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Sue meets Bigboy quiet by accident but never looks back..
BigBoy 3

Wayne and Sue came to visit for the holidays.. Well it's the 4th of July and Wayne

wants to go fishing.. They arrive early Saturday morning and we plan to go on an

overnight fishing trip to the coast.. Sue plans to stay at my place and visit some

of her old friends she knew before they moved away.. I introduce them to Bigboy

And as usual he loves the attention.. He and Sue hit it off right away..

After packing the truck I told Bigboy to take good care of Sue while we were away and

we left.. She told me later that she went to a friend house and they went shopping..

What else would to women do with time to kill.. LOL Wayne and I returned late Sunday

afternoon and cleaned the fish then I cooked some up for supper.. After supper we was

watching TV and having a beer when Wayne said he was gonna turn in he was sleepy, Well

I was also so we both went to bed.. I woke up about 1 am and could hear the TV still

playing, Thinking that Sue had fell asleep on the couch or forgot to turn it off

and went to check.. To my surprise there she was on the couch with Bigboy between her

legs and her humping him like mad.. About that that time she saw me, At first she

seemed a bit surprised but then placed a finger to her lips as if to shush me for fear

of waking Wayne.. I simply got me a drink of water and went back to bed..

Next morning I got up to fix breakfast and as I did she came in and whispered "Thank you"

A couple of hours later she said "Wayne why don't you and Bo go out and shoot some pool

with your old friends while you have a chance.. I said hey man that sounds like a good

idea lets go to the old Hico lounge.. He agreed and we left.. Hehe I knew why she was

trying to get rid of us.. When we got back mid afternoon she looked like she had been

rode hard an put away wet.. I said Sue are you OK? Big boy hasn't been giving you a hard

time has he? Sha said oh god no that has to be the most loving dog I have ever seen and

he loves to cuddle too. I wish we had one just like him but then we can't have dogs where

we live.. If you ever need someone to dog sit for you I would be more than happy to do it..

We had more fried fish and hush puppies for dinner then a couple beers in the front room

which coupled with the ones we had shooting pool Wayne was again ready for bed early..

After he left the room she said Thank you so much for not saying anything last night..

she just had no idea what happened except while I was petting Bigboy all of a sudden I felt

him pressing against my privates and it felt really good.. The next thing I knew I was

moving my panties to the side and wham he drove that dammed huge cock all the way home

man a team of horses could not have pulled him off me.. After a few minutes I wouldn't have

let them even try.. Then all of a sudden he rammed really hard and that dammed knot went in,

At first it hurt but then felt really good again until he continued to swell really really big

and it hurt again for a min then wow he couldn't thrust much but every time he did it caused

me to cum.. He'll I have never cum so hard in my life.. All of a sudden he stopped and started

cumming gallons inside me, Gosh that cum was like scalding wter, Never felt anything like it..

We just lay there for a bit then I wanted to feel the movement again so I started thrusting

and it was feeling great again, The more I thrusted the better it felt and wow evidently he liked

it too because he started fucking me the same as before.. Oh shit Bo I was now cumming uncontrollably

one after the other.. Next thing I know he was shooting that hot cum inside me again.. Damn what

I wouldn't give to have a dog like him to fuck any time I wanted..

Well as before we both relaxed a bit until I started humping him again, Before long he was humping

back as before.. When you came in he had already fucked me four times and still hard as a rock..

The reason I said thank you this morning is for not interrupting because he fucked me two more

times after that.. I can't even imagine A guy fucking me six times in one night much less on the

same hard.. The reason I shooed you guys out this morning is that I wanted more and I got it in

spades.. He fucked me another 6 times and I loved every minute of it.. I'm sure you know that I'm

gonna fuck him again tonight and if you want to stay and watch I think that it would turn me on

even more to have someone watch.. Shit I would love too.. With that she scooted to the front of

the couch and since she wasn't wearing panties she was ready.. Big boy didn't even have to be

called he simply moved between her legs and raised up on her licking her face and hunching.. He

found his mark quickly and she grunted as he rammed his full cock all the way home and it was

off to the races.. After the third time She saw me stroking my hard cock and motioned me over..

I simply stuck my cock in her mouth and she sucked it like she was starving.. He'll I dumped a

load in no time.. After swallowing every drop she looked up at me and licked her lips and said

again "Thank you".. With that I went to bed with them still fucking like minks..

Next morning she came into the kitchen before Wayne and whispered that after he finished his

6th time I didn't want it to stop so I fucked him for another 30-45min.. BTW I loved sucking your

cock, To bad we haven't did that before, Hopefully it won't be the last time.. With that she got

her a cup of coffee and sat at the table deliberately spreading her legs giving me a free shot

with a huge smile.. Wayne came in a bit later and we had breakfast and chatted over coffee about

the old days.. They packed their bags and prepared to leave.. Sue said Bo you have been such a

good host I almost hate to leave.. I said we will have to do it again real soon.. With that I

walked them to their car and we said our good byes..

About a month later I called Wayne and told him I was going on a two week cruse and if Sues offer

to dog sit still stood I would gladly pay her what ever a kennel would charge me if she would..

He called Sue to the phone and I told her the same thing.. She about screamed "OH GOD YES I HAVE

BEEN MISSING YOU GUYS, ESPECIALLY BIGBOY" When do I need to be there? Well I will be leaving next

Saturday so any time that day, If I'm not here there will be a key under a rock just outside the

door and I will leave a couple hundred dollars in the fridge for food for you and the dogs..

Dog's? yes I have two of Bigboys nephews in a kennel out back just in case you ware him out lol..

Oh my god yes I will be there early Saturday, I can hardly wait..

Well she did arrive early, About 6:30am.. I invited her in and took her bags into her bedroom..

