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I recognized my sister's silhouette, she had a bath towel wrapped around her body, it covered her breasts and stopped just below her crotch. She didn't say anything as she crossed to my bed on long legs, dropped the towel and lifted the blanket.
For 18 years I suffered the pangs and pain of having a brat sister digging her claws into me every chance she got. The little bitch found out early that if she complained and cried loud enough that our parents would think I did her wrong and get on my case severely. I spent many of my waking hours in hot water because the hard case spoiled little cunt would lie her teeth out about something I did to her then sit back and watch with smug satisfaction as I paid for my supposed crime.

I hated Tania, my goddamn smug fucking bitch sister.

The older she got the worse it was for me. About the time she outgrew pigtails and started wearing bras she found out that mom was hyper sensitive about her growing sensuality and would howl like an injured dog that I was spying on her or trying to sneak peeks at her. The attention whore was lying like a politician but that didn't matter to my mother who thought I was the most evil big brother on the planet to her precious chaste daughter. Tania would sit quietly and listen to me get endless lectures on how the worst form of depravity was lusting after my own sister, especially one as special and dear as mine. When mom's back was to her, Tania would give me her most insolent smile and flip me the finger. I'm not sure how our father felt about the whole sordid relationship between Tania Lynn and me; he just shook his head and looked at me as if I was an embarrassment to his manhood.

I was well over 19 years and Tania barely 18 when I decided that I wanted to escape my prison home and warden parents for the free world. The only way to do that was to join the military so I delay enlisted in the Navy, I had three months before I fled and I could hardly wait. My grief-stricken girlfriend was using her body as bait to lure me into staying but nothing in the world was going to stop me from putting an ocean between me and the smug bitch.

But, as much as I loathed my sister, I had to admit she was about the prettiest, most voluptuous young woman I knew. I couldn't decide if she would end up as a flaxen-haired Playmate or a high-priced call girl. I never lusted after her, I got that thrill hammered out of me over years of verbal assault from my mother, but I couldn't help admiring her long legs, soft delectable curves and gravity defying 36c tits. I guess she felt her sexuality was safe from me because she didn't try too hard to be modest around me. Many times I would catch her wandering around the house in bra and panties, bath towels or delicate feminine night wear. I never realized that my mother rarely saw her in her more revealing modes, my father never.

One night I got a call from Tania, she was panicked, stress wailed from the phone to my ear, “Cab, you have get me! Please come get me, I'm scared, I have to get away from here!”

I'd never gotten a cry for help from my little sister before, and she never said please so it startled me, “What? What do you mean you have to get away? Where are you and why in hell should I care?”

She was crying, I could hear the soft sobs between words, “I need to come home, please Cab; I'm sorry I'm messing up your night but I'm hurt and want to go home.”

That got my attention, I may have hated the fucking drama queen but she was still my closest living relative, “What do you mean you're hurt, what happened?” my heart thudded from a jolt of adrenaline. Tania didn't go into details, she just pleaded until I relented. She told me where she was, I told her to wait ten minutes. Now I can admit to myself that I did feel concern, I was worried about the tone of the call and her condition.

I pulled up to where she told me to be and my sister scuttled almost invisibly from a black on black shadow to my car. She threw open the door, slid low into the passenger seat then slammed the door shut. The first thing I noticed was that her blouse was torn across one shoulder revealing a thin red bra strap, her long blond hair looked styled by chaos and she was filthy, as if she had been rolling in dirt.

“What the fuck happened to you!?”

“Not now! Shut up and just get the hell out of here” she whispered hoarsely.

As I pulled away from the curb I noticed another car cruise slowly past in the opposite direction, there were three girls in it. Tania peered over the dash of my car and watched with apprehension as it went by; she cursed softy, “Fuck.”

I'm not stupid; I've seen gang moves before so I asked her, “Are they looking for you?”

She looked up at me, “Yeah, I was flirting with some guy and it turned out he is dating another girl. When she found me with him, she and her pussy posse started kicking the shit out of me. I managed to get away but they're still looking for me. Cabot, they scared me, those hard-core sluts wanted to kill me, one of them had a knife.” My sister started crying again.

