dan could feel his cock getting hard in his bathing suit, as he watched her tight little ass in that black bikini. That was the bikini from the pictures he'd jerked off to...not again, he thought.

Lori climbed into the pool, and Dan thought of what he'd seen the other day. He watched those tits bouncing as she swam, floating just on top of the blue water of the pool. He kept seeing her pussy wide open, a plastic cock sliding in and out. He kept hearing her moans, so soft and then so full.

“Are you okay?” Lori asked. She'd swam over to the edge of the pool...she was looking at him.

“Huh?” he stammered, “I'm fine...”

Lori looked concerned, and she swam over to the ladder to climb out of the pool.

Her long auburn hair was dripping down over her big D cup breasts. He watched the light reflecting against her exposed stomach.

Lori was coming towards him. He began to panic...what if she could see his erection through his bathing suit?

“Are you sure?” she asked, “You've been acting really weird...”

“I have?”

Lori sat down on the deck chair beside him. Please don't...he thought.

He couldn't help that his eyes went right to her tits...they were right in his face. He wanted to reach out and touch her. He wanted to shove his dick in her pretty little mouth.

He looked up to Lori's face, and he could see that she'd noticed where his gaze had gone. He felt immediately embarrassed. Should he apologize? Should he play it off and deny it?

“I...gotta go,” Dan said. Standing up, he quickly jogged back into the house.

He ran up to his room. He couldn't believe this kept happening to him...what was he going to do? He couldn't even be around his sister without getting hard now. This wasn't right.

He pulled off his bathing suit, and he grabbed his phone. He had to get relief, or he wouldn't be able to get this out of his head. He had to be normal around her...

Sat on his bed, stroking himself as he looked at the same picture of Lori again. He was barely a minute into it when he heard his door open.

I didn't lock the door, he thought, mortified. In his panic, he tossed his phone still unlocked to the foot of his bed.

Lori walked in, still in her bathing suit, only she'd draped a towel around her. She walked in wide eyes at the scene before her. Dan sitting there, hand on his cock, completely naked.

Her eyes immediately went to the phone at the foot of the bed. Dan's eyes went there too, and he saw what she saw...her own picture.

Dan dove for his phone, grabbing it too late, and quickly shutting it off. He pulled a blanket up from the bed to cover himself. “It isn't...It...I wasn't...”

Lori just looked at him. He was at a loss for words.

After what felt like a lifetime, she walked closer to him. Lori sat down on the bed beside him. First she took the towel off, and then she pulled the bikini top off her breasts.

Lori's big tits fell out of of her top, and Dan's tongue nearly fell out of his mouth. She looked at him, and he just looked back at her.

Without a word, his baby sister leaned forward and wrapped a hand around his cock. Dan could've cum right then...but, he didn't. She stroked him a moment, and then she leaned forward and put nearly his entire cock in her mouth.

Dan moaned, it felt so good that he couldn't help himself.

His sister began to suck on his dick, using her tongue to hit all the right spots while she also stroked what she couldn't suck. Dan was in ecstasy...he couldn't imagine anything better than this.

She sucked his cock until he was certain that she was going to suck him dry. He put a hand on the back of her head, grabbing a handful of her auburn hair, and pushing her head as far down as he could. She if she liked him being forceful with her.

Dan got an idea. He didn't want to cum like this. He wanted all of her. He wanted to make her moan even more.

Dan kept that handful of Lori's hair, and he pulled her head off his cock. She stared at him a second, before he pushed her back against the bed. He pulled her bikini bottom off, exposing her already wet cunt.

Dan leaned forward, taking in the smell of her pussy. He parted her lips with his fingers, and he licked her clit. Lori moaned, pushing her hips against him as if inviting him for more. Dan wanted more too...he wanted to make her cum.

Dan licked and sucked Lori until she was practically screaming. She kept grabbing handfuls of his brown hair, moaning, “Yes...yes...yes...”

He could cum just listening to her. His sister moved her hips around so much he had to press his arms down on her thighs to keep her in place. Finally he could hear her cumming. She let out a little scream, her moans turning animalistic as he'd remembered from that day.

He could taste her juices flowing even heavier now. His sister was soaking wet. He could tell her orgasm was coming down, as her moans got less powerful.

This was his moment. Dan pulled himself up, and then over Lori. He positioned himself between her thighs, and before she could say a word he'd slipped himself inside her.

Dan groaned. Her pussy was tighter than he'd expected. She felt so warm and wet...he could cum right then if he'd wanted to. He wanted to fuck her though...he wanted to fuck her really good.

“Danny,” Lori whimpered.

Dan was thrusting inside his sister's tight pussy, groaning as he went. He could feel how wet she was, it just made this all the more pleasurable for him. She wanted him so badly...

“Danny...we...can't do this...” Lori said.