While she kneeled down loving on Bigboy telling him how glad she was to see him again.. She ask

what time I was leaving and I told her at noon so we have plenty time to visit and for me

introduce you to the pups.. Pups? lol Oh no not pups like that they are about a year old and

fully grown.. Oh goodie I'm excited to meet them.. We went out back and I introduced her to

Duke and Prince.. She went in and knelt down taking each around the neck and hugging them saying

what handsome dogs they were while each licked her face.. She rose looking me in the eyes with

A huge smile saying "do they have any of Bigboys talents"? Well the last ladies they were with

thought so lol I think you will be impressed.. Wow this is gonna be a dream two weeks.. With

that we went back into the house with me telling her she should have plenty of time to get to know

them better.. Once inside she said why don't you fix us a cup of coffee while I slip into something

more comfortable as she left the room with a coy smile.. when she returned she had on the most sexy

outfit I had ever seen.. My gosh girl I bet Wayne rely loves you in that.. hehe Wayne has never

seen it baby I bought this especially for you.. Not only do I want to suck your cock again but I

want you to fuck me blind.. True I have been having wet dreams about Bigboy but I have also been thinking

about your beautiful cock, Why do you think I came so early.. I wanted get here in plenty of

time for you to be the first to fuck me today before you left..

With that we headed to the bedroom where we fucked like rabbits.. Damn if she fucks Wayne like that

he is one lucky guy.. When we finished we went back to the kitchen where I nuked our cold coffee..

When we finished that she took my hand and said now come with me, I want you to watch Bigboy fuck

me silly.. Evidently you catching me the other night triggered my excibonest side which I never knew

I had but it turns me on.. The thought of doing it in front of a group turns me on even more.. She took

her seat on the couch and Bigboy didn't need to be ask he just went for it.. After he cum twice she

called me over saying I want to suck your cock again.. And did she ever.. afterward she said

I really like sucking a big hard cock, Thank you again.. well the only one I know of that likes getting

their cock sucked more than me is Bigboy.. Whaaaat? You mean he likes blowjobs too? Yep very much so

along with the pups.. If you ever thought of getting throat fucked they can fulfill your dreams in

spades.. My god this is going be a wild two weeks hell I may never leave.. If you don't thrust against

him his knot will shrink enough to come out and you can see for yourself.. You may not be able to deep

throat him because he's shaft is quiet large and 11 inches long before the know but Prince is a bit

smaller in diameter but still 11 inches long.. You might want to try deep throating Duke first he a bit

smaller only about 10 inches.. The nice thing is that once you get used to being throat fucked by one of

them you can suck one while fucking another.. The girls that have did that love it.. once he slips out

just slide down between his legs and your mouth will be in position.. she did and he lined up perfectly

as she took him as deep as she could she backed of and said you're right, I never thought about how

thick his shaft was until now but damn I love it.. I can't wait to drink that hot cum.. Well take his

knot in your hand just behind and he will think he has knotted his bitch and cum much quicker.. She

did and started jacking him then he took over and was fucking her mouth like he did her pussy.. It

only took about 5 min before he started cumming buckets full, More than she could swalw.. When he

finished she backed off and said "Wow I must be in heaven because nothing on earth could be this good"

Good now that I feel you can handle yourself I better get outa here.. BTW Wayne don't have to know but

I'm only gonna be gone 4 days.. With a sad look she said oh my why only 4 days? well it was never more

than 4 days I just wanted you to get all the fucking you wanted.. I'll be back in time for some more

blowjobs lol She jumped up and hugged me tight saying oh thank you thank you.. From now on you can

have a blowjob and a fuck any time you want.. She walked me to my car still in her sexy gown even

though it was soaked in cum. She kinda smiled and said I will wash this out so it will be nice and

fresh for you when you get back.. as I backed out of the drive I saw her head for the kennels..

Four days later:

True to hear word she met me at the door in that sexy gown, Took me buy the had and led me to the

bedroom Then said HI! get those clothes off quick I'm horny for your beautiful cock.. We fucked

like minks but neither of us lasted long.. She just rolled me over and started sucking my cock like

a vacuum cleaner.. I can't help wonder if Wayne ever got this treatment.. Once I was hard again she

claimed on and went at it again.. Damn she was horny.. We lasted a bit longer that time but not much..

She rolled over and lay beside me.. Damn girl didn't you get any while I was gone.. She just

laughed and said it seems that the more I fuck the more I wants to fuck.. I said well you must

have fucked a lot then.. Again she kinda laughed and said well it all started when you left.. I

brought Duke in and like you said he was a bit smaller but still a wonderful fuck.. After he cum

four times I slid down and took him in my mouth couple min later he was fucking my throat with no

mercy.. Because my bed was pinned against the couch I couldn't do anything about it.. After gaging

a couple times became easier and I was now loving the hell out of it, Especially when he cum directly

down my throat.. God that was a turn on.. Another first for me but not the last.. After I calmed a bit

I went and got Prince.. Just as you said he was long but not as thick as Bigboy but because he was

thin and pointed he went right into my cervix.. Wow did that ever hurt, But only for a couple min

because he didn't care he just fucked me with no mercy.. Then surprisingly it felt amazingly good..

I started a constant climax, Humping hard against him and trying to get him deeper.. Like Bigboy he

fucked me 6 times and I don't think I ever stopped cumming all that time.. He'll we fucked almost

two hours.. When he did slip out I did the same with him and I actually think he liked the blowjob

better lol When I took his knot in my hand he went wild again thrusting so hard he was trying to

climb up on the couch with his hand legs, And yes I took him all the way down my throat and loved it..