She rarely called me by my full given name so I knew she was totally upset, “Do you know them, I mean will they get you in school or come to the house?”

“I never saw the boy or them vicious cunts before; they don't go to my school.”

“Well, you should be okay then. You want to go home or you want to go somewhere and talk, to calm down.”

Tania gave me a look of muted respect, one I'd never seen before from her, “You want to stay with me? What about Margo, where is she?”

“Look, Margo is cool, she knows what I’m doing, you look like you could use a friend right now so I'll keep you company until you find one.”

That got me a small tired smile; she was beginning to break free from the terror of the beating. “Thank you” she said humbly, “right now you're the only friend I want near me. Will you buy me a coke?” With those words from my sister the barrier of sibling hostility that had built up over the years took a sledge hammer blow and began to crumble.

We got a late-night supply of junk food and a couple of sodas then I drove to a quiet spot I visited sometimes with Margo, I wasn't trying to seduce Tania but the torn blouse wasn't appropriate for public viewing. Tania settled back on the seat to relax, she was quiet and I didn't probe with questions, we listened to pop and thought private thoughts.

When the drinks and food were gone Tania took the wrappers, got out and dumped them into a trash bin then leaned against the hood of my car and looked into the stars, I joined her. She rolled her head to me “What do you think about me Cab, do you even like me?”

I flicked a glob of dirt off the sleeve of her ruined blouse and thought about the question. She was looking for honesty so I gave it to her. “Most of the time I think you’re a conniving miserable little bitch, that your only goal in life is to ruin mine. Sometimes though, like tonight, you can be a real person and it surprises me. Even though I don’t like you most of the time, you're my sister and I think I love you like someone is supposed to love his sister.”

She got off the car and stood away from me, her words floating into the night in front of her, “I was always jealous of you; you are bigger, older, smarter and better at everything. I hated being in second place behind you. I tried most of my life to be first, I wasn’t happy being daddy's Princess, I wanted to be the Queen; I know it's bad, I know it's conceited but I could never be as good as you. Mom always took my side but that wasn't enough, I wanted to trample you.” She turned to face me, looking directly into my eyes, “I guess I did, a lot huh.”

I didn't know what to say. Tania was standing in the dark confessing her motives and I couldn't answer her. I noticed tears streaking her cheeks. She stepped close, put her arms around me and started to cry. I enfolded her in my arms, held her to my chest and stroked her tangled hair as tears dissolved even more of the sibling barrier. It was as if she was seeking absolution for her childhood behavior, her crimes against her brother. Her brush with the gangsters must have terrified her even more than I realized. She rubbed her nose on my chest, wiping it on my shirt then sighed, the sniffling stopped. Tania leaned back and looked up into my face “Take me home, I need to go to bed.” Even in the dim moonlight I could see a large bruise on the side of her neck just below her hairline.

I touched the discolored skin lightly, “Somebody hit you hard right there.”

She smiled ruefully then stepped out of my arms, “The bitch kicked me while the other two held me down. I don't know how I got away but I ran forever until I could hide.”

“What were you doing out there alone? Where was Skip?” Skip was her current love.

“He stood me up, I was supposed to meet him but he never came so I started flirting with this really cute guy but then his girlfriend came in. I tried to leave but they got me in the parking lot and then it got rough. Thank you for coming to get me.” Tania gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, another first, then got back into the car.

She was quiet for the ride home. With the lights in the house on I could see her better, she had more than one bruise, those three had worked her over well. After assuring me she was okay, Tania went to take a bath while I went to bed.

I was just dozing off, in the half-dream state before full sleep when I perceived my bedroom door opening. I recognized my sister's silhouette, she had a bath towel wrapped around her body, it covered her breasts and stopped just below her crotch. She didn't say anything as she crossed to my bed on long legs, dropped the towel and lifted my blanket. Tania eased onto the bed, lying full length against me. I jolted full awake as fingers encircled my limp cock and lips caressed my neck.

