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A/N: Hey guys! This is my first story so feel free to leave any criticism, (it starts slow but trust me I think it's worth it) I've read these forums since I was 11 and I've hated watching them slowly die as activity decreased. I decided if I wanted to see some good stuff on here I might as well contribute and hit two birds with one stone. Hopefully I can become a frequent poster here, everything I'll post will be original and I hope you enjoy!
fucking idiots! Kelly crumpled the small bit of paper in her hand and threw it hard at the door, the effect was underwhelming and just barely had enough force to tap the 3" thick plate of solid steel that was the door to her office. Nobody took her warnings seriously; the pool had grown at least a foot more in diameter since she'd initially been stationed at the facility nearly a year ago. The entities were more aggressive, and the frequency had increased by 3.2%, granted it wasn't much but that was beside the point. It wasn't static, it was strengthening and becoming a greater threat to the personnel and most importantly, herself.

Kelly was a 5' 2" 26 year old brunette, lean thighs, a toned stomach, 34 c cup breasts, green eyes, and a round face gave her a fit and appealing build. Sex had never been hard to get for her, boyfriends in high school showed her how addicting orgasms were but she’d never been a fan of the baggage they came with, she liked living her own life and the required attention of the men attached to the dick she loved annoyed her frequently, she didn’t like having to ask how their day was going, she didn’t care. She didn’t like needing to buy them things, she could buy stuff for her instead. She didn’t like them thinking they needed to *protect* her, protect her from what? Relationships never really lasted on her end and not only was it mostly her fault, she knew it was her fault and didn’t mind. The men in the facility were deprived enough to fuck anything that moved which made getting laid here laughably easy. Though she rarely talked to any of them, any attachments could just cause trouble in the workplace and she usually liked her job.

However, her pleasant face was currently disfigured by a look of disgust as she read the second piece of paper that'd been in the letter left on her desk. She'd graduated just over a year ago with a master's in engineering and a minor in biochemistry, her knowledge of organic compositions and how external forces affected matter made her an ideal candidate as an engineer for something called the, SCP Foundation. She'd been approached by a surprisingly well-kept man in his late 40's, doctor... something or another she couldn't remember for some reason, but he'd offered her a job and upon graduation she'd been assigned area 354, a facility built to contain SCP 354. SCP 354 is a pool of red substance in northern Canada that had the unusual tendency to release unrelated entities at intermittent times. She'd seen everything from a rubber duck to a grizzly bear missing its skin, writhing in pain before dying of blood loss, to inexplicable objects thought to be from a time far into our future. The pool was dangerous though, every living entity it created sought the destruction of the people in its vicinity, the duck was filled with a substance that when squeezed it burnt through flesh instantly, the bear mauled several personal before the area had been evacuated, and the objects had emitted radioactivity to an extent capable of mutilating flesh if not protected by suits.

Kelly had written to the director of the facility, requesting the destruction of the pool without delay, the letter she now read was the acceptance to her request with the command that she developed the means to do so. Normally this would have pleased her however she was only given 3 assistants, 2 class D armed personnel, and 15,000 budget + lab access, not nearly enough if the method required extreme force, who knows what the pool's reaction might be if someone attempted to destroy it?

Feeling thoroughly fucked, she picked up her phone to request a sample of the red liquid the pool was comprised of, depending on its composition she might be able to remove it relatively inexpensively. She decided the best way would be to vacuum the pool and put it thin cylindrical containers too small for any large entity of consequence to spawn from, from there one of two things would occur, either 1: The red liquid was the substance that had been producing the entities and further studies on it could be done to determine the best way of destroying it. Or 2: The red substance was a byproduct of something beneath that pool that was spawning the entities and further actions would be required. Either way, the pool needed to go.