Dan wasn't about to stop now. They'd gone past the point of no return. She'd started this when she'd sucked his cock. He wasn't going to stop until he'd filled his sister's cunt up with his cum. He wanted to see her legs spread open...thick white and sticky cum dripping out of her gaping cunt.

Dan felt her resisting he held her down harder.

“This isn't right,” Lori said.

Was she having some moment of clarity after she'd cum? She didn't get to decide they could stop once she'd cum...not until he did.

“I want to fuck you,” Dan groaned, as he fucked her, “you feel so're pussy feels so good.”

“You're my brother,” she whimpered.

“You like having your brother's cock inside you?” he asked her. He felt dirty for saying it, but it also felt so good.

He could hear her moaning in response. She was fighting it...but she knew it felt good.

“Did you like sucking your big brother's cock?” he demanded.

“Y...yes,” she admitted. Her moans were giving her away. She wasn't going to go back on this was too late.

Dan pushed his face down on her's, sticking his tongue in her mouth. Lori kissed him back, her tongue fighting against his own.

“That's good,” he groaned, feeling himself close to cumming, “you're so good, Lori...”

“Don't...don't cum in me,” she pleaded.

It was too late...Dan exploded all at once. He moaned as his cum shot out of his cock and into his sister's waiting womb. He thrust himself even harder, trying to get every last inch inside her.

“Danny...” she whined.

He took a breath...needing a minute to compose himself. He pulled up off his sister, and he gently kissed her again.

“Danny, we...we shouldn't have done that,” she said softly.

“But we did,” he said.

In a way he'd known it was going to get to this. He knew he couldn't keep jerking himself off to his sister forever. Had she been thinking of him when she'd been pounding that dildo into her tight pussy? This was always going to happen.

“It's alright,” he told her, “nobody will ever find out.”

Lori laid under him, her big breasts resting against his bare chest, her legs still open as his cock rested still hard inside her cunt.

Dan couldn't imagine pull himself out of her. He'd never done it before...but he wanted her again. He felt a second wave of desire.

Lori's eyes widened as she felt him thrusting himself into her again. He was less sensitive this time...his cock was used to her pussy by now.

“Danny...” she stammered.

He pulled out of her, “Get on your knees,” he demanded.

She hesitated, so he gave her a slight shove. He could see her pleasure in this, despite herself. Lori got up, and knelt down on the bed. She lifted her ass to offer it to him.

Dan still was in a state of shock, as he grabbed his sister's tight little ass, and pulled her closer to him. He shoved himself into her already opened cunt. He could get so deep inside her at this angle.

He thrust himself so quickly, wanting to get as much of her as he could as quickly as he could. She was squealing with delight...the sounds she was making were making it impossible for him to keep going.

“Fuck,” Lori cried out, “fuck...yes...”

“You like that?” Dan managed to get out through ragged breaths, “you like when your brother fucks you?”

“Fuck,” Lori moaned again, “you''re gonna...I'm...”

Dan knew what she was going to say, because a few seconds later she was screaming her way through an orgasm that sounded more powerful than the first one she'd had. He was so happy with himself for making her cum a second time.

Just as she was coming down, he felt himself building up. Dan slammed himself into her, pussy. He felt himself cumming again, whatever was left inside of him just emptied out into her already dripping cunt.

He collapsed onto her, this was more of a workout than he'd had in a very long time. Lori collapsed too, onto the bed. Dan laid over his sister, his cock slowly slid out of her pussy.

“I can't...I can't believe you just came inside me twice,” Lori said.

“I've been thinking about doing that since you got home from school.” Dan admitted.

“You have?” she asked.

He rolled off of her, laying down so that he could look his sister in the eye. “Yeah,” he admitted, “I...since the first time I saw you...I couldn't help myself. You've got those big tits now, and your ass is so nice...I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it.”

Lori smiled at him, “That's alright...I was...I masturbated a few days ago thinking about you.”

“ did?”

“Yeah,” she laughed, slightly, “when you'd come down that night I was in the kitchen. I could see your cock through your boxers. I knew you were hard...but I didn't want to embarrass you. I kept thinking about it. I was using my dildo and pretending it was you.”

“I...” Dan was about to admit that he'd been watching her and thinking the same thing...when he heard the front door closing. Their father was home.

“Oh no,” Lori gasped. She quickly climbed out of bed, gathering her bathing suit and towel from the floor.

Dan sat up, watching how his cum was glistening against his sister's thighs. She quickly turned to run from the room. Just before she'd pulled open the door she turned and said, almost sheepishly, “See you at dinner, Danny...”

“Yeah,” Dan agreed.

Lori left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Dan sat in shock for a minute, before he too collected himself. He couldn't believe he'd just fucked his little sister. That moment of disgust was finally hitting him.

Who was he kidding though? That had been amazing. He was absolutely going to do that again...
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