We fucked until almost noon the next day so that means I had been fucking for around 24 hours and

still.. wanted more but we all needed to eat and get some water.. After I fed the boys I made me a

sandwich, Took a shower and went to bed for some much needed rest.. At about 7pm Bigboy woke my up

climbing on the bed they all needed to go outside.. While they were out I filled their food and

water bowls and fed myself drinking a much needed cup of coffee.. While drinking my second cup I was

thinking what happened The day before and decided that after three rounds with Prince inside my cervix

I definitely wanted to start the night off with another.. I have always heard that that was impossible

but I can attest that that's bullshit.. And I fucking love it.. After the first time the next time it

didn't hurt at all but just went right in.. Maybe if I do it with him enough it will stretch to

accommodate you.. I would love that even more.. I think that its stretched enough now that I could

take one the size of duke if he just used a little fines.. I have a suggestion, After your next round

with Prince why don't you get duke hard and make him lay on his back and sit on him.. This way you can

be in control so that when he's against the opening you can ease down slowly.. Oh my gosh you think

that might work? Well after all prince does taper up in size pretty large so it just might..

Once you know that you can take it you can let him Mount you as before but this time hold his cock to

keep it from going past it then when you get him started you can let him go.. Oh shit I gotta try that..

With that she called Prince to the couch and took him right in.. She said wow he did it again oh damn.. After he fucked her his sixth time he shrunk enough to come out.. She called Duke and made

him lay down and roll over on his back then began playing with his cock.. Once he was hard and his

knot was out of the sheath she straddled him, put it in and lowered until she felt her cervix she wiggled around a bit until she found the opening and began to slowly press down I could see a slight

grimace on her face until she dropped all of a sudden and her eyes bugged out then went lower and

The grimace turned to a smile and a moan.. I knew then that she had did it.. Once she was fully

against the know she stopped, Looked up at me with a huge smile and said "Wow I did it" this feels even better than Prince I just wish it was a bit longer.. It feels so good I'm gonna fuck it far a

while so it will loosen up a bit then go in easier when he does mount me.. Ok once you feel comfortable

Start taking long strokes little by little until you can let it come all the way out and go right

back in that way you will know it will fit when he mounts you.. About 5 min later she was coming all

the way off and ramming all the way in really hard then went into a full body shaking orgasm.. when

she calmed a bit she said wow what the fuck was that, I have never cum that hard befoe, I thought I was going to faint.. It was going out and in with no problem.. Now while I'm in the mood I'm gonna

see if I can do Bigboy.. Are you sure? honey if this feels as good as it does a bigger one has to

feel better and I'm all about feeling better right now..

Once I get him in and loosened up and he then mounts me just think with know and all I will have 13"

of cock fucking my cervix.. She called Bigboy over and proceeded.. Once she lowered herself to her

cervix she followed the same procedure and again surprisingly for me and her he popped in and down

she went taking all 11" and again started long stroking him all the way out and in.. Oh my god Bo this is heaven.. Just think I have been missing this all my life.. WE are simply going to have to

move to a place where we can have at least one large dog.. Until then I will be visiting you as often

as possible.. By now Duke had deflated and since he hadn't cum yet he had no problem mounting her

She grabbed his cock and held him off until he was started into her cervix then turned loose and wham

he drove it home into her cervix.. Now instead of getting 8 inches she was getting every bit of ten.. She said wow this is even better than before.. After he shrunk and cam out she called Bigboy

as he mounted her she did the same by holding his cock until he was started in and turned him loose she yelled and started moaning I did it I did it.. God I wish you could feel what I'm feeling.. The

best I can do is let you fuck it, Maybe it will feel better for you than before.. Well she did and

yes it did feel better, Kinda weird like something was biting on the head of my dick but in a good way lol

Thursday night as we lay in bed I said "You once said that you liked being watched and that you would

like to be watched by a group right?.. Absolutely I would fucking love that.. Well what would you say

if I offered to arrange it.. What you mean? well we could get you a mask for your eyes just in case

someone might recognize you now or later and I could invite about 12 to 15 guys over to watch you with

the boys? Oh my god you think you could arrange that? I have no doubt, Especially if I took a photo of

you not showing your face standing beside the boys.. Since Wayne has never seen that sexy gown you

could ware it to excite them even more.. He'll as sexy as you are you would have them cumming in their

pants in no time. Would I have to fuck them? That would be totally up to you.. You don't do anything

you don't want to.. Of course if you wanted to suck them dry and fuck them blind I'm sure they wouldn't

mind LOL WOW the possibilities, I'll need to think on this... About two min later she said HELL YES

BRING'M ON I'll drain their balls dry and fuck them until they can't walk.. I think most women dream

about being gangbanged and I'm no different in fact if you can double that number I will only be to

happy.. I just hope some of them have monster cocks.. Just think I can give my cervix a good workout..

I have always wanted to have two cocks in my pussy and one in my mouth at the same time and this could

be my chance.. while you're at it tell them if they have any large dogs to bring them too, Why not go

for broke.. We could do this on Saturday morning and all day that way the married guys won't have a

problem getting away from their wives..

Saturday morning:

While I was preparing breakfast Sue put the boys in the kennel then dawned her sexy gown and we had

breakfast As we were having our second cup of coffee there was a car pull into the drive.. Sue jumped up

and went into the other room and put on her mask.. The first of three guys had arrived.. When Sue came

out they said wow and we thought that was a doctored photo.. Lady you are simply gorges.. Well Bo

prepared me a great breakfast and you must be the desert he told me about.. With that she stepped

forward and unbuckled the first guy pants.. He pushed them down and stepped out as she engulfed his

cock like she was starved.. Poor guy didn't last 5 min and when she pulled off the next guy was waiting

She said oh goodie you're ready, I love guys that know what they want but most of all what I want.

I'm horny as hell this morning, In fact I'm horny as hell all the time lately.. Looking at the other

two she said get ready boys you're next and you don't want to keep a horny lady waiting do you..