The depth of the pool was estimated but not exactly known, using crude bathymetry via sonar sounding though, a rough idea of the pool’s volume was calculated and the necessary cylinders for containment prepared, extras were brought in as well incase there was more than expected and the large industrial vacuums were assembled. In ordinance with facility protocol all faculty aside from Kelly’s team of personnel and armed guards were to be evacuated during the procedure. Kelly was nervous, there was no point in denying it, on many occasions people had died from the entities the pool released, and it did so with absolutely no warning, her trepidation only worsened by the fact that she only had 2 armed guards to protect her team if it did. She stood there in her lab coat, hair pulled back in a ponytail, and clipboard in hand checking off the preparations and equipment. The area was once a patch of forest with the pool nestled in the center, now all that remained was the earthen floor as all the trees had been uprooted for the construction of the facility. A dome ceiling secured the pool in it’s containment chamber, sliding steel doors at one end of the dome some 30 feet from the center were the only way in and out, while around the dome about 8 feet from the ground were windows made of half a foot thick glass for observing it’s activity, the now abandoned rooms dark.

Ok let’s get a move on people I don’t wanna be here any longer than we have to! Barnes turn on the engines, Stephens, connect the hoses to the containers and Johnson, grab one of the hoses you’re helping me suck up the liquid. She grabbed her own hose and moved towards the red pool, eerily motionless in the brightly lit dome. The roar of the engines engaging sent prickles down her spine as she realized what she was about to do. The hose jumped in her hands as the vacuum initiated and with a brief nod to Johnson, Kelly lowered her hose into the pool, Jonson doing the same.

Brilliant red streaks ran up the white hose as the liquid was sucked up, the streaks widening as more fluid coated the interior of the hose. The roar of the engines intensified as they worked harder to suck up more of the pool, the hose jumped once more as it was finally submerged and was thirstily gulping up the fluid at a steady pace. She laid down the hose and stood back, watching the surface, waiting, unsure of its reaction to their invasion. It may only have been her nerves but beneath the sounds of the engines she thought she heard a low groan echo around the chamber. As the pool was transferred to the cylinders in the back of the room. It was clear the pool was getting smaller, red stained dirt becoming visible again as the surface receded from the bank.

Then, louder this time, and definitely from SCP 354, a low groan resounded through the room, rippling the surface of the pool, and causing her stomach to flutter. Guards at the ready! She screamed, stepping back quickly from the edge as the two men trained their weapons. Bubbles began to roil on the surface of the pool, more fluid being removed from it, and more surface exposed. Despite the ominous moans of SCP 354, no other activity took place for nearly 15 minutes, all the while Kelly was on edge like she’d never been before in her life, and she was certain the others in the room felt the same.

Soon a new texture was revealed as the pool shrunk to only about 20 feet across, a sort of pink fleshy texture with a slit down the middle of it appeared to comprise the center of the pool, like a massive, toothless, skinless, mouth. A loud sucking noise indicated the hoses were running out of fluid to inhale so Kelly tentatively moved forward, commanding Johnson to do the same, to lower their hoses deeper towards the mouth to get more fluid. A sickening feeling grew in her gut as she stepped closer to the edge of the pool, it didn’t feel right, she didn’t like the Lovecraftian look of the mouth in the middle, yet she now knew that that fluid was not their only target, now she needed to wrap this up, report the existence of the mouth to her directors, and get approval for its removal.

It was a trap the moment they put their hoses deeper towards the center. As they prodded the ends of the hoses deeper into the mouth they were yanked forward, losing their balance as the hoses flew deeper into the maw that now opened up and screamed a sound both gutturally low and ear splittingly high, the hoses attached to the vacuums disappeared into the mouth and were ripped from the vacuums at the far end of the room, toppling them over and breaking the engines. Some of the containers cracked and began leaking the blood-like fluid into the dusty earth. Dazed from the scream Kelly looked up to see a horrific claw-like hand grasping the edge of the mouth and pulling up a hellish impersonation of a face, a lipless mouth full of white teeth and wide, lidless, bloodshot human eyes stared hungrily at Johnson who was frozen in fear.

