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This chapter is basically the same as the first draft.
Part Eight: Diplomacy

Chapter Twenty-Three


“…do you see that?” A nasally voice cut through the darkness. The darkness had been pure bliss, a blanket of nothing to drape over my mind, gently dulling the cruel light of life. The voice was an interloper, a screeching rooster at dawn’s window, rousing me unbiddenly from the deepest of slumbers.

“What is that?” Another voice asked. Oh, it was a sweet sound, a songbird’s melody to announce the gentle rise of the sun, its warm rays filtering through my eyelids.

“The missile missed her right ventricle by a fraction of an inch.” Glendian said, “That is her heart.”

“Huh,” Elena mused, “so she does have one.”

“So do you.” I grinned weakly, opening my eyes, “My savior.”

“Ah fuck.” Elena sighed, “I was really hoping you’d stay in that coma.”

“It was quite nice there, actually.” I groaned, shifting painfully in the bed.

Elena snorted. “There can’t be a worse hell than being stuck inside your head.”

“Not if you’re the devil herself.” I laughed, tasting iron. I looked down at my chest, where the wound was slowly closing beneath Glendian’s glowing hand. The muscle stitched together, then the sinew fused, then the flesh reknitted, leaving only a thin white scar. “Did we lose Castle Thorum?” I asked.

“It didn’t look good.” Glendian said grimly.


“Captured or dead.” Glendian said, guiding me to roll over so that he could treat the shrapnel wounds on my back.

“Shit.” I mumbled. I reached for a hand mirror beside my bed, and palmed the glass. It blurred for a moment, then the portrait of a young high-elf officer appeared, backgrounded by an immense military camp.

“Your Highness.” The officer nodded curtly, then immediately disappeared. A minute later, Field Marshal Droughtius appeared, his grizzled and scarred face adorned with an extravagant mustache.

“Your Highness.” He bowed his head.

“Castle Thorum has fallen.” I said.

The Field Marshall raised his white brows a fraction. “That is… unfortunate. So our intel was incorrect then; the Dark Queen has marshalled her army, and is attacking from the south.”

“There is no army to face, Field Marshall, this was an expedition force led by the bitch herself.” I said, “Still, the loss of the rangers leaves us blind to the Great Forest. You won’t be receiving anymore reports from Adarian.”

The general twiddled his mustache for a moment. “Castle Thorum was thought to be impregnable. What flaw did Yavara expose in its design?”

“The roof, apparently. She crashed through it and blew out the entire tower by herself.”

Droughtius’s brows raised another fraction. “Oh.” He paused for a moment, “Your Highness, I would like to make a request.”

“Anything, Field Marshall.”

“Please have Headmaster Glendian send me all of his mages. The adepts, the red cloaks, the novices; all of them.”

I glanced at Glendian’s dour face. “Of course, Field Marshall. How goes your progress?”

“Ahead of schedule. We’ll be crossing into the marshlands in three days. Five days to the Tundra from there, and two more days after that to Glacier Lake.”

“Good. I will keep you updated as this new development unfolds. Thank you, Field Marshall.” I palmed the mirror, and sighed as I rested my head on the pillow.

Glendian growled, “Leveria, I will not stand for you sending my students into the-”

“Thank you, Headmaster.” I said, “Your services are no longer needed.”

The bald little man huffed something under his breath, collected a pile of bloody rags, and left.

“Ten days from Glacier Lake?” Elena asked.

“Then it’s just a matter of going around it,” I made a circling motion with my finger, “and crushing the ten clans one by one. After that, we pacify the Pines, then the Spruces, then the Maples, and we call it a war and go home. Aren’t you glad you hopped on the bandwagon before it was too late? And what a nice seat I saved for you.”

“Are you going to make a habit of underestimating Yavara?”

“I could ask you the same question.” I said, giving her a critical eye. “You seem to be under the illusion that Yavara is not a conqueror. Will she give back Castle Thorum, I wonder?”

“Castle Thorum was an offensive staging point. Taking it was a defensive maneuver.”

“And she will use the victory to rally support from the Ten. Perhaps I underestimated Yavara’s power, but I never underestimated her ambition. I brought the full might of the Highland nation to bear upon her because I knew that if I didn’t crush the Ten before Yavara united them, then we’d need every able-bodied man and woman in the country just to hold our border.”

“She would never invade!”

I smiled calmly at Elena’s incensed features. “Perhaps she wouldn’t if it were her choice, but it is not. You have a knack for diplomacy, Ambassador Straltaira, but I think you should’ve spent more time in court with your mother, and less time in the woods with your beloved; you’re political acumen is lacking.”

“I smell a soliloquy.”

“Indulge me this one.” I groaned, rolling over on the bed to face her, “Who do you think is the most powerful person in the Highlands?”

Elena rolled her eyes. “It’s not you, is it?”