There was no hesitation or anxiety in her touch or the way she came to me. My cock snapped to attention in seconds as I rolled to face her. Her breasts were pressed firmly against my chest, our stomachs chafing, her hand still holding my rapidly growing erection. I slipped a hand down to discover she had just a landing strip of pubic hair then further to feel the hot soft fullness of her sex. Tania huffed a sigh of warm breath across my face then rolled to her back and invited me huskily “Make love to me Cab.”

I got between her spread thighs to put my erection where she wanted it, she held my face in both her hands and looked expectantly into my eyes. She moved her hips which caused the lips of her sex to move against the head of my cock then I pushed gently to my sister as she pulled me into a kiss. The tip of her tongue teased my lips as the tip of my cock teased her.

My prick was as hard as it would ever get as I penetrated Tania's slick hot entrance until our groins collided. I pulled out then stabbed her again, this time with more lust, my desire growing quickly for what she was offering. She pulled away from the kiss and looked me in the eyes as our bodies began the dance of life in the dark of my room. She pulled her knees up, opened her legs wider then put her heels on the back of my thighs. Tania's hands slipped down my back to hold my ass, her fingers squeezed my cheeks every time I plunged into her. She hissed sharply when I bent my head down and captured a nipple between my lips. I suckled my sister's breasts and fucked her heatedly while she undulated under me.

It was over almost before it started. Tania arched her back and began to tremble as she succumbed to a violent orgasm. Her eyes were wide open but she was looking at nothing as constrictions forced the air from her lungs in a long loud wail. If our parents would have been home she would have woken them for sure. My sister's climax drove hot spikes of hormones directly into my nuts which willingly gave up their burden. After an endless series of ball draining seizures I stopped moving. Tania and I were still except our gasping for cooling air, she was still impaled on my long turgid prick.

She was quiet for a few moments then she wrapped her arms around my body and pulled me down until I was lying on her from thighs to chest. She murmured something I didn't understand then humped her hips against me, causing my erection to slip out then back into her again. “God, I can't believe we just did it,” she paused to look me in the eyes, “but I needed to do that Cab.”

I pulled my pole out of her and fell to the mattress, she turned to her side, looking at me with trepidation. Now that the deed was done, she had fucked me, she looked worried. “Do you want me to go?” The way she asked I knew she didn't want to leave my bed just yet, she wanted permission to stay.

I studied the large purple bruise on her neck and shoulders, she had matching spots on her left arm and one on her left side. I was kind of surprised her face was unmarred. I felt a jolt of emotion push my hate button, that someone could hurt my sister that way gave rise to an unbidden impulse to protect her, I did not want to send her away. “No, stay here, talk to me.”

Her expression of relief told me that my answer was exactly right. She put a hand on my cheek, hooked a smooth bare leg over mine and whispered “Okay.”

The only question on my mind was why she was in my bed? We had just fucked with the energy of the desperate looking for sexual salvation, which is something I never in my life imagined doing with my own sister. I put a hand on the soft curve of her hip and asked “What are you doing here? Why this?” I slid my hand up her body and across a breast.

Tania sighed and shuddered as I brushed over the nipple, “I'm not sure but when I was in the bath I started thinking about what happened. Cab, I thought I was going to die, she was coming at me with a knife while the other two were holding me and the only thing I could think of is that I wouldn't see you anymore. Not mama, not daddy, not my friends. Only you.

“I thought I hated you all my life but in the flash of a second I realized how miserable and spiteful I've been because I envied you so much. While I was lying on the ground I knew that I had to get away, to get back to you and tell you that I really do love you and want you to be my brother. I made you suffer so long, I was such a bitch to you, I'm so sorry.” Tears formed again in the corners of her eyes. She paused to take a deep breath before continuing, “In the bath the only thing I could think of was this, being with you. I've never in my life ever needed to do anything so much, I wouldn't have stopped from coming to you even if the house was on fire.” Again, she paused as she looked away from my eyes, “I'm glad I did” she murmured softly.

I felt concern, "I came in you."

She wasn't concerned, "Don't worry about it, not right now."