Before she could finish the fourth guy there was another knock and 5 more guys came in.. Seeing what

was going on they simply dropped their pants.. when she finished she said "welcome guys" you're

just what I was hoping for.. She stood and turned her back to the guy with the biggest cock, bent

forward and said "no use in keeping you waiting" and engulfed her 6th cock while the guy behind fucked

her hard and fast.. Now that's more like it, You guys were great, NEXT and two more took their

position.. As she took them she looked at the guy with the big cock and said "rest up I want more of

that cock later.." by now there was a line forming at the door.. In all there was 18 guys that showed

up and she made quick work of them..

After everyone had popped their first time she took the guy with the big cock by the hand and led him

to the couch, Turned him around and told him "sit" she lowered herself on his cock and motioned for the

next largest cock, Took him in her hand and said "there's room for you too" and pulled him forward..

He got the hint, Positioned his cock and pushed forward bringing a oh yes and a groan from Sue.. After

a couple min she said "hey guys I need a hard cock in my mouth.. Another guy stood on the couch and

fed her his cock.. Sue started going wild now bucking and groaning.. I knew she was cumming her ass

off, She had crossed off another of her dreams.. The guy she was sucking busted a nut first and after

swallowing every drop she said please guys when one cum's I need a replacement.. Another one came

forward.. She kept this up until everyone had cum their second time and some their third.. she took

a break and joined me at the table for a much needed beer.. You realize that I have just took over 36

loads of cum and I'm still horny as before I started.. The reason I liked the big guy is because he

was deep in my cervix and I loved every inch of it.. Before today you and Wayne were the only guys I

had ever fucked but this won't be the last gangbang for me I assure you..

OK guy's I know that you came not only to fuck me but in hopes of seeing me fuck those pups in the

photo.. Well I loved the fucks and blowjobs but I also like being watched while I fuck dogs that's

what turned me on to Bo inviting you over.. Now how many of you brought your dog? 6 guys raised their

hand.. Oh goodie that's 9 dogs and 18 guys this is going to be one fun day for sure.. I just hope

they all have big cocks, I love big cocks.. Now one by one please bring them in so the show can begin

I took my seat on the couch and the first dog brought in a huge Dobie.. Wow a beautiful dog for sure..

he brought him between my spread legs and to my surprise he started licking my cum filled pussy..

Wow that tongue felt great.. Evidently it turned him on because he reared up putting a paw on each

side while licking first my tits then my face.. I took him behind his front legs and pulled him

forward once he felt my hot pussy the show was on, He rammed balls deep as I grunted and wrapped my

legs around his hips and my arms around his body fucking the hell out of him as hard as he was fucking

me he was nicely hung and deep in my cervix with the knot getting bigger and bigger until I was tied

Then he stopped and started shooting that hot doggy cum inside me.. I cumed my ass off and kept fucking

back at him.. Just like with Bo's dogs he evidently like it because he started jackhammering me as

before.. and then another cum load.. I heard his owner say "wow he's fucking her again" Which turned me

on I told him to give me his cock which he did and I sucked every drop out of it while continuing

to fuck him hard.. Hey anyone else have a fresh load for my hungry mouth? Another guy stepped up..

The Dobie didn't have as much staying power as Bo's dogs and slowly shrunk until he popped out..

NEXT I need more doggie cock.. the next was a huge Lab that had a nice cock that fit nicely in my cervix..

again he didn't last but a couple rounds and next came a couple of Rotties with super big knots that

I enjoyed greatly.. Then another Dobie and finally a huge Dane with a cock to die for.. He'll he was

bigger than Bigboy.. Thankfully he lasted 5 times bring me to roaring climaxes one after the other..

I had now fucked 6 new dogs and sucked off I don't know how many, I lost count.. Afterward they

gave me a round of applause when I said the show isn't over yet guys believe it or not but I'm still

horny and my favorite lovers haven't had their turn yet..

With that Bo brought in my lovers and Duke was first, Like a teenager he fucked me 5 times before I

slid off the couch and took him to the knot then he started fucking my mouth like he did my pussy

and dumped a load down my throat. Then Prince did the same thing.. Next was Bigboys turn.. He fucked

my cervix six times before I slid off and took him as much as I could.. I kept going deeper and

deeper until for the first time he was knot deep And fucking me wildly until he too unloaded deep

in my throat.. Wow I had finally did it.. As I got up I heard one of the guys say "man did you see

the size of that cock, I can't believe she took the whole thing down her throat" Gosh this made me

feel really good and very horny for more.. lol I have became a monster but I love it.. 9 dogs

multiple times each and 18 guys multiple times each.. I must have been fucked close to a hundred times


The guys were all fucked out so I went to the shower and got dressed.. When I came out the gang had all

left.. Bo and I chatted a few in when he said let me take you out to dinner which I gladly accepted..

We selected a quiet table where we could talk.. I told him that I would never be able to repay him for

this last week.. He kinda laughed and said hell I enjoyed it to so you don't owe me anything.. I have

other women who enjoyed my boys but never anything like you.. Yes I have no idea what happened to me

but for some reason I just can't seem to get enough.. Even after today I'm still horny as hell.. The

dogs were one thing but I can't believe I fucked all those guys and was wishing there had been twice

as many, I especially liked the big guy who fucked my cervix so good and then the triple fuck was

unbelievable.. I just wish that there had been another guy as big as he was so they could have both

fucked my cervix.. I'm gonna really miss this when I go back home.. I would love it if we could do

this again.. I have always heard that black guys have big dicks, Is that true? Well I don't really

know but have heard the same thing.. We finished a great dinner and returned home where Sue proceeded

to fuck all three of the pups until around 3am.. The rest of the week I let all the pups stay inside

And Sue never got dressed so she would be ready any time they wanted her, Which was often..

When the time came to go home she cried all morning saying she didn't want to leave but knew she had to.