A horrific smile spread across it’s red, inflamed face as it pulled itself out of the mouth, it’s body was large, at least 9 feet tall with its arms hung near it’s knees, disproportionately long to it’s torso. As it stood up it reached forward with surprising speed towards Johnson, who too late attempted to run away. With a strangled cry he was lifted with unbelievable strength given the lankiness of the creature, off the ground, the audible sound of his ribs cracking filled the air accompanied with his screams of pain. The thing looked at him maniacally and squeezed even harder, forcing noises from the poor man unlike any Kelly ever wanted to hear again in her life, until finally bored of him it threw the body at her, it’s chest cavity disturbingly misshapen. It landed on her just as gunshots permeated the air and roars of rage not unlike what the mouth uttered before answered their call.

It was probably best the body landed on her as it took her out of it’s mind, instead it went for the 2 guards, decapitating them with alarmed cries of pain, their weapons falling silent a most unwelcome sound. Soon after their deaths the monster dismembered the two remaining assistants who were desperately scrambling for the door at the far end of the room. As Kelly rolled the body off of her she saw the creature hunched over one of the corpses, quietly eating near the door. Choked sobs escaped the young woman’s mouth as she realized what her fate was to be, how could things have gone so wrong so fast?!

With a loud sniffing sound from where she imagined a nose would have been the creature raised it’s head, blood dripping from it’s jaw, and turned to Kelly, sitting on the ground quickly scrabbling as far away as she could get. It tasted the air and slowly turned in her direction, mouth agape, and began crawling towards her. Kelly stopped moving and watched, there was nothing she could do, the weapons of her two useless guards were now behind the creature, she couldn’t escape as the only door was also behind the creature, all she could do was watch it slowly move towards her, clearly enjoying the smell of her fear.

When about 5 feet away, it stopped and towered over her, mouth still open and her still sitting legs spread helplessly. This thing looked straight into her eyes, then it looked down, and a long narrow tongue slithered it’s way from it’s jaw. Before she realized it’s trajectory a shuddering gasp escaped her as the tongue pushed hard into the crotch of her pants. Disbelief replaced horror only momentarily before it growled, clearly annoyed at the fabric separating itself from her sex. It’s claws sunk deep into the ground underneath it with frustration and she quickly fumbled backwards in attempt to flee. This was worse than anything she expected, she knew she was about to die but she didn’t want this, never this she had to either escape or provoke it into just killing her. But she never got the chance. Surprising her again with it’s speed she suddenly found herself upside down, suspended by her left ankle. Her lab coat covered her face as it fell around her but only briefly before the monster ripped it down off her, leaving her in her sports bra and slacks.

She began crying, pleading it to stop as it’s wormlike tongue caressed her exposed stomach, prodding her belly button and finally forcing it’s way into the crevice of her pants, popping the button and zipper open as it went deeper. A pained moan escaped her lips as it, almost lovingly, ran it’s length along her entire crotch, rubbing her clit, caressing her slit and even running along her tightly puckered asshole until finally poking out on the other side of her pants. It then began to repeatedly saw back and forth in this fashion, stimulating her entire nether until unbidden, desire began to bubble in her, setting her stomach fluttering. A satisfied growl rumbled deep in the creatures chest in response.

Looking up (down) towards it’s crotch Kelly was mortified to see that a slit had opened and a massive member was slowly engorging mere inches from her face, it appeared to only be semi-erect yet it had to be over 9” long and 2.5” in diameter! The head was roughly tapered to a point with bumps and ridges until leveling out in girth after about 4 inches. She began squirming in it’s grasp, kicking at it’s hand with her free foot until frustrated with her struggling it threw her on the ground, landing on her back her breath was knocked from her lungs. The monster hissed inches from her face, eyes bulging as it ripped her pants and underwear off of her and yanked her legs painfully wide apart.

Terrified but finding herself disturbingly turned on she gasped as the tongue punched into her bare pussy, writhing animatedly. The sensation was unlike anything she’d ever experienced, the tongue’s erratic movements bumped and rubbed her g spot in an unbearable way, she reached down to try and yank the tongue out but a threatening growl from the monster vibrated the tongue inside her and made her throw her head back in unwanted pleasure. It pushed deep into her and the tip began rapidly flicking her cervix, making sparks dance before her eyes and a moan burst from her lips. It was like being tickled and scratching an itch to the extreme, the pleasure was unbelievable and she arched her back, pushing herself deeper on the tongue invading her.