The barrier of hateful sibling rivalry was dust on the floor. Tania was cleansing her conscience and I felt a growing regard for her. By admitting her bad behavior toward me she was morphing from a spiteful, lifelong irritant to what I imagined a sister should be. I kissed her upturned lips, they were tender, moist, warm and welcoming. “Tania, you never had to envy me for anything. There is plenty of room in this family for both of us. I don't have to move out of your way, you can easily make your own.”

“Do you mean that? And after all I’ve done could you like me?”

I propped up on an elbow and looked her up and down, my eyes slalomed over the rises and dips of her curves. “Do you want me to show you how much I like you?”

Her hazel eyes glinted naughtily, “Please do” she demurred.

'Please' wasn't necessary and she didn't need to ask. I covered her mouth with mine and in seconds our tongues were dueling for intimacy. My hands roamed freely over her body while hers sought her desire. Tania was stroking my cock slowly with one hand while the soft fingers of the other caressed my chest. I pushed her to her back and began a tantalizing exploration of her neck, shoulders and tits with my mouth. Her long naked body snaked sensuously on the bed, she moaned softly when I captured a nipple between my lips and sucked on it.

It was amazing to me that the hot fluid girl under my hands was my own sibling but I was enjoying turning her on even more than I did Margo. I felt between her legs for the treasure there and got a sharp cry of passion as my reward. Tania pulled away from me, looked at my erection then rolled to her stomach. I pulled a pillow from the top of the bed, urged her to lift her hips then slipped it under her pelvis. She was lying over the pillow which raised her firm shapely ass into the air. Tania spread her legs, rocked her body and invited me with her eyes to take her. I knelt between her open thighs, slipped the end of my cock into her then fucked my sister as if she were the only woman in my life.

We tossed and rolled around my bed for almost a half hour before my nuts gave up the fight. Tania had a small orgasm just after I put it to her then she gradually built up to a major orgasmic storm that shook her violently while my cock cramped and fired a second series of cum injections.

We were cooking hot, sweat covered our bodies, our breath ragged with sexual exhaustion as we came off our intimate high. We were lying side by side on our stomachs watching the other, Tania smiled tiredly, “Christ Cab, I don't know if what we just did is right or not but that was totally fucking awesome!”

“Are you going to run to mom and tell her I was bad to you again?”

“Oh yeah, for sure – 'Mom, I got beat up and Cab screwed me twice to make me feel better.' I'm sure she would be happy for both of us.”

My cell phone buzzed, I reached over my sister for it then heard my father, “Hey Cab, where is Tania? She left me a message but I didn't check for any until just now, she sounded worried. I tried to call but she isn’t answering.”

“She got home a while ago, took a bath then went to bed. Wait a few, I'll see if she is still awake.”

I held the phone for about 30 seconds, enough time to let him think I was going to her room then handed it to Tania. She smiled largely as she said “Hello? Yeah, I called but you didn't answer so I called Cab, I needed a ride home.” Pause, “I'm okay, Cab took care of me and now I'm in bed” she giggled silently.

I eased a hand between her legs and pressed on the top of her slit where her sweet spot hides. I flicked my finger tip over the tender bud; she shuddered and gasped lightly into the phone. Tania rolled impassioned blue eyes to me as she said “Nothing, tell mom I'm just relaxing, we can talk in the morning.” She shut off the phone, sat up then kissed the head of my half full cock, her eyes lifted to mine “Can you do it again?” She licked the shaft from balls to head then sucked the end of it over her tongue.

Margo gave me up when she figured out her body wasn't going to keep me from joining the Navy, my sister dumped Skip for standing her up so she and I ended up with each other, overcoming years of animosity and hatred. We had a lot of fun hanging together for the final weeks that I lived at home, forming a sibling bond that would never be broken. We spent much of the time doing exactly what our mother warned me against for years.


2022-03-22 07:41:50
I love my brothers too , another nice story .


2020-04-19 01:06:52
my brother and i got hot for each other when he turned eighteen, i was fourteen, he came to my room naked with his seven inch boner waving as he walked, he got on top of me and made passionate love to me for three hours. i would never leave him after that night. i certainly would never allow him to join the service unless he took me with him.


2020-03-12 20:59:58
I think we all Need a little hot body like her


2019-10-12 15:13:43
Great story. Please write more

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