She finally packed and I carried her bags to the car all except her sexy gown which she said that

That was for us when she came back.. After helping her into the car with tearful eyes she kissed me

good bye and drove away.. She called me about a week later saying how much she missed her four

lovers.. I told her that we all missed her also and suggested that maybe she should look into starting

a dog sitting service then laughed.. She did to then said don't laugh I have already been thinking of

that.. after about another week she called again and said she was running an add for dog sitting but

had got no response and was getting desperate for a big cock so yesterday I drove over to the next

town and found a bar in a black neighborhood.. and bravely went in.. I was dressed as sexy as I could

without getting to much attention from my neighbors.. I wasn't wearing a bra or panties and the top

three buttons were undone exposing a good bit of tit, In fact when I moved just right you could almost

see my nipples.. I took a seat on a bar stool, Crossed my legs and exposed lots of my thigh.. As I

ordered a beer this really big black guy stepped up and told the bartender that he was buying.. As I

turned to thank him sure enough my right nipple popped out but I ignore it until he said "my my you

seem to be looking for more than a beer" I said well I just might be if he had the right equipment and

smiled big.. He said just what equipment might you be looking for? Well at least 12"'s and really thick

You think you can fill my need? How about 13x4 times three? What you mean by times three? well my two

brothers over there and me.. Ahh I see and just how do we go about proving this? Well the bartender

happens to be a friend and has a back room with a cot if you're interested.. I took his big hand and

placed it on my exposed tit and pressed and said you may have just answered my prayers why don't we

find out.. on the way to the back room I unbuttoned the remaing buttons and before we got there I was

topless much to his friends delight.. When we enter I saw the cot and dropped my skirt saying time a

wasting guys lets see if you were living.. They all dropped their pants and Thank god he wasn't.. As

he said he was every bit of 13" and really thick plus he was the small one.. The other two were at

least between 14 and 15 and thicker yet.. I simply lay back and said come get it boy's in order, Small

first then next up and next.. The first guy wasted no more time and got between my legs and place

the head at my wet pussy opening.. Don't be shy guy give me what you promised.. With that in he went

Wight into my cervix and all the way home.. Fuck I started cumming as soon as he hit bottom and

grabbed him around the shoulders saying come on, Fuck me like your mad at me.. Tear that white pussy

up and get it ready for your friends.. He did in spades, Man I was cumming like crazy.. He didn't

last long though and when he rolled off mister 14 didn't have to be asked.. Like his friend he went

right to the bottom in one stroke and again I was cumming my ass off fucking back as hard

as I was getting.. Again he didn't last long so the big guy got into position and he must have been

at least 5" thick because it took some effort to get him in but once he was I rammed up as high as

I could and he met my thrust burring the whole 15"'s Oh shit this is what I've been needing since I

got home.. Thankfully this guy was lasting longer so I told them to get the bartender, He deserves

something for the use of the room.. He came in with his cock out but he was only about 10" and not

that thick so I motioned him over and opened my mouth, He didn't have to be asked.. He just put his

cock in and I placed my hand on his hip and pulled him forward taking him balls deep.. again he was

a quick cummer and I swallowed ever delicious drop.. Mr 15 is still fucking me like crazy much to

my delight.. When I went into a full body shaking orgasm he lost it and filled me full.. after he

got up I sat on the side of the cot and said "look guys I know that you were prolly backed up

and over ready. Believe me if I had time I would gladly fuck each of you again but I have to get

home before hubby does.. Believe me I could do this all day long and if you want I can be here

about 9am tomorrow and prove it.. If you have friends who would like to fuck a horny white slut

invite them also because I assure you that I will ware the three of you out before the days over..

The big guy said we will all be here waiting and I'm sure we can find some brothers who will be

happy to try and fuck you down.. I laughed and said I only wished that was so.. The more I fuck

the more I want to fuck... with that I got dressed and left..

Bo you are not gonna believe how much I needed that and how much I'm looking forward to tomorrow

I just hope that there is a lot of them with as big or bigger cocks.. I have become a freak lol

Well I'm glad the you found what you need closer to home I just hope it continues.. Yes and I

do also we will find out shortly I'm leaving for the bar now with my fingers crossed.. I will

let you know how today turned out tomorrow.. she called next morning early All giggling and happy..

Well from your attitude it seems that yesterday was to your liking.. Oh my god was it ever..

When I got there about 9am there was already 8 guys there, I didn't make no pretense about it

and simply started removing my blouse on my way to the back room with a line of big black guys

following me.. Upon entering I dropped my skirt and sat on the cot.. The first guy was only about

12" but nice and thick.. I lay back and motioned for him.. When he got into position I told him

I need his big cock bad and he didn't disappoint.. he evidently like that white pussy because he

only lasted about 5 min.. I looked up and the next guy as more to my liking he was huge, At least

16" and thicker than anything I have ever had including Bigboys knot.. At first I was a bit

frightened but then told myself this is what I'm here for so here goes nothing.. At first he was

having problems penetrating but finally popped in bringing a sharp yelp from me.. He held still and

said mam you ok? I said yes just give me a moment to get used to it.. before long I started short

stroking him and it felt really good so I told him OK I'm good now give me more which he did and as

I stroked him they got longer and longer until I was fucking him really hard moaning really loud

that I was cumming.. This brought a crowd to see what was going on.. That's when I said oh yes I

love being watched now fuck me like you mean it and he did.. We were both thrashing around like

crazy when it hit me, Another full body shaking orgasm and I was really thrashing now to the point

of squirting all over the place.. Then he started cumming too and I don't believe I have ever had

a guy cum that much.. Once he pulled out he simply said WOW that was one wild fuck.. I said yes

the best fuck I have ever had.. You can fuck me again any time and please do often.. He did to

three more times that day and everyone was better than the last.. What I really liked was when I

got on top in the cowgirl and rode him really long and hard bringing him all the way out and back

in really hard.. It was almost like doing Bigboy's Knot like that.. Most of the 8 guys were gone

by noon but replaced by regular customers who didn't know anything about this white slut being there

and not all were hung very well but I got lots of blowjobs and cum drinking.. After they thinned

out the guy that hit on me the first day and another about the same size did a double vaginal

on me and oh my god was that wild especially since both of them were inside my cervix.. later the

late crowd came in and I fucked all ot them down also.. Then it was time to go home.. On my way out

I asked the bartender if he would mind me coming in every day and he said hell on you're good for

business I have never been this busy before.. I also spotted the 16"er and told him I would be

back tomorrow and hoped he would be here also because I really like fucking him.. He kinda laughed

and said wild horses couldn't keep him away because I was the only woman so far that could take him..