Finding it’s victim tasteful indeed the monster retracted it’s tongue from the woman with a slippery sound. She panted at the newfound heat in her pussy, an ache not once there and she realized a new lens had been put over her eyes and a haze settled over her brain and took off her sports bra. Suddenly this was not the amalgamation of horror that had brutally killed 5 people minutes ago, this was her newest pleasure, despite it’s disturbing appearance it had brought sensations to her unlike anything she had ever experienced and a morbid desire filled her eyes, looking strait into the lidless gaze of her murderous lover she reached down, spread the lips of her dripping cunt and whispered in a husky growl,

fuck me

Whether the monster understood her or was simply on the same page as her, it wasted no time in lining up his fully engorged cock with her pussy and pushed, hard. An indescribably pleasurable stretching widened her entrance obscenely, the ridges slowly but deliberately bumped into her, gently forcing inch after inch of the monster’s cock into the quivering woman. She moaned as she felt herself take the now 3” wide cock right to the end of her cunt where the tapered end mashed into the entrance to her womb. Feeling the resistance, the creature waited no time in pulling out nearly to the end, leaving her feeling empty in the extreme, before slamming back into her. Growling low the monster picked up the pace, a short grunt issuing from the gaping mouth of the woman every time its cock hit home. Her tits bouncing enticingly, she grabbed both with her hands and kneaded the tender flesh, her moans punctuated by rhythmic grunts.

For minutes the two continued, her body comically small beneath the monster looming above it, her legs splayed wide at its hips and her black high heeled shoes rocking with the motion of the creature’s thrusts. It wasn’t long at this pace before her moans increased in volume and she started screaming in ecstasy, cumming hard on the massive dick inside her. The creature, sensing the constrictions of its victim’s already tight walls sped up, slamming into her cunt with bruising force, semi-annoyed it could not entirely sheath itself in her. Seeing her open mouth screaming it extended it’s tongue and shoved it deep into her throat, she gagged at the sudden cutoff of oxygen and tasted the blood of its recent meal, but she didn’t care about that, all that mattered to her was the most intense sex of her life happening right now in the moment.

Orgasm after orgasm was ripped brutally from the woman who now might as well not have been conscious, allowed only the briefest of breaths she could barely think through the monstrous fucking she was receiving, cohesive thoughts were a mere memory and only pleasure existed in the woman who was stretched so fully. Growing tired of this position the monster pulled its cock from Kelly, who moaned at the loss. It grabbed her by the ankle again and hoisted her up, examining her asshole, now messy with their mixed juices. With a sniff, the creature plunged its tongue deep into her anus, not stretching it much but going deep passed the first rectal bend, and deep into her colon, exploring places Kelly had never felt in her life. She grunted as blood rushed to her head and she felt the new invasion, she had never really disliked anal, but she wasn’t very experienced in it either and as she watched the tongue deep in her guts make ridges in her stomach she knew she was experiencing things simply not possible with a human lover.

She felt something bump into her forehead and saw the monsters throbbing dick in front of her, she could fit the tapered head into her mouth but it quickly grew too wide to swallow so she suckled, licked, and kissed it’s penis with obscene obsession. It was musky and smelled slightly of ammonia, not at all unlike that of the men she’d been with in the past, but none of them could ever hope to satisfy her like the monster could. She licked all the way to the base of its cock and inhaled deeply, her eyes rolling back into her skull with pleasure, all the while losing control of her bladder as the tongue pushed hard into the back of her organs. Piss spread down her body, falling into her face as she worshipped the monstrous dick she was now sucking and stroking with both hands at the same time. Her pussy squirmed, completely on fire as the warm liquid rolled over her. She licked under every ridge and sucked every nub of this glorious cock until she felt a gurgling in her stomach, feeling as though she were about to vomit she let go of the cock in her hands, dangling limply as the tongue slithered out of her mouth, eyes wide with pleasure as she was completely skewered end to end, toes curled deep in her shoes, her hands hanging loose above, her fingers twitching as synapses misfired in her brain, completing rewriting her in pleasure.