“No. The most powerful person in the Highlands is the peasant. Yes, he must move out of the way when anyone above his station walks the same road, and yes, he must bow and grovel and beg for what he wants, but who is he responsible for? No one. He is at the very top.”

“You mean the very bottom.”

“It is imperative for us all that he thinks that.” I smiled, “But the truth of power, is that it’s not a pyramid, but an inversion of it, all balancing precariously on the tip. If the liege lord does not provide for the peasants he rules, they will not blame the baron for their plight. And if the baron does not provide for his lieges, they will not blame the count. If the count does not provide for his barons, they will not blame the nobles. And if the queen does not provide for her nobles, they will not blame God.” I grinned at Elena, “And God is blameless, so I cannot lay the burden on her feet. Yavara sits at the same fulcrum that I do, Elena. The Great Forest wants Highland blood, and she will have to provide.”

“Don’t give me that bullshit.” Elena snorted, “Yes, you must placate the Noble Court, but with every degree of separation down the hierarchy, you become more powerful. The counts, barons, lieges and peasants all grovel at your shadow, and they are where your true power comes from.”

“Careful, Elena.” I said, tapping the side of my nose, “Those closest to you require the least amount of space to slip a dagger into your back. Subverting them is a very dangerous game to play.”

“You play very dangerous games, Leveria.”

“I gamble, but I don’t take unnecessary risks.”

“You don’t?” Elena asked. She sat on the bed, procured a cigarette from my purse, and lit it between her lips. She studied me as she pulled from the cigarette, letting the smoke fill the air with her silence. “Why did you save me?” She finally asked.

“You’re too fun to let die.”

“You almost killed yourself.” She rolled on the bed until she was lying next to me, propped up by her elbow to loom. “Tell me the truth. Why am I so valuable that you would risk everything for me? What secret purpose are you keeping me for?”

“No secret. I laid it out for you already.”

“Then why?” Elena hissed.

I shrugged. “I was just trying to get you out of the way. I guess I wasn’t thinking.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re always thinking, Leveria.”

“Not always with my head.” I smirked, snaking a hand into her bathrobe.

Elena grabbed my wrist before I could touch what I wanted. “What am I to you?” She whispered.

“My prisoner, a tool to be used, a thrill when I need a good fuck.” I whispered back, “Don’t read too much into it, Ambassador Straltaira.”

Elena opened her mouth, but a man’s voice cut her off.

“Your Highness!” Sir Fraldias yelled from the next room, “Head-ranger Adarian is calling for you on your mirror!”


“I told you everything I know!” Adarian gasped, spitting a spray of crimson. He was suspended over the hole I’d made in the tower, nothing beneath him but two-hundred feet of blackness.

“Oh come now, Adarian,” I sneered, “we still have so many teeth to go! There must be something you’ve forgotten; do I need to jog your memory?”

It alarmed me how easy it was to hurt him. I didn’t hesitate; I only paused to consider which tooth would cause him the most pain. He deserves it. He deserves worse. Oh, Adarian probably had told me everything he knew; he certainly hadn’t skimped on the details of what my beloved sister was doing to Elena. Maybe he should have. I reached with my mind into the very back of his mouth, clamped on his molar, and tore it from its socket.

Adarian’s entire head wrenched with the extraction. “I! TOLD! YOU! EVERYTHING!” He bellowed.

“That was a very convincing reaction, bravo.” I laughed, “But I still have more questions.”


“Does this mirror work?” I asked, pointing to the enchanted glass on the wall, “Because I’ve been calling my sister for a while now, and she’s usually pretty anxious to talk to me.”

“It… works… fine.” Adarian said through heavy breaths.

“Really?” I turned my attention to the mirror, “Leveria?! Leveria?! Your sister wants to talk to you! I don’t think it works, Adarian; I think you’re lying to me.”

Adarian screamed again as a wisdom tooth shot out of his gums, and floated before his eyes. Despite the distraction of such agony, Adarian kept his thoughts sealed from me. He’d been trained. I could take his mind, but I could not read it; I was not Prestira Rasloraca. The very thought of her sent a bolt of rage through me, and I tore an incisor out to sound another shriek. The fox in my bag yelped and whined at the sound of her master’s tormented cries, and I pondered if throwing April out of the tower window would incentivize him. But I wasn’t that cruel; not yet.

“I don’t know why she’s not answering!” Adarian yelled.

“Being the head-ranger, director of intelligence for the Highland operations in the Great Forest, it sure seems like you don’t know very much.” I mused, “I can’t tell whether you’re that good under pressure, or just that fucking bad at your job.” I picked up a pile of letters on Adarian’s desk. “These,” I said as I held up the letters addressed to Droughtius, “are something I know you know about. Decipher them.”

“Pull out another tooth, you bitch.” Adarian spat.

“As you wish.”

I yanked out a bicuspid, prompting another ear-splitting shriek.