Bo that fucking cock was unreal.. I have already told Wayne that I'm going shopping and a movie with

a friend today so it will probably be late when I get home so that I can catch the night crowd

just to see what's out there.. I must of fucked close to a hundred guy yesterday and plant for

More today.. Damn this is fun lol.. I still want to visit you and the boys again though..

Sue called again the next morning all giggleie like yesterday.. I assume you had another good

day yesterday.. Unfucking believable, The best yet.. Mr 16 was there again and I took him to

the back so I could fuck him before the crowd.. Man He makes me come so damned hard I can't

believe it.. After he cum I told him to roll me over and then in the cowgirl position began

to ride that wonderful half hard cock.. He'll even half hard it's better than most cocks.. I

was cumming my ass of when all of a sudden he began to stifen, I rode him harder and he got

harder as I did.. Now that he was fully erect I could long stroke him all the way out and in

again and damn this was freaking wild.. I just kept getting faster and faster until I dropped

to bottom and started squirting again for only my second time.. Shit that drains me.. I fell

forward and hugged him close kissing my first black full on the lips and whispered that I wish

he had another friend or two with cocks like his or hopefully bigger so we could meet

somewhere other than the bar.. He kinda laughed and said that in fact he had four friends

that fit that request but when he told them about me they didn't want to come to the bar.. I

Think that they think that you must be some kind of bimbo.. Ahh I understand.. Do you have a

cellphone? Yes why.. well why don't you take a pic and show it to them.. You can even take one

of your cock inside me and then one of me kissing your cock head.. Wow Really? sure I would

really like to meet them maybe at your place or a motel.. I assure you that if they are as

big as you say we can have a all day fuck just the five of us.. He got his phone from his

pocket and snapped the pic's.. Then sent it to each of them telling them to reply with a

pic of their cock as proof of how big they were.. As he left the room another guy came in

and the show was on.. They started getting impatient and coming in before the guy was finished

which was ok with me because like I said I like being watched.. Before long the room was full..

I was now sucking cocks and being fucked in front of a bunch of strangers and it was turning

me on big time.. Wasn't long before the room cleared out and Mr 16 who I found out was called

Jay came back in with his phone showing me a pic of each four of his friend holding a ruler

beside their cock and Oh fuck all of them were at least 16 plus one was closer to 17 plus and

thick as a Coke can.. I looked up at him and said well since they replied with photos I

assume that they are game for a fuck.. You betcha.. What about my place tomorrow morning?

Oh hell yes.. Is there a way we can run the clock up, I can hardly wait.. Tomorrow is going to

be the best day of my life.. The rest of the day was uneventful, I just got fucked a lot and the

night crowd was no different than the day crowd just more cocks and lots of strangers to watch me..

I'm leaving shortly for Jay's place.. Well I hope it turns out the way you want..

Sue called later today because Wayne wasn't working but when she did she was overjoyed.. My god

Bo you're never gonna believe this.. Those dammed cocks were even bigger in real life.. Jay was now

the smaller of them all.. Those guys need to learn how to measure because three were 17 and

one was 18 and a one liter Coke bottle would be much closer to his size The three 17's were the

size of a Coke can.. As soon as I got inside I pulled off my blouse and took their hands and

paced them on my tits as they massaged then and pinched my nipples then took turns sucking the

nipples I about cum right then.. I said oh shit your mouths feel so good on my tits I wonder

what it would feel like on my hot pussy.. One of the new guys didn't make me wait long as he

pushed me back on the couch and got right down between my legs.. When his mouth covered my

pussy and his tongue entered I fucking lost it and began cumming like gangbusters.. One of the

other guys said wow she is really hot to fuck Jay and Jay wasted no time showing them just how

ready.. He lifted me up and led me to the bedroom where I dropped my skirt and lay with my

legs spread wide for him.. because we had fucked so much he went right in all the way to the

bottom.. Again I started cumming right away thrusting up as hard as I could begging him to please

fuck me hard.. Which he did.. he cum quicker then normal for him.. Then got up I took the next

guy by the hand and smiled up saying your next.. Well he was a bit bigger than Jay so it took

some doing to get him started but once I did I rammed up really hard as he did the same and he

went right to the bottom but wasn't all the way in.. I kept ramming my crotch hard against him

until I felt the pubic bone then the races were on I was now fucking him like a wild woman

and cumming constantly.. He couldn't take it and cummed like crazy himself.. When he rolled off

he said wow what a fuck.. The next guy jumped on and since he was about the same size he went

right in all the way to his pubic bone.. Again I was cumming constantly and fucking him like crazy..