With a choking sound the tongue receded back into her body and she gasped for air, coughing as she did so. The monster laid her on her stomach and positioned itself at her slightly gaping asshole before unceremoniously pushing into her. Kelly groaned as she was spread wider than anything she’d ever had in her ass, the ridges massaging her sphincter muscle, the moan turned into a slight yell as it pushed deeper and deeper into her rectum. Normally something of this size would have been halted around 6 inches deep by the first bend but the tapered end gently curved her tubes and she half moaned half screamed, fingers splayed, legs wide and toes extended, every muscle besides the poor woman’s ass clenched as 14 inches of monster cock sunk deep into her large intestine.

The monster let out a roar of triumph and began thrusting into the convulsing woman beneath it, churning her insides unlike anything she’d believed possible. Her mouth hung slack, her once sleek brown hair matted to her face with saliva and piss, the only sounds echoing through the dome-like chamber were gurgled grunts from Kelly and the sound of the monster’s pelvis colliding with her rippling ass cheeks. For 40 long minutes Kelly had her asshole completely resized. Once her sphincter became too loose the monster removed it’s cock from her anus with a sloppy plunger-like sound, and thrust back into her quivering cunt, the body beneath it barely reacted as her mind was comprised of a burning anal orgasm that had lasted nearly half an hour, coherent thought had been replaced by animalistic lust.

Not willing to settle so easily this time, after only a few minutes of this change of holes the monster pushed hard into her barrier, persisting until slowly, ever so slowly her cervix expanded before bursting open and a gargled cough escaped Kelly, foam forming around her lips as she felt the tapered dick smash into her womb. It felt like the creatures glorious cock was in her chest cavity as it moved within her, dragging her cervix forward and back as it sawed into the deepest part of her depraved cunt. The monster picked up her limp form and began using her as one might a fleshlight, slamming the woman up and down without care or thought of the damage her might do her. Her brain overloading with sheer pleasure she squirted all over the torso of the monster, the clenching of her walls forcing them to become even looser until freely slid along its 14”

Not long after this ideal position for the monster, she began to feel lumps develop along its length, not small bumps like normal but closer to the knots of a canine, if not so large proportionally, but knots all the same. Slowly they inflated, spaced about 4” apart and becoming more pronounced with every thrust. Kelly screamed as they reached the size of tennis balls, completely destroying her vagina. The knot located right at the head of its penis finally caught in her battered cervical opening and sprayed liter after liter of hot cum deep into her womb. Kelly rested her hands on her stomach as she watched it inflate to an obscenely large balloon of monster spunk, loving the sensation of the dick twitching inside her, spraying her walls. The monster laid her back down and after nearly 2 minutes of constant orgasm began to pull its penis from the destroyed woman, the knots expanding her entrance and popping out with a gurgle. However, when the creature still had about 6 inches left inside her it felt a strong resistance, annoyed, it began to yank harder and harder until Kelly felt a slight tear and a strange tugging sensation in her stomach as she watched with morbid fascination, the end of the creatures knotted cock immerge from within her, still incased in the membrane of her womb. Perhaps 4” of it came loose from her pussy before the final knot left her with a pop, cum slowly pouring from her prolapsed baby maker.

Giggling with the insanity caused by her ordeal she began gently poking her prolapse, trying to push it back inside her when she felt the monster’s fingers grab her by her piss-soaked hair. She paid no attention as she was dragged by her hair towards the mouth at the center of the room. Still giggling and leaving behind a slimy trail of spunk and cunt juice the two disappeared into the darkness, the mouth closing behind them.

(Continue? Again, this is my first story, all criticism is welcome, I’ve got plans for her if you wanna read more or I can just start a new story)


2020-01-11 23:25:05
that is really good for a first story...keep up the good work...though i do not know where the piss came from....a little destructive at the end which wasn't necessary as well but over very good...

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