“After you decode these letters, I’ll put you in holding and negotiate an exchange of hostages with Leveria. You just need to do this one little thing, and you’ll live.”

Adarian laughed, the sound nearly as pained as his screams. “Now who’s the liar, Yavara? You know Leveria won’t give up Elena for me, and I know you won’t let me live. Not for long.”

“I’ll let you go once you give me what I need; I’m not my sister.”

“No you won’t,” Adarian spat a glob of red, “because Brock Terdini wants my head, and you’ll give it to him.”

“Did Elena tell you that? Are you holding out on me?!”

“Elena didn’t have to tell me,” Adarian laughed harder, “vengeance is all orcs ever think about. So-and-so killed so-and-so’s great uncle, and a blood feud that lasts generations ensues. You’re the queen of a pack of savages, and you’re beholden to their blood lust.”

“You’re right,” I smiled, “you’re a dead man. The manner of your death is the only thing you get to decide now. Maybe I should move to different parts; you don’t seem to care much for your teeth.”

“Please don’t!” Yelled a female voice behind me. I nearly dropped Adarian in my surprise. I turned around to see a beautiful naked woman with fox ears and a bushy tail, tear tracks marring her tan cheeks. April.

“Adarian,” I chuckled, “for a monster hunter, you seem to have an interesting choice of women.”

“She means nothing to me,” Adarian said coldly, “she’s just a piece of ass.”

“I don’t think that’s true at all.” I smiled at him, then turned to the kitsune before me, “April, you’re innocent in all this; you can leave now, and no harm will come to you.”

“I won’t leave him!” She cried.

“I didn’t think you would.” I grinned, wiping her tears with my thumb, “You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

She nodded, her lips quivering.

“What would you do to save his life?” I whispered, bringing our foreheads together.

“Anything!” She blubbered.

My smile broadened.


“Well Elena, I didn’t want to say, ‘I told you so,’ but I couldn’t help it.” Leveria said as we watched Yavara perform her demented dentistry on Adarian through the mirror in her office.

I remained silent. I’d seen glimpses of the shadow of Yavara’s darkness before; I could not say I didn’t recognize it now, as much as I wished I could.

“I suppose she was driven mad by her love for you,” she said, lighting a cigarette, “if that’s any consolation. Intent makes all the difference to the torturer, doesn’t it? It doesn’t mean much to the person being tortured, but of course, Yavara is nothing like me! Oh look, it’s April!” She laughed, “The plot thickens. What do you think our protagonist is going to do with her?”

I didn’t answer. I was afraid we both knew exactly what Yavara was going to do with the kitsune.

“You could stop her.” Leveria said, “You could press your hand to the mirror and tell her to stop; she would listen to you.”

I reached for the glass, then paused with my fingers outstretched. A fear I couldn’t describe stayed my hand. What would I say? What would she think to see me whole and hale when Prestira and Patricia rotted in the ground? What would she think to see me in nothing but a robe with Leveria smirking in the background? You fucking coward, Elena. I thought, disgusted with myself. I pressed my hand to the mirror. Nothing happened.

“Oh, that’s right.” Leveria grinned sardonically, “It only works if I press it, and I’m not feeling inclined to do so.”

“Touch the mirror, Leveria.” I growled.

“No.” She said with a sweet smile, “I’d like to see how far my beloved little sister goes with this. Care to watch with me? It’ll be like going to the theatre. What a fantastic fourth date for us.”

“I can make you do it.”

“You can’t, actually. I have to speak the incantation in my mind to make it work.” Leveria grinned devilishly, “Of course, you could always try coercing me.”

I looked at the mirror, then back at Leveria. “You think this is fun, don’t you?”

“It’s amusing.” Leveria said, extinguishing her cigarette.

“Well, let’s make it an interactive experience then.” I said, pulling off my bathrobe, “Whatever Yavara does to April, I’m going to do to you. We’ll see how much you enjoy the show then.”

“Am I just a captive kitsune?” Leveria bit her lip innocently, “Please don’t hurt my ranger boyfriend, I’ll do anything.


I smiled at Adarian as I guided his lover down on the bed. She laid flat on her stomach, tears streaking her face as she whimpered in fear.

“You,” I said as I caressed her back, “are going to be an offering to an orc chieftain, April.”

“WHAT?!” Adarian yelled.

“His name is Brock Terdini,” I whispered to the terrified kitsune, “and he has the biggest cock I’ve ever seen.”

“Yavara, please-” I forced Adarian’s mouth shut with my mind.

“You’re going to be his little fuck-toy,” I hissed as my fingers slid gently down her spine, “he’s going to make you pay for the things Adarian did to him; he’s not going to be gentle.”

April whimpered pathetically on the bed.

“I’m a merciful queen, April,” I whispered, “I’m going to prepare you for him so that he doesn’t hurt so bad.”

April continued to sob into the bed. I reached out with my mind until I found what I was looking for in the mage’s office. A purple syringe came flying out the door, and into my hand.


“Oh c’mon!” I yelled. I was naked on my stomach, and very much enjoying the feeling of Elena’s fingers caressing me. And then Yavara had to pull out the succubus extract and ruin the whole thing.

“What?” Elena laughed, “Afraid of a taste of your own medicine?”

“Fine,” I grumbled, “stick me with it.”


“This will make you feel better,” I smiled down at the terrified kitsune, “after I put this in you, you’ll be begging for me to fill you. Does that excite you, Adarian?” I prompted the muted ranger, “Do you want to see your precious April moan like a slut for me?”

Adarian just stared back, the most defeated expression on his face. A single tear rolled from the corner of his eye, streaked down his cheek, then fell into the void below. Seeing him finally break broke something in me. For I’d been masking my anguish and terror with cruelty and rage, and when I saw the mask fall from his face, I felt a connection with this man I so hated. After all, revenge is just a quest for empathy.

“Now you know.” I hissed at him, letting him see the pain on my face, “Now you know what you did to me!” I plunged the needle into April’s supple flank, and depressed the plunger. She seized for a moment, her body as taut as a bowstring, then she eased into a languorous sprawl, her back arching, her limbs stretching with splendid lechery. She laid on the bed for a while, her breath slowing, her ears drooping. Her ears perked up. Her tail wagged. Her hands slid along her body, drew behind her cheeks, and gripped them. As she spread herself, she curled up her tail, exposing the frothing center of her sex, and the tight pink button of her anus. She looked back with eyes full of need, their hue now violet with the poison that had taken her. She bit her lip, and whined, rolling her hips slowly behind me, teasing her presented assets.

“What do you want me to do to you, April?” I asked, positioning myself behind her.

“Fuck me!” She whispered, “Please!”


“YES! YES! YES!” Leveria screamed as I pushed my fist the rest of the way into her saturated slit, “DEEPER!” She didn’t have the tail to mimic April, but she certainly had the enthusiasm.

“Oh,” I laughed, following Yavara’s words to the letter, “do you like it when I do that?”


I leaned as Yavara did, and whispered into Leveria’s ear, “I want you to tell your ranger boyfriend what a whore you are.”

“No.” Leveria whimpered after April.

“Tell your boyfriend,” I growled with Yavara, “that his cock can’t compare to Brock Terdini’s. Tell him or I’ll pull out and leave you begging alone!”

“Oh, please don’t!” Leveria echoed the kitsune.

“You know what you have to say. Hurt him, April.”

“Adarian,” Leveria sobbed convincingly, “I’m sorry, my love, but you can’t satisfy me anymore! I need… I need Brock Terdini’s cock inside me!”

“That’s a good girl,” Yavara and I sneered, “but Brock has friends, and my right hand is going to simulate them for you.”


“Not there!” I screamed.

“Why not?” Yavara laughed, “It’s my favorite spot.”

“I’ve… I’ve never…”

“Ah, I see Thomas Adarian is quite the gentleman,” Yavara chuckled lowly, “but Brock Terdini is not. Relax, April; you’re going to feel a little pressure.”

I wanted it to hurt. I wanted it to feel terrible so that Adarian would know I didn’t like it, but the succubus extract coursing through my veins wouldn’t allow that. My virgin asshole opened easily for Yavara’s pinched fingers, and welcomed her into my tight filth. Her digits speared through me as her knuckles pressed into my rectal flesh, a gradient of sensation so alien and wrong, but oh god, so good! I screamed a muffled note of pleasure into the bed, my pelvic floor flexing outward to consume the rest of Yavara’s fist, my rim sucking her wrist. She pushed her two hands against the membrane that divided me and kneaded the tender swath of flesh from both sides. My head flung up from the bed and my voice blurted out an involuntary sob of ecstasy. Thomas looked at me with distraught eyes, but I could only look back at him with whorish lust. Yavara was making me feel better than he ever had, and it was killing me inside, but it was true. And as I came to the realization, I came to another; that the poison within me worked to pervert every aspect of my mind, and the longer I thought of Thomas, the more aroused I was by the idea of him being forced to watch me succumb to someone else. I averted my gaze from my lover, doing my best to pretend he wasn’t there.

“Look at him!” Yavara commanded. I obeyed. I stared my pleasure into Thomas, and moaned into his face, each exclamation more ardent than the last. I was lifted into the air by nothing at all, and though Yavara’s hands exited me, I still felt her inside, her mental fingers expertly plundering my channels, her telekinetic knuckles beautifully torturing the flesh therein. She turned me until my desecrated holes were facing Thomas, and I had to crane my neck over my shoulder to see his face, to savor his expression. He stared in horror as my pelvic floor was pulled from my body, my taint twitching delectably and my pussy gushing, my holes gaping and pressed against the walls of my insides to show the wet ruby tunnels Yavara had made of them. My head dropped between my shoulders, and from the tops of my eyes, I stared rapturously at the Dark Queen. My queen.


“Well, that’s not happening.” Elena sighed as she pulled her fists out of me.

“Elena,” I gasped, squirming desperately, “the extract is still in me! I need you to make me come!”

She regarded me with an amused smile. “Letting you writhe on the floor would be more than you deserve.”

“Don’t throw morality at me, you bitch!” I snapped, my need consuming me, burning beneath my flesh, “You’ve been getting off to watching your beloved rape a woman, now you’re going to fuck me!”

Elena grabbed me like a handle, and I collapsed, sobbing as she squeezed. “We had a deal, you slut.” She growled, “When it’s just you and me, I’m the master, and you’re my little whore. Say it.” She squeezed harder, her thumb and fingers touching between my holes. My thighs slid apart until I was splayed on the floor, the pleasure sapping all strength from me. “Say it.” Elena hissed, pinching and rubbing her digits along the fleshy division of my sex.

“I’m your little whore!” I whimpered, aroused beyond description by her unfiltered hatred. Oh, it was so sweet, this lust! Why was it so fucking good?!

“Good girl.” Elena chuckled lowly in my ear, and released me. I squirmed to not have her inside me, my impatience and desperation compelling me. When her hands sunk into my ass and she spread me, I could feel the release of lust dripping from my slit. Then her cock was pressed to my blushing petals, and I froze in anticipation. “Beg for it.” She whispered, stroking my back, “Beg like a good bitch.”

“Please fuck me… Mistress.” I whispered, trembling from head to toe.

“That’s not what my slaves call me.” Elena growled.

“Master,” I hissed, “oh please Master, fuck me!”

Elena slowly drove into my womanhood, the wet nether lips sucking greedily to take her deeper, my insides seizing in ardent consumption of her throbbing cock. The toxins in my veins intensified my sensations tenfold, turning my body against me, my lewd muscles clenching on their own accord to reward the woman who violated me. She pulled out, her weapon sheened with my lust, and she slid her tip up my taint to press it against my anus. I mewled for her, feeling naught but the vacancy within, caring only for the penetration, the feeling of another’s invasion. She plunged into my ass, and my lewd button opened easily for her, my rim coiling about her advance, the taut flesh becoming swollen with stimulation. Then she pulled out, and with her cock glazed with my vile anal juices, she fucked my pussy, dirtying my sanctity, treating me like nothing but the whore-queen I was. I cried out as she switched holes with each thrust, the repetition enough to excite me, but the constant change not enough to satisfy, only to ratchet up my desire until I was blubbering on the floor, not knowing where I wanted her to stay, only knowing I wanted her to fuck every part of me until I died!

“You,” Elena called to the guard, “Sir Piss and Shit, what’s your real name?”

“Sir Fraldias, my lady.” He said, making a point of facing away from the threshold.

“Oh, it’s ‘my lady’ now, is it?” Elena laughed, grabbing a fistful of my hair and yanking my head up, “He didn’t much treat me like a lady before. I wonder how he’ll treat royalty?”

“Master, no…” I said meekly, too engulfed in pleasure to protest firmly.

“Yes.” Elena hissed, licking the side of my face. I melted into a blubbering moan to feel her so possess me, my head dangling haplessly from my hair. “Sir Fraldias, have you ever seen your queen in such a state?”

“No, ma’am.” Fraldias shifted uncomfortably.

Elena dropped my head, grabbed my thighs, and hoisted me up against her, her breasts flattening against my back, her cock stirring my anus into a stretched ruin. She presented me to Sir Fraldias like a trophy, and I could do nothing but surrender to her, my humiliation only heightening my pleasure. I dropped my head against her shoulder and mewled to the ceiling, my vacant pussy running a rivulet of nectar down my taint to further grease the squelching piston of my sodomy.

“You’ve never had two lovers at once, have you?” Elena whispered, sensually impaling my anus, the heat of her burning into the tightest squeeze of my filth.

“No!” I cried, bringing my hands together behind her head, dancing with a gyrating belly atop her penetrating organ, “Please Master, don’t make me do this!”

“Why not?” Elena whispered, her tongue in my ear, “You’re a queen of immeasurable power,” she released one thigh to hold me fast by my crotch, three fingers entering me, “and sick desires,” she hissed as I cried out, my diaphragm heaving with exalting breaths, “but you’ve only ever been with one lover at a time? Why?”

I gaped into her azure eyes, staring so intently into me. A dangerous curiosity danced behind her pleasure-painted lenses, a desire that was more intimate than her flesh within mine. A desire to know me. It terrified me. It thrilled me. It compelled me to speak the truth to her, though I knew not why. “Sex is power,” I gasped, grinding passionately into her crotch, pillowing my cheeks against her as her cock destroyed my asshole between them, “the power of one over another, the expression of my… truth. I can be deadly, I can be angelic, I can be dominant and submissive,” I paused to moan, keeping our eyes locked, “but I’m always the one in control. To be fucked by two at once…” I gasped as a sudden surge of pleasure lanced up my spine, “I… I… I couldn’t control them! It needs to just be me and my… my…”

“Your victim?” Elena laughed breathily, “Leveria, do you think you’re in control of me now?”

I knitted my brows as a groan emanated from me. “No. I never was. It scares me, Master.” I gulped, “You scare me.”

“Do I?” Elena smiled. Then her smile faded, and her eyes narrowed. “Why do I scare you?”

“I don’t know!” I gasped.

She took me by the chin and drew out faces together, our panting lips a breath apart. “Why did you save me?” She asked.

“I told you before, I don’t know!” I cried.

“Tell me!” She snarled, yanking back my hair, driving mercilessly into my shithole until it was opening on its own accord, gaping like a yawning mouth to suck in its heinous meal. She did this to me, to my body, making it react with an autonomy of lust, driving me beyond my own control. And I gave her the power so willingly, offering myself to her so that she could rape such terrible pleasures so deeply into me, changing me from the inside. “Tell me.” She whispered against my ear, her voice so soft.

“I don’t know.” I mouthed, unable to give sound to the words.

Elena turned to the knight in the doorway. “Sir Fraldias, come here.”

Through my tear-glazed vision, I saw the gold-plated knight turn to me, as unsure of the situation as I was. But pride and fear were little things compared to the way Elena sensually sodomized me, making love to my shithole as she dominated me, my rectum tingling felicitously even as it was reamed to a gaping ruin. I nodded for him. He lumbered stiffly over, looking above us as though it was treason to see my defilement.

“Take off your armor and clothes.” Elena demanded. Fraldias looked to me, making sure his eyes wandered no lower than my own. I nodded again. I watched him as he awkwardly stripped his armor, laying it in a neat pile beside him. When he was in just his loincloth, he stopped.

All of your clothes, Sir Fraldias.” Elena said, amusement and pleasure suffused in her voice. Fraldias looked to me again. There was no denying Elena her desires, no refusing her when the extract pumped through my veins, when I was gyrating against her like a possessed belly dancer just to feel her cock stir open my vilest hole. She could’ve tossed me naked on the street, and I would’ve opened my legs for the lowliest of peasants as long as she was inside me. It terrified me. It thrilled me. I licked my lips, and nodded to Fraldias again. He took off his loin cloth, and my eyes widened.

“You pick your personal guard well.” Elena chuckled, a smooth seduction in her voice, “Come Fraldias; it’s poor form to draw your weapon before your queen.” She held my legs apart, “Sheath your sword.”

“Stop!” I gasped, putting my hands on Fraldias’s pelvis.

“Leveria…” Elena growled in my ear.

I smiled back at her. I was her slave in the bedroom, yes, but I would not be the untrained maiden for her; I knew my way around a man. With covetous fingers, I wrapped my hand around Fraldias’s thick shaft, purring as I savored the sensation of him in my hand. Through heavily-lidded eyes, I gazed upon his astonished and fearful face. That’s what I wanted to see. Elena could make me beg and sob, but this man would not own a single shred of me. I grinned up at him, moistening my lips. “I’ll give you a story no one will believe when you tell it.” I whispered on the head of his cock, my voice tremulous with pleasure, “But you won’t tell anyone anyway, because it would be a lie. This never happened, Sir Fraldias.”

“Yes, my queen.” Fraldias said through gritted teeth as my fingers gently drew down his length, and cradled his balls.

“Never let anyone say Queen Leveria Tiadoa isn’t charitable to her subjects.” I whispered to myself, and in one motion, I took him all the way into my throat. Elena fucked me gently as I sucked the knight, my hips rolling to consume her cock as my mouth rotated to consume his. My hand trailed behind his roiling testicles, and I pressed on his taint, massaging the hidden length of man that was imbedded there. He kept his eyes fixed on me as I gave him the best head he’d ever have, his demeanor conveying great respect, nearly reverence. As he should be. When he was groaning with trembling legs, I pulled him out, grabbed his slickened meat, and guided it between my legs. He sat before me, and Elena picked me up by the hips, and impaled me upon him. My head flung up, my mouth opened wide, and I exalted. Oh, I’d never felt so tight; so FULL! My poisoned body was ravenous with an appetite for the obscene, and it exalted in the meal I’d given it, the two cocks throbbing in my tender depths, piercing through my delicate insides, pressing against one another. Oh my god, why does it feel so good?!

“You like it, don’t you?” Elena whispered, pivoting herself on her knees behind me, pulling me off Sir Fraldias so that I was pressed upright against her, my pelvis tilted obtusely to consume their ravaging members.

“Yes.” I could barely breathe, but I managed to utter that.

“That’s disappointing, really.” Elena growled, reaching around me to pinch my nipples, twisting them until my breasts were shadowed spirals of mammary fat. I purred like an indulgent kitten, my hips rocking back and forth to fuck myself from both holes. Such a whore I was, such a filthy little cunt for Elena Straltaira.

“Why is it disappointing?” I squeaked, my body plastered to hers.

“I want you to suffer, Leveria.” Elena rolled the nipples between her fingers, and I whined for her, “You’re not supposed to enjoy this as much as you are.”

“Then maybe you should stop playing with me, Elena.” I whispered, “I killed your friend, I tortured you, and if I ever get my fingers on your beloved Yavara, I’ll make you watch as I take her apart.” I smiled into her hate-filled eyes, “Now make me suffer.”

She did. My hooped earrings rocked wildly to their chaotic rhythm, Fraldias struggling to keep pace with the manic dark elf behind me. My taint was stretched into a thin ribbon as she fucked my shithole into a churning sheath of swollen flesh and raw nerves, my rim dilated like a birthing orifice about her exiting girth. She pressed against Fraldias from the inside, torturing the division of my sex, evacuating me and plugging me in turn, each ruinous plunge of their members singing across the desecrated skin therein. Elena slapped my ass like I was a stubborn mule, turning my pale flank into ruby globes of jiggling fat that pillowed against her crotch. Caught in the heat of it, Sir Fraldias sank his fingers into my flailing breast, squeezing roughly as though he were trying to rip them from me. My pelvis dropped, my spine wrenched in a curve, and I panted my exhilaration against the knight’s broad chest, my cheek sliding roughly back and forth across his sternum. Elena gripped my hair and ripped my head back, forcing my back to curve at an unnatural angle. She forced two fingers from each hand into my mouth, and fish-hooked me until I thought my cheeks would rend. I loved it. With my tongue lolling stupidly from my stretched lips, Elena spit in my face, her degradation pushing me over the edge. The pressure ballooned through my nethers, and I screamed the arrival of my orgasm between Elena’s boring fingers. Fraldias railed with wild abandon, pounding so hard into me it felt like my pelvis would break. Elena did the same, the force of their two piercing cocks driving my orgasm into a cascading frenzy, each wave crashing down with such force that I trembled and kicked, trying to expel an ecstasy too great for my mortal flesh. Through my mania, I saw her azure stare, the hatred warped with pleasure, the primal look of the huntress in her eyes. In that moment at the precipice, nothing turned me on more than the idea of Elena killing me with her bare hands while she fucked me brainless. I crested the final wave with a muffled scream, my eyes opening wide and rolling back, and Elena’s succumbed to the pleasure of her own ascension, emptying herself into my shithole with three cathartic pumps, and a scream. Hot cum gushed into my despoiled holes, and like puppets cut from strings, we the three of folded atop each other, struggling to find breath.

With a dopamine-saturated mind, I finally managed to ease myself off of Fraldias. His seed spilled from my yawning cunt as I struggled to wobbly knees. Were he my lover, I would’ve rewarded him with my greatest lecherous talent, and sucked him clean, but he wasn’t. Now that the poison had ebbed from me, I only saw an interloper in the royal guard. “Leave us.” I commanded, and with the utmost grace, he did.

Elena stayed inside my ass, her half-hard cock providing comfort and lust in equal measure, her seed soaking into my thirsty insides. I snuggled up against her, relishing the pleasant radiation of her body, and the softness of her flesh. We watched in mutual interest as Yavara finished ravaging the poor kitsune on the mirror. It seemed that Yavara had taken notes on how I’d broken Prestira, for she would not let April orgasm. And with each denial and further degradation, April’s desires would cut deeper into her until her very core was exposed, and then Yavara could plant the seed, as I done.

“I’m sorry.” I muttered.

“For what?”

“Letting you see the truth about her.”

Elena snorted. “She’s not anything like you, as much as you want her to be. She’s just in pain.”

“So that makes her the better woman?” I asked over my shoulder, “Because she does evil with her heart, and I do it with my mind?”

“What makes her a better woman, is that she’ll regret this. You have no regret.”

“That’s not true.”

Elena nuzzled her face against my neck. “Don’t lie to me, you psychopathic bitch.”

“I regret bringing you to Castle Thorum.” I whispered, “I should’ve had Adarian kill you when he found you.”

“Hmm, I ruined you, didn’t I?” Elena whispered, gnawing on my ear, “Daddy doesn’t fuck like I do, does he?”

“No.” I hissed, leaning against her lips, gasping, “Oh god Elena, you’re the best I’ve ever had!”

“Of course I am.” Elena laughed, “You haven’t had much, and what you’ve had leaves a lot to be desired. You high-elves are such-” Elena stopped herself.


She inclined her head thoughtfully. “I don’t know when I stopped thinking of myself as a high-elf. When did ‘us’ become ‘you,’ I wonder?” She rolled her eyes to me, “I always thought of Bentius as my home, even after I joined Yavara. But I haven’t stepped a foot outside your quarters, and I already feel like an outsider here. It’s the way Sir Piss and Shit looks at me, the way Glendian looks at me. They’ll all look at me like that.” She studied me, “But not you, Leveria.”

“No.” I whispered. I hated how naked my face was, how I couldn’t put the mask up. Most of all, I hated how I didn’t want to.

“Why did you save me?” She asked again.

“I don’t know.” I answered.

She touched foreheads with me. “No, I don’t think you do.” She whispered, “Let me ask you this then: if your father had been standing where I was standing in that tower, would you have stepped in front of that missile for him?”

I opened my mouth, but the answer was stuck behind my teeth. I closed my mouth, and I could not hide what would’ve been said. Elena let out an astonished laugh, then eased herself away from me. I felt the coldness of her absence, the whisper of her touch as she withdrew herself, then rolled to the side, and got up. I watched her walk away from me without a look back. I watched the door close behind her. I stayed there for a very long time, regretting letting her live with every wounded piece of my heart.


I stood over Adarian as he deciphered the last message. It was from Field Marshal Droughtius, and it concerned the political reorganization of his army. He expressed a distaste for the Noble Court’s interference, and had some choice words for Lady Catherine Jonias. I read it with numb disinterest. Eighty regiments had been raised, the greatest army the Highlands had seen since the heydays of its empire, and they were a mere twelve days away from Glacier Lake. I didn’t bother to make Adarian prove the validity of the information; Leveria had engineered a complex misinformation network, but I doubted it extended so far as her own correspondence. But Adarian’s communication with Leveria and Droughtius hadn’t been what he’d so honorably guarded; me knowing that an insurmountable force was about to kill my empire in the crib was hardly worth losing a tooth over. No, the reason Adarian had endured my demented dentistry, was to guard the letters he’d received from his company commanders. One ranger company remained stationed in the Great Forest, having not yet reported back to Castle Thorum. There was an outpost they’d use to avoid vampires in the night, but it was ill-supplied, and they would have to come back to base soon. If I was to lose everything, I’d make sure to take whatever I could before I did.

I put another dose of extract into the kitsune, and she cried out on the bed, arching her back against the binds that held her spread-eagle. I didn’t know how long it would take until she broke. I hoped she would last a long time.

“Why don’t you just kill me?” Adarian hissed, dropping his pen on the finished cypher.

“Your girlfriend is heroically sacrificing herself so that you can live.” I said, “You owe her your life, so you will keep living.” I brought my lips to his ear, “I’d cut your eyes out, but then you wouldn’t get to watch Brock and his friends play with their new pet.” I grabbed his crotch, “And I’ll have a front-row seat, babe, just you and me. I’ll make sure it’s worth your while.”

“I’d rather you cut it off.”

“Oh?” I laughed, leaning forward so that he could look down the cleavage in my armor, “April thinks I’m the most beautiful girl in the world. Don’t you agree with your beloved?”

“You disgust me.”

“I’m a disgusting woman.” I smiled, stroking his hair, “And when I do those disgusting things to you, you’ll come inside me, and change just like Elena did.”

“There’s not enough succubus extract in the world to get me hard for you.”

“We won’t be using that.” I laughed, “Somehow, I doubt you’ll need it. I saw you get hard watching me rape your girlfriend. If that gets you off, then I should have no problem.”

Adarian looked away from me, his face contorted in anguish and hatred. I grabbed his head and twisted his neck until her was looking at his beloved, the poisoned kitsune writhing in her binds, her now-violet eyes seeing only me.

“Look at her,” I whispered, “look how she wants me. Did she ever sound like that for you?”

“If you don’t kill me,” Adarian said, tears running down his cheeks, “I will kill you. I will wait for as long as it takes, and one day, you will be off your guard and I will tear out your throat.”

“You’re very patient, Adarian; it’s a quality we do not share.” I loomed over him, “After I change you, I am going to hunt down every last one of your precious rangers, and I’m going to bring you along to watch. When the last one dies, I’ll send you to my sister as a goodwill present, and you can live the rest of your miserable life as a freakshow in the Bentius Zoo. You’re what, only forty years old? For you, patience will be your only grace.” My smile faded. I turned away from Adarian, and looked at April. There were moments when I saw clearly what I was doing, when the veil of my grief and hatred was lifted to show April, innocent and brave, sacrificing herself so that the man she loved could live. In those moments, I wanted to claw my eyes out with shame. But then the veil would drop, and all I would see in April’s eyes was Patricia’s burnt face, or Prestira’s dead face, or Elena’s agonized face as she was tortured in some dark cell beneath Bentius. The very thought made me want to set the entire world on fire.


2019-06-30 18:03:09
I have to say, the sex in this chapter is undeniably hot. Lmao ;)

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