He matched me stroke for stroke and then like the guy before cum like crazy.. He rolled off and

The next 17'er crawled on and as before he also went right to the public bone and again we

repeated the previous three.. After rolling off Mr 18 crawled on and this was a bit more challenging

because he was so much thicker.. I took a good 5 min to get him started and I had to pause a couple

seconds before I could go further.. Finally it eased up and I took a bit more then a bit more

until I was able to short stroke just the head as I did I started taking a bit more on each thrust

Then with a loud OH SHIT I rammed down hard taking about half.. Wow was I ever full but wanted it all

I started long stroking him now gong much deeper on each thrust until I felt him hit bottom

but I didn't stop, I pressed on until I felt pubic bone.. I held there for a min then started the

long strokes again getting longer and longer until he was coming all the way out and back in really

hard.. This brought both of us off like gangbusters but I wasn't finished with him just yet.. I

told him to roll me over which he did.. Once I was in cowgirl I started riding his half hard cock

and before long I was coming again pressing down hard against his groin and hunching back a fourth

until I felt him rising to the occasion.. As he got harder and harder I took longer and longer

strokes.. before long he is fully erect and I'm stroking all the way out and back in harder and

harder saying please fuck me hard I need it so fucking bad I can hardly stand it.. With that he

was now meeting my down strokes with a upstroke.. We kept getting faster and harder until I

went into a full body orgasm thrashing around like crazy then it happened again and I squirted

everywhere.. That triggered his orgasm also and he again cum a bucket full.. Then I fell to the

side and rolled off.. He said wow Sue you are the only woman I have ever successfully penetrated

and I definitely want more.. Well You are the biggest I have ever taken and you can definitely

have more of this pussy anytime you want it.. well because you are married I know that I can't

call you but would it be ok if I left a message for you at the bar? Oh hell yes please do I'll

even leave there and come to you.. We ended up fucking all the rest of the day and I went home

more satisfied than ever before.. I sure I hope that Tom leaves me a message because I would really like

to spend the day just he and I.. Even if it's impossible for him to stay hard all day I love

fucking him half hard.. I am definitely looking forward to Monday in hopes there's a message..

Tuesday Sue called bright and early all bubblie to say Yep there was a message and after reading it

I told the bartender that I was sorry but this is an emergency.. Left the bar and called him

from my car.. He gave me his address and I broke speed laws getting there.. Knocked on the door

and started unbuttoning my blouse.. When he opened the door I stepped inside and grabbed his head

pulling it down to my tit and said please suck them.. He locked his big lips on one and while he

sucked led me to the bed, Lay me down and started eating my pussy like he was starved.. After

my third orgasm I pushed him away and said please fuck me now before I explode.. As he was

undressing I removed my skirt and lay on the bed with my legs spread wide.. That beautiful

cock was hard as a fence post and almost as big.. This time there was no penetration problem

he just slipped right in and all the way to his pubic bone.. I just lay there for a bit

savoring the moment when he surprised me and took the imitative short stroking me.. I put my arms

around his shoulders and whispered "yes baby fuck my needy pussy" With that he started taking

longer strokes and I matched him stroke for stroke.. We fucked like that for about twenty min

when he rammed in hard and started cumming along with me.. We lay there for a few and then I

whispers "You know what I want now don't you" and he rolled over.. I began fucking his half hard cock

until I cum again and then stroking him harder and faster.. He quickly got hard again and again

I began my full out and in strokes.. This time he even lasted longer before we both orgasmed wildly

but I never slowed down whispering how fucking good he felt even half hard and kept fucking him..

He whispered "damn girl you really do like to fuck don't you"? Oh god yes and especially you

I simply love fucking your big cock.. We went for another round and this time when he was ready

I jumped off and placed my mouth over the head of his cock and jacked him really hard taking his

full load in my mouth swallowing every drop.. I raised up looking him in the eyes with a big smile

licking my lips saying how much I loved eating his jiz..

We got up and went to he kitchen where he got us a beer and we chatted for a bit when he got up and

came back with a joint.. He'll why not, I had never smoked so it didn't take but a couple tokes

to get me buzzing.. I got up and moved over to him and sat on his lap then stuffed his half hard

cock into my juicy pussy saying oh that feels so much better than that dammed chair seat lol..

We actually just sat there like that for a bit, I took a couple more hits and was really flying now

when I started squirming around on his giant cock.. Getting more aggressive as I went.. To my

surprise he began to get hard again I whispered "hmmm You like that huh" and smiled at him.. Once

fully erect he got up with me still fully on his cock bills deep and pushed me forward to lean over the

table and began fucking me to which brought groans of passion from me.. Oh god yes baby fuck that

hot pussy and I then began fucking back really hard.. We fucked like that until his legs started

to give out and he sat back down with me still impaled.. Then I spun around without ever coming out

and was facing him.. Honey give me another couple hits on that joint please.. He did and this time

when the buz hit I went fucking wild with another full body shaking orgasm thrashing around like

a fish out of water and then it happened again and I squirted every where but this time I didn't

think it would ever stop fuck I was ready to pass out when I leaned against him quivering like

I had a chill and then it would hit me again just over and over.. All time this is going on I'm

still fucking him back and forth.. Finally after a good ten min I started to calm down.. He said

"Sue are you ok"? I said my god I have never been better.. I have no idea what just happened

but I fucking loved it.. I was still humping him like a dog in heat when I said look even though

I just had that earth shattering orgasm you still feel great inside me, Do you mind if I continue

to fuck you? He'll no In fact I may not be able to cum again I'm not sure but you still feel

absolutely great fucking me so pleased do as long as you can hold out.. This position is pretty

comfortable so no reason to stop now.. Wow this is exactly why I wanted us to be alone.. I have

fucked around a hundred guys before in one go but none was nearly as good as you so you may tire

before I do.. I don't care if you don't cum you just feel so dammed good even half hard I

want as much as I can get while I can.. While you can? he'll you are welcome back tomorrow

and you don't even have to call.. with those words I started another constant orgasm now not

shy about it I started kissing him hard on the lips and as his thick tongue parted my lips

I cum even harder.. we broke the kiss and I told him that I really love it when he ate my pussy

I only wish I could give him the blowjob he deserved.. Wow sounds like you have found what you

been looking for.. Well as close as it has ever been for sure.. He'll we continued to fuck

until I was almost late getting home lol I'm getting ready to go to his place now..

Sue called Wednesday and again was all bubbly saying that she had went to Toms and fucked him

again for a couple hours before saying.. Look I love fucking you more than anyone else but I also

like the group thing, Especially being watched while I'm fucking, sucking cocks and being double

fucked.. so what you say to me going to the bar and taking care of a few hard cocks.. He just

Laughed and said well maybe if it gets boring you can stop back by, I will prolly be ready for

another fuck by then.. I did go by the bar and the bartender said I hope everything is ok with

you we were worried.. Yes everything is fine except for the fact that I need a good fuck and

laughed of course then I always need a good fuck and laughed again.. Then he laughed and said

get your sexy ass in the back room so that need can be filled.. as I started to the back room

I unbuttoned my blouse cupped each tit in my hands and turned slowly saying "ANYONE HORNY

EXCEPT ME"? then continued to the back room removing my blouse completely, Inside I removed my

skirt and sat on the bed.. Immediately the door opened and there was the bartender.. I smiled

and said you want to fuck or a blowjob? your pleasure.. Well how about half and half I want to

fuck you really bad but I love the way you suck cock.. How about you fuck me until you're

ready then finish down my throat.. Hot damnd that sounds like a winner.. Actually for a 10"

cock he did a pretty good job fucking me then he finished right down my throat saying "damn girl

you are some hot chick" Thank you now get your ass back out there and send me some more cock lol

When he got back outside he hollered HEY GUYS THE BEER IS "NOT" ON THE HOUSE AAND NEITHER IS THE


SHES HOT AND READY with that the door opened and they all piled in.. Ok guys the ones who want to

fuck form a line at the bottom and the ones who want a blowjob form a line at the top.. Times a

tasting we don't want this pussy to spoil now do we.. If your'e man enough for seconds or even

thirds You are welcome to come back for more.. There was 15 in all and I made short work of them

This one guy I had sucked off was hard again and I told him to have a seat on the bed.. He did

and I turned him sideways with his feet on the floor, Backed up to him and lowered onto his hard

cock motioned for the next largest who was hard and and pulled him toward my hot wet pussy saying

There's room for two, Have at it and try to break this damned thing for me please, I need to cum

bad.. Thankfully they lasted long enough for me to start my continues orgasm.. and surprisingly

they continued to fuck me like crazy.. Oh goodie this is fun.. There was another one that was hard

so I pulled him over and engulfed his cock right down my throat.. Evidently the visual of the

two guys fucking me at the same time had turned him on as much as me because he dumped a load down

my throat pretty quick.. To my delight another stepped up and before it was all over I had sucked

and fucked all of them again..

By now it was 2:pm and I wanted to see Tom again so I called time and got dressed promising to see

them another day.. Tom was ready for me, In fact when I got to the bedroom I saw just how ready..

He had two cameras set up on tripods.. I looked at him and said hey what's up? Well you said

that you like being watched while being fucked so I wondered if you have ever watched yourself..

Don't worry the cameras are not on yet and won't be until you give the OK.. Here's a mask you can

ware if it will make you feel more comfortable.. I have seen homemade porn before but never thought

about me being in one.. Now that you mention it I think it will be interesting to see just how

much I like it.. It's a shame that our session in the kitchen wasn't on tape, I bet that would

be hot as hell.. what you think about moving the cameras into the kitchen and see what happens?

Sounds like a winner to me.. This time I won't have to get you hard because I see that you're

already ready.. while he setup the cameras I undressed and put on the mask and got us a beer..

Once he finished with the setup he left the room and came back with a joint.. Oh shit is that

some of the same stuff? yep want a hit? of course, Especially if it is what caused my crazy

orgasm yesterday. Of course it is.. Oh goodie.. We sat down and sipped our beers while he lit

the joint when I hit it twice I got a buzz right away.. we drank some more beer and I was

getting horny so I moved over to his lap and sat down going slowly being sure the camera could

see every thing.. This time he wasn't half hard so he went straight to the bottom then again

stood up and I bent forward while he began to thrust with long strokes allowing the camera

to capture the out and in.. The fact that I was being filmed and the not knowing just how many

people would watch me getting fucked by this huge monster cock rely had me going so I began

to hump back against him really hard and ask for another hit.. I took a couple and the buz was

even greater now.. he sat down and again I turned to face him riding up and down really hard..

I said give me another hit please.. he did and wow was I ever ready.. I began long stroking him

all the way out in back to bottom really hard.. Tom's cock feels great without it but that

damnd weed just multiplies it ten fold.. The more I long stroked him the better it felt intill

I started my constant orgasm when I jammed down really hard and ground my crotch against him

Until I started my full body shaking orgasm fucking him back and forth I guess I was rubbing my

clit against his pubic bone because all of a sudden I started that fucking squirting again

and again it seemed like it would never stop just more and more ejaculate not knowing where

the hell all that was coming from then it did stop, I guess it did run out because I was still

having riggers then a pause and another with me leaning forward on Tom all of a sudden he cum

really hard almost bucking me off him but I held on.. Even after he finished I'm still quivering

like a leaf and now fucking his half hard cock.. Damn I love this cock.. after about thirty min

I told him that it was almost time for my hubby so I needed to go but for sure would be black

tomorrow because I couldn't wait to see the movie.. I gave the mask back to Tom and took a quick

shower then got dressed and Kissed him bye.. Oh my sounds like you had fun yesterday.. I'm gonna

be upset If I don't get a copy of that tape.. hehe well you sure will.. I'm going to review it



2019-06-27 06:56:44
Chapter 1 has now been submitted and waiting publication.. hopefully in the next couple days..


2019-06-26 18:21:39
Where can we find Chapter 